ae Cg tp ag ties gag WHITBY -- AJAX Miss Sheila Campbell, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. James MOTORCYCLE SCRAMBLE CARNIVAL ATTRACTION ful act 'The Motorcycle Scramble" which has plenty of thrills for young and old alike. The circus is being One of the big attractions at the Sells and Gray three- ring Circus in Whitby, Fri- day, July 22, will be a color- Campbell, 909 Lilac Terrace has returned on Thursday after spending two weeks at Estevan Mr, and Mrs. Art Matte. Sheila was selected from De- nis C'Connor High School for this trip. This is a project sponsored by both governments for all Provinces. Twelve girls and twelve boys were selected from this area from various schools for this Canadian Cent- ennial Youth Travel Program, they were from Toronto, Bow- manville, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Brooklin and Ashburn. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGuire, Oshawa ac- 'companied the group. Sheila feels that this prog- gram is,not known well enough, for her it proved to be most educational, profitable, and very enjoyable, it is a way to pro- mote good relationship between Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Collin- son, Carol, Linda and Ernest Jr., 910 Bayview Ave. has re- turned from a vacation spent in Niagara Falls, in Kincard- ine they were the guests of Mrs, Burton Harrison. | who are celebrating their 13th wedding anniversary July 18. sponsored by the Police As- € 4 if sociation, Inc. There will be two performances at 2 and 4 visitors at the home E. P, Collins, 121 Vie- Recent of Mrs. WHITBY PERSONALS Mary, daughter of Mr. @ Mrs: Hubert Verriet is cele- brating her 10th birthday on Sunday, Tionias; son ol Miro and Mrs: Ronald Connell celebrated his lily dinner was arranged for the /occasion. Keith and Karen Clarke have teturned from a week's vaca- tion spent with their uncle an aunt Mr. and Mrs. Earle Clark, Belleville. Mrs. William Chilton, 305° St. John: St. W., is celebrating her birthday July 18. Debbie, daughter_of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shepstone celebrated her second birthday July 14. Sunday a par- ty is being 'held for both. cele- brants at the Shepstone resi- dence in Dunbarton, Also at- tending will be William Chilton and daughter Robin, Mr. and Mrs. John Labonovich, Angela and Kevin of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Yvon Chiasson and two children Mare and Mi- chelle are spending tow weeks vacation at a cottage on Pen- sula Lake in the Huntsville Dis- trict. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cocker- \line and three children Terry, Danny and Randi-lynn, North! Cockerline 1043 Wardman Cr. i Mrs. Arthur Carty, 400 Dundas St. W., are cele- brating their second wedding |Australia Drought End Near, But Cost Staggers By VINCENT MATTHEWS Saskatchewan, house guest Of rh birthday Tuesday. A fam-|Canadian Press Correspondent MELBOURNE (CP) -- Aus- tralian government and agricul- tural authorities say the cost of the drought that struck parts of southeastern Australia is "stag- gering." But an end to the | drought appears in sight, Authorities estimated in their latest figures that in the state of New South Wales alone 10,- 000,000 sheep, 117,000 cattle and 860,000 beef cattle were lost in the--last-two--years, This represents an annual revenue loss of £85,000,000 (about $102,000,000 Canadian) in wool, milk and beef, they said. And.the replacement cost of the -- is estimated at $150,000,- 00. Then there is wheat. The loss of the 1965-66 harvest .is esti- mated at $120,000,000. The coun- trywide effects of the drought can be seen in official govern- ment figures which show a gen- eral slow-down in the rate of economic growth. SPENDING DROPS In the first three months of this year spending fell by 14 per Best wishes to Mr, and Mrs, |Bay are BA ' sal cent compared with 1965. Farm Frank Woodman, 605 Athol St,,|the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray| income dropped to $214,000,000 from $381,000,000--a decline of $167,000,000. However, the worst part of the drought appears to be near an end. | Wales made-a six-day--air--tour THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 16, 1966 § Killer Jailed BANGKOK, Thailand (Reut- lers)---A Thai vouth who cone erty at Scone to Geelong--a'fessed to the murder of 51-year- distance of 800 miles--for sale, old Darrell Berrigan, American He told this reporter the situ- owner and editor of the Bang- ation in the north of New South|kok World, was sentenced Fri- Wales was so desperate that day to 10 years in prison. there would be no farm income sues auk niidie bane this year. He said only govern-| , : F ' | The national anthem of Ire- ment aid and long-term finane i can put inrinore' on their feet and is called The Soldier's again. * This was the second winter of r winieee WHITBY the drought and all properties Fri., July 22 had been depleted of breeding ONE DAY ONLY stock, he said. Farmers had al- SOUTH PEEL STREET Only the northern part of the state remains drought country. But even in areas where the drought has been broken heavy rains are needed to build up inland rivers and fill irrigation reservoirs, mostly less than one-quarter full, It will be seven or eight years before the flocks and herds can be built up to théir previous strength, said a government spokesman. Premier Askin of New South | of the drought areas of his state and said on his return that his government is thinking about the whole drought. question. PLAN WATER PROGRAM He announced a $1,200,000,000 water conservation program that, it is hoped, will end the spectre of drought in the state. But the project will take at least 25 years to complete. And it is immediate help that the men on the land are most con- cerned about. Michael White, one of Aus- tralia's biggest cattle breeders, took 900 head of drought- affected cattle from his prop- ST. ANDREW"S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron ot St. John Whitby good rains in parts of the north- west and west of New South Wales. The Graziers Association. problem. It said the threat to} Speman _ Foes. OM te .1t, the country's economy is so Serious that federal action is FUN FOR THE FAMILY urgent. Lis i > BY jcalled for a royal commission | Prime Minister Holt of Aus-/ most given up hope of getting to investigate the whole drought! HOWE AT SANE D Ol tralia replied that his govern-| ment is considering wider plans | for financial aid to stricken) farmers. ERNIE CAY for WALLBOARD p.m. Love, Marriage Tight Controls Started Prime Concems Qn Three Pesticides For Mme. Vanier STRATFORD (CP) --. Mme. 'ario health department has Georges P. Vanier, wife of the imposed rigorous controls on Governor - =°* eral, talked the use of three highly danger- warmly Fri vy liebe ous pesticides used in crop part ye her heart: Love and|.o paying a department official The concern of Governor-Gen- = apy est eral and Mme. Vanier bor nih gd amiar ot the department's in- pe pth ag ee ae dustrial poisons section, said : wd y _2\the three chemicals are endrin, --_ to study od ze gepey of! aldrin and dieldrin, all in the un ei sit sap eh ate? tg Bs same chemical family of chior- ar ates cmon, A inated hydro-carbon as DDT. turbed. children. He said the three chemicals In an interview during a visit .. ~ i 4 i are dangerous because they are to the Shakespearean Festival, soliile' in body fats and 'con Mme. Vanier said their hope | centrate in he aK ot nae "4s not to find a solution to un- mals. 'They have a long: per- happy marriage, but to find out! itence and can accumulate| why it is going wrong." STE a Maas i Families are struggling against an economic situation of affluence encouraging more materialistic ideas, she said. The scheme of publicity is to make us buy more and if more On Doorstep Of isn't forthcoming, the nagging begins. TILBURY, Ont., (CP) -- The Perhaps this search for ma- pyblic can lay the blame for terial possessions is driving the inconvenience of tractor Mothers out of their homes tO| demonstrations at the doorstep seek more money, she said. It\of Ontario Premier John Ro- is a tragedy that today's chil-'parts, a meeting of Kent and dren are referred to as "'latch-| Essex County farmers were told key" children because both par- Friday night. ents work. TORONTO (CP) -- The On- Mastromatto, Farmers Put Tr Walter Miller, a vice - presi- dent of the Ontario Farmers' Union, told delegates that Agri- culture Minister William Stew- art is shirking his responsibili- Week Saw Drop In Bond Prices |"=,2 of" or". TORONTO (CP) Prices ridiculous and agriculture drifted to lower levels in mod-| double talk. erate trading on the Canadian bond market this week. Municipals were quiet with Prices on mid-term Canada only small issues reported. The issues closed 4% to % point/Township of Richmond, B.C., lower with the 44 - per - cent,|was awarded $25,000 1 - to - 20) September 1972, issues at 92% year 6-per-cent debentures on a bid and 92% asked. net borrowing cost of 6.53 per Long - term Government ofjcent and are re - offered at Canada bonds slipped this week!prices to yield 6.45 per cent. with the 444, 1983, issue quoted) Thursday's bill tender saw) at 86 and 86%. '91-day bills up .06 per cent and! The long - term vabdiginr, +1 eAaead bills up .09 per cent to) market was off % point with/5.12 and 5.28 per cent respec- the Quebec Hydro 6-per-cent tively. July, 1990, issue closing at 954% The corporate bond market bid and 95% asked. was lower in quiet trading. toria St. were: Mr. and Mrs, |2%Miversary on Monday. "Only a few more inches of| ~ John Collins, Dearborn, Mich., Best wishes to Mrs. Lawrence rain over a wide area in the jwho were also guests of Mr. Brown, 311 Dunlop St. FE. who|next few weeks and it will be and Mrs. Roy Brown at their |js celebrating her birthday on| broken," said John Green, cottage near Peterborough for|Monday. chairman of the New South a week. Wales drought relief committee. | Green said the drought has| Mr. and Mrs. Alex Collins and 419 Dundas St. W., are cle-| been the worst since 1902, with | |New South Wales, the state in |\family, Don Mills attended the brating their 45th wedding an- y 18, Best wishes|the centre of the east coast, the Mr. and Mrs. William Ryland Rey. W. J. S. McClure, B.A, Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist and PLYWOODS FREE DELIVERY "lf it's LUMBER, coll our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 11:00 AM-- DIVINE WORSHIP EVERYONE WELCOME Junior Congregation and Nursery Care within the body until the dos-|called at his mother's Mrs. E.|are offered to the celebrants.| AMERICA'S GREATES1I WILD ANIMAL SHOW Adult, Gen. Adm. Seat $2.00 Adult, Grandstand $3.00 age becomes lethal. P. Collins. Health officials said Friday, however, that there is no evi- which are occasionally present "a 18 now practicing in on fruit and in milk suberb of St. Francisco. Dr. Calvin Clarke who gradu- dence that anyone has been/@ted in Dentistry from the Uni- poisoned by the chemicals, |V¢'sity of Loma Linda, Califor- ' the He is Happy birthday to Richard Bonsal,414_ Dovedale Dr., who is celebrating his birthday on |Monday. Miss Jane Myers spent. a Last April, milk tests in the the son of Mr. and Mrs. George | week in St. Catharines the guest Newcastle area, 15 miles east| Clarke, 1001, Dunlop St. E., who|of her aunt Mrs. Vernon Weir. of Oshawa, by the federal food @ttended his graduation. and drug directorate, showed Dr dieldrin _ concentrations four Kinswa times higher than the legal limit. Mich. New government regulations will give field inspectors strict control over spraying methods, to ensure the chemicals do not drift into built - up areas, streams or pastures, y College, also the Andrews University actors Onus Robarts PRINCE ALBERT (TC) "We are not going to sit idly Pupils at the Reach Township by and allow pencil-pushing pol-|Area No. 1 School were honored iticians bring in policies that! for their academic accomplish- will depopulate rural Ontario." | ments. Mr. Miller said Ontario farm- ers were sold a bill of nonsense when told Ontario marketing | boards can bargain for the) farmer. He objected to the govern- ment's veto power through the marketing boards and asked} farmers what other groups in| the country have to operate| i. i BTeavune bara Wozoney, Grade 6 and 7; Among those attending the pci ly 7 cows meeting were Frank Quinlan of yy... Clayton Love paid trib Windsor, international repre- ute to Mrs. Earl 'Martyn, a for- sentative of the United Auto! me, teacher, who died as the Workers (CLC) and Roman result of a motor accident. Mrs. Herheyen of Leamington PIES! reslie Beacock presented a ident of Local 459, U nited Pack-) framed painting, "Spring Ice," ing House Workers (CLC). in memory of Mrs. Martyn TAPS BURNED BRIGHTLY |™Mrs. Dobson accepted the gift INGATESTONE, England{0n behalf of the school. The (CP)--Householders in this Es-/"@ames of 20 neighbors and sex village found water in their| friends who contributed to the gas-ovens and waterless bath- Sift were read tubs when a repair crew mixed up the pipes. It cost the gas company thousands of pounds to repair the damage The principal, Mrs. Dobson, Pugh, president | Ailene Mrs. of bar would be placed plaque. Those receiving awards were: on | reraapee ncgpeuge ape sapenacctrme «srmpregeeeta Ry Pe WaReR. ° AS INCO COMES TO A HAL All operations of the Inter to a standstill Friday as a result of walkouts, shown here is the Copper Cliff smelter and parking lot % national Nickel Company the Sudbury District came in eat anpnaen crease in the estimated cost of + the addition to Kedron Public § | School, East Whitby Township Council, Thursday nigtt, decid- ,|ed to re-apply to the Ontario | Municipal Board for permission 4 4 \to issue debentures. : Insurance Hea Medicare Views TORONTO (CP)--The presi- dent of the Canadian Health Insurance Association said Fri- day Ontario could qualify for federal government medi- cal care grants by naming the Ontario Medical Services In- surance Plan and all other med- ical insurance carriers as its official agencies. In an interview, G. N. Wat- son of Toronto said the medi- cal care bill introduced in the ;Commons this week allows pro- vincial governments to name non-profit private carriers as agents in providing medical care coverage and still qualify for the federal grants. | If Ontario wanted to use pri- | vate carriers as agents, he said, |the province would have to es- |tablish that 90 per cent of the }people in Ontario have medi-| ,'\cal care coverage and rule out private carriers who could not qualify as non-profit. Mr. Watson said mutual in- surance companies, which jcarry the bulk of the private health insurance business, can qualify as non-profit sections to carry health insurance busi- ness. Officials of the association are studying the bill, he said, and when the study is pleted they will approach indi- vidual provinces to try to per- suade them 'carriers as agents. ce which normally accommo- dates severa! thousand cars, empty except for three cars (CP Wirephoto) EDIT RELL LLPLL EE LAE N LEDER PBC E COUNTY LINES '| Reach Pupils Get Honors | As Principal Officiates iat | presided and| The devotional Ars the) Mrs. L. : GNS Club explained each grade who! Fralic com: | to name private ' Hayes Myers is now home Clarke graduated from|from a week,s haoliday spent in Oshawa and/Petitcodias, | visiting at the home of the Miss- New brunswick, es Stella and Beulah Prosser. PIE LEMANS MES Whitby Base Line picnic and|niversary Juls | hardest hit. | CHILDREN 1% PRICE PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY EAS By-lew No. 2691 of the C on the 20th day of June, orporation of the Town of Whitby, 966, enects--THAT Monday, the irst dey of August, 1966 sholl be ond is hereby designated @ Civie Holidey in the Town of Whitby end His Lordship the Meyor is hereby outhorized to issue the y he i Th e theref to make known thet in compliance iw, proclaim MONDAY, AUGUST Ist, 1966 A Civic Holidey in the Town of Whitby of which ef! persons ere hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. ese with the foregoing By. 1 hereby BD. G. NEWMAN,MAYOR, Tewn ef Whitby. Dated ot the Town Hall, Whitby, the 16th day of July, 1966 Rev. tice is a at the Port Perry Memorial Hospital following surgery. Mrs. Carl Graham entertain- ed the members of the UCW. was given by Beacock, Mrs. A. Mar- \tyn and Mrs, C, Chambers, The jstaffing of a booth at the Port | Perry Fair Ground for the har- Stuart Cockram, Grade 1; Kevin| ness races and plans for further | Williams, Grade 2 and 3; Marie} church centennial celebrations Holtby, Grade 3 and 4; Denise! were discussed. Diamond, Grade 5 and 6; Bar- Mrs. Charles Willes entertain- ed at a shower for Miss Dianne| k. | and Mrs. C. Love, Mr. | Mrs. ©, Willes and Mr. jand Mrs. Charles Andrews were }guests at the Cairns-Fralick wedding B. Martyn and T. Walsh are | vacationing in the Otta- |wa area Mr. and Mrs. ©. Neunham and Gary have returned from |a motor trip to Fort William and Chicago. Mr. Council In East Whitby Would Issue Debentures COLUMBUS -- Due to an in-) Application was made origin- jally by the township to the board for a $90,000 debenture issue to cover the cost of the |four classroom additions and |septic tank. The new applica _|tion calls for a debenture issue of $110,000. The project is ex- pected to cost $117,727. Three permits for the erec- tion of new homes, representing a total estimated value of :$43,000, were issued during June The township clerk |payments of current |coming in well. AGES. reported taxes are Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rev. Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Every 2nd and 4th Sundays DUTCH SERVICE at 2 P.M, 7 P.M ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Rev. John McLeod ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Centre & Colborne Sts. Minkstars Rev. J, M. Smith, B.A, B.D, Red BLOOD DONOR CLINIC TUE., JULY 19 CANADIAN LEGION HALL BYRON ST. S, -- WHITBY 2 Until 4:30 P.M. EVENINGS 6:30 TO 9 P.M, \ Miss tla Newton, Organist Mrs. J. L. Beaton, A.R.C.T, Mrs. W. E, Summers, A.T.C.M. 11;00 A.M.--Morning Worship | 7:00 P.M.--Gospel Service | 9:45 A.M.--Bible Schoo! Bible Study and 11:00 A.M, -- MORNING WORSHIP Children six years and under cored for during service. Older Prayer children worship with parents. Wed, ot 7:30 P.M. ° P | WwW SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 A.M. 314 DOVEDALE DRIVE, WHITBY Sunday School -- Classes for all ages. Evening Programs Start At Saturday Matinee At 1:30 eligible F.B.I. Walt Disney's most hilarious comedy THAT DARN Car, Other Services As Announced For more information phone: 725-9243 or 668-4576 Whitby Pentecostal Church 307 BROCK ST, N. -- WHITBY MEANETH ACTS 2:12 THIS ? 9:55 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Interesting and Informative 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 P.M: GREAT EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Pastor: Rev. Max Case Asst. Jon King FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street N REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 A.M.--"'Foith Tidings Radio Broadcast 1350 on your dial. Tune In". Centred Bible School i 9:45 A.M.--Our Bible-- 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship and Praise Pastor's Sermon "AND HE LOVED HER" 7:00 P.M.--Evening Gospel Hour. Pastor's Sermon 'IRON THAT DID SWIM" WEDNESDAY EVE., 8:00 P.M. PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY Seal lait Now Open! Clark's 325 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-4497 CLARK'S FRAMES, ETC. Custom Picture Framing by DeGraff of Photos - Prints - Drawings - Sketches Water Colors - Oil Paintings - Certificates, ete. ALSO Hand Crafted Gift Items AND Art Supplies and Materials Fine Art Oil Paintings Open: Mon. - Fri. 1 p.m.-- 9 p.m, Sat. - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m C. S. Clark, Director 'SEVEN STEPS IN PETER'S DOWNFALL" "There's Always a Welcome at Faith' Quality and Professional Service Guaranteed