Child Marriage Township Rezoning Ban Is Sought WALAFAK (CP) ~- Canadian mniversity women aim to achieve the prohibition of child marriages in Canada by 1968 Mrs. M. W Menzies of Winni peg told the annua! meeting of the Canadian Federation of Uni versity Women which opened here Thursday, fame 175 delegates servers representing womens gniversity organizations from across the country are attend- ing the twyday meeting Canada < will not sign the tinited Nations convention on consent of| marriage, minimum age for rriage and registra- tion of marriages because there ia no uniform age for marriage among the provinces, Mrs, Men- zies said in her report fhe urged the federation to request the Canadian govern ment to sign the UN convention hy 1968----the international year for human rights, LaMarsh Outlines Movie Boost Bill VANCOUVER (CP) Slale Secretary Judy taMarsh says she will table legislation in the Commons 'no tater than Fri day" for establishment of a $10,- 000,000 fund to aid the Canadian motion pictuze industry, Miss LaMarsh, speaking Wed nesday at a meeting of the Brit ish Columbia Film Producers' Association, predicted that MPs will rush to support the bill "be cause it's the kind of thing ana op Gets Board Approval TORONTO -- With several exceptions the Ontario Munici- pal Board has given its ap- proval to the Restricted Area Bylaw passed Aug, 3, 1985, by the Township of Pickering. The hoard hearing was held May 2 last. The decision was handed down June 4 The bylaw generally governs the Highway 2 area and im nace restrictians an some 76 square miles of land. The lands were previously wunzoned and approval will complete the land use for the whole municipality, The board approved the by- law as it applies to approxi mately five acres of land on the south side of the Fairport Rd, north of the CPR, owned by Mrs, Sara Kotiszevski, who op posed the rural agricultural use of her land, The hoard made like motherhood -- that you'd better be for," Miss [AMarsh said the $10 000,000 will be used to establish a series of awards for the Cana dian film industry, investment in movies on a_ profit-sharing basis, loans to film-makers and outright grants She said the fund would he administered by an independent corporation, not reflecting gov ernment decisions and in no way related toathe Canadian Broadcasting Corp. or the Na tional Film Board rmstrong ome Copper tone hooded exhoust fon in kitchen Stainless steel kitehen sink Colored ceramic the provise that the lands should he restudied to determine when it is not suitable for the uses permitted in the zone, APPROVAL GIVEN Approval was also given to the bylaw as it applies to the three properties owned by Mrs, Dorothy A. Barter. Counsel for the corporation agreed at the hearing that six lots should he wvavtaectisad ta vasidontial uc0o Representations to the board were also made by the owner of a parcel of land with 190-foot frontage and a depth of 125 feet on Lot 19, Registered Plan 525, proposed. for agricultural use but too small to permit of this use, The owner requested resi- dential land use, The board ap proved the bylaw as it affects the use of the lands Represantations were also made' on behalf of the owner of the Arnold property, which abuts on Harwood Ave., zoned as. rural agricultural and 80 used, The OMB recommended that the zoning proposed by the municipality he econeurred in since the owner always has his rights to make some proposi- tion to council which meets with its favor and final re course to the hoard on a specific application Objection was also raised he fore the hoard on behalf of the Frances EB, Allen estate to the proposed rural agricultural ridewalks door to driveway installed from frent to zoning on 7.54 acres fronting on Concession 2 sideroad and FVair- port Rd, i. H. Roberts, board vice- chairmas said 5 do not} believe at this early stage in the planning of this previously un- zemed area that a change should be granted from the land use proposed which would enecour- age residential strip develop- ment SUTBACK REQUIRED The board ruled the township must amend the bylaw to pro- vide for a W-toot sethack of the main building for service sta- tions in the €.2 zone It was ruled that private schools and colleges should he deleted from Section 6.6 as they would not be in conformity with the official plan, The board asked the deletion of a sentence in Section 17,3 which sought to provide special advantages for non-conforming properties as it appears at odds with the statutes governing such matters It was also felt should be deleted, The section referred to legal non-conform- ing properties and attempted to legislate as to the number of months which must elapse after yacaney or discontinuation he- fore the use passes away, The hoard felt such powers were not given to council under the Plan- ning Aet fection 65 "EXTRA VALUE" In Many Ways When ROLLING HILLS Vass all: Zi Dr Bachelor Of Laws . Lawrence A, (Larry) Berg, 2%, son of Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Berg, 164 Bed- ford Ave, received his bachelor of laws degree at Convocation Hall, Univer- sity of Toronto, June Mr. Berg, who graduated received post training at Clinie, Psychiatry. Ninlama Awarded | ¥. W. Mandryk, son and Mrs Mandryk, 330 Vulalie Ave, diploma in psychiatry as part of his training in psychiatry, He will continue his graduate Clark Inetitute of son of Irving received Stanley Hyman, Mr, and Mrs, Hyman, Oshawa, Stephen the University of Manitoba, Mr, Hyman \s a former stu- dent of OCVL He is now practicing dentistry in Win- nipeg. Forensie Receives Doctorate his doctor of dentistry from' from the University of Tor- onto in arts in 1963, matric: ulated from O'Neill Col- legiate and Vocational In stitute and attended King Street School, He is articted with the law firm of Greer and Kelly, Oshawa A, E, JOHNSON, 0.D, OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East GOAL & SUPPLIES FUEL oll McLAUGHLIN OVER 46 YEARS EXPERIBNCE! toke advantage of itl 24 hour sere view; ond radia dispatched trucks al- on the te serve yOu, Oil Budget Pion eveilobie, NOW 16 THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL 723-348 | KING $7, W, 723-2721 SHOWN RETURNS active list by Cleveland Indians THE COHAWA TIMES, Friday, Jone 17,1966 JZ CLEVELAND (AP) ~~ Short. Thursday, Brown suffered frae- stop Larry Brown, injured in se ee nose and eoniided collision with a team-mate six|with lefttielder Leon Wagner weeks ago, was restored to the) May 4, - Unmatched DID YOU KNOW... that , « + Mare this Exclusive... 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Front and side yard sodded 1 forced air oi] heating wiring | neluded and ste wall tile for hathroem end colored ted rm 4 Fancy Oak VO installed ceiling in tiving. reer flanrs throughout where and -dining ream Ashestos Vinyl file |e Metal iron railing installed are 3 steps or more 1 front porch where there Copper toned built-in triple paper towel rack Clay briek Built-in Kleenex dispense Poured concrete basement Mahogany tri Built-in range and over Your choice of with lifetime guarantee) bow window or picture window Quality-Built Armstrong Homes Also in SOUTHWOOD PARK HARWOOD AVE, SOUTH, AJAX .., AND Forest Glen Heights HARMONY ROAD N,, OSHAWA rmstrong on co How many houses will go years and years and not need painting? This one will How many houses have exteriors that can't rot, warp, crack, peel or flake ? This one has, This is the kind of house you get when a builder with the solid reputa- tion of Armstrong teams up with one of Canada's largest companies, Alcan, An Armstrong Home has an Alcan Registered Exterior -- guaranteed by the Aluminum Company of Canada, It features famous Alcan Siding with a baked-on enamel finish that won't rust, flake, warp or crack --- ever = may never need painting, Almost no maintenance required -- you just wash your home the way you wash your car, You can get first quality Alcan soffit and fascia and aluminum gutters and EXCLUSIVE AGENT Shing price N.H.A, Mortgage, Down Payment, FEATURING THE downspouts if you wish, Before you decide on just any home, come out and take a look, All houses are built pretty much the same, All except Armstrong Homes with the Alcan Registered Exterior, Subdivision; Forest Glen Heights, Location: Harmony Road North, Oshawa, approximately two blocks north of King Street, opposite the new Collegiate, HUDSON #19,400,00 $16,302.66 $ 3,007.34 Registered Exterior GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. OSHAWA: - 723-6461 or 723-8144 @ AJAX: - 942-3310 You Move To \ 'ee