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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jun 1966, p. 21

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tained Us reconditioned fighters| ASHINGTON LCP) -- With Grom the Kind Bates " ' gan-running | in the turtulent Middle WAY BUY US, BOMBERS y there ie specuiation 6 10) ternel has heen buying trom) - Oe gags AP : (Middle East May Become | ' World's Next Trouble Spot EATON'S in OSHAWA ARCH MachENTIE (France and Britain, bas oh | lieved tn have an opion now| $4 _a Si * the United on 56 Awercsz -- rance and Britain Weve! 'Serie: arms continue ta flow arms Heals inin Kgypt and Syria, whose| on Vadt-Wett\ieti-wing regime may be the on \ocal soon sent to g0, some think, despite hostiity betWeeR\the appointment recently of| ann h Wine creates! more pro-Masser officials ; : ope eppartunity for SFm# MEF'! Britnin and the United Siates| 'Another \s the deepening rin have eid Baudi Arabia an tr hetween President Gamal\ defence system costing more Abdel Nasser of the United! than $100,060,900 | t (Key) And terget is not helieved to hel : ' nh ; worried about © 5 isuch ws Lebanon, Jordan a4! civil war against Saudi Arabia 4 ne, 9 ee fret and much troubled with other +! int ters, Mn acces or Brian ane -- matters the United States, is making a|. However, Jordan has heen Ae- i state visit to the United Btates,| Yelping @ lot of military mus: this week, On the occasion of (16 904, #& observed by the Feisal's trip, Masser lashed out New Republic magazine, Jordan lagain at right-wing Arab ele- "could, at least in theary, con lente tusthoy ruffling thelcentrate some 200 tanks at # "hrah co-existence,' in effect\ Sven point near the Israeli hor- for more than two years |Ger-mane short drive and leragl Nesser's relations with the| "uid he eut in two United States remain difficult,, It adds: "Naturally, the Is-| as he continues to try to make|raelis feel they need an addi-| what capital he can out of the| tonal armored brigade or two,' rivalry between the United 80, another trip to Washington States and the Soviet Union, | 18 predicted | DEPENDS ON U.S, | He remains heavily depend- A S f y ent on the United States for uto a et ag on flour, nap shed and i the United States is taking | Ch "7 time about renewing this aid easures ec J i ; | which expires June 40, | y ; tee, I event, AMS bales ATE| rf ; , Be Gs hs ° . a ie opie ned phe | dined pp pie The U.S, bureau of standards ' United Arah Command was | #8 asked the air force to con- ; formed more than two years, duet rapid deceleration teste J FLANDERS FIELDS |ago to convert anti-lsrael senti-|\ With auto seat belt systems to b lment into military hardware coerwne if present test stan: s ' an 7 ar owe y p twa ate i dards are adequate | Canadian soldiers place ground some of the wounded siarted June 2, 1016, total (lower photo) where for the weeker Arab countries { boardwalks on the muddy and prisoners make their Canadian casualties numbers Belgian boys wend their These events followed The seat helt systems of the! @ Framed mirror, console table and pair of sconces | , are ' 5 ig the rows of \four major U.S, aula manufac battlefield of Banectuary way to the rear, In the Viret bered 11,540, Many are way among King Hussein of Jordan, on|(" Wood while in the back World War battle, which buried in this cemetery tombstones secaal jturers will he used in the tests i fe He 23 ALAMOGORDO, NUM. (AP) s north and east flanks, 7 f . , ltald Washington thet Presideni|#t Holloman Air Force Base in| Create a high-fashion image with EATON'S wall ensembles, Elabor- Nasser flering Soviet) *outhern New Mexico, te baroque designs will add elegance and glamour wherever you | U ome ot y Os " nvrices, Was!| Although the bureau has pub- ore oqu esig 9 td 9 3 y WOODBINE ENTRIE ata oguer ncovers fanen suse Gp with pasoried lished specifications for eet use them in your home, Composition designs are finished in an- FIRST RACE phaiden three-year-(Deathery, Ne Boy Alls tanks, armored vehicles and peite, fey i not inelude atest) tique geie-colour oF walle brushed with 55 ry a ve by eae, Ore and one isn Miles (8) |Tamiana, | a R Lett F p t guns in which ® human form wear! lass mirror is 17 x 33" overall, table x 9 x B" high and ¢ SRO Kite, ames 118 | Speedy | i m as | Isyael spoke wp next and got\ing the straps is brought to a ? ; / Winay oss, oan | Bepuanta, Mee ham Ait¢ are er Fro lon US. bullt. tanks via West| sudden stop from. speeds of, fwin sconces 14" tall, Decorate and save... order the complete en- EOE bet Rernbivm He parmeng 7 AUTEN OmrTY \Germany, But then, amid inter-\normal auto travel ble at EATON'S tod pander) » KENNE ia valuable it lips thre 4 y ? nier semble a ay, Ohne Fi, No Bey Ve } EKACTOR WAGERING } Ry CAROL ere ie ihe "be or Soiheby's Minarpeyeg| ational headlines, the Germans| 'The tests will he conducted on y Mr. Essco, Fitzsimmons AlN3 } LONDON (CP) A . e \the Daisy Decelerato sle Grand Manitou, Ha Boy All) SIKTH RACE -- Purse $2,800 CAT! eve of @ cataloguer at Sothe-|Calaloguers, enabling someone|PAlked on the deal and they y Decel r, ® sled ' i" n| Dou lib!' Allowan thr nd four , é , avenin® | were sent directly from the U.8.\that can aecelerate quickly PEL Br and Mable and Double ton Elie" Moments Stn Miles (thi by's, the famous Bond Street|'0 Pick up A bargain? | Jordan then applied for andjalong a 240-foot test track and Ordinarily 37,95, ) a British Maid, Kornblum AKKI |saleroom, unearthed a valuable) 'Oh, there's the odd one that) eot another batch of weapons,|then come to a sudden, jolting ig tien) 9068 =, rane bg Pio thee Yall Binisch 110 document from Canada's pastigets away, you know," gald|8o did Jereel, istop, Teste are to begin this SPECIAL, 4 POOR: bance Y Tan Pence, Ne Boy \nh : that otherwise might have heen|Wells with a chuckle Jorda fter sounding out' summer bg Pa ae Braet Aaron, spartans? sold virtually unnoticed in a tl acs Mle an AD Mise Dynamic, Griffa KO jolly Monarch, Fitgsimmens 110 bundle of old books mame wan EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 276 PHONE 725-7379 Tarry Hughes, Neo Bay, 116 Phalane Queen, Nedeay iit | The document, draft of @ lete| Clem Clam, Walsh | AWindilelds Farm Entry Kibarty, Ne Bay 110 | ter written to Prime Minister 4 t, Brownell XK 100 | SEVENTH RACH = Purse $10,000 add-| ' Bere Sarees, No Bay is ed My Dear Blakes' Two-year-old Fii-| William Pitt the Elder from the Fidikus, Leplane 117 les. 6 Furs, (1) | hattlefield of Quehee in Septem: | dammed Lovely, Harrie Ale | ) vy . + VHIRD RACE ~ Puree 67,100 Claim-| Phantom Belle, Na Bev 08 her, 1759, hy Brig.-Gen, sar 9 47500) Malden Two-veer-olds, § Furs Leeiover, No Boy 108 George Townshend, is expecte an Lady Gouraet, Tureotle B1I8 to fetch between £1,500 and , Bandit Boat, Diltfech 18 Ruling Crown, Walsh |i i , Third Rule, No Boy Alp | Ascending, MeCMamh 108 | £2,000 when it goes up for ayer pieneuerss erry mi All we, Have, Gamer mM ition June 20 in @ sale devoted | aot Hill, Me Boy il) Hasty Thought, Leblang | Mo , Larkepur Lady, Hale All bwan Diver, Turcotte BI10 |to North American books and " he 4 faile. The Preacher, Griffa Kil) Northern Blonde, FPitgsimmaons Alll | papers y | Priced Right, Varrise Miss Snowganse, Diltfach 11) Bunty's Flash, No Boy 119 Le Saks care Townshend, wha commanded Fleet Arab, Parrott Vie B-Mits Metune, R and ® Stabile entry|the left wing of Gen, James $y % aael, Mo Boy 118 Wolfe's troops on the Plains of vi i j tue Forest, Gomer 119 BiIGHTH RACE Purse $9,200 Claim i Q F'lw P, eadmisten and WM, Weseener ng three and fourvearelds, One Mile) Abraham, took over direction of , entry on Marshall Turf Course () the battle after Wolfe's death 5 Squadru, Coombs ¥105 | ' ROURTH RACH -- Purse $1,000 Claim:|Five Loves, Barroby 110 | The letter, evidently written OFFERS : ing Cc Three-vyearcids, (Division of Thomas 6 afte len My before this occurred, hears no wa) (9) ir Barrie Browne! le 7 " a _ wig é lead, all 100 Nish dinuae te tay its address, date or signature, " dome Missile, No Boy 105 Susie Sweet, Gorden Al\0 Written in a spidery hand on Quince svi xNNe Breety reese, He Boy. 108 |four quarto-sized panes pulled W. E. Lang Certified Hearing an a vain won, : Aid Audiologist Count Lively, No Boy 117 | Bon Cecilie, Kernblum 10? }frem the middle o lranstar, Ditttach 117 Zuleioa, Harrison 108 | ercise hook, the ink faded brown Here's Lady Sue, Griffe M119 Cool Culle, Karnblum 8 ld with age, it hegins "Sir, | have , . : oi: so " Complete Hearing Analysis Strip tor Action, Fitrsirnmans 118 Foredack, Filtstimmons if Minda, Turcotte 110 Alen Bligibles Lucky Deal Werry ¥il4 the honor to aequaint you with Nee Annie Dory, Parrott 112) Korolev winyn, ee mf tarry ET OTe, Ne ete ae taeoeth Instant in eal un Private Consultation Room water Allowances, Fillies and Mare and |. Veal and R. Mule entey.| Arm's on the Lith Instant in an Pour-yearolds and up, One and one 14h B Nadler, 8. Krupp and |. ¢. Morriere Action with the French upon the Fearne Lane Ne Boy 119 0 'or ake. AAC) AMT Whe AAG! AEE Heights 10 the Westward of this A meena oe For Any Core Town,"' : | It contains numerous correc: | m " WOODBINE RESULTS | Hens ravniont and deletions 'y Seve_6.00 | Service, repairs ond batteries jand is cleaily an earlier draft Ganmuve (60) w-Mantev's 'Week tie han than the one in Ottawa's North RAN Yor almost all makes, bine rece. resuily lcliffe collection, presented by| D MoNALLY All hearing alds cleaned and Pireh--Purse $9,000, _slaiming, -mal:| Fifth--Purse 99300, elalming, Syenr-| Miss Orleans (Hr'son) 7.80 18.90 17.90/Be Optimistic (Gomer) 10.90 400 329)}memory of the Rritish press Ages 10 to 14 ' checked without charge or den byear-old, fillies, § Artem olds, turf, | mile |Sir Leleester Harmaworth in Sunday Cru (Steve) 360 2.66) Chane Encounter (Kenbim) $90 3.4 Miss Haysin. (Marcie) $801 Silver' Run' (Gorden) yin baron Lord Northeliffe in' the , obligation Time: 1:0) 25 (phote) Time: 1.38 2S (Bhoted early 1920s | é = Windana, Flawless q Soartica Reval Cate Twinkle Jay, Nailerd n e ; > Queen's Wolvele Malden Myrtite, Pas.lgay chara Snow. Water sine rane | ne letter arrived at Sotheby's) Z . You may telephone for your fere's Babe, Dancing Rhyinm, Susy] jsome months ago in a plain Jan, Millatra alae ran | @xactor; M90 lfolder amid a bundle of rare > battery requirements added, Pinte North American books, It at: ferand-Purse 92,200, claiming, 4!) Sixth Purse 0,000 ' \ arate COR A 1 trial blakes, d-yearcolds, foaled. in Can-|tracted no particular attention ' who want to Home Consultation b ap: ag FS hal 11) Tae reat NEST tetany" HAg ago] Unt it went to Sediey Wells in AY é pointment, without obli- Bakele (Gomes) 2.70) Doniands (Gomer) 4.30| the saleroam's book section for) gation ime ' (phate) Ti na 4 i) a Ravel Autumn, Field Trial, Humber alee Jive Chapolis, Sellar = Fiver a lusion *, the catalogue of earn money » Bream: ainlnes, Sacre) Ne Resi/gcho Lad, Conilie How, Bay We Sail) A mene or June sale, | * m de : All urchases covered by + Bonnie Flare, Sliver Beay, Line! aisn ran 'As soon as I saw it, T sensed ' a x : Me Up, Lad ith ' ED 4 ' """ 4 ge gua Seventh-Purse 810,000-added, Plate this was an important doeuw : Ordinarily 14,95 | EAT: N s guarantee Goods Dally double; 924.90 rie) | Wako dyearoldt, foaled ment " said Wells a scholarly ' Satisfactory or Money Re- Third--Purse $2,000, claiming, dyear Tiled Hero (Gomer) 2.40 1 a ee ne. Seeegeneee man Wie ! \ ' funded" olds and up, @ furlongs Bright Monareh (Bare) 6 ee nh the Business of a " wert, Pinon, $8 he Arai Tropa pitta 40l hooks and manuscripts for 90 il " . @ 12" that makes all the differ- fe) h i ical Ballnode | (Flasimmont) 1W| Place. Victoria, The Hangman, Radi: | Years ah |] ence to your knowledge of the ne-stop shopping optica Time: V:12. (photo) ant Colors, Boubting Thomas, North! That single word 'Sir' at the! ' i | world, and hearing aids Piay The Game, Great Promise, Shy ern Miner also ran. A Jet, Lea's. Yingel, White Wheels," Gay top of the page made me certain Vans Morrisieas Heune Boy, Galrnarclic) Wighin--Purse $2,000. % and dvear) the letter was addressed to Dramatically coloured mountains Phone 725-7373 local 233 for alte ran. olds, foaled in Canada, course, anout mil someone of importance, and the of the lan seq j Sateintura |" Walk. datininny bi Reread ablane) 410 2.90 a%0aceount of the battle, mention: ii *" and _In raised an appointment, to-day vearclds and up, 4 furlongs No Reasoning (Barred) 4 2ling the 4 ® f : relief for easier charting, aa, reel Mya alata, Satur crea Ml erals, It clearly" not the. work perenne: Dighaoniag sg my EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 421 + Harris) M 40 | hal ' ) | : : be (Firagimmans) ' #70) Ganaaian "Queen Arab Prinew Marv! of an ordinary soldier," wf extra apending money & the Chromium-plated semi-meridion ' » aay Go's he Te eek We ee Wells consulted a colleague in| importance of reliability aturdy metal base, PHONE 725-7373 Te Warriors Day, Mornins' Mornin! Attendance: 494 Handie: $887.47 | whom the account of the Quehec| i te Da, Wi (Satie. teutte en lelnt eatet ae end courtesy, Complete with illustrated hand. | memory, From a shelt in Sothe: " book on the many exciting uses Poison Control Centers ve any Tanna tol "or EATON'S |baote he pulled st a voume Al lebl ® jon the Northeliffe callection, | 80 available in the midnight Go Unused: Committee Told pivisioa in iin andthe | modal Black ocean, with liginty OPTICAL na ; loured land areas OTTAWA (CP)--Three-quar:| big gap in determining the com:|draft letter, addressed ta Pitt co n ters of the deaths by poison injponents of substances that/and signed by Townshend, | _-- vee APPLICATION FORM ics -on Seta! A 1 er f DEPARTMENT Canada may never be reported! cause polsonings WORDING IDENTICAL nm excellent graduation gift, SPECIAL, each EDWARD BIND 8.95 725-7373 UPPER LEVEL LOCAL 233 to poison control centres across) It was often embarrassing to" the country, Dr, Ross Chapman,|have to call manufacturers in| The wording of the first para: head of the federal Food and/the early hours of the morning | &/aph was identical to that in Drug Directorate, estimated'to find out the composition of Sotheby's manuscript, but the Thursday substances involved in sus Northoliffe letter differs alse. He told the Commons health; pected poisanings. where in its phrasing and ts and welfare committee that in} He urged that toxic" sub: also much longer 1943, the latest year for whichistances be move effectively la:| 'This manuscript has seme figures are available, 20,010) belled interesting detail that did nat | AGING «cuscreree sere sacececmenegnereveeeveveupmncerporenatenann Une 12 CheveRSaTnITY on 11 eases of poisoning were re Dr, Chapman said this had @Pppear in fthe later version," MOTIONS kc ec Gann Roa ar ee BE nan ae cn Fees OO ii sk sed cen CY census ported from the centres been studied by the depart: Said Wells, "It's not often that There were 44 deaths rejment's drug advisory. commit.) We set an item af such histori: parted, including eight among|tee, The former food and drug cal importance to Canadians," children under the age of five./chief, Dr, C, A, Morrell, was; Sellers at London's fine-art Painkiller pills were responsi-| working on a sludy of United/ auctions often prefer to remain ble for 4,598 poison reports in| States legislation and its effect/anOnymous and the lot contain: | ehildren under four and 145 be-/an the incidence of poisoning. |!88 the Townshend letter is tween the ages of five and nine,} Dr, Brand said present label:| listed in the catalogue only as Dr, Lewia Rrand (PC--Sas-jling is quite inadequate and he)' the property af a gentleman." | EATON'S Open 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday See "are dake "wecthdincrentair cheeses wion Lela. Beatee" Wels ce amn eah Sam tn Gon Coen On Sieh SN Gen GD ce Gees ee tes Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 p.m. work but there seemed te be a 'fact, they were lethal, | How often does it happen that) : 373 Make Your Application Now ! Mail or Bring Your Application to the "Times" Circulation Department in Oshawa or Whitby, PRONe an. in RAE ; ; | CATON'S MALL Lave, DEPT, 205 : | '

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