* ks H | On {thing that he nnst consider) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 9, 1966 17 Knowing Boo e€ips e when tie makes the decision to HOUSEHOLD HINT bread or several crackers produce a work that will make force all the meat through through. You can mix the 'Rise I Publishin Career a profit for the firm. your grinder by running dry|icrumbs right into the meat. n g "If you know what you want, eo re ee to do as an editor and | By ROBERTA ROESCH -- {from college and serving in the | things you must do as a pub- This is the season when those, Second World War "I took @ job) i467 'voy put everything to- graduates who want careers in reading manuscripts for a New| gether 'and try to strike the! the publish ng field have hopes| York publisher. And % sole' right balance. | | as of landing a starting job that books in a shop at night. | "My basic advice to new lib ' | will shortiy iead to their own ERS ADVICE Gai atic gracuates. Dhe- hepet plush and private office with -- learn about books from/to be editors," said Lapolla, "iz) **Editor" on the door. handling them," he said. 'One to get a beginning job in which 7 Z In one way, their opportuni- pit of advice for people who| they can start to learn the busi- biz é A ties for achieving that goal may! hope for a creative role in this "ess , 11 he better than ever before be- field is to get a job in a book "If they have an opening or " ' cause of some of the mergers! shop or sell books on the road,| contact in the publishing world, * between industrial giants and This is an opportunity that| they shouldn't be afraid to use king-size publishers. teaches you many things. jit. } : é i Le f \ But to get an idea of where' "Because of my own experi-| | 'And if they are girls with . . , r to begin--and how to work up ence, I also believe you can geil Vers ofa senior editor's desk,| = eC LF F to that goal--I talked to Paul| yourself in a spot for future op-| 'hey shouldn't close their m nds 4 bud ; ¥ .. Lapolla, a senior editor in a portunities by taking a job as|' entering the publishing field : ; New York publishing house. |a reader and doing your best| With a secretarial job.' j Lapolla has the dual title of|in everything you do. If you try gy senior editor in Random|to write outstanding reports, an BLASTS FORM-FILLING House's trade department andj editor is likely to not ce you STRATFORD, Ont. (CP)--Dr. Z 'ae , j r | director of the ecial editorial! and give you a chance to do J. E. Pyper told the Stratford Lp egy Gy i x fi projects division in the firm. In| more. General Hospital board a Do- j t fornia's 2 the latter work, he is responsi-| "In my case,' Lapolla said,/minion Boureau of Statistics de- Zz 4 basic ble for the research and devel-|"I learned the business as. I) mand for tabulating time spent}- g suitin Ottoman ip nylon. - opment of hooks and series in-| progressed. This is very impor-jon operations is "a rediculoys 5 Ye ib Ly Z F tended for specialized markets.|tant. If you sit at an editor's|waste of time." He explained _ Yellow, black, white. "How did you begin, and how 'desk, you must also be able to|practices vary from hospital to Sizes 10-18. y Trim new styling . . . rich worsted fabrics! . . . Specially pur- did you move up?" 1 asked. |put yourself behind the pub-jhospital and no one can say ex- $19.98 Z chased and exceptionally low priced. Featuring handsome single He said that after graduating lisher's desk and know every-iactly when an operation begins SS 3 Z Mranttad: twos OF three-button modale in tan tient styles tor as b. Maxine of Ss men and young men. Carefully and meticulously tailored to add Hollywood's Swiss dot : a note of distinction to any man's appearance . . . sizes 34 to DECORATION DAY cotton belted 2-piece 52 to fit men and young men, regular; short, tall and hard-to- = ©. 2 swim suit. Navy, pink, == | fit stouts. red. Sizes 30-36. : This Sunday, June 12th i} $8.98 avn ss 1 ye ig iA\ LOOK ! $] 00 GERANIUMS | | Va ae EXTRA SUIT for only ' Plants in Bloom 75°. ... 58.00 per doz. | aa A FIRST SUIT EXTRA SUIT SAVE 50°... . $5.00 per doz. | fa | "eance" 49.50 1.00 48.50 +. 3 for 51.00 | 'a a a custom inst SUIT EXTRA SUIT SAVE ere). ce 79.50 1.00 78.50 LAWN BASKETS CARNATIONS RANGE FIRST SUIT EXTRA SUIT SAVE Assorted Plants $ Mixed Colours $ 1 ten 5 ) In Bloom 6.00 Per Bunch ........ 3.50 j ae 4 Pe 89.50 1.00 88 50 . » » for Decoration Day, June 12th FIRST SUIT EXTRA SUIT SAVE REED'S FLORISTS | "22" 99.00 1.00 98.00 -- OSHAWA -- Fashions since 1867 ae he ae en Sar TT BUY NOW AND SAVE ON MEN"S Attention District Women... wi SLACKS: 1.0 Tailored from the English and domestic all wool yarns, dyed worsteds and = = i | 1 flannel pic n' pic, neat and plains in grey, blue grey, medium, dark brown, i a la e rizes e blacks and blues. Hook and bar fastener above zipper fly single pleats, con- tinental style included, tabs on back pockets. EXTRA PAIR SAVE 'unee' 9.95 1.00 8.95 mance 14.95 1.00 13.95 in The aN wer 17:95 °100 i625 Oshawa Times Annual Cook Book car 19.95 1.00 18.95 RECIPE TIME CONTEST Look at these SAVINGS coal: == -- RRS aR memes on Men's Quality .. . sg SPORT COATS Judging for prizes will be done in two categories, Prizes will be awarded for recipes received by « June 21 deadline, and for those by @ July 5 final deadline. A grand prize will be awarded for the best club entry in the two categories, } } i and Recipes will be judged on bosis of number received, neatness, promptness end JUNE 21st DEADLINE PRIZES BLAZERS Tat PERE icauncn. © 1908 Brad PHEO kccicaans 9:00 : Modern two-button, three-button single breasted and link, models, 2nd Prize ........ 10.00 / tailored from the latest fabrics in solid tones, checks, basket weaves, blue, brown, navy, grey and multi-splashes. Sizes 34 to 36, Talls and JULY 5th DEADLINE PRIZES s | shorts included. Oo een ee een EXTRA TROUSERS beet $] 00 2nd Prize ..-..-.~, 8.00 aw oa CUSTOM RANGE ' Rk RULES ; COAT trousers SAVE CoAT TROUSERS SAVE Recipes must be submitted on one side of poner only. Recipes must be legible, 29.50 1.00 13.95 34.50 1.00 13.95 typewritten entries ore preferred The full name of the members with initials ond the nome of the club must be ee @ NO MONEY DOWN Recipes may be any type of food or beverage. They can include meat dishes, desserts, cookies, cokes, lunches, pies, jams, jellies, anything the | homemaker is proud to prepare for family and friends. Points for pr eh will OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT be oworded for variety of recipes received melee coking takngintucon oe required, | No Interest -- No Carrying Charges tries must be addressed to The Cook Book Editor, Th tries ore invited from Whitby, Bowmanville end district orgon well as those In Oshawa. DOWNTOWN 36 King St. E. Open Fridays To 9 P.M. The Oshawa Times | Po Open Thuradey and Fridey te 9 PLM. a