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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1966, p. 21

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| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 8, 1966 26--Apartments for Rent |28--Room ond Board |30--Automobiles for Sale {31---Compoct Cars for Sale| 38--Coming Events IRTHS OBITUARIES ahs 21 am a Te Dea eas |'99 AUSTIN HEALEY, very good condi- | cesta bat fis cobeney Tan. feo ae on fee ei Boil ©AM e@ ton, new paint job, tires simest ate FUNERAL OF WOODBINE RESULTS available for immediate occupancy. Tele-|home tor gentiemen, 4 | . . ibh id hardtop. Call between Phone: 7234261,"'1"'#" pum. or 23-4255) packed. 5 Gay week. Telephone 7242. So pm, 709524, JAYCEES BALL -- Sev and Ula are hegey tol THEODORE LITTLEFIELD after hours. ' | eo rf : a announce Michae! os ~ the arrival of a son, ou 4 Boo, ren eee Pee Your RAMBLER Dealer" [a7 aeiea hardtop, 6 cyl-| Sheldon Carl, 8 pounds, 9 july} The funeral service for Theo- a has 7 - | + 8 pounds, 9 ounces, on July TORONTO (CP) -- Results at Wood-|Royal Swiv, Mount Market also ran, & 1966, at the Oshawa General Hospital.!dore (Charles) Littlefield, whojpine race track rsday: TI | ked. Apply F THREE-ROOM basement apartment,| Central. Lunches pac! | poe Inder, automatic, radio, good tires, excel- stove, reltigerator, hasle tydnne enn [Colborne fast, -- NICOLS Motors Limited jient conaition, Must sell. Best after Tele A brother for Desbie end Teniny" Thu iy: : hin lhe tian ; First--Purse $2,100, claiming, maiden) Fifth--Purse three-piece bath, parking included, $80.|G00D HOME for neat young » : phone 725-0253. | . died July 4, at his residence, Pi to lg ' Wi monthly. Telephone 728-2949. atter 4 pr | any week wants Good meals. Laundry | On Highway No. 2 ae MATROPOLITAN acd oe Gas | \O } S e | pBARRETT -- Roland and Keren erei1370 Simcoe St. N., was held ativan 'Guitare 5.00 2 20 A | happy to announce the arrival of their % ittfach) THREE ROOM apartment, no pets, no) 2ore._728 Just West of Thickson Rd. -- [gition, offers! Telephone 668-5039 after first child, @ son, Andrew David, weigh-|2 P.m., July 7, at the McIntosh. Playmaker (Walsh) oredane (Diittech) ay 108 mies 7 ozs.,81 Oshawa General! Anderson Funeral Home. Time: 1:60 vi er pets, -- ga on ae I eg | by children, adults only, parking included. |SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 Whitby 668-3331 16.30 p.m. R ., (Hale) 2.0 wa re Reasonable rent, Apply 31 seainieat --~ | 62 AUSTIN-HEALEY sports, red with rea;| Hospital on. Wednesday, tul | Rae? « ts Ra bes able re pply ci haces et |" 6 Solel se il ered dro hl iN j fe o | 5S. G, Saywell, lay pastor of| Guidecca Trettic Swirl, Chimar, Not | i mee oii © Ge tees A Cioud aiso ran. eiso ran, eats hee jing space. Apply 863 Ritson Road South| KELLY DISNEY dition, summer driven only, Wire wheels fs --_ IRVINE -- Sob and Siien wish io en-/Si. Siephen's United Church, WILSON-SHAKESPEARE area two bed ce 600, 792% nou f ter, ted ti 120m apariment. in duplex. to sub-let,| OF Call 723-8364. USED CARS LTD. prednlAa he BR er ail og ei a | N sth &. Saee | nounce Marien) bs 1 ar Savanter| conducted the service. Inter- $2,400, maiden three-| Sixth.-Purse $2,800, three: Second--Purse 7 + VI ozs., on Thurs- 4 . balcon' mon . i am --<" ot, six cylinder, id year-old fillies, 1 mile. yea 1 1-16 miles. ie Gy cit ae 29--Wanited To Rent | 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST Ww day, July 7, 1966. A sister for Timmy(ment was in Oshawa Union|} Bigg Special thanks to Dr.i¢ wie 8. Good (Walsh) 5.90 3.70 2.70|He's A Smoothie (Fitz.) 9.70 F ROO: nion Rd,| WANTED -- Room and board for father WHITBY -- 668-5891 ' OP and Shelley Ann. Special thanks to Dr.| Cemetery, Maabest"e ema) tao ils Reaping Teena epartment. on ein ee eilend two schéol' pgs cnildren, GAM. em Cars bought and sold Admission 0c The pallbearers were Douglas|V'v bel t wie Gus (Robinson) ; * ime: ime: 1:48, atter 5 ployee. Oshawa or vicinity, Write "gh Liens paid off ger four on the floor. Excellent condi- O'DONNELL -- Albert and Mary Lindsay, Ed. Harmon and Wil- Acteptabia Gift, Royal Missy, Phan-| Black Ringo. Short Affair, Heven' vA oe 36149 Oshawa Times. ' Cabal alanx ae tion with only 19,000 miles. Best offer O'Donnell (nee Mary Spencer) of Lake-|,- lory, . Esseo, 1m 2 BAR nae Private Tenneg. [THREE = BEDROOM house wanted | ioe Up: OF ey Phone 725-7547. ; field, Ont. wish 10 announce the birth of ego 2 oe yg bd Bana, Tin idle laine Bo: Lady Bre iN Caeser Wire 'shee ren, conveniences, bus stop at door. immed. sg ways top quality - A906, motor, body, tires, win daughters (one si n), on re ucation staff; ran raw- ' donee Jate possession. Apply 262 Gonant Street.| Telephone 723-5293 between 9 a.m. and 1956 AUSTIN A90-6, motor, body, tires, , Bedette also ran Bxector: s04.90. eetiase. seb tinpiitiniaestnstachenivee 1 ' , July 2, 1966, at St, Joseph's Hospi- Mi st MABE ROOM woarimenl ao belay no | P™ BE cited _ |ONE 1965 Rambler Embassy Ambassa.|brakes and interior, excellent transmis Two Jack ots tal; Peterborough, Orit ford, William King and William Ty THREE ROOM apartment, no pets, no) _ i Needs minor repair. $300 or best Deily double: $24.50, --_ Ht "4 icin included TWO OR THREEbedroom house requir-|dor 990, 327 V-8, bucket seats, four door tea Py stcyar age Benes PP | Alexander, representing St. sas Mik he S200, Allies. ane MTs rah, Gos ti Neen Macias ty" leucher and ote ine chlorenis\beaane apveriehinn ration Meeaiece| coal otter . ' NOS. 53 AND 58 «4 ov on. fitleg and i ffer. Apply 616 Simcoe yf 4 Third--Purse $2,000, ciaimi rare ar-old: nd ' August 1, 15, woltewslls,._ ine fone, excellent tien, Sect cash offer. Apply i DEATHS : | Stephen s Church, ore ~TUr-pour alts, $ worl erm Northern , faerie) Me 130 $8 sn : 2. . 90) Speedy Lamen' Htfach ERNEST C. TURNEY R 2.60 8.90) Teardrop Lane (Fitzsimmons) 340 Time: 1:36 2-5, Tami: Victoria Garden, Feathery pee OR ke - --~-- | preferred, ° , Sa SS ORSW- STRELT--74----1wo~or--three--roon rent, Wile Box 2980 OStiawa TMs: "56 CHEVROLET convertible, custom-| 1964 MGB radio seat belts, Samer, will ---- | | (Kornblum) 1 Geet kai 50 Atoms for Sele yt ca Minha rrr Teme) ONE MAUST GO |pommcree ---- a a aaage Lagi dl ' Automobiles for |excellent body, motor, and New! 1965 SUNBEAM imp, $1175 or best offer, DOUGLAS, Ronald Lioy * 2 U2 4S, 4 Stainers. No 'children. Immediate posses canst icin "levign' VIKGh' tee cet On 1a: Telephone 725-4115 between 5.30 and & RR 1, Ameliasburg, Ontario, passed|C: Turney, 26 Prince St., Bow Zeesekite,. Ming Dy-|also ran, sion, ett discs, continental spot light, many extras. 1pm, away on Thursday, July if 1946 at the) manville, who died, July 6, at|nasty, wee Annie Dory, Silver nny, aks i saa s OE I Hci to fi corners. . Lady owned and driven, Telephone ef --_ 'an Believilie General Hospital. Dear hus- ince: ji trip For Action, 'or yn, urse $2,; claiming, Pe pb de a Sachaiy sie | Clearin for is, 1963 539. ! band of Gwendolyn, dear father of Paul the Pri as Margaret Hospital, Canacia, Luxury Dip, Neediin Al also year-olds and up, | mile, : artment. Private entrance refrigerator | hina Ad ah ROTOR RE OO and Heather, dear son of Mr. and Mrs.| Toronto, following a short sick- ran. Win T+ Bird 7.10 410 4.00 and Stove. Reasonable rent. Call 725-1932 1987 PORSCHE, good condition, $700 F. Douglas, of Oshawa, brother of John, ness was held at the Morris -- Winning Score (Hernandez) 4 3. APARTMENT four rooms. and bath-| Telephone 728-8287. | IN 50° NOS. OR LESS Toronta, "Kenneth of Seerboreugh. 8M F caral Capel, Bowmanville, at| )rurth--Purse | $2,100, claiming, tour. Vedas Caiiiech), , CHEVY 11 station wacon, 3, eulo-| na! shawa, In his year. Rest- , m year-olds ai up, ir js. ime: |: Foe auleide |" Oshewss close to. school} Holid ays A eee olen crate Telectae| ing at the Pinkson and Luscombe Funeral? p.m, today. Bimini Bill (Harris) 9.10. 5.70 3.80] Dumelie, Top Cadet, Admiral Arm. Store, 263-2126. Y 1957 CHEVROLET, station wagon, 6 cyi-/matic, excellent : Home, Belleville. Funeral services will nae Sky Spark (Steve) i bro, Peter Wrack, Balinode, Adalid cal RES cle 09 Rev. G. K. Ward, minister of ' SPRCIAL bachelor apartment in apart inder, standard. $250 cash. Telephone|Alax 942-6096. -- EAR MO Nee be held on Saturday, July 9 at 2 p.m. In- ev. G. A. Ward, minister of) cg.) Pageant (Dittfach) .70| 2nd, Liberated, Well Now, Ann's Reply ment building unfurnished _bed-sitting 725-2549, ____} 1962 ENVOY soecial Only e687 | aN ferment Balleville Cemetery. 4. au of Trinity United Church, conduct- Hon Rea F ue sae also-ran. 'com, kitchen and bathroom, stove and a Tiac @ new. Low mileage.|tra snow fires, radio. ity ated nN announce: 0s. owers contributions to the Canadian Y i ¥town, Stoned, nese Sabre, Na- -- fridge included, parking, ideal for coupie,, Our holidays, your sav- tee ka find Phen 'ann sew: 1966 MUSTANG, hardtop, silver. grey,| $35. Consolation Prive psa sey or isan Memorial ed the Conetn Game 1M) cuba, Take Notice, Autumn Souvenir," Attendance: 6,004. Handle: $473,917, immediate possession, $85 monthly. Tele-| _ ' A es ' -8, standard. | ' les wou! @ appreciated, s J ) ls f phone 728.9672. ings. Special prices this | manville. black leather upholstery, V-8, standar: '| ' TWO. BEDROOM apariment wallio-wall PRIVATELY OWNED, one owner, 1964| Telephone 725-6823 between § and 7 p.m $10, per tine both games HILLIER, Rebecca Evelyn The deceased, who was in his apartmen' -10- ' eekend only. convertible. Ford Galaxie 500 Xt fully) ~~~. Suddenly at the Oshawa Genera! Hospi-| 76th year, was a son of the late beppeieon), throughout. Free laundry in-| Wi y powered, equipped tke new. Telephone! 32----Trucks for Sale $175 Jack ot tal, Thursday, July 7, 1966 Rebecca] Mr. and Mrs Charles Tunney. a Te te ohne MON evenings after 5 p.m. 723-0550. ig a ; a Evelyn Hackett, beloved wife of Herbert re APARTMENT, ihree large rooms, RVs oe "Parisienne converiibie,| 952 CHEVROLET half ton pickyp $475./ p E. Hillier, of 132 Verdun Road, Loving! Born at Colborne, Ont., he lived] first RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse 4-Gordon's Express, Waddell 1.00 ¢ 9 1966 CHRYSLER 300 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne co bie. | 31480; $650 -- 1958 helt ton vate bath, entrance and driveway. Avail dade A-1 condition. $1,000 or best offer. Apply|rictoc' Real acod condition licence. Ne. $20. per line, $75 full card, | sister ot Mrs. Robert Finley, and Georse|at Peterborough before moving 0, steal in tes am Started: Agios Vile and Alusia, THREE ROOM sorimen, private] 2, 40% hardtop, licence A po Boel "Fad Ragen rei mst ssh, ewnce 729098; 196] 20 Regular $20. games pay |in*resting' at "Meinosh'anseran Friel {to Bowmanville 26 years ago, |SsrucrTior:, Minalon $00 278 eee ee eo - "Immediate posses-| 814. 2 way power radio, |ipBAL and CAR = 56 Ford Ranch| rebuilt motor $850, licence 7 'ata WA Home, 152 King Street East. Service in Mr, Turney was employed for|5Cherry Freeze, Hawke 2.80| SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse Sa Fou ne ee n440.| whitewall tires, full five year | Wagon V-8 standard, radio, Asking $125;/ Mercury, half Jon Bick. ee ty bbl double in 17 Nos. or less. |the Chapel on Saturday, July 9 8! 11/"y . id 3 ploy fig Iso Started: Sabrina Lee, Jimmy Rid-|$1,000 (6), sion. Telephone after 5.30 p.m., 723 895 also '55 Chevrolet with good body, 263) Stock rack $850, licence Pilger | Five $30, comes a.m. Interment St, George's Cemetery,|20 years by General Motors in| gen, Forjar, Dictator Pick, and Legal|S-Chasmar George, A'kin 4.80 3.10 2.30 ONE BEDROOM apariment in apart -| warranty. Retail price $4, V-8 motor, good condition. Telephone 723-| sleet side, A fleas MUI fesoe eleeee | Oshawa the heavy reject department of| Prince. 1-Armbro Egan, McKinley 3.80 2.40 ment building at 787 King Street East.| Selling at 667 jLicence 71498; X30913, Telephone Hos-| Early Bird Game 7:45 P.M, | the north plant prior to his re-|,38°ON2 RACE -- W Mile (Pace).|3-Thunder Bars, Crowe 2.70 Private entrance, refrigerator, stove, $3,800 |; er Wier ee ? LEE, John Albert , P P f | i) Also Started: Peter W. Grattan, Mister and dryer. For appointment f Pedin diene eee nl ee conaition: O22 le nari te ed OE EXTRA PRIZES \n Oshawa General Hospital on Wednes-|tirement in 1960. A former mem-| Blue F'st, N's 8.50 5.50 3.60/ Wi Guy Attorney. _75-155) or 723-701) % : $1,875 cash. 207 High St., Whitby, 668-3153| 1958 CHEVROLET, | ton panel. 4 ig day, July 6, 1966, John Albert Lee (35 ber of Local 222, UAW, he was 3-Top Notch Pick, Coke 11,20 $40) SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). APARTMENT -- two bedroom. spacious) 1966 RAMBLER 770 lofter 6 |transmission, $350, Telephone 723-4928, Elena Street), beloved husband of the Auch +42.4|*Dick's Boy, Kingston 3.10] Purse $900 (8) tivi fis dinetia wid kitchen, includ poet nailer == 14951 MERCURY Va ton pickup motor, | jate Grace A. Kempffer, dear father of/a member of Trinity United| also started: Hi Adieu, Maiden Fling,|2-Jipa, Kingston 3.90 3.10 2.90 ing 4g and stove, Ample 'closet space.| 2 door hardtop, licence H87- | CHEVROLET 2door, 37 motor, 300 A-1 body fair. Telephone 723-9093 after 4. d Powell tea) aso" (Ray), Mrs. CyrillChurch, Bowmanville, and a|Miss Carolene Ann, and Elizebetn Leo' |7-Singie Goons" waddelt 480 3.50 Reasonable rent. Hydro extra. Write Box| 289. Reclining. seats, auto- |NP, «speed on floor, positraction 'rear| y_fair. , ) after cVvery UlSOAY [Powel trite, both of Oshawa; in his Bae ae Thal oe DAILY DOUBLE, 3 AND 2, PAID $28,20/3-Hold The Phone, W'wood 4.40 36287 Oshawa Times. % A i] jend, reverberation radio. Telephone 725-| 1953 MERCURY for sale, half ton pick-up. |75th year. Resting in Mctntosh-Anderson|member of the Loya Tange) sHiro Race -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse! Also Started: Dionna Chief, Captain nll en RO matic, V-8, whitewal Wires, [2534 $225, Days telephone 668-2721 or evenings [Funeral Home, 152 King Street East.|Lodge and Loyal Black Precep- | ss00 (8) ' ' Dillon, Storm Knight, Davie Blue, and ONE BEDROOM apartment, available! radio power steering. Full 11956 PONTIAC for sale, four door, new| 728-6034 for any further particulars, Service in the Chapel on Saturday, July tory at Bowmanville B-Andy Counsel, Coke 14.90 5.40 3,70/ Cherry Pit. Gaecite laited tor cunts 'or singie| warranty. Retail price $3,680 | tires, resin tocyern good condition. Apply| two 1962 GMC 34 ton pick-up trucks. | at T e |% at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. | LOFy % EIGHTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot). | : : | : + : ; }-Superior Mark, Wellwood 4,30 3.10 woman. $80 monthly. Call Harry, Miller Selling at 623 Olive Avenue for any further par-| Telephony 728-7308. Ask for Mr. Kent. | | The family would appreciate donations to| He is survived by his wife, the|3-Northwood Beaver, Gemmill 3.50| Purse $1,400 (7 '1958 GMC half ton pick-up for sale, in | the Heart Fund in lieu of flowers. y A | . 4Lee Ezra, Carmichael 25.80 9.10 670 Real Estate, 728-1678. ae $2800 _|ticvlars . former Clara Beatrice COORD ah Pentite Aaney Bae ole eae &Sudbury, | Varcoe 6.00 4.00 5 G00 aeariadi, we cilitien" flows | |PRIVATE -- 1963 Galaxie for sale, 4! good condition. Should be seen at 690 . . *|e asMiLLARD, Russell J. man; a daughter, Mrs. Isabel] cate pilierd J J tArewons ayattan, Coke | $8 nek tral. Hy | ' {door sedan, 25,000 miles, like new. Apply|Osier Street, Oshawa for any further J Pp je Oshawa General Hospital Friday,| @, , so ja 3 ik Boy W, Reckless eee 1983 PONTIAC |242 Elgin Street West for any further! particulars UDI€€ FaVIION |%, 8 1966 as the result of a car acci.|COChrane, of Oshawa and three) rourtH Race -- 1 Mile (Pace). Living, Riddell's Counsel, and Winnie THREM ROOM eparimenty sow Tidpe| <C foor hard- _ | Particulars. 1964 GMC 4 ton truck, A-l condition denit, Russell J. Willard of 917 sige mw Harold and Claude of|Purse $800 i ee jk ek ce fee be KeBour, apartment, stove, fridge, ~ustom spor:, two door hard- {| ery y 7% | core Be r 7 treet, Whitby, beloved son of Mr. and{ Dp, ' ] >) @ 140 \ 4 ¥ ra 1. MacDuff's La: etc. Private bath, all furnished. No chil : cence J-3647. Auto- | 19% BUICK for sale, four door hardfop.|is.o00 miles. One owner. Reasonable Mrs. William' Willard) dove yg oe v;| Peterborough and Glen of Cour- Fill 430 3.50) NINTH RACE -- | Mile ace). P dren, immediate possession. 291 Monarch top. Licence 3 : A.) {power brakes, power steering, radio. '$395. | Phone 668-4577, BUSES LEAVING Paliiciay: in hie. eek wee, Rests oiitice. tirg 6.201 $1,300 (8), . Purse Ave., 725-2389. matic, floor consul, radio, A- releenone 725-9252 for further particu-| ono Va ton. Best offer. Phone 942 RNERS AT 7:00 [he W-.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, | Also surviving are two bro so Started: Tom Tally, Reddi B.! 4.6nelda Howard, Find'y 4.90 3.40 2.80 ONE-BEDROOM apartment to sublet, condition. tt nae matesvi ean 5 FOUR CO : for service in the Chapel Monday, July | én Willi of P h irish C. Grattan, Carl W. Grattan! L.Lucky Sis, Gelsel 4.00 2.76 Stove, fridge, controlled entrance, free} $1695 |CONVERTIBLE 1963 Ford Galaxie XL, ism DODGE che taK" Tena hay AND 7:15 PM. ll, 1966 at 2 p.m. Interment Groveside| thers, Ww isiiam Peterboroug' and Kaylee. 2-Ambrose Abbe, Walsh 3.80 hydro, swimming pool, hardwood floors. | fully power nee ty Marapenslon, in very 'goad "conettion Cometery, Brooklin. Visitors commenc-| and Clifford of Colborne; 13 a RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse pat Echo © Valley, Mr Dee . 1 th. | Telephone 723-7184 % \ p ing 2 p.m, Saturday. Minister Rev. J.|_ : $900 (8) , Attorney's Bob, Barbara G, and feat 1960 CHEVROLET GRILLS, radiators, all car parts. Late| soo none 7258498 anes pm And Returning after Bingo | smith [grandchildren and one great- ZWise, Old Wick: F'gan 440 2.8 2.001 Watton . 'Eriton acd dats si | " y 1/51 MERCURY '2 ton truck $250, Exce | i : - b 1 7. , indance 3011, Pool . ONE TWO-BEDROOM electrically heat-| 4 door sedan, licence 465- |models our specialty. Courtice Auto iy are Pane ecickn Glee hay Real '1 Ae : ' ___._|grandchild. He was predeceased |8-Flood, Campbell 0 3.60 ce Totat $152,360. aa Viva ahd' retciaardiet "auepllady close AG spall pe! nd re- | Wreckers. 723-5238. mechanically radio, good rubber, should, Children under not admitte |by a sister, Mrs. Pearl Peal. to hospital and down town, $133 includes} 24H. Newly painted a |1959 FORD 6 cylinder, automatic, A-l\be seen 728-2204 Kindness beyond Price, yet heat, lights, etc. Call 728-9686. conditioned. Perfect holiday | | '61 COMET station wagon, 2 door, de- luxe, one owner, i 3 only $525 for quick sale. Call 725-3119. , lights, etc. Call 728 é | condition. Call 723-7159 after 6 p.m. ay 1WTRRMATIONAL, IW ton ale ae |. i within reach of all. | RUSSELL J. WILLARD | WOODBINE ENTRIES ag Hs AA eg $495. |sun newrta te "Sate, rare IN avet_ cnn. Teepe Fb FUNERAL CHAPEL Russel! J. Willard, $17 Centre| 2031. 1960 BUICK ly or 728-9746, Ask for Helmut in a motor accident eight weeks| Clear and Fast Royal Regret, No Boy 106 stove, centrally located. Apply 25 Mili! 8861, 2 way power (3000). Three and four-year-pids. 1/Pay Now, Barroby 111 A f a Dr. Bricker, Gordon 111 |Hit The Line, Turcotte 116 engine; also Gotha 6 two manifold log " IN MEMORIAM | He was $ 22nd v | » Ty soi vga, oe, reripera, ee $850 |F7swin Caron ot Buying A New Car? [re mas pig 2and year. (purgnuay bier, Ve Broth A Gay ars | x hi : : Alot Tolike, Robinson 101 A--M Kane en Call 725-1310 or 728-5034. 1957 FORD |wagon, 6 cylinder standard, 49,000 miles,| Tai, "Coch" to the New : | jliam Willard, of Whitby, the de-|Gn) Cran' Nema tt2 Henderson Entry, ' Car Dealer and "Save" f t ; aie FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500, Claim FF. We trade up, di T : N in Oshawa and received his edu- 's F ing (9000 hospital. Telephone 728-2270 built body with fibergioss |EIRMS PAID OPP. We trade up. down TED CAMPIN MOTORS €a Uring Dan's Flight, No Boy 1 fis iki seaipli icnietrieiitlans tastencltmesnestie ¥ i = Royal Faran, No B 0. nished bedroom, gentieman, abstalner,| ew tires, A beauty fr CAR PARTS, spindies 10 mak e|LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS wanl| THE Colborne Public Schools, and Miss Telso, No Boy 101 | Leader Lane, Robinson 113 r * 27--Rooms for Rent | x4 Teen 0 Wentworth East, 725-11 SLA | of our depa rted Whitby. |A--J © Meyer and D J Poliziani Entry. Nardoo, Dittfach 11 Church, Mr. Willard was an em- Ing, (3000), Three-year-olds. 6 Furlongs.| Park Heights, Werry X11 lomatic, % Company, Whitby. Left Wing, Harrison 106 on " A j ed motor and body [Very good average car. Clean! $450.|pought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. | pany, ? 9 SIXTH RACH -- Purse $3,000. "Octay- Available in private home. ry 9 9 : $395 . see inis 59 | | Prize Jive, Gomer 113 82 PARK RD N Family Size bottle of Coke land body in good condition, two-tone|1175 N Street. Telephone 725-2162 | The funeral service will be|Malor Roberts, Harris 111 | Tickled Silly, Kornblum X116 nen -- = lo , i tar, 116 , purchase of gas. 1962 MERCURY Meteor, V8, standard, |Chapel, Whitby, at 2 p.m. July | ron Star, Gomez Bye and Near, McComb } : d Condora, Four-year-olds, foaled in Canada, " able now,| | arranged, trades accepted. 509 Bloor E./ Motor Rebuilding * ee eee Mrs & Irwin and Mrs W/| Blue Mel, No Boy 126 i; Bae : ee eee s. NICE, newly decorated single room, for | miles, Telephone 723-9123 @ Automatic Transmission Sunday -- July 10 Lodge No. 55 e .M | . dence, close to south plant __|88 Dynamic four door hardtop, power Sa a an arrl Ing. Three- and four-year-olds (3000).| Grand Galop, No Boy 126 shopping plaza, Parking facilities. Apply, ---- jequipped, extras, xcellent condition. iy | Dutch Wrackateer, McComb 111 ing (4000). Four-year-olds and up. Ong od prove: Suitable for couple or one) to. tow trucks (fully. equip- |191 CHEVROLET twodoor automatic |North. Phone 726-7339 ei HAMPTON 8 dear husband and father, Hugh Wallace | To Extreme Northern Wind, Buttigieg 108 and one-sixteenth Miles. (11), Sie : --Always remembered by wife Babs, dau- |Breezy Breeze, No Boy 101 Dream Plan, Robinson 118 REWARD offered for information leading Z NICE ROOM for young lady, pr of Galactic Tryst, Kornblum A-X107 FSS Sed ce ' | Beech Ti -XXX1 is As FURNISHED ROOM in quiet home tor! Telephone 725-2756, LOST =: Sor 'boat, Siopered side penal ofl nnn "Always remembered by Mom and Dad - Thomas B-XXX111 Spicy Favour, Harris A-112 : ¢c cupied the upper floor of his A--C J Jackson, G G Brown, R Redshaw| A--R W Lee and M Kane Entry. Telephone 728-7713 for further particulars. | MORE CASH Price $450, Apply 128 Barrie Avenue or| awa meoe -' Robert area). Answers) 1483 Kingston Rd., Toronto XXX~10 Ibs AAC Road South. body needs work, $150. Call 728-0436 after) LOST: Female hound dog, Walker and 1 p.m. to 10 p.m occasions, away. Queenie. Reward. Call 725-8740 i wer steering and brakes, automatic, 7 ne - gh mee | oF De Bhai ed or unfurnished, immediate possess- bucket seats, radio, low mileage. Driven|1960 CHEVROLET Sump Truck Tengu.) St. S., Whitby, who was injured| SATURDAY, JULY 9 Ing ($000). Three-vearolds, 64 Furlongs, y ly 116 Cromwell Avenue > lon, Prefer married couple. Whitby 668. as second car, Call 728-8822 after 5:30|Reasonable Apply } C | | GERROW (6). rs sain sal ago, at the intersection of High- Thirty Grand, Kornblum A-X111 TWO BEDROOM apariment for rent, di lcence Js 1 WORD, cow cuner, ontellent Gone " | | 390 KING STREET WEST | ago, e | . dik Gabi: 5 electrically heated with retrigerator and| 2 door hardtop, lice pal tlon, body and mechanically, Asking 33--Automobiles Wanted a STONE | Telephone 728-6226 begs? -- Bo Rd., north | Ftp ig ay Pies ™; | Sweet Snowdrop, Hernandez 111 F |Of Brooklin, died this morning|Mile on turt course. (13). Shining Mark, 'Mi om Street, Apt. 4 or telephone 723-3295. good tires, newly painted, ex- _ - ' ' "1 e ble Ruler, No Boy A-106 shining Mark, Maxwell 1 : -- -- ome * ' g i | s er, | Fort Rouge, Hale 111 MODERN 2 bedroom apartment. Avail-| cellent buy ot 38 FORD, three-window coupe, '6 Buick) CARS WANTED jat the Oshawa General Hospital. 9 sees ve eich LORS RE Feet Pe fi s j]-| Dark Sin, Dittfach 111 Reat Runner, Kornbl X11 ed parking Included, on Rossland Road. | [MUST SELL -- 1963 Ponflac station! Sell your used car to Ted", A son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil f ef, Romblumy A-X114 BACHELOR APARTMENT $30 month, ae 92262K. Re- $1,200 or best offer. Telephone 668-8388 | | ceased was born April 4, 1945, relrlegd mg of cits Ww includes stove, fridge, hydri. Close to) 2 door, licence i if 08 li ; ). Four-year-olds and up, 7 Fur+ ait, ch, Rhheachnns oh steno ' hoose from over 60 cars. No downpay-| 97 g | | cati t Ci Street Arctic Venture, Kornblum XX101 jlongs. (8). CHURCH STREET, 174 -- Single, fur-| fenders. Floor shift, radio, |mentsl Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375,| 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 In OVvINg Memory tion at the King Street and|Arctic rn on, Mornins' Mornin, Gomer 113 i | ' | Purl k, Fi preferred. Apply above address, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street|cars for wrecking. Highest prices. pald.| | Henry Street High School in| Also Eligible: Yorkdale, No Boy, Aa16.| WarMiong Saf simmons ae Phen hind enero | 6 / 1959 METEOR, six « , two - door,|WANTED -- Cars for wrecking, No| ' Peter Picker, Turcotte 119 1955. CHEVROLET standard, recent paint 'and 'body repelr'|Ciervet for foxinn, Roser! Natok, 70 WARLOCKS An adherent of the United) secon race -- Purse $2,000, Claim. Uncle Blue, Harrison. A-116 ATTRACTIVELY | Half -ton pick up, licence [ater good condition, Telephone 723-6060) 4549, 5 PO RON ° : a Hoad-# \ ly recondition |ffer_7_p.m. ________.| SHAW AUTO" WRECKING CO, Cars| Sisters an ployee of the Lake Ontario Steel|{'). ES TN --Bill Beasley Entry. FURNISHED ROOM eee. NO ee |'38 PONTIAC V8 automati rdtop.| bought, parts for sale, Iron and metais| pe yg isa ve Bh Hamas a Besides his parents he is' sur-|Man !n Flight, Walsh A-117 lus'. Allowances. Three-year-olds. 6Vp Pho 2: __|OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted car | h f h a eC bahay |Pioneer Polly, Steve X107 |Furlongs, (5). Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. ; OR, 6 cylinder, standard, molor|for wrecking. Tires and parts for sal | Brot ers OT tne _|vived by a sister, Patricia. | Boston Mills, Dittfach 112 | black-white, with green, white interior,| ---------------- -- pana i | . | Hurricane Bessie, Harrison 111 Mink Flyer, Dittfach 111 3.00 | . F F d y jheld at the W. C. Town Funeral knight Out, No Boy A111 [Cosmic Grey, Bell X101 728-8671 | FREE with each $ radio. $275 or best offer, 7257483. "| g.4 A eon Obile Repair rida Loyal True Blue a! ey, Bel . smiee METAS ' eorgganasi be -- ' David's Chop, No Boy 114 E TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, good condition, $900. Call 728-9796 after FRED STONE : : 11, Interment. will be in Grove-|p3"" Donate: Bog ie (EXACTOR WAGERING) (kitchen and bedroom). Private entrance, | 6pm, SS a St. Gertrude's Parish | pit side Cemetery, Brooklin. Rev,|Minda, Turcotte 117 | SEVENTH RACH -- Purse $10,000 suitable for 2 people. Apply 253 Athol tors STRETCH DOLLARS. R. B. Motor Sales. Brooklin Phone 655-3653 Association John Smith, minister of St Count Lively, No Boy 117 |Added "Canadian Maturity Stakes", Street East. ac ney 0 |Several good used cars, '53's up, terms = . ' on ' niste: ot. No Boy 114 - | a > | ® C 4 Rebo Mark's Church, will conduct the ae Eligible: Valley Royal, No Boy] Miles on Jurt Course. (6). "CHEVELLE. sede | ¢ ' Victor, Dittfach 126 Telephone 1966 CHEVELLE, Malibu, 4door sedan) @ Cylinder Reboring -- service. peg 4 723-0153, } 1180 Simcoe N. automatic,. power brakes etc., 2,500 Pinfitting @ Resleeving |Good Old Mort, Gomez 126 - A Be. I saw hhh oR . Nearctic Heir, Turcotte 126 clean, quiet gentleman, miele ro 728-0031 '62 OLDSMOBILE, one owner, private. Crankshaft and Valve i ed THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200, Claim-| Top Victory, Harris 126 (GM), an : : ne (Divn, of Ist). 1 Mile on turf course. (14). 8) Park Road South, |frnone 725-0311 -- days, 723-0684 -- even: TRaNSMISION~ spedaisists, Transmic| TRIPLE C RANCH Squadru, Coombs X106 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,300. Claim BED - SITTING ROOM with refrigerator) 2 .jeeps with snow plows, 1 | ings, sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe MecCONNELL -- In loving memory of} L a 2 : MORAINE Gina Su, Hernander 112 Meteor, Dittfach 115 gentleman. Call 723-5804 or 725-8645. . ' Excellent condition, Best over $900. 464 McConnell who passed away July 8th s FURNISHED ROOM suitable for young, P¢2), ge a egc 62 |Nipigon Street, Oshawa, 778-0145. | 35---Lost and Found Refreshments 1963 EDMONTON (CP) -- Harry | Stumpr Ne Boy A117 Brief Wind, Barroby 119 couple. Near Adelaide and Simcoe. Cali) Pontiac V-8 auto., on- |1958 CHEVROLET, standard, d-door ylenko has carried instalment. | Steel Leader, Turcotte 120 Last Stand, Maxwell 119 728-9671. vert. customized show car | Reasonably priced 668-4710 or apply 1441) oe eee Dunelt supeed MEyee "Eree to Kiddies" i fer, Mary, Ann and son, Douglas. 'nian living jes tag or get Mahn, Kornblum X101 Freedom's Hope, et a en- also auto access. and chrome. [Byron St., South, Whitby. ____|taken from the Oshawa Shopping Centre McCONNELL -- In loving memory " : Pp ' Gay Ginny J., Steve X10} 9 if i | cone ~ his best friends de h T Kornblum X1 P trance, parking. Near hospital. Telephone! Goodies | 1964 FORD, hardtop, two-door, four speed) Mali on Wednesday July 6 (afternoon) All Partdanits Waleanve our dear son-in-law, Hugh McConnell| 1S best friends concede he's a JoWts Bede ie' aoy ni opsaysno, Steve 728-9671 DOC' |transmission, 390. No down payment.| Telephone 723-2965 who passed away July ath, 1963, |bit loose in the upper storey. ON Theat Thee et Guest Speaker, No Boy 112 S f McRobinson For more than two months,| Also Eligible: Nosam, No Boy, A-104;| Baden-Baden, Fitzsimmons 122 business gentieman. Near hospital, TV * 11957 BUICK $65. Running Condition. Tele-|convertible top, white. Reward. Please . ay ' .|Mr. Goo, No Boy, B-108. ha , included in room. Call 723-1024, $e eT phone Bowmanville 623-2202 ltelephone 728-6586 : | Another interesting weekend i hee ae ; jthe 67-year-old farmer has oc ince Cover, Turcotte 115 BED SITTING room with light house-| K - 1989 WINDOW VAN Volkswagen for sale'LOST -- Hound, female, black and tan i I MIS} and W Overhold Entry. | X--5 Ibs AAC keeping, lady preferred, Close to hospital excellent condition. ideal for camping.|with blue tick markings. North end Osh-| COLLECTOR'S CORNER LOCKE'S FLORIST |house on the outskirts of Ed-|8--Falcon Stable and H Katz Entry. | xx--7 Ibs AAG ' » 728- ir & bwa_(Simeg pecs: anaris oetae | Funeral rrangements and |monton while the ground floor| FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,300. aa! 0: i FURNISHED ROOM king space, gen-| telephone 725-7783, te Brake Telephone Foster's Chicken Ete oe Mccall feel sits by the roadside 20 feet POST TIME 2 P.M tleman. Telephone 723-1830 'or 109 Park paid for Good Clean Cars, --|'S8 PONTIAC 'wagon, mechanically good,| V'!!@ 72 Open Friday--Sat.--Sunday 9 | ' POAT ataemerem ener eR ee eae iat ze . i i atic Ka white | * ; Ld NASSAU STREET. Available July 9,| Trade up or down. Liens paid /6.39 p.m . Vicinity of Altéon ands Taunton aoae OSHAWA SHOPPING Eventually the two halves will P E I F terge room, Telehone 725-2198 after 4 DODD MOTORS SALES 8 PONTIAC Laurentian V-8 putomatlc: Children's pet. Answers fo the name ot Antique, Art, Book Show | CENTRE jbe reunited in Vegreville, 60 +S armer en 10ne = - soles Saati: Motor Ack One bares on No. 2 Highway 24, HOUR PHONE SERVICE {miles east of here where Mr THREE SEPARATE rooms, one room 314 PARK RD. SOUTH spotless condition. Mo " a ae Ber BL sh LO 728-6555 Se Sars oa are Pe with 2 single beds. Near South Generai Es ate ve car, Phone 623-3869, 36--Leaal i rine som OF Victron Fork (ja Zylenko a widower with five! Ld Motors, Ciose io bus. Telephone 725-6070 123-7441 |19%6 CHEVROLET Bel Air dark green, 9O-----beg | A LASTING TRIBUTE married daughters, spent his! an | 5 ig a) - dia = _ white walls, radio, A.C. power steering,/}, LLOYD MUTCH, 28 Mili Street, Osh-| le free parkin | fet j t aha tome ia nos eeiriparatee DOWN--$30 MO! 5,200 mites," privately vgs Telephone! awa will not be responsible for any debts) ° 7MP) Ps 9 For Permanence and dignity |boyhood on his father's farm. H ' : , 728-3602 Stove, television supplied. Utilities paid ; contracted in my name by any t/ENTERTAINMENT---SNACK BAR| We suggest The detached upper storey,| SOURIS, P.E.I. (CP) ~ Only, He is married wit! Private entrance. 231" Palace Street 59 - 61 models | tosy CHEVROLET stationwagon, Bel Air. or. after this date July. 7, 1966, without MOUNT LAWN precariously eae on tout lone of the four candidates vyiaig dren, Sl cited Whitby, $ your choice ! Sindy eg lg te SP rul pier et Lloyd Mutch dealers space available MEMORIAL PARK stacks of blocks, consists of ajfor two crucial seats in Prince! hi i ATTRACTIVELY furnished, private room BILL BENNETT | !eet. Apply $97 Simcoe "- 91.6575 BRONZE MEMORIALS esi Fas ai ward ' | (The Liberals for gentiemen, in adult home; in Cadil phone 725-92 I, WILLIAM GEORGE GATES, 63 telephone 691- Par coun 4 jSingle room equipped with a|Edward Island's Kings 1st de-|Campbell and Jac Avenue area. Telephone 725-1777 after MOTORS "4 PONTIAC convertible, V'8 auiomatic: son Road, South, Oshawa, will net be we er A et ig Po hg please | double bed, carved dining table|ferred election July 11 has had a -- ane King We. (Ee ea ny nee or greets or ake aan BARN DANCE ll Peers. and wood stove, big enough for|previous experience in provin-|atives were deadlocke pe room for nice, riendly . in i! thou' r itt 5 H loi i SE ar te cckeaetas me jtleee_trlenaly 723-0371 '99 CADILLAC, tqui-door hardtop, a2 "2'%:) July 1966 without my written KENDAL heating one pot at a time.|cial politics, But one of the|seats apiece following Deter- South G.M. Telephone 723-4491 : : series, exceptionally clean and excellent | SATURDAY, JULY 9th | There's a larger stove outside|three newcomers is already mination Day .tabulations June ELGIN STREET EAST, 2} -- Furnes 7 Care Bought and Sold running, order..79) or best cath offer. 38 -- Coming Events Allen. Foster's Bam 'music CARD OF THANKS at ground level. |wearing the mantle of a cabinets 'There are 32 seats in the » for gentieman, h keeping priv e' 725-5555 - i is a i ae PAS IB ag ag lb cpap lg MORLEY Lage a 144 CUTLASS Oldsmobile FAS, fully) | inset Price, C.K.L.B. | Mr. Zylenko will continue 9 ee legislature, pm. . j MOTOR SALE equipped consul, Telephone 725-1325 | | nas = | SIMCOCK -- The family of the jate|climb a ladder to his little pent-! Daniel J. MacDonald, 47-year-| ----=-------- isa TWO FURNISHED rooms suitable for 137 KING STREET W 199 PONTIAC Parisienne sedan, auto HOLY CROSS | Admission $1. per Person Mrs, Myrtle Simcock wishes to express house until adjustments are| ld af dq, hi " single girl or coupl nt 1stt 137 KING STRE : : : : 1 Six {1 by Kendal. R t sincere thanks to relatives, fri ous ) old farmer at nearby Bothwell, ingle girl or couple. Vacant July 7 \ matic transmission, power brakes, radio, ponsored by Kenda' ecreation 3 to relatives, friends and s | : Telephone 728-6387 oe OSHAWA low mileage, good condition, Best offer Ascaclation relahbors for their kindness, messages of made to the lower half permit-| was first elected Liberal coun-| FURNISHED ROOM for rent. busine 723-6322 -- 723-8311 vam led by Alex Se 4 : a. Walter . Shaw's Progressive Co in. d a 15 coe Telephone 7237047, B | N £ 0 --------Hympey send, oral tributes. Speciallting it to be loaded on to alcillor for the rural riding in , FIGHTS oe eo me Mer Ca ee On the spot financing TWO 1955 Pentiac doors to 1958 Chey ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO [nurses on 2C for their services during truck. Overhead wiring makes|1962. A veteran of the Second Abstainer nm smoker . rolet doors, each @ roner, $5 | her stay in the Oshawa General Hospital j ractic. 4 |Wor g 5 * Tosa) ~ "| phone 725-0556 CONVERTIBLE "195 Buick jnvicta EX Telephone 725-6980 for any further pa EVERY FRIDAY AT. 7:45 P.M, | Also we wish to thank the Mcintosh An jit impractical 16 move the | World War, Mr. MacDonald has By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LARGE furnished bedroom for genite-| pam Toren tires body and top. Must ticulars FRIDAY C 1 45 derson Funeral Home and Pastors Rey-| House in one piece. tilled 110 acres in his native man, kitchen and laundry privileges. | °° 5° : -orner Bloor end simcoe holds and Miliner. r. Zylenk ; Kings County since his arm Tokyo -- Fumio Kaizu, 155%, Apply 574 Crerar Avenue, Oshawa. 19% BUICK LeSabre for sale. 2-door|3]--Compact Cars for Sale Mr. Zylenko hopes to be able/Kings County army Kaizu, 155%, | | --The Si k Fami ' S L : mee LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING roame, sarlir| Eee Site, Seaptere eal? een AT 7:45 P.M gu feieieat sd nde td pee, to start rolling next week. Or,service. He is married with Japan, knocked out Yasuo Sato, Hast Sed Best offer, Telephone 725-6812 for any é | Jackpot 54 Nos. $140 é 5 i i 115614, cai i furnished. Apply 290 Albert Street Rirtnen catia ZOLTAN AND NICK'S es de sae at 428 Food Answer the week after. Or possibly the|seven children. 56%, Tokyo, 9. Kaizu retained c. + 5 his Japan middleweight title: ONE large furnished housekeeping room, - = ie ; | ' week after that. The Progressive Conservative | U8 Japi 8 e. fefrigerator. washing facies, parking.| lw, FORD one owner, 20,000 erigine!) VA thorized Datsun ST. GERTRUDE'S | Jockpot ard Share the Wealth me $12 week. Telephone 729-7800 miles, A-I conditi and Hot Basta =" candidate for the councillor| Portland, Me.--Leyan Round- ROOMS oF room and board, dawnlown lo : -- : and Notices . I H F seat is farmer Peter McAulay, |j ce. 18+ oN : cation, central, single or to share, single} 262 CHEVY Il convertible, automatic specializing in Volkswagen' | AUDITORIUM --"T-POMERY, eucioneu a Eanes n uge arms Ford Volunteers of Chepstow. Mr. McAulay, tree, 183, Brooklyn, N.Y., out i 6 cylinder, radio, low mileage. Telephone Re r and Service ; ' F + pointed Greatest Crawford, 178, beds, k Appi i Sg ' | wen) ' . Strant; Teetes space. ply 48 Albert! 407.5493 after 5 4s 60 Siacoe Gaal son's Road North. No sale too small EDMONTON (CP) Large jmarried with six children, has New York, 10. or too large. Call 728-6810 or 725-8968 |provincial, civic or municipal) Los Angeles -- Armando Ra- 47 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whiby 199%, METEOR coach, 6 cylinder, san 728-0051 690 King St. East jatter 9 p.m. |corporate farms cooompersing | Bae Bullpen jhad no previous experience in| : Port Perry s : Five-room apartment with bath. Avaliable 2879. Phone cee several townships may be th June 1. 1962 CADILLAC hardtop. Clean, fully at Farewell y | : i ja Olitics. He served 314 years i 2 i ROOMS FOR RENT weekly rates, Apply |CQViPPEG. $2,200. Phone 723-2398 evenings *% VOLVO & PEUGOT TIMES janswer to a growing wor] d| NEW. YORK (AP) -- Whitey] Politics ser 4 y' nimos, 128, Long Beach, Calif., | afin } : ; | |food problem, says A. F. Tott-| a ; the RCAF, |knocked out Joey Agyilar, 126, Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North.|1966 VOLVO station wagon. Private. Eve ' ; : ; . Ford, 37, a mainstay as a New : A ny = : By ec page ay Bg el * ron kt or Sis . gach pore, farms, opr ee, ee aitcher| The Liberal Wiittem A. passat Private entrance with three-piece bath-|'5? CHEVROLET, in good condition 2 . ad Mf a f d : s ¢ ' - . as Ng as s, h s| 3 x ° - room. Close to bus servide and shopping! Telephone 723-5805 Aes Auto-Electric Service ADMISSION Classi le ated by a manager employing | @uring is <0 viene rg te Acorn, whose death five days} [as Vegas, Nev.--Ralph Du- plaza. Apply $07 Wilson Road South oF | ios ponTiac fae. daar hareian, ie z many workers and using | voluntarily placed himself i before the May 30 election! Pas, 149, Las Vegas, outpointed ca 1644 ; , | ( ' ' oi May - et ore enn | COCA Act, ew motor, Privete asis,| Jake and Bill's Garage FREE "fe inecy wang /rge-! bullpen, manager Ralph Houk|be af |Eddie McGruder, 151, Phoenix, ONE FURNISHED room, would sult one|Best offer. Telephone 723-2675 449 Ritson Rd. South ACTION Scale machinery, may make said Thursday night, brought about the deferred bal-| gentleman. Telephone 725-0536, at. 221 rep os ' 198.092 marginal farming areas produc- s ; jloting, is Bruce L. Stewart, a|Atiz., 10 Athol Street =| sHandare Iranamisnion. "Telepnane. 705 a tel pho 20 Reg. Games--Total $300. tive and economic, says Mr, "Whitey thinks he can start @/former Souris mayor. DRIVERS FACE RULES ROOM AND BOARD for young lady, sin-| 6656 for any further particulars 'i ADS Tott : whole new career as a relief : | é i ge Se 4 VERS Sit ieom. leundry dene, centrally leGtl- lio cries oi ge ee eee SABYAN @ SNOWBALL--$110. in 56 OUEUD: pitcher," Houk said of the south-|, An agent for an oil company! LONDON (CP) -- British mo- os. Sevenday week. 728-3577 automatic, new top. Telephone | 725-9528 MOTOR SALES LTD 08, @ Plus $10 each herl- His firm, Tottrup and Associ- aw who has won 232 major|in this town of 1,500, Mr. Stew-|torists may soon be penalized ROOM AND BOARD tor gent O-laee hen ait Mel Fan Geant Salas aad ke . 2 d Pe 4 s nit for ates Ltd., is putting these ideas feecie games Pie jart is making his first venture | for letting their cars be-stolen. 1d Meee bode or hin eet, |dash, excellent condition throughout.| ay aah eae tong eee ie, Oe aguante ene 1] on drawing boards. The com-) "yard has started nine times|into provincial politics, He was|The home office, in charge of CLEAN, furnished, light t EN IE oie Mal Ca lh od ee aire pe rly 4 din 99 nos. $20 RESULTS pany has applied to the provin-|inie season and.has an 0-4 rec.|@ town councillor for six years | police forces, may introduce leg. room, in quiet home, suit gentieman,|io.. GUIEK Leheete ter tas. bbcer 334 RITSON RD, S$ on Lawn chairs as door cial government to lease a large|..; and mayor of Souris in 1955-56, islation to make anti-theft de- toni lhniiadlides deri t blue, immaculate condition 723-3461 prizes @ Shore the Wealth Telephone tract of land as test ground for|__"____ Keith MacKenzie, 35, is seck-| Vices compulsory and to crack Nis Marcy, Near ene Min dice ee Open Evenings @ Good parking @ Extra Bus its ideas. jing election as assemblyman on|4own on drivers who leave seni 1960 "CHEVROLET, Zdoor hardtop,|\62, MGA. MK Il mechanically @xcsi:| co ice @ No children please 723-349? | Mr. Tottrup says such mam- REMEMBER WHEN ... | the Conservative ticket. The op-|400rs unlocked. ' ne LARGE, 'housekeeping room for rent| licence J2M44." 1939 Mattor,_§ cVilnier | cs conditions best oer. Colt tee iie moth farms could also enable| By THE CANADIAN PRESS |erator of automobile dealer- Ne age en aN alae Acai yiieence, 199058, 1960 Cueva ante ae PLEASE NOTE for all other departments Indians on reserves to support! The fastest two miles ever {ships here and in Murray CONVICTS EARN EXTRA ss tic, licence H92514._ 1958 Fargo halt-|1964 EPIC ENVOY, two door twenty thou 723-3474 themselves rather than live on| covered by a horse was run | River, Mr. MacKenzie was; BLUNDESTON, England (CP) 28--Room and Board Rance sS0r Call ORS SOT or mony ee ay cat Oe Mom at OUR NEW 0 Mand Frid welfare. 42 years ago today--in 1924 {named public works and high-| Prisoners in a maximum-secur- YOUNG MEN, 'abstainers, linches pack |apply Marilan's Garage, 290. Cordova SACKIMICE "1963 Gorvall" Monin co a 8-00. se 5 00 ¢ if The company, backed by U.S.| at Salisbury, England, | ways minister shortly after the|ity jail in Sussex made extra ~ ed, laundry Gone, Calt 725-804 Road 28,600 miles? exceptionally cian ca LOCATION 0 a.m, to p.m interests in this development,| when Polazel went the dis- |May 30 election to replace J.|money by selling their own oleh, clean' Rome, parr cooked mesis,| 183 BUICK Le Sabre, two-door ott Sablon hail ath di Be aa \ Saturday jhas designed mechanized pig. tance in exactly 3 minutes | Phillip Matheson, defeated in!paintings. Prices ranged from Road (by K-Mart), 72278, OO"* |St2tu Yelephene tee eee Telephone 723-1998 anytime, | 8:00 a.m, to 12:00 p.m. |and chicken farms. 15 seconds, {Queens 2nd. j£1 to £47 at a recent exhibition, |

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