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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jun 1966, p. 3

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WALKOUT OVER McNAMARA DEGREE ercises Wednesday in protest against granting of an honor- ary degree to Secretary of Defense Robert §. McNam- ara. Others of the audience Some 130 members of the New York University faculty and graduating class walk from the commencement ex- Means Outlined TORONTO (CP)--A company that appraises auto damage said Wednesday accidents at-) tributed to mechanical failure could be reduced 70 per cent), by compulsory examination and brake repairs TORONTO (CP) - Attorney yeneral Arthur Wishart intro- duced a bill in the legislature Collision Appraisal Services Wednesday to allow Ontario mo Ltd. made the statement in Oa a to ptirchase insurance by brief tp 4 meeting of the Cans 1968 to compensate themselves : ) for. bodily injury or death dian Federation of Insurance. 1 caused by nsured driver. The company, which makes aused by an uni appraisals for insurance adjust The legislation also proposed ers and lawyers, called on the|a form of deductible liability in- provincial government to com-|surance and the inclusion of mission an independent re-|medical payment coverage search organization to perfect| schedules within the standard brake svstems and develop min-! insurance policy imum standards The compensation - without-/ OTTAWA (CP)--Barry Ma ther (NDP--New Westminster) | introduced a bill in the Com- overnment mons Wednesday that sould give the federal government the rose to give McNamara a standing ovation. U. N, Am- bassador Arthur J. Goldberg was the principal speaker. A university spokesman = said fault clause in insurance will be available only to a driver and his or her spouse and depend ents living at home, Other pas sengers will not be covered. BAN REIMPOSED In other business: --NDP Leader Donald Mae Donald told the house that the Windsor police commission has reimposed a 50-miles-an- hour restriction on its 1966 Ford cruisers because of brake trouble. --Attorney « General Wishart Overruled | Ft in ein and ene! Dansions Lo Be stacked It proposes a change in the Criminal Code to prohibit man- ufac sale or otherwise dis ng of'tires which might en- danger the life or property of others." The bill was given first read- ing and goes on the order paper; at the end of a long list of pri-| vate bills awaiting consideration | Maj hein U.S. Auto Workers | i a dial Claim Hardship | n Y g WASHINGTON Six Years In Jail |United, States Tart sion has made a second report L'ORIGNAL, Ont. (CP) - on hardships claimed by Ameri Three members of the Scarlet}can workers under the Cana Panty Gang convicted of theldian - United States auto pro Oct. 27 armed robbery of the| | duction agreement Banque Canadienne Nationale} The latest case concerns 1,100 at Casselman Ont., each Were) emnioyees of General Motors' sentenced Tuesday to six years! richer Body plant. No. 2 in an Ontario penitentiary Grand Rapids, Mich , ; seenlay The men, all Montrealers Under terms of the Canadian-| were Jean Paul Ouimet, 24 us i ir ws vad Rheal Lacasse, 29, and Gaetan| agreemen appro last year by Congress, the tar 1 31. They pleade ty Giroux, 31, They pleaded guilty | py mission such as to the charge th earlier testimony, Judge) this makes a factual report and| a decision on compensation 1s Omer. Chartrand was told the} men fashioned three pairs of| made by a board which includes secretaries of commerce ladies' red panties into hoods the : 1 he fr 1° bt TORONTO (CP) An arbi trator has ruled that Etobicoke | Township must stack the Can ada Pension Plan on top of the old pension plan of the town ship's 252 firemen, despite or-} in. CASAS Karlier this year, about 200 employees of a Ford export packaging plant in New Jersey successfully claimed hardship| on grounds their jobs were ex ported to Ontario Labor Shortage Termed Acute The Grand Rapids workers HAMILTON (CP)--A_ federal say operations have been shifted government plan to allow up to| to the Windsor area, The Michi 1,000 Jamaicans into Canada as\gan plant involved was turning farm labor is worthless out soft trim" upholsters Canadian farmers would be as- seat belts and other non-metal suming all the risks and bear- auto components ing all the costs, says the secre moon tary of the Ontario Fresh -Fratt Marketing Board. John Sandham said in an in terview Wednesday Ontario) farmers facing the most] acute shortage Second World War, but they are rejecting the federal govern- ment proposal Crop losses will be substantial uniess between 12,000 and 15,000) | seasona| workers can be found, 3.500 of them for Ontario's Ni- cara Peninsula alone. The pen Essex County and Geor the areas most because ANNOUNCEMENT are lahor ince the gian Bay are affected, he said The federal plan by Immigration Minister Mar-} chand April 21, would allow Ja-| maicans into Canada under con trolled conditions work on] farms for up to 18 weeks with a guaranteed minimum term of} { employment of eight weeks. Mr Sandham said. Farm -emplovers would have to offer basic work ing and living conditions that include minimum wage of $1.25 an hou at least eight weeks work. lodging compar F able to Canadian standards and] | ®t payment! transportation announced to KEN HANN how associated with 5, D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMIT. ED. ind owledge o estate practce Ken brings to us 9 profe a backed bh wors of experience. For prompt attention to all your Rea Ken of 8. D ESTATE LIMITED, 728.6286 of HYMAN.) REAL 1232 K hy the emplover of a St Want osts both ways J - CITY OF OSHAWA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT © requires SUBDIVISION TECHNICIAN r detoiled with dev elopers and « hnician with the Ontorle a And Technologists oF details of ed 2A o9 cation before 5.00 p.m, J ders from the provincial gov ernment that the two be inte grated The decision of Judge Wilfrid Lang of Picton, Ont., was made! public Wednesday. Judge Lang | was appointed arbitrator after the Etobicoke Fire Fighters As- sociation, Local 1137, filed a grievance over the integration| of the pension plans. | | Judge Lang ordered Etobi-} (CP) -- The,coke council to reinstate com-| _ Commis-| pletely plan the firemen's pension He said the township had altered the terms of its collec- tive agreement with the fire men by changing their pension plan. "Irrespective of the pressure the government may place upon it, failing legislation in that be half, it cannot direct the mu nicipality to change something that has been agreed upon be tween the municipality and its employees , ., ," the judge said CHANGED PLAN The township, a part of Metro politan Toronto, had changed the firemen's pension plan to comply with orders from the Ontario government mature Diefenbaker Attacks -- Defence HQ Spending --Exemption of some types ofjcent of their income from in-| * By PAUL DUNN | OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's planned defence heanquariers drew fire in the Commons Wed- nesdav fram Opposition Leader Diefenbaker who blasted the government for wastefulness. The perfect commentary on this, he said, was the $100,000,-| 000 Pentagon which by the tinw it was completed would cost "from $125,000,000 to $150,000,- an official count showed 131 persons, including 12 faculty members, had walked out (AP. Wirephoto) Accident Drop Auto Insurance Changes 'Will Give Compensation introduced a bill to the 1911 Pawnbrokers Act The new legislation will in erease fines for violations of the provincial statute govern- ing pawnbrokers replace --A report tabled in the legis showed the govern- ment-owned Ontario North land Railway had a deficit of $1,194,357 on 1965 uperations --Replying to a question from Elmer Sopha (1-~-Sudbury) Attorney General Wishart said he will examine edito rials in two Toronto newspa- pers to determine whether they may constitute contempt of court. The editorials, in The Globe and Mail and The Star, commented on an On tarlo Supreme Court. judg- ment in the Tilco Plastics Co picketing dispute A bill was introduced which allows the minister of labor to appoint a mediator when ever the joint council of the government and civil service are unable to reach agree- ment, If the mediator's rec ommendations are not accept able to either the government or the Civil Service Associa- tion, the issue will be put be- fore the civil services arbitra- tion board for final decision. 000."" Finance Minister Sharp ob- | jected, The estimate for the de- fence complex--one tower will | be 38 storeys making it the tall- jest structure in the capital-- | "was something approximating | $30,000,000." | Mr. Diefenbaker said there is ino excuse for such expenditure. "This government has lost all sense of proportion."' Someone had suggested the structure will ibe built of white stone. This would earn it "the appellation of Canada's white elephant," | 'HIGHEST IN HISTORY' | He could not conceive 'with taxes being raised as they are now being raised by this govern- ment to become the highest taxes in peacetime history . . . that' a government would en- gage in this type of self-glorifi- cation." Mr. Diefenbaker added 'an example of this attitude of |mind' was State Secretary | Judy LaMarsh '"'when she flew | the kite to ascertain whether or not Canadians were sufficiently artistically attracted to having a $6,000,000 picture placed in the National Gallery." The Opposition leader's at- tack came during debate on proposed amendments to the In- come Tax Act. Mr. Sharp an- nounced changes in his budget proposals and sought approval for these measures: --Extension of low taxes on deferred profit - sharing and stock option plans. City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simeoe N. 723-3431 4 IGHLY RECOMMENDED Che Rih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7.30 P.M. Continentai French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m, -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL f age racks within two miles of|tract vultures and have pre the international airport hereisvribed a six-months penalty. - investment companies and vestments and 85 per cent of chariabic tfuct from the ve-| their erncs revenue from Cana- fundable five-per-cent corpor- dian sources. ation tax which went into el- ~tnvestment companies fect May 1. owned by non-residents which ALLOWS TAX RELIEF act as "conduits for receiving --A ne Meo investment income." ected by efund- ; ee yore aderecii- \ Investment companies be tion allowances on short-| ittle or no property in ae lived items such as linen and| and which do not invest in Can- uniforms from tax payment 3 and stipulation that deprecia- --Charitable trusts would be, tion allowances must not ex- exempt provided they do not) ceed 56 per cent of @ COM-'carry on a business and meet al nga ag for the' cortain other requirements. Mr, Sharp proposed exempt- ing certain investment compan- ies for the refundal tax. These are: --Investment or mutual fund companies used by those seek- ing to diversify their invest- ments. The companies would have to derive at least 95 per How fo relieve. } Use Dodd's Kidney | Pills for prom relief from the systemic enndi- tion eausing the | backache, you feel better --- rest better, Dev pend on Dodd's. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 9, 1966 3 KEEP MEAT OFF FIELD (after a vulture was sucked inte BOMBAY (AP).-- Police|the jet engine of an airliner. -air butchers' stor-|They say hanging carcasses at- 7 1! ° ! )\ ZX , ACK)VEIVET J : \ coe 'One of the finest _ Canadian whiskies this country has ever tasted' by GILBEY'S ee a JACK PHINN -- Monager Deposit Services asks -- Are youa COMFORTABLE saver? Can you save WHEN you wont -- cash, cheques WHEN you want -- even on Satur- days? Are you dealing with a Community Co. with pepple you KNOW you con trust with your affoirs and money? People like those at CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Come in today! Make yourself comfortable ! * Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Head OHice -- Oshawe Branch Office ---- Bowmanville There's still time to complete your collection of decorated chip resistant bowls, One Free with Each Purchase of 7 Gals of Gas, Retail Value 2.29 (Offer Expires June 19th) GET A FREE BOWL - TODAY STATIONS LOCATED AT... OSHAWA -- 1615 Simcoe St. S. KING ST. E. AT THE TOWNLIN™ 78 BOND ST. WEST Whitby--501 Brock St. N, Brooklin -- Hwy, No. 7 < MEN'S WEAR OSHAWA'S: FOREMOST FINE CLOTHIER LUSTROUS AND LUXURIOUS Za tog vorrs Expressing the season's latest colourings and patterns. These fine Kid-Mohair sults sporkke ond glow with richness ond lustrous oye- appeol. Featuring the Shadow Line. STATION WLS HEAT PROOF Bowmanville--Taunton Rd. N. Newcastle -- Hwy. No. 115 Progress Brand is MEN'S WEAR LTD. ESTABLISHED 1924 74 Simcoe North Open 'Til 9 Friday

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