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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1966, p. 15

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HILLS AND DALES Centennial Park Plan Authorized Preparation of 2 master plan,council couldn't give the tusti- af the Wille and Dales area asi ness ta someone in the city in a park was approved last night! stead of going out of town for a ny city council designer | Counce agreed to engage Aid. Hayward Murdoch said. Project Planning Associates to\'there are a lot of designers) prepare the plan at a fee of in the city but no one has come 1 park, near the forward." southwest comer of Rossland Ald. Christine Thomas said and Ritson Rds., will be named there are many people in the Hills and Dales pia city with imagination who ean Park. do this joh However, not all of\council "We don't want to pay for favored the motion and Ald. something to have it lay on the Margaret Shaw asked \ why shell, for who knows when," P eaenmemeiaens + she said The $2,600 could be put to het- ter use, she said "We could put back some of the trees we've slashed down for road construction," the alderman suggested Ald, Richard Donald said, in preparing the master plan, U Ld xbridge Man * ] Mi * Still Missing No trace has heen found yet o Uyearoid Joseph Athert 'Oshawa Fine OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1966 ; The provincial government | has approved a grant of $75,000) to go toward Provincial Grant Aids School Fund a | MPP Announces $7. 5,000 | For Crippled Children "Honorable Matthew Dymond, minister of health, has given | ca-nperath Chil- have sought all "NO TROUBLE NOW" Festival Parade the $250,060 Osh-\me every awa and District Corpee ldren's School and Treatment| support from Centre, | for this project, The announcement came to-| "Because of my own personal |day from Albert Walker, MPP,\interest as a member of the | Oshawa, who also said the fed-|crippled children's centre com- eral government will make| mittee | know something of the lavailable a capital grant of) work done by this group of very $46,000 at the same time, | sincere and dedicated local elti- « O'Brien, of Uxbridge, who es-\council wasn't talking of mil- Entries Increase "That's the best news I've zens on behalf of the crippled ecaped from police custody a werk ago. He escaped from the Oshawa police department short ly after hearing a further six months had heen added to the five year jail sentence he had recivd for a numbr of break enter and theft charges Also atill missing is 1%-year- old Alex Dobromiiski who ran away from home on June |. His address is 124 Windsor &t lions of dollars The plan will always he there and the parks committee could start work on the park in 1967,"' he told council Ald. Murdoch said he has re- ceived letters from two women's groups within the city which have offered their assis- tance to the project as well as an offer from the Oshawa hor ticultural society "OM the ground and on it's feet," That's how the Oshawa and) district Volk Vestival parade July 1 was deseribed today by! march chairman, Jim Sabyan who 12 days ago predicted it could look like a funeral cor: tege,"' "No trouble now," he said,| We'll have # good parade," He said he has lined up a ed in the parade and the end re- heard for a long time,"' Harold MeNeill, executive director of| Simcoe Hall Settlement House, children in the area," CONSTRUCTION sult July | was 40 floats and 19) vrinnied Children's School, said| Mr. McNeill said construction bands. "| could stand more entries, Mr, Sabyan said, adding that any? interested groups should call him after 7 p.m, at 728-5556 He told the folk festival com- mittee at a meeting June & he only had one float and three ma- jorette groups but the commit- tee asked him to keep working, " today, "This is really « hig Vift,"| he said, noting the campaign has been under way since Veb- ruary and that a three-man delegation from the building committee of the new school is heading into Toronto today for jmore financial help, | The blitz for $250,000 in build- Girl Suffers Broken Neck Saved By Fellow Students 'I was going to dive off the! Susan was whisked to Ross dock and then I saw her there,| Memorial Hospital in Lindsay She was head down in the after the accident and then on water, It didn't look right some- to Toronto General Hospital the how. same day, Last Sunday she un- 'lt walked to the end of the derwent a major operation on dock and looked closely, | rea- her neck, lized then she couldn't hold her| 'We are very fortunate," said breath that long, so I jumped Mrs, Allan, 'She suffered no in- in and pulled her head up," juries to the head. It was all This was the account made|in the neck, Doctors are saying today by 16-year-old fSheila|improvements will be slow, We Keys, 441 Ritson Rd, N., of are hopeful, She was a very the aftermath of a nearfataliactive girl, She liked dancing at Cameron Lake near Lindsay and swimming and everything last week, else young people enjoy." dozen floats, a number of The parade is planned to go) from General Motors of Canada| ing, grants now stands at the marching groups and six bands| head office parking lot off Bond and "we'll have a lot of post-|St,, down Ritson Rd, and the THIS ONE DIDN'T GET AWAY | the motor and he pulled it in hand over hand until he felt a tug, 'You've got a bite,' he told me."' Terry, going info Grade 12 at Dr, ¥, J, Done- 'Tt felt like weeds," 18- year-old Terry Smith of 124 LaSalle Ave., said today describing what it was like to hook this eight - pound, five-ounce pickerel at Rig van Collegiate Institute, said Bald Lake, 'I gave the line he took his line back and to Ron (Ron Rollo, 16, 952 hauled the catch to the boat Bruce &t,) who was running within 10 minutes on an eight-pound test line, The fish bit in a rocky channel of Big Bald, in the Pigeon Lake area, when Terry, Ron and. David Roote, also 160, 206 Cadillac Ave. &., were trolling about half an hour afier sunset last Wriday ~Oshawa Times Photo Last year at this time about eight bands and 24 floats want-| ltime entries," "wrong way" down King &t, E. and W, to the Oshawa Shopping Centre ' Union - Company Called Back To Bargaining Table A government conciliation officer has called the two par- ties in the K-Mart dispute back! to the bargaining table, it was) learned late this morning, | last night at the strike-hound store As yet no charges have been laid, An OPP spokesman said to- HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS | scheme tried in elty high schools |OF jhas snowballed in popularity) |to the Toronto area, | igram was tested during new driver - education;you might find at a major train, (people with the diploma) there Mr, Buchanan said 'no pro will be major cuts in car inr| ore, bus station Another 18 hours observation! surance," is involved too, Driver - Education Scheme | Snowballs In Popularity arta sen iince tel hiorrter oteing in erm he said, He said the driver + education) b Not only has the scheme gone|scheme will be continued here} The Ontario Motor Leage pro-|off so well that it has spread next year and be Included in| ine ; tember for a ee oe oe ing since last September for but/the latest high school to go into Hugh Buchanan, Ontario Sup:|day the incident, in whieh lervisor of the Retail, Whole-| seven or-eight" picketers took sale and Department &tore|part was 'common assault in- Workers' Union, said today the; volving a citizen," meeting has been called for) Two weeks ago nine picket June 26 ers were arrested and released This will he the second time|on $100 hail for obstructing # a conciliation officer has met police officer. They were all | representatives of Kresge's and! members of Local 222, United The first meeting with a con: cillation officer was Their case is being heard June 14,| August 9, gress was made then but we're hopeful the next meeting will) e different," Local 414 has been negotiat Peace Caravan first contract for its members Sheila and Hugene McDonald, Sheila is the daughter of Mr,| 17, 479 Ritson Rad. N,, both stu-/and Mrs, Harry Keys and Fu-| dents of O'Neill CVI, were cred-| gene's parents are Mr, and Mrs ited today with saving the life| Henry McDonald of serene Susan Allan, 393 Ritson Rd, N, Susan suffered a broken neck when she dove into Ry CHILDREN SPUR water during a school picnic for) a Grade 10 class at O'Neill CVI| AUTO CAUTION last Thursday, | 'Twenty thousand school | | children will be added to city IMPROVING } Her condition today ts consid pong when schools close ered 'greatly improved over r hat ft was several 48¥# 880."| oitcer, council was. 10d | usan's mother, Mrs, Lewis ' Allan, told the Times today, | there will be more children Said Mrs, Allan: 'If she had-| n't been pulled out at that very moment (when Sheila spot ted her) it would have been too Jate," sald Mrs, Allan, credit. ing Miss Keys and Fugene with saving her daughter's life, 'Tt couldn't lift her on the dock," said Sheila, 'I called to Kugene and he pulled her up I) 2.) guess and gave her artificial) Girorg respiration, It brought her back to normal breathing," Workers riding bicycles and crossing roads without crossing guards when the holiday sea- fon starts, The letter asked that all motorists in the elty be espe- | cially careful when driving | during this time of year Motorists should drive with extra care during the sum: | mer---months,- sald-----Mayer .{ion, aix hours of the in-the:/far, he said, adding that when|Minister of National Revenue; | lear driver-training, and two| students successfully complete| Russel Honey,.Durham MP and! Consider last school term on students in|the OML working with the city's! city schools and results have| board of education, has decided lured more than 40 Toronto area|to run a summer course starting educational institutes to request) July § that will run about six it, weeks, The scheme, offering class-| That driver - training session, room lectures on a dozen of \says Phillip W, Randell, OML's more aspects of driving plus|director of driver education, is indoor and outdoor driving tests,/to be conducted at Mclaughlin has an involvement of more than|CVI Tuesday, Wednesday and 56-hours per pupil Thuraday of each week, To make the grade \t takes! About 50 people are expected! 25 hours of classroom instruct-|to enroll, Twenty are in it so hours of workouts in a car sim-|the course they get a diploma! that works something like a) ulatoer that works something like a "road tester' machine of education and transport | 'In 90 per cent of these Caner Firm's Final Offer Advertisin | The steelworkers' Local 2784 negotiating committee will pre- sent members, at a special meeting Sunday, with the final contract offer made by their one Reynolds Extrusion Co td, The offer came after two days of talks between the union and the company. Negotiations for a new con tract are already past the gov- ernment conciliation stage. Representatives of Reynolds, and Local 2784, United Steel. workers of America have met with a department of labor con ciliation officer and are now! waiting for the officer's no |board report, Grant Taylor, USWA inter-| national representative and Local 2784 head negotiator sald today the report is expected "any day," This report is a recommen:| dation to the minister of labor! that no useful purpose would | be achieved by appointing a conciliation board If the two sides cannot come to an agreement within seven! days after the report appears, | the union ia legally entitled to strike The contract between Rey-} nolds and the 130 members of Local 2784 expired May 91, 90 - Year Jewel Presented At Special Masonic Dinner Gordon W. Bunker was pre sented with his Sd-year service jewel as a mason last night The presentation was made by Mr. Bunker's son-in-law, Maurice Bickle, at a testimonial dinner for past district deputies and the present incumbent, W, Catering Truck Licence Granted Although Anthony Derokozis of 8? Carlton St., Toronto, was granied a licence by council, last night, to operate a cater ing truck, it was given relue tantly "We don't have any alterna tive but to grant the licence," said Ald. Hayward Murdoch liut this type of aperation i becoming too prevalent in the city." He said it was far too easy for parents to give a nickel to a child and have him chase these vehicles "T approve this mation," the aldern , might bs coming back with a motion io protect these 1 dren if their parents won't." said | was followed by a toast to the jhonored guests and replied: to HU, Rowden of Port Hope, hosted by Lebanon Lodge, AF and AM Prior to receiving the jewel! Dr, George Werry reviewed Mr, Bunker's civic, church and masonic life Speaker of the evening was Russell Treleaven, past grand master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the province of On-| lario Chairman of the annual testi- monial dinner was Gordon Pier. son, immediate past master of Lebanon Lodge, Grace was said by Rey, Harry Mellow, pastor of Northminster United Church, and the guests from various parts of the province were. in- troduced by M, RB, Reed, jun-| lor warden of the lodge Honored guests were intro duced by H. 0. Flintoff, a past master of Lebanon Lodge. War shipful Master Willlam Boorman tendered a welcome to everyone at the testimonial dianer which by Mr, Rowden Mr, Treleaven was introduc:| ed by T. 1. Wilson, His text was] 4 mason"s duty ta himself and] h ommuuils W. L. Pierson] voiced appreciation of the eath-| ering to the epeaker, g Banners Banned From Streets | Krection of advertising ban:!was a watery bylaw just Mike | ners on cily streets was pro-|many she had come across be: | hibited last night by eity eoun-/fore | cil Ald, Richard Donald said Members agreed to accept a/"you're going too far - as soon | public works committee recom-|as you say advertising--you're| mendation to specifically pro-|getting into a ridiculous situa:| hibit the banners, but not be-|tion"', | fore the question received con:) The public works committee! siderable debate argued that the city needed Mayor Lyman Gifford said he|some form of bylaw to prevent jthought the amendment to the/the erection of such banners by |totalled $544.4 proposed bylaw was too strin-|anyone | gen! Council was told the banners, Ald, Christine Thomas asked|presented a safety hazard to} what council was going (o do in|jmotorists who were tempted to the centennial year take thelr eyes off the rond| "We can't break our own by: when driving to look al them law,' she said, overhead Ald, Clifford Pilkey said he} Ald would support the motion if the whether word advertising was left out Ald, Margaret Donald the told banners were counell! far) Shaw said it\they still presented a hazard operation in September, Hast dale Collegiate, Benson, Honey Attend Picnic Three prominent Liberals will ipienic Saturday --with Ontario} riding association members The Honorable Ei, J, Benson, chairman of the government endorsed by Ontario's ministers|caucus, and Andrew Thompson,| leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, will attend the pienic at Springhill Park Pienickers will enjoy games, races ty type entertainment, ming facilities will able Families be able to and novel Swim: be avail: are expected to lbring their own lunch, but fee cream and pop will be supplied Other members of the Liberal party from Ottawa and Toronto have been invited to the picnic City Bank Debits Over $544 Million Canadian Bankers Association has announced that debits to Oshawa bank accounts in May million, an ins crease from April and a de- crease from May, 1965. The figure for April was $598.9 mil: lion and in May of Jast year, $503.5 million, Only four of the large recom munities exceeded Oshawa in May debits, These were Ham itton, $896.7; Londan, $694.4; jsome form of advertising or not) Ottawa, $778.0 and Toronto, $16,-|company, 450.2, TWO ALDERMEN OBJECT --NO PUBLIC SALE City Land Sold To Developers A recorded vote, last night, setiled the question of whether or not the city has the right to sell city-owned land without ed to the public f is sold, "Council," not prejudge who he said, "If the lar anyone but erly owners, cil should be irst before it "should considers the employed at K-Mart | Whitby Ontario -- Provincial Police are consulting Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck follow: \ing an incident which occurred 'TRUCK DRIVER DIES IN ACCIDENT BOWMANVILLE (Staff) ---= | The driver of a_ transport was killed at 12.80 a.m, to- day when the vehicle rolled over on Highway 35, near Orono, | The name of the driver has not been released pending notification of next of kin, Rev, Donald Warne, assistant secretary, Board of Christian Education, Presbyterian Church in Canada, said today members of the Peace Caravan will hold two meetings in Oshawa and district this week, | The first will he held Wednes: day night at his residence in Whitby, 400 Fairview Dr, The second will be held Thursday night in Cowan House, &t, George's Anglican Church, Athol at, Speakers will include gradu- ates and undergraduates of the University of Toronto, current: ly on tour with the Peace Cara: Constable Joynt of the Bow: | manville detachment of the | OPP investigated, WHITBY (Staff) -- Two dis- trict men convicted by juries in Ontario County received a short reprieve from sentencing yea: terday, Judge Alex Wall remanded Wayne Moore, 22, of Ajax and Roy Andrews, 98 of RR &, {Bowmanville, until Friday for isentence because pre-sentence lreports were not before him as ihe had ordered, Moore was convicted of steal: ing less than §50 from Versa- food Service Ltd, Toranto, jAndrews was found guilty of |theft over $50 from the same | Roth were routemen for the! nd is of no use to limit of the adjacent prop: then I think coun: able to sell it with Two District Men Receive Reprieve From Sentencing entrance least 180 feet east of the new east limit of Glen St, van, Mr, Warne said-the group hopes to "encourage the pro: motion of international peace, especially in regards to Viet Nam," Versafood firm, servicing cof: fee, milk and soft-drink vending machines in the chassis plant of General Motors of Canada Lid,, Oshawa, Judge Hall told the men's counsels, John Greer and W. H. J, Thompson, there must have been some misunderstand: ing over the pre-sentence re: ports, He said he spoke to the probation officer last Friday Mr, Greer said hisan Bh he had not been inform: ed," Mr, Greer said his client, An- drews, was interviewed -- last Friday by the probation officer, Rail for Moore and Andrews was set at $2,000 each, Wentworth St and any to Porter St, be at Hold Meetings |$247,000-mark using the grants, jand possibly more, It is not known exactly how imuch money the building com- | mittee delegation will seek from ithe Ontario Society for Crippled Children = but it could be 168,000 or something under that figure, Mr, MeNeill said, | "We don't have much to raise now. I don't have exact figures joff hand," he said, | In making the announcement \of the windfall, Mr. Walker said: A Prince Albert man, Law- rence Brown, about 20, has been charged with dangerous driving in connection with a two-car ace cident near Uxbridge Sunday that killed one man and injured four other people, one seriously, Cpl, D, I, Trumbley, one of the investigating officers, said "| today Brown has been freed on $5,000 bail, Douglas &t, John, 20, son of Dr, and Mrs, R, J, St, John, Uxbridge, was killed in the crash, His two brothers, Brian and Customs Workers Consider Strike A vone meeting of the cus: toms and excise officers asso: ciation, southern Ontario branch, will be held tonight to decide whether president Dave Leethur, will vote for or against strike action when he attends an association meeting in Toronto, July 2, 3, The meeting will start at 8p.m, at the Oshawa post office with representatives of the southern Ontario branch from Oshawa, Peterborough, Lindsay, Port Hope and Cobourg, Customs and excise officers decided last Thursday, in Ni- agara Falla to endorse strike action unless interim pay in- creases are reinstated and up- graded by the federal treasury board, A spokesman al the meeting said some jobs paying $5,215 a year have been reclassified to $3,600 and others paying $6,062 have been cut back to $5,054, SEE NORTHERN LAKES WINNIPEG (CP)--U,§, televi- sion viewers have seen the Man: itoba government's tourist film about the Goda Lake region more often than any other Cana: dian travel show = 421 times, Only four other Canadian movies have been shown more than 300 times on U8, chan: nels, The Ontario Regimental Band has invited it's neighbor, the Toronto Metropolitan Brass Rand to perform at a concert, Thursday. at the MoLaughiin Band Shell in Memorial Park, The Metropolitan Band was organized in 1991 but remained homeless for three years until they joined the Metropolitan Chureh in downtown Teranto to of the new building, to he on # two-nere parcel of land, is ex- ipected to start by the end of this month, He said the building, to ae- commodate ahout 160 pupils daily, should he completed by next Thanksgiving, Some features in it will be a theapeutic swimming pool; four physio + occupational therapy rooms; four classrooms; a speech therapy room and an as. sembly room, Construction will be on the site of the current centre, an old red-bricked, one-room school house at the corner of Bloor &t, and Harmony Rd, The Women's Welfare League of the Simeone Hall Settlement House has operated the centre for the last three years and for a previous nine years area parents interested in helping crippled children did the job, Rrea Driver Charged Atter Fatal Accident Wayne &t, John, also of Use bridge, were reported in satis. factory condition in Uxbridge Cottage Hospital today, Brown, driver of one of the cars, escaped injury but two passengers in his car are in the Cottage Hospital also, Officials at the hospital say that John Ploeger, Uxbridg,e re- mains in critical condition toda: earings from a broken nee and os Evonne Hill, Ux bridge, believed to be 16 years of age, is suffering minor con: tusions and lacerations, Brian and Wayne &t, John were reported recovering from chest injuries, The St, John family was ap: parently returning to Uxbridge from the family ranch in the Goodwood area at the time of the mishap, Speaker Urges Civic Projects Citizenship is the essence of community life, Willard Gore don, QC, a Toronto corporation lawyer, told members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa Mon: day, Mr, Gordon said citizenship involves a sense of loyalty and reaponsibility, For that reason there is an obligation on all citl gens and particularly on mem» bers of the Rotary Club to see that these duties are difr charged, he said, Tt was suggested Rotarians project themselves into com: munity life by forming a com: mittee which would, each three months, gather young people who had just turned 21 years and give them a course in social ethics, government and their obligations as citizens, 'We should try and show a sense of responsibility to our inatitutions which today are feeling the winds of change and are becoming permeated with decay," Mr, Gordon sald, Toronto Band Performing Memorial Park Concert and was a director of 'Air Transport Command'," said the spokesman, Selections by the Metropolitan band include; Cossack March", "You'll Never Walk Alone", "Spanish Dance No, 5", and se- lections from "My Fair Lady", offering it for sale to the public first Council agreed, by a vote of 11-2, to sell a city-owned par cel of land on the north side of Wentworth St,, between Cedar and Glen Sts,, to Valiant De- velopment Lid, for the sum of $34,000 e land was no offered for public sale Valiant Development Lid., is plafining an apartment develop: ment in the area, Ald, Richard Donald, who re- quested the recorded vote and opposed the motion along with Ale Margaret Shaw, asked council if it has a paliey for 0 ng cit. land for sale He told couneil he was of the opinion the land should $e offer Jand valuable or not," Ald. Clifford Pilkey asked the public works committee chair. man, Ald, Cecil Bint, who made the recommendation, if anyone other than Valiant Develop: ments Lid., had indicated inter: est in the land, The answer was no. To this Ald, Donald replied, 'I'm speaking in principle rath: er than on a specific case." Ald, Pilkey told council there are. times when there are pect» liar circumstances which per: mit such a sale 'There are times wifen coun ell should stick to its policy and there are other times when some flexibility should be per: mitted," he eald, out a public sale,"' he added Conditions of the property sale are that Valiant Develapments Lid., acquire the balance of the un developed property in the block bounded by Wentworth, Cedar, Porter and Glen Sts,; plans fer the proposed de velopment be approved by the Oshawa planning board and the public works department; the land acquired for the widening of Glen St, be deeded fea the city; vehicular worth and hibited any entrance ta the de velopment on Cedar St, be at least 150 feet north of the north Went» Pree access to Glen Sts, be ~ethe developer pay a lot levy for sewage treatment and san itary trunk sewers on all the land included in the develop: ment excluding the parcel pur chased from the city, at the rate of $3,500 per acre; service charges be paid for all of the land to be included in the development, except the parcel of land purchased by the city, for services on Cedar St., Glen St, and Porter St.; Satisfactory financial ar rangements be made with the city fer the extension to the property of both sanitary sew- ers and.starm sewers the developer enter into a site plan agreement with the ety, 1 become part of the musical life of the church, Later, they offered their ser- vices to the Scottish Reserve Rattalion and stayed until 1944 when active, enlistments forced a temporary clase, "Through junior and senior bands, the Metroppolitan band has maintained a high calibre of music" secretary-treasurer of the regi- mental band, ® "Under the direction of B, J, Robbins, the band's reputation has flourished," said a regi: mental band spokesman, "Mr, Robbins das attained an enviable reputation as a eupho nium soloist in Canada and the U.S; was enlisted in the RCAF says R, .W Martyn,! a flying officer and band soloist! the $1,000 Grant Made For Conservation TORONTO (Special) -- The Ontario government has made & grant of $1,000 to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Au: thority for additional develop: ment work, The planned work includes construction of a pond in the Enniskillen Conservation Area, some 66 acres of land in Dar: ington township, The Authority acquired the jarea in 1965 becuase of its suit» jability for development as a multi-purpose conservation site, All member municipalities will bear eg Authority's share of oi) '

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