DONALD DUCK MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER I NoTice AY THAT ve AND THE OXALIS. YOUR CHICKWEED 1S FIGHTING THE SPURGE GEE--I NEVER REALIZED -- I HAD 6UCH HIGH-CLASS GRASS! ; THE MANUSCRIPT WAS HADDRESSED TO*THE MOST HONEST MAN IN THE WORLD'S" IF YOU WAS A PACKAGE WITH THAT HADDRESS, YOu'D BE DELIVERED --STRAIGHTAWAY!! YOU GOING TO ARGUE WITH HER ABOUT THAT 3/ 4 RECKON NOT, TATER « SHE MAvE ME PAINT THE SIGN. HES GOIN' TO USE HER A SHIELD/ oo WEAR ANY OTHER STYLE OF DRESSES, SRANDMA ? GEE, THERE'S A PICTURE OF ME WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE / f= DKS Paaciom Sree, tem, RA Dell Aglew erwath YEAH... MY MOTHER HAD BEEN PRESSURING HIM TO HAVE A PICTURE WINDOW PUT IN OUR LIVING ROOM !! ADD UP H.T., met PLUS,..OR MINUS? #1 HE'S TOUGH, AGGRESSIVE... MAYBE EVEN A LITTLE CRUEL, Syommate, ee, HOO Woerkd sighes seemrved AND HE'S GOTTEN UNDER YOUR SKINI BUT HE'S ALSO INTUITIVE... UNDERSTANDING, PATIENT... AND... AND... SREY Gees THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 pe TM LT. SWENSON, TM TO ESCORT YOU MAY AS, WELL MAKE YOUR- [3 SELVES AS COMFORTABLE AS POSSIBLE. GUERRILLAS ARE ON THE PROWL. WE'LL WAIT UNTIL NIGHT BEFORE [: MOVING UP, J {1'5 A LARK, BEING WITH YOU. TONTO. WELL HAVE HIM LOOK AT YOUR LE@ a 16 THE OSHAWA TIME, Monday, July 4, 1966 BRIDGE FAMOUS HANDS Double-dummy problem, Contract--four spades. \ NORTH @310987 @AS $987 ABS WEST 65 Qs Q 8 4 ee 1087654 92 $K310632 4KIJ10633 @AKQ3s?2 @exK2 @A54 $987 Final contract -- four spades '|played by South. ME! ARI CALLING THERE, WELL GET OF ©M FOR KEEPS! Channel Channel Channel Channel Channei Channet 3 T.BA 6--Reach Chuck 4--News 1i--Mike 3--Honey N--Laredo 7--Peyton Channel» eect See ENE Deal 5:0 Vi--Family Theatre 8--Superman 6--Summer Camp 7--Laramie | 2--Mike Douglas | 5: PLM. 4--Mad Movies 3--Leredo &--Dobie Gillis 6:00 P. 7--Twilight Theatre 48--News, Sports with 4:30 P.M. 9-3-2--News, Weather Sports @--Huntiey-Brinkley $ New: 6--Vagabond Honeymoon | 2-8--Basebal! 7:30 3 P, S--The Lucy Show 7-12 O'clock High 4--To Tell The Truth | #3--Nature of Things &: 9--Bewiiched Ti--Littiest Hobo 63--Tha Fugitive 4--I've Got A Secret . M. @-6--John Davidson 9:30 PLM, 9-Big Valley | 4--Ramparts they Watch 1 9--Toronte 8--Rochester 7--Buttale é--Toronte 4--Buffale 3--Barrie 2--Buttale iti tee PLM. Par For The Top Healy | | 7:00 9--Batmen | 4--News, Weather, Sports | 4--Littles? Hobe West | j | 00 P.M. é: A li--My Three Sons 9--Andy Griffith ¥--The Legend of Jeses | James 4--Vacation Playhouse 24--Dr. Kildare 9:00 P.M. $--Couniry Music Mal | +| 4---Late 4--Talent Scouts $-2--Run for Your Life 10:38 P.M. 9--Peopie in Conflict C PLM. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News; Weather snd. Sports TiS PLM. 6--Viewpoint 2--Tonight Show 11:20 PLM. Show 6--Night Metro 11:25 P.M. Ni---The Vise 11:30 PLM, #--Johnny Carson 3--Altred Hitchcock 7--Movie 1:46 PLM 9--Movie 6--Movie 12.00 A.M. 11--Combat 1:00 A, 11--News, Weather, Sports TUESDAY t:08 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M, 9--TV University 9:00 A.M, 1i--Morning Musicale 4--tAlke'a Carnives 9--Romper Room 7--Dialing for Dollars, Girl Talk 8--Make Sure, Make Shore 2--Bozo's Big Top 9:0 AM. 9--Uncle Bobby @--Smile Time 4--Love of Life 2--Jack Lalanne 10:00 A.M. 1l--Ed Alien Time 8-2--Eye Guess +I Love Lucy 10:30 A.M, H--Hawkeye ©2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 4--The McCoys 3~--Time Out 11:00 A.M. 1i--Albert J. Steed %--AAr. and Mrs, 8-2--Chain Letter Place 7--Supermarket Sweep &3Ed Allen Time o 11:38 A.M, %--Abracedabra --Dating Game 10:00 P.M. 7. W--The Merv Griffith $ho| &-2--Showdown 7--Avengers | +3--Singalong Jubliee 4--Dich Ven Dyke thew |3~Ernie Lindell TELEVISION LOG Chenne! 11--Hamittes : 12:08 NOON |11~Bonnie Prudden |9--Toronto Summertime | 7--Money Movie 3-4--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather 8--Popeye and Pais 12:18 P.M. 4--Speaker of the Heves 12:3 PM, li--Noon Time | 9--~News, Weather, | Sports | 8-2--Swingin' Country | &4--Search For Tomerrew | 3--Noonday Report 12.40 PLM. 9--Movie 2:48 PLM. | @4---Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, 'Theatre 8--Dialing for Dollars Girl Talk 7--Ben Casey 3-6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 2--Topper | 1:38 PLM, | Sante The World Turns 2-6--Lets Make a Deal 'yg Movie | 2:00 P.M. | 7--Confidential | For Women 6--Culsine 4--Password | 24--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M, | %--People in Confite 8-2--The Doctors | 7--A Time For Us 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 P.M. | 9--Fractured Phrases 8-2--Another Worid 7--General Hospital 6-4-3--To Tell The Truth 25 A.M. |3-6Take 30. 4--News 3:30 PLM, |--Fumny Company | 9--It'e Move | 2-8--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show 4--Edge of Night 4.00 P.M, 9--I Love Lucy 2--Merv Griffin |3-6Vacation Time &--Match Game 4--Secret Storm 4:30 P.M. lil--F lipper 9--~Movie 4--Movie 5. Marx 9. Short vowel 10, Of a 20, Chief god ACROSS 1, Distant certain line 12. Job for # jeweler 18, Languished 14, Workers of a sort 15. Humor 16. Neighbor of 8. D. 17, Annamese measure 18. Youngster 19. Excitement Norse 22. Molding 23.TV group 25, Exhibitions 26. Away meh mark rool the 15, Pal DOWN i, Stadium 2. Adorned with garlands 3. Birds 4. Soak flax 5. Quick 6. Egress 7. Clamor 8. Slim 9. Obnoxious child 11, Edible 21, Eng- lish river 22. Rows ing imple- ment 23, Any pil- its of taro ie 18, Sesame 19. Turmoil 31, Flowers (ETTIHETRMICIRIA] AIVIE RHE MIA in IC Bio aes wi 35. Fly alone 37. Contraction' 38, N.T, book: abbr. Z 2 4 7 18 9 2 Ga 9 YZ 7, u HUBERT NOW YOU'VE HURT MOTHER'S | HUBERT! | FEELINGS! ALL I SAID WAS, <. Ine, 1966. World YOUR HEALTH | Diabetes Sufferer Abnormally Thirsty By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. Dear Dr. Molner: My seven- year-old grandson drinks an ex- cessive amount: of water. He has diabetes insipidus, Can any- thing be done to correct it?-- Mrs. B. K The child drinks because he is abnormally thirsty. Diabetes insipidus is not re- lated to sugar diabetes, or dia- betes mellitus, and it is far less common, However, it is a prob- lem. Basically it involved a dis- order of the posterior part of the tiny pituitary gland. There is a deficiency of a hormone which controls the release of water from the body. Large amounts of urine are passed; the patient, naturally, becomes thirsty as fluid is lost from the| body, so he drinks vast quan-| tities. This may amount to gal-| lons a day. Exactly what causes the con- dition: is not known; evidently it can be hereditary in some cases; others not. Treatment falls into three) categories | First: The administration of a} pituitary hormone called vaso- pressin (prepared in an oil sus- pension,' and given by injec- thiazide. These can be taken by mouth. Dosage has to be regu- lated by your physician. Dear Dr. Molner: I recently read about the 10-year-old girl who wants a pet but her father gets asthma from animals. My father has asthma, too. I got a guinea pig last August and it doesn't bother my father at all. I am also 10 years old, and I keep my pet in a box in our family room.--R. T. Thank you. What bothers one person may not bother another. One reader suggested a chame- leon as a pet. _Note to Mrs. E. H. 8,: Yes, worry and tension very de- ciedly can have a great deal to do with a flare-up of colitis. Dear Dr. Molner: How much water.should a person drink a day? Is it possible to drink too much? My mother-in-law drinks a lot because she says it} \"flushes out the kidneys." I| should think too much would be! hard on the kidneys.--K. B. | It is possible to drink too} Opening Lead -- queen of hearts. It is an ancient privilege ac- corded to kibitzes and frate partners alike to point out after play is completed, how de- clarer should have played and made the hand he has just fin- ished butchering. In fact, I have it on good authority that this right to critic- cize declarer's play and call attention to his inadequacy af- ter all 52 cards are seen, was one of the pledges exacted from King John at Runnymede when he fianally agreed to sign the Magna Charta in 1215. Whether this is true or not I do not know, but that the prac- tices of double-dummying part- ner and instructing hime in the fine points of the game still goes on, no one would dare gainsay. All of which leads us to to- day's hand where kibitzer butcher, declarer and instructor are all challenged to make 10 tricks with spades as trump. This is strictly a double-dum- my problem, which means that the reader is invited--nay urged --to examine all four hands and take full advantage of seeing the opponents' cards. Best de- fense is assumed. To get right to the meat of the matter, all you have to do to make the contract is win the heart -lead with the ace, being careful to drop the king on the ace! This extraordinary play, whereby you voluntarily in- crease the number of losers from four to five, permits the hand to be made. You cannot make the contract unless you play the A-K of hearts on the first trick You then draw three rounds of trumps, cash the minor suit aces, and play a heart. West has to win the trick and having only hearts left, leads two more rounds of hears which you jet him win, discarding two dia- monds from dummy and two clubs from your own hand. Then you claim the balancé& since two diamonds can be , |\ruffed in dummy and two clubs in your hand. SALLY'S SALLIES pay Thi ~! iN 7 course you liked your '8 cooking better... didn't cost you anything." hence less likely to let kidney stones form, or other forms of irritation. If you want to call that 'flushing out the kidneys," I guess you can. Plenty of fresh fluids (water) is easier on the kidneys than too little. Be sure, by urinalysis, that no defect (diabetes or kidney disease) is present. Dear Dr. Moiner: Some time ago I became pregnant in a Fallopian tube and underwent surgery. The doctor who oper- ated on me died and I never got a chance to ask him how many tubes were removed, or just one. Are there more than two tubes? Would this be apt to happen again? I am past meno- paus.--Mrs. B. E. Except under the most far- fetched circumstances, removal of only one tube is required. Originally there are two, one on each side, Since you are past menopause, there is no danger of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy in the remaining one. Dear Dr. Molner: Are there any exercises one should avoid with a hiatal hernia? I'm re- ferring to exercises in a trim- and-fit class in which I have . enrolled.--Mrs. C€. C. Lifting, particularly heavy tion). Frequency of injections varies quite widely, from one| every other day to several in! a single day. Second: Pituitary substance can be made into a sort of snuff, | and either blown into the nose! or snuffed into the nostrils.) This is effective but the draw-| back which sometimes inteferes is the possibility of irritation of; the nasal membranes. Third: A more recent treat- ment is use of drugs which are effective in reducing swelling--| drugs on the order of chlor-! much water but in practice it is| lifting, should be avoided. It is extremely unlikely, and I have|jimportant to lose weight (inter- never known a specific case of|nal fat) if you. have a hiatal this. in my many years in|hernia, so exercises, except for medicine. lifting, will be helpful. An adult needs about two! quarts a day. This varies, de-| Note to A. L. R.: Chocolate pending on how much one per-|won't hurt you or your. gall spires, how hard he works, etc.) bladder, so don't be unduly up- If you are thirsty, two or three| set by the 'crepe hangers" you times as much is quite reason-| mention. able. This means water in all; Dear Dr. Molner: What effect forms: Soup, coffee, tea, pop,|does a tipped uterus have on milk, vegetables and fruit, and| conception?--Mrs. V. J. G. even the water in meat, because) It can, in some cases, make there is some. conception difficult or prevent Drinking lots of water helps| it. In other cases it may not by keeping the urine dilute and'have any effect,