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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jul 1966, p. 2

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2 Z TIE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 5, 1966 LINDA DRESSING, 13, CHERYL BANKS, 13, ' T. R. McEwen Senior Sunset Heights School 3 BEVERLEY MacMASTER, 12, DONNA DUTCHAK, 13, King Street Senior School PETER McBEAN, 14, Coronation School Dr. 8. J. Phillip School RICHARD GAMBLE, 13, Sunset Heights School FANNIE HISLOP SCHOLARSHIP WIN NERS--OSHAWA PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS | WENDY BARTEAUX, 14, Dr. C. F. Cannon LAURIE ELFORD, 13, JEINNE .ERARY, 14, King Street Senior School Vincent Massey School A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Spencer Report Soon, -- Pennell Tells House OTTAWA (CP) -- The royal|T'; commission report into alleged Fire Razes Homes espionage offences commitee by) ;~oRONTO (CP) -- A three- the late Victor George Spencer! ajarm fire Monday night raced of Vancouver is expected S00N,|hrough a rooming house and Solicitor General Pennell told)ine shelis of seven downtown the Commons Monday in replY| tenement houses vacant since 'to a written question. an April 6 fire. Mr. Justice Dalton Wells of| Tenants of the 'rooming house, Toronto conducted the hearings| including an 85-year-old woman, into the activities of Spencer, a fled into the streets with only former postal clerk who Jost his | the belongings they could carry. job after accusations he collabo- They were taken to a Salvation rated with Russian agents Army hostel for the night. Spencer died of a blood clot' A total of 77 firemen and 17 before the inquiry ended. vehicles were called to the scene. Cause of the blaze and an es- timate of damage were not im- mediately available Sign Pact RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (AP) China and Pakistan signed a barter trade agreement Mon- 2 / | | the banks just haven't been in-| terested lately. | | Conventional lenders have| moved out of the housing-loan| \field to put their money. else-| |where at more attractive inter-} est. rates. Some assurance was needed for a continuing source of mort- gage money. Chartered banks | should be permitted to go into) the field under the Central| |Mortgage and Housing Corpora-! tion, | OPP Numbers Rise TORONTO (CP)--Eric Silk, | Ontario Provincial Police com- missioner, said Monday the OPP now is the third largest force in North American behind | | | | | } j day. Needs Turkey Bath WILLIAMSTOWN, N.J. (AP) William N. Bappert, a turkey farmer, called for help from the he California st lic d/} Lutheran Increase the california state police an REGINA (CP)--The Lutheran) Commissioner Silk said the Chureh is growing at a steady number of uniformed men now| rate of between two and three stands at 3,045 and 52 men are! per cent a year, the president| attending the OPP college here. | of the Missouri synod of the! phe force also employs about church said Monday. 800 civilian workers. Dr. Oliver Harms of St. Louis, fire department when 5,000 of his birds died from the heat ina record-breaking heat wave. Fire Chief Edward Derrickson sent trucks to spray water over Bappert's surviving 10,000 birds Monday and to create a mud wallow for them. Best With Brush HANNIBAL, Mo. (AP) -- Ri- chard Van Abel, 10, of Madison, Wis., is the fence whitewashing champion of Mark Twain coun- try. He won the title Monday during National Tom Sawyer Days in Hannibal, Mo., home of Mark Twain. Morale Loss OTTAWA (CP) -- Max Salts- man (NDP -- Waterloo South) told the Commons Monday there is a serious loss of morale in the civil service over un- answered complaints and recent job reclassifications. He said the reclassifications| have caused much uncertainty among government employees. The central post office in Ot- tawa suffers from substandard ventilation. Moreover it could be cleaner and there is an over- crowding problem The government had refused to take action on these and other complaints brought to its attention, HERE and THERE OSHAWA COURT |doch attended. He illustrated In Oshawa court Monday|his remarks with colored slides. ||). dairy, said the walkout was five men were convicted of] weLCcoME NEW MEMBER /Ccaused by the dismissal of a being drunk in a public place.' j,i. &. Lent was initiated|driver who had worked for the Mathew Milne, 52, 220 King) atonday as the newest member|company for 10 years St. E., Oshawa was fined $10) )° ine Rotary Club of Oshawa The driver was reinstated and costs or four days; Omer!i, \.. introduced by Dr. Alex)and work resumed following a Martaneau, William St. E..| Rudnik. x |meeting between union and! Oshawa wasy fined $10 and | management costs or three days; Jack Mc- NARROW ESCAPE ' company spokesman Innes, 64, of no fixed abode,; Robert Salter, Oshawa, nar-| said union 'agreed at the escaped injury Sunday g to resume work and go was fined $10 and costs or 10) rowly mer days; Stephen Berczuik, 444)when the undercarriage of his, thr< normal grievance pro- the driver were rein Manitoba "Saskatchewan dis. have 3,203 officers by the end trict of the Missouri Synod, told . ape" 'none agg a delegates the over-all. picture ges cae eee rig ; for church development is good. ever, He said & drive is The district will decide this per eed way to get more bilingual week whether to participate in| ers. the Lutheran Council in Canada, | | which would unite 99 per cent} India Press Law li Canadian Lutherans into Pe ' pihccrls cr nengs tron NEW DELHI (Reuters)--The 7 Indian government Monday set jup a statutory press council Queen Bows Out with powers to examine. report- HAMILTON (CP) Diane ers on oath. Coulter, 18-year-old Miss Do-| The council, with Supreme minion of Canada taken ill in Court Judge J. R. Mudholkar |Grand Falls, N.B., will be re-|as chairman, will have 25 other placed for the Miss Universe|members, 19 from the newspa- contest at Miami Beach, Fla.,|per profession, three members July 8-18, a spokesman for the! of Parliament and three nomi- Canadian pageant said Monday./nees with special knowledge. of Miss Coulter was the winner|science, law and letters. Friday of the Miss Dominion of Canada beauty pageant in Niag- covernment, is to "preserve the ara Falls, Ont. She will be re- liberty of the press and main- placed in the Miss Universe tain and improve standards of contest by runner-up Marjorie) newspapers in India." Schofield, 18, of Burlington. It has power to censure a re- _Miss Coulter was: in Grand) porter for objectionable writing Falls to take part in the potato jot punishable in law. The jour- festival when she fell ill. nalist has no right of appeal against this censure. MortgageCash *~ OTTAWA (CP) -- Reid Scott Walkout Ends (NDP--Toronto Danforth) asked Pee : the government Monday to take} BRANTFORD (CP)--A walk steps to put chartered banks out by 33 drivers and dairy plant personnel ended late Mon day at the Borden Co. Lid plant when a driver dismissed Saturday was reinstated. Members of Local 647, Inter- national Brotherhood of Team- sters (Ind.), refused to work Monday morning Norman Mitchell, manager of Aim of the council, says the into the housing-loan field. He said in the Commons that he Centre St., Oshawa was fined)car. was damaged extensively! e« $10 and costs or 10 days; and/while crossing the CNR tracks Stanley Clay, 104 King St. W.,/on a township road west of Oshawa was fined $10. and|Tindsay. costs or five days. All five pleaded guilty. Milne, Mar- HOSPITAL REPORT taneau and Clay were given, 'Three hundred patients were back-dated sentences and al-|admitted and 334 discharged by lowed to go free. the Oshawa General Hospital Also appearing before Mag- during the week ending July 2 istrate E, S. Ebbs was Joseph| Twenty-seven babies were born Edwards, Victoria St., Toronto.|Ninety-eight major, 114 minor He pleaded guilty to having|and 89 eye, ear, nose and throat liquor in a public place and |perations were performed.) between the western tip of Cuba was fined $10 and costs or 10/Four hundred and twenty treat-.and the Yucatan Peninsula of days. ments and examinations were| Mexico, but her entire 28-man given,. Thirty-seven casts were|Crew was reported safe, the applied. The phsiotherapy de-|U.S. Coast Guard said Oshawa, partment gave 612 treatments; The coast guard earlier said among |and made 481 visits. The occu-| reports from a cargo vessel sent that pre-|pational therapy department!to the scene led it to believe papers to handled 113 cases the 416-foot Elias Dayfas II had Robert A. Simpson, Scarboro NTS : ia gone down Mr, Simpson was' the: first. CONDITION UNCHANGED But later reports: ftom. the person in Canada to receive a TWO persons, one from Osh- cargo vessel, the 620-foot Sea certificate of apprenticeship in 4W@, injured in a motorcycle/ Pioneer, told of finding the 28 the gunsmith trade accident then again in an am-| men ina lifeboat. None was re- bulance involved in a collision| PLAN CLUB COUNCIL Crew Rescued As Ship Sinks MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--A Greek freighter was slowly sinking to- day in the Yucatan Channel, GUNSMITH Otto Schwartz, master gunsmith, was a group in Toronto, sented journeyman | ported injured en route with them to Oshawa "It's still afloat but sinking The Rotary Club of Oshawa General Hospital were reported| slowly," the coast guard said in will hold its annual club coun-'in '"'unchanged" conditions at relaying a report about the con- cil meeting on the evening of|Toronto General Hospital today.|dition of the 21-year old Elias July 18 at the home of Bill|/Miss' Lynda Lake, 17, Lindsay,| Dayfas II : Bennett, west of Cohimbus is in critical condition and Roy The Leland I. Doan, a 551- ripe Se : Henrey, 23, is satisfactory, They) foot freighter out of Wilmington, TELLS. OF CONVENTION were riding a motorcycle June|Del., and a coast guard cutter, A report of the Rotary Inter-|27 when it veered off a road in| the Cardigan, on patrol in the national Convention in Den;jthe Bowmanville area. A Bow-| Gulf of Mexico, were diverted ver, Colorado, was given thelmanville ambulance whisking | to the scene Rotary Club of Oshawa on them.to Oshawa General collid The 7,233-ton Klias Dayfas Monday by president G. L. ed with a car at Bond St. and' docked in Galveston, Tex Murdoch, who with Mrs. Mur-|Wilson Rd I June }24 but its destination was -not He said the force hopes to} BRIDGE JUMPER LIVES | cisco-Oakland bridge last night. She was picked from the water by a Coast Guard cutter. Miss Lewis was swimming towards Oakland Louisa Adrianne Lewis, 18, is shown in an Oakland hospital after her 230-foot plunge from the San Fran- when rescued. A_ hospital spokesman said the girl was "somewhat hysterical' but "doing remarkably well.' (AP Wirephoto) Fowler 'Control Agency | Bypassed In Blueprint | OTTAWA (CP)--The govern-jthe Commons Monday, went ment's new blueprint for the! part way toward the suggested) broadcasting industry accepted system, proposing to reconsti- many ideas of the Kowler com-|tute the Board of Broadcast mittee that examined the indus-|Governors with power to reg- try--but it bypassed a big one, | ulate and control the whole in- The Fowler advisory commit-' dustry, including the CBC tee on broadcasting in its report' But it said the government last September visualized a to- could not go along with the tally new control agency which Fowler idea that the regulatory would "regulate, supervise, con- authority should also be respon- trol and develop" the broadcast-! sible for management of the ing system CBC. It even picked out a name for; The Fowler committee, the new body: the Canadian headed by Montreal business- Broadcasting Authority. man R. M. Fowler, suggested The government's white pa-|an authority that would receive per on broadcasting, tabled in'performance reports at regular WEATHER FORECAST Milder Spell Continues With Thundershowers TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts, Winds light. issued by the weather office at; Ottawa region: Sunny today 5:30 a.m.: | Wednesday cloudy with sunny Synopsis: A low pressure|Periods and a little warmer centre is spreading showers into] Light winds. northwestern Ontario. Showers) Forecast Temperatures or thundershowers are expected| Low overnight, high Wednesday to spread across most other sec-| Windsor 85 tions of Ontario later today and| St. Thomas Wednesday [London . Little change in temperatures) Kitchener ... is forecast through Wednesday} Mount Forest with most areas experiencing) Wingham .... slightly below normal tempera-|Hamilton .... tures for early .July St. Catharines Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,| Toronto Lake Huron, Georgian Bay,| Peterborough Windsor, London: Variable! Kingston . cloudiness today. Cloudy with a/ Trenton .. few clear periods and scattered Killaloe .. thundershowers tonight and) Muskoka .. Wednesday Little change. in| North Bay . temperatures. Winds light. Sudbury ... Niagara, Lake Ontario, Hali-)| Earlton Seack burton, Killaloe, Toronto, Ham-| Sault Ste. Marie... 5 ilton: Sunny and cool today. In-| Kapuskasing creasing cloud this evening. | White River . Cloudy with a few clear periods|Moosonee .. and scattered thundershowers| Timmins Wednesday. Little change in! |posals on intervals from all stations and be able to call for explanations of any deviations from the pre- scribed standards. DRAWS CLEAR LINE The white paper, on the other hand, drew a cleay line between people who make broadcasting regulations and people respon sible for programming. It promised _ machinery "which distinguishes clearly be- tween the total delegation of au- thority over programming on the one hand, and ultimate au- thority over the structure of the system on the other." State Secretary Judy La- Marsh told a press conference! the government in essence adopted the committee's pro- regulation. She said the main difference is that the CBC's board of directors is to remain in existence The white paper accepted the Fowler recommendation that li-| cences be issued by. the BBG rather than by the cabinet on the BBG's recommendation. But it said appeals against board decisions may be made to the cabinet, The government also went along with the Fowler commit- tee's view that broadcasting quality standards can't be es-| tablished on a uniform basis in all parts of the country. The committee said perform- ance guarantees should be tail- ored to the size, wealth and lo Winnipeg Crash 'Olan Gets Sees Five Deaths |More Woe tersection, which is governed by MONTREAL (CP) -- A judg- stop signs for nortt-south traf-|ment for $38,956 in Superior fic but no traffic lights. Court Monday added to the al- The collision demolished the ready substantial troubles of truck, separating the cab from|former opera impresario Sam the box and its camper-trailer| Olan. and tossing the engine from the; The action was taken by fin- immediate scene. ancier J. Ernest Savard in May, One witness driving in the pr gst Rs oo bi ye ogyet lar he ti sai .of Toro e the south end of Winnipeg, Pe ib: Praliiagd tod gy ogh adie never made a court appear- sent a girl and a young man to/jour after the truck failed to|ance hospital suffering cuts, fractures stop at the stop sign | r. Savard obtained the judg- and shock, ee said the girl was thrown ment by default in connection St. Vital police said the On- from the truck and rolled on the With » debt agreement made tario car was travelling west on| pavement before the box of the, ™ore than five years ago, the Perimeter -- an alternative) truck came down over her, An-| The indebtedness rose from route along the Trans-Canada| other passer-by pulled her from transactions between Mr. Sa- Highway for drivers wishing to! the wreckage. vard and PRM Inc., an Ontario bypass central Winnipeg--when victims in both vehicles were company in which Mr. Olan it struck the truck, which bore| pinned in their seats. held interests and which later a camper-trailer. Police said there were two, Went into bankruptcy. The truck was travelling south adults in the truck with the girl, Mr sarggi pl eee toward the United States on| who is about 15. The car con- noted that the hg = Highway 59 as it reached the in-| tained two adult couples. been notified of the action an July 4 Weekend Fatalities Reach All-Time High Point WINNIPEG (CP)--A_ two-ve- hicle collision involving a half- ton truck from British Columbia and a car from Ontario took five lives near here Monday night. The mishap, at the intersec- tion of Highway 59 and the Peri- meter Highway looping around had "made default to appear within the prescribed delays." ARRESTED IN MONTREAL Mr. Olan, 60, was arrested in Montreal Thursday and ap- peared in Owen Sound Monday on a charge involving a $25,000 cheque. CHICAGO (AP)--The United and 610 persons would die in CALL OR SEE States' worst July 4 traffic fatal-! ity toll on record- was reached during the past holiday week- end. With last-minute figures com- ing in -slowly today, the toll stood at 559 traffic deaths on U.S. highways to surpass in a three-day period the four-day record set in 1963. Drownings with 203 were sharply higher than last year's figure of 114. Boating accidents for 47 deaths, The National Safety Council) had estimated that between 510) Police Press Bar Deplored SEPT-ILES, Que. (CP)--Jean Ste. Marie, president of the As- sociation of Quebec Police and Fire Chiefs, said Monday the as- sociation's executive 'deplores the fact that a recent decision by it may have been misinter- preted." Mr. Ste. Marie said Saturday reporters would be barred from the association's annual meet- ing to ensure that newspapers "do not speak badly of us."' In a Monday statement, the association head said some journalists "believe that access to our meeting at Sepi-Iles is re- fused." | "In practice, we have. de- cided 'to establish a press office with the purpose of transmitting to all media a complete account of the events. ... traffic accidents during the In- dependence Day holiday period. | The 1965 Labor Day weekend was the worst summer holiday for traffic fatalities with 575 killed. Last July 4, also a three-day holiday, took 551 lives in traffic accidents, while the four - day July 4 celebration in 1963 saw 557 highway deaths. The three-day Christmas 1965 weekend traffic death toll of 720 is the record for any holiday. DIXON'S SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 accounted The 4 G's of Saving. CONFIDENCE ! CONVENIENCE ! COMFORT ! CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 1, CONFIDENCE -- knowing that you are receiving the best rate of interest -- paid more often. CONVENIENCE -- longer saving hours daily and all day Saturday. . COMFORT -- dealing with friendly people -- with a community Trust Com- pany. 4. SAVE WITH... Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe St N. Oshewa, 723-5221 "We are aware of the im-| portance of spoken and written| pad information for an organization | such as ours. | 23 King ; . Re | Bowmanville, "We recognize that the public} has the right to be informed | and well informed St. W. 623-2527 cation of the station. 'Had No Licence But Still Drove BRANTFORD (CP)--A Hag ersville, Ont. man who testified he never possessed a driver's licence. was sentenced to six months in jail Monday for driv- ing while disqualified Court was told that Gordon Milton Froman, 31, had been convicted seven times since! June, 1961 on similar charges. Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill MeFeeters --- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 is best equipped to provide you with clean, competent, guaranteed Heating Service? Lander-Stark and their own staff of fully qualified heating technicians. temperature. Winds light Timagami, Cochrane, Bay, Sudbury: Sunny but with increasing cloudiness today Showers or thundershowers to North NOTICE Whatever you need to make your home more comfortable, any time of the year . .. Air Conditioning and De-Humidify- night mostly ending and clear- ing partly by Wednesday after- noon, Litle change in tempera- tures. Winds light, Algoma, . Sault Ste. Marie, White River: Thickening cloud followed by showers or thunder- showers today ending overnight or early Wednesday. Sunny with cloudy intervals Wednesday Little change in temperatures SPEED KING -Amazing self-sudsing CAR WASH SPONGE Gives up to 30 Washings and Pol- ishing all in one pertormance STREET Chureh St. Centre St. Ask for it at your favorite Service Station The following changes have been made in one way street operation in the City of Oshawa. These new regula- tions are.now in effect. BETWEEN Brock St. W. and King St. W. King St. W. and John St. W. ALD. J. G. Traffic and City of Oshawa. ing in Summer . . . Heating and Humid- ifying in Winter . . . call in Lander-Stark for ast, reliable service. Just 725-3581. But Samy Mite, 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 phone HAS BECOME One Way Southbound One Wey Southbound BRADY, Chairman, Public Safety Committee,

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