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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jun 1966, p. 22

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ps aguas set the penalty of $10 or three! days on condition he would) "look for the highway" as soon) as possible, Collins, who appear-| ed in court with a walking stick, said he was just passing through town on his way to visit a 22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 28, 1966 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE 2ND BIG WEEK COLUMBIA PRESSES \GREEARY PECK { Youths Cause Disturbance Get Suspended Sentences Four Oshawa youths were each given a two years' sus- pended sentence and put on pro- , bation for forcibly entering an apartment and causing a dis- turbance. Charles Eadie, 19, 110 Central Park Blvd. N., George Chase, 20, 155 Brock St. E., David Ven- ning, 18, 465 Cromwell Ave., and William McQuade, 18, 444 Jarvis St., all pleaded gullty. In a: statement read to the court Mrs. Mary Partridge te- stified the four youths, whom she had never seen before, burst into her apartment and assault- ed her and her son, David Meis- ner. Chase struck Meisner with al bottle cutting his scalp. Chase} was charged-separately with as-! sault causing bodily harm and fined $100 and costs or 30 days. He pleaded guilty. On a further charge, Eadie| and McQuade were each fined) a total of $100 and costs or 14) days on two counts of consurn-| ing liquor as minors. Venning! and Chase were each fined $2 and costs or seven days on a single charge of consuming li- pleaded not guilty to a charge of abandoning cattle. The case was adjourned till July 18 to give Druz time to retain a law- yer. Two veterinarians and an Ontario humane society officer gave evidence for the crown. OBSERVATION Gordon Caswell Clarke, 35, 439 Albert St., Oshawa was stmt My tue Inagistrate te An- tario Hospital; Whitby for 60 days' observation. He is charged with attempting to murder: his wife, Irene, on May 27 and with assaulting her, causing her bod- ily harm on May 14. FIREARM Kenneth Jackman, 138 Guelph St., Oshawa was fined $25 and costs for firing a loaded .22 rifle in his home. He pleaded Kingston Man Jailed; Fired Air Gun In Hotel A 24-year-old Kingston man quor as minors. All four plead-| was sentenced in Oshawa mag-| guilty to discharging a firearm a city bylaw offence. $100 FINE : Ap Oshawa man was fined $100 and costs and barred from driving for three months for being impaired while in the care and control of a stationary car. Peter Dubyk, 34, 612 Somer- ville St. pleaded guilty. A sec- withdrawn by the crown after Dubyk agreed to the liquor be- ing confiscated. A transient who spent three days in jail waiting for his case to come up was set free after appearing in court. Angus Collins, 54, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to being drunk in a public place. Magistrate Jermyn said he'd jagainst Howard Smith, 15 Wil- liam St. E., Oshawa, on a tech- drunk in a puwhlic place, Alfred ond charge of naving liguer was)" relative. FINES LEVIED in two olner cases vi veing Wilson, 33, Cedar Valley Dr., Oshawa and Harold Watson, 45, Bond St. E., Oshawa were each fined $10 and costs or 10 days. Both men pleaded guilty. Wayne Cole, 19, 34 Switzer Dr, Oshawa was fined $50 or seven days after pleading guilty to a charge of consuming liquor as a minor. A second charge of having liquor was withdrawn after Cole agreed to the liquor BAY RIDGES aan aaa CHILDREN UNDER 12 YRS. FREE 'EATON'S am | t | being confiscated. Now, from »\ the author of "Room at the Top", an even more startling exposé of life and love! LAURENCE MOMEY NK HONOR mcrae. CRAIG FEATURE AT: 1:30 - 3:30 : Gordie Howe At EATON'S Sporting Goods Department, Mall Level Wednesday, June 29th, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. One of Canada's top athletes and Eaton's special adviser on EATON TRULINE sports equipment, Gordie is a well-qualified expert on hockey, baseball, golf, fishing _and other sports popular with Canadians. EATON Al (RUJINE Sports Equipment CERTIFIED BY ed guilty. jistrate's court Friday to three Magistrate H. W. Jermyn told) months in jail for firing an air| Constable Gerald Johnson the youths the terms of prota-| gun in a hotel beverage room. | testified Smith, who pleaded not tion were to include confinement} Ronald Bristow _ pleaded) guilty, was unable, when asked, ae to Ontario County and disas-| guilty to carrying a dangerous|to produce his driver's licence} sociation from each other. | weapon. jand was given 24 hours to pro-| Roms vAWce A waiter at the Queen's Hotel/ duce it. (pou Ot woe oo THREATENING refused to serve Bristow any| Back at the station the officer) 20. nicality. We don't know of anyone more qualified to certify the performance, durability and value of our Truline items, They have to be good to get Gordie Howe's approval, A small part of the Truline selection of summer sporting goods is shown here. EATON TRULINE GOLFMASTER WOODS AND IRONS Top Quality True Temper shofts, with leather grips. Wood heads of laminated maple features cycolac face inserts . in nos, 1, 2, 3, 4. Iron heads have short-blasted faces -- nos. 2 to 9 plus wedge and putter. Men's left or right hand, ladies' right hand. ech ...... 16,00 IRONS, eoch ... each ..20.- 11.00 TRULINE GOLFMASTER BAG Durable expanded vinyl with leather trim oand> moulded rubber bottom. Step-down Keystone type, with detachable sling, in various colours, 16 club Pro style, EACH .... ( TRULINE CUSTOM GOLF CART Sturdy nickel-ploted tubular steel. Folds. quickly and easily. EACH 18.00 TRULINE GOLFMASTER GOLF BALLS Polybutadiene rubber centres, with tough 2 59 { polyurethane plastic fiinshes. THREE FOR . ., a TRULINE Junior Pro Baseball Mitts Specially selected cowhide, with horsehide linings and solid padding. In Fielders', Catchers' ond basemen's y | 00 A private case of threatening) more peer, whereupon he pulled|noticed Smith's name on the| against Harold Taylor, 135 Ri-| out the air pistol and shot at|suspended drivers' list. But ba Aah Oshawa was dis-| ome glasses on a table. Smith said he didn't get the of- a ee y_the . :. hi Bristow was given the al-| ficial government notification of wits with poatly Tr rf an ternative of $350, with no time, suspension until later that same push me any further, rll Xai| © pay, or three months. | morning. sy r | Said Magistrate C. W. Guest: | es 3 |"Surely the public shouldn't be| SCRAP METAL Mrs. Taylor testified she was) sybjected to such risks." Allan Robinson, 50 Wayne St., so frightened at this she ran} He refused to allow the 1 Oshawa, was fined $50 and next door in her bare feet. days Bristow had already spent| costs for keeping scrap metal Mr. Taylor said he may have] in jail to count toward the three|in his backyard. said he'd kill his wife, but only' months. He pleaded not guilty to in the heat of the moment. | |breaking city bylaw. The incident occurred after) CAR THEFT City building inspector Fred- Taylor sak an amount of $73|_ An Oshawa youth, Thomas| erick Chestnut said he first ask- on a statement from Simpson's| Donald Barker, 127 Highland|ed Robinson to clear his lot department store. Ave., was sentenced to ninejof scrap_metal in September, Defence counsel John Greer|™Months definite and nine) 1965, as jt was located in a) said Taylor could have genuin-| Months indefinite for car theft.) residential zone. ely frightened his wife because| He pleaded guilty to three Robinson testified that it was she continued to live at the| counts of the same offence. his father's junk and that he house for two days afterward.! Barker spent the last vel eo ie lates oe por ary |months in Ontario Hospital, ee. . ' THIRTY DAYS | Whitby, anier Gatecwnian' Tan um fine, the magistrate said: Page yg 18, 553 Howard) hospital pronounced Barker free| 'I am taking into consideration fons . ae ies inflicting jail' from mental illness and respon-| YOu have a stubborn father.' |DRIVING CHARGES hike ages on 6 4d year-old| le for his own actions. | Handing down sentence, the Mary Emberry, 34, 131 Byron| Whitby, was sentenced} girl. n . Barbara Pritchard, 92 Burk) Magistrate said: "I'm 'taking|gt y St., Oshawa testified she andj into consideration the fact that/to @ total of 22 days for im- Bradica exchanged insults at the| You've already been in jail two) paired driving and driving un- Oshawa carnival whereupon| ™onths. der suspension. Ist OSHAWA LLOYD BRIDGES -- BRIAN HERTH SHOWING -- DAVID MeCALLUM -- METROCOLOR 4 FEATURE MIDNIGHT FRIDAY, JULY Ist TUES., WED. THURS. ONLY ENDS ToDay SHE (Aduit) 7 Faces of Dr, Leo OSHAWA DRIVE-IN mm models, EAC! Bradica asked her to step out- side and fight. When Pritchard refused, Bradica punched her in the face. Questioned by Crown Attorn- ey Bruce Affleck, Bradica ad- mitted she was friends with a BLOCKS TRAFFIC A CN traindriver was ordered to pay $73 costs for holding up traffic at an Oshawa railway crossing. Steve Krawchuk, 970 Olive Ave., Oshawa, pleaded not guil- member of Satan's Choice, a local motorcycle club. Magistrate Jermyn set the fine at $100 and costs, with no time to pay, or 30 days in jail. SIXTY DAYS Ont., testified he waited in his A Toronto man was sentenced| car for a train to move at a to a total of 60 days for being|crossing on Bloor St. E., for drunk in a public place and for| more than 20 minutes. ; breaking the toilet bowl in his| Krawchuk, driver of the cell, jtrain, said he had to stop his Bert Corby, 53, Palmerston|train to let another train move Ave, pleaded guilty to both|out of the way. His train was| charges. Corby said he was|twice its normal length on ac-| pleading guilty to the mischief|count of the truck strike, he charge even though he didn't! said. do the damage. | Defence counsel said Kraw- _For being drunk Corby was|chuk was not guilty of contra- fined $50 and costs or 30 days;|vening section 314 of the Act and. for damaging police prop-|hecause there was no evidence erty, an additional 30 days to show he had wilfully blocked TWO CHARGES traffic. Edward Aslagsen, 52, of no} Acting Crown Attorney Rus- fixed abode, was jailed for a/sell Murphy said a fire truck total of 20 days for being drunk\or ambulance could have been in a public place and for hav-|held up. ing liquor. He pleaded guilty to both charges. Aslagsen was| CHARGE DROPPED found with an eight - ounce; A charge of assault against bottle of rubbing alcohol in his'an Oshawa storekeeper was pocket. dropped because of conflicting The magistrate set a penalty testimony. Leo Falconeri, 502 of $10 and costs, with no time Simcoe St. S., pleaded not guil- to pay, or 10 days for each ty to assaulting Angelo Tam- charge. pano, the complainant. NOT GUILTY PLEA TECHNICALITY An Oshawa _ farmer, Phil- 4 charge of driving while lip Druz, 750 Ritson Rd. §.,/under suspension was dismissed ty to breaking a section of the! Railway Act forbidding trains) to block traffic for more than} five minutes. Harris Holman, of Hanover, am ny Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa COMMERCIAL ® INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS NO DOWN PAYMENT ® 20 Months to Pay @ 3 Year Guarantee CALL 728-1 541 OSHAWA PAVING MARCI sie | IMPAIRED DRIVING Mrs, Emberry, the mother of je, pleaded guilty to both charges. For impaired driving she was fined $100 and costs jor seven days, and for driving | while under suspension she was jailed for 15 days. Mrs. Em- berry was originally barred from driving for two years in Oct- ober 1965. In three separate cases of impaired driving, Donald Free- man, 32, 178 Guelph St. Oshawa and Ross Harrison, 38, 381 Di- vision St. Oshawa were fined $100 and costs and Wesley Rise- borough of Cedar Brae was fin- ed $50 and costs. Freeman and Risebrough were originally charged with drunk driving but the crown allowed the charges] ; to be reduced to impaired driy- ing THREE CASES In three unrelated cases of being drunk in a public place, David Smith, 20, 944 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa and Harry Watson FIRST TIME TOMORROW owetie AREA Riding To Greatness Across 2,000 Miles Of Flaming Frontier! 2, ---- AMartin Rackin Production a Sonuaantscnseemncssasttieea J i = ig WO - ESS CMMINGS- YN HED: SUM PENS SEAN POMERANIA 2ND HIT ALL COLOR 290 Albert St. Oshawa, were each fined $10 and costs, and! Ivan Brown of no fixed abode was given 10 days, They each pleaded guilty. ANIMAL IS CLEAN The raccoon washes or soaks its food before eating. "CARRY ON JACK" SHOW WITH THE "CARRY ON GANG" TE PEE DRIVE-IN Last Times onight MY FAIR Lapy ex Harrison LIVERPOOL RD. WAT 401 942-1250 TODAY BILTMORE| se 5 SIDNEY AMES KENWETH WHLAS J DALE CHARLES HAWTRET SAN Sas ANGELA DOBGLAS Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Weekdays Doors Open 6:30 Saturday Continuous From 1:30 Sunday Continuous From 1:45 | TES WHO CAME craziest _ cast of § the year! M-G-M presenrs A MARTIN MELCHER: EVERETT FREEMAN PRODUCTION Sram DORIS DAY ROD TAYLOR ) IN PANAVISION AND METROCOLOR JOHN MeSIVER-PAUL NDE EDWARD ANDREWS SY" RUG FLEMING DOM DELI w DICK MART ne EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 PHONE 725-7373 The Best Outdoor Happenings don't "Approved. TODAY OMLY "THE FACE OF FU MANCHU (Adult) | "COAST OF SKELETONS" | AIR-COOLED Porn Thist - just happen . . . they're planned with HADDON HALL Barbecues and Accessories x G ALL BARBECUES COME COMPLETE WITH ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS, F. HADDON HALL Patio Tray-Table Sets King-size, futura-shape trays, each about 22 x 16", are of scratch- resistant fibre glass. "Hill-N-Dale' motif features rustic scene in brown, greens and other nature colours. Converta-cart, which serves os serving cart and storage rack, has walnut handle, large 3" wheels. Frames are non-tarnish gleaming brass-finished metal, Non-mar plastic leg tips and plastic tray clips. 4. S-piece set ., ' G. HADDON HALL Deluxe Picnic Cooler It's rustproof, leakproof and much lighter in weight than you'd guess from its rugged appearance, Sturdily constructed of durable plastic with a secure revolving lock fastener, Size about 22 x 131% x 1344". Each .... eeaue ree or ned H. HADDON HALL ICE PACKS Keeps food or beverage cold and fresh. Tough vinyl causing stands up to constant use. Just freeze pack solid in frig before placing in your cooler, Sanitized for lasting freshness, EATON'S Research Bureau 1-lb. pack, ech 139 2-Ib. pack, eacht 09 3-ib. pack, each ® J, HADDON HALL Polystyrene Picnic Cooler Polystyrene cooler with extra-thick walls. For better Insulation, Easy to remove lid. White body with dark blue lid, Size approx. 3.5 21 x 13 x 134", Each . FRG Ps OE aS RN EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 254 ane L N HADDON HALL BARBECUE COVERS (NOT ILLUSTRATED) Sturdy plastic covers in attractive floral pattern, For above barbecue without. warming oven. 4.98 Each K. HADDON HALL Motorized 24" Barbecue 24" rolled-edge bow! comes in high gloss finish, attractive contrast to coppertone coloured hood and large bottom tray, Ratchet-type grill adjustment; motorized spit; 2 handy, collapsible redwood side trays; chromium-plated legs and wheels. Complete L. HADDON HALL Barvecue Chicken Basket Tumble-borbecues chicken, chops, hot dogs, etc, Made of chromium- plated metal..2 halves lock together to give 14 x 7" basket. Fits spit bar up to %" squore, 5,98 M. HADDON HALL Metal Hot Dog Bar-b-quer Revolves easily to ensure fast, even cooking. Made of metal with mirror chromium-plated finish. 12 spikes enable you to barbecue a dozen oot ae all at one time. . N. HADDON HALL ROTARY SPIT BASKET Chromium-plated basket fits any spit up to %" and hos a positive locking device that holds in at 4 positions, Size about 16x 9x 2", Bech .... " ; eee ; . PHONE 725-7373 x nod ® Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9

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