st copes 2 es eta ras a nn onsen ot a an CHILD GUIDANCE ving Mt on Saturday and Son-! Education Needs |____"™! Ss#AWA TIMES, Wednesdy, une 1, 1966 21 " | feng « Seeee, ones on Differ Widely | providing school library books,\has adopted a school in Univik, ickering Children B . ! bor ; d other educational in-|N.W.T., attended by 800 chil- ke h ' t fi pe prizes and oth ucation: ". ' en y ¢ IC. ering ren become og Mages li sur Gages According To Area centives in some outlying areas.|dred of mixed origin," said then. You could have each one) ywonrry : In British Columbia, books, | Mrs. C. W. Smith, B.C.'s new vere oyance 0 arents finish the meal alone in a sep- ., OPER AL, O25 etree Ome j | provincial ODE president. of the 1ODE remains the same| Prizes, projectors, sports equip-, 4 b : arate room. from sea to sea, but on Can-|ment and such is given to Children are flown by govern-| Rv GARRY C. MYERS. PhD nore it, but they say and do You should aim to find ways|ada's two seaboards differing] Schools around the Fort St. ment plane from as far as 800 Some bickering between two|such hurtful tings to one an-|py which nese chilcren get) conditions ae ma Sd dilferentiattts 2 ott ae chee ee en ones noone te attane Sie: Alem: children in the family is almost other that I usually wind up along with each other better,' service Charlotte Island area. ander Mackenzie School They| ag oy teers -- = a = shin 9 Ray Rigs fore rhe 90 chapters in British rag "And our provincial chapter |live in hostels during the term. | ' . and enjoyments with the whole jumbia help 109-isolated-or In cdaabiilamaanccseaes ; tees. Acta? exceptions. "This is a terrible way to family, Look into their owner-| dian schools in the province. } Bickering may prove most start the day and I regret it | ship and chores, and try to pre-' They have also adopted 12 annoying to parents at meal-|but I just am at my wits end." vent overlapping. others in the Northwest Terri-| My reply in part: You should| Try to cultivate in each girl tories. time. Bickering between two é, near-of-age sisters or two broth- expect considerable bickeringja high regard for the other's| Isolated schools on the coast " 7 é ers, sharing the same room|between those girls, though) possessions and rights, Try also|of Newfoundland, on the other| i k Yar ' r es EME. es | Scene may often occur around bed- probably not as much as now|to encourage each to eultivate| hand, require so much help that Ls time and getting-up time. occurs, The trouble with it all| playmates of her own age out-|the eight chapters there have 4 Over the years letters I have |'s that you have trusted almost' side the home. Do what you can/ little opportunity to look farther ere received have most often re- entirely to talk and shouting. to help each child enjey suc- afield. ported quarreling and fighting If you want better results, you cesses and approvals and 1o| "Many chapters in Ontario) Go by two brothers while or after will have to set a penalty that|feel worthy in the family. have adopted schools in New- | a 4 , rti going to bed. Sometimes bick-| will work. I admise that when 3 | foundiand,"" Mrs. Kelvin Young, ee , 6 Aummertume. . / ering sisters are also described |you can hear them scrapping| PARENTS' QUESTIONS | Newfoundland representative to h. Hi h f y ; it in fetters. For example, a'you require each of them to sit) @. How do youths today com-| <a pepeny meeting of the = Bed » High Tasino o area mother writes: where you can see them, un- pare in height and weight with 1, Said in an interview, | , : "Our two daughters, eight and amused, doing nothing for 30 those of about 50 years ago? The meeting, attended by 500 SILVERFISH 4 mi, othe wot summer-cool 10, are about to drive me to|minutes. Don't try # find out) 4, According to government delegates from. across Canada, ? # ion, low rice! distraction with their constant = paige niece 4 nga tistics, the youth of today is|°n¢* today. ew, ez , ' P bickering. They share a room--/'ha are responsibie. 12 inches taller and 18 pounds MUST BUY BOOKS ; > do not want to be separated if} Of course, unless you rise in| heavier than at the time of the! Mrs. Young said textbooks pay ben | Boiomy nn dh ' - ; they could, which they can't as the morning half an hour ear-| First World War. He is half an|must still be purchased by stu- 725- 8501 ' there is just no other room. lier, this would not be a good/inch taller and over seven| dents in Newfoundland, and that "Their room is as attractive time Instead, think about ap- pounds heavier than one in 1939.'the IODE is the sole means of "Sun N'S M cine cE Saeed urf" as we can possibly make it. They have maple twin beds, ' RAYON & SILK LINEN separate chests and bookshelves , 57 and a huge closet. This closet H . is one of the sources of trouble. / yd. in at the same sy big a baa door is j A cunning blend of rayon and silk with the pushed against the »ther--dou- fine textured finish of traditional linen. ble sliding doors which can hurt Z i Glowingly great in summer suits, dresses and do. It is always worse in . y 4 or sportswear -- and marvelously wrinkle- the morning; even a hairbrush ii resistant for travel. Machine washable on the other's bed causes @ ma- iS and fast drying. In a host of solid colors, jor fuss. ( including, white, coral, orange, helio, bone, ARISE IN TIME 1 blue, black. 44" widths, Reg, 1.98 yd. "Th t hurried to be " Pi | We arse at 6:2 hon Z f ARNEL® & co ON rive them g , : TT oe ae SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE mae 1 tena ried and wholesome breakfast st i with thelr father and our five- | see 49 year-old son. They have an ade- | | vd ° quate wardrobe and an equal | & smoumeligest and make mar Block Buster Feature [7 an a: 4 eotton for the eco most feminine summer wear -- figure buggi yellous grades and, what is a tae ae GREEN PLASTIC 50 FOOT LENGTH Sagennthy hastadagtatts, Wetedete onion most all phases of school. "Really we don't have many | | fast, quick -- the perfect travel difficulties with them except | C | eompanion. or muted stripes of this problem of bickering. I try | , white with mag wg | yellow, mint -- not to lose my temper and ig- G to mention a few, Reg. 1.69 yd. THE STARS SAY SPROULE'S Beet Is Red Brand Beet -- Canada's Finest Grade I RG SYNTHETIC PRINTS By ESTRELLITA to Assure Quality -- Flavour and Natural Tenderness wf From Top Name Weavers FOR TOMORROW Though not exciting, job and: ' : ata . f busi affairs should run} ? eo i\ bh fairly well now, but it will be Red Brand EXPERTLY CUT AND CAREFULLY f- Net aah wre A Ae ya. rane andere an PREPARED ye / ee | A treasure-trove of synthetics from | d, Sunkist, Miss America, Surah may be faced prith some unex- Petred expenses. T 2.25 yd. Ty ee ie thd | a IB R 0 A S Bin B an want tadenthe that 30 | PLAIN AND PRINTED of now, you should, without de- ' s . 4 4; P f, COTTON lay, put postponed plans in-\™ You Save Time with Trim and Price -- Tender -- Juicy ' A fi "GayKnit" by Tex-Made® volving career and seg * matters into operation. Not only a ' have you just entered a period, | C ' \ oT lasting until July 15, which will) Ib ° ; K y yd ° be unusually auspicious for} | P P Be launching Se ee tar 1) Presswoods Sweet Pickled Mild Cured Presswoods Mild Seasoned Be Lets gn peoen vie 5 ee ap tured knitdook, A won joice sults, not in the immediate fu- | C R ll CRYOVAC 6 s . 1-LB. ) ture 'but within two years--but, | ollage OMS Haves ts. 4 kinless Wieners PKG. 53° patterns -- fat florals and bold new also, as of the first week in) ty | stri as as breezy nautical designs. May, you entered a most gen-|-- GOLDEN VALLEY IDEAL FOR BARBEQUE. BURGER BLEND Presswood's Pure Pork Small Link Rreskfast White, blue, rose, turquoise, yellow, green. erous five-month cycle for ad-| 45" widths, Reg, 1.39 during | 1-LB, eg. 1.39 yd. faneng thee concerme ores BACON = vu. exe. 87° GROUND BEEF - 98* SAUSAGE nay 59° Ue ps = ye -- rire "a " RAYON & eneficient influences during neaeeeeeren sa } July, August and September Tr » , Cc T N and job matters should show Save and Shop at SPROULE'S -- The Consistently Low Prices Make It Worth Your While | : - 98. unusual progress within the 'is yd, nances, There's a tendency to-| J i é Med d ext) , but to in- i ' . | Tee eee, Oo erdy ff > LIN DING A ce > Y.y Ti and many more, Aa array of paterne i 0 since otaseed with some unes- : C 4 'Dita my NS Ge, ti for best a ry 43" widths. Sante / E ' | if next 10 days and in early Au- ~ gust. Then, for the balance off GRANULATED CHAIN "A" 65¢ -- OCEAN KING FANCY | lb. Bag Cc 57: ' Linen textured 80% rayon, 20% combed November, Where early 1967 is concerned, look for another S U G A R SOCKEYE SALMON Ve TIN ' cotton blend -- s cool, g must for good cycle to advance your fis- be summer blouses, dresses and sportswear. i pe ss i CHAIN "A" April 15 and career progress in 49¢ LUMP 4 Suinmer' popular fabric, now avail- cal interests between Feb. 1 and Guaranteed washable and colorfast. February and March, Most in- ; spirational -- and profitable -- | ; able in brilliant new shades -- popcorn, periods for creative workers: i i for ; pinkette and middie navy are just a few. early August, late September, " ae oe wa " ihe | oO" widths, the first and last weeks of Oc-, tober, next January and March. COUNTRY FRESH. GRADE "A" Even though your chart indi- | cates that your material inter- MEDIUM EGGS ry ests will outshine those of a \ | personal nature during the next | " DOZEN 12 months, you still have much happiness to look forward to Mf SUPER SAVE Chein: "A" 22c. 11-02. Ble. £. DB. Smith's along these lines, Social activi- e 10c OFF -- JEWEL PURE ievtarmwc, See 'owre f BOOK MATCHES «. 19° KETCHUP 6 1.00 unusually stimulating this nGe FOR e VEGETABLE OIL month, in late September, early 24-02, ¢ October, late November and the TALL TINS Chain "A 3 for 35c. 15-oz. tin Zip BTLE, weeks between Dec. 5 and Feb. wnat vi ie ene f CARNATION MILK 15*| DOG FOOD -- 10 = 89° by generous stars in late No- vember, next April and March FREE! --- 1 BATH SIZE BAR and, though you maynot travel ff STRAINED FOR BABY, 434-OZ, JARS CHAIN "A" 4% 64-02, SIZE Safeguard Toilet Soap much, short trips taken in Sep- Liou! : tember, next January and May HEINZ FOODS 6 FOR 65° JAVEX eater EACH 43¢ with purchase of 2 bars should prove highly enjoyable , 3 5: bar bundle A child born on this day will -- RES be endowed with the qualities New Discovery by Proctor & Gamble. Chain "A" 99¢ WETHEY'S JAM 24-ox, Jar neede? to make an excellent re- BOLD DETERGENT Apple & Raspberry 3 9 e REGULAR $1.39! ician (especially in the field -f GIANT 89° i mental illness) PKG. 5-Oz, Aerosal porter, editor, musician or phys- Secret Deodor nt Apple & Strawberry ' NWAAAAAL GARDEN FRESH FRUITS & 'VEGETABLES | OPEN TONITE PO § NO. 1 QUALITY : Wednesday, Thursd i a RED RIPE in he a aa POTATOES °:: 2.79! Watermelons + 69° MNPARKING S RO U L E S AAW e& * walit>* SHOPPING IS CONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S 'PLAN' ACCOUNT SUPER SAVE Snes 4H : H corner or KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA