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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jul 1966, p. 7

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i | ; i Jerome Back In Form, Ties Hayes' World Mark viously held sole possession of the record, Gairdner matched the Cana- dian recora of 14:2 -seconds tn the 120-yard hurdles but his mark was nullified because the wind exceeded the allowable limit. The wind was the only doubtful consideration in Jeé- tome's dash, but an official posted a 10.7 in her heat, won the final in 10.5, one-tenth of a second faster than Miss Pio- By JOHN SHORT EDMONTON (CP) ~ Counted oul by many observers as a factor in world track, Harry Jerome, of Vancouver, burst ja foot better than his record produced at a meet in prea ae je virtually certain to aualify for Jama Mok's record was|trowski. 4004 enough for third place in| Jerome's sister, Valerie Je- back / the 1954 British Empire Games|rome Parker, also earned con- ee site recognition as one iat Cardiff, Wales. |sideration for a berth when she Tr, world's fastest humans! Andrusyshyn started throwing finished third in the final, clock- hursday when he tied a world|the javelin only three years|ing 10,7 to tie the record broken record in the 100-yard dash. |ago. by Miss Piotrowski and Miss Jerome, 26, covered the dis-| Miss Piotrowski won a heat|Turner. verified that it was within the tance in 9.1 seconds to tie ajof the 10-yard dash in 10.5 sec-- TIED RECORD maximum. record set by American Boblonds over Diane Plowman of} Cathy Chapman tied the Ca-| All records must be ratified Hayes in 1969 at St, Louis.|Winnipeg, beating the record|madian record for the women's|by the Amateur Athletic Union Hayes now plays flanker for|she shared with Miss Turner|80-metre hurdles with a time ofjof Canada, Officials meet after Dallas Cowboys of the Nationalland Yvonne Breédon of Vancou-|,10.8 seconds in @ heat. She won the meet concludes today to Foothall League and is inelig¢i-|ver by {wo-tenths of a second. |the final in 10.9, edging Jenny|namé the team, which could; ble to compete in track. However, Miss Turner, wholWingerson of Toronto, who pre- fangé in size from 30 to 40. | seco Palettes nf About 1,200 fans were on hand, ss ee ag BRR ae May or may not have meant sométhing. At least the Yanks didn't score. | Tom MeCraw cracked a sin- pionships and British Empire Games trials and watched Je- romé win without stress. | Two watches timed him at 9.1) By RON RAPOPORT Jerome cruised through his and he has 10 runs batted in as first heat in 9.8 and a seml-/Assoctated Press Sports Writer) wo) as a batting average, .280, final victory in 9.6, but close! Who says a pitcher's place i8\jhat many full - time hitters friends warned 'he wants ajon the mound? Not Earl Wilson.| might envy and the third at nine seconds| flat. He has rebounded from) good time in the final." Six hurlers performed for the| 4. i , ,,. ble in the seventh to drive in He got what he wanted--in a\Detroit Tigers Friday during| Minnesota's Don Mincher for the first day of the 1966 Ca- e e nadian track and field cham- Pitcher urns 1tter | A T i N i O ; ] several leg injuries and failures) g p at key intervals in his career run was his third for the year fg same with Rbicago's winning run, John manner that almost caused ob hele 8-5 Nigel "es Baltimore on OY rte "a "the [Romano had opened the inning servers to forget three Canadian |Oriolés, but only five were : two were|with a homer that tied the} records were set and oné other|be found in their normal envi- eighth inning after LONDON (AP) -- Brazil's eight-year reign as a giant of world sacoer today resis on a single match and a one-man named Pele. The world champions, de- feated #1 Friday by a Hungar- jan side, next take the field against Portugal Tuesday. It is a match they have to| win and such are the complexi- ties of World Cup soccer that even victory may not be enough to ensure Brazil a place in the quarter-final round. With three games played in Group Three, Portugal, Brazil and Hungary are tied with two points each, Bulgaria has none. If the series ends with three \teams holding four points, each goal average will be the de- cider, That' means Brazil must beat Portugal. | Friday, Brazil paid the price for over-confidence. STAR SAT IT OUT Perhaps remembering Pele's early injury in the 1962 series and their last bruising battle with the Hungarians in 1954, the Brazilians left their greatest star resting in his hotel room, while his colleagues went down HARRY JEROME Kelley Finds Winning Way By THE CANADIAN PRESS Six games ago pitcher Dick Kelley of Richmond Braves was saddled with a record of only three wins and seven losses. Today, although his team is in sixth place in the Interna- tional League baseball stand- ings, 7% games behind the Hungary Registers Upset Toppling Favored Brazil jfired it swift and sure to Gyl- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, July 16, 1966 7 pene Majors Headingcivsisi. i | ¢ir new Anaheim ta lum, For Record thave been the most important 'factors in lifting over-all attend- NEW YORK (AP) -- Morelance to almost 13,000,000 going than 25,000,000 spectators -- an! to toniaht's aumoes alltime high -- are likely to|'™\° 'ments games, watch major league basebaii * 7,449.23) games this year. watched National League clubs This was indicated today|while 5,427,846 have paid to see whenan Associated Press sur-|American League games. The vey of mid-season attendance combined total is 843,716 more figures showed that Atlanta:than a year ago in a compara- Braves and California Angéls|ble number of playing dates. A have helped boost the Majors'|major league attendance record gate seven per cent above 1965.|of 22,441,900 was set last season. Still another classic move brought Hungary's third goal. Albert and Bene weaved a chain of unbeatable passes along the right wing until inevitably Bene was brought crashing down in- side the -ponalty ares. Meszoly took the kick and tote! of have mar's right. For Brazil, the chips are down and it will need all Pele's gen- ius to bring the champions| through to the quarter-finals and. beyond. | TWO EXCITING FEATURES For Hungary, the summit of | world soccer is again within) ELVIS GLENN PRESLEY || ' ~ grasp. On Friday's form, no am IN ae mn 1 team in the world could stop them.-They-_played-with-exactly "THE ROCK" the style of the Hungarians who IN. COLOR beat England in the historic Wembley exhibition match of 1953. Today, if Bulgaria beats Por- tugal, and its form against Bra-| wil suggests it can, each team jin the section will have two} points and anything can happen in the closing matches, England goes into its Group One match with Mexico knowing it must win, for two reasons: First--to be assured of a place in the quarter-finals. Second-- to their first World Cup défeat since 1954, In other matches Friday Uru- guay defeated a demoralized French team 2-1, Spain came to beat Switzer- league-leading Columbus Jéts, Kolley is 8-7. The 26-year-old left - hander gained the last of his five con- secutive victoriés Friday night to convince the players that the goals and penetration are still) jnot locked up in the Uruguay! |powder-blue blanket defence. | | Italian téam manager Em-|--- jondo Fabbri hinted he might| a PAV from behind ' contre of thé dia.(0Ul, Harmon Killebrew, who|score Bruce Howard, after aj as the Braves defeated the Jets) tor! ot by 24, and North|field an entirely new team) was matched on a day when fone in the temperatures passed 80 and|mond, . a comtuasainens Bane almost tints] The sixth, Wilson, made his eel eee apse he faced formly good contribution at the plate with a Danny Cater's two-run double} California moved into pinch-hit, three-run, 13th-inning,|in the elghth gave Kansas City|placé as George Brunet picked SHARE WORLD RECORD two-out home ran the runs they needed after New|up his 10th victory of the season Jerome and Hayés now share Bit} Monbouquette, wholYork had scored a pair of un-|despite homers by Joe Foy and| the world 100 yard mark. Théey|worked the four final innings|earned runs in the sixth. In the|/Rico Petrocelli. Rick Reichert algo hold the world record of 10| perfectly, got the victory, while|ninth, the Athletics went into a|scoréd oné run and drove in an- seconds flat for 100 metres -in|Siy Miller, the last of the meré|zany four-outfielder defense thatlother. conjunction with Armin Hary of three pitchers Baltimore used, West Germany and Horacio Es- took the loss. Monbouquette's "Tay arin uo oe veaa's mcr noes MOPPING Cepeda Tough But Umpire Has Answer 100 metres in 10 seconds. Je- By had singled, scored the decisive shaky start, retired the Jast 20) third ! rome matched the time during/Robinson and Boog Powell with trials for the 1960 Rome Olym-|jout a mistake pics afid Hayes posted his time) It was the American League while winning the event at the leading Orioles' fourth loss in a 1964 Olympics at Tokyo. lrow and their second straight Jerome is unsure whether he|to the Tigers who have climbed HAL BOCK rave' fing q.{to within six games of first 1 ae thaica, weal 'abet ate' tm place. Don Wert sent the game Associated Press Sports Writer| Things got so desperate for the tered five Cincinnati pitchers the the Hart Friday's Resulis Boston 2 California 4 New York 4 Kansas City Washington 4 Minnesota 5 {Cleveland 2 Chicago 4 | Baltimore 5 Detroit & Sunday's Games Wash, at California (2) Roéston at Kansas City New York at Minnesota Baltimore at Chicago (2) Cleveland at Detroit (2) International League 318 2 WoL Pet. GBL} Columbus 48 37 585 Rochester 48 42 593 Toronto. 47 42 528 Toledo 742.08 3 j Jacksonville 44 488 S "-- Richmond 46 477 TAKE A TIP FROM "BOBO" tet aw Me 4 ( (2) . 472 442 ada'e BEG team because heliftd Overtime with a two-tun| When Orlando Cepeda Is In a Reds' pitching staff that ~~ may decide to continue summer | Single with two outs in the ninth,| hitting mood, only the umpires|}manager Dave Bristol brought classes. He said it might be pos-| 1f other American League|can get him out. _ jin Mel Queen, an outfielder, to| sible for someone (6 run 100/8ames, Minnesota a -- The Cincinnati Reds weren't) work the ninth inning yards in nine seconds flat but oS tae aogier enns Ht having much luck with the big} Queen had more success than would not commit himself when|54* ' 7 Uo Wh Si. Louis slugger Friday nightjhis predecessors, sétting, the} asked whether he could run any -- ri e New oun yore until umpire John Kibler inter-| Cardinals down in order alae ees 5-4, 1icago nite Sox| ' sa, oes faster, heats Clevelank indians 44 and ceded in the se venth inning of! Stuart, who was released by "nt ld depend beat Cleveland Indian \the Cardinals' 9-2 victory wou depend on |California Angels nudged Boston : f - ; the Mets last month, beat his weather, the competition, Red Sox 4-2 Cepeda was called out on ajold team with a soft single to track---so many things." , close play at first base and/centre, scoring Ron Fairly from He praised the special-compo-|GOT THIRD HOMER when he argued over the call,|third, Fairly, who had walked, sition track, made of rubberized! Wilson, who like asphalt, on which the races aréjquétie came to Detroit from) 84me. double staged, "It definitely helps a@/Boston, added to his modest} By then, the damage wasj,, sprinter, It's a little springier."'| reputation as a hitter. The home| done. Cepeda had whacked his GOT TWO-RUN HOMER Jerome will compete today in - {19th and 13th homers of the sea«|, 7ohn Roseboro smashed a the 220-yard dash and the 440-) . | co lon and lifted his batting aver-| 'Wo-tun homer for the Dodgers. yard relay. After the competi. Five Birdie Putts age to .324, fourth best in the! Robin Roberts, making his tions end today, officials will National League ag bi for geo bg meet to discuss the makeup of| { The Cardi t basems 1¢ Pirates into second place by the Canadian them. (6° te Bay Puts Cupit In Lead ae Biot ol rida na scattering eight hits. Ron Santo tered at Kingston Aug. 4-13 in the trade for Ray Sadecki, is led the Cubs' attack, with three sie a ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP)--/!0 the trade for Ray Sadeck!, ts) straight hits, driving in four Certain to be highly consid- on an 11-for-20 tear at the plate 8 S im sour ered are Dave Steen of Burn-|J@cky Cupit's putting helped) 14" scams completely BD ir runs aby, B.C., Zenon Andrusyshyn| him to a two - stroke lead at the) Qeq trom the eye injury which| The loss ended a five-game of Oakville, Ont., Irene Piotrow-|96.- hole mark Friday in the) ideiined him for two weeks last] Piltsburgh winning streak ski of Vancouver, Marjorie Tur-|$! J ope Golf Classic! month Willie Mays and Jim ner Of Winnipeg and Lockport,' courey. ashe , N.S. and Cane Chavaan sad Cupit drilled five birdie putts| BATTING RECORD .324 Mantna\'s feeht ghehide as Bill Gairdner of Toronto from _s than a aie Cepeda was struck by @ bat:| the Giants whacked the Phillies. ing ones from 22 and 25 feet,|ting practice line drive June 10.| The homers were No. 21 each BACK WAS SORE for a five - udér - par 66 and] He returned to the line-up June|for Mays and Hart and Dace Steen opened the competition,an 1l-under-par 131 at the half-|24, and in the three weeks sincé] Willie 526, just eight short of by defying a sore back to re-|Way point over the 6,702-yard! then he's had 25 hits in 73 at! Jimmy Foxx and second place cord a toss of 62 feet, 8% inches layout : bats--a .342 pace. lon the allétime homer list. in the shot put. He erased his! Two strokes behind was Gen@ feisewhere in the National} Marichal struck t own Canadian standard of 6044.| Littler, who had a 67 for a 133 jeague, ex - Met Dick' Stuart] gaining his ih vidtory tte teal Andrusyshyn, a 19-year-old high! total beat his former team - mates|hi ae ve school sttident, heaved the jave-| Billy Casper stormed. out Of|with a pinch single in the 1th oth lentes eles lin 235 feet 8 inches to wipe out|the pack of Thursday's par! inning as Los Angeles Dodgers : a mark of 291 flat set by Hans/wreckers to shoot a 65 and edged Nev York Mets 4-3, Chi- Mok of Toronto. move into a third - place tie! cago Cubs shaded Pittsburgh Pi- Andruysyshyn, whose best is! with Bobby Nichols at 134, rates 5-4 and San Francisco 4 Phillies 8-1 behind Juan Mari-/ chal, Houston Astros. and At-| Phone 723-0241 BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS lanta Braves wére rained out or 728-0192 Curt Flood led a 15-hit Cardi- By THE CANADIAN PRESS nal attack with four safeties as) the St. Louis Cardinals bat-! National League 5 ee WoL Pet. GBL San _Franeiseo 55 Aig - Pittsburgh 405 Los Angeles 576 Philadelphia 540 Houston 528 St. Louis Atlanta Cincinnatl New York Chicago Friday's Results Los Angeles 4 New York 3 San Francisco 8 Philadelphia | Chicago § Pittsburgh 4 Houston at Atlanta, ppd. St. Louis 9 Cincinnati 2 Buffalo 47 466 Syracuse 87 52 .416 Friday's Results Ruffalo 4 Toronto 3 Jacks6nville 0 Toledo 3 Columbus 2 Richmond 6 Rochester 6 Syracuse 1 Saturday's Games Rochéster at Buffalo (2) Richmond at Toledo 652 Jacksonville at Columbus 388 Syracuse at Toronto u2 . -- a4 is SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE 460 Washington 433 New York 430 OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to ---------- RUDY -VELTRI AND HIS RED BARN NEW TORNADOS Toronte's Maat Versatile Group Sunday's Games Houston at New York (2) Los Angeles at Philade|phia San Fran. at Pittsburgh (2) Cincinnati at Atlanta Chieago at St. Louis (2) Ameficah League wee Pet. 58 31 MO Baltimore Detroit California 48 39 Cleveland 46 39 Minnesota 45 Kansas City 47 Chicago 35 GIANT PARADE MOTORCYCLE SCRAMBLE SAILBOAT REGATTA PROFESSIONAL BICYCLE RACERS BASEBALL, LACROSSE, DANCERS From YouRg Couples A-Courtia' To «= Anitivérsery Celebrants Cevortin'. ft's your Assurance of @ Pertect Evening. Reserv rvations 743;2143 ~-- 725-1348 Monbou-| Kibler tossed him out of the ball! went to third on Jim Leéfebyre's| backing | And Join Him At The Whitby County Town CARNIVAL JULY 30, 31, AUGUST | 6-2 in. Richmond Rochester Red Wings, mean- while, climbed into second place ahead of Toronto Maple Leafs by defeating the Chiefs 6-1 in| 10 innings at. Syracuse while the Leafs were losing a 5-3 home-field decision to the sev+ enth-place Buffalo Bisons. 'To- ledo Mud Hens moved into a third-place tie with the Leafs three gaines back of Columbus by shutting out Jacksonville|champions, and Brazil fought! Suns 3-0 in Toledo, out an éven first half, é@ach} Tommy Aaron, who hit a/scoring @ goal with fierce but bases-empty homer, and Chris|scrupulously fair attacking foot-| Cannizzaro each knocked in two} ball. runs for the Bravés in support| The second half was different. | of Kelley, who now has allowed Florian Albert, the Hungarian} only eight earned runs in his|centre forward, erupted. | last five starts for an over-all! Hungary's second goal was a earned-run average of 2.15. classic. Albert took a pass from| The Red Wings exploded for|Sipos in the middle, flashed it) five runs in the top of the 10th/out (6 Ferenc Bene on the right| to give Tom Phoebus his sev-|wing. The winger beat his back; enth win in 16 decisions. Jim|centred hard and low. Inside Roland, making his first start)]eft Janos Farkas met it on the since joining Syracuse from|volley with his left foot and the Denver, was the loser 'ball hit the net like lightning. Korea snatched a 1-1 draw against Chile with a goal two minutes from time. Key matches today are Ar- gentina vs. West Germany at) garia at Manchester, and Italy vs. Russia at Sunderland. In the evening, England and México clash at Wembley Stadium. The Hungarians, oly mpic} a wrong Number! against Russia compared with the side that played Chile two 'days ago, HE Birmingham, Portugal vs. Bul-| - be nis Newest! HIS BIGGEST! "Boy, Did I Got : od COLOR by DeLuxe = RTISTS. BOB HOPE -- PHYLIS DILLER tants MGUWAY 49 1 MOG E op UvEtP On, FEATURE SHOWN DAILY: 1:30-3:25-5:25-7:20-9: « PRCHRRING 099-3671 » WHITBY 668-2002 CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE Right-handers Paul Toth and Jim Horsford of the Mud Hens} shackled the Suns on three hits with the victory going to Toth) (4-7). Bobby Murcer's 13th homer of the year capped To- ledo's scoring Buffalo took advantage of threé Toronto errors as Aubrey Gatewood earned his first win after two losses, Toronto's Tony Horton hit his 14th homer of the} year but couldn't prevent Gerry | Stephenson from first loss, Stephenson also has one win | is IT NOWHERE? The point on the globe which is at zero degrees latitude and) zero longitude is in the Gulf of} Guinea off the African coast. Ne = oo ow, * SUNDAY * l i @ Advance Tickets 1.25 "HOP ;., PARK" THE THE BEAT SOUND TORONTO--A & A Reeords, FOR YOUNG CANADIANS Yonge St. PICKERING-=C.N, Sounds AJAX--Ajex BOrugs WHITBY--Sherty's Giger Store Whitby Arene Whitby Record Ber The Fantastic Stitch In Tyme @ CASUAL DRESS @ Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m DANCING Downtairs WHITBY ARENA vec | WED., JULY 20th THE TWO TOP BANDS ON TWO BIG STAGES NON-STOP 8 P.M, to 12 MIDNITE DRESS: - Your Choice. FEATURING THE UGLY DUCKLINGS AND THE FABULOUS FIVE RISING SONS! @ TICKET AGENCIES @ OVER 3500 EXPECTED AS USUAL | ACTION STARTS 8 P.M. LARGEST DANCE OF ITS KIND IN NORTH AMERICA ! DEAN MARTIN THE SILENCERS BOX OFFi OPENS 8 Lr SHOW STARTS 9:18 P, O40 OSHAWA DRIVE-IN PHONE 723-4972 @ At the Door 2.00 "NOW SHOWING ~~" IDS "Ol" FREE -- eo cca my y AGAIN AND AGAIN with that jf. Supercalifragilistic @ BOWMANVILLE--Bryson's Smoke Shop @ OSHAWA--Dise Shop, Shopping Centre Hondy Bar, Ritson Rd. South Jim Bishop's Sports Henderson's Books Store ~S Admiss on $1.25 : = JULY 17th i ; Happy Deys i GORGEOUS ' GOLDEN GIRLS Enterteinment Nightly et 9 P.M, Matinee Saturday 4 P.M. to 6 P.M, e@ FULLY LICENSED ¢ it z 3 +3 a A nnn siteinies TECHNICOLOR® PLUS WALT DISN CARTOON FESTIV BOX oFric OPENS 300 REGULAR PRICES ONE SHOWING ONLY AT 9:18 TE PEE DRIVE-IN Are Here RD AND FINAL WEEK TUESDAY LAST DAY appedting nightly KING ST OSHAWA Enterteinment Ni MATINEE SATURDA FULLY LICENSED "THE SHUSSIAHS ARE COMING. THE AUSSIAMS ARE COMING," - CARL REINER-EVA MAREE SAINT: ALAN ARKIN BRIAN KEITH JONATHAN WINTERS TWO WEL ars fale COOL AIR- CONDITIONED GIRLS - GIRLS The greatest' eye-full énd eor-full in Town, tly et 9 P.M 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M, DUNDAS ST WHITRY TIMES: 1:50 « 4:25 =~ 7:00 « 9:30 « LCS 9:10

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