THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 27, 1966 3 $20 Million Road To Go Below Canal TORONTO (CP) -- Highways 'Minister Charles MacNaughton [saig) kursday ine Govjeoejeee iGarden City Skyway near St, \Catharines will be repiaced by la toll-free tunnel under the present Welland Canal after the canal is relocated. The skyway, a high-level toll bridge that carries traffic across the canal, is 344 miles eee eee Gat TT, + "No CNIB Increase | Davis Tells House | TORONTO (CP)--The govern- _ment doesn't intend to increase 'during the current fiseal. year jong and has been in operation jess than three years carrying tvattio high ahave shins using the canal. Mr; MacNau hton commented joutside the legislature, after) 'reading a statement to the| house referring to a federal an- nouncement expected today, | that diversion of the canal »e- tween Welland and Port Col- borne had been approved. He said the St. Lawrence Sea- way Authority bas announced it is expropriating land to provide} for relocation of the northern 'section of the canal between Thorold and Lake Ontario. | However after the canal is re- located, the skyway still will be jrequired. It will "remain in op- eration for a number of years, its $100,000 grant to. the Cana- dian National Institute for the : ; ' i "i 1 lat least until the new canal is sg oa ager em ete et built and a tunnel facility under liam tbs tol eC eGISIANIEE) i to carry the Queen Elizabeth yoge replying to a question Way aa8 ey sa ead ; ® been constructed." from Liberal Leader Andrew Work on the Carlton Street |Thompson about a higher grant tunnel in St, Catharines will be to enable the CNIB "to pay a| delayed until a decision is made |higher standard of wages 0'on rerouting the canal, he said. their employees. Service will be provided by a Some workers in the CNIB's temporary bridge to supplement Toronto shop have gone onthe present Carlton Street strike for more pay bridge. OSHAWA'S GREATEST BARGAIN EVER! STUDY U.K. ECONOMIC PROBLEM Canadian Club in Ottawa on Britain's economic prob- lems and policies --CP Wirephoto Labor member of partia- ment, Mr. Jay is One of his party's experts on economic affairs and spoke to the Finance Minister Sharp met Thursday with Douglas Jay (right), president of Britain's board of trade and Robarts Denies Influence Used In Club Liquor Issue TORONTO (CP) -- Premier Robarts said in the legislature Thursday that Eddie Sargent Liberal member for North, was completely irrespon- sible in allegations he made two weeks ago concerning govern- ment influence in the granting of liquor licences, Lesage Promises Farmers Substantial Income Increase | RIVIERE DU LOUP, Que.|local dairy industry in this area | (CP)--Premier Lesage Thurs-|110 miles northeast of Quebec day promised 6,000 area dairy! City farmers an annual income in- Jn the Montreal suburb of crease of $2,000,000 within two Pincourt, Daniel Johnson, Union years, Nationale leader, said taxes Mr, Lesage told an election' would not necessarily be re rally of more than 1,500 persons duced if his party wins power in a 700-seat hall the govern-'in the June 5 elections hall, lish a policy of economic plan- eman S ning so that everyone would ment plans to consolidate the Mr, Johnson spoke to more Mr. Johnson said a Union Na earn enough to pay his taxes," may be issued to 'a manufac- turer of liquor or his agent, or to a person who is so associ- ated or connected therewith, or financially interested -- therin " It also says no premises may be licensed "in which a manufacturer of liquor has an interest Ws Mr. Sargent also said the Talisman received a_ licence even though it had not been in was given a licence three weeks operation for three years, as TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian after a local option vote was stipulated by the act steelworkers bidding to wipe out} OBJECTS TO DATE defeated In his statement Thursday wase differentials with their) Earlier Mr. Johnson approved Mr, Robarts said the Liquor Li-|United States counterparts got) negotiations between his repre- QUOTED ACT cence Board had never inter- @ public boost Thursday from L.|sentatives and the Canadian Mr. Sargent quoted. sections town "to accommodate friends of mite, .. 3" The issue blew up in the legis lature May 11 when Mr, Sargent suggested the premier"s friend ship with Alexander Graydon, a club director and a director of Labatt's brewery, influenced the granting of a club licence to the Talisman Country Club, Mr. Sargent said an Ku phrasia Township ski resort Grey HOMES ONTARIO LTD. 1,993 FULL DOWN PAYMENT TO ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE NO GIMMICKS -- NO EXTRAS (To Pay For) than 350 persons in a 300-seat Abel Backs tionale government would estab- In a lengthy statement. Mr Robarts sought to refute charges made by Mr. Sargent that a Euphrasia Township ski resort received a licence in con travention of the Liquor Licence Act. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE The Marlborough FULL PRICE ONLY $18,995 With All These Exclusive Features... @ Bathroom Vanity The premier denied that a li- reted the act during the Jast|W. Abel, president of the big/ Broadcasting corporation -for ; p F cence had been issued to the of the Liquor Licence Act in @'99 years as preventing persons United Steelworkers of Amer-|the purpose of setting up a tele London Hunt Club in his home-' press release saying no licence accociated with the manufac: !ca vised debate with Mr. Lesage clubs, or of preventing clubs international board in its 30-\that the debate be held June 2 from being licensed because year history, said at a news, Eric Kierans, provincial these persons were directors, conference the union hopes to health minister, told an audi Of Ar A ] Bl The premier also said the achieve Canada-U.S, parity injence in Rawdon, Que., that a ea pp e ossoms changed last year to clarify that/steel just as it. wiped out the| 'against medicare, and I have a club doesn't have to be-in-|'southern differential" in the proof of it," ORONO -- The Orono Cham-|at the Orono Tree Nursery|corporated for three years' to U.S. several years ago, Mr, Kierans said Mr. John- ber of Commerce next Sunday,|where 8,000,000 trees are ship-|apply for a liquor licence, but contract negotiations with Al-|people would not profit by the Blossom tour through the dis-\of the province. A bus will be! operation for that time, goma and Steel Co, of Canada,| medicare plan were false. triet, provided at the nursery for a --itwo of the three major Cana-| "Let's be serious," Mr, Kie It will also include other 'étailed tour, 5 i |dian producers, and Canadian | rans said, 'One of the principle points of interest, The route then proceed Public Works ' along a scenic road to Mosport : rates up to the U.S, standard,| more fortunate ones come to the should provide an abundance of! north of the hamlet of Leskard The average differential is ald of those who are no'. fortu- blossoms in the area east of| Tau edge is Bowmanville Here it will be possible to drive about 25 cents an hour in wages) nate : the wo - ac sc y ¥ P on the rid famous track, OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com- plus considerably more in fringe ceed for some 40 miles through! naraska are also to be mapped| ee grilled public works depart- SEEK PARITY the apple growing district, Oro lout for those taking the tour ment officials Thursday about) The stee| union Is seeking par no Tree Nursery, Mosport and! view of the area from Tower) alleged mismanagement in con-jity or better for the iron ore Scenic Ganaraska forests Hill is always spectacular as{Sttuction of the agriculture de-/members, whose average wage then pro- , date' ' The route will be well mark-| ceed through Kendal to Newton- ment's operations in the Mal-' erations ed_with yellow signs -- drive|ville and Neweastel, Pienic | @tlc area of northwestern Que-' A major item at the two-day your own car and proceed at! areas" will be~ « eet Orong (DES meeting of the international ex- The committee jawicted ree Colored slides will be shownjests : ' re ibs General Maxwell Henderson's program to assist communities | coe 1964 report which said irregu-|where plant employment has Trans rt Mi 1 t F larities involving payroll pad-| been affected by technological po n $ er or ding and fictitious and inflated|changes or other problems, Auto Makers On Car Safety from 1955 to 1960 had cost the H 4 department about $70,300, ave You Been ho in Latel TORONTO (CP)--Auto manu "Tf we permitted ourselves to, The fraud had come to light | S pping are ¥ | be panicked by headlines, 1f we) When students employed for the aT Transport Minister Irwin Has-| exaggerations on this subject as|assessments showing higher i kett who said it has "become| well as the facts, then we would| wages than they had received » | an 'in' to eriticize" them be very poor servants of the Jack Bigg (PC--Athabaska) fl and claim vehicles are the ma- people of Ontario." said it would be horrible to i ture of liquor from being mem-| Mr. Abel, here for the first Mr. Johnson has objected how- 0 C : C P] T bers or directors of licensed Canadian meeting of the USWA/ever to Mr. Lesage's insistence Liquor Licence Act was certain operations such as basic vote for Mr. Johnson is a vote The union is embarking on|son's remarks that all the May 29, will promote an Apple|ped annually to various parts|/need only have been in active Director William Mahoney said! fundamentals of justice is that Sacidella weathaw consiiins through the village of Orono and they are "well able to pay" all citizens take part and: the The tour is to start at Lamb's|onen from 2 to 4 p.m ", | benefits road on Highway No. 2 and pro-| 'The wooded forests of the Ga-,™0ns public accounts commit- as| ' : n Lamb's road is one mile east is the drive along the scenic partment's new headquarters |of $2.90 an hour Is slightly be of Bowmanville. route, The tour car here and fraud in the depart-|jow the pay for similar U.S. op your own rate. Park and in the Ganaraska for. : it8/ecutive; Abel Said; consisted of attack on the basis of Auditor-| plans for furthering the union's invoices on some 70 minor oper: | ~ ations in northwestern Queber ya, cA facturers were defended in the | legislature 'Thursday night by accepted the distortions and|summer received income tax jor cause of accidents The minister said as he intro- think that this was the only se Mr. Haskett said it is neces- duced his department's esti- ries of frauds in the depart | ee ee ee ee eee ee wal sany to keep the subject in per spective ment's operations that had come to light mates most accidents are caused by the "human failure of average individual drivers') Committee chairman Alfred and that defects in vehicles.are D, Hales (PC -- Wellington . Business Scored : "contributing cause. in only South) said the frauds indicated a small percentage of all acci- & Strong need for an internal For '67 Attitude auditing process in_ public works, especially since the de partment did not seem to know OTTAWA (CP)--Big business, exactly how much it had lost which stands to harvest an ex Cost of the agriculture de tra $3,000,000,000 from 1967, is partment"s new headquarters getting the raspberry for building on the experimental ting relatively little into farm in Ottawa which has centennial celebratior impact + absorbing steer ng srown to $10,408,000 from the Speakers at the Canadian Cen- wheels and four-way flashers original 1955 estimate of $6,350 tenary Council's meet- will become standard equip 000.--also drew the MPs' atten- ing, which ends today, said ment on all Canadian-made 9" Thursday only about § big cars next year firms have committed a total of $12,000,000 to something extra Lucien Lalonde, deputy minis- ter of public works, said. even for Canada's 100th birthday. Georges FE. Gauthier, deputy the proposed location had been changed twice before construc- chief of the federal centennial commission, said non tion began, necessitating addi- tional expenses groups are showing more initia tive and generosity And Judy LaMarsh ai secretary responsible to Parlia-| 4 ment for the 'Centennial Com | raperies mission, saic some serious questions ahout ( the attitude of business towards the centennial! For one thing, she said in al apeech read by her parliamer tary Albert Rect business !s getting who | contracts ro | centennial commiss The Storms and screens Plastered walls, cornices and valance box Oversized 50-65 ft, lots Double kitchen sink @ Every lot treed, some with walkout basements dents," He praised manufacturers be ® Fully decorated -- your choice ause have done a tre mendous amount of experimentation and the devetopment of hicles,"" He said also that dual brakes, 1. Fully sodded back and front including city | boulevard NOW... 14 MODELS TO ls the time to switch . . 3-4-5 Bedrooms, fesearcn testing in safer ve @ Homes not less than 1200 to 1900 sq, ft. CHOOSE FROM 2-3 Washrooms Come to Prestige OWNSVIEW PARK (On Adelaide East and Central Park Blvd.) No Other Builder Can Duplicate Our Fabulous Value! BUILT, BACKED AND SOLD DIRECT TO YOU BY: ARICK HOMES tit LIMITED TELEPHONE OSHAWA 723-8201 put the . It's thet time of the year when interest is paid on savings accounts . . . THE PERFECT TIME TO SWITCH UP...:. 444% on SAVINGS 4% on CHEQUING 6% on 1 t S$ yeor G.IC.'s 7% yield per annum on 10 year ACCUMLATING G.1.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS e@ 9 AM, te 6 PLM, Mon. to Thurs eo 9 AM, te & P.M, Fri, @ 9 A.M, to 5 P.M, Set SWITCH UP... mS 7S) Central Ontario Trust co & Savings Corporation Heed Office: 19 Simeoe St, N OSHAWA, 723-5221 23 King St. W. ROWMANVILLE 623.2527 annua SUN TURNS TOO The sun remolves on its own axis once in 27 days rofit as state) ustom-Made or Ready-To-Hang ~~ Aho -- @ SLIP COVERS @ BED SPREADS @ DRAPERY HARDWARE 'WARD SINCE 1919 secretar) ORATIO COMMISSIOF I ably generate $1.000,900.000 in| extra activity next ea Expo 67 would bring another! $2,000,000,000 into circulation Rig business, wi stood t be the chief benefacto put something celebration than it has and 's 725.1151 td Simene St. $. at Athol more