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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jun 1966, p. 13

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198 TRAVEL TRAILERS... Provincial Park Expansion Plans Outlined vushed the government into # provincial parks expansion pre- gia ee , scheme The yarks branch te "muk- ing campsites larger so that they hecome multiple-use sites able to accommodate the tent camper or a trailer camper "8 W, G, Cleaveley told a rally of shout #96 travel trailer enthusi- ests Saturday, Mr. Cleaveley, Ontarin super- visor of parks management, a4- dressed the Gret annual general assembly of the Ontario Travel Trailer Association which has @ ad tion. The tour proposed cate- gories ere provincial recreation areas Uees than 648 acres); pre- vineial campgrounds (less then 1906 acres), provincial parks coop. Wanenenewe- peas. same than 1406 acres and less than 29 gered) "We recognize the wide vari- ety of park and recreational areas in our system and we appreciate the public's contu- sion over the designation of each aiea a8 &@ provineial pare when some are hardly more than day-~use parklands," said Mr. Cleaveiey Provincial campgrounds are moferately intensive develop- ments in harmony with natural an gathoor \aheratory far non destructive scientific study," said Ur, Cleaeveley CRITICAL AYPPRAL Wa ave SAL wakti abuion and critical appraisal of our proposed from field officers," ha said, adding he hopes to pre- sent assilicetiva system ta the ao" forests minister the ann "gt an early dat Ur. Cleaveley branch is doin ve He enid field officers are finding ow e use being made of parks sow encom. pass 3,750,004 acres), the acier and origin of people visit- the user SUT ls 4 a9 SAG Z @ pare (ate them .-- AT RALLY IN OSHAWA © pect this percentage (6 ree even higher this year. We now ate Planning oar wk Calnp- sites on the basis of 20 per cent for trailers and @ per iia for = sae ane oe haps even this is @ low figur for trailer potential. 'Trailer associations such «6 yours ate a wery important part of the reereational de- mand," he told the members of the newly-formed group, brought te life largely through the work of # five-man found- ing committee from the Oshawa Travel Trailer Club Uayor Lyman Gittord, offici- cially opening the inaugural assembly, said he understood the reason for the interest partment statistics indicate that "tn our provincial perks last year 145 per cent of all camp- ing permits were issued to trail- er accommodation whack, repre, + sh Eee b- ee ee year a more detailed break down & the various types of trailers will be 'ea at -- that Mr. Cleaveley provincial parks, "some of our parks show almost @ 5A-58 ratio in accommodating tents and trailers," Ahout 1460 out of 16,900 camping sites in the 71 provincial perks are available for trailer use VLECTION The association held ite first annual convention and election forest settings and serviced Provincial parks aNas of high quali membership of more than VA treilers and 1,500 people The rally, which got under way a week ago yesterday ended yesterday afternoon, tt drew 196 trailers from secross Ontario Mr, Cleavyeley said the lends and forests department is work- tng on a classification scheme for provincial parks (92 to date) to prevent confusion to park visitors The proposal resulted from complaints of lack of designa fied only in limited aquired for sive campground area development perks would be source oriented' opportunity to pand "our outdoor light fire-boll The three Nothnagel, shown in a water contest, girls are Judy Four of the 200 rovers and rangers at the second annual co-ed "Camas" are Fun, Sun Weekend For 200 Campers The Rangers and Rovers then participated in a full program of camp crafts (knots, tent pitching and tracking), games canoeing and swimming MONK"S DINNER A highlight of the day 'monk's dinner At il, everyone brought some thing for the stew pot and ate Orillia and Barry their meal without talking after Camas -- Samac spelled they had been served backwards -- said Grant South There no complaining well, chairman of co-ed week: | about the food," said the camp end, provides a healthy envir-| ehaipman onment for boys and girls who! In the are interested in camping tiei 'The plan was ram awa,"' he said, 'but at our St.)song and a snack hefore re Catharines conference it re-itiring to the camping ares ceived such interest that we ex: Boys were camped on one side tended as many invitations as of the camp, girls on the other we could handle." On Sunday church services Early Saturday morning ac-\ were held at the camp chapel tivities started with a rise and for Protestants and Roman Ca shine breakfast at 7 a.m, follow-|tholics attended a mass at: St ed by a 'flag break' and the) Gregory's Roman Catholic official opening Chureh EMO EVENTS Ontario County Third In Rescue Competition Assimilated casualties with blood stained faces and clothes were a common sight at the annual Kmergen Measures Organization's (eam rescue con test Saturday It the second six-year-old event was Oshawa, The when the' annual atarted \n et al the cue te It was e@ fun-filled, sun-filled weekend at Camp Samae, Sat urday and Sunday, as 200 Ran- ers and Rovers gathered for he second annual Rover-Ran ger coed "camas"' The girls and boys, about 100 each, arrived at the camp Fri day night from as far away a Deep River, Sarnia, Guelph was a was evening everyone ated in a campfire whieh included a par pro started in Osh ing of eight training EMO personnel checked and treated assimil- ated casualties for supposed in juries The contest was made as life like as possible and this ac was eounted for blood smeared time the held tt last.time was iffl the faces, Each team was awarded ability and cape himself { yints according t competition; Pol ording to toa handle the injuries timated oo to watch from wed at Was with the casualty airport ) res In rescut we basic and advanced competition teams province compete in administer judged on ing first ald and rescue tech ta th a ihe niques Atys nerass the were their ability ta evac- rounded or trapped one Winners. we evar First Ald: Sault Sudbury, Lincoln means used was cable uation where a tretcher was lowered from a raised plat form to the ground with the help County, Welland Count of pullies and ropes Advanced Rescue: Hamil! EMO members Wentwarth, Waterloo, St. Thom. for as Elgin Basic Rescue Toronto Western, St. 7 ERigin, Ontario ( tion were three Judges watched closely, as|the Province of Quebec and one the first ald teams -- conslsting|from Alberta, Marie Haldimand n are trained major disasters but they can pul thelr knowledge to use in Metropolitan an everyday situation Also empeti aceident mas resent at the eunty attractions and would be modi- moderately and totally ana enrich and recreational experience natural wild conditions and is | A observers from)' ing reaction to facilities, what roads they use; what they like about Onterin's parks and what's missing, plus a multi tude of other things BIG JUMP Campers 05 are teMie would be ty natural areas Fer inten- tent or trailer have increased from HAW in 1954 to aimost 100,606 last year a jump of almost 94 per cent 4 this number we estimate that almost 15 per cent of all camper use has heen the trailer field and we fully ex pienme Wilderness re provide and €%- knowledge awe transport there are in ig, H Sandra Winacott, 17, 4rd Oshawa Land Rangers 18, 2nd Simcoe South Land Ranger; Joan Leslie, 19, SRS Oshawa Crusader; and Oshawa Times Photo District Man Killed County Road Accident Douglas St. John, 20, son ofaccident occurred, Brian and iDr, and Mrs. R \Becond Ave Uxbridge, was killed Sunday in an accident on ja hill on County Road No, & j west of Uxbridge athlete with Cottage injuries Hospital [wo persons, riding in star in secondary ed the ditch, were injured school, the deceased was a stu dent at the University of Toron . to where he was a member of Delivered Paper the Varsity Hockey Club Corporal Trumbley and Con Price Increases stable Arnold, of the Whitby jdetachment of the Ontario Pro As vineial Police, investigated the} new accident, A post mortem WAS | iperformed at the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital this morning Accompanied his brothers, Brian and Wayne, thejof operation have made the set ideceased was to'ting of a new price necessary | Uxbridge from the family ran | in the Goodwood area when the|10 cents ae : a % Saturday The announced price for ime home delivered by car rier, is 55 cents per week by two returning "It's not too big ean invest- ment, A ear, @ trailer and good common sense on the road is all it takes," He said are becoming more and more in number and 'more facilities are going to be needed Albert Walker, said trailers registered in. Ontario He said J, &t John, | Wayne 8t. John are in Uxbridge] more identical than many out chest|siders are prepared the other vehicle, which also enter- the] of the Oshawalal presentation of easy chairs|jast night and & am Increased costs in all phases| still on the job nV sige | lhe single copy price remains | gecommodate all the members| of Aficers at Bimeoe Hall later Saturday Martin Ostler, former city firefighter, was re-elected pres- ident, Other executives aret Vrank Ball, Oshawa, first vice- president; Dennis Morris, Otta- f wa, second vice-president; Jim UPP, Osh- Mathewe, St. Thomas, treasur- that seccording ta er, Forbes Meckwen, Oshawa, department figures secretary almost 116,000 small The rally will be held at Otta- we next year, No date has been set travel trailer clubs lands and forest de MARTIN O8TLER, prest- dent of the Ontario travel trailer clube association, chats with his granddaugh 'ter, Susan Galka, 9 of 315 Muriel &t., and Ferris Beau- champ, e member of the Ottawa club which will host the 1967 travel trailer rally, Oshawa Times Photo Airplanes Queue Up Land For Breakfast 5,000 Watch Fly - In At Oshawa Airport " She Oshawa OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1966 EXCITING BUSINESS ; Walker Praises /GM Employees The automotive industry is|As in past years, the group the most challenging and excit-\travelled from Oshawa to To ing business on earth, says! ronto and back by special train Walker, president of; Mr, Walker reported that GM General Motors of Canada, of Cannée M Winns ve a sae + a th the) cessful mode! year with produc: Hg a Log oe . tion for the domestic and over: told more than 800 people at-\seas markets to date up by 15) ending the company's annual|per. cent over the comparable| Year Club dinner at the|period of the 1965 model year! Royal York Hotel, Saturday, jane Comonne sales to date up 118.5 per cen | ti Mr. Welber san Soe | Of the current passenger car) sila ye) and truck market, Mr, Walker! people who work in it is of tre-| 4: life tg my personal bellel| mendous importance to them | 84} ' yp é that the Canadian passenger) and to the company, be seceat ta pd en "4 "Ag J have watched the Yé-| short nguse in its upward elimb| lationship of GM people with|ig record levels, It should be |General Motors Corporation dur>| ohvious that new selling rec jing my 87 years of service, 1) ordg cannot be set month after |have become more and more) month," recog convinced that management's) | basie interests and labor's inter-| Cash, Drugs Mr, | Store Theft to jnize or admit," said jests are remarkably alike; far) Walker Membership in the GM 25+| lyear club now totals 2,841, in-| leluding 188 new members who! jhave qualified for membership during the past year, Two jmembers joined the Sd-year ielub, They were Cecil Rowden Between $400 and $500 in cash was stolen overnight from Cen: tral Pharmacy, 211 Simeoe St, |S, Also missing are $6 and $10 | . jworth of narcotics, store owner 'and Herbert Stone and pharmacist Orest Salmers, | 8. McLaughlin, chairman! said today board, made his tradition-| "It happened between 10 p.m today," ito the new SO-year club mem>|said Mr, Salmers, who discov: bers, This group has 29 livingjered the loss when he opened members, three of whom are/shop this morning He said thieves got into the The GM 2-year club has now|store through a doctor's office jgrown 80 large that no single |that adjoins the back of the banquet hall in Canada will! pharmacy. No arrests have been made, and their guests at one time,' Police are investigating. Himes Wife Credits Man, Saving | Husband, Son | PORT PERRY (Staff)---Jack Kahn, King &t,, Whitby, who) jumped into the waters of Lake Scugog Sunday, may well have prevented a double drowning, Mr, and Mrs. William Goverde and their son, Henry (Butch), of Whithy, wére on board Mr, Goverde's cruiser when Henry fell overboard, His father immediately jumped into the lake in an effort to rescue him, Neither were good swime mers, Both had been wearing life jackets when they left shore but had removed them to get more sun Mrs, Goverde started scream: ing for help and attracted: the attention of Mr, Kahn, who was in his runabout and could see poth men étfiggung in water, Mr, Kahn jumped tn, fully clothed, and made the rescue "If it had not "heen for Mr, Kahn I would have lost both my husband and my son," Mrs, Goverde sald, +, we PREFER PEOPLE PARKS FORT WILLIAM, Ont, (CP)-- City council took 1% hours to decide on beauty before conven: jence, Over six dissenting votes, it decided to landscape the land in front of city hall instead of Traffic was heavy both on the ground and in the air Sun- day as the Oshawa Flying Club held its annual breakfast fly-in, In the air, traffic was #0 heavy that planes literally had to queue up to land, Altogether 374 planes made the annual breakfast pilgrim age During the height of the morning rush to get in for bacon and eggs, planes were landing every 20 seconds, On occasions they were coming in two at # time, | On the ground 5,000 spectators |watched the flying spectacular, The hungry pilots and their families and friends consumed 1,800 breakfasts, Down the hatch went 95 gallons of coffee, $5 pounds of butter, 100 loaves of bread, 150 pounds of bacon and 3,000 eggs, The event went off without a iteh, FIRST PLACE The award this year for the first plane to land went to J, C, Campbell of Scarborough, He clocked in at exactly 4,58, "If he had arrived 90 seconds earlier, he would have been breaking the alr regulations," explained fly-in organizer George Slocombe, Mr, Campbell had calculated his flight to the split-second, Be: _| fore leaving Toronto he had con: sulted with metrological authori. ties, the flying club and the air regulations, The whole operation had been executed on paper before hand, For the first time this year a sea-plane made it to the fly-in, Ronald Laish from Orillia put his plane down in the Oshawa making it a parking lot, eS eens OE ee ' ; HUNGRY FLYERS LINE UP IN AIR; ON GROUND «e+ 1,800 Breakfasts Eaten By Visitors eee nee ya ae harbor and then telephoned the airport to clock in his time, urprised flying elub officials hastily dispatched @ car to the harbor to collect the pilot, They also awarded a special prize in honor of the event, The award for the longest distance travelled went to Rob- ert Clark from Walterville, Nova Scotia, With one fuel stop in Sher- brooke, Quebec, Mr, Clark flew 1,400 miles to win the award, Again, as in previous years the event excited a great dea of interest below the border, From Rochester and Buffalo the American flyers came in the dozens, YOUNGEST The youngest passenger award went to 10monthold Robert James Dunn who came in with his parents from But tonville, First father and daughter team to arrive were James Corbett and his daughter Joan, Judy Holmes, from Laith, won the award for the first woman pilot to arrive, The Viying Club came very close to breaking the fly-in rece ord of 379 planes, Five more aircraft, and they would have done it In Many ways, however, this year's event made more ground than ever before, Airplane man- ufacturers laid on extensive dise plays for the visiting pilots, Piper and Cessna, the giants of the flying world, each had displays of their alreraft at the alrport, De Havilland brought their latest turbocharged Beaver, also their Twin Otter, PRETTY YOUNG FLY «+ IN VISITOR « « o danet Mills, 15, of Law St. Oshawa

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