22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 25, 1966 CLOWNS, SKUNK |? STILL MISSING sie The costumes of three STAMPS ae mo i clowns, one skink and one STAMPS STAMPS Seven dwarf used in the Cen- tennial parade 10 days ago / / if , avo etill miceing I) EXTRA STAMPS | EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS cestetreresewe eee The costumes in question were apparently dropped off : at the parks board but an oe. unknown couple picked them STAMPS up and haven't returned them said Roy Cornish, a member i of the parade committee. The two and a half pen- guins were found at Harmon Park in good conditon on EXTRA Saturday, Mr.' Cornish said. STAMPS He asked that the couple, who picked up the other cos- tumes, to return them to 5 either the Times, Central On- tario Trust, 19 Simcoe st., n. Uv OF T GRAD or contact Mr. Cornish at 723- sntea WHEATIES James Shearer, 7 York st., 2100 fer Ge - ae stam; (eidlnateadinteatand 'Ajax, recently graduated ' from the University of To. | GRANT ACTS GRANT Cary Grant plays the part of} 5 ronto, Faculty of Dentistry. Mr. Shearer will leave short- ja vision of Cary Grant in a ly for Vancouver to com- |dream sequence in How To .mence practice with the |Succeed In Business Without UTRA Armed Forces. Really Tryin STAMPS Maryland Tax Authorities | §f Ih War On Cigarette Smugglers capa BALTIMORE (AP)--As in alinto a "mammoth operation to STAMPS scene from a 1930 movie, a truck/ rival the old days of Al Capone." ; erases - is waved down by police on an| NOVICE SMUGGLERS 'were couren 6 puscnass oF isolated highway and contra-| He says the tough types who OMS 1271. 02, JAR band worth thousands of dollars|drove the truck in the films PUAENTO MANZANILLA is confiscated jhave been feplaced by mild- MoLAREN'S OLIVES But the scene is far from en-|mannered novices -- including) Ave COUPON xriaES JUNE? tertaining to Maryland and New| women -- who apparently have York tax authorities, who say|been assured that Maryland's a booming multimillion - dollar|misdemeanor | aw aimed at ae Geeks & eacuaan business in untaxed, smuggled|combatting such traffic is not OE 18-02. ANROSOL TIN cigarettes bound for New York) stringent. For example, the first FLY-TOX or CRAWL-TOX black markets has caused ma-/man convicted received a sus- | INSECT SPRAY jor revenue losses |pended sentence and a fine, ac las ak Edward F. Englebert, head of} It began when New York STAMPS Maryland's sales tax division,|raised cigarette prices to 4 PEPER CSI Be says running bootleg cigarettes,| cents a pack, much more than I TWO 12-01%. rxet. QUAKER CORN FLAKES ITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 487. 02. TIME SHIRE SWEETENED ORANGE JUICE A135 COUPON Exrines sume F WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 12-01, Jans * CORONATION purchased for $1.85 a carton in|the price in North Carolina. North Carolina, has burgeoned| There is no cigarette tax in ~ erence | North Carolin ~egtbag je we SWEET RELISH Since last summer, Maryland EXTRA ' Ave «=6COUPOM ExreED JUNE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ale will represent the youth of the college. at the annual not tage of total traffic stamps Woidliadecindlanely we va ie | beca there is tate 'cig- Ds Ralph Coupland, musical dir-| svelte tax ee ee ANY ONE 14-07, AERO TIN = il /LUCKY ector at the college, says the) Conviction under present] aes Ever will a Maryland law could mean a fine anal GRE 24 during the conference ch! of $35 for each carton and up / Colle e Choir | state police and tax authorities STAMPS g | have confiscated more than 50,- enth-day Adventist general con-|. North Carolina has no law to starts June 16 to five y 4 7] fi 0 five years' imprisonment for WHEN COUPONS REDEEMED OW THIS PAGE / |000 cartons of cigarettes, being p cone . At Conference jhauled in everything from the Wire aomren & punenass OF a 8 \largest tractor vans to private fh aaa a ser.icars. They estimate that this ' é The Kingsway College Chor-| oo rosents only a small percen- EXTRA PINE-SOL : j ference next month in Detroit |prevent such interstate oes I / He said a special booth "to! ayimum sentence. " | promote and inform the dele- sn sadciainislins 1 AB) COUPON EXPIRES JUNE T sed from man y nat Si _ | WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF anada and Kingsway College | ONE 14.03. TIM one 16-02..tH ONE 61-02. amo TIN eS ene 1.ANT CARTON will be set-up by the college | KINGSWAY | staven WITENEN FLOOR CLEANER WAX TONE SPRAY WAX Hosvess an Giroren falda of study | | Perrys SALTED CASHEWS TE items SIMONIZ VISTA find SIMONIZ Babe INSTANT TODDY om Mo Aa COUPON ExPIRES JUNE T TTT age At? COUPON mxrines JUNE S available at the college will be Ave COUPON axPINES JUNE T represented on a revolving plat | LUMBER co LTD STAMPS RPV 42° COUPON rxrinis June t sthnes jias form by appropriately dressed| . . $$ Se (een a a anes ; symt the different} oe Songer Poa ce | oA Good Place WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHAM OF WITH COUPON & PURCHAM OF ni , Oo ? OWE 16-02, xe. OWT 9.02 CELLO Pxe. OWE 13]-02. PKG, 'Tw TAS, PARCHMENT PuOS, 'Two 15 FL.OZ. TINS es hg gd I a a Business" fret wosres wdconen' anaanne on. MONTE PANey ee ae thal and Miss Toop | 9270 Simeee St. N. Ragone paeeyina EXTRA __earea tans Perrys GRAHAM WAFERS EXTRA SOLo EXTRA PEAS PPT YY, CAKE or forme mixes HMrar yy FOILWRAP Mr, Coupland said the con- | STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS AMG COUPON EXPIRES JUNE T STAMPS AIP COUPON EXPIRES JUNE D STAMPS AM® COUPON EXPinES JUNE T STAMPS AS) COUPON EXPIRES JUNE T STAMPS (Udmaadaal staan ference is held to discuss busi-| (formerly McCullough Lumber) ness as well as angelic work RATE | ts a ee Headquarter of the Canadian/ 728-4687 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH GOUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON 8 PURCHASE OF WITH courON & puRCHAsE OF fi WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITm couren @ puncnase OF Seventh-day Adventsist church-) OME 48%. OZ. TIN TWO 15 FL. OZ, TB Two 1.48, Kas. An W000 A. 08, TH ONE GIANT PKG, OnE GIANT Pxa, es.are in Oshawa Som Cayenne wits ron PR a B.-icy R CRISPY FLAKE a BORAX MAPLE LEAP ice: ROR A RANGE DRI UIBBY'S BEANS MPO cern BEARS pete SHORTENING Peto Vait punch wena «= BORATEEM inte _ SOAP FLAKES ans + ASD) «COUPON HuPieEs JUNE TT STAMPS AM «COUPON Exrings JUNE D STAMPS ASS) «COUPON ExPines JUNE T STAMPS AM = «6<COUPOM ExPrers JUNE YT STAMPS Ad?) «= COUPON Exrrets JuNET STAMPS am couron rans get 1 STAMPS Put your h O witw COUPON & PURCHASE 7 ae . aa . Trae - 3 WIT Couronm & -- ; a s -- . + Winn ry as er | na ; cenase GP couron & PuscH: Wits GoUreM & PuRt * t * | eget dyes! | pe Phish petbend TWO 1591. OF, TINE ANY TWO BOXES ont #n.on soTns In this Dp ' STORELY'S BEANS ELBOW MAGAROAL APPLESAUCE noc ' " poeg STORELY'S BEANS Beret eas SP02uer ore AYP Pree RED KIDNEY BEARS reef FACIAL TISSUE Par COLESLAW DRESSING STAMPS As) COUPON EXPIRES JUNE T STAMPS" ro! sae couron cxrnes ut) i TE An coe | Minick << "nswenins STAMPS sigpelnestgeaatigh imperial mn See > cee oe WITH COUPON & PURCHANE @F WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PUREHAIE OF NWS S571. 08, Vee Oe ees ae Ont 12-02, PKG. TWO I5FL. OZ, TINS (OWE33 ML, OF, PLST, BTLEL ONE 3271. OF, TIN NO CALORIE em EACHES ' Ol see Se CARNATION INSTANT SMEDLEYS CHOICE WHOLE Ouse UNICO SWEETENER ures NEY DEW MASHED POTATOES pe CARROTS Perea SUDS for DISHES VEGETABLE OIL As? COUPOM EXPIRES JUNE T Rrra 310 souron me - At COUPON axPines JUWE D ae elias Gabel sae 4 Oe ass coureu exiees anes PARMAR ase couron mxrmes sum PP OL TE ass . courow exrines sume t | STAMPS STAMPS ess hitinioeceitesitpsectivieinstsoiensiaadalecini sities ba ES WITH Gouren & PuRcHAtE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE @F POUR 167. OF. TINE ONE 25 71.02, JAR Two 4871. OF, TM ONE THs PKG ANY TWO 109. OF, TIN ONE 11-02, PKG, Te hie TVAPORATED WORNES STOKELY'S PING WON canBine KiTewON TOMATO WITH RICE oe UNCLE BEN'S PRE-COOKED ae] CARNATION MILK BARBECUE SAUCE PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT chtamtD CLURY font AM COUPON ICPIRED JUNE T EXTRA DRINK GARBAGE BAGS t CLARK'S SOUP EXTRA Quick RICE XTRA POPPING CORR STAMPS AMS COUPON Ey Pant JUNE YD AMé §«@OUTON ICPIRES JUNE D AS?) COUPON ExPraES JUNE T oan AM COUPON EXPIRES JUNE T ToT Tage A0P COUPON EXPIRES JUNE F ft Ase COUPON ExPineS JUNE D WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF wine a] al " wal TWO 14.02, TINS ONE 71-07, SHAKER any oa Tr : le +e ts eg : : on aah; on yori q meee x tawer's GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAPLE LEAP que : sacon's CABBAGE ROLLS SEASONED COOK BOOK SCUITS ; ee Pager soya wd OTR -- cTemuruaxe ia TOS LIQUID STARCH BR rwte BISCUITS KAISER Aluminum Siding stuns sian; SSE | stanrs sa east You get the quality you expect from KAISER WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHANE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF wits 2 PURCHASE OF TWO 10FL.OZ. TINS OWE 14.07, 848 TWO PKGS. Two 3)-02. T8 pty e ANY TWO 14FL. OF, TINS @ Ends maintenance NORTH AMERICAN CHOICE KRAFT ASSORTEO ASSORTED COLOURS ows Gbenn CNET'S SLICED CRUSHED - " ' 'CHUN Kaiser Aluminum Siding won't peel, rust or crack -- ends BUTTON MUSHROOMS CARAMELS Petr yg | CASSEROLE DINNERS EXTRA OVEN MITTS Shi Tyme = SRISLING SARDINES etL Tg SOLVEASE CLEANER PINEAPPLE painting worries and saves you money. EXTRA Re A) stamps Same COUPON EXPIRES FUME STAMPS (udllinadtanldeldidadail STAMPS aelllinasdsialldelsubicedentl CSV Tage 78 COUPON ExPines JUNE 1 474 COUPON CXPIRES JUN # Economical to install Kaiser Aluminum Siding covers any surface -- makes any | f y style of home sparkle with lasting beauty WITH COUPON @ PURCHASE OF wim couron & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WIN COUPON & PURENASE OF Greater comfort OME 3271. OF JAR aye oleh lad ONE 12 PL OF. JAR ONT 230% PKG. ONT S-ROLL PKG, Kaiser Aluminum Siding makes your home cooler in Sum- | gpd oatad & BUTTER bean in es es em eee wurre swam mer, warmer in Winter -- cuts fuel costs WHOLE DILLS EXTRA PICKLES ery es CHERKIN PICKLES erg SERVIETTES sath) TOWELS Satna CUSTARD MIX 20-year transferable guarantee Stam) Klaadlawactatles dadhasiedy STAMPS Beedtissatedkntmed ods Ci Psleaatbentaaeda 0s tat Rnedllanatandic sctaandd STAMPS postltheerbardanadicn hs Thig guarantee is exclusive with Kaiser--- and adds sub | ntncenininenoni che : emerson ia. cote atone" Hh é see ah icine) TN tanflally to the resale value of your home. (WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 10 colours : | tae tae ab 'ywo BATH size BARS Pee ee warn eplnea's teabuass OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Moder, bright and pastel colours to choose from, with a MUAUTY GaEEn eorntn Pot eu AMY Two 11-02. Pues, bdo butter ene senrrs panning ASIORTED i pega arTTy cRocKER Lueay wHir mee Pry WOODBURY SOAP ere = «CHORE GIRL STAMPS Menedlildaadbcenéihidlead vn, SPARERIB SAUCES Ash COUPON mxPinES June t full selection of accessories. Kaiser Aluminum Siding is C.H.M.C. approved. Available in horizontal and vertical, acrylic finish. Consult the Yellow Pages for your Kaiser dealer or contact: DESSERT TOPPING MIX COOKED MEATS Aey COUPON EXPIRES JUNE F AME COUPON EXPIRES JUNE T PPE PUDDING MIXES a7) Lage Ate COUPON EXPIRES JUNE D STAMPS (inidliendbablbladllideduiadhs = $$ Sarena mae --_------ }- KAISER ALUMINUM COMPANY With CoureN & PuREHASE OF aye ogee WiTw COUPON & PURCHAM OF WITH COUPON 8 PURCHAME OF AMY Out 148. Pee, Two 3) on. 'TWO HEADS" 191 Ashtonbee Road, Scarborough, Ontaria 9 LIFTUA ia--aiaLL, Unat supbie sLiceD "! a pene = enon eae Telephone: 755-2261 PORK SAUSAGES Mammen SMOKED BEEF pemmeg =-- WINCED BEEF ad LETTUCE 'athe Aa? COUPON EXPIRES sUNTT ame «COUPON Exrinn yuNE ae) «COUPON EXPRESS June? APR «COUPON mxPraEs JUNE T EXTRA 90 COUPON EXPIRES ARE D STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS CONTACT YOUR LOCAL KAISER DEALER | ae -- cue LOW LOW PRICES PLUS STAMPS LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. 725-4632 or after . vice tescbestoad Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. till 9:30 - Downtown Store Open Thurs, and Fri. till 9 p.m. ~