-- . THE OSHAWA TIMES, : HE'S OKAN, TILL CARRY HIM FOR A WHILE, THE REST] 7 YES, HEAT EXHAUSTION; NOT ENOUGH, BOYS!| | 'Tuesday, July 12, 1966 Othe CLEAR ACROSS ; } ee, OF YOU BE ON GUARD AGAINST AN AMBUSH, WE NGED LOTS OF WATERy BESIDES, IT'S NOT TO j . ; ANT, TO BRING DRINK, 17'S TO COOL A CROWDED ROOM! b 4 We mul GET HIM 4 HOW 6 ' 4 THE DOWN His FEVER, HIS BODY, ANY WATER E '$ 1 VP, BACK TO ' . DO BRIDGE VILLAGE, . . By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Maesters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. AHA NICE MR. BUMS TEAD--MY TU SNAPPING TURTLE OE er YOU WANT THE GERMANS TO LEARN | | WHEN BROKEN, THE BALL WOULD IT WOULO BE,/F IT EXISTED. WE OF WATER | 16 IN THAT { YOUR TOP SECRET WEAPON ? RELEASE A FIRE THAT CAN NOT| | WANT THE GERMANS JO THINK IT ALL READY : ) BE EXTINGUIGHED IN ANY WAY. | | DOES, ANO THAT WE'D USE IT IF Lu K THEY EVER DROPPED GAS ON FOR ME ' : you : 5 r Gy Es \ 4372 The bidding: North East South West \ ( W ; Py 1d Dble Redble 1@ SS ol ' Al) ) : Pass Pass 2NT Pass THE WEAPON DESCRIBED IN THAT a) Se ORL 3 Le py hae , . FILE, MR, Ae © pening lea ve of spades, S : CH GAM GLASS BALL « : oe The bidding often helps de clarer to determine his best ' 77 "1. GIVE yO i : eee : . me course of play. Here is an un- ; Ae 7 H SEARCH FOR TH AT pty de ga I f Dae, / way SILVER gUpCENLY \ 7 | usual ge tage team of -- : cur wae Se f ' : : j ht P WZ match which illustrates how ANOTHER PACKAGE NS ee a eS re ; j |the bidding can affect the play. ia yg aoe AXE-MURDERER RETURNS!' At the first table, South be- Wavceus a : i 7 came declarer at three na ' |trump and West led a spade. |Declarer took the king with the jace and played three rounds |of clubs to force out the ace. East returned the nine of Spades, covered by the ten, and West made the proper defen- sive maneuver of letting South win with the ten. With eight tricks now available, declarer | jentered dummy with a diamond, cashed the remaining clubs, and played a low heart. Had East followed low, South would have been home, but East went up with the ace, returned a spade, and the outcome was that declarer went down one, At the second table, on sim- < ilar bidding, West also led his AND RIGHT ACROSS ' 'qj |fourth best spade. But here, FROM NUMBER 23 ' Frans S # |when East produced the king, A PAINT- SMEARED 2A. * South decided to duck, playing BEATNIK 4 jt! |the ten on the king. East re- turned the nine, covered by the jack and queen, and West then played another spade to force out the ace. West's spades thus became established, but, since he had no entry card, South made , three notrump after East had TELEVISION LO : scored his two aces. The only tricks South lost were two Chane) 11<Hadetiee 0 PM. ' spades, a club and a heart. Channel %--Toronto =| 7--Peyton | Place | fone sretaers | The hand demonstrates an Channel &--Rochester | T° pGiieons Way ae | "7-<Dating Game . '4 unusual play by declarer. South Channel 7--Buftale 10:0 PM. 4--Dick Van Dyke Show | : y could have assured two spade Channel 6--Toronte 11--The Merv Griffin geal | \ tricks by winning the king with Channel 4--Buffale | 74ho" Bugitive (aaa Readan | } the ace on the opening lead. Channel 3--Barrie 4--CBS News Special *Torento Sienmathiri : I i But by ducki des twi Channet 2--Buftale 19:38 PM pdeonardy > ¢ ' ut by ducking spades twice 5 3_News Magazine 7--Money Movie we E at the cost of a trick, South TUESDAY 'EVE, 9--Spotlight 3-6Luncheon Date | 0 es isolated the one outstanding $:00 PLM. 4--The Mayor Reports | 4--News and Weather = | : menace to the contract, West's Vi--Family Theatre 11:00 P.M, iene os Henk aS! long spades. The proper pla 7 Cheyenne W4987-6432---News | 4 ego Pinger if -- a / wae oat really hard to figure FIORY? _\ ABOUT A SHIP. FROM THE GULF OF "| | €Summer Camp ee et | Guctigwit Wentheed | s ni ; HAT IT? T RUN ZO E OF MEXICO... S-armchair Travell 1:15 PM, i 7 Y out, since it was virtually cer- WHAT RUN AGRODNP.. "SOME TWENTY MILES S-Mike Douglas | STonight Show ic-Nosatiine BNF) sy, wes P tain from the bidding that = s 5:30 P.M, | | - 'THE LONE RANGER + 968 Werid vights rmerwed, SECRET AGENT X9 ' ; ah a ta &--Viewpoln 8-2--Swingin' rag pede East had the two missing aces 8--Dobie Gillis 11:20 PLM. 6-4--Search for Tomorrow f h doubli a 6--Dave's Place 5d ule eow 3--Noon-day Report or his double. The duck was 3---Wrestling scNlant Marre simply a matter of protectin 9 ; 6:00 P.M. 11.25P.M. Nas | " adequately against an incipient 7--Movie bh } A 3 . ceri tor dha Ton N--The Vise 4-Oviding Light @ SECRET danger; the hard part was to ci i. wath 1".30 P.M, 1:00 P.M think of it. @-4--News, Sports w' 8--Tonight Show Chuck Heety JoMovie 1--Theatre , 6:30 P.M, 3--Movie seated Dollars | 49-3:2--News; 1:40 POA, | 7--Ben Casey SALLY'S SALLIES Weather; Sports 9--I Spy 3-6--Luncheon Date . | &--Huntley-Brinkley 6--Nightcap 4--Meet The Millers 5--Expo Today 12:00 A.M. 2--Topper BA dt oe 11--Untouchables 1:30 P.M. | 1)--Mike Dougias . 1:00 A.M. 64--As The World Turns 9--My Mother The Car yep 2-8--Let's Make a Deal @--Men in Crisis News Weather sports 3--Movie 6--News; Weather; WEDNESDAY 2:00 P.M. Sports 8:00 A.M. ms 4--Car 54, Where Are | 4--Captain Kangaroo Yall adel 3--Gliligan's Island 6.30 A.M. oP pes ( | ScHuntey' = Brinkley 9--T.V, University §-2--Days of Our Lives THUH DOCTOR SAID OF Report 2:30 P.M. IS NOTHIN' : 9:00 A.M. %--Peopie in Conflict SEZIOUS... 7.20 P.M. 1--Morning Musicale he 7--News, Weather, Sports; 9--Romper Room 9-8--The Doctors 7.0 P.M 7--Dialing For Deters Py ide all %--Musical Showcase With Girl Talk oronation Stre ' Soke hath The Cor | 4-Mike's Carnivel 4--Linkletter's Party ete ee wa | YOUR HEALTH | 6--McHales Navy 2--Bozo's Big Top 9--Fractured Phrases | +--Dakiar 9:30 A.M. 8-2--Another World | | S-Hogan's Rerees 2--Uncle Bobby 7--General Hospital | ca aA 8--Smile Time 643--To Tell The Truth , 4--Love of Life 3.25PM. deine enn as vn | Mate Smokes Hea | 9--Gomer Pyle USMC he : rh Peale ea | e é | &3-Please Don't Get The 1) 54 allen Time 3:30 PLM. Daisies | 4-2--Eye Guess nF | . . } R kelt ac 'unny Company "ae | ok | Sees 6+ Wile. Disturbe 8:30 PLM. 10:30 A.M, 2-8--You Don't Say | %--F-Troop ll-Hawkeye 7--Superman Show 9--Summer Fun 4--Edge of Night &2--Dr. Kildare #-2----Concentration 4:00 PLM, MICKEY MOUSE : anywhere else, they will grow. By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. : You can safely use the eggs I WAS THINKING BUT I GUESS I +I CHASED HIM WITH MY BROOM | 7--McHale's Navy 7---Donna Reed 9--I Love Lucy A : MAYBE I/D LOST SOME HAVEN/T ./ 7- ? FOR & BLOCKS ...AND I DIDN'T 4--Hippodrome +The McCoys §4ha Match Gane 4 : since you keep them refriger- OF MY OLD ZIP.' --_-4 PEDDLER MADE ME EVEN GET WINDED./ 8:55 A.M. 3--Time Out 6-3--Vacation Ti m @ | Dear Dr. Molner: I would be his motive was to get more|ated (to retard growth of food p-=-- $ san oar 7--Dialing for Dollars 11:00 A.M. $-fectet Storm |So happy if my husband would) sjeep, Until he quit cigarettes,|poisoning germs if they are F 9:00 P.M, 8-2--Chain. Letter . : i * j li--Albert Steed 4 PM. stop smoking. He is one WHO! ne rarely slept a night through| Present; and -- very important 9--Movie %--Mr. And Mrs. 11--Secret Squirrel }ean't or should I say won't cut ithout waking up coughing +2--Movie 4--Andy Griffiths 9--Movie | v ; a alé w Ne | 63--Dick Van Dyke |S--Ed Allen Time &--Woody Woodpecker down. Three packs a day makes 7--F Troop 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Movie --by thorough cooking to de- stroy any germs. Do not use me thoroughly disgusted, in si-;|An even more famous surgeon) these for eggnogs, raw. pnomar ahaa 7acs Ea a ~|lence!--Mrs. A, S. who used to burn up four packs} Note to D. S.: Griseofulvin It's easy for a non-smoker to|a day stopped because the nico-| drugs are taken by mouth to 4 CROSSWORD llose patience with people who| tine was playing. hob with the|combat certain fungus infec" should cut down or quit. Only ajcirculation in his legs, and ltions; tolnaftate (tinactin solu- ACROSS 2. Not of 20. Dis re = fem confirmed smoker can know|surgeon can't work unless his|tion) is applied directly to the 1. Wind the earth imi Tolu | |how hard it is to, "kick thejlegs are steady for hours at a/skin Both require a prescip- 5. Abroad 3. Observe sa. ture ey 34045 |habit." Nobody really knows! time. ___|tion. My advice is to consult a 9. Receiver 4, Williams 23.West it 2 why, but smoking has a tre-| As far as I'm concerned, I'm dermatologist (skin specialist). of a gift or Lewis Indian EMPRiele Mic mendous but subtle appeal; oth-|not afraid of dying. Everybody| Note to Mrs. G. M. K. Dia- : = | 20, Musical apes tl Py; ay PIR | AN there wouldn't be sojdoes it eventually, and whenipetes is not "catching." You ae f wuar KIND OF A AY 5 : 12 a ad 7 aside Saez get ed civieial | y millions of habitual/the time comes to die, most/cannot possibly get it from any : STROKE IS THAT ?..., oH | Hi. ah aman 2 Made of wae Riel) | smokers. |people are ready for it. Butlof the things you mention and "trunk "roses State eS | I myself quit. I did it "cold Who wants to be @ disabled old/ysing the clothing of a person 14. Fuss 9. Dull 25. Tippler "= |turkey," which is hard, but thej Critter sg wai oR gpg fc-|with diabetes is equally harm- 15.Excavate 11. Depress- 27. Mug Yesterday's Answer (quickest way, several years | tive an nye OF al 'a thr 1 less: 16. Printer's , ing 29. Teams : |ago. Possibly the most impor-|lder years if Pits roug measure § 15.Manager: , 30. Finnish 33, Pine tant element in giving up smok-|wo or three weeks of misery . . 17. Like the abbr. poetry 36, Trim ling is the incentive--how much|t0 break the tobacco habit? Extin uish author of 18.Unctuous _ 81. Spica, 37. Beverage |do Gait Wank fo stan? | 'There are various ssystem g "Childe 19. Denial for one 38, Creek | " i - _jmethods being develope 'or s . Harold" T Te 7 18 beittae hg omen as 8 Phy. preaking the habit, and I have kitchen fires = oe //4 \smoking can do. One cigarette|"® quarrel with any of them, ' kl . h ty laa 9 Z i |never hurt anybody, but it does| except, yb Rote i quic y wit 3. Poorly |not take many cigarettes to es: ; "More secure Y tablish the habit, ana 20 or Fodpresateg trate aes ct Cow Brand arange alot of harm. °°) There are various tricks that!| Fash tres, caveed by gegen 7 A Gane sn es _| help: spilled grease or fat, can BUT I'M NOT SATISFIED | Hens tee pave very SPOUNSINg Ate But the most important "tip'|| be quickly extinguished WITH ALIMONY AND A OH --AM I 28. Place tistics about the increase in hotly: ia th ij-|| by dousing the flame with ITH ALIMO} INTERRUPTING THE PRINCESS | | 99. What 2 good lung cancer among middle-aged| °F all, for anybody, is the reali-)) coy Brand Baking Soda. USED TITLE, MISS JONES, ING? i incen- I DEMAND A REMATCH... z wiiew TEAVING. ada people who have smoked for 7ation that you need an incen)| io connister full AND I THINK L CAN avoids years, but that-isn't necessarily| tive, a motive. If you know that|| near your stove at home MAKE IT NEXT TIME. ' 5 d ot j . Jewish Y |the reason that is most impres-| the results are more than worth}! and atthe cottage -- and SO... BUZZ OFF, we by : month lsive to physicians, who know|the effort for two or three weit LADY. G } .Crown what else smoking can do. jweeks, anybody can quit. But costpatey," . ?| | 34. Routine | don't expect it to be easy. roti STATISTICS GROWING Dear Dr. Molner: Is it dan- 37. Field Y Statistics are building up to|gerous to use cracked eggs?|| oo See Mi, show how much more heart) What is the possibility of food/) | ns Paani Sputieats tin, 1044, Wisld ighic eer, WHO ELSE MR. TEAGUE BELONGS el } a + been trouble afflicts habitual smok-|poisoning?, We buy the eggs TO A SORT OF MATRIMONIAL i, { R ~ iain gl ers. Bronchiectasis, asthma,|from a poultry man and keep CREDIT CLUB. AND HE JSRORE SE ' ; 4 j 42, Breaks ; : : CAN WELL AFFORD THE vs on 4 yen bread emphysema and other breath-|them refrigerated until cooked | t; j : | s , f is g », ei] | DOWN = = jing difficulties are common and|--L. W. ; | B k S d eA YMIMSIES COST. sa "a I pe ' 1. Childlike in time dangerous Raw egg is one of the excel-| a ing oaa tion 4 I know one famous physician|lent materials in which to BAR pune eicanvonare oF S008 | |who gave up tobacco because! germs in laboratories. If fol- } ® ;