Deen made formally of me amount of saving in federal ex-| | penditure that might result from) | Quebec's independence in these additional fields, gals The Essence of Elegance! SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 9, 1966 taxes, and 75 per cent of estate tax collections, In the case of Quebec, addi- Johnson Claims 35 Percent Taxes m:siincine anne lowed in return for Quebec's) By JAMES NELSON taxes without extra burden On} opting out of several feder OTTAWA (CP) -- The claim|Que taxpayers -- approaismetely | yinciai snased-voni piggiams- 4 Daniel Johnson has staked, as) $539,000,000. | Mr. Johnson, whose party won! leader of the Union: Nationale A quick calculation by a fi-\g majority of legislature seats) party in Quebec, for 100 per cent) nance department authority|jn Sunday's provincial election, | of federal tax revenues assessed|Wednesday showed that Mr.|hassaid that Quebec wants all) in tis province would--if al-|Johnson's claim to 100 per centiof the tax revenue Ottawa col- lowed--cost the federal treasury|of federal tax re,enues from) jects from the province. He has about $1,480,000,000 or 35 per|the province would mean an ad-|ajso said that under his govern- cent of Ottawa direct tax take dition to Quebec's coffers Of! ment, the province would go it! this year. nearly $900,000,000. lalone in other fields as prell,| Under existing federal-provin-| Present tax-sharing arrange-|such as family allowances and cial tax-sharing arra.~ements,| ments call for an abatement to) old age pensions, which Ottawa the federal government this/all provinces of 24 per cent of! now pays. year will pay Quebe.--or allow|the personal income taxex col-) A finance department! spokes- the province to impose its ownllected in each province, nineiman said no caleulation has WINNERS HONDA-A-DAY GIVE AWAY Here are some of the lucky Honda Winners in Ontario so far... MR, MICHAEL F. DUMELE Niegeroe Falls MASTER BRIAN PHELAN Kingston J. J, MORRIS Ottawe 7. $. PUTT Brantford DON MAEDEL ssex SID KOFFMAN 19 [fs cent of norporate income 4 56 32 78 7 7% 7" 32 46 ely 'The sheer wonder, fun and convenience of your very own pool Is no longer @ dream. With & beautiful Spartan an adventurous vacation be- gins, filled with healthful, meaningful tiving for you end yours. MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT CANADA LTD. 690 Drake St. 725-9151 733-- 38 209 --~ THESE NUMBERS CORRESPOND WITH MAY LIST. HAS YOUR FOOD DOLLAR LOST IT'S STRETCH? Phone 723-1163 OUR PRICES FOR FREEZERS START FROM Your Spartan comes complet: is installed in just # Sn eas -- tile-smooth vinyl liner, steel side walls, skimmer, all plumbing end equipped with » famous, self- contained "A&G" compact filter! @ Three super sizes to choose from .» 16° 32", 18° x 36" and 20's 40', ail with safety diving ares! @ A Spartan pool is maintenance- | free. Never needs painting, scrap- RECENT GRADUAT! Willlam Oliver Hall, s¢ of Mr. and Mrs. John Hai Duke St., Brooklin, receiv: his BA at Convocation Ha University College, Toront June 1. Mr. Hall receive | his formal education j Brooklin public school an Anderson Street high schot | in Whitby. He is now en} ployed with the departmen of labor, personne] office; Toronto. | Graduate David W. Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs, William Gib- son, 141 Roxborough Ave., has graduated withhis Doctor of Philosophy from the U of T. Mr. Gibson also has his hon- ors B.Sc. from Queen's Uni- versity, His earlier educa- tion was received at Central Collegiate and South Sim- coe school. He has accepetd a position with the depart- ment of mines in Calgare, Alberta. 83 Agree To Monetary Fund Quota Boost WASHINGTON (AP) The : " International Monetary Fund sof general practitioners suid Tuesday 83 of its 103 mem . Lord Taylor, brimming ber countries have agreed to in with characteristic enthusi@ creases in their quotas, as rec for the new job, said today ommended last year by the feels Memorial can fill @ VBtund"s board of governors. role in Commonwealth devel' 'The latest members approv ment. He is a former Comming increases include Canada wealth minister in Prime Mwest Germany and The Nether ister Wilson's Labor g0v@jands ' ment, Under the plan, total quotas Taylor said a new meditcould increase to $21,000,000,000 school will be "started fMin gold and currencies from scratch" at Memorial and Ne$16,000,000,000 foundland offers unique opp Canada will increase its quota tunities for the training of gtto $740,000,000 from $550,000,000, eral practitioners, which EWest Germany to $1,200,000,000 long been his special inter¢from $787,500,000 and The Neth- He is author of a students t€erjands to $520,000,000 from book, Good General Pract $412.500,000. among many other medi works. "Newfoundiand has 14 cotts hospitals out in lonely place i lor, 55. "Think of paging af ecibee & gh BETTER FOR THE DIETERS EVENINGS 725-3661 WIN 25.00 IN FREE GROCERIES EACH WEEK IN THE GROCERY BONANZA SPECIAL! | 9 | 1964 CHEV. BELAIR SEDAN | | Lic, No, J153) Power Steering and Brakes, Only $1995.00 | 1 Ce "| i Newfoundl _| Seen In Vita * LONDON (CP) -- The nev appointed president - elect ¢ «vice - chancellor of Newfou "land's Memorial University % the island can well become "world centre for the: traim SPECIAL! 1965 BUICK SEDAN fully Powered with Radio, Automatic, All extras, Lie. No. 114866 | Only $2995.00 r MR. WAYNE LEAL Smith Folls MISS ZENON CYHTRA St. Catharines MRS, DOUGLAS McLAY Stoles Boy MISS IRENE PAQUETTE North Cobelt MISS LORI ELLIOTT jarnia MRL. B. ADAMCHICK Renfrew MISS MARGARET BROWN Comp Petewowe MASTER MICHAEL MecSADYEM Mount Brydges MASTER A, G. CLADEMENOS Ottewa MR, SAUL SCHWARTZ Donsview |ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED Your Quality G.M. Dealer "GOOD WILL GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" _|King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. 623-3396, _ V-8, Radio, Many Extras, Ai WHYTE BROS. Furniture and Upholstery BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD, "Home Improvement Headquarters" 668-5818 419 Dundes £. PO "SFLYINGSS SERVICED rvice * Overheul * Storage Custom Welding Sheet Mete! Febricetion Magnefiux - Zygle Metel Inspection Oshewe Alrpert MISS MARGARET JASPER Oritlie MISS DEBBIE FIELDS ury MASTER EDDIE HONG Sault Ste. Merie MR. PAUL DAVIDSON Peterborough MASTER R, L. CHAPMAN Exeter FOR ALL YOUR MAE BROAD Prop. Where it's so easy te took + «+ Se nice, FOR APPOINTMENT 668-3992 @ RULES ,e Each week for the next 26 weeks there will oppeor throughout the advertisements on this feature the letters forming the nome of a famous person or place, All you are required to do is read each advertisement very carefully, pick out the letters and identify that FURNISHING NEEDS MR, RENE LARSON Fort Williem MRS. E. HANCHARYK Keno MANY HONDAS STILL TO BE WON! THOUSANDS OF OTHERS HAVE WON Automotive Trim 55 King St. E. 623-5252 -- The fund is intended to keep the system of international pay ments functioning smoothly PADDY'S MA Furniture & Appliences USED WASHER PARTS TED'S VARIETY SMOKE SHOP @ Smoker's Sundries say, Nigeria, working with experienced doctor." HALIFAX (CP) The Nova Scotia agriculture department is 'This was one of the reascinvestigating Norwegian meth- FREE BOTTLES, CARTONS, AND $1.00 BILLS! @ Magezines person or place, Send your answer along with your name and address to the GROCERY BONANZA EDITOR, ¢/o The Oshawa & REPAIRS rena @ lee Creem PICK UP A CARTON OF ANY PRODUCT OF PEPSI-COLA AND... ENTER NOW! mar A Division of the S. S. Kresge Company Limited Times, no later than 4 p.m. Tuesday of eoch week, The first correct answer drawn will receive, compliments of the sponsoring business, and Duffy's Super Market, the grond weekly prize of $25.00 in free groceries. Enter today. THIS WEEK'S WINNER! DORIS HOLMES 925 Greenwood Cr. WHITBY why I said yes to Premods of processing dairy prod- ucts. One produces a whipping BRIDGE SCORES cream with a far lower fat con-} tent than before and the process | 'may be used with other dairy | The winners and high scores products. y in the games played last week by the members of the Oshawa Golf, Brooklin and General Motors Duplicate Bridge Clubs were: GOLF CLUB North - South Mills, Mrs. A. Armstrong, 86; Mrs. D. MacKinnon, Mrs. Re Vickery, 80; Mr. and Mrs. Philip, and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Henry, tied with 76; Mrs. Betty McMullen, Mrs. R. W .Graham, 75. | East - West -- Mrs. M. Free- born, Mrs. Robt. Smith, 79; Mr and Mrs. Willson, 79; Mrs. EF. Mundy, Mrs. James McCansh, 73; J. Coles, Tom McDowell, 70; Mr. and Mrs, Frank Turney, 65. BROOKLIN | Mrs. Sid Sheridan, Mrs. E. R. Drew, 67.5; Mrs. Roy Morris, Miss V. Drummond, 66.5, Mrs. M. J. Heron, Jack Patterson, 59.5; Roy Morris, Peter Fran-| cis, 58; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barker, 56.5; Mrs Helen Spratt, Kay Hunter, 55. June 29 -- Closing party. The trophies for the year's cham- pionshins will be presented. GENERAL MOTORS North - South -- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morris, 94.5; Mrs. Victor Silgailis, Lloyd Peel, 93.5; Mrs E. J. Wadsworth Miss V Drummond, 90; Jack Patter- son, John Miller, 86; Mrs. Ken Marden, Mrs. M. R. Clarke, 86 East-West -- Joe Coles, Kelly Adams, 141; Mrs. E. Bovay, Mrs. M. Smythe, 98; Mrs. C, Bowra, Mrs. Ida Flemming, 97; Mrs. Kay Hunter, Mrs Heron, 93; James Drummond Wm. Sleep, 90, SURE CURE FOR FORD FEVER -- Prescription -- An Affordable -- FORD -- MACDONALD FORD SALES LTD. OSHAWA BOW MANVILLE @ Confectionery Biair Park Shopping Pleze Whitby Complete Line of Beatty-Thar-Cres- ley Appliances, Speed Queen. HAMPTON 263-2241 WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS Specializing in * LATE MODEL WRECKS * NEW & USED PARTS No. 12 Hwy, 1 mile North of Whitby Walt Lebenovich -- Prop, Whitby, Ont. 668-3322 LIMITED REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE 668-5823 WHITBY ONTARIO "Serving You Sinee '22" HOMES - FARMS - LOTS FIRE = AUTO ~ LIABILITY - ETe, Mrs. 0. OSHAWA 235 Simeoe $. 725-9792 WHITBY 1003 Dundas E. 668-5342 Dairy Queen " ' DUFFY'S SUPER MARKET 948 Simcoe N. 723-9371 "We Deliver' -- Open until 10:00 P.M, Fer Your Shopping Convenience Cadillac Billiards 17 TABLES FM Background Musi¢e Coleman's -- ee ACTION TIMES WANT jf co ice | ; 14 a " sa st oF hes and Children ADS "eesti 723-3492 "THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL" SKLAR CKAIRS Reguler 109.95 SALE 69.50 : Only 4 Left MERCURY FURNITURE Herweed N., Alex 442-3711 THIS SPACE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR ADVERTISING MESSAGE 723-3474 Broadioomed Floors OPEN 9 A.M, ~ 11 PLM, "Bring the 725-8112 360 King W. Oshews HOFER VALLEY MEAT PRODUCTS (3rd Concession Rd. Whitby. Ressiend Rd, W. eff Hwy, 12) Fresh Pork, Beef, Veol, Lamb end Poultry Lerge Variety of Cold Meats. Wm. * MEAT CUT FOR HOME FREEZERS 160 SIMCOE 8. FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL WHITBY 668-4311 Bros. Stafford Monuments in stone and marble ZOLTAN & NICK'S FINA SERVICE -- PRESENTS -- FIAT 850 Economicel Comfort * 4 on the Floor As low os orily $1295.00, Geer Shift 728-0051 GILLARD Cleanit Service 725-3555 DEPOTS 92 Wolfe 17014 Mery 12 Bond E. -- 924 Simeee N. Office & Plant et 92 Wolfe DAVEY TRANSPORT @ Local & Long Distence Moving @ Freighf""e--Livestock & Feed @ Bulk Feed Secvice e@ Fertilizer P.C.V C.D.F, FS, & H. Sae US FOR Fearman's DRY CLEANING BOLOGNA Fearman's Polish SAUSAGE 4 Genaation 623-5318 : aS WY eof Experience . 5 C | 318 Dundes &. «668-3552 || * "°"""" -- y lb RADIO -- 24 HR. SERVICE -- TELEVISION HOLMES ELECTRONICS For Prompt Service Coll WHITBY 668-5679 Now is the time to Store Your Winter Clothing Cold Storage for your Furs ot WHITBY CLEANERS LIMITED 180 Colborne St. E. 668-2345 FIX UP YOUR HOME NOW. COMPLETE INTERIOR & EXTERIOR TIME T DECORATING SERVICE ) Reasonable Retes --- Free Estimetes M. LOOPLE & SON 552 Dundes &,, Whitby 668-2418 TRAIL RIDES Roast Turkey DINNER mashed sauce Fancy Fresh Roasted ICED REDSKINS and butter, DON UTS R A »'4 ' & I ek name & TV. Smoke & Gift Color T.V. by ADMIRAL D C 70: 53: | 49: t Phone 725-9018 Nights * POST OFFICE ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA and WHITBY | [2:22 90" MARY'S BEAUTY | SALON WILSON PLAZA VARIETY SOFT DRINKS ICE CREAM) §* GROCERIES COOKED MEATS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Open Daily 9 A.M. ~ 10 P.M. Sun, 10 te 10 372 Wilson $. 728-2536 j need Creamy potatoes, veg cranberry roll SPECIAL! . PERMS * Reg. $12.50 ° ONLY + 723-0065 $8 50 725-8541 Open Tues. Doys PREF & Thurs 668.5830 'tl 8 p.m 15 Colborne & Service Ss am PLEASURE VALLEY RANCH LOCATION * FILMS iSinees at Riteer 24 he. SUPPLIES Simeone St. North before Camp PPLIE femec. Deily City Bus Schedule * SUNDRIE 125 Brock N. WHITBY 725-2141