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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1966, p. 2

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2 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Mey 31, 1966 MME. GEORGES P. VANIER, wife of the Gover- nor-General, chats with Mc- Drug CONVOCATION CHAT Gill University Ohancellor Howard I, Ross before the McGill spring convocation at which Mme. Vanier was awarded an honorary Doc- Industry Loopholes Blocked By Government By KEN KELLY OTTAWA (NP)--The federal government moved to tighten contro] over narcotics and other drugs Monday with new regula- tions applying to doctors and the drug industry. Doctors who dispense narco- ties and controlled drugs will be required to make the same re ports to federal drug officers as pharmacists have been making for years. The drug industry will be brought under a new central drug index by Oct. 1, providing the first complete and continu- {ng record of drug manufactur- ers and their products. The new index results partly from 18 months of discussions with the industry, It also is the product of a 1964 recommendation of the Com- mons Food and Drugs Commit- tee which pointed out a loophole in the law. The committee noted that a company producing a new drug must comply with existing safety and testing regulations, But a company producing or selling a drug not classed as new "can do so without permis- sion or even knowledge of the Food and Drug Directorate," the committee said. FEELS CHECK ADEQUATE The committee considered recommending licensing but fin- ally concluded that registration through a federal index was just as effective as licensing and more in keeping with the free enterprise system. What the committee was wor- ried about was a loophole which made it possible for anyone to buy the raw materials for al- ready - approved drugs outside the country, import them and go into the drug-making busi- ness without federal authorities knowing anything about it Drug manufacturers now must inform the federal Food and Drug Directorate by Oct. 1 of their make, address, the names under which all their drugs are sold, the use and purpose of the drug and a quantitative list of the ingredients of it. The index thus established will be kept up to date by re quiring the manufacturers to no- tify the directorate when a drug is withdrawn from the market or when its composition, dosage or use are changed. Notifica- tion must be made within 30 days, Drug manufacturers will have to make yearly reports to the index of their place of business and the information on their products. IMPORTS COVERED The same requirements ap- ply to importation of drugs by manufacturers or importers. The new regulations applying |to doctors are designed to meet| (PRD) and 0-| g a trend in medical practice t wards physicians dispensin nartotics and controlled drugs as part of their business or as a separate business It is estimated that more than} 2,000 physicians will be affected! by the new regulations, ap- proved by the cabinet earlier this month. Physicians will have to keep records if they dispense more | Trujillo, than three times the maximum] served as mum daily therapeutic dosage of narcotics or controlled drugs. They must permit federal in- spectors to examine their rec- ords and check their stocks, just as pharmacists now are re- quired to do. They must take precautions against loss or theft and report any loss or theft within 10 days Officials said the regulations will not apply when a physician administers a narcotic or con- trolled drug a patient at home or office, provided the amount is under the allowable maximums. to Dominica Chaos After Election? SANTO DOMINGO (AP) There is suppressed excitement on the eve of The Dominican Republic's national election Wednesday which conceivably could bring new chaos. The two major candidates for president, Juan Bosch of the Dominican Revolutionary Party Joacuin Balaguer of the Reform Party (PR), each bears a burden of political 1i ability Bosch, overthrown in Septem- ber, 1963, after seven months as the first democratically elected president, was accused then of being soft.on Communism, The charge remains to haunt him Balaguer Decame president in 1961 after the assassination of dictator Generalissimo Rafael under whom he had vice-president. The daily dosage, recommended by| charge of Trujilloism. remains to the manufacturer or three times the .generallv-recognized _maxi- WEATHER FORECAST Two More Cool Days Before Summer Returns TORONTO (CP) Forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. EDT Synopsis: Cool air will remain over Ontario for at Jeast another two days but afternoon temper- atures in most areas will climb a few degrees each day Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Niagara, Western Lake Ontario Lake Huron, Southern Georgian Bay, Windsor, London, Hamil ton, Toronto: Sunny with a few cloudy ,interyals. today, Wednes day sunny and a tt warmer Winds light Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali burton, Northern Georgian Bay, Timagami, North Bay, Sud bury: Variable cloudiness to- day, Wednesday mainly sunny and a little warmer. Winds northwest 15 Cochrane le Western James HERE AND THERE HOSPITAL REPORT During the week ending May 28, 320 patients were ad- mitted and 331 discharged at the Oshawa General Hospital. Fifty babies were born. Seven- ty-nine major and 105 minor operations, as well as 72 eye, ear, nose and throat opera- tions were performed. Two hundred and ninety-six treat ments and examinations were given. Thirty-three casts were applied. 'The siotherapy department gave 658 treat- ments and made 499 visits: while the occupational therapy department handled 169 cases, PRIZE WINNERS At regular Woodview Park dance to the music of Jack Shearer .and his orches- tra, the winners of various prizes were: Mr, and Mrs. J Reid, Mr. and Mrs, A. Glad- man, Mr. and Mrs. T. Glad men, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart and Mr. Mrs. G, Lear ing. pl the and Leam |Mount Forest . -\Trenton , White sunny Ray, Mainly River today Algoma and Wed-; shooling in the streets of Santo haunt him Should tight margin, there could be an «.plosion in the streets sparked by leftists. Should Bosch win by a close margin, the reaction might be more slow, but he could be in danger from right wing elements in the armed forces On the elecion eve old hand put it, the country seems 'abnormally normal.' This is a big change from only two months ago when there was Ralaguer win by a8 as one nesday, a little warmer Winds| Domingo light Ottawa: Cloudy with sunny breaks today, scattered showers this afternoon. Wednesday sunny with afternoon cloudiness, cool, Winds westerly 15 becom ing light tonight Forecast temperatures Windsor St. Thomas . London ,. Kitchener . 70 68 68 68 65 65 68 68 68 A) 65 45 fh AS #5 65 Wingham Hamilton St. Catharines Toronto Peterborough . Kingston ... Killaloe . Muskoka .. North Bay .. Sudbury . Karlton Sault Ste. Marie Kapuskasing .. | White River .. Moosonee .... WEIGH DOGS FORTAX? DAUPHIN, Man, (CP) dogs according Li- censing weight was suggested by local citizens in a brief to the town They were disturbed at of often council the number people letting large not nized against disease through the town dogs, roam -/names of 30 to 50 tor of Laws degree. (CP Wirephoto) | Informers Fear 'Harm: Neilsen OTTAWA (CP) -- Yukon MP Erik Nielsen said Monday "a large proportion' of people who supply him with confidential in- formation want it kept quiet be- cause they fear physical vio- lence Amplifying made earlier in the remarks Commons, the Conservative member told re- porters there are at least four instances where the suppliers of information f d for their All were related to fraud ulent bankruptcies in Quebec But confidentia nformation had also been supplied to him from Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta He said some they have been threa their nt before came him. Others business losses and others fea unstated"' retaliaion Rarlier he eE lives. people tell him tened over involve they to see r in the cannot Commons, he divulge the | companies yin his files because they were | passed to him in confidence as an MP. He said these cases, related to fraudulent bankrupt cies, require investigaion, said | Gurkha To Receive Victoria Cross LONDON (AP) - A Gurkha soldier who can't speak English arrived today from Malaysia to receive the Victoria Cross, Brit ain's highest military award. L. Cpl. Rambahadur Limbu, 26, of the 10th Princess Mary's Own Gurkha Rifles, will be dec orated by the Queen July 12 Last November in Sarawak he killed five Indonesian soldiers and carried two wounded com- rades to safety during 20 min- ules of concentrated machine ; gun fire, BALANCE COMES NEARER Canada exported $131,000,000 1 was imported, 1965 the smallest surplus in thyge years »\ | to} immu. SHIRT LAUNDERING -- AND -- DRY CLEANING Free Pick-up end Delivery PICKWICK CLEANERS "Your Senitone Dry Cleaner" mn IGHLY RECOMMENDED Che Rih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7.30 P.M. Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL red again, Out of money emergencies. It's so simple $800, just by dropping near you, CORPORATI 48 King St. W. In the re When emergencies demand fast cash you can rely on Trans Canada Credit Just when things look good ID | By MICHAEL ROONEY DUBLIN (AP) -- Eamon de Valera, who once in the fight for Irish freedom escaped a nied heacanee he suese Ss is facing pebete erie rretring |was American-born, 'another fight. In Wednesday's election for |the presidency, incumbent de Valera seeks to beat a stiff challenge from Thomas F. O'Higgins, a Dublin lawyer. | "Dev" is rated a favorite in this bid for a second seven-year | term. | De Valera, 83, bas run as a isilent candidate, holding that ithe office of president keeps him above politics. | BARNSTORMS COUNTRY O'Higgins, 49, barnstormed ithe country with his charming, | wife in the style of a Canadian) or American political campaign. De Valera, stalwart despite his years and failing eyesight, 'has campaigned in a low key with frequent social engage- ments but no appearances at rallies. But 'Bank Interest Hike Advocated EDMONTON (CP) Cana di banks feel they have a greater obligafion to the small businessman than to the large corporation, G. Arnold Hart, chairman and president of the Bank of Montreal, said Monday. Mr. Hart said in an interview that banks would like to see the six per cent ceiling on bank loans removed to serve the smal! businessman better and to attract: more savings Mr. Hart was in Edmonton for a board of directors meet ing of the Bank of Montreal "The large companies can raise money through sale of stock or by debentures, The small companies can't. They have to borrow." Under the present Bank Act, banks. cannot accept mortgage security or loan mone yat more than six per cent, This, said Mr. Hart, forces many small businessmen to seek funds in the high interest money market The banks argue that removal of the ceiling would force high interest rates down to a more realistic level. If would also al low the banks to pay a higher rate on savings deposits, "the life blood of the banking busi ness his. supporters, led by 'Just Gary' Has Busy Schedule CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) Just Gary just can't find time for a vacation, The big nine-year-old gelding likes to race and thousands of Maritime provinces harness racing enthusiasts like the way he's been pacing. As it stands, Just owned by local! automotive dealer, horse owner 'and trainer F. Rankin MacLaine, holds the Maritime record for starts in a two-year period From January, 1964, to De cember, 1965, he started in 212 races, won 65 of them, placed second 45 times and third 30 times, It -put $10,148 into' his bank account It's Gary, this Ed just as busy year because the Prince ward Island standardbred been racing regularly in winter meets at Halifax. He's been averaging four heats two dashes to a race--weckly since New Year's Day been d? boom! You're in the . Smart people these days are letting Trans Canada Credit take care of their to pick up $500, $700, even in to your nearest Trans Canada Credit office. And the low monthly payment is arranged to your convenience. Why run short when Trans Canada Credit is so ready to help. There's one ~*~ rec ee, TRANS CANADA CREDIT LOANS "777 ee Loans for all Special Occasions TRANS CANADA CREDIT ON LIMITED * Ph. 728-4628 Oshewe has | e Valera Fights 'His Last Election [Opposed By Legionnaires Prime Minister Sean Lemass, a protege who succeeded him as leader of the ruling Fianna Fail (Soldiers of Destiny) party, took! the stump for him. 'Since de Valera aas spent 50 years at the centre of public af- fairs, it would be superfluous to explain his qualifications for the presidency," Lemass said. "It will not be contested that he ful- filled the duties in a manner that did honor to the office." As a winner, "Dev" would be 90 at the end of the term--and barred from a third term by the constitution he drafted for the republic, UNCLE WAS A HERO O'Higgins' is the nominee of the opposition Fine Gael (Us Alone) party. His uncle, Kevin O'Higgins, was one of the found- ers of modern Ireland and a na- tional hero. He was murdered by fellow countrymen while walking to mass in 1927. The outcome of the presiden- tial election could have an im- pact on the Lemass govern- ment. Should de Valera lose, or win by a small margin, clamor is likely to arise for a new gen- eral parliamentary. election Lemass' Fianna Fail party now has only a slim majority in the Dail (Parliament). While largely a ceremonial post, the presidency has unpub- licized influence, especially in times of crisis. De Valera is regarded as strong in the rural areas, while O'Higgins is counting on a |heavy vote in the cities. Invents New Game, Sport Combination TITUSVILLE, Pa, (AP)-- The first official angle ball game in history was played here Wednesday. The game, invented by re- tired Penn State football coach Rip Engle, is so new that Wednesday's contest was dubbed the world champion- ship For the record, Titusville high school won the title, de- feating Corry high 14-4 Engle, who worked several years to develop the game, says it's a combination of soc- cer, football, hockey and bas- ketbal Bach team has 12 players The playing field is 240 feet long and 160 feet wide. There are two goals located about 60 feet shy of the end lines. The goals are nine-foot stand- ards with cups on top and goal balls in the cups, There also is an angle ball or ball in play, which is a litle heavier but slightly smaller than a soccer ball. The idea of the game is to knock the opponent's goal ball off its perch Why did game? "T have feeling,' he says, 'that it is odd for our generation, the most talented, ingenious and gifted in the history of the world, not to have found a new team game in the last 80 years." Engle invent the always had the PELEE ISLAND, Ont. (CP)|could be held earlier in the The Royal Canadian Legion is|year, and "the government is opposed to any move to change|seriously considering doing the date of Remembrance Day|away with the armistice cele- celebrations, the president of|brations altogether." the Ontario Command said Mon-| Mr. Wakefield said the na- day, lignes wigenizern oF ie Laggewns The president, Gordon Wake-jand representatives of the de- field, told the annuel installa-|partment of veterans' affairs! tion of officers there is a move|hope to be able to set aside to have the traditional Nov, 11] June 11-17, 1967, for a week of date altered. |remembrance observances dur- He said some member of the ing Canada's centennial year. | legion have complained that be-| -ppis is not taking away from cause of seasonal weather, per-| Armistice Day, but a week haps the annual observance | when 2,200 Legion branches ae }across Canada, . . will show MP Rules Out seen aes et Suicide Links of the year." The legion would support such a week of observances, Mr. Wakefield said, but it will never OTTAWA (CP) -- Creditiste, MP Raymond Langlois (Megan- tic) told the Commons Monday he wasn't referring to Notre- support any action 'to take away the significence- of Nov, Dame - de-la-Guadeloupe, Que., when he mentioned seven sui- | cides while speaking about the CBC Vi tCo ts winter works program there. 1é Ss "At no time did I wish to es- oppawa (CP)~--The CBC has tablish a relationship between spent $48,093 filming 51,600: feet the suicides and the winter! of action in Viet Nam sincé Jan works program, and even less\y 1965, State Secretary Judy 'o the municipal council," he pamarsh reported in the Com- said apologizing to the House! mons Monday, _ for any confusion kis speech jy 9 written Commons Given eply to ques- (Remembrance Day Change Poverty Agency Found In Debt NEW YORK (AP)--The Hat- lem Anti - Poverty Agency -- given $2,000,000 in federal funds last summer to help the poor-- also opened the till to opportun- ists, spawned investigations that could lead to criminal in- dictments and left staggering bills in unpaid taxes ana omer debts. HARYOU-ACT, the agency, received the money primarily to head off any repetition of the 1964 Harlem riots. HARYOU-ACT is he result of the merger of two organizations --Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited and Associated Com- munity Teams, An Associated Press: team that spent a week interview- ing and studying records found that benefits of the program possibly could be offset by its failures. Some of the records studied have not been made public yet. The findings show that HAR- YOU-ACT was thrown into fis- cal disarray as it prepared to spend an additional $11,100,000 in federal and city funds in & year-long program, BILLS UNPAID Moreover, nearly $500,000 were left unpaid in payroll and social security taxes and bills. Some opportunists were found to have diverted manpower and supplies for personal gain. last ateeaiead might have tions by T. C. Douglas, leader Cause J - " of the New Democratic Party : Mf, Langlois said he had been|.he noted that this included 1,- referring to suicides in munici-| 999 feet filmed last summer for palities around Notre Dame-de-| the prize-winning documentary la-Guadeloupe, 50 miles south-| phe Mills of The Gods. west of Quebec City. Cost of sending the public af- In his speech in the Commons | faire camera crew to Viet Nam last Wednesday, Mr. Langlois) for the documentary was $6,672 said $194,000 had been spent in\rhe crew was made up of di- Notre-Dame - de-la-Guadeloupe| rector Beryl Fox and camera- "ed apache " man Eric Durschmied. ae to ity for " 4: CBC news teams made four At another point he said: trips to Viet Nam at a cost of "Let me tell honorable meM-| 941 491, with th | ; P 421, e footage used bers something about this MU-| mainly on the preang News- HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE nicipality which might open ' their eyes. Within a year and a magazine, she said, half there have been seven sui- cidal hangings. | Thomson Desires Citizenship Again LONDON (CP)--Lord Thom- son said today he would wel-| come restoration of his Cana- dian citizenship, He was commenting on an Ot- tawa report that Liberal mem- ber Ralph Cowan (Toronto York-Humber) is trying to per suade the House of Commons to give the Canadian - born pub- lisher the right to call himself a Canadian citizen Thomson, a native of Toronto, | had to yield his citizenship when he was elevated to the British peerage in 1964 'T"ve always regarded myself as a Canadian citizen,"' he said in an interview, 'The present Canadian policy is ridiculous," 1604 INDIANS TAUGHT OTTAWA (CP) -- A total of} 1,604 Indians enrolled for spe- cial educational upgrading coursés at reserves across Can- ada last winter and 877 have completed the courses, the Com- mons was told Monday, Is the time to switch. . , It' TIME TO Ath wi Jordan People on the go... modern. Athome they like an old favourite --Jordan Sherry, from the bottle, chilled er especially on the rocks, Choose from seven fine Jordan Sherries--dry to rich golden cream. For perfect enjoyment, be sure your Sherry is Jo J@RDAN SWITCH 414% on SAVING! 4% on CHEQUING 6% on lt @ 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, Fri, SWITCH AYA Central i Heed Off 23 King St. interest is paid en sevings accounts , QS IS COMING NOW... s thet time of the year when THE PERFECT UP... s 5 year G,I.C.'s 7% yield per annum on 10 yeor ACCUMLATING G.1.C.'s Longer CONVENIENT HOURS @ 9 A.M, to 6 P.M, Mon, te Thurs, @ 9 AM, te 5 PM, Set. UP... Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simeee St. N. lee: OSHAWA, 723-5221 . W, BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 ome th Sherry Springtime time to get If your furnace needs reploc- Ing get the job done now by Lander-Stark, Our own Service Staff will install a new Anthes er Lennox for active... smart... right ur And Five Year Pay- 725. o tree "= ne obligation, just heating buy it ment Pion, 3581 nx estimate needs you can en our Telephone w and osk for tdan, Very popular. WINES tbe: ] 43 KING STREET WEST New Oil Furnace is a good your ' OSHAWA

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