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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1966, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, Mey 31, 1966 (20---Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sele :20---Real Estate for Sale '20---Real Estate for Sale '20--Real Estate for Sele {20--Real Estate for Sele {20---Reol Estate for Sale . W. CENTRAL | OSHAWA'S | 1. S. Snelgrove | EASTERN AND | tina fo 0. Ba OR IDC) McQuay SHOFELD-ARER) ONTARIO BIGGEST | ED | oe oa FINS N_ | iu Limited ae 43 Pork Ra. $. Triist | J- B. McMullan 519 ae us, 793-9965 | ee aoe D | 6 a ge a | a ADELAIDE W or heh ayo me @ S BK gS R N F "Whitby, Ontario bites regent net ont raztv ner, | REAL ESTATE fei onli walk gritel aed eh Ever | Bace bat, teow a | GOING CONCGEIN | 7aedune BEAL ESTATE | 668-5868 OF Sonics i. eee oll tumoce, private drive end gere_ dairy farm, su ne PEN DAILY MARY/ROSSLAND AREA er young couple starting stoble cleaner, 2 barns 4 hedroom brick Watch for the Signs That Selland =... MAX 9AM. 109-7, | tobe gum ame week |Botore You Buy Sei. 5 a| Seo bemeaetta | em Reema | D nr room finished recrention gh- siding home, Three bedrooms poor, two naturel fireplaces CROMWELL AVE ini CORebuuin: Goorin 1% storey insul brick home, 'i 4 'i Call The Hot Line pina Pita are hore sat A spotiess ond most desirable New condition, 4 room tusie ist 10 miles north of 401 nished rec room, Extra deep lorge Jot. Built in stove ond | Ost AWA BLVD, SOUTH | home near schools, transpor glow, tedecoried ond Hoon | $30000 down' or will sell os 'gps eta over e full price is $16 8 we ° brick bungalow oti, etc. ome refinished, 4 piece bath, tull ncern with purebred k s) DIAL 668-8826 000. ond series for 6114. | Four room brick bunieier | ment etidered from rd on ba vasstonh oF ton sem herd ond Nine ot | Cony cas 5 his ¢ buyer, See ace, nice ose to French : pegs Low s, easy terms, Call wr ' 3, 623.339 918 DUNDAS oe E. WHITBY : APARTMENT SITE w te her details b ae schoo $13,% ANXIOUS 6 3 du fferir t Whitby, Zoned WHITBY 4 WwW FRANK R { E ow HAN RA FULL PRICE $2 mer rete Ajax, three bed on CLARE SHANK CK ge gir 3 DR. PHILLIPS ; : ne be ie GEORGE SULLIVAN : SCHOOL AREA This is a lovely 3 CORNER COMMERCIA ' 1% # ' bungalaw w P. Three hedroom brick bunge ERNEST MUELLE t : A . t " 4 F : t er 2 Store _ niin: wae aa ' . vet dc he ; C rf, ; ' b ¢ c , r y North West oreo 7 $12,900. FOR THIS 3 BEDROC ge ee gone wine vec fully landscoped , , ig 4 - : n excellent condi- ' ; at $23,000.00 so see P , renovated kit y op, 6 room wor F Buy 6 Semi-detached brick on paved Whitby street need oF ye oap ea a! = Jy ' ple trees ond hedged bo | reales. Si on. Carries for $107.00 v ellestine h mo cup se J hats hot " onthly. Call John Kitchen, $2,500 down poyment to move into t ' perty 6 é : Pe yord for pri A : the balance you con poy like rer t wait to c JUST LISTED shout ; $14. to public a gn s ci P f ; mai H. MILLEN Real Estate one see it now while it lasts i week ( ' ' . and easy ist , dn \ 798.1678 , 2 j downtown | -- _-- . a ' . LOG COTTAGE, 11% {ALIBURTO aged enh Rpsaga quality house hes ineny § es | eb hit Meerner eiitoie 24 5 30 f t toke with | 99 Whitby. |. "EXECUTIVE HOME at aa, Gnas er ilder ) ACRE FARM RETREA bass ond speckled trout TWO-BEDROOM apartment in new build ng, intercom, elevator, built-in. stove fridge, washer. dryer {r broadioam in ving room, wall to wall. Many. extras bedroom mobile home ft, w a wit ove ' oad t a ' : saioenind Tipsaee et Tene ee kisiaianes. Touas ere , 10 i igs : Byssign , : 8 . good eotir ting t r siet roe t of COUNTRY HOME, «room bungalow, at sr Siongr ig Fetter ; Seon sie ' 2 malay vhs tached garage, 'arge lot, on Taunton $ : : , : Me C) tired couple. Call to NOTHER ANNES § TH 12 be I k for fireploce with ning rom ores ; i . peel Porte Rin) Metin ne A { INES § ( t igh Mi : ia r w f j d : moa borr tor s fenc INCOME PROPERTY large eight room This Whitby home WW t w i A r 4 P . xt 4 . ; ! t pr { pond home in excellent repair, Paved drive exterior ond the inside ir trim { " r > t Oler Der 74 ' a Garage quiet street, walking distance } on h ry f 4 ? ) 0 hospital and downtown. Inspect now S tide home arid extras. includ 4 - . Fidchily Jen ' r oi ) towr , 7 Jim Brady 728-08 Joseph valance lights, shower doors, vor r pa " re n this we ¢ 7 . one ) P A | this one for value r ¢ " omtmer n \ it R i screens ¢ ' ? det ART? v i >UMME INIQ GOING WEST t sell! semi-detached ¢ ? storey brick, Low taxes. Live here and < > | R SETTING rent seme rooms. Try offer here, Perry 4 hid Real Estate, 723-8123 e seciuded hideawoy a v v pats INSPECT this bedroom brick bun . dreak fat tak TT) 2 etorey brick buildir ISFERRED s oor t ' COSA C i " ite ed lake ow, bulll by owner, large kitchen, year "e z x Bi room wir vy heating less than $90. Owner bovoht ort t N 3M V 4 f . fe ; f hh v ore . P P J ou" od lg segs A bed A : 3 cid : farm = must selil Perry Real Rete, lA x ' and 4 JUST LISTED Four room bungalow, : : . ; , 4 . sak os '4 ; one acre of land, clote to Oshawa, all NOW READY TO MOVE IN ( : : ot ef " ' oted in growing grou ving. | conveniences, F ce $12,600. with 3 4 : nO a ' " °4 T mere . ' partment 3 $1,500, down. Sulttable for VLA, Calf bedroom 'brick bungalow F ) { ' ' r ¢ ; ' . ' a ; i : Doug Gower 728-1005. W. Frank Real 4 F Inspect by appointment t ' t P 4 i¢ . hi f r or : s . near schools. Exceptiona hor t hogar on a r e149 9 7 8432 tate Limited hot water heating, roug C . m f t 1 A ( / ae FOUR BEDROOMS large kitchen and Walnut finished } fe 4¢ c r e MMER HOMES VN pin ow Close to Sowotown Home. tn extras for your er r t ha ' INOS f f ent s in . ' , . {} cD OP per month. To inspect cal! Sally Wallace Gane ME hans Hd ise yeon | as alt MMER RETREAT [Pei ,month: To inspect call $0 acres, hideaway location 3 BEDROOMS FOR ONLY $1 ( re : tig 'aie : ds esha eam wit + round stream |200--Summer Properties At Pickering Beach witt tox ying ¢ re ' fa ; : y yepnactor lars ' : cr n site. secluded For Sale or Rent ond trees. Exce for youth camp THE CEDARS #, frontage lot, Work ir reasonable living costs breezes al! surmmer jong ; 2 | j P yes ce : ' i r sb abe : sada ¥ ot ror iy f at Crow Ba OSHAWA ON THE | NITH VIEW A BUTI C n st 20 miles Y , V 2 | 1,000 \ You will be delighted with this 2 r ' set 4 : " i Housekeeping cottages, Flush dining room. 75 by 200 sider } oil ; Mie Or , t toilets. Tuck Shop. Boots. Economical hot water heating 0 ins ' HOMES ACREAGES Good fishing and swimming thot show off a view unexcelled in Ost , ists th : een, . " . beauty today. Call for appointme é : hs a é ' : J 0 str M F A P FARMS Telephone $3,000, DOWN BALANCE | NI ' ' f nily er eee ; { Representative Contact AJAX 942-1883 or weekends thy » fi hed e ' ipriget arles tor f fetails HARVEY HOGAN Compbellford 653-2529 On this 3 hedroom brick room, family size kitcher ¢ r 900. Make offer with cast nt or ve 4 lot whe f ream Kitcr . ry c coe ny og Bly ol , ROPE! : NAN , 123-8201 5 Ali Pilea i ean INANCI/ : 655-3663 BEL-AIR RESORT BEAVERTON FARM ACRES 7 ) A tt ¢ , v TRA NTA : LAKE BAPTISTE . . FOR RENT $14,9( t t { r F \BLE r : APO Bu n $ rao aparimeni an" areata npmt| @ NEW. . winterized house- x li v r ¢ r ¢ / 1¢ it { ' a Wh OUISTANAING oppor x ming oven in kitchen, hydro in barn, 2 good w r th, intor ] c j ( aR If f IN xcellent hi an way Sacotio i fy mate * Cor TAC ES City con ' we nee : so " : rab nt J toe jon se phone GES ity - eg HARRIET : er WHITE rw 614% N.H.A irmalion or TOSI, "W, '8. "ath iegpeten gare gt RAR] STREET, WHITBY 70 s r ' pores Mats . ° ia Rea , @s, good swimming, boat ee abr ALG Wik © la Asohy Oairg CLOSE to ail schools, transportation » fishing wide lot, completely fenced yard f " " a ' , : ' F Hu Aap HPs Ma bungalow is i ced to BOATS MOTORS: -- hesitate to see this one while it Ic ' 13 &0f 4 4 ae : 793-8144 CALI Hoh PRON. ELV. CuI tina oa meine AVAILABLE e i dawn ayment r r ay ad HENRY ST. WHITBY, 3 BEDROOM IGALOW m stone front t oy tk te 23.799 a ? 723-0575 Seeco. RTT gimavlrad. | Carries. for] CALL 725-0267 nats '. | r wry t Ta O . i ferest and Call With 2 bathrooms, recreation ¢ taxes Doug Gov eed r ¢ ' fs Ve Frank Real Estate Limited. COTTAGES on Seu id Pidgesr te and mok tik e 'pM julia ronert 7 J f } 5 ISTED ; 4 0 Scugog anv gecn o * e e new ': : No ogents please location in Newcastle. & inrge|"akes Fully furnished, Immediate pos schools could be bought right if y ' Ub Aagdeeke al 1 hedroom brick ' two fireplaces acre of land, | Session, Douglas J, M, Bullled Realtor, / f . 1290) Telephone 723-1168 arage, town w 1 th East area DUPLEX Seven year old full base garage, town: ¥ Asking $15 od matic ment. One lerae 2 bedroom and: one ow down payment. Must be| LAKE SCUGOG attractive lakefront, fur: fit, Inspect and make offe - Cc BROCK ST. WHITBY, BUNGALOW ( ; ; @ f F N t ; orge as GA A Rt lay A lf ll Call Doug Gower, 728-1005, W,/nished cottage for sale, conveniences, 9 bedroom: brick with recreation room 6 dine Gaal ) " t. re room, he Excellent ter For details call Ger é Bsiate: Limited boa! and motor. Telephone. 725-5382, ettice. Immaculate condition, Wa t e t - W H @) UJ S F e ( a | oe tchen with ample 'Osberne 728-6 aseph Rosco Realtor, WELL located 12. acre parcel of land,|BUCKHORN LAKE cottages, 1-2-3 bed poved drive. Owner bought farn eeds r - r q ley am this ene minute walk -t ; alee Daily] to 9 p.m. REAL ESTATE | | ¢ 5 » tr r z : r | $2900. DOWN, 3 BEDROOM BU OW ' ss i Fl io show you INS buy of The wee vy to uptown, Two 3! veniences, sandy beach, reasonable. Bow: | a TREE < ' d 40 King St Martin Realtor, 728-51¢ bathrooms, Deep fenced iol, Many|manville 6242767 | most desireo aren ~ Seagpepos !wo streams, bush. ideal for retreat or|room, camping, iraliers, od fishing, : 'te oat 'Nei ' welch, by rgnlow near separate school. |full time living. A real buy at $3,500.|sandy Beach, "All conveniences, |aune 9 yUU,. ASK na + A laced Bt 12 miles from Oshawa, Call Doug Gower, dry facilities, boats, store, 668-8332 rp Ses only $15,200, with about one third down. 728-1005. W. Frank Real Estate Limited W arry for. $98.00 including taxe FOR RENT -- Laketront housekeeping Elmer Fredin at 1 will be pleased LARGE eight room home in top condit-| cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con On. Aone Grove just o eewat ' tion, ' i other features, Good income property 5 J A MONEYMAKER with 4 apartments) To inspect contact Joe Crawtord say i0sy [ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE beach and | elav brick, double winc ole fixt ; ) 2 2( RY f se a . 1 } bringing in $300. monthly, Excellent rent-| Joseph Bosco Realtor Point lots on Glanmire Lake (Madoc), yeOr a atior with future mmercia 100 - 200 feet frontage, Ken Matthews, terest on mortgage. Dr r > r 21 ny Re ' a BARBER g ve Ys : BRAND | te Keewatin, South to / A Pe fr 2 BE VALL FY ) KITS } " possibilities. For full particulars an ) new 2 storey semi-detached|$"3 Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa 725-7740. ; W , A and APARTMENT f : ale Cas ype A a ae home. for as Ie 30 ~ - : i ; and 5 pr n as low as $2,300. down and one lege pent. Laketrent remeron Marilyn Fitzgerald, 668-5 728-5 at t mortgage. Electric heat te Lg El blll s, large kitchen, fiving cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern con- : : a ning room. Hurry for tha{veniences, sandy beach, reasonable, Bow- NORTH WEST; 2 storey b a JI} under N.H.A, speci.| Manville 623-2262 nod onditior nad ov centr 5 + 1 " ate eg 2 bey "3 AeA aba the forth end. Call George! BARGAIN -- Collage and 7 acres on ' abe Ibby 23-1133 or 723-2008 after hours.| Rugged Lake near Coe Hill. Fully furnish o huge fi Realtor, 20 Ray Street ed, just move in, road to door, Inside con- owing fom need € ) cent | $1,000 DOWN -- 2 bedroom'? ' veniences, gas, stove, fridge, pressure 7ROD 26 t v cod onto our N.H.A, mortgages $114 PL onth. on Burk Street carga Tot Aids iets system, Secluded and quiet, excellent , RESTAURA t AME Low down payments. To Inspect call Mur: |» A ans palane George | {ishing and hunting. Beautiful view of BROOKLIN F . ; SET AUKA ) ne amazing ow ray Boyle 723-4 Josaph Bosco Realto A 793-9008 tag nae | lake. Cash winter price $4,500. Contact ISA HIN T 0 ' ar O00 with N.HLA : \ eri Mr, E, W Tout, RR 3, Coe Hill, phone x . ? hriving busi ) " mannaie art with ari Ho ar! Olsen Realtor, 20 Ray Street et onc is PM Roor ' : ; : WHITBY commercial p v._wilh alter Street! 469w1, Bancroft, Gibson Willoughby Lim- e Hwy nm terrific 4 t le tow without buildings. Start ness here, $2,000 DOWN 6 room, 2 storey home| ited Realtor oe all for informatior e.- Perry | situate ath and 4 ; ss zi ye Val weat Batutar donee Hes, from OCVI, Rabie ANd. peor |CAKE-FRONY coltage for "rant; Halibut PRIVATE, two bedroom; brick ranch, Schools. Large kitchen, dining room, | 10" Ty seit a er Hp the season is just beginning bungalow, paved drive, garage, Six years||iving room. alge bedrooms, paved rele y gph bre imciuged, wi % HOW MUCH oid, many extras: Central walking dist-(Grive and garage, Call Geerge Twaites| elePhone 66 a VACANT ance te downtown and shipping centre, At 7231123 or. 723-2008 after hours. Cari\@IRCM VILLA -- Leketront H.W : rd to pay down Apply 7242 Elain Street West Olsen' Realtor, 20 Ray Street cottages, dining-room, Ideal sand beach, @ 2 bedroom : f your own? Test $2,800 DOWN $12,500 full price, 7 room FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN, Oniy four. rou! and bass, boats, iawn golt, ponies 1 quiet east e ' wnership «and home on larce lot. Located on Drew(\teen nine, Act wisely, invest In your) der dude ddd ROR andscaped and. ir 4 ' Street near Duplate. For information future. Call Stan McCormack, 655-3066,/COTTAGE for sale, on beautiful Rice etting me phone 623-5041 Keith Peters Realty Ltd, Realtor Lake, 15 miles from Oshawa, Fully j ye the pur EXCELLENT 4" year old am | PRIVATE -- Unusual 12 room brick bun-|Urished. Telephone 728-7855 or 778-8416 FRESH AIR ' ' oom bun bungalow. with patio and ed galow, large living room, rec, room, four.| THREE BEDROOM cottage for rent. Sale Home f » ehoose from yard. Homes like this one scarce| bedrooms, two basements attached gar-|sandy breach. on four mile lake, Forty 4 age, $8,000 to $10,000 downpayment or! five dollars weekly. Boat included. Phone d. One THE the westand or n\ ding glass 3 LEFT! -- new bungalows 614 per T m catior - " ¢ Ta lent motel site nquire now conditior How about swappin 4 2 i A asking 5 Fall sma t and high toxe areas to offers. Call ar small house. Telephone 728-5264, No| 725-9444 alter "ee me fresh air, large lot Abs sete tela-AKer Lid af he ON THE BEAUTIFUL Trent River, me | taxes? Lovely. 3. bedra: BEAUTIFUL large 3 bedroom ranch, BEAUTIFULLY landscaped white clapidern 4 bedroom cottage, for sale, com- sc tsi ym ee TIME FOR brick bungalow, atiached garage, on Doard home. 3 bedrooms, complete rec-|pletely furnished, hot and cold water, red brick and stone bungalow r Southway Drive, Bowmanville. Many ption room, newly decorated. Near! heavy duty stove, television, dishes ete th attached garage, paved UMMER FUN extras Call today. Perry Real Estate| Pa Apply 204 Chestnut Street West,!2 boats and 2 motors, one 35 horsepower . ' \ 723-8123 W v and ene 5' horsepower, boathouse gar , mee : 3 bedroom | : age, lovely location, ready to move in LARGE six room brick heme close to|JUST LISTED, Lovely 3 - bedroom, 3:|20¢" OVEY pe ion. Teauy 0 i Ps. bilingual school. Modernized kitchen and Ye@r-ald brick bungalow, off Ritson) sa99 Ocnawa hur ' r . r bath. Large fenced lot, Paved d : Road, close to separate school and bus, |/" - garage. ideal family home, Contact Gord A%king $15,200 with terms. For appoint-| WANTED TO RENT, three bedroom sum $10,900 Chariton 728-8569. Joseph Bosco Realtor, ment Elmer Fredin, 725-2753 or 728-imer cottage, inside conveniences, middie 103, W. 0. Martin, Realte or last Iwo weeks of July. 725-486) $18,9( we. W 1 urge 1 41.500 setae Abele 4 : TRIPLEX in good rental district, larae. . end RRS : a garage Lot 40' x 28)". industrial zoned EXCEPTIONAL BUY, Beautiful ranch/LAKE MUSKOKA collage for rent, hal he ' vt T ig Ideal for many uses. Low asking price Styled bungalow with attached garage jand cold water, safe sandy beach, Suit rraye) eu with good terms. Contact Larry Andiey Four bedroom: with large 'Hollywood)abie for two families, Cance and boat. ¢ gS ! , 228-4828, Jnseph Ansco Realtor kitchen and self-contained large base | Boawmanvilie 623-2445 oe 2,600 DOWN MRE InES ment apartment, Nearly new. This is. ar : nate and'S1 98 taxes | CARGE INCOME home, brick, leven| outstanding home with very good. Income 3 bedroom bungalow old. Goot revenue, other interests! North west area. Arthur Weinberger 21 Farms for Sole 4 bedro Some ref teresting c F , ; . rir A 5 4 Macne s sale. No telephone formation.| Real Estate, 725 , i ; OSHAWA BLVD. N mpletely decorated to your jxpniy 231 Palace Sireele Whitby : : hoshaaw steaa? SCENIC KENDAL Hills 10 acre parcels e } R ; sis : 3 bedroom brick with trout stream, partly wooded, $§.000- : CLEAN AND TID ; { wiih wallocaut doors Tia au ea. ueoldies age en, fireplace; | bungalow. {inithed haserionie Cornet fe eae raat partly, wwonded. 88.00 FARMS leurs unit tear Close ta downtown. this older irs, . built-in yaoi : z bh Hie . tea oad lay . carport: One N.HA asphalt drive, many extras, Telephone Frank Real Estate Lid. Realtor and . A 5-216) ' the balance at FOUR-BEDROOM brick bungalew, family tee ete inne Viana kawule IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1'2 'storey | sized Hollywood kitchen, five-piece bat Small Acreages ; ing $ 4 i brick, N.W. area, S rooms, new furnace, suitable for basement apartment, to sup : é 2,500.00 down 'balance as plement your income. Owner anxious to 4 000 FULL PRICE [rent inss f your offer and sell. Asking $16,500 with terms. For par-| Buying or Selling? Then R ¢ : : ¥ se Sibby's iticulars call 728-510 WwW. 0, Martin mince your confidence in AVINE LOT am 6 2 -storey 3 bedroom 728-7 alto ; : \ : en ee : former farmer who knows the Lovely back 's wi { have ¢ OWNER ANXIOUS to sei! this 1¥2. storey SPOTLESS -- 'three-bedroom brick bur District. and your problems ale ele ayaa a erase : rail thre bedroom brick home. Moderately | aa\ arge well landscaped lot. Close Call ( j priced at on $13.9 h tes to schools. Aroadioom to stay. This home Call ALLEN THOMPSON 2 broadioom, garage, treed back yard just has many ext Re first to. make offer Repres, of f ' £ ' of 4. Don by calling erry Osborne, 728-6724 at $20.01 Stradeski, Realtor, 72-46 Joseph Bosen, Realtor SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD ~ ne) \ Noh = J c 4 ' i BE) to e de FOR GRACIOUS living In exclusive East GRONO five-room llestorey stuec § y : EN NING \ h : Oshawa, this bedroom brick bunga home, scenic lot near creek. Close Daytime 723-2245 per aaty : \ ; : with: attached garade must be sear siness section and school. $13,000 with i ac nae WHITB Vv k k appreciated et » down, Call Ken Hockin 623-3393 Evenings 728-2870 hel ' ? ; A services. For furthe nformation all rank Real Estate Lid Jeannetie Nugent. 725-563 nehagi : ; I R STREI Ranitar venue JUST OUTSIDE city limits. Six room 22---Lots for Sale Poa ily Oshawe nm i ay anch bungalow with double car aarage a } Y . wo ond BUSINESS with f { year many extras, including . 'aa k , N acation electric heating, Doug! M, Bullies BRAEMOR Re te hort 2 ; orice,.extr je jareat potentia as forces. this. sale,|Realtor. Telephone 713-1148, : BUILDING LOTS ) ? storey building and busir for th A number 'ir : M. , : all Sibby's Real Estate ands aped lot : ex areal location on Orono and Oshawa ntact : ete f Joe Maga 25-9 f $85.00 mon . rive: twobedrooms on m CLAR cCULLOUGH fee te i reste : : SEMI-detached duplex, three bedrooms,' floor. with three-piece bathroom, two bed: E McCULL( a fay , , . mmaculate condition, See and two bathrooms each, Ready for In-|rooms in basement with two-piece bath. AED R OD.R v d ; ~piec . MEMBE E.B j ask for spection. No agents, Located west of;room, large living room with Pret Bg FRANK REAL ESTATE BUY NOW ON No. 2 H!} ALA Y , ' ; i : We let eetinive ke MLS Shih ) Shopping Centre, 229 and 23] Cabot Street, dining room ahd family recom. Many 623-3393, 723-7843 th 6 room, new furnace and Certoir open to offer deep ra vir $ " tell siting for childre ay aan ° , - ' Aly g 23-1349. extras. Riock to bus ravte, Reasonable * ; IST AND SELt pani Pal ROMs .Mavaueniin Rodd spel cli a Balances seccibe tee oes THREE CHOICE LOTS, 8 x 140 wach Want-Ads Don't Ls reams Soted see Em. bar vein (Om mnt. | Cost-Th SY Pay t EF 2.D.R.E.B |moski 423-3393, W. Frank Real Estate| McCormack, 455-3066. Kelth Peiers|NORTH OF KCMART 128 AoC as Ltd Realty Limited, Realtor Nice location, $5400, Telephone 723-2335. " ew and wate Cinse Arth Neinberger Rea

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