\ a WHITBY DAY - BY.- DAY | ADMINISTRATOR CRITICIZED Tax Dollars Rolling In Separate School _ Faster Than Last Year . ™ Mr. McEwen said he is con-| centrating on the collection of} tax arrears and that a tax sale will be held this year. He said improvement in the, ercentage of current tax col-) . perenne " > {ber during Driving Case Appeal Upheld WHITBY (Staff) -- His Honor Judge Alex C: Hall, Friday, al- lowed the appeal of Donald W. Pierson against his conviction on a careless driving charge. | In quashing the conviction,| |\Judge Hall said he did so be- cause there was doubt in his 7 Times of April 19, Page 30 A, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, Mey 7, 1966 § and that a letter to the editor be written to explain our stand, Civil Service Executive Of Whitby, Talks Staff Status). wrcme wr ons Australia has 17,000,000 cattle hospital. Some examples en r hospital. Some exemples eivet\and 164,000,000 sheep, the ties in local pess were: (a)|world's largest flock. Dog Control' Officer, Ajax, (b) (--conmuert_me_or wan) COMPLETE LINE OF Hi QUALITY NURSERY / Chairman Resigns. WHITBY (Staff) -- Separate; In his statement, a copy of|fact. I urge you to correct it ming that Piet 'school board chairman, Donald! which was given to The Oshawa before you antagonize others." sth ey tetas te ais Lunny verbally resigned as|Times, MreLunny said the busi-| ' ) that a vehicle, driven by ' 4 iscrator twice tast| WISHES IGNORED bd se ' . chairman and as » board mom: |nes, Shove t0 ignore the chair-|, Mr- Lamny also said "otf hand| Pierson, Nat been iived fo lections is due to the change in i ti collision with a vehicle, driven the business tax instalment dates| Might. ;man and acted on his own. '= -- seuehes. were bY Mary Patricia Crowe, at the i In'a prepared statement, Mr.| "Several weeks ago I instruct- sions where our es were): to April 15 and Aug. 15. prepa Neon and are being ignored. intersection of Mary and Ash |Lunny criticized board admini-|ed him to write the chairmen of 4° sts., Whitby on the evening -of "4 review of business tax\gtrator Benson Hamilton, 'Mr.|the various boards in town and| "We have requested to see| ni 92 1965 $45,000 'of the|payments indicates that many|runny said "it would appear|town coyncil asking them to gm [cueresponannce before it went sles Coowe aid the hal stop firms realized that by offering a|that this board is not prepared| joint méeting to discuss the pos-/forward from the board. I) ou. intersection and after discount of 1 percent of the totalito apply sound and proven suc-|sibility of setting up a joint |never saw it. One of you (mem- looking both ways proceeded sents 41.3 percent of the total.|tax'bill and only providing two|cessful business practices to its| purchasing committee within the| bers) over five months ago ask.) Mary tt. fhe oid the Collections at the same time last| instalments, that it was to theirjeyery day operation", \town,'" said Mr. Lunny. "He didied fora monthly financial arson rel 'ng iggy 2 year were 40.7 percent of the| advantage to pay the Jevy in full' -Mr, Hamilton "declined to com-|not write the letter as he was/|statement. 'To date it has "pot o ) i nioscan and # passenger total amount outstanding. jon April 15," Mr: McEwen said.!ment when contacted today. | instructed and further, he sign-|been shown. One of you asked in his car said the lights of the Bo For Membe | Adrianis Goverde, vice-chair-|ed it og his own Bares. He ot ote Reinga: fl oe pat vanities Were ob 2 i man of the board, asked not to|/not sign it as a letter from the; ' fe. P nus Concert For om rs be quoted on the matter. chairman as he was instructed." | been presented," seid Mr. Lun- Bem ae gr! ek 4 in th WHITBY (Staff)--The Whitby|ization will be the 40-piece Osh-| However, it was learned. that) Mr. Lunny also said he (Mr.|MY. a case, if it was reasonably clear Concert Association is seeingiawa Symphony Orchestra. The\the board last night drafted a| Hamilton) released an article to Since I cannot enlist your Oieod wad driving . without to it that the cultural life of thejorchestra has been in exist-|letter.asking Mr. Lunny to re-|the press in his own name and |Support in the correct operation | nts ts week have no. heel: community is not neglected. ence for some years and is one| consider his verbal resignation.| without knowledge of the chair-|of this board, with some little | ion if Woreniins 'the ine With this in view # bonus con-\of the ee groups of its) A board member, who asked/man, concerning school policy. |regret I resign at this time," he ' 5 ; - _|type in the district. not to be quoted, said today Mr. cert for its members will be pre-! * sqmission to, the concert will Lunny's fostgnation is verbal|ble to ch "If anyone will take the trou-|said. "Accidents do not just happen," sented at 8 p.m. May 10 at the/be by membership tickets. Non-/and as far as the board is| board meeting held Ju i "It j t ttable that he said. fit staff, giving extensions to och tee. ie eS lis besrd'e modi oherandi is Earlier in the day Judge Hall|pensionable staff, and letting Ontario Ladies College. members, who will be charged| concerned Mr. Lunny is-still and| they will note that no The featured musical organ-'$2 are invited to attend. 'will be a member until a written | leases will be made j confirmed the sentence of Lu-|one staff do, where there should ont they toni." -- ee cien Bedard, who was convicted|be two," the release stated. * hae lresignation is received. have been approve | Antenna Firm Plans Addition Mr. Lunny was first elected to board," said Mr. Lunny. WHITBY (Staff) -- Andrew 4. by th earmneres _____|on a charge of impaired driving.| Most of the blame was laid : a4 / |The appeal against the convic-|to inadequate remuneration the board for the 1965 term, He, "It would appear that our ad- A Wo en jfice as well as manufacturing! was re-elected in the December, ministrator is a law unto him- rmy m Antenna Co., Ltd., Whitby, has : completed plans for the erection tion was dismissed; but theloffered for shiftwork in an un- fine was reduced to the mini-|pleasant and possibly danger-| space. 1965 election and has served as|self," he said: "At this point it} Di 'Pl Ae In a letter to town council this chairman since the first of this 1scuss ans of a 32,000. square foot addition pei ; wiuahal to its Be@gh st., plant. Steel for alvation rmy 8} mum. 'ous location such as a mental | should be noted that his state.) pee cen eee : week Richard P. Matthews, vice-| year. ment is a misrepresentation 0! Pl president and general manager, | wrrerepy Pf ss |Home League held its weekly) urc 1 anning the project is on order and com: said architectural drawings are| HITBY PERSONALS \ecating' at the Citadel. THUFS | pletion of the work is sched- aimost completed. | fem g att Prey ; . i uled for November of this year. mae : | day evening in the form of a, pot) . The addition, which will be Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miffin, |Chapter IODE members for ajluck supper starting al 8 p.m, | entennia @a n a permission to use some nearby|108 Centre st. s. celebrated their) pot luck: supper, this will be fol-| Leong dong rg! Eyre led) . | in the singing of the grace..Ap-| Council has granted the firm Steet, wil provide nadiiional of 15th ddi i a lowed by an auction sale. This i i ti . t ; wedding anniversary re- ed by ,, plant, will provide additional of-\land as storage space leently. A surprise celebration} will be the final formal meeting] proximately 18 members were) The regular- meeting of the ; \was held at their residence ar-|of the present season. |present and enjoyed the various | Evening Guild of All Saints' An- Deputy-Reeve, Wile, Celebrate 25th anid by Mr. and Mrs, Arthur ltasty dishes and desserts ,pre-|glican Church was held May 2 ; i y t, Mr. and Mrs. George Richard;"In Crowd" providing the danc-|Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs pared by members with 22 members preseri Brooks celebrated thelr silver ing music with eons ny of his Thomas Fairbrother, Newcastle.|Patsy Anna, Following the supper a short) Reports were given on the wedding anniversary last Satur- band: Larry Heffering, Michael|Mr. Fairbrother is the brother|jand Mrs. Harry Jacobs who/business session was to the Children's Aid day at St. John the Evangelist) Rogers, held at) catering Joe Vella and Steve|of Mrs. Mifflin and acted as best|celebrated her /fifth birthday] which time plans pvere outlined|society Open meeting, held in parish hall with over 200 guests Seminsky Friday, to celébrate the o¢ca- attending. Mr. Brooks is dep- A very pleasant surprise was] man 15 years ago. for the summer months. lthe parish hall April 28 and also | Gifts of crystal were present-|S!0" 8 party was arranged A gift was presented to althe auction sale held May 1 at j i.1 4 s | ember'Mrs. Flornce Dove who|the arena uty-reeve of Whitby the arrival by plane from Chi-'ed to the celebrants also @ cor-| 2 mem , In the receiving line Mr. and cago of the bridesmaid of 25|sage of pink carnations to Mrs.|_ -- bb So this weekend is leaving to estab-| yrs. Gordon Evans and Mrs. Mrs. Brooks were accompanied' years ago Mrs. R. N. Joerger|Miffin and a boutonniere for have Day Breakfast' this penne by their children, Gerard, Fred- and also the two other brides-|Mr. Mifflin... A delicious buffet) y ' ' ; WHITBY -- The Civil Serv- ice executive of the Onta' Hospital, Whitby, Branch 27, a meeting Wednesday heard a report from the delegate to the Toronto meeting of unit repre- sentatives (health branches). . A news release from Bruce Anderson, a from the Ontario Hospital, said the pur- pose was to hear of what was termed staff shortages and morale. He said the report stated several hospital dele- gates told of shortages, mostly of medical staff, 0.T. workers, male ward workers, kitchen and cleaning workers. : "Some of the-shortage is hid- den by part time GP's doing the work of psychiatrists, ward spread out to take the pressure off medical 'on one hand, and cleaners on the other hand, ward staff doing double shifts and working days off, use of some proven physically un- WHITBY (Staff) -- Tax col- lections in Whitby to date this year amount to 60.2 percent of the current roll compared with 55.3 percent for the same period last year. . Tax Collector Forbes McEwen told town council tnis-week that $1,296:000 has been colected, The total current tax roll is $2,135,- 000 | Probation Constable, Whitby, (c) School Caretaker, Whitby. (All started at over $4,500 year- ly.) (d) Attendant for care of mentally ill... must have Grade 10 ... must pass two examinations in reasonable time. Start at $3,200, work up to $4,400. The question was ask- ed as to why a capable person should apply for a job at the lower rate, and if he did, why should he stay for very long. A request was made that fu- ture negotiators should hold out for a mum of at least $4,500 for the lowest paid health worker. After the report, a motion was made and passed that an advertisement be placed in The Oshawa Times, expressing our indignation at part of an article on the O.H.-in The Oshawa As of April 29, total of $109,000 in tax arrears has been collected This: repre- JOHN BROUWER | GARDEN CENTRE MOTHER'S DAY AND CHRISTIAN FAMILY SERVICE ST. MARK'S (Corner of Centre and Colborne Streets) 11 A.M. SUNDAY, MAY 8th All Sundey Schoot children are requested to meet ot 10; Nursery in. Church House: Kindergarten in usual pA iors and Intermediates in Assembly Hall: Seniors in Church Porlour. VISITORS WELCOME part in this tea will be able to secure period costumes for that day. Members were urged to con- jtact as many people as possible| and obtain antiques for display} on this day, and anyone who would care to lend these articles to contact Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs.) Cliff Watson or Mrs. J. Speers/| as they are on the decorating) committee. | The meeting adjourned pith | TOWN OF WHITBY - Requests For Use of Municipal Parks Belated birthday wishes to daughter of Mr. Organizations desirous of using the municipelities publie « parks this season are requested te apply in writing te the lish residence in Newfound-}p Catton volunteered to head land the nominating committee rick and Karen, who had made arrangements for the celebra- thon, also the three birdesmaids. In charge of the guest book was Miss Peggy Douglas. The former Marie Baker, daughter of Mrs, Howard Baker, Toronto and the late Mr. Baker and George Richard Brooks, son of Mrs. Fredrick Brooks, To- ronto and the late Mr. Brooks were married in St. Michael's Cathedral, Toronto, by Rev. Fa- ther Frank McQuin. Gifts were too numerous to be all opened during the reception. The celebrants were presented -with a silver tea service and) tray by members of Local 494/and gifts were received from Rubber Workers of which Mr. /friends and relatives. Brooks is president and the ex-| ecutive board members made a/Rev. Father L. J. Aust n offi- resentation of a sterling silver|ciated at the renewal of th i |marriage vows of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Brooks leader of the'Brooks. latwear set. |Whitby Town Councillors were supper was served. | Louise, daughter of Mr. and iMrs, Eugene Mech celebrated her fourth. birthday recently. Young guests attending her party were: Jeffrey Solly, Cathy land Michele Brown,: Janette Ontario, Other guests were from|sherman, Lisa and Alena Otten-| Toronto, Newtonbrook, Barrie,|pracht. Assisting with the games) Beaverton, Bowmanville, Ne W| were: Cathy Sherman, Lyn Pat- Brunswick, Burkton, Pickering,|erson and Chriscia Ottenbracht. Myrtle Station, Port Perry,|Assisting in serving lunch was Scarborough, Weston, Richmond|Mrs. Jack Brown. Hill, Orillia, Oshawa and Rose-| Mrs. Robert Clements 601 Cen- bank, Mrs. Harold Wyatt poured|tre st. s. is opening her home May 9 to House of Windsor ulations and floral arrangements WHITBY al | CLUB CALENDAR |MONDAY, May 9 |Co-Op Credit' Union banking) maids were Mrs. Leo Trempe, Toronto and Mrs, Norman Baker of Willowdale. Mayot Desmond Newman and among the guests and also sev- eral councillors of the County of On Sunday at the 12.15 Mass BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Rating | night | [1st Whitby Scouts | Whitby Baptist Church Explor-| ers Ajax Driver Fined $150; : Failed ToStop, Suspended AJAX (Staff) -- An Ajax man was fined a total of $150 when he pleaded guilty to failing to stop after an accident and. dri- ving under suspention in Ajax Magistrate Court Thursday. William Eade, 23 of Kings- court Apts. was levied the pre- emptory fine when Crown At- torney Bruce Affleck informed the Court that the accused had two previous convictions of fail- ing to remain at the scene of an accident. Pickering Twwnship Constable R. R. Eatson said that at 3 p.m. on April 23 Eade had struck a car travelling west on Highway 2 east of Harwood ave. resulting in monor damage tot- alling $20. Besides the fine Magistrate H. W. Jermyn suspended the accused's license for an additi- onal 18 months. A charge of obstructing Police brought an 18 year old Picker- ing out a $% fine when he appeared before Magistrate H. W. Jermyn in Ajax Magistrate Court Thursday. Thomas Murray Martin, 477 Oakwood Dr. pleaded guilty to the charge and said he had told police he was diriving his vehi- cle when it collided with a driveway curb on April #4 at Pineridge and Rougemount Drives in the Township Pickering Township Police Co- nstable J. R. Brown said the ac- eident occurred at 10.47 p.m. on April 5, on April 14, the accused had informed him that he was not the driver of the vehicle at the time of the accident but had admitted to it when. he thought his insurance might be invalid if someone else was dri- ving his car. Magistrate Jermyn levied the fine when he discovered that Martin had not been in a pre- vious accident. A 51 year old West Hill man pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of impaired driving in Ajax Magistrate Court Thurs- day and was fined $100 Pickering Township Police Constable Ray Hobbs informed) the court that he had arrested) Nick Popowich at 8.40 p.m. on April 29 after the accused start- ed his parked car and drove along Port Union Rd. He said' the accused's breath smelled 'strongly of alcohol and his speech was slurred Hobbs told the Court that Pop- owich became beligerent when} Mark's UCW Unit No. 7 Mark's UCW Unit No. 5 | Mark's UCW Units 1 and 2) | St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women Group No. 4 Andrew's Presbyterian Women. Group No, 1 |Blair Park Vista Teen Club esti i _| Whitby Brass Band Ladies Aux. | a gg ty er ae of Windsor IODE Chapter | beer and rye was found in the purSDAY, May 10 | var atthe af islecs u + Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club | St Magistrate H. W. Jermyn gave) whitby Shrinking Violets TOPS the accused a 15 day alterna- Club tive 'to the fine and suspended | whitby Duplicate Bridge Club his license for three months. |Red Cross work room ; 2 St. Mark's UCW Unit No. A charge of impaired driving] Aj) Saints Anglican Church against a 40 year old Ajax man| Afternoon Guild was dismissed by Magistrate H.|sth Cubs and Scouts Mother's W. Jermyn after the accused Auxiliary | taxi driver informed the Court Royal Canadian Legion Ladies! hé had been on duty for 18 hours! Auyiliary prior to being stopped by police.) whithy Chapter Order of the Bernard J. Bruce of Kings- Eastern Star No. 248 | court apts. admitted having one| pint of beer and one shot of} WEDNESDAY, May 11 | rye before being stopped south-| Almonds United Church Women| bound on Harwood Ave. at 5|Whitby St. John Ambulance a.m. on Jan. 21. | Whitby Kinette Club Pickering Township Constable| Unit Club Past Noble Grand Laurie Watson testified that the) ;HURSDAY, M ' ; 12 accused drove in the wrong lane| Whitby Baptist Coach Cubs on two occasions and failed to} paith Baptist Church WMS respond to the cruiser's horn vat y : being frequently sounded. sais gg -- oe C Constable Ray Hobbs said he} ithy Gan " saw the accused at 5.40 a.m. and) waiey arene eres : : St. John's Anglican Church told the Court that Bruce's eyes | Parish Helpers --eee and his face waS|poard of Directors Whitby ? . | Co-Op Credit Union Sergeant Vie Cooper said the| Christian Reformed Church La- accused admitted drinking at} dies Society Work and Pray! the scene and was crying when he was stopped by Watson. FRIDAY, May 13 Defense Counsel Terrence, Red Cross Senior Citizens' So- Kelly said the accused had duct|~ cial Club | trouble which caused his eyes| Pentecostal Church Young Peo: to water and that a Lanceshire| __Ple's Christ Ambassador accent would account for for the|C0-Op Credit Union banking slurred speech. night Magistrate Jermyn said he be-/ caryRpay. Ae i$ DAY, May 14 lieved the police evidence but} 'my ¥ ' that there was some doubt aaa oe Army Young People's his mind as to the accused's! guilt. He said he hoped the in-|/ SUNDAY, May 15 cident had been a-lesson to the! St. Mark's United Church Hi-C accused. Group 10 BROCK Evening Programs at 6:55 & 8:20 WHITBY Last Complete Show Starts 8:20. \M.QUEEN JACKIE GIEASON ASST MCTORES RELEASE T o ms ond 3 \ Kere! Stepanek / if SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 ing Sunday at the IOOF Hall,| 211 Brock st. s. from 8 a.m to 11 a.m. Proceeds to go to- wards the cancer, polio and tu- berculosis fund, everyone, wel- come, Chairman Bruce Hans- comb will be assisted by mem- bers of his committee. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Par- tington, 921 Bayview ave. visit- ed Mrs. Partington's uncle Wil- bert Reid in the Campbellford |General Hospital recently and were supper guests of her bro- ther Fred Wiggins and Mrs. Wig-| gins of Madoc. Mr. and Mrs. Don Miller and daughters Kim and Bevy spent last weekend visiting his father Mr. William Miller and her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carno-| han, Listowel. Mark; son of Mr. and Mrs, John DeGiorgio, 602 Kent st., recently celebrated his third birthday, to celebrate the occa- sion Mark entertained some of his friends at a birthday party. Mrs. Earl Ward has just re- turned from a three-day confer- ence held at Guelph University for the Women's Institute, Main) _ speaker was the president of the Women's Institute of Can- ada, Mrs. Philip Mathison of Oy- ster Bed Bridge, Prince Edward Island, The Honorable William Stewart, Minister of ture of Ontario and Dr. Mar- garet McCready, Dean of Mc- Donald College. Delegates were present from all parts of On- tario. Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Mollema, 314 Rose- dale dr, recently celebrated her first birthday. Dinner guests for the occasion were grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pascoe, Mount Zion, Mr. Gerard Pas- coe, Whitby and his fiance, Miss Rosemary Scriever, Green- wood, Agricul-|° WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister; Rev. John McLeod Organist Mra. W. & Summers, A.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP Instead of its regular meeting| next Thursday local members| will attend the Oshawa Crusade} for Christ. H Summer Recess For Lionettes ette Sylvia Ballard, Ajax. Presi- dent Lionette Lily Wilson chair- ed the meeting. Kinette Agnes Mossman gave a report on the recently held draw for a bicycle with young} Horton as the winner. Pro- ceeds to be distributed to local! charities. | It was mentioned that the) Lions will hold a barbeque for Lions and Lionettes in June, also that the annual convention | will be held the week of the 28th and 29th of May in London, Ontario This was the last meeting of) the present season. The group| will resume its activities in Oc-| tober. . The hostess served refresh- ments at the close of the meet- ing. | | up. and bring in the new slate of officers for 1966-67 at the June 6 meeting. The remainder of the even- jing was spent in planning for ithe 'Centennial Tea 1866-1966" jto be held in the parish hall May 28 from 2.30 to 5 p.m. There will be period decor) Ajax Lionettes held its month-|and menu, a Canadiana Display ly meeting at the home of Lion-| and home bake tabie Several of in period costume which created a cen- jtennial atmosphere, It is hoped of the girls taking the members were the majority followed. tasty refreshments being served by Mrs. W. G. McKnight and Mrs, E. V. Sutton. A social hour undersigned to enable @ schedule of activity te be prepered. All requests should be submitted by Mey 9th, 1966, MINT. BURNS CASH paper money every day. The United States mint burns $3,000,000 worth of imperfect | Councillor R. ATTERSLEY, say me i 'own Prope mittee, 405 Wecdes teint West, WHITBY, Ontario, , This is Your Invitation to visit FOX Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 NURSERY Garden Centre Brocks St. ; WHITBY 668-6162 Handling @ full fine | | Everything for Your | Gardening Needs. Open 9 o.m. to 9 p.m: Seven days @ Week. N. | of Ist Quality Nursery |! Stock. | W SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 AM.--(at R. A. Hutchison Public School 4 blocks south © -®f Blair Park Plaza) Speaker -- Mr. Jim Ray of Peterborough Family Bible Hour -- Adult Service . Sunday School -- Classes for all ages. Other Services As Announced For more information phone: 725-9243 or 668-4576 WISE HOME OWNERS INSIST ON HYDRA:PREST SIDEWALK SLABS From... brooklin concrete products LTD. } 'hydraulically pressed for maximum durability" © COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES ® SQUARE AND TRUE FOR EASY PLACING AND PROFESSIONAL RESULTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY phone 655°3311 TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE RE FIRE WORKS Extract from Town of Whitby By-law No. 2349. 1, No person shall sell et retail in the Town of Whitby eny fire works of any kind or description whatsoever at any time duri the ealendar year with the exception of the three business den tomar diately proceding the dey set by Statute for the observetion of Victoria Day and Victoria Day end except the three business deys Immediately preceding the day set by Statute for the observation re vel) Day and Dominion Day except by special authority of ounel, . No person shall sell by retail in the sald Town of Whitby @ works of any kind or description whetsoever to bp My Bo eighteen years of ege. . No person who proposes fo sell fire works of any kind or dese tion ot retail shall exhibit any, display ef any such fire Peng 4 any display window, This prohibition shall not apply te prevent imitotion of such fire works being gralered previé there is ne explosive or d in euel JOHN R, FROST DESMOND G. NEWMAN, Mayer Clerk HUBLI ALLL EASELS LOLS Rae LLL au eeeveed dot Whitby Pentecostal Church 307 BROCK ST. N. -- WHITBY ACTS 2:12 THIS 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Wed. 7:30 -- Mighty Minutes EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rev. Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M, ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL I 7 PM. ) ENGLISH SERVICE, EVERYONE HEARTILY. WELCOMED ]/ 2 PM. DUTCH SERVICE ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Whitby Rev. W. J, S. McClure, B.A. Mrs, P. N. Spratt, Organist 9:45 AM.--Chureh School 11:00 A.M.-- FAMILY DAY "Fatherly ond Motherly Love' Sacrament of Infont Baptism nN Junior Choir Ww * by ng EVERYONE WELCOME Corrected Notice LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TOWN OF WHITBY TAKE NOTICE THAT 1 NAME OF STREET Dundas Street, North Side Dundas Street, South Side work.. The said sidewalks The estimated cost of the Dundas Street, North Side-- Corporation Corporation 2. The estimated owners €o: Dundes Street, North Side-- undertaken 4 this 21st doy of April, 1966 FROM Garden Street East Limit Hopkins Street East Limit are to have widths of four (4) feet works is os follows: Cost st per foot is os follows:-- $1.75 per lineal foot. Dundas Street, South Side~$1.75 per lineal foot The specia! assessment is to be paid In five (5) equal onnual Installments and the estimated owners annuol rote per foot frontage is 0.41¢ per lineal foot The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends ta construct, os local improvement, cement sidewalks on the North ond South sides of Dundos Street East between the points mentioned! and intends to specially assess a port of the cost upon the land abutting direttly on the ~$13,741.39 of which $7,290.78 is to be paid by the Dundas Street, South sde--Cost--$5,208.78 of which $2,954.46 is to be paid by the Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the sold work and any owner may, within 21 days ofter the first publication of this Notice file with the Town Clerk his objection to the said work being The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, may oppoint a time ond place when ony objection to the sald work will be considered, DATED at the TOWN OF WHITBY, t ' TO Eastern Town Limite Eastern Town Limits JOHN R, FROST, CLERK, TOWN OF WHITBY 9:55 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL "| (2nd Week of Camp Contest) | 1:00 A.M. -- MOTHERS DAY SERVICE 7:00 P.M. -- SERVICE CANCELLED To Co-operate with the Barry Moore Crusade COMMUNION SUNDAY Pastor: Rev. Max Case Miter Hut FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street North REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, MINISTER SUNDAY . SERVICES 9:15 AM--FAITH. TIDINGS' RADIO BROADCAST C.K.L.B, --- 1350 On Your Dial 9:45 AM--WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Postor's Sermon: "CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH" 7:00 P.M.--OUR SERVICE WILL ATTEND THE BARRY MOORE CRUSADE CIVIC AUDITORIUM, OSHAWA ALSO EVERY. NIGHT THIS WEEK, 8:00 P.M. yyou are cordially invited to attend' * Asst. Jon King