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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 May 1966, p. 16

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ANN LANDERS. Buy A Second Paper And A rr Dear Ann Landers: Every day my husband grabs the newspaper before | do,. He reads only two things -- the sports page and your column,| This takes about 15 minutes, But he doesn't hand the paper over when he has finished read- ing it. No siree. He spends an other 15 minutes drawing mous taches on all the pictures--then he puts pipes in all the mouths It makes me boil to have to read a paper after he has marked it up Just once I'd like-to see what you 'ook tache anda something to fi. L.A. Dear H. L. A.: I have nothing to say to him but I do have something to say to you: Order a second subscription. Enjoy the paper with your coffee and let him decorate his foolish head off. Dear Ann Landers: A few months ago an army buddy of my husband's telephoned to sa} he is a patient in the veteran's hospital 19 miles from here. He said he had a weekend pass and asked if he could come to our house. I agreed, thinking it would be a pleasant treat Well, it has been a series of drunken orgies every weekend since January. I told my hus- band that I cannot stand it any more and he said, 'Shut up This is my house, too." Our three _ children ashamed to have guests over and I am a nervous wreck. Last weekend the men got 50) bombed they couldn't make the! Ann. Say big nut pipe, the are DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of like without @ mots-! uaid Annawanca hie nh we a ded | stairs; I heard them falling down and getting up all night) long them This morning I asleep on the floor sushand used to enjoy a drunk until this ishowed up. Please fell what to do.--Lost Weekends, | Dear Last: Go to the director) of the veteran's hospital. Ask| to fo the doctor your husband's speak charge of friend When the patient is restricted) to the hospital (as he surely} will be) everyone will be a lot hetter off Dear Ann Landers Our daughter who js a senior in col-| became engaged to a sailor Harvey is as ship at a nearby lege young signed to a naval base When Harvey is in port, he sleeps on a cot in the hasement | and keens his civilian clothes in our closet. I like Harvey but 1 don't think he ought to he eeping here weekends and cluttering up our closets with his clothes My wife, daughter and I have been having some bitter arguments 0% We all read your column and think you are a fait minded person Please settle it,--Richle Dear Rich: You are bucking the strongest union in the world a wife and daughter Il assume Harvey is sleeping on that himself he is going to be a member of the family soon. I say it's OK to let him spend occasional weekends at your home and save the cost of a hotel room er thi cot Since meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries, @ard. SCOUT GROUP AUX. The 23rd Oshawa Scout Group Auxiliary met recently at the home of Mrs, William Davis Lakeview Avenue. Ten mem bers were present Mrs. William Fertile, the pres- |; ident, presided, Sewing con vener, Mrs. John Allen, will be in charge of making twelve new scarves. Mrs. Fertile presented menu for the father and banquet, in detail Reginald Spencer will act as hostess at the banquet, Ten members volunteered to serve Several members will go to the church Saturday morning to set tables Refeshments for this meeting were provided by Mrs. Everett Smith and Mrs. Fertile. PMA CLUB The Pleasant Monday After- noon Club were visitors at the Home League Salvation Army Citadel on Tuesday, May 24, and were given a warm wel- come, Mrs, Phillip Bell was and Miss Millicent Luke guest speaker At onclu oft the meeting. tea and cook- jes were served and a social time enjoyed. The PMA Club will meet again next Monday at 2:30 p.m. and the guest speaker Miss Millicent Luke. attendance of members w re quested. All outing Fund Cards were asked to t ir by June 6 and monies paid out on June 13 LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary Canadian Legion Brar held its weekly meeting the president, Mrs, Alyn Elliot presiding. Deepest sympathy was ex pressed to Mrs, Herbert Bathe a past president, whose mother Mrs. Nicholas Stire passed away recently Tickets for the 25 the son Mrs soloist the sion be 1 be witl year mem bership dinner to be held June the 7, must be purchased by ne Tuesday, May 31. Price is 50 cents and may be bought from Mrs. James Anderson. Goods for the rummage sale can be brought to the Hall next Tues- day, the sale is to be on Wed nesday, June 1, at 1:00 p.m, The annual ¥ Sunny brook Hospital was set for June 22, and a bus will t chartered. Members wishing to go must give their names to 'SUMMER ( One Month Six Weeks or Two Menths et SUMMER SCHOOL can moke @ BIG difference to your future. Get the FACTS -- then acT. REGISTER NOW Enrolment is Limited FREE Literature Stert Any Monday otter JUNE | 1944 Chotee of Subjects INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION Summer Sehoo! + sity students, High Elementory 5 sit to Business College 10 Simeone Steet Morth will be." A good !n8 Mrs for Charles Gibbs, convener transportation. Decoration Day services will be held on June 12th. Members to meet at the Legion Hall at 9 a.m, The auxiliary is planning an outing to Centre Island, June 16. All members were invited to go to this. Catering and sports were given by Mrs. Alyn EI-| liot. Once again members were} reminded of the Centennial Fund. Money should be brought | or sent in. before closing in June. The annual nic is to be held, July 10, at Waltona Park. A joint execu- tive meeting is to be held, June 2, At conclusion of meet- ing refreshments were served, 8th SCOUT GROUP AUX. The 8th Oshawa Scout Group Auxiliary held its closing meet- ing recently at the home of the president, Mrsy Reginald Coombes, Mrs, ames Allen, a past president of the 7th Scout Auxiliary, and. Mrs. J. F. Rowe, were welcomed by the president as new members and _intro- duced, The president thanked every one for their help at the recent father and son banquet men tioning that she had received many compliments about and the George reports | the table decorations Fitehe r District Committee remind of the pot held at reported luck Camp members ippe to he Sama asked opening and Mrs Dwie Bunner kindly offered her home to the members for luck ner September 6:30 n, It Mr she for was sug Gale would show ier holiday slides at this time The president closed the short meeting with best for a happs gested that he Stanley asked wishes to all summer and askee should give election of the tive in the fall as due for years in present rement one after was two ese' supe va executive treated the members to some good desserts after which everyone relaxed and watched movies of a winter ht hike shown over hike »y Wal Mas ren jlor and Mrs Legion pic-| j found) in| @ Describe the weekends. | Reginald Bryant of the Scan- dinavian Group who will be among the exhibitors of arts and crafts in the Oshawa Folk Festival in the Civic Auditorium, July 1. Mrs Walter Bestwick, also on the committee was unavoidably MRS, JACK TAYLOR, co-chairman; Mrs. Geza Angi, chairman and Mrs. W Franklin Taylor, committee member admire artistic creations by Mrs, William MacGregor of the Lakeview Handcraft Guild and Mrs Exhibits Committee Prepares For Oshawa Folk Festival Already off to an excellent start, Mrs. Angi and her com Mrs, Geza Angi, Folk Festi val Exhibits chairman, and her committee Mrs. Jack Taylor,;mittee are still expecting to co-chairman, Mis. W. F. Tay-;hear from many organizations Walter Bestwick,|who have been asked by letter have been hard at work these|to participate with exhibit last few weeks co-ordinating ex-| booths. Among those who have hibits to be presented at the|already agreed to contribute is Oshawa Folk Festival, July 1.|/the Hillsdale Manor which will be exhibiting a display of old-| fashioned craft-work. To date, some other participants grith exhibits will be thc B'hai World Faith, The Lakeview Handi craft Guild, the Canadian Con- cert Association, the Humane} Society, the Italian Recreation| Club and the Canadian Cancer Society. Mrs. Angi, in her second year as exhibits chairman for the |Folk Festival, is confident this year's display will be even bet- ter than last. With the Festi val being held at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium this year, ithere will be ample room for all the exhibits that are ex pected, | Miss Marie Elizabeth Wladyka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wladyka Rit- son road south, graduated from Toronto General Hos- pital School of Nursing last week in ceremonies held at Convocation Hall, Univer- sity of Toronto, Miss Wlady- ka 'is a graduate of Donevan Collegiate Institute Catholic Women Call For Better Public Relations LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The London diocese of the Catholic Women's League closed tts two- day convention Thursday with call for better public rela- tions Mrs. Eldon Keon of Bryson, | Que., Ontario league president, | said the league should be pub- licizing its work more. "There are always newspaper articles about our condemning the CBC, but never anything | about our work in education or} social action,' she said "We're being labelled as a yrotest group, It is our ownl } fault, becayse we are not publi-| & work of the league. "We should be telling every- one why we raised those funds, instead of hogy.' cizing the OSHAWA LOCKER PHONE Diel 725.3375 81 William St. West Low Rental Rates by the Month or Year Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting Save on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quantity and Save 2 Complete Locker Service FUR AND SERVICE 723-3012 90 SIMCOE ST. 4 absent when the picture was taken --(Oshawa Times Photo Miss Judy Rose, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. K. A. Rose, Highland avenue, graduated from the Victoria Hospital School of Nursing, London, Ontario, last Friday evening The graduation exercises were held in Thames Hall, University of Western On- tario where Miss Rose plans to study public health nurs- ing in the fall. S. M\pressure because they feel Ungraded Schools Will Become More Popular TORONTO (CP)--The princt-| jpal of Toronto's first experi-| Menial UNgreaeu pcrneU Payr ne | is optimistic there will be more like it in the future. | "We believe we have based the program on the positive ap-| | MN eanon Uslsaev* (y |16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 27, 1966 Manitoba Hospital women Mr field of | Appoints Male Nursing Director WINNIPEG (CP)--Harry Me Donald is doing "just fine" in # work dominated bs McDonald is the new di- rector of nursing at Deer Ledge James, proach," S. R. Coles, principal! of Perth Avenue public school in North Toronto told a parents' group. 'The ideal way to treat young children is to encourage and praise them for every bit of success they get." An ungraded school system geared to the individual diffe:- concept of continuous progress is no passing from grade to} grade, no failure and no tradi-| tional report card. Parents re-| ceive a card that gives them a diagnosis of a child's ability, rather than his examination marks Next year, the cards will tell what each child ts doing about them, and how parents can help if they want to | EASES PRESSURE The ungraded school system does not pressure # child to be jat a certain level at a ceriain itime, and does not present him jwith material he cannot under |stand before he is ready for it, |Mr. Coles said. There is no "streaming." or getting all the bright children in one group and the duller in another. "The streaming system has ino flexibility," said Vice-Princi- pal FE. D. Lewis. "If you put a child in one category he re |mains in that one the whole. of |his school life. Our classes are jearefully grasped, and each |group contains children who are |good, average and below aver jage."" Parents have new responsibil jities to assume when they enter ja child in an ungraded school \Mr. Coles said, The biggest of them is acceptance of the deci-| sion of the staff when the chiid jmust be. moved into a slower learning group. Parents must |not put the child back under| his} des should be higher than les at Tomorrow's Bride, Ruth Deboski Honored At Showers, Parties, Tea Miss Ruth Ann a trousseau tea. The matron of honor, Mrs Clyde Don, opened her home on Park road south for a mis cellaneous shower, followed by a buffet supper at which Mrs Graham Peel and Miss Carole Greenham poured tea. Mrs. Dare Young, Mrs. Rich ard Ellenor, Mrs. John Kury Mrs. Jack Loche and Mrs Harry Loche were the hostess a miscellaneous shower and dinner party held in St Mary's hall. The bride-elect was presented with a bedroom suite, a reclining chair and many other gifts. Mrs. Jack Jackson kept the guest book The future bride's aunt, Mrs Dare Young, and a cousin, Mine Susan Wood, held @ miscellane ous shower at the former's home on Laracour drive, fol-| lowed by a buffet supper with tea being poured by the bride elect's grandmother, Mrs. Anne Craford and Mrs, Allan Davies Miss Irene Harvey and Miss Carole Greenham held @ linen} shower at the former's studio. Mrs. Michael Deboski, Chad burn avenue, entertained at a trousseau tea in her daughter's) honor, where she was assisted) by the future bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Harley Trudelle Mrs. Dare Young poured tea,| and Mrs, Jeffrey Curl and Mrs. | Richard Ellenor assisted in the kitchen, The matron of honor, Mrs.| lyde Don gras in charge of the| A a amnenninencenrnernermnnm | | The Rundle Garden Centre | All Your Gardening Needs. If you need it Rundle Garden Centre 1015 KING ST. E. | | Complete Sales and Service Sales and Service for LAWNBOY, TORO YARDMAN in quality garden tools wa hove it finest 725-6551 Apartment Dwellers: HAVE YOU ONE OF THESE IN YOUR WALL? If you have, you're on your way to Air Conditioned Comfort, because your apartment owner has thought- fully installed a Fedders Through-the-Wall Sleeve to | enable you to enjoy the health and comfort of air con- | ditioning at low cost and without interference with normal window operation. We can install the Fedders air conditioner you need quickly, without mess or bother. And when you move you can take your air conditioner with you because it converts easily to a window unit. There are three capa- cities available: Model 11SAW-2F, 115 volts, 6,500 BTU/Hr; Model 4AW12-2, 115 volts, 8,000 BTU/Hr. and Model 4A20W-7, 208/230 volts, 11,000 BTU/Hr. Don't simmer this summer . .. or any summer... get Your | Fedders air conditioner to-day. Home Appliances authorized dealer for Frigidaire, Carrier, Chrysler Air-Temp, and Household, Commerc ial and Industrial Air Condition Sales and Service.. Call us for FREE ESTIMATE APPLIANCES oshowa) LTD. OSHAWA 725-5332 P : Deboski, | trousseau ences found in children and the whose marriage takes place to-|Greenham was in charge of the , "2 morrow to Phillip Harley Tru-|shower gifts assisted by Mrs allo a Baye thea aller daw delle has been entertained at alAnne Craford, grandmother of . ws | number of showers, parties and! the bride-to-be and Miss Susan Wood, another bridesmaid, kept the guest book The prospective bridegroom's parents R. Trudelie 'bridal party at the home of his aunt, sonal Hospital part Winnipeg--and one of about 300 male nurses in Canada. He says more men should en- ter the nursing profession be- cause "it offers so much per- satisfaction you into such constant contact the city of St. of metropolitan and brings with people." room. Miss Carole. Mr. Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Harley will entertain the) Mr hasn't Mrs., Bert Marden, Park 'tion McDonald, a native of Scotland, received his training in Britain. But he and his wife, also a nurse, developed "itchy feet' and emigrated to Canada, where he worked at the veter- ans affairs hospital in London, and the Colonel Belcher Hospital in Calgary. McDonald says he encountered discrimina- against male nurses in road south, following the re- Canada, except for the armed hearsal tonight forces spice confection as gay and es bright es a summer's day. Ruffles rece sroand the hem of the printed cotton top and knee-skimming pants. Cool comfort and easy-care for play-filled summer days, Sies 7-14. 5.OO Two gear get-ups with all the features of style, quality, and fit that are JANTZEN. A. Front laced cotton knit top. $,M,L. 4.98 B. Cotton gabardine jamaica shorts. Sizes gabardine j 5.98 0-20, C. Cotton terry cloth T-shirt. S,M,L. 3.98 . Cotton gabardine short short, Sizes D. : lion gabardi 3.98 . Fashions since 1867

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