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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1966, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 1, 1960 2 IODE Ladies 'Keep Name MONTREAL, (CP)--Imperial| Divdar Te tava afl thea Umnive me - eemetegeners jwill retain its 66-year-old name despite a recent movement to} jupdate it on grounds the empire! j\is non-existent, it was stated |Tuesday at the group's annual! | meeting here, "We shall continue to urge j use of the initials ODE rather | than the full name," Mrs, D, W- | MeGibbon, of Toronto, past na- tional president, said, Decision to retain the name followed a survey by a com- | mittee planning for the future of the order, | Retention of the name was 'favored, she said, on the grounds that the 20,000-member organization had already cre- ated a world image under the name IODE Canada, and that a suitable substitute incorpor- lor of Commerce degree |#!in8 the initials could not be from Queen's University at found, this year's graduating cere- The order has been using mony, May 21, John is the |!ODE as its official name ever son of Mr, and Mrs, Regi- | since the 1958 annual meeting nald Aker of 187 Woodlea |in Halifax, crese, Oshawa, He receiv: 4 ed his secondary school ed- The Chipmunk and Beaver, ucation at O'Neill Collegi- |two world - famed planes pro- ate and Vocational Instit- |duced by De Haviland Air- ute and is now emplyed at jeraft of Canada, were designed General Motors of Canada |by W. J, Jakimiuk, a Polish Ca- Ltd. nadian aeronautical engineer, HONOR GRAD An honor graduate, John R. Aker received his bache- Commons Debates Water Resources OTTAWA (CP)--In a rare de. Several Conservative and) velopment, the government ac-|New Democratic MPs said! cepted the principle of a Con-|there is an urgent need for a! servative amendment in the federal initiative to combat wa- Commons Tuesday. ter pollution and water prob- Former Conservative justice lems generally, minister Davie Fulton (Kam-| Resources Minister Laind said loops) introduced an amend: the provinces are particularly ment to the government re-susceptible and jealous" in organization bill, designed to) guarding their jurisdiction over elarify federal powers in pro-|the development of natural re- tecting water resources, sources, He said the proposed depart-| But he agreed that the prov- ment of energy, mines and re-|inces should be convinced that sources should have clear au-|the national interest is impor- thority to co-ordinate all federal tant in preserving and develop- programs dealing with water ing resources, and to co-operate with the prov-| Mr, Laing said water pollu-| inces in fighting pollution and|tion will be thoroughly studied low water levels, /at a national conference of 1,000) Revenue Minister Ben sON,/experts and government offi-| who was piloting the massive|cials, scheduled for next No-| bil], said the government ac-|yember in Montreal cepted the principle of Mr, Ful-) Gordon Aiken (PC -- Parry ton's amendment Sound - Muskoka) accused the Later Mr, Benson introduced! government of dragging its feet an amendment to strengthen|in attacking water pollution and the hand of the energy minister jow levels in the Great Lakes in the twin fields of research' system and study related to natural re- He said Mr, Pepin seems to sources. It empowered him {0) believe that the provinces have formulate plans and work with exclusive jurisdiction over wa the provinces to co-ordinate ef-|ter resources but this is wrong. forts. The amendment was ap- . " - -- ee 'Howse Defends Senate Pension Woman Ministers . LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- The Deadline Close | United Chureh will stand on its insistence that ordained women OTTAWA (CP) -- Three or|be assured of a place in any) four senators were expected to| merger between the United and retire from the upper chamber) Anglican churches, Rt, Rev, E today, to take advantage of an'M. Howse, moderator of the $8,000 annual allowance. United Church of Canada, said A group of 27 senators over, Tuesday, 75 have until midnight tonight; In an interview, Dr. Howse to decide whether to retire on\said the United Church will not the free pension or serve out\consider any union that would their life appointments at $15,-jeliminate women in the or-| 900 a year, The deadline falls|dained ministry, exactly one year after the Sen "We are not going to enter ate Retirement Act came into into any union which will leave effect any section of its ministers out There are seven vacancies side," he said | already in the 102-seat upper He said that although the} house. Standings are Liberals question of ordained women @1, Conservatives 31, independ. may not have been discussed ent Liberals two and independ. in union talks with the Angll- ent one cans it is "understood" that un- gninaammneen ion will include them Dr, Howse is attending a five May Jet Passengers day meeting of the London con: fe rence of the United Church | a Pee) eee ee Mi OIKe VONUNUES Lonpon, om. (cr) -- Rev.| Anne Graham says she believes) 'wave of enthusiasm" for women in the United Church of} Canada carried her to the presi-| dency of the London conference Tuesday But she inferred she does not intend to take advantage of her sex now that she is in office "I'm a minister first and a , Woman second. Ordained women never have been set apart from ordained men in the United Church and this is the| highest compliment that can be} paid to the ministry of women." Miss Graham was elected on} the first ballot in a race with| four other clergymen, She is only the secand woman in Can-| jada to he elected president of a United Church conference. | POOH-POOH OLD FEARS (the first was Rev, Nora! GADRY, ENGLAND (CP) Hughes, elected by the British] Superstition suffered a defeat) Columbia conference about four in this Leicestershire town years ago when council reversed a 1940 Miss Graham was ordained in, decision taking the unlucky|the Montreal-Ottawa conference number 15 off the streets. Re-| before coming to the London cause of complaints from busi-|conference 17 'years ago. She nesses and ulilities, all the 11As/taught biology in Montreal and and iSAs are to be changedjis a graduate of McGill Univer-| back to 13 sity in zoology, Why Pay More.. SAVE!! 1 65 C ON PREMIUM QUALITY gal, MONTREAL (CP) If the British seamen's strike contin ues and Canadian Pacific's liner Empress of England is unable to sail for Montreal from Liver- pool June 7, passengers will be able to travel by air, the com- pany said Tuesday Passengers may travel either on scheduled CPA Amsterdam to-Montreal flights or by one o four chartered flights operating from London, Manchester and Glasgow 3 To date Canadian Pacific has arranged to move 1,463 out of 1,865 passengers booked on ear fier sailings of the Empress of England and the Empress of, Canada, the statement said FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawe -- Whitby and Ajex Districts ONE 7-02, AERO TIN ADORN HAIR SPRAY ALBERTO V.0.5 HAIR SPRAY 99 COUPON EXPIRES JUNE B WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OWE AFL. OZ, BOTTLE ANTISEPTIC LISTERINE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE FAMILY SIZE BTLE. BROMO SELTZER STAMPS Ly COUPON EXPIRES JUNE B WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2) FL. OZ, BOTTLE BATH Ol SOFTIQUE Ld COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 8 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4-02, BOTTLE SUNTAN LOTION COPPERTONE id COUPON EXPIRES JUNE B WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2-027, TUBE QT, SUNTAN LOTION iy COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 8 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-02, BOTTLE DANDRUFF REMOVER RESDAN Lid COUPON EXPIRES JUNE B WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-02, TIN GUARD INSECT REPELLENT 810 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-02, TIN GILLETTE DEODORANT RIGHT GUARD BIT «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE B (WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 5's PKG, GILLETTE SUPER STAINLESS RAZOR BLADES 812 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 8 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-02, TIN GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVE CREAM O13) COUPON EXPIRES JUNE S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF" ONE 50's PKG, JOHNSON'S BAND AID PLASTIC STRIPS 922 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE ® WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-02, AEROSOL TIN PALMOLIVE RAPID SHAVE 828 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4-02, TUBE NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM $34 COUPON EXPIRES JUNE ® WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ¥ Two 18 OF. 145.07. JARS PONDS COLD CREAM or MOISTURE BASE B40) COUPON EXPIRES JUNE & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4-02, BOTTLE CREAM HAIR RINSE TAME 814 COUPON EXPIRES JUNE B WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24's PKG, REGULAR MODESS 923 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE SS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 11-02, TIN HALO HAIR SPRAY 829 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 5's PKG, STAINLESS RAZOR WILKINSON BLADES $25 COUPON EXPIRES JUNE'® WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-07. BOTTLE NOXZEMA HAND LOTION COUPON EXPIRES JUNE & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE SUPER TUBE TOOTHPASTE CREST COUPON EXPIRES JUNE SB WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-02, TIN JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER { COUPON EXPIRES JUNE ® WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 100's BOTTLE TABLETS ANACIN 830 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE FAMILY SIZE TUBE DENTAL CREAM PEPSODENT 836' COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 8 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE REGULAR 13]-O2, BTLE, WwooDBURY'S SHAMPOO B42) COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 8 \ Su ' \ \\ CNR UG PECIALS!. angie, © WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GFL, OZ, BOTTLE BRECK SHAMPOO B16 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 8 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE ECONOMY SIZE BOTTLE HALO SHAMPOO 825 COUPON EXPinES JUNE © WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-02, BOTTLE PRUIT SALTS B37) COUPON EXPIRES JUNE @ WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE BRUSH PEPSODENT HARD, MEDIUM or SOFT TOOTH BRUSHES B37 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE SS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 25's BOTTLE TABLETS ALKA SELTZER #43, COUPON EXPIRES JUNE ® WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1) FL, OZ, BOTTLE LOTION DEODORANT -- BAN 817) COUPON EXPIRES JUNE & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-02, TIN FLORIENT AIR FRESHENER 826) «=<COUPON EXPIRES JUNE B WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 24's PKG, REGULAR or SUPER KOTEX EXPIRES JUN! WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4-02, JAR NIVEA SKIN CREAM B38 COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 8 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE EXTRA LARGE BOTTLE ROLL.ON DEODORANT SECRET B44 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE & Liles OWE 3-02, TUBE HAIR CREAM COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 6 ONE 4)-0Z, TURE KING Size BRYLCREEM O19 COUPON EXPrnES JUNE ® WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 100's BOTTLE BAYER 020 COUPON *eNPiRES JUNE 8 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-02, BOTTLE PHILLIPS O21 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE 8 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE FAMILY SIZE TUBE COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 827 «=<COUPON EXPIRES JUNE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 5-02, BOTTLE NOXZEMA LOTION AFTER SHAVE 823 COUPON EXPIRES JUNE ® WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE S's PKG. SCHICK SUPER STAINLESS of ONE T's Pi 1s SCHICK INJECTOR STAINLESS RAZOR BLADES #39 «COUPON EXPIRES JUNE B® WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY FOUR REGULAR SIZE BARS DEODORANT SOAP DIAL $43) COUPON EXPIRES JUNE @ Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs, and Fri, till 9:30 - Downtown Store Open Thurs. and Fri, till 9 p.m. MILK of MAGNESIA fam

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