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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 May 1966, p. 3

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IT WAS NO HOLIDAY for Gemini 9 Astronauts Eu- gene Cernan, left, and Tho- mas Stafford yesterday in a work out in a gymnasium craft, this one known as the ATDA--an atigmented tar- get locking adapter, at Cape Kennedy, Fla., in preparation for their flight Wednesday when they are scheduled to rendezvous in space with another space- (AP wirephoto) All Systems 'Go' | For Gemini Flight By RONALD THOMPSON CAPE KENNEDY, Fila. (AP) he "ea! light flashed brightly to tracking stations around the world today for Gemini 9 to em- bark on a three-day exploration of some unknowns of space travel, "We're ready to go," said air force LA,-Col. Thomas P, Staf- ford, His rookie pilot, navy LA Cmdr, Eugene A. Cernan, who aims to become the world's champion cosmic stroller, agreed, They hope to ride a mighty) yal) pe G , achon, pres ppt Ged emini 9 hatch for provincial Seliee As : rough the cosmos that! charged Premier Lesage and silt whin him 114 times around! tustica Minister Wagner Mon- the world at 17,500 miles aniday with wing "McCarthyism hour, For 2% hours, he will be| smear tactics," 'pe id ht re, he wil Mr, Vachon was commenting 5 nomen ; on reports that Mr, Lesage de- He first will be fed oxygen\gcribed him as "a security through a 25-foot umbilical cord) risk." Mr, Lesage also said the from the spacecraft, Then, with) RCMP hed a file on Mr, Va- a rocket pack on his back, he! chon, will attach himself to a 140-foot| Mr, Vachon, 20, remained rope and shoot about for an head of the QPP Association hour, after he was fired earlier this All he needs to survive--pres-|year by Justice Minister Wag- 'McCarthy Tactics Used' Police Leader Charges chon is the only block in the way of recognition of the asso- ciation, | would agree to step aside and the association would elect its own president," Col, Clement pourers, ene: of public relations in Montreal for the Canadian armed forces, said "Arthur Vachon was not dismissed from the service for dishonor or questions of discip- line, He opted to leave at the end of his period of service, Col, Bouffard said there was nothing on Mr, Vachon's record in the service to the effect that he was a security risk, Af® for the QPP As- , -9g| sure for his sult and oxygen for ner for 'disciplinary r " ee ee eaeainie -- will be fed from the| "It's @ shame they had to the 'skies for a stubby target|highly » sophisticated manoeu-|Stoop to common McCarthyism sMelite, then datch Gemini ¥'s| ¥Fing back pack, smear tactics," Mr, Vachon nose to it aioe |said, "I have in my possession Their target, known as an a certificate of my release from sara sed tarist Cue ndap. BEAWAY Toll Report air force, yoluntarily rer ter (ATDA), will be put into a) ' pnt by AC after nine 185-mile-high circular om »y|To Be Made Public eid "OPP. ee has an Atlas booster one hour an OrtWh (CP) am A connd: voted to go on strike Wednesday 38 minutes before the Titan sets' | ants' report that formed the ba- if its demands for recognition off j |by the provincial government The weather forecast called!sis for the St. Lawrence Bea" are not met, The association for satisfactory conditions at! way Authority's decision on pro-| blastoff time, both at Cape Ken-| nosed toll increases is to be ne conten a= 1,800 nedy and ocean recovery areas.|made public, Transport Minis- v . WITHDRAW ONE CHARGE TRY LUNAR LANDING ter Pickeragill said in the eta | Mr, Lesage admitted later If all goes as planned, while |\M ' : } -- that ry might also have | Stafford and Cernan sleep their 3 jused the word "Communist" in first night in space, @ gurveyor STUDY PENSION PLAN 'his description of Mr, Vachon | spacecraft will try to gently set-| OTTAWA (CP) -- Discussions | but said he did not mean it, He tle its three spidery legs on the have been held with the United) said he got his information on lunar surface, |Kingdom, France and West|the RCMP file from Mr, Wag- Thursday morning the world|Germany on the possibility of alner may be seeing television pic-|reciprocal agreement covering) "Tl ask that the file referred tures of the moon's landscape|the Canada pension plan} to by Mr, Lesage be published shortly before Cernan sets out|and corresponding legislation injor submitted for my verifica: on a record ~ breaking space | those countries, the Commons | tion," said Mr, Vachon, "I have | walk was told Monday, always said that if Arthur Va- sociation said. Monday night that Mr, Vachon had stepped down from the association's ne- gotiating committee after Mr Wagner had refused to meet with him, He saw lawyers for Mr, Va- chon are studying the matter and are contemplating "possible criminal libel charges," Fight Supported 'Cross-Country' PEKING (Reuters) - More than 1,500 Communist party of- ficials and policemen in Tient sin chose a cro's-country race as their method of complying with official exhortations to ex- press support for the 'Vietna- mese people's struggle," The Peking sports newspaper, Tiyu Bao, said the men ran about three miles and promen about 1% miles but it did not name the winners, U. THE OSHAWA TIARS, Tuesdey, Mey %, 66 gy of duration, . As of Monday midnight, toca! were lost on highways, The death count he- time, 519 lives S. Death 'Toll Soars CHICAGO (AP) - The death toll on U.S. roads has soared to an unprecedented three + day Memoris| Day figure and ii may surpass the total fatalities recorded for any Memorial Day weekend in the U.S, regardless re at 6 p.m, local time Fre ay, In other accidents, 43 persons died in boating mishaps and $9 persons were drowned. Ten of the drowning victims were ree corded in South Carolina, The highest previous traffie death toll for a three-day Mem- orial Day period was 474 last year, In 1663, 525 persons were North Indian Massacre Threat LONDON (Reuters)--A Brit. ish missionary warned today there could be a massacre in the strategic northeastern In- dian state of Nagaland unless the New Delhi government agrees to third-party mediation of its long dispute with indepen- dence-seeking Naga tribesmen, Rev, a peace mission in Nagaland, In a statement published in The Times today, Scott said his conclusion, after spending more than two years in Nagaland, was that the Indian government "has never taken seriously the prob- lem of negotiating a political settlement with the Nagas," Michael Scott was ex: pelled from India earlier this year for what the Indian gov: ernment termed "prejudicial activities" during his work with kiled during a four-day week- ena, The National Safety Counell forecast 540 persons would die during the 78-hour period, The council said Monday the current holiday period was similar to the Fourth of July weekend last year when 647 lives were lost, The Associaed Press made @ comparative record of traffic fa- talities from 6 p.m, Friday, May 13, to midnight Monday, May 16, and recorded 876 denne during. the period, Chewing Efficienc increased up to 35% Clinical teste now chew better--mal Cy Weisner SRR ok et Plates PABTERTH Jo the alkaline wader that holds false rmiy so they feel more comfortable, No gummy, A aste, Doesn't sour, ecks breath, Get PASTEWTH Powder tor day at counters everywhere, n-| ------ ol aids Car Tariffs Hike Prices | WINDSOR, Ont, (CP)--Most Canadians would 'still be driv- ling horses' if a tariff wall had | forced this country to manufac jture its own automobiles and lear parts, said Ron W, Todg- ham, presiden of Chrysler Can- ada Ltd,, Monday night, Addressing the annual con- ference dinner of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of -On- fario, Mr. Todgham said that lsuch a tariff wall would make ear prices prohibitive and "there would certainly be no Canadian car industry as we know it today," Cernan, 82, plans to ease hi | | | Monday, And one of the cars is his to know which vehicles are acci dent-prone, He said manufacturers send "On he basis of wholesale prices alone, our industry @c- FRUIT 93+ SALT com. votes 1.19 counts for close to four per cent jof the gross national product | Companies engaged in the man- ufacture of motor vehicles in Canada have a daily wage and salary bill of over $1,000,000 and spend roughly $5,000,000 a day on materials and supplies 'Our federal government, with all its programs, spends jonly a bit more than three jtimes as much,' Mr, Todgham said PRE suUMMER SA LE HEAD and TUnt 997 Sonera LATIN 1.63 Comp, Vetus 1,99 SAVE other helpful services as well. ©) Savings Accounts---for steady savings and accumu Savings Account at the Royal can give you a sense of are accessible at any time and you enjoy complete safet © Current Accounts--the logical way to keep simple, time with interest payable half yearly, ©) Deposit Receipts--high-yield term deposit; interest All these--plus Money Orders---Travellers QUEBEC (CP)--Premier Le-|then of London, we now have, 0n,400 English business leaders re Speaking at a rally in La Mal-/000 Quebec workers must earn) itage is such that we can think rights show their steadiness but dian Press: 'It is inconceiva-|have been subject to recall/disclosure of defects s campaign for the June 5 pro-|jature he received a letter {rom | ing them to correct specific to study the provincial police| what the fault is because he He is expected to hold a press| fisk." brooke that Quebec's most im- en added the record for low taxes and duties. with which the "virorously promote asbes terial in the province ucts here Depesit and Safekeeping Services--Foreign from the western provinces sage said Monday night that if|the political level the domina- fuse to learn our language," today's Quebec is daring, dy-| tion of Ottawa and on the eco-, Dr, Rene Jutras, co-leader of namic, steady and confident, to-/nomic level, the domination of the party, told 30 persons in morrow's Quebec will be the) Washington," nearby Montmorency that Que home of a free people who are! He said independence was| bec had received a French and baie, Mr, Lesage told 1,300 per- their living in English because!in terms of sovereignty," sons 'today's Quebec is a home -- -- land of a people who, in their forward march act with dynam- ism but without disorder and Defects Cause Recall without arrogance." Of 18 P t A t M d Premier Lesage called Mr.| ercen u Os a e Vachon. a "security risk' In a conversation with a group of| TORONTO (CP) -- About 18/\after an opposition member had farmers and later said in a tele-/per cent of all automobiles|called for legislaion to force ble that the (QPP) association from the manufacturer to cor- : , {s presided over by a man con-|rect some defect, Transport) Fred hg a - Lh id sidered as a security risk." Minister Irwin Haskett. said view) sal e public ts entitles Mr. Lesage had been sched- uled to go on to several other! vincial election, However, he re-|the dealer 0 s 1965| turned here unexpectedly ee eae asking hin to take the) (guts on cars they have sold day night, lear into any Chrysler dealer for! nese bulletins should also he Tt was believed Mr. Lesage) repairs -- sent to the departmen of trans situation. The Quebec Provincial | hasn't gotten around to taking! CITY REACHES SEA Police Association, which rep-|his car in yet, Ocean + going freightes now resents most of the force's 2,300/ Mr, Haskett, who heads On-|can sail to Sacramento, Calif men, has threatened to go 0M tario's auto safety campaign,|91 miles from the sea on the strike Wednesday if it demands tojd of his own auto problems Sacramento River nference here today before re-| urning to the campaign, He} as quoted Monday as having lescribed Arthur Vachon, pres- {dent of the QPP Association MONEY _ 18 ISSUE Daniel Johnson, leader of the Union Nationale party, also con- tinued his campaign Monday He told an overflow crowd of mediate problem is to find jobs that pay well for young people coming into the labor market He said Quebec has always! held the championship in unem- Galaries and strikes. He estimated that scarcely §00,000 Quebec workers are paid more than $4,000 a year. He} said low wage earners are Liberal regime has progres- sively overwhelmed them." In an address to 150 persons in Asbestos earlier in the day, Mr, Johnson pledged that a Un tos products," He also promised that, if elected, his party would see to it that the companies which are exploiting Quebec natural re- AFTER OTTAWA Fe He said. some "priority rights' on taxes would be re- covered from Ottawa and these would be used to induce the Pierre Bourgault, leader of le Rassemblement Pour |'Indepen dance Nationale, Monday ac- cused Ottawa of dumping for eign produce in the province to He described Quebecers as the only people in the world who never have had the right to make their own decisions "After the domination of Paris, Whil i 1 e On Campaign Trail masters of their destiny. necessary for Quebec as '1,000, Christian heritage and "our her who, to assure respect for their phone interview with The Cana-|manufactured in recent years) manufacturers to make a public forged Tuesday a8 be come ued| Mit. Heskett said in the legis service bulletins to dealers tell would meet with legal advisors! Mr, Haskett doesn't know just| PDO" for recognition are not met. as being considered a "security 1,500 in an auditorium in Sher Joyment and to this has naw "erushed under the weight of fon Nationale government would sources process more raw ma companies to process their prod- make it easier to export wheat | Good Names To Remember | When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker --- Bill McFeeters -- SCHOFIELD-AKER | LTD. 723-2265 & President Oshowe Vice Brench & F Pres dM, Ww Dshewe, 532 Simcoe St concerned about the safest, soundest, handiest way to Have a good look at all the advantages available to you through Royal Bank's various savings facilities, Review your needs in relation to the various types of accounts and deposit arrangements offered at any branch of the Royal, Use our extensive range of ¥ Tick Off this check list, Then visit your convenient neighbourhood branch of the Royal Bank, Remember--you can bank on the Royal! 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THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIAIS AVAILABLE PRE 6U MMER lation of interest, A security, Your funds y. deodorant adjustable 3-way spray accurate records of payable at maturity, Cheques--Safety Exchange--Drafts OFFER Six wuny new pastels--TWwo gleamy icidescent neutrab, Complete with exchusively shaped brush $2.50 Monoger SPECIAL GET-ACQUAINTED OFFERI DuBavy, Paradox CREME CLEANSER 2 (alata reer geap eeenant) SKIN FRESHENER 4 @ refreshing lotion after cleansing) LIMITED TIME $ X tebe PARADOX PRODUCTS | ARE HYPO-ALLERGENIC New Facr TOOTHPASTE THE UNIQUE FORMULA 33¢ - 59¢ 99¢ + 1.19 New'Ultral cent highlight' by Max Factor 4 Transparent Make-up Accent That Reflects Light Wherever You Want To Glow! $350 addell, Manager Downtown Oshawa -- 723-3143 -- 6 King Street East FREE ALL DAY MOTORIZED DELIVERY Oshawa Shopping 'eae oe 128-5

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