Forecast temperatures Harlton .....0000s Low tonight, high Thursday (Sault Ste. Marie .. | WEATHER FORECAST | Mostly Sunny Periods Due London seer 5 85 White River .,.... MOOSONCE ,..6000+ |Mount Forest .... 50 Winds To Be Mostly Light !*2s-:':: } 2 ooFALSE TEETH ADVOCATED BY WALTER GORDON Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake On-\Pctetborough .... 32 ri Bt = ade Sharp Backs RCMP to provide information|handled the resulting security)..ed at 5:30 a.m. lterts Southern Lake Huron tonne ph on the past conduct of. all MPs. | risk. | ' is ~=iLon Sicine [EECRCON ev ebses ses. a f plates, holds false tee more firmly : eis | Synopsis: A new disturbance}|London, Toronto, Hamilton:|* | The 115 Liberals voting drew| Mr. Pearson said his govern-|is expected to move into North-|periods. Winds light. Killaloe y.ccseoees ec feoibinng eival Pods = a 2 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 4, 1966 PM UPHELD ON FILES -- PEARSON Continued From Page 1 The defeated non-confidence;charges by Justice Minister) motion, intreduced Monday by) Cardin that two or more former R. G. L. Fairweather (PC--|Conservative ministers were in- Royal) accused the government/volved romantically with Mrs.| of destroying the independence| Munsinger, whom he described; of all MPs and undermining as a one-time Communist spy, Parliament by asking thejand that Mr, Diefenbaker mis-| biti Sibene eat 6S support from the nine Credit-|ment was accused in 1964 of co-| western Ontario Thursday; Northern Lake Huron, Geor- Muskoka ..... ur New Democrats,/operating with 'dubious and)pringing some more rain or|gian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe: |North Bay Minister Sharp said today the| ing more interdependent in the|three Social Credit MPs and the/even criminal elements" and/cnow to northern regions while] Sunny with a few | udbury tere Canada Development Corp., ad-| world. There were no easy solu-|two independents from Quebec. |he wanted to know whether this|seneral improvement is ex-|periods. Winds light. repenayces 5 vocated by former finance min- tions, but the objeetive was to}. The motion was endorsed by|had occurred dyring the pre-| nected in most other regions. Timagami, Cochrane, North| ister Walter Gordon, should be|"'strerigthen Canada by enrich-|93 Conservatives and 13 New) vious 10 years. Lake St. Clair, Windsor: \Bay: Clouding over with pd created as an active agent injing the Canadian saciety posi- New Democrats. Two other New OTHER MPs ON FILE periods. Winds northwest 15 tolerg or meltin g snowflurries taking a full and| Democrats, Barry Mather (New Ml light. liikely hy aferneon, Winds | Commissioner. McClellan had} ----------__| n. Winds light. | Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, TORONTO (CP) -- Finance; ognizing that nations are becom-|istes, four i aie promoting Canadian industrial tively--by 1 development, under Canadian'creative part in this changing/Westminster) and Frank How- ) control and management. jard Skeena, abstined. informed him that the Mun-| lwhite ge SB. x The finance minister, prev- | More sensational evidence ria ye bso! the bd toa Born A Slave, |Bay Pre le Cineane iously reported as lukewarm to Be eke iar ee about the Munsinger case is ex-|nificant one involving MPs Two) pet 'Ole the Gordon proposal to create --Utilize the full armory of pected when the one-man judi-|9T three other MPs had been| W N 117 pees big o or melting snow- by government sponsorship a Powers of federal and provinelal | ia) inquiry resumes hearings|named in RCMP files. But they} WOMAN ears ries. Winds south 15. |huge investment, corporation in S°vernments to maintain a high), The inquiry centres on had been' involved only in Ottawa: Sunny with increas- a evel intetors could buy (and stable level of employment | Monday. The inquiry centres on/ctig" and "inconsequential" | CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP)|ing cloudiness in the afternosn shares, said he now is polishing With rising personal incomes | matters. Mrs. Mary Walker, born a/Not quite so cold. Winds light. ithe legislation for introduction through increased productivity. | White Paper Seen He denied that he had asked Slave, will be 117 years ald to-/--------_____"-_ TN" in the H fc hen! --Provide attractions io keep the RCMP for information about|4ay, or sometime this spring.' 9 é Fg shee Bie et alt recap pctv Canadians at work in| MH eee p rier The exact date is a moot point. ME TAKE A BREAK jthe parliamentary timetable young Fox abcliinad vel As Not Imminent the past conduct of all MPs aeather Walker will have a} LONDON (CP)--Only half the | its, anada throug ve. ni | |generally, as charged in the! ."*¥". : saddest is a agg Te addressing the As-,the arts and a vigorous society.| oppawA (CP)--The parlia- Peiactecive sintion, city-wide birthday party Friday, map al of Parliament were sociation of Canadian Advertis- ~-Maintain a federal system) mentary secretary to Agricul-| "That would indeed be an in- &t which st a hae A nl de. p Pobed "Sanlenent luncheon, also said he is explor-|S!9UIty, Pow Y 'S\water Tuesday night on any|which would go against all the} : . eae dae : na wast 0. encourage etaiat properly shared among the vari-|hope for an Seely covemaiardh viekts i Parliament the the| A son--the first of three, all | fo Jaew Beg Ph ingyen in Canadian processing of Cana-| US ao tee dese' | wate paper on agriculture. lrights of the individual; it would) now nous tae three years ago Qaatn ear te a = dian raw_materials before ex-|; -- 3 : 4 "| Bruce §. Beer, in answer to/be quite improper use by the|at age 94. | thane / . ort, and to encourage more Ca-|ence on foreign capital by gen-|4 question. by Ed Schreyerjexecutive of the powers of the' About one year after his|_ ae 0 MPs. nadian investment in Canadian|erating more domestic savings|(Npp--Springfield) during an| police." death, Mrs. Walker came down corporations. In the former,|and channeling them into invest-|aqiournment debate on when| 44, pearson said he had no from her third-floor apartment, some plan like the U.S.-Cana-|ment in productive Canadian en-/such a paper might be tabled,| io, knowledge that Mr. Car-|in a modern high-rise apartment dian auto tariff agreement|terprises. . ad replied: din would "blurt out" the name|to sit in ona class sponsored might be used, and in the lat-| --Encourage foreign : owned | "So far as the department of Munsinger during a heated|by the Chattanooga Area Liter- ter some new system of taxa-|subsidiaries in Canada to act aS/ agriculture and the minister of|jmmons debate early last|acy Movement. tion might be employed. [good sect toa making) agriculture are concerned, | am March : : Z : "y decided I'd better do some- The minister outlined a aff ey ie gen ypc not aware of any imminent)" «7 ipmit that my motives in| thing," she says, "I didn't know point agenda for aon aaner ef aia tendm | white paper ____.__ jasking for that (RCMP) in-|anything." Canada 3 jadependaace. | wale) ype rn Gabi Canadian-owned | quiry were understandable and! Mrs. Walker has learned to be sald must be done while sec- : |honorable and that this (non-|read, write script and add and Adult Building Central Location Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and. Level Parking and exciting world." His 10-point plan: LO SER RIAN MO RRS tape as By Appointment Qnly 723-1712 -- 728-2911 GeORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA IMPRISONED Eric Schmidt, 31-year-old Edmonton. construction work- er (foreground), returned to Edmonton Tuesday claiming he had been imprisoned 75 days during a visit to East Germany last year. Mr. Sehmidt says he was forced te surrender $5,000 before be- ing allowed to leave East Ger- Many in May, 1965. He seeks SALMON TIPS SCALE an apology and compensation enterprises to keep their head from the East German govern- | ment. i PARLIAMENT Humphrey |47-4-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS . a TUESDAY, May 3, 1966 Gives Views s On China The minority Liberal gov- WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice- government survived a non- confidence vote in the Com- mons 133 to 106. The vote was on a Conservative motion cri- ticizing Prime Minister Pear- | son's handling of the Gerda Munsinger file. Pearson denied the offices in Canada, and encour- age Canadian investers to put \their money into Canadian en- terprises. Only 14 per cent of the catch confidence) amendment, which by weight, salmon: yields more jis inaccurate and false in its|aided, sees well with the aid of| than half of British Columbia's|very wording, should not meet bifocal glasses, hears without) fishing income. the approval of th House." subtract. She still walks un- trouble, sews and cooks | EMPLOY CORP. --Use the proposed Canada |Development Corp. as "an ac- | \tive agent in the promotion of |Canadian development and in- |dustrialization under Canadian} leontrol and management," and} not just as an investment fund | buying outstanding securities. --Ensure that Canadian banks, insurance and trust com- terasinssones om ; esa BUEHLER'S Open 8:30 Till 6 P.M, Friday Till 9 P.M. Mother will . you've picke - by REED'S DELIVERED Beautiful BOX of FLOWERS Lid when she sees the bouquet for her Mother's Day gift, Our flowers speak the language of love. Special for Mother's Day COMPARE and SAVE!! STEAKS & ROAST SALE SIRLOIN, T-BONE and WING STEAK BONELESS RUMP or ROUND STEAK ROAST C Ib. FREEZER SPECIAL HIND QUARTERS OF BEEF u 99° LOIN OF PORK u. 65° SIDE OF VEAL u OO* cut and wrapped FREE 4.76 Mother will love "ROSES from REED"S" GIFT BOXED 7.00 - 8.50 10.00 - 12.50 DOZEN President Hubert Humphrey} Mr. ' § the | panies, .railways, airlines, and| /gaid today that only when China statement in the Conservative | major communications m e di a| non-confidence motion that he |jike radio, television and news-| dees an about-face on aggres-| asked the RCMP to investi- |papers, remain predominantly) sive policies should she be con-| gate the past conduct of MPS |ynder Canadian control. : sidered for United Nations) generally. ' | See that industries exploit: | membership | _ He said he asked for infor- | ing natural resources on the ex-| ; . | mation the force had gathered jport market process their prod- : Humphrey, who has staunchly | on contacts between MPs and | yets to the furthest extent pos- | supported President Johnson's) «dubious criminal elements." | sible in Canada on an efficient! "| baker said Mr. Pearson's | contemplate no general free nedy (Dem. Mass.) and George! statement 'bears only a dis- leewe oe poe neo ach with the} Me ey ae §.D.) Pro-| tant relationship to the truth." | United States but seek economic] Creation af a high-level commin| ioiitttt, Minister Nichelsom |independence on broad lines) sion to reassess U.S. relations po war on 4 La euroua airs gine eng i ig °* japproach which 'lies | with China. ing loans at the same level ale Agreement on Tariffs Kennedy suggested it might} 28 1965 but cannot make up @ | ang Trade (GATT). | be possible to work out an ar-| deficiency caused by a drying | Mr. Sharp said it would be} rangement by which mainland| UP of private mortgage funds.| snort - sighted to tax foreign-| China and Taiwan (Formosa) The National Farmers Un- |owned enterprises in Canada could have seats in the world| {on presented a brief to the | more heavily than Canadian-| organization, McGovern called) government seekiug a guart- |owned enterprises. Canada has| «for an end to U.S. opposition to} anteed minimum income on |, vast stake in non-discrimina- China's admission, with the in-| Production of wheat, oats and |tory access to capital and to 'ternational body to determine| Darley and a royal commis- | word markets. Formosa's status. pee en of the food | But he added: "I do not think Without. direct reference to) ""°US'Y: |that it is discriminatory to en- | these proposals, Humphrey was} aay ra courage Canadians to invest in asked in an interview what he| WEDNESDAY, May 4 Canadian enterprises, and in the believes U.S. policy should be| _ 1%¢,COmmons meets at 2:30 |fortheoming extensive review of with regard fo admission of Pe-| 2:™-,t wind up the redis- /gyr own tax laws we will he ex- king. He replied: nates pew The Senate /amining whether more can rea- With Chinisld Coas 4 oe sonably be done in this direc- gg consider membership| tase itiga," @ UN on the basis of abid-| aga | "NORM" FISHER'S peace-loving nation, a nation Meat Market "Sy tere wee that will respect the principles | For Personalized gate of the charter, and also when Service Week-End Specials ! she ceases to insist that For-| mosa be handed over to her ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Lean Minced lock, stock and barrel, then she fi would surely be a likely candi-! date for the UN." CHUCK STEAK 2 lbs. PORK CHOPS 2 hs. 4 lbs. Chairman J, W. Fulbright of the Senate foreign relations 4 |hs, 2 Ibs. POTTED PLANTS PINK HYDRANGEAS, POTTED 'MUMS (Yellow, Pink, Bronze and White). MIXED POTTED PLANTS Petunias, Coleus, etc ; 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.50 and up Bow! Arrangements of Cut Flowers "To Suit YOUR Mother"-- 6.00, 7.50, 10.00, 15,00 "GIVE MOM A COLORFUL GERANIUM . . . 95¢e "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY FLOWERS" FROM... R.B. REED & SONS FLORISTS LTD. 728-7386 Downtown Drive-l Simcoe and Bond rive-In Shop 163 Bloor. West MILK FED VEAL LEG ROAST i, 69° RUMP OR SIRLOIN ROAST Shoulder Chops uv. 79° LOIN CHOPS ur, 89 STEW CUTS ur. 49 PEAMEAL BACON Smoked Picnic Shoulders committee endorsed the Ken- nedy-McGovern proposal. Lhd ahs bal = ae --_ = = MILNE AND THERE At the April meeting of the Motor City Family Camping Association Pat McGarrity talked on Sibbald Point Na- tional Park and Nancy Island | Museum. Also at the meeting plans were discussed for the club's June camp-out and it was an- nounced the Brampton Ramb- lers Camp is to be held May 20 -- 23 at Sun Valley Park, near Pickering Canadian Family Camping members went on a two-hour Country ramble Sunday starting out from a point at the end of the SAUSAGE First Line Road. f - ANY ONE ITEM Joe Tonna, of 840 Glenrush | ave., got a lucky break at his | lunch break at the GM north plant. He was dealt a perfect | cribbage hand during a game with some of his fellow line workers in the truck plant. PORK CHOPS Boneless STEW BEEF SIRLOIN SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS °© THURSDAY ONLY ° Cut Up CHICKEN LEGS & BREASTS WHILE IT LASTS @ FREEZER SPECIALS @ | BEEF HINDQUARTERS Ib. 49c ! Blue Brand Baby Type Beet SIDES Ib. 55¢ rox. Weight 200-225 ib | App 2 PORK LOINS 10-12 LB. -- 65c LB. CUT AND WRAPPED FREE 09: End Cuts by The Piece Ot ia ica FRESH KILLED SLICED TURKEYS SIDE BACON C c lb THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 1:30 to 4:30, 6:00 to 9:00 Ib | at ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, SIMCOE ST. N. Regular and new blood donors are urgently requested to attend with or without en LEAN MEATY PRESCRIPT Ww 7 SEREERRRRE...BREE! | 12 KING ST. E. Our Blood Bank is desperately short and if we are . ' } TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OUR PATIENTS IN MAY _| 9 Norm Fisher $ Meat Market mi 723-3633 | NO LESS THAN 500 BOTTLES ARE NEEDED FOR NEXT MONTH M22 Simcoe St. North Phone 723-3732 @ TT RELPLAS LR SSESSE ARES REE DRUGS 723-3431 9 Simcoe N. --