BUS DEFICIT GROWS LARGER Bus deficits, especially on municipally-operated lines, are more the rule than the today in the world of transportation. Despite this established fact, the tax- MISS MARGARET WA- TERS, Simcoe st. n, "When a business sells its product for less than it costs to produce, it would not be long before it went broke. Therefore it is only common sense to hike the fares and let the city buses pay for themselves, | see no reason why buses should be subsidized by the taxpayers, Most taxpayers have their own ears for which they must buy a licence, gasoline and in- eurance. payers. who never usethis mode of transportation Oshawa's bus operation -- operated by the Public Utili- ties Commission -- was $35,- #00 in the red for the first four months of this year as compared with a total 1965 a wht a @4K KAA hould the Oshawa Public ih MRS, MARY VAN. den AKKER, Dundas st. w., Whit- by. "I work in Oshawa and take the bus here every day, but I don't ride the city buses I've seen many PUC buses with very few passengers on them, Perhaps it would be a good idea to cut down on the number of trips they make around the city to help reduce the deficit,"' --_ 100 PERCENT EFFICIENCY CLAIMED Utilities Commission cut back on its bus service, increase' its fares, or make no cHianges to reduce or hold the bus sys- tem deficit? Here are some opinions ex- pressed in a man-on-the-street poll conducted by a photo- aracherranartor at he Och. awa Times this week: "I've only had of couple of beers", is the typical response of a driver arrested for either @runk or impairea ariving. And within the next three weeks drivers will be abie to put this familiar plea to the test, The Oshawa police depart- ment has acquired a breathaliz- er machine, When it is brought into use very soon, each and every driv- er arrested on a drunk or im- paired driving charge will be offered a chance to prove his innocence, Drivers should be warned, however, that the breathalizer machine works with virtual 100 percent efficiency, "There is no tricking it' says ; FROM COL. McLAUGHLIN Insp. Norman Smyth of the city police department. 'We know all the gimmicks inal GFivers Bel Up Ww and once the test has been completed we can tell within half an ounce how much a driver has consum- ed "This is how good the ma- chine is,"' he said, NOT COMPULSORY Drivers are not required to take the breathalizer test when they are arrested and charged with a drink-driving offence. The test is not compulsory Furthermore, evidence that a driver refused to take the test is not admissable in court, Police point out that it is not their duty to inform a driver MRS, KATHLEEN BRIGGS, Patricia ave, "I ride a city bus almost every day going to work and shopping. I think the city should subsidize the bus service no mater what the Scouts Get deficit is. A bus system is a prime requisite of any major city and with Oshawa's rapid- ly-growing expansion, it + exception. Increasing faret would only discourage passen- gers from taking a bus while they should be encouraged to do so instead of driving cars Samac Gift at 2.00. p.m. ' jand is situated among ever - | e gif /a\ new handsome) greens which line the main en- lexecutive office \puilding, was|trance to the camp | | recently completed to provide One of the novel techni-) |accommodations for expanding| ques used in completing the) |Boy Scout administrative work! building was the planning of; at Camp Samac carefully insulated cavities ar- | Gol, "Sam" presented the 160-| ound the ceiling high boardroom scre Camp Samac to the scout-| fireplace to allow the building ing movement some 20 years|to move without damaging stone jago and has since then gifted|or wood. Se |the Camp with many addition-| It is estimated the building jal facilities such as a flood - will rise and fall by at least | lighted swimming pool built to two inches depending on the at- | Olympic specifications mospheric conditions that he is not required to take a breathalizer test. "Tl am. not required to do tii», wank Ane, omsy us, The breathalizer machine has to be operated by a person who holds an operator's certficate from the Attorney General. At the Oshawa police depart- ment Insp. Smyth and Const- able John Reardon are the only people who had taken the re- quired examinations. "In time', said Insp. Smyth, "we hope to have four or five people qualified to administer the tests, This will relieve the load somewhat on myself and Constable Reardon', "Breathalizer evidence', he said, 'will be used in court on a corroborative basis only, The vengnneie DRIVERS SHOULD TAKE HEED police case in a drink-driving case will still rely mainly on the arresting officer's observation". DApiaminEg oO ine breathalizer, Insp. Emyth said when a test was conducted oniy the accused person and the ma- chine operator would be pre- sent "When I conduct this test it will purely be on an unbiased basis. All I will know is that the man was arrested and charged me use eepith a drink-driving charge. ry "Knowing that and nothing else, I conduct the test. After it is complete the Crown At- torney has the choice of using the test results. The defence counsel too, can call on the test results if the Crown does not use them"', Nh. 9 sab, Wt od ONLY 2 BEERS? CITY POLICE ACQUIRE BREATHALIZER The breathalizer, Insp. Smith said, could save lives too. "Sometimes," he said, "a per- son can be: brought m showing alil the signs of drunkness. Yet. when tested, they show a very low-blood alcohol reading. "When they show this, we would immediately take them to a hospital for examination. Their condition is obviously due to something more serious than alcohol. "A diabetic taking a single, innocent drink can show these signs. "It has got to be remembered that people have died in police jails .merely because police thought they were drunk and it has turned out they were ser- jously ill". omens ed She Oshawa Simes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1966 |. Col. R. 8. McLaughlin will of-; The new administrative build 0 gad open oes rig ge tera A ing was erected to blend with gift to Boy Scouts of Canada . . ss t Camp Sarnac, Saturday, May the character of Camp Samac Centennial Constructed with cedar logs| Following opening ceremon - ithe new structure includes ajies during which he will inspect, | spacious reception area for vi-|\a Queen Scout guard of honor, Total Now MRS. JACKIE LESNIEW- SKI, Burk st, 'I don't think the PUC should raise the fares, They're high enough as it be. Perhaps they could re- duce the number of runs after peak transit periods have passed," Fallout Protection Study Includes Area Buildings The federal government this) month is starting a nation- wide survey to locate buildings that will provide the best pro-| tection against radio-active fall-) out in the event of an atomic! war, The survey will cover won + Tesidentialt "dutiaiigs buildings with a floor area of more than 1,000 square feet It is being conducted by the federal department of public works on behalf of the Canada Emergency Measures Organiza tion. STARTS JULY Col, F. S, Wotten, EMO co ordinator, said yesterday the survey is starting in Ontario County July 15 He said there will be about 10 on the local survey team "Our job is to assess just what will be needed if" the government's policy is to find a shelter for everyone," he said, Col, Wotten said a survey taken in Ontario County five years ago showed there was shelter space for 55,600 "This survey will enable us to update the information we collected in 1961', he said The survey will be carried out by teams of university students, Their task will be to take Women Theme Of Conference A one-day conference organ ized by the women's committee of the Ontario Federation of Labor is being held in Toronto June 4. Mrs. Alice Reardon, a con- ference commitiee member and a member of UAW Local 222 ladies' auxiliary said all oF the theme of the conference which is open to al trade union members is "women at work.' Mrs, Reardon is a city alder man Marion Royce director of the women's bureau of Onario department of labor will speak. There will also be group discussions Panelists Rurris Ormsby, USWA. Grace Hartman, (UPE, and Kaschte, OPEIU, will "women in offices.' Huguette Plamondon, UPWA Caroline Davis, UAW, and Olive Smith, TWUA, will talk on '"ywomen workers in the plant." Jim Dowell, CUPE, 0. Zam bri, hospital and club em ees union, and Bernice monds, BFEIU will discuss 'women in service industries." the Daisy discuss slay Sim DONALD BOYD, Harmony rd, s. 'I've lived in Oshawa for the last 17 years and have never been on a city bus, I'd rather grab a_ taxi, It's quicker, I think there are times when the buses would be better off sitting in the PUC garage instead of mak- ing their runs," down data about a building which will later be fed into al computer to assess its protec- tion factor, A building with a protection factor of 10 means that only one-tenth of the radio - activ- ity outside the building can get BuiGings with a pro-| factor of less than 10 be included in the iisrae tection will net survey A class "'A" fallout has a protection factor Main purpose of the is to locate all available build ings that could be used as protection against radio-active fall-out shelter of 500 survey Lacrosse Game Buses Continue Special buses, this year, will continue to transport fans to Green Gael junior lacrosse games at the civie auditorium even thought last year's running costs were in the red The PUC commission decided Wednesday it would continue the service because last the loss incurred during the games amounted nominal sum of $4.99 J, B. Annand, general ager, said the service ed was such that the revenue was waived The buses, he said corner of Bond and Simcoe street: and travel via the Osh awa shopping cetre to the au ditorium. After the game they return by the same route Fans interested in going junior games by are to consult Green advertisement The Times prior each for bus times said Onus Placed On Government A union the federa accept the re laid-off Simcoe Industries year 15 season lo a man provid loss in leave the to bus the in to he lacrosse advised Gael Oshawa game agent has urged that government should sponsibility of lo workers al Lake Ltd., Beaver cating Harry Benson, international representative of UAW said to day that he will be conferring on Monday with Immigration Minister Jean Marchand and Industry Minister Charles Dr Mr. B W d This oing te t 'nvnit ack of Beaverton hardship to the communit This will cause KEN SEDMAN, King st, e, "I've never ridden a city bus in my life, I have my own car, | I wouldn't my taxes going to subsidize a bus sys- tem, Most people drive cars want anyway." Meeting Set | 23-Day Strike Representatives of the union currently striking against K-Mart met the compay's law- yer today, It was the first time the two sides have got together since the strike started 23 days ago, Local 414 of the Retail, Whole- sale and Department Store Workers' Union is staging the strike against K-Martto win, among other things, union se: curity for its members employed at K-Mart The union says it can only bargain effectively when all K- Mart employees have joined the union, The company says its employees should not be com pelled to join a union Cecil Dahman, Local 414 di- rector, said today it was the union who requested tomorrow s meeting We are hoping ment, Now it's up to the pany,"' he said Representing the union is Mr Dahman and two.K-Mart union employees, George Hedley, a Toronto lawyer, will represent for a settle com e's meeting is scheduled for Genosha Hotel Kress rhe 10.30 a.m, at Fund Growing For Fibrosis The Peterboro district of th Kinsmen club has donated $3,000 to the cystic fibrosis fund- aising campaign, says Donald Fleming, president of the Osh awa and district Kinsmen club The original $20,000 objective will be exceeded, Mr said The dial-for-chocolates. cam- paign to raise the money is zoing very well" he added The original amount of choco- lates was sold and more were ordered, They 00 were sold said Mr. Fleming. Donors cal! 728-9494 will have the choce- ates delivered to their door campaign is a district to raise the cost of one research: into) mankind dreaded. childhood = dis One baby in every thou with cystic fi he drive ears nost ease sand born brosis many people there particu a the. middle-aged. We are hoping that the meeting will not be fruitless." Last night it was announced in the Commons that efforts had started to locate some of the There are 132 persons wf 182 persons to ! move to jobs |sitors, a board room, a fu11/Col, "Sam" will proceed to the! \length basement to be later|cuboree area where he pvill be jadapted to provide conference honored with a 'Massed Grand {rooms and a large business of-| Howl" from the cubs. |fice for Stanley Richardson, dis-| Visitors attending the opening trict executive officer and his|ceremony will have an oppor-| [ebsistents, tunity to view scouting in action, | Parade, Prizes Park Opening | A parade, prizes and a beauty) contest will be among the high-| ; jlights of the Lake Vista park | Irene opening June 4, | He appeared briefly in Oshe | The parade will begin in awa Magistrate's Court this |front of the clubhouse on Em-| morning where he was reman- jerald ave,, at 1 p.m, Prizes will ded to appear again next |be awarded to the best decorat- Friday. ed bicycle, boys' and girls', Magistrate Crawford Guest A highlight of last year's park) allowed no bail. parade was the beauty contest) of : to select Miss Lake Vista, This} Police said this morning | year the beauty contest to select that Clarke was arrested at | Miss Lake Vista will be the fea- 2.30 this morning at a farm |iure attraction, said a neigh- east of Bowmanville by Of |horhood association spokesman. ficers of the Bowmanville de- | Contestants must be between i gat of the Provincial |ihe ages of 14-18, Their parents ce, must be members of the asso- Welsh Contralto ciation, Last year's Queen will! ' oe {crown the winner peeuceaanianieass Other events of the opening THE | will include a bake sale, a soft- paign for Rt College Concert bai game and a dance. Centennisi 1 area of the Kathleen Joyce, a Welsh) ® ri contralto, will perform in al Charter Night Auditorium concert June &, at the Kings- way College auditorium, | For Toastmasters "Miss gin aka MB (Auc') 'The new executive for the joes to her me ,_ velvety voice |comig year will be installed at 9 'exceptions Fange, ane jthe Charter Night meeting her aye aa. of 1 of the Oshawa Toastmasters and musicianship', sa alp is scheduled for M, Coupland, chairman of the Club which ica ti , vay | saturday, |lyceum committee at Kingsway) Included in the many awards College : to be presented will be a new) The concert is being spon-ltrophy for the outstanding), sored by the Kingsway College|oastmaster of the year, The © lyceum series telub, which was formed over green BAIL REFUSED | FOR HUSBAND Gordon Caswell Clarke, 35, of 439 Albert st., was last night charged with the at- tempted murder of his wife light FUND drive cam- Oshawa's project this morning with a pledge Kiss-and-Ride Station Gets The Green Light platform|tween Hamilton and Dunbarton the|Space equipped with shelters. Work is scheduled to be com-| sits dea re seals spn jpleted early this summer The Welsh contralto is ac-|10 years ago, is an organizedifirst "kiss-and-ride" station of| the installation will be subject- Ontario Minister of Highways |000 8. MacNaughton gave yesterday 1967 in the Oshawa Civic was bolstered UAW<LC, centre), City's committee, square to the feet of $25,000 from Local Harry Gay chairman of. the Centennial receives pledge in front of the UAW of 222, (in building -- on building 222 and the (on left) the Local commencing next fall t cpecte F andl It is expected that Bond from Pat McOloskey, chair- man of the trustees of Local street Albert "Abe" Taylor, president of the loca- jtions of the remaining stations companied by another Briton,|group of men over 21 years Of|Ontario's $9,300,000 GO com- ed to close examination to en-| Will be announced in the near Miss 0, Wilson, a concert/age who wish to improve their|/muter system, pianist | Speaking ability. On Saturday, June 4, Miss! The organization originates in Joyce will present a recital of/Santa Ana, California where it) eg 000 sacred works at the College} Sn, Park Seventh - day Adventist) C Smedley. There are clubs rence Church 'chartered in over 50 countries, | Township | The Highways Minister turn- jed the first sod on the site of a prototype was founded by the late Ralph) Rouge ail at vast and Law- avenues sure that the design meets all) for requirements station of/ational needs. in "We are undertaking the con-| Shully's ¢ Pickering struction of this station to test|Produce the ticketing office and jfuture, passenger|__ Dufferin Construction lcomfort, convenience and oper-|Materials Ltd, have the con- and /tract for the ground work and Industries lall aspects of the special design|Platform shelters. The new station will cover|that has been created for this} The station Ltd, will is on the Cana- three acres and contain park-/service,"" said Mr, MacNaugh-|dian National's Toronto - Mont- * ing facilities "kiss and ride" for 100 cars, ajton, area for wives! Any changes in real line -- the the design} same double k over which the gas tur- to pick up and drop off com: | will be included in plans for|bine train is scheduled to whiz } muter husbands, a feeder busjother stations that are to bejbetween the loop, a ticketing office and 14,-|built along the 60-mile line be-'year. F Fleming | ° { Be os rail commuter service East Rouge Hodgson, MPP Scarbor ough East, is also shown --Oshawa Times Photo sta Lou ONTARIO HIGHWAYS MINISTER ©. S. MeNaugh (left) speaks Thursday ning as construction starts on the first transit tion in TARIO ton ' GOVERNMENT OF ON- transit staion complex the one to be built at Rouge aK Hill prototype such as tist's Besos at East and Lawrence avenues in Pickering Town ship, is depicted in this ar- drawing. two RE stairs lead to an second platform Platform cities next under track tunnel which connects The tion, to be known as Rouge Hill, will cost $60,000 and Stas At $125,000 The campaign drive to raise money for Oshawa centennial project... .a recreation centre at Civic Auditorium, has brought the total up to $125,000 from $100,000 today, A donation of $25,000 dollars from the UAW today boosted the nine - day drive. Albert "Ab" Taylor president of the UAW, said the donation is be- ing made in the spirit of the UAW and recognized the need for recreation facilities. Don Liddiard, assistant to Byron Edmondson, managar of personell services at General Motors, announced the rise in the campaign drive this morne ing. Terence M. Kelly finance committee chairman, said the campaign was quickly reaching its $500,000 goal started nine days ago and expected to be completed by 1967. Payroll deductions will begin at Houdaille and Fittings Indus- tries Ltd. next week, A new road to act as exit from the present parking lot onto the Gibb st. exit, is expece ted to assist the campaign's . Harry Gay, building ommittee chairmen, announced = work will begin immediat- ely. | "With an additional (500 parking spaces to be added, parking congestion will be great. ly allieviated" Mr. Gay said. It has been a problem for canva- ssers, Public subscription campaign is asking for 50 cents per per- son to collect $500,000 for the Oshawa recreation centre. Douglas V. Gonder, Great |Lakes Region vice-president, jwas at yesterday's sod-turning (Mr. MacNaughton did it with ja bulldozer), He was asked how the turbo- train could zip through a commuter area at 160 miles an hour, as reported in the press. "It won't run at any 160 miles an hour -- not at first, anyway," said Mr. Gonder, "We have to change the whole warning system. We're putting in electronic devices which will decide whether the train ap- proaching a crossing is a fast train or a slow train, and take appropriate action," will be completed by early summer. Its opening will mark the start a new era in transportation for the Province of Ontario'