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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jun 1966, p. 12

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a ge eT NRT LE Ser er Re pre ep a eT Py % both in the old library and the new are pictured here with her at a dinner in her honor marking her retire- RS of the Me- Public Library staff, who have served under Miss Jean Fetterly, Supper Honors Chief Librarian Who Is Retiring Thursday "This has been a month of startling changes in the history -- every happiness in her retire- ment." ment. They are from the left; Miss Enid Wallace, who™takes over as chief; Miss Fetterly; Mrs. Leora bbett, who is in charge of the order department; and Miss Ruth Brooking, circu- lation department. 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, June 28, 1966 Incoming Chief Librarian Sees Future For Oshawa's Library Taking over her new duties as rar Chief Librarian of McLaughlin gay : 4 Public Library, as of this Fri- @ day, July 1, Miss Enid Wal- lace, BA. Bhs., RPL, is look- ing forward to the challenge of reorganization preugni spent by the new addition belng built and the renovation of the old. In her future plans for the library she would like to see a list of books relating to techni- cal subjects and hopes to estab- lish a specialized technical library pertinent to automo- biles, Her iung range plans include the establishment of branches ¢ in outlying areas in the north- east, south-west, and north west sections of the city. Miss Wallace feels this will come about as a result of the estab lishment of a Community Col of our library. Miss Fetterly's retirement marks the end of an era. We who have worker with her in the old building on Sim- coe street, have appreciated all the careful planning that went into the construction of our splendid building and the years of dedicated service Miss Fet- terly has given to administer-; ing this library. "With true professional fore- sight, she has envisaged branch libraries to give extended serv- ice throughout the city. I hope that in the years to come it will be possible to make some of her dreams become realities. All these thoughts were ex-| pressed by Miss Enid Wallace at an informal supper held in the Children's Library recently, | when the staff presented Miss Jean Fetterly, Chief Librarian, with a necklace of cultured pearls. Mrs. Leora Ebbett and Mrs. Nancy McKnight arranged the jbuffet dinner and decorated the) jtables with bouquets of spring | flowers. Miss Fetterly, in thanking the staff for her gift, expressed! |very eloquently, her deep affec- tion for them, whom she said, she has always regarded more as a family, and her hopes for MARRY IN ORILLIA lege in Oshawa. The increase in educational facilities will in- crease demands on the library, making it necessary to provide after school and Saturday service, Miss Wallace is no new comer to the staff, having come to this library in 1953, while it was still in the old building, and worked as librarian until 1955, when she took a year's leave of absence to tour Europe. During the period of 1953 to 1955 she served as circulation librarian, and as at her own work, reference | young people's librarian as well) MISS ENID WALLACE committee of the Ontario Re- -- gional Co-operative, combining all the libraries in this region, of which Oshawa has the larg- est. Miss Wallace Port Perry, graduating from the Port Perry High School. She is a graduate of the Uni- yersity of Toronto School of Library Science and _ before coming to Oshawa, had served in. libraries in Windsor and grew up in "a The staff remembers with/," continuing association with gratitude Miss Fetterly's many|them and with the McLaughlin} acts of kindness and wish her|Library. SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 34°4 for Women's Department and Mrs. Harold Wilbur of Osh-| the late Mr. Edgar Charles|awa, both aunts of the pros-| Former | Oshawa guests attending the Bouckley - Case wedding in Sault Ste. Marie included Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Bouckley, the bridegroom's parents, and Mr. John Louisek, Miss Helen Whal-|honored at several ley, Mr. George Wallis, Mr. and/ prior to her marriage recently. Singer, for decoration day. James Shetler and family. and|elect's Mr. Alan Shewring of Taunton. future Mrs. Milton Zubkavich, enterta pective class mates Mrs. Stephen Zubkavich, the| miscellaneous shower and after| former Beverly Lovelock, was|the rehearsal, Mr. and Mrs. A.| BLACK'S Miss Dorothy Mary Mac- Donald will become the bride of Mr. Lloyd John Hircock in a ceremony to be held in the Church of the Guardian Angels, Orillia, on July 23. The bride-to-be is bridegroom. entertained at the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacDonald, Orillia, and the prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hir- cock, Oshawa. Woman Judge «| Condemns Men ADELAIDE (Reuters) -- Aus- showers| L. Hart entertained at the Rock|trajia's only woman judge, Jus- Haven Motor Hotel. ' Mrs. Gary Parfitt, Mr. and Mrs./The bridesmaids and the bride-| ~~ WEP a Mitchell, in the |tice Roma Flinders created legal history mother-in-law.) CHANGE POQODLE'§ STATUS|South Australia Supreme Court HARBOR, N.S. |Monday by sentencing two men ed at a shower attended by|(CP) -- Campaigners are atito death for murder. in Mrs. A. H. Mitchell, Whitby,| guests and Mrs. | from $t. Charles Langfield,|Hamilton and. Toronto. spending Guelph, the past as delegates week at to thejat her grounds in a beautiful setting.| Mrs, Langfield was presented|evening staff of RIB on their - with a life membership pin of| shifts. the grt of atte: and made superintendent for the) wr. and Mrs. Charles Gill, Province of Non-Alcoholic Fruit) mrs, Newton Wright, all of Whi- Products. thy; and Mr. ai Mrs. Elwood | Masters, Myrtle, were guests at Mrs. Zoltan Fekete left recent-| the silver wedding aaaiverears ly for a short vacation at Jas-| celebrations of Mr. and Mrs. per National Park Lodge, where|jloyd Masters recently where her husband, Dr. Z. Fekete of/the couple were presented with Oshawa will give a lecture ata coffee carafe from their the 'Annual Convention of the|children. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Canadian Dermatological Ass0-| Masters, and Ronald and a sil- elation. |ver pickle fork from their dau- : é jghter, Onda. Miss Onda Mas- Mrs. Lyman Gifford will offi-iters assisted by the bride's cially open the annual Rose\niece, Mrs. Kent Douglas, Wil- Show and Tea, sponsored by|lowdale, kept the guest book. the Oshawa Horticultural Soci-| Catharines,| work to convert the poodle from | Mrs.}a show dog and household pet]... Oshawa, have returned after|June Lovelock, sister-in-law of|into the Bitte ratsluver Rr |tralia that a woman judge has jthe bride-to-be held a shower| ancestor was. The poodle is not|pronounced a death sentence, j : ome. Gifts were re-\'a dandified sissy," said one,{and the first time in South Aus- WCTU Convention which was|ceived from classmates of the|but a powerful dog able to com-/f{ralia that a: jury panel which held at the Bible Conference: bride-elect in her School ofipete with retrievers of other!included women has convicted |Nursing and from the day and/breeds. It was the first time in Aus- lanybody for murder. ety, on Saturday afternoon, July 2 at 5 o'clock. The public are invited to view the show in the auditorium of the E. A. Lovell School on Centre street between § and 9 p.m. The mayor and Mrs. Gifford have donated an award for the best Rose" in the show. Mrs. W. P. Schoenau, Law street, has returned home re- "Canada| A bon voyage party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Meringer, Elizabeth street, recently for Mrs. Joseph Wisnewski, who will leave for a six - week holiday and a tour of Europe in July. She will make a special visit to Poland where her parents and family reside, whom she hasn't seen for over 23 years. She was pre- sented with luggage and a cor- In 1956 she returned as assis-;| Toronto, During the war, she jtant chief librarian, took on served in the RCAF, transfer- |\the job as head of the chil-|ring to the CWAC where she |dren's department until last}was in charge of all army \year when Mrs. Kathleen Foy|libraries in Military District 10 |came back in June. In August) with headquarters in Winnipeg. jlast year Miss Wallace began; Miss Wallace feels that there | working full time as assistant js a great need for well trained chief. librarians, and although the re- | While children's librarian in quirements are high--one must 11964 she was the chairman of|have a bachelor of arts degree, the Canadian Association of|plus a post graduate course in }Children's Librarians. Miss Wal-| library science, the work Is re- lace serves on the librarians'! warding and interesting. | Custom and SORES RELI TET Ready Made || oes DRAPES j bly : 1 in the latest Shades end Fobrics ., . tee... Mé&C DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 FOR THE FINEST 74 Celine Street || | s Turner has two teen-age chil-» dren, Lorne and Janis, who are? "amused at Mum's enthusiasm « jfor her job." And hushand Bert Classification Outranks Sex InMale Business World = Fn CALGARY (CP)--"I'm not a|pate. And she has to keep track tion co-ordinator as part of her+ woman--I'm a secretary." Jof all parts of the exposition duties as executive secretary to: Lil Turner sometimes runs Which will cover 3.7 acres. | J, F, D'Arey, exposition chair. * into problems as the only| A native of Montreal, Mrs.'man, " woman involved in planning the) ------------- aeemenenin : Canadian Petroleum Exposition being held July 11-16 as part of the Calgary Sigmpede. The exposition's hoard, of which she is @ member, held a luncheon meeting in a club where women are barred be- fore 3 p.m. Mrs. Turner got by the receptionist with the argu- ment that she wasn't a woman just a secretary. | Instead of joining the men at the table, however, she re-| mained quietly in the board-| reom and had her lunch brought to her. | Despite such occasional irrita-| tions, Mrs. Turner enjoys her work a8 @ woman among a couple of hundred men. | As co-ordinator for all the éx-| hibits she looks after requests! from firms wanting to partici- seteeaniiiiiacieamniiae th I ' FRIDAY JULY 1 SHOP 10 am TO 5 pm OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE THE Going Out Of ML Business Sale SHOP Continues! WHERE THE BARGAINS ARE! WITH YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS IN MIND WE OFFER OUR WELL KNOWN BRANDS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS LINGERIE SPORTSWEAR 20% vstowt | 20% OFF Foundation Garments SWIMSUITS 20% OFF | _is Orr y, =LADIES' WEAR EXTERIOR LUCITE THE NEW WONDER PAINT cently from a trip through the Pacific to Auckland, New Zea-|and Mrs. John Martynek, Mr. land, travelling via Vancouver,| and Mrs, Steve Krechowicz, Mr. Honolulu and Fiji Islands. Mrs.jand Mrs. George Gilewski, Mr. Schoenau arrived in New Zea-| and Mrs. Alec Lenartowicz, Mr. land in time 'fo attend the/and Mrs. Peter Soltzs, Mr. and faneral of her only sister, Mrs.) Mrs. William Jankowski, MY. Maty Lewis, and was guest of) Thomas Sobanski, Mr. and Mrs.| her niece, Mrs. Henry Glucina! Stanley Zilka, and Mr. and Mrs. Oratia, Auckland, for a period) Frank Wisnewski. of two and a half months. On the return trip Mrs. Schoenau Pre - nuptial events honoring toured New Caladonia, Fizi Ts-| miss Susan Nolan of Peterbor- jands, Tahiti, Los Angeles, San- ough, whose marriage took place ta Barbara and Chicago. recently to Mr. Barry Furey, Oshawa, include a kitchen show- Following the wedding cere-|er at the home of Mrs. Norm- mony of Mr. and' Mrs. James|and Meptead, Oshawa; mis - illiam Andrews, recently in St. celaneous showers at the homes Andrew's United Church, the! of Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald, Mrs. bride placed her bouquet on the| Norman Dunlop, both of Peter- grave of the bridegroom's uncle,' borough; Mrs. Frank Wilbur Sage. Guests attending were: Mr ¢ NO BLISTERING | ¢ NO PEELING DRIES IN ONLY 30 MINUTES LESS WORK! ---MORE TIME FOR PLAY! @ SPECIAL OFFER @ Good to Thursday, June 30th 7:95 | QUARTS PA' TE'S 95 Years at 85 SIMCOE STREET NORTH GALLONS Reg. 10.90 FAMOUS MAKES! DOZENS OF YOUR FAVOURITE STYLES! One-Piece! Two- Piece! Maillots! Sheaths! Nassaus! Excit-, ing, color-bright prints and plains. Hurry in tomorrow. The selection is the greatest. Choose it and charge it! Sizes 30-38. REG. 12.98 TO 19.98 8.65 to 13.32 INTERIOR RAYE FURNITURE ORAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 FREE CITY-WIDE DELIVERY, PHONE 725-3529 Fashions since 1867 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE :

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