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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Jun 1966, p. 14

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CHILD GUIDANCE Sets Example By GARRY C. MYERS PhD Recently I discussed with you tisha nrahiem of helping childrer strive to do right while away from their parents or while no other older person was watch- ing. I pointed out that our main objective should be to guide them so well while in our pres- ence, in an atmosphere of un- derstanding and love, that they might choose on their own ac- cord to do right when away from us. I noted that we hardly can hope to guide a child's be- -\havior in our absence by com- manding him how to act and then by putting him on trial later to ascertain how well he had obeyed us. | I added that our first empha-/ sis should be on setting an ex- ample of mora] courage in our- selves. Let us aim to help our children see us doing what we know is right when no one tries to compel us to do 80, Observing that children are often tempted to do wrong in our absence because they fear disapproval or ridicule by other children, | mentioned that we parents tend to have like fears of disapproval or ridicule by other parents, when we know) we should hold our children up \to higher standards than the! standards these other parents hold their children up to. We might also add that we may) have the fear of hearing our| children say, "other kids' par- ents let them do it" or "don't require them to do it," Moreover, we parents don't KEEP IN TRIM ai an Just ith oor chien Her Children's Criticism cheerful family atmosphere and Spurs Mother To Reduce jto win their abiding affection and esteem. If we can provide By IDA JEAN KAIN jing to bed I had # small glass "Is that big, fat woman your|of skim milk. these favorable conditions and mother?" LOSE 135 POUNDS URBAN OR SUBURBAN The selection of leather for' a town or country Spring jacket is indeed a wise choice. This straight jacket from Town and Travel, topping a bright blue knit blouse and slim skirt is of a suede. Lapels, handing around the back collar, sleeve edges and lower part of the jacket are of blue --By green wool gray-green Tracy Adrian jcultivate comfortable relations| abiding affection and esteem. If we can provide these favorable) This whispered question, not) 'Every two weeks I was conditions and cultivate com-| estly felt there was nothing she|morning | weighed 169 pounds. moral courage, through quiet eould do about her ponderous|This weight loss has given. me enjoyable talks with them. weight. Her remarkable letter|the strength to get around like yypppe TALKS HELP vited to make a presentation at |holding my welght for a year./we might rebuke them for some school. It was a great effort for, "I wore size 54 and weighed) jack of moral courage we might with our children and to pro-| vide them with a cheerful fam-| ily atmosphere and to win their) intended for her ears, gave one|Checked by the doctor. The first fortable relations with our chil- woman the courage to take ac-|year I lost 104 pounds. The Jast|dren, we can do much to inspire tion. Prior to this time she hon-|six months I have lost 31. This|them with a wish to acquire will help other heavyweight/@ young person. I have 19 ' , came: 40 teks heart, pounds' more to jose, then' my If, for example, we can have lAgetar thinks 1 should such talks with them at times It all began when she was in- nks I should practise) hen they have no fears that her to go up to the speaker's |304 pounds. Now at 169 pounds,| get favorable results, This would table, She was returning to her) size 18 is too large. I am five-|happen at times when we and seat when she overheard the| feet, four-inches tall and I hope|-------- a nade | Y it ye. re 16 ropa query. -- is her story, ye ara rapt 1 _|yored in late November, next er own words: '0 your overweight readers) april and May. And, while you | "I left and waited in the car)! want to say, 'You can do it'.""| may not plan on much travel while the children socialized for) Our heartfelt thanks to this|ling during the next 12 months, Parents' Moral Courage For Child the child felt wholly relaxed and were enjoying one another. At such times we might lead 1S SPs eew eee renee between moral courage anc moral cowardice. Some while ago, in one of the children's magazines, there appeared questions -- Like the following for the child to read alone or to talk about with his parents teacher or some other older per- son he admired: Does it take more courage tc} leave the platform when yor have forgotten the lines of 2 speech or piece you were to say or to stand and wait till you are able to go on? Does it take more courage tc speak ill of # person you believe in when others present speak il of him, or to come to his de- fence and speak well of him then? | Does it take more courage to) say, "I'm sorry," after you) have said or done something ugly to another person, or to say and do more ugly things to him? Does it take more courage to hide a plaything you borrowed from a friend and broke, or to return the broken plaything and offer to replace it with a new " Any parent or teacher may be able to make up similar ques tions and cause the child to want to answer or discuss them freel;. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Do you consider prose or verse the better medium for creative writing by children? A. Prose; most children who write prose try to express ideas Most who write verse dwelj| on rhyming. Hundreds of thousand: of children are writing empty rhymes, mere king,es most of it piffle, under the guise of cre ative writing. WIFE PRESERVER Lf = jer singe pm to a child's toy shelf will keep bolls -- from base te besket---from rolling off. HOUSHOLD HINT If brown sugar has hardened a few minutes with their school-/gallant mother for telling us her|short trips taken in September,|and you can't wait for the slow mates. My pre - teen daughter|story. Congratulations to her and small son were coming|wonderful family and to her through the darkness, when ajwise and understanding doctor. new pupil remarked, 'Ain't your|- mom the fatest thing you ever| ance of this month, in late Sep- saw?' THE STARS SAY itember, early October, late No- "My loyal little daughter re By ESTRELLITA vember and between Dec. 5 and plied, 'We love her and we don't y Feb. 1,., also next April and see her that way. We see her FOR TOMORROW May. as. we would want her to look! Fine stellar influences should, A child born.on this day will in the eyes of Jesus." make Saturday an enjoyable Stimulating social experiences) lare star-promised for the bal-|srater. next January and May should apple or bread slice softening, prove extremely enjoyable.| 4 4: through your kitchen nat Fh HOUR SATURDAY, JUNE 11th For tennis and playtime, 3-eyelet, shock proof arch cushion, Sizes 8 to 13. Misses | to 3, REG, VALUE TO 69e DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Modern day use Kneeknockers Sturdy Knee-pants of 10-0z DOWNTOWN LOCATION These bargains and many more sensational unadvertised values are on Sale for only 9 Hours at our Downtown Location Only at 91 Cimaene Street South ant Wittsewwwae Miss Susan Ladies' Sleeveless Blouses Western denin styled with Bar-tacking, front pockets. Denim 9 blue sizes 7 to 14 Reg. 1.69 SAT. ONLY 97 Chorge it! @ DOOR CRASHER @ Children's TENNIS OXFORDS FLUSH-A- boby care with REG, 2.49. SATURDAY ONLY 'Flush"A-Byes'----dis posable economical dianers for travel and every In 100% 10 to sorforized cotton material. Size 18 in assorted colors, Reg. 1.29 Charge It! BOYS' SURFER DECK PANTS Washable cotton duck deck ponts. Drawstring cord, contrast trim, Blue/ White, Black/White and White a 67 Sizes 8 to 14, Reg, 1.99. 33° BYE Kiddies SHORTS 87° For Boys and Girls in Madras, Cottons and Chino, Assorted colors. Sizes 3-6X. 1.67 ei A igi et TT ZELLER'S WAIWERS Day, be endowed with lofty ambitions "That night I couldn't sleep. 1| period. Personal relationships, and a keenly analytical mind, | asked myself, 'How do I look in governed by fine aspects since; but- will have to -curb-tenden- the eyes of our Lord?' Lately my husband had been. teo. tired to go to town shopping with me Was he ashamed of me? late yesterday, will continue on) cies the congenial side, so thal group activities of any (especially those of the outdoor kind P toward extreme restless- ness, changeability and '"'tem- \type) should prove pleasurable, VISITS DOCTOR "The next morning I drove to the doctor's office. He said, 'If| you want help, I will give it to you, but you must use your own will to stay with the diet.' "Looking thoughtful, the doc tor then asked me what foods 1) disliked the most, to which I replied. 'Buttermilk and = cot- tage cheese.' "He then made up my diet Handing it to me he said, 'You can count calories as well as) anyone else, You have failed on 10 diets, but if you follow this one, you will not fail. On risin drink @ naii-gia t H and a half-gilass of grapefruit juice and have black coffee, At 10 o'clock, eat either an apple &@ pear or an orange.' , "Lunch: One strip of bacon, crisp, one egg, boiled or scram- bled without fat, one smal baked potato, no salt, no butter I was to eat this only after had drunk a half-glass of butter- milk. | "Three o'clock: A glass of skim milk and, if too hungry, I could eat a chunk of raw cab- bage. "The evening meal: Lean meat, 3407., 1 cup of carrots turnips or string beans, 4 cup of beets or sweet potato, a com-| bination salad with oil dressing, | a tall glass of skim milk with unflavored gelatine. For dess- ert, cottage cheese. Before go-| and romance continues to have planetary blessing, also, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your chart indicates that, as of now, your 'career and finan cial outlook is far better than it has been for the last two years. As of five weeks ago you enfered an excetlent cycle governing these interests, and you should see a continuing up- ward trend until the end of September--with July August} and September outstandingly good, On the monctary score,| | | it would be well to operate con- servatively untii Feb, i when) you will enter another excellent cycle for expansion, lasting un-| til April 15, This last one should Spark opportunities for many more gains starspromised he tween then and May, 1968, Where your occupational in terests are concerned, aside from the aforementioned good peried, look for further chances | to advance your status in late! October, late November, next February and March, Those en-} gaged in artistic and scientific enterprises should have an all around excellent year, with no- table periods of accomplish ment and recognition indicated in early August, late September, the first and last weeks of Oc- tober, next January and March Where personal matters are concerned, romance will be fa-} fering «5, rdw lody's thoughts furn te golf, Be ure you ere wearing the mest fashionable witing fege his season . . . by Visiting Black's Ledies' Weer Qertrweer Depertment Te ow, LADIES' WEAR LTD, 72 SIMCOE NORTH Open Fridoys wil ¢ [Lady GOLFERS! BLACK'S CKOS IS HERE -- FORMERLY DIAL 93.5 CKLB (FM) « MEN'S WEAR OSHAWA'S FOREMOST FINE CLOTHIER A complete formal service for every occasion . + boys' size 2 to men's size 54 in the latest styles, at reason- able prices. . toilored te fit like your ewn, Complementary F Pamphlet containing rmal Wear styles and procedure available by request. MEN'S WEAR LTD. Established 1924 74 SIMCOE NORTH Open till 9 Fridays Sleeping Bags For sleer Styrer stee tures Reg. 5.99 3.97 9g comfort---wool filled full "'Chorge-! ng bag In green onl COLEMAN COOLER with tough plastic liner, chrome-plate 18.88, "Charge-it" e-insulated cooler cose Reg Father's Day Special 24" MOTORIZED BARBECUE Features turkey-high hood position spit adjustment, pressed steel bow! with front handle, rub ber tires, Reg, 17.99. Charge It. Saturday Only : 4.88 three 4 ZELLER'S DOOR CRASHER ! FOLDING Lounge Cot ideo! for camping er lounging on the patie! Folds for easy onsport, Sturdy but lightweight tubular e itee! frame has reinforced convas cover, laced with nylon cord, Grean or blue Reg. 8.99. "Charge-It"', Saturday Only Wide Variety of Men's Airy Short Sleeve Sport Shirts 44 Cottons, in wash 'n wears in bold a or norrow stripes, checks and @ variety of solid shades--S.M.L, Reg. 1.99, Soturday Only . 1.67 ----_ 4 sized Cae | seeee Aluminum Patio Furnishings stproet aluminum falding frames, weatherproof salty wat tastic = Set has ene chaleatte QO, westie S with four position back rest, and two choirs Reg. 19.99, "Charge-It"'. Saturday Only 4.88 KNIT Jac Shirts An appreciated gift for te surmmer! Tailored with short, V sutton trimmed sleeves, six button front and re- guior collar, Practical knits in @ voriety of colors. 932 Reg. to 4,99, Saturdey Only welded d fix- "HAPPY FOOT" SOCKS These socks by McGregor ate made of 70% wool and 30% nylon---innerlined soft absor- bent cotton--cushion sole---sonitized--shrink resistant, Sizes 10M%A- 11 - WN, 4.25 Cool, comfortable jae shirts iffed and MEN'S Flight Bags Nothing will be left out--this flight bag will hold all! Large outside pockets for shirts and accessories, inside shoe pocket. Complete with hangers, Reg. 17.99. "Charge-It", Sete Reg. to 8.95, "Charge-It". Seturday Only 6.97 44.88 DOWNTOWN ONLY Phone 723-2294 or 723-2295 "CHARGE-IT" Permanent Press CASUALS Permanent Press terylene/cotton blend fobrie ever needs ironing. These slacks ore toilored in ivy or continental styles and finished cuffless leas, Beige, blue or black olive in sizes 28 - 42

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