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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jun 1966, p. 18

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 6, 1966 17 Canada And Italy Buck _|Doctor Tells Kiwanians |e! sr yrs~ sonnens rue ras ou i gx s '" |we were unable to help all who, TOKYO (AP) -- Campaign- ee ee ee sa h = a Of Pakistan Experiences | needed, certainly when it came| ing against pornography, thee in oe contained. aie pat Frenc Oo Ww Oo W n ~ to ra or ae py bad tac Peres ogc: of Tokyo": | finished --tnsiend of taking it ee $s : i een greatly eased and a much| Sugamo district has put alarge| home © e By HAROLD MORRISON the Canadian, Italian and Por-jother pressures are building up, Dr. Joan b yggomotd Pah pore _ the Chinese invasion better feeling existed." liveth basket in 'cat of ; vaii-\aemeals of mv pte the BRUSSELS (CP) -- Opposi- tuguese attitudes arise partly|mainly among the smaller Eu-| na, currently specs izing in of Pakisian. : eats ia stan lad he Canada and Italy|from 'Latin ties" with France.|ropean powers, to find some | the study\of heart ailments and; The speaker said the pros- cg . issuce facing. thelwaw of breaking the East-West! diconsesr among children. at the pect of working among a group) makes it appear unlikely the Ailiviig HHO 25 4 way ne West United States, West Germany| !4 foreign ministers here are|deadiock and launching fruitful | pronto Hospital for Sick Chil-|of people known to be bitterly dren, told members of Oshawa anti-American and anti-Chris- Stain wi "two crucial questions: negotiations with the Soviet = ---- eager re 1, Should NATO's council be|Bloc, pa mate liisch i i voke any sort of showdown) Kiwanis Club, at their luncheon tian, and with the atmosphere with France over the Nerth At-|shifted from Paris to be placed). Soviet Foreign Minister An-| meeting Tuesday, of her exper- heavier because of the political lantic Treaty Organization. jalongside Supreme pagel drei Gromyko has proposes @ jences and observations of 4 situation, was viewea -- with It was evident France's 14 ters, Allied Powers, ' reg European peace conference, at- -ecent tour of Pakistan. some apprehension. j NATO-partners were deeply di- which de Gaulle has ordered out|tended by Europeans only. ae ta ee a a ee le one vided as they began a foreign|% France, 14 insist that), Martin said Canada would group of cardiologists who tour-|quickly eliminated," she said. maaiatens' meeting aly over bese eg A A 900 Frennh |W2nt to participate, te ed the underdeveloped coun-| "The tae to pein a scart ways of countering President) - : cause a major issue in East-|,.; 7 af | ae il re "earn de *Gaulle's military withdrawal|troops in _ West Germany be west aawolinitsns. would: be the eggs ong -- cftale Be nconened tomenetate- 7 a bOPs from the alliance. ero ecm tie a eee future of divided Germany, Medical Mission, doing heart 4 a te ae sandia?" COMMENDED An American informant said) mi itarily, with A peace conference without|.itoery in areas where such| 'The 2 aoe ensaniaal tat Canada, Italy, Denmark, and|NATO countries? the United States is regarded 85| professional services are great- spe P " itively| AS the' 14 foreign ministers) 4); } while a six-line item in the Peat pote le Me -- eaten Paes ith\gathered to repair the dam. | Unlikely. . ily needed but not available. newspaper was the only actual commander of the Canadian |culty" as U.S. State Secretary|ased alliance, Canada's Paul/ INVOLVES LARGE SUMS | Dr. Coggins told the Kiwan- annpuncement of the opening of contingent with the United |Dean Rusk would like them {o| Martin said he is convinced the! Relocating the vast NATO|ians that her group arrived. at the clinic, the news was rapidly Nations Force in Cyprus. be. |NATO council will be left un-| military structure will involve|Karachi, a Pakistan seaport,|spread, far and wide, by word- (CP Photo) This meant those four coun-|touched in Paris. huge outlays. The 14 NATO|on the Indian ocean, at a very|of-mouth, "It was not unusual Belgian Prime Minister Paul countries hope to persuade! crucial time, with tension and,to have a father bring his child ig a aa ------------=------= tries don't care to support any) . C : i A action hostile to the French gov-| Van Den Boeynants has agreed| France to meet part of the costs|feeling particularly high, be-|from a distance of 1,000 or even . : , : : ' d they all want the|to consider accepting SHAPE)as compensation. ; tween the Hindu and Moslem, Canada To Gain "or onal af alliance's |" Belgian soil, but without the| One unofficial estimate is that|due to the quarrel over Kash-| political headquarters, to re- military bases Jinked with it. the over-all cost could reach) ------------------------------- i' | $500,000,000, : R ] main in Paris if this is accept- SEES NO DIFFICULTY } 3 : @St Mesults --liiee'se cautethie genera pa ane Caan and the gig Gwe" Ye position was reported to have tnited Stat Il have to look|,~';, : OTTAW 'P)--Canada_ will ey Greece| eee ee ee nce, Metz and Marville, le hae tee a -- of Turkey, Greece eisewhere for relocation of the |i gi $50 see 000 Runeas ; r and Norway. . ' i iv §.| Pe padisilg taketh . } "~ 4 , ' . "7 United States review of the ef-| 5) ayes LATIN TIES two ¢ er osc five |U:S- | would want some compensation, | 'Now dear, don't get mad! Let's call our Imperial Life man. He'll sort out ficacy of some 4,000 drugs)' Qi. cource said he thinks Dee eS net aoe oe rance by next| Maren sald, but this is not the| a/l our insurance and government pension plan benefits." which began this month, federal) One U.S. source sal' he TINS -- a pete inoue he 9 ea time for such complex financial | Z officials said Wednesday. oe au te oo aienhy, yg wipers De eh Will government pension plan benefits The results of the U.S, review St Gotan, Week Gacwiany and e ac page reg | --disability, retirement, death--be will. be. available to the federal a er s the United States are reported| 4. an. ace cnemlated | enough for you and your family food and drug directorate whose As fitetavial council newspapers have speculated, de? With th : S : job involves checking on safety| to want the minister! \but maintained that many of needs? With the unique Security : lied out of Paris. NATO ¢ | Planner,an Imperial Life man can show d eff f drugs sol | bul the other NATO countries el | Br, per e an icacy of drugs sold in Recalled Canada and a number fine same way. In the interest| | you how they fit in with other financial j this country. | | ane wis at n i, F The U.S. review will cover all other countries have been strug" lof stability, France should be provisions you may have made for the covers you for life the drugs which came on the I Di ] eins pa emicg po agencies sags with NATO as closely HERE DIAL 935 future, Don't be uncertain--call him Life, Pension, Health and 4 Accident Plans market between 1938 and 1962. n Isp ay ring with Dean Rusk and other|* ,)°tn) pet <a tellers caiees saa today. No obligation, of course. on an individual or Group Basis. pw pag efficacy is a a Se gre foreign ministers, became More|.i.ne Martin will confer with three-year job. JUCENS, Switzerland (Reut- confident of victory. ee fag : '| : f : Dr. A. C, Hardman of the fed.|¢rs)--Visitors who wander into) While the most immediate is- ee te wari FORMERLY CKLB (F Mi ) J. C.'Watdinsperger « R. J. White eral food and drug directorate a medieval castle near here sue is how to meet the chal-|.sid there is no enwauian Ge 6 ives said in an interv'ew that the will find themselves in Sherlock jenge posed by de Gaulle's ini- tween the meeting of the 14 and : Canadian directorate maintains|Holme's famous Baker Street tiative and still maintain @ sur-| his private chat with the French Ask too, about the new Imperial Centennial Plan. a close liaison with the U.S,|consulting room, and their ears face display of Western unity, | diplomat | Food and Drug Administration,| will be assailed by the tape--- __ _ ee -- : cE GIES RE and will have access to the re- | recorded street cries of old Lon- hag Py H G | @ ee yee Conan Doyle, son of orse rants | program, The Canadian directorate also) Sir grag corn fold 7 B S di d y starting i y | , t bee ne reer me one Ome detectives, has embodied years 0 e u 1é Sigh oa ube atte eri of research in this reconstruc ' : 'ORO! oP) --J Once new regulations Come |tion of the gas-lit chamber with, ~ "é sl ded Pride 7 waey is into force next Oct, 1, Canadian| © be ordered into the system drug manufacturers and dis- : Senet a ts ssolmee whereby the government makes tributors for the first time will stories. * grants to encourage the breed- be required to provide informa-|- ti ing of race horses in Ontario, Se ee Sm rm eg | aman, te exh te Onaga we ol aoe ' : here on all their drug products.|der--the room in which the Provincial Treasurer James & The index will be the base| Bishop of Lausanne was hacked ajian announced the study after from which the directorate will!to death by his barber in 1406, mons than ah hour's Aukate aud make an extensive review Of| The hillside Chateau de Luc- ; . . continu attack from the - drugs on the market in this/ens now houses the permanent ea iat oP country. headquarters of the Sir Arthur sae oar joc pe co fl " the trio went ashore and lost/Doyle Foundation. The exhibi- comes "substantial anit in & their judgment in a department tion recreates the atmosphere| Ontario" and therefore he aa store, of foggy Victorian London, in|... the Ontario Racing Com- . * They picked up--but failed to, strange contrast to the peace-| nice af pay for--goods valued at $21.45. | ful alpine countryside north of egg for its recommenda A carefree Canadian shopper) Lake Geneva. | x nearby turned out to be a store Donald C. MacDonald, NDP 1,500 miles," she added. "Supplying such surgical ser- detective DISPLAYS BULLET leader, segue the government wm ussi i In bookshelves on- the walls|of spending money "from the ssinlove-he tnetstel te nthe are works mentioned by|Public treasury that can't be admiral -- was contacted and| Holmes, all in editions prior ag gee a. Vaveukic Oi "i .| 1897, On the table, two bullets n dy quhar Oliver said he'd look after the mat (L--Grey South) that the $80,000 a ter. But he said he didn't think|from a murdered man, supplied any Western - style publicity|by Scotland Yard, lie in the but- set aside in the treasury esti- ter dish. Nearby is a crumpled mates for grants to the Cana- copy of Police News, reporting dian Thoroughbred Horse Socl- lthe Jack the Ripper murders. ety be eliminated was defeated In an adjoining room are let-|48 to 20. jters addressed to the fictional ERS: if dectective from many parts of DIVE FOR IVORIES = ____. |the world, SHETLAND ISLANDS, Scot- 2 Also in the exhibition is the' land (AP)--Frogmen from the Leadership original first page, now yellow-| frigate HMS Verulam were suc- ing with age, of A Study in| cessful on a seabed mission would help the cause of interna- tional goodwill. The store agreed, a store spokesman said Wednesday, and dropped charges, The ship sailed the next day. * a0 . Scarlet. which .Sir. Arthur con-| near here. They recovered the Said Relinquished |civea the idea of Sherlock false teeth fisherman Charlie ; : Holmes, and the desk at which| Tait- Jost overboard in a too- LONDON, Ont (CP) -- Del|he wrote many of the stories.'lusty sneeze. O'Brien, national president of) sien 'i stint ni the Young Progressive Conserv-| ative Association, says the ma- jor federal parties }ave relin-| quished the role of political leadership to civil servants. : 3 Dawn was just creeping in the This is one reason why the sail + window when the young husband public has "little respect fo pol i. ; sot bolt upright in bed and shook ities and, if possible, even less : 4 his wife awake. "It must be time for its politicians," he told a eg |. to get up', he said. meeting of the western district of the Ontario group Saturday. | Mr. O'Brien, a Pembroke law- yer, called for establishment of | "elaborate research facilities" "How dow you know," asked his wife "The baby hos stopped crying." STORES: at each federal party headquar- ters through a system of statu- 92 WOLFE oat Ae | i tory-grants sgreed unon_ by all nl ? = T9A1. ssany parties, 12 BOND E. Delegates approved anmend- +4 POR ment of the Criminal Code to AGENTS allow government-operated lot- @ United Taxi, 143 King St. East teries, with the proceeds to go e@ Roxy Variety, Rosslyn Ploze to hospitals and schools. BOB EAKINS ©@ 924 SIMCOE N. Also passed was a resolution calling for changes in income tax laws to make mortgage in- CLEAWIT SERVIC, 70 terest payments up to $1,000 and municipal taxes up to $500 de- 725-3555 ductable each year. 92 WOLFE «1704 MARY S* 12 BONDE + 924 SIMCOE N GROOM WAS AT HAND PHOPAL, India (AP) -- The son of a Hindu pr'est hired to SPRING-TIME IS perform a wedding ceremony married the bride himself when she refused to accept the mid- RUG CLEANING TIME | Corvair 500 Sport Coupe--believe it or not, Canada's lowest priced hardtop! Eight standard safety features include outside rearview mirror; always use it before passing. dile-aged bridegroom chosen by her parents, . $ 4. s : ° ' ' : -- We restore carpeting to | Now you be the judge. Geta Corvair and testitseasycornering, requires neither water nor antifreeze, has no radiator, water li mel wey. : its determination in tough going. Weight is concentrated over pump or water hoses and clamps to replace--which is one of special process assures 5] Ih ctl! the driving wheels for better traction. the reasons for Corvair's low, low operating cost. { quick drying. Fu | fl ~ A sophisticated fully independent suspension like Corvair's Then decide for yourself. More than 1,500,000 owners already au, gives firm control in a hard corner. Each wheel can move up _ have voted for Corvair by buying one. You'll find you agree and down without disturbing the other. with all of them. Especially when you see the kind of buy you Try it. And all the while remember that its air-cooled engine can get on a Corvair from your Chevrolet dealer right now! mm I, bac ve eek TRY ONE AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S DON SERVICE MAN TODAY - : QUICK SERVICE GUAR- : q ANTEED HEALTH p samcasnn ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. NURSE CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE LTD. CARPET COMPANY LIMITED 140 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONT, 300 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 725-6501 PHONE 668-3304 BE SURE TO SEE "BONANZA" OVER CHANNEL 6 AT 9 O'CLOCK SUNDAY NIGHT Watch Wednesday 282 King West -- 728-6254

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