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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1966, p. 14

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---- 14° THE OSHAWA TIMBS, WOW INTO THIS TRUCK, YANKEE, Tuesday, Mey 31, 1966 GENERAL TAM WISHES TO BRIDGE INTERROGATE YOU, By B. JAY BECKER (Top. record-holder in Masters' individual Chompionship Play) South dealer, . Neither side vulnerable, NORTH Mass is, Nis! raceaae | [piaaeee | | Fi } WORLD WAR IT BRUPTS , /TS9, LORD UT THE WAR'S NO LAUGHING MATTER \onrnaatas rupauRvé wee" EDITORIAL. PREDKTIONS N IF4HO, IN BERLINes , ING STOCK + VER. BECOME A COLLECT PACKAGE FROM HINKLEY'S Opening lead--queen of clubs. ? z Let's say you're declarer at - seven spades. When you see THEY ALL 'D , : -- eemeer ee seam 0 van you 4 f p 4 i , TONTO, hadn't bid so much, e out- NOW WHATILL ) UGA/-LLVE) DIE IT rT") MASKED MAN AND INDIAN, ; WOE I WE DO WITH WITH EM POF ON loci? MOL M/ LOOK? 175 A BIG GHORT CUT BACK 70 Thee Pari Icome seems to depend almost Yah YOUR FRIENDS? SECTION HERE | a WD OUR CAMP / entirely on a 3-3 heart break You can draw trumps and cast the A-K-Q of hearts, and if the suit is. divided favorably you can discard a diamond on the nine of hearts. However, you know from past experience that the odds are against a favorable heart break about 3 to 2 against. So you start looking for other ways of playing the hand which will supplement your limited chane- es in hearts, You can increase you pros- faa ' . pects greatly by playing for @ THE LONE RANGER ; squeeze, Furthermore, you can ORNOT, L pall Nd cd do this wighout relinquishing your chances in hearts. But to bring about the squeeze is not exactly a matter of luck; it requires careful preparation, Here's how it's done, | You trump the club lead, go jto dummy with a spade, and |ruff another club: Then. yob re- peat the process and ruff the third round of clubs. The pur- pose of these plays is to saddle the burden of guarding the nine of clubs on one of the opponents instead of letting them each guard it, | Next you play another trump TELEVISION | rey Or tbat tls ontons PM INSTR! , WILL-TAKE MATTERS INTO : : MY OWN HANDS, CORRIGAN [ \ TO HARM AMED IF : WE DISOBEY a ee Y sar wou y ; THEIR. ORDERS. BE UNWISE, 4 Pai EXCELLENCY, ' } ee ee ee SECRET AGENT X39 | | 12:00 NOON | 5 | North Toronto 1l--The Mery Griffin Ghew %---Toronto Today | ~9 Rochester | %---! Spy ' | 1--Buttale | &3--News Magazine 6 y J * oKe ¢--Toronte TThe Fugitive t nf | sas nae #9? fi --Hamiltes | 10:00 WBE, CRAIG, KEEP YOU IN THE iD by} Weat 0:30 PLM FP ond Pel Hed +3- The Public Eye aie oy " a: Q06 | isneerceeo a howe Wie rene ) | rend 7---Cheyenne 11s PM, 55. Pest Oiliée @Al05 8--Superman | 2~Tonight Shaw bd-mSearch for Tomorrow g-Armchalr Traveller Nite Pom we a trump, West must keep his _ ike oug! as | Ll . . Bi | QS eANWHILe.... 190 PM, cone . 4--Guiding Light k der ore =| |club, so he discards a diamond, i V0 PM, | . COUNTY VAIL. 4M | VH/ PEEL LIKE [ BEEN STOMPE, eMusic Hep Sia Sain recs club, East must keep his heart se ; 4 BY A MULE/ of 4 vert ne BP * rrenight piaine fo so he also discards a diamond. : --Twilight T Girl talk {You now win the lasthree Cie 1:40 PM, 7--Bon Casey | ~7 1 \tricks with the A-K-10 of dia- |4--CBS News Special \4--Mayors Report Pee or of the Wt | J 8? | Weather and Sperte |! S0uPY. | = = oe 6--Passport Te Adventirs | &~Viewpoww b-Noor-dey Report J | Now you lead your last StS HAVE . | &--Dobie Gillis 1:00 P.M, A . c \Dummy thereupon discards a g Star $-4--Tonight Show Ah 1. Pm #-4--News, Sports with | Pierre Berton é--Luncheon Date monds, 4:30 PLM, 12,10 P.M, aa 49-3.2--News 9--MIlk and Honey igtdad I AlR YOUR Weather: Seort 12.25 P.M a-P.0.0, ®--Huntley-Brinkiey jmNews, Weather, Sports 1:30 PLM Across, Canada iad 7 PD MI ve Bg Ry iE © L Twis: =" J] | Nun Leaves Cell 1}--Littlest Hobo WEONESOAY aot e's Mere -@ Deel 8:00 A.M. | } a a ay Sg ln +-Laptain Kangeres 4 uf * jesple NG: / : : | After Years Alone 6--News, Weather, 4.0 AM 4 Halter Women ' * | Sorte 9--T.V, University feralewore: t 4 | LONDON (AP)--An Anglican Albert J. Steed a~Days of Our Lives } - r \ $00 AM 2:15 PM | sd jnun who shut herself off from B--Giiligan's island | 9--Romper Room Senoar Cheriotie " ' , fH the world {n.a.cell js today see. f--Huntley» Brinkley | IDialing For Dollars 2:30 PLM eS Lary ; : ss ing other people for the first Report with Girl Talk %People in Confiler P * time in eight years. 720 Sua | bate Donen em 4 Eiken A 1 MU FRIEND " T--News; Weather, Sports| 9 Rome ain! op ak? Mink Wak ile - c The nun, whese- name and ege Mane ee | iicehe Nae 9:30 AM. é--Zane Grey Thestre | sisted ee ; ; jremain secret, has not even : Sc diuslon| Rhaseiea a lacle Bobby 4--Linkletter's Party seen herself in a mirror since # 3--My Mother The Car Beet ae vite 2:00 PAM | enema -- icoumamoreas ' ~~~ 11958, when her bishop gave her 2--Jack Lalanne $--Practured Phrases permission to live all her life in | 0:00 A.M, #8 Anotner Wer | 4 co 1 ' | rmaapttted T=-@eneral Kespitel | YOUR HEALTH oe solitary confinement iaobye 6 be--To Tell The Truth | : The nun has left her cell in ye Guess | r Pyle 4! Love Luey " bigs Cieins |Walsingham Abbey, Norfolk, to le ® . eré% \0 into hospital for orthopaedic aPlaare Don't Sat The : n't Wait-See Advice : : Corea : estan ad 1 Concentration Only two Church of England +P. Troop The McCoys ae © toe 0 Bi th Pill af A nuns in Britain are under such dust nie | 11:00 A.M, ae sae : n Ir | } ; vows of solitude, There are be- Pes - #-2---Marning Star eh de lieved to be no women recluses 4--Red Skelton laMike D +The Match @ © 9:00 PAM, Sore And rs Sine ae By JOSEPH G: MOLNER, MD in the Roman Catholic Church ©The Wacklest. shi 4--Andy Griffith rin eicarieg SANE . i '| ste F | y Wh aur scare ean 4--Becrat Storm in Britain, uf oe a ae See HI, MR. OTIG /., HAVE IF I CAN GET ONE TO RUN +-2--Movie J--Supermarket Sweep d--Mery Griftir Dear Dr. Molner: I have been, The difficulty could be hypo-| Thé other one, in her sixties, w posi hy gabmslg yd YOU 68EN ANY KIDS P Soa Geek Be ais : oF ae Pais. Challenge ; 130 AM, steer eat jtaking birth control pills for) glycemia, or low blood sugar, has been 30 years in her cell, 5 -d . RAND BOY! ; ene e180 BMA, A rade eh ce |three years, I have been told) which can be roughly described also at Walsingham. Abbey, ¥--Peyton Place 7--Dating Game &-W Noodpecker that I should have discontinued as the opposite of diabetes. @3--Dick Van Dyke 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 2 them for four months after tak Sh Parae a Me This is not an especially un- U Paanial Neca ala sti bacdidbaads : ing them for two years, and) common problem, especially in SALLY $ SALLIES then should have started over! people who tend to be nervous; oo ACROSS 50, Borneo 20, Infuri- : MESHES again, and high-strung. Possibly the 1, Metabolism natives ate ot : ': What's your advice? -- Mrs.|doctor gave her a special diet,/ or anea- .- 22, Kettle iRiE) (at ¥ Jc, Medication is not always neces thesia Dow? rod at ie i ik as sar br this, Your apprehen- 6. Ferryboat 1, Drill 3, Click HOE ie It Bish Wheo ae plils were iirst com nod Bi de eB oe 9. Kind of 2.Biblical king beetle I ie ing into extensive use, some ad- ea ' aauce 8, Continent; 24, Poet's é i ditional precautions were be-| But also think your daugh- 10. Cupid's abbr. . ; ; ing taken, such as discontinu-|ter will be much more com- | relative 4, Particles 26. re ing them for a time after ea pigs pe ge oo r ~ icainasci dienes ibasteaati 12. Tahiti"s 5, Humblest ' ety eae years. One of the questions then analysis of her trouble, and aie ciecguinieass isn | WELL, HE JUST ASKED MAE IF HE | DROPPED MY cLories)) "AND STOPPED IN raya DIDN'T national 6, Plead sree este * |was whether, after prolonged series of blood sugar apie a 4 MA, REMEMBER HOW ------. |COULP USE THE CAR... ANP I | 'OFF AT THE PRY THE GROCERY STORE g 7. 'Caro Yesterday's Answer |use, ovulation (and hence thejform of blood: test) wou re I RESISTED LETTING / \NDBED |SAIP YES, PROVIDED HE PICKED CLEANERS. é FOR YOUR ORDER. NOW Nome" 28. Recess 41, Family ability to have children) would! most enlightening ee es ped ed tat, TOBA I CAN JUST RELAX! 8. Finish $1, Like Cupid member |resume when the pills were) Odd as it may sound to you, x \f | ted casays 9, Peak or Pegasus 43, Signitys | stopped. when a person has spells of low Crwck Healy | @=Nightcap 4---Meet The Millers | THE LAST TIME That's all there te to +--Cor HM, Where Are Your r trtnatnsiancnceaniaee eeneeneennideeasnssinteamanet trimming 41, Wounded 35. Impov- ing at : : tae 1S. Appointed by an opera _ erished maiden | Now we know the answer to/blood sugar, he should not ¢ again extra 37. Percent name |that, Even after prolonged use, |sugar or candy. Yes, it age "Just give him the teket, Of 38.Anthropoid 46, Publicizing 39. Drip 8: Burmese | OVulation does return to nor-|the trouble at the moment, but) js Sad jeave' the' Wei 19.Send out 47, Duo 40, Strays language }mal. The only: way find the |the switch from insufficient su- ' cut ts aa" 21, Music note answer to a qtfestion Tike that gar to sudden ingestion of more 22. Nobleman i § & | was. to wait and see, sugar leads to an up-and-down - ates 25, Warm- | By now, use of the birth con-/ roller-coaster effect. The better shrunk and eating a good bal- hearted 9 jtrol pills has continued longjanswer is to eat more fre- 1.04 -preakfast sickens me un- 27, Liquid fat {enough so we know that there | quently, and to put emphasis 01 /j9¢. 7 am really hungry. I make 29, Banal is no need to stop after two/protein foods, which release!) gy it at lunch and dinner 30. Polish city " jyears. If you are tolerating the blood sugar more slowly, thus Jia eat like a horse, but I still 32, Resting pills satisfactorily, I see no ayoiding the abrupt ups and dunt seen to put on 'a pound, 33. Altitude: jreason for interrupting use of downs. P. K. : abbr, To i : : : teas 96 hua [sae until you so desire. A convulsive disorder, jot re The nursing school is inter: @ King Facteree Syadinwin, tam, 1966 Santee ne a Me : v lated to low blood sugar, should osted in brains, not weight, so Dear Dr, Molner; I have a "aren io part 'daughter, 33, who gets weak/be ruled out 2 just see that your grades are --~ YOU MEAN . | spells and shakes, and the only! J.-@. Woi-"Primipara" indi-| good e ss " ' ; lthing that helps her is to eat/cates first, or firstborn--as a) And stop making excuses .tha -- , , , : = nia Y 88. Genuflected s Y |sugar cubes or candy, She has!woman who is having her first aren't pertinent, A nurse has to 'oert eon? . i | it it 42. Algerian : spoken to a doctor about this/baby. A technical term. So you/be a realist. If your stomach is vermth CAL ~e 5 t j --- Gh but has never been given any can stop worrying, That's all the "'shrunk" at breakfast, it, is BETTER CALL A a ) ae 44, Barth as & 4 | medication word means "shrunk" at lunch and dinner, wre ; eo ? 2 45 sor | Do you have any idea what! Dear Dr. Molner; | am 17 and| too, So that's not ag bir iheg 48 Hawkelike could cause this? Should she/5 feet 4'4 inches tall and weigh son why you ym -- sat bird f have blood tests? I am appre-/104 pounds, I hope to be ac My guess is tha you jus 47. Playwright ,j hensive.--Mrs, M.M cepted by a nu sing school, and acquired a habit and you oo Albee 7 Yes, I have an idea, but | want to put on some weight so break it. Start eating a better 49. English iY don't know whether it is right,|they won't think I'm sickly breakfast and that will help. river jand can't possibly know without; Y¥don't eat much for break-|Try four meals « day, adding - 52) [benefit of other information. |fast because my stomach has/one afternpon or evening snack, MR, TEAGUE?

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