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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jul 1966, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 18, 1966 19 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 31--Compact Cars for Sole|38--Coming Events SABYAN meta cers vip. 1 phe Big. Annual CARNIVAL Volkswagen Soles ond Service Is Now Underway At New and Used Cars CHERNEY'S 334 RITSON RD, S, 723-3461 Offering Big Sovings on en- tire stack of Quality Furniture, __ Open Evenings -- Furnishings and Appliances. CHERNEY'S accept trade-in, _Jelaphone 7. $400. Telephone aa after 1957 PORSCHE, good condition, FURNITURE WORLD i VY Wo Bo KING ST. £, _ OSHAWA. i CHNY station wagon, 6 sue | _- BINGO rica lel ; 1966 MUSTANG, grey, KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 es leather upholstery, ) standard Telephone 725-6823 Detween 5 and 7 p.m, Eorly Bird Gome FREE ADMISSION 1960 VOLKSWAGEN ) black, "radio, seat belts, Good condition. $550. Whitby 152, Jackpot 56 and 51 Children under 16 not allowed Speciol 7:30 bus from 4 Corners OBITUARIES SYDNEY ROBERT ARNOLD {ent of Centre Street In poor health for several) Church. years and seriously sick for five) He was predeceased in 1954 weeks, Sydney Robert Arnold,|by his wife, the former Violet 213 Bloor St. W., died July 17,/Reeds, whom he married at at the Oshawa General Hospital,|Lindsay in 1904, He is survived He was in his 69th year, \by a daughter, Mrs, William A son of the late Mr, and|Popowich (Ruth) of Port Perry Mrs. Arthur. Arnold, the de-jand two sons, Roy and Carl, of ceased Was born at Trenarris, Oshawa, He was predeceased Glam, Wales, April 8, 1898 and!by two sons, Fred and Walter, was married there Aug. 7, 1926;| Aiso surviving area sister; A resident of Oshawa and/Mrs, George Harris (Annie) of Canada for 38 years, Mr. Arn-|Oshawa; a brother, Fred of old was an employee of General|Valentia; 12 grandchildren and ~|Motors for 35 years prior to his}19 great-grandchildren. retirement in 1963, He was one' 'The funeral service will be of the original members Ot held at the Gerrow Funeral Local 222, UAW and was @/Chapel at 2 p.m., July 20. Inter: great sports fan, -- iment will be in Oshawa Union Very musically. inclined, he| Cemetery, | was a former member of the , h he CHARLES A. TAYLOR Treharris Brass Band in which Charles A. Taylor, formerly he played the euphonium, After coming to Oshawa. he played a ee oo Fidey, ee j i fed--at-Kings ga wad te Waike -- July 15, He had been seriously Band. ge! est it ger . Arnold is survived by his}. OP NOV. it, 100, Bi ble: long ee we ville, Ont., his parents were the four daughters, Mrs, William|!ate Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery ' Taylor. alba orp big Pager: Mr. Taylor was married Dec, Northey (Ann) and Mrs, Terry|29 1911 at Napanee, Ont., and Davis (Jane) and two sons,|!s survived by his wife, the. for- Rowland and Sydney, Jr., all of/mer Edith Richardson. Oshawa, A resident of Oshawa for 46 Also surviving are six sisters \vears, Mr. Taylor has lived in in England and Wales and 14|Belleville for the past two years. grandchildren. He was employed at Robson- The memorial service will be|Lang Leather Company -- for EXTRA BUSES held at 2 p.m., July 20, at the} 8 40 years, sis f et aati i 2 | ugh- duty suspension, in very good condilion R FAIR in Kendal, July 20, 1966,| Armstrong Funeral Home. e is survive y two da $1000, U5 per "15-8499 after 6 p.m, [Rlges and Guha tor all tueky draw| Interment will be -in Oshawa ters, Mrs, Lillian Wringe of! fon ruck $250, Excel. | for television, Admission 25¢ |Union Cemetery, Rev, John K.|! Ont., Mrs. Harty Bits or Bed Bagh oe Rg eg | Moffat, minister of Simcoe|Weber (Charlene) of Scarbor-| be teen. 7 104. _ ad '39--Notices |Street United Church, will con-|ough, Ont., and a son Charles be seen, 726-22 YON: itnessing an accident | ya $a al 2 1 INTERNATIONAL, 1% ton state, stick| ig es Hinton Rood on June 7, \duct the service " Taylor. of Oshawa. 1 Also surviving are seven 2/SAMUEL W. vd shift, good condition, Telephone 728-9188. | snout 5:40 p.m. between a Chevy I! and i ' 1960 CHEVROLET dump truck tandum,|a tan Chevrolet, please telephone FALLOWDOWN |, .andchildren and two great-| The death occurred, July 17, dehild the Port Perry reer rene Reasonable Apply 116 Cromwell Avenuc | 2396 or 728-9746, Ask for Helmut. C ; | | Hospital, following a "hed ae The funeral service was held BIRTHS ne ; SICK) at the Armstrong Funeral Home| Fred and Diane (nee) 1964 FORD Vs-ton truck, In excellent con-| 3619. " . " of Samuel Willis Fallow- ness, of sisphie 1 Ww: F "|\Chapel Monday, July 18, at down, of Port Perry, He was', I i'G ley' of SHORT 2 p.m. Rev, F, G. Ongley o Stevens) are ahppy to announce the ar : rival of thelr son, Wayne Frederick, late William s 67 ear. . ' ; " hageoge lg he St. George's Anglican Church) iy * service weighing 9 ray? Ss awe rey Fallowdown and Maude Kivell, -- ee | Hospital on wreday, July p | o | brother for Michele, Many thanks to Or. the deceased was born at MoUAt Laws CANBY: Ross and staff on 4th floor. A resident of Osh- . "4 Scans WLLAND I , 'Quebec Premier's Wife Has -Had Fill Of Politics By. ROSEMARY SPEIRS and spend holidays in St. Pie MONTREAL (CP) -- Poli- de Bagot, Mr. Johnson's rid- tics? 'After 20 years I've had ing south of Montreal, my fill of it," says Reine Bookshelves and_ paintings Johnson, wife of the man cover the walls of the large whose Union Nationale party family home in Westmount, scored an upset victory in which formerly belonged to Quebec's June 5 election. Mrs, Johnson's mother. The Union Nationale, under COLLECTS OLD BOOKS Daniel Johnson's leadership, "Y"m a bit of a collector," won 55 seats in the 108-seat she says. 'As you can see if legislative assembly, The Lib- you look. around, I love an- erals, in office since 1960, won tique furniture, old books and 51. Independents captured the many kinds of Canadian paint- remaining two seats, ing and handicrafts." Although happy with her For two years before a re- husband's victory, Mrs. John- cent bout with the recurrent son feels that for herself poli- spinal trouble, Mrs. Johnson tics has often been more a owned and operated an art duty than gallery in the old section of "y feel my most important Montreal. task is to make a comfortable 'TI: called it the Galerie Bon Secours and 1 worked home for my husband,' she said in an interview in her there about seven days a week home here. with only one assistant. Then "I enjoy some aspects of when my health broke down public life--I like to meet peo- I had to choose between my ple for example, But on occa- family and the gallery--and sions which are not all that naturally my family came first," important, I just stick to home." Mrs. Johnson says she is Mrs, Johnson, 45, says she mainly interested in Canadian expects to continue her quiet figurative painting, Group of home life whatever the future Seven paintings are favorites holds, among those hanging in her When he first decided to en- Westmount, home, ter active politics about two Although her main personal years after their marriage in hobby in recent years has 1943, Mr. Johnson asked his been combing Montreal an- | wife what she thought of his tique and old-book shops, Mrs. decision, Johnson has also been a mem "And I said I wish you ber of several women's liter- wouldn't as far as our life to- ary circles and has done much | charitable work. gether is concerned, but you won't be happy unless you go From 1960 to 1963 she spent ahead, two days a week driving a "It wa» hard for me at first truck for the Red Cross, de- because he was away from livering medical supplies to invalids in their homes. home so much, but he has For all her outside work, been happy." MOTHER OF FOUR she reaffirms that a woman's |22% 24%. Size 16% takes 3% Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Mrs. Johnson feels she has first job must be at home, | yards 35-inch, Front "Street West, Toronto 1, given "her husband peace of "IT have never. been one of | FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins|Ontario, Ontario residents add those who take a militant in- |(no stamps, please) for each|9 sales tax, Print plainly PAT- Car Dealer and 'Save' | mind--peace he would never ; te eival of ceother Bradiey Stephen,|was an employee of General) The death occurred, July 17,| have had if she had taken a terest in questions of female | |pattern. Ontario residents addj~~RN NUMBER, NAME, AD- equality," she says. "I think | 3¢ sales tax. Print plainly SIZE,/ press. TED CAMPIN MOTORS a r k 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 7 Ibs. 11 ozs, on July 14, 1966. Mother} Motors, A resident of Port)at the Toronto General Hos-) large part in public affairs. jualit 317 CAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS "want Or ecaeh are fourth eae at of the| Perry for the past 21 years, he|pital, following a sickness of "He has always known I wothén should have the same |NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE! GIANT 1966 Needlecraft Cat- for wrecking, Highest prices n'd | Oshawa. General Hospital |was caretaker of the Royaljabout six weeks, of William| was home with the children pay and job opportunities as | NUMBER. alog stars knit, crochet--many 917 Centre St. S.,| and he has never had to men and yet I wonder some- | Send order to ANNE ADAMS,|more neediecraft -designs. 3 » times if women who speak up |care of The Oshawa Times,|free patterns printed in cata- cer lh dia htt a at | | Bank of Canada, He was an/| Willard, ; howe, , AUTO WRECKING 66, ma ladherent of the United Church,| Whitby, He was in his 48th) worry about them,' E ! shat i bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311 DEATHS Mr. Fallowdown is survived| year The Johnsons have four so strongly for their rights | Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street) log. Send 25c, OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted c | by his wife, the former Mary| A son of Hugh and Margaret) children, Daniel Jr., 21, grad- will not regret it in the future. | West, Toronto 1, Ontario, NEW! 12 Collectors' Quilt a | an Jane Martin, whom he married| Willard, the deceased was born) yated in law this spring from "It will be a shame if Summer Fashion Festival --|Patterns for you in color, gcerad 'nts pa ihe Oshawe. Gener the University of Montreal; women give up all the little }359 design ideas in pattern-|with quilting motifs. Finest pate jal Hospital, on Sunday July 17, 1966, attentions men now pay them packed Catalog. Fun, play,|terns ever collected from and parts for sale, at Sunderland. He was pre-|at Prescott, Ont, and was mar-| Pierre-Marc, 19, is a political ite "ili ang Toe hr for the sake of asserting & | work, travel clothes--all sizes.|famous museums, Send 60c for . Telephone 725-21 34--Automobile Repair deceased by a son, Kenneth,|ried in Oshawa in May, 1944 : F oy Williams, and father of Mrs.jWho was killed in action over- A resident of Whitby since| science student at Brebeuf ; ¢ ; : FRED STONE iRes Werry (Elsie), Mrs, Donald Rossiseas while serving with the| 1944, Mr. Willard was a hoisting! College here; Diane, 16, stud- strict equality, I enjoy being | (jn coupon in Catalog--choose|new Museum Quilt Book No, 2. Brooklin Phone 655-3653 | (Marian). 'Mrs. Perey Nooney Anni Royal Canadian Air Force dur-| engineer for a construction) jes Latin at Marguerite-Bour- a woman and having someone |one free pattern, Hurry, send|Deluxe Quilt Book No. rs, Terry Davis (Jane), Ro' geoys College in Montreal, p Base bes It's good to ie be for Catalog. sixteen complete patterns, 60c. ittle helpless once in a w Motor Rebuilding Winey Junior ail of Oshawa in his oth ing the Second World War, |company. He was an adherent | and Marie, 12, attends the ar. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Also survivin are two of the United Church. Shanta S honewing Rome, 'Oshawa, with funeral service in sisters, Mrs. Wretord St. John|. Mr. Willard is survived by) On Drug-Givi By CAAU On Drug-Giving c Wednesday, July 20, at f Automatic Transmission a ae inlet shews Uni (Stella) of Port Perry and Mrs.| his parents and his wife, the) EDMONTON (CP)--The Am-;permanently excluded from any 2. p.m, Interment Oshawa Union Ceme-} Crankshaft and Valve |tery |R, Bice (Doris) of Toronto and| former Helen Bailey; and a Service | yrALcowpown, vag Fae peereeh E brother, Ross, of Toronto. ag ag Patricia, at Fogg | i Willis, at the Community Hospital, Port) ri, service wi Also. surviving are two. sis: TRANSMISION speci ; Transmis-| 1 joi} The funeral service will be sions_are our only" business, 108 Simcoe |W" "Vaitowdonne" beloved' mwsband"et|held at the McDermott-Pana-|(ers, Margaret Willard of Port | baker Funeral Home, Port|Perry and Mrs, M. Warren) ateur Athletic Union of Canada| ground where the rules of the has asked the International Am-|IAAF are in force," ateur Athletic Federation for/;CLUB GETS ORDER i azains explanation, of its rule) The allegations against Perci- United | Ville Marie private school, 'My children are my whole life,' Mrs. Johnson says. "Other concerns have always had to take second place to my life at home." Yet when she felt she could, Reine Johnson has actively campaigned by her husband's side, "T have never made much noise," she said with a laugh. "But have always been there," Until trouble with slipped discs slowed her down in 1952, she stumped for her husband, speaking to women's groups and political meetings. "No matter how far away I was, I used to come home afterwards so I would be there for my children, Sometimes I drove home at five in the morning to give the first bot- tle."' Mrs, Johnson met Daniel when they were both students at the University of Montreal --he in law and she studying literature and journalism. FLUENT IN ENGLISH French-speaking by birth, though also fluent in English, Mrs, Johnson is keenly inter- ested in English-French rela- tions in Quebec. "The English. have always been a minority here, but of- ten didn't seem aware of it," she said slowly. "This problem is not.one you can analyse in factS and figures, It is something you feel. And often I can't help but feel it odd that the Eng- lish should have been leaders here so Jong--when the major- ity of people were French- speaking.' She said she sees no imme- diate reason why drastic measures--such as separating from Canada--need be taken by Quebec, "IT think we will be able to work these problems out on a calm basis. I believe in sep- aratism only if it becomes absolutely necessary but that's a crisis we'll meet when we come to it." When in Quebec City for sessions of the legislature, Mr Johnson lives at a hotel and phones his family every night, The Johnsons live during the children's school term in a comfortable home in .West- mount, a _Montreal _ suburb, 1965 SUNBEAM none Nhe F178 oF bath oni, 'Telephone between 5.30 8 dso _ 9706. I ; sliver '¥ ii convertible with radio or, Phy, payments iver "AUSTIN Healey "Sprite, pn "éondi 27 tion, 25,000 miles, $650 or nearest offer Metallic blue, Telephone 726-3361 oT vou i and '65 1500 station wagon, with 7.5, engine, low mileage, A-1 condition both vehicles.) Quick sale, owner leaving Ontario. Bay 1399-39972. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 54 ond 56 TONIGHT-8 P.M. RED BARN pom) One gg Bad for parts, motors a! "gondition ex- tra snow tires, 6 » Whitby 668-3017. 1964 MGB -- Sell or trade for "63 or '64 Chevrolet, Telephone 725-2305, 6 to 8 p.m, 32--Trucks for Sale 1963" WALP-TON Fieetside Chevrolet Phone T0599, , oneton, four-speed, heavy, By ALICE BROOKS A Summer "must"! Crochet jacket of sport-yarn or same weight in Orion, Crochet shell - stitch jacket with popcorn border -- Chanel style javket. Pattern 7381: Sizes 32-34; 36-38; 40-42; 44-46; fits half sizes 12% to 26%, THIRTY - FIVE CENTS SIZES 12%4~24'2 By ANNE ADAMS ZIP INTO this smart, slim- ming shift when you're expect- ling friends, or going out. Whip lit up in a few hours of gay gingham checks. | "oins , tter o Printed Pattern 4830: Haig] (coins) .i -- to oo | Sizes 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%) Brooks" care of The Oshawa jat CARS WANTED * Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Oshawa | Sunderland, SMITH -- Robert wishes to announce] AWA for a number of years, he i1- Davidson-Susskind Vows Keep Joyce From Screech mused reflectively, 'I often was there from 9 a.m, to late in the evening, If we were demonstrating a cake or what- ever, | had to bake it so she could show the finished prod- uct to the viewers, I had to prepare everything else and after the show I had to clean up and wash all the dishes." But it all paid off when the cook quit and Joyce got the "star"? spot instead of being a sort of walk-on carry-all, Her no-nonsense voice and her blonde good looks--she still has the complexion of a 16-year-old--soon attracted the attention of sponsors and be- fore long she was doing 11 live commercials. This took her to Toronto to do commercials and, later to the job as interviewer on Ta- bloid. That was in 1956, the same year she and Davidson sep- arated, They were divorced three years later. She hit the headlines in 1959 when, during the TV interview here, she said she was indif- ferent about the approaching royal visit to Canada and that most Canadians felt the same. "The headlines said such things as 'Davidson Raps Queen.' which was completely wrong. I hadn't said a word of criticism of the Queen, it was t oyal, wns Samuel llate Kenneth Fallodown, brother of Stella 35--Lost and Found ] d ar terment will be in Pine Grove|brothers, George of Prescott, | |(Mrs. W. St. Jonn) of Port Perry, Ross }and Doris (Mrs, R, Bice) both 0 ama § grey. and white! st : s i, answering 10 Millie, in vicin chapel Osuna Cemetery, Prince Albert, Rev.|James of Vancouver and| H. M, Buntain, minister of Port) Richard of Oshawa. Resting at the ker, Port ity of pong A Cet . @ BiVd:! berry, tor service on eueunr' st bm, 1 ica Reward for In| interment Pine Grove Cemetery, Perry Presbyterian Church,| He was predeceased by a son, POWER, Nicholas 16, 104s,{ Will conduct the service, Russell and a brother, Charles. At Whitby on Saturday, July 16, 1966, i The funeral service will be Nicholas Powers in tie iti veer, beloved NORMAN PURDY a. A be |husband of Lettie Nickerson, and loving) Norman Purdy, 382 held at 2 p.m,, July 19, at the father of Grace Pippy, Private service " : 4 "a W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, was conducted by Rev, Wesley Herbert|St. W., who made the Whitby. Interment will be. in| at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel on Monday) metal body for Fisher . Body 1 y. n erme nt wi e if lat 1.90 p.m: Followed by cremation at), : 4 ; sroveside emetery, rooklin, Corporation in Canada, died G de ¢ tery, Brookl I ; on aj} Rev. John Smith, minister of July 16, at the Oshawa General ae eavi'a "UNA tee Chireh | Hospital, Mr. Purdy, who was} ag raed ages , will conduct the serv- in his 82nd year, had been sick y 1 condu than enthusiastic: about the approaching royal tour set off an explosion in Canada and led to charges -- which she still denies---that she was criticizing the Queen. Susskind, the 'boy wonder" of 'television a few years back, now at 45 is a power in U.S. TV, a highly successful producer in New York and Hollywood and anchor man of his own weekly show Open End, He and Miss Davidson were married April 22--both for the second time--in Arling- ton, Va., then returned here for a star-studded party in their vacant new apartment, temporarily done out in Span- ish decor, and complete with caterers, orchestra, palmist By ROD CURRIE NEW YORK (CP) -- Joyce Davidson, one - time contro- versial interviewer on CBC's Tabloid, and now the new Mrs, David Susskind, is up to her ears in plans for decorat- ing and moving into their new apartment----a so of palace, in the sky overlooking the East River "It must be one of the best apartments in Manhettan,"' she said enthusiastically, pointing out on the floor plans such features as the 40-foot master bedroom, bathroom with stereo music and refrig- erator, and the elevator con-, necting the two levels--one the 33rd and 34th floors of United Nations Plaza, As for her career in tele- ang handwriting expert, vision and as movie publicist, she says that is all behind FIRST PARTY TOUGH her, that she'll never return "IT decided to make our to it and that she has no first party tough, e real chal- regrets, lenge," said Mrs. Susskind, "T really "After that anything would | possible to seem simple." show and be a satisfactory The guest list pas enough wife," she said in an inter- to give a veteran hostess the view in the soon-to-be-aban- jitters. To name a few: Sen- doned apartment where she ator Robert F. Kennedy, a has been living with her two neighbor in United Nations teen-age daughters, "When Plaza, Tallulah Bankhead, you are doing a daily show actor Sidney Poitier, actor- you are married to it. And writer-director Hume Cronyn, being married to David is aa native of London, Ont., and full-time job in itself," his wife actress Jessica formation. "ats North, Phone 720-7399, |Mary Jane Martin, dear father of the Perry, at 2 p.m, July 19. In-| (Jean) of Prescott and three Lady's "White" gold wrisiwateh | against doping athletes. va! first were made public in tlaled, King il fi made blic first announced) 4 Toronto newspaper story May) 27. The Don Mills Track Club} up to allegations against Lloyd| Was instructed by the registra Percival of Toronto, accused of tion committee of the central giving dexedrine to athletes| Ontario branch of the AAU to} prior to competition in. track! dispense with the services of) and field meets Percival June 23, A Andrews, who acted = as The AAU statement, issued by é tbe : bah PR a president E. W. Stinson of Sas- spokesman 'for the AAL Satur-} Ikat and vice-presidents Don day, said the statement repre July Goodwin of alltes and HH. N.|Sented an endorsement of the| ree pe of Winni - : contains| central Ontario branch action.| | peg. The move also was backed by the AAU's interpretation of the she Gahadion 'Track and Field rule, which says. in part that : ? : /Association in a letter from padre of| any competitor who uses drugs | The action was Saturday in a continuing follow- FUNERAL OF JOHN EDYVEAN The memorial service John Edyvean, who died, 15, al the Oshawa General Hos pital, was held at the any strong Funeral Home a.m., July 15 Rev. A. Woolcock, for at 1966 for construction fo an artif for the construction of on or- tificial ice arena and auditor- ium located on Front Street, in the Town of Campellford, | Starr, Charles Robert don't believe it is Al Oshawa General Hospital, do a daily TV The general contract includes the site work as well as chonicol electrical, and frigeration trades. Plans der for from the ve pnsulting EAcinears on and after Wednesday, July at od four-year olds) furiong 10.80 me 100. Claiming re- threes and 3.60 2.40 2.70 2.20) Telephone 660-4379 36--Legal PURDY, Norman After a lengthy Illness at the Oshawa |General Hospital on Saturday, July 16, Born at Varna, in the God- erich district, the deceased was | Interment Union Cemetery ja son of the late John and FOR ARENA RAUCH, Margot Mary | Suddenly at the Toronto General Hosp: CONTRACT 6157 | SEALED Tenders, plainly {stephen and Randy, roving. sister of 2Wa in 1920 he operated a tin-| srnaldent Pete Beach to Stinson | Rrences and James Oman. Mrs. Ravch| Smithing and plumbing busin- Breach 49 Roval Ganadain| lwith the intention of increasing The iettar ve 'u part that will rest at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28! o: > : ) bad : e € ' > fetter says ar at) ess on Simcoe St. S. until 1928/7 goign, conducted the service,| athletic efficiency "shall be sus | ment Resurrection Cemetery, Whitby. | | AT 5:00 P.M |(The Rosary will be recited at the \Funeral Home on Monday evening at g . ar f business until a year BS0 ,».,.(tario Regiment, any person aiding or abetting Stinso s president of the During the First World War| "ny fo Stinson as president of th lhe served in England with the|y ne Pallbearers were Jamesjin the use of drugs shall belAAU of Canada Weir, Peter Simundson and) wich (Ruth) of Port Perry, Roy and Carl,/ WOODBINE RESULTS both of Oshawa; dear brofher cf Mrs. G6 e s (A ) of Osh id wart 5 tedvof Valencia, Mr. Starr is resting at; Was inintiated by Orillia Lodge phe : No. 192, AF and AML in 1912,| winded Tarte cejy He was became a member of ey chai Zeesekite (Steve) 30.10 8.40 5.40) Norte Verde (McComb) 3.10 |lron Star (Gomez) 3.10 2.40 Time 1:50 1:5 Left Wing Harrison) Greek Tar Black Ls 4.60 | specificatio ons and ten Sun Hash CAMPELLFORD-SEYMOUR 1966, Norman Purdy in his 82nd year, Be- |Janet Purdy, | Be as a result'of an accident, on Satur-/ marked as to contents will be | Kingston Rd. W., Pickering, after 2 p.m ye . ve track association 'unant- when he started a sign paint-liitarment was in the soldiers' jpended from active participa-| h 8 pm.) forrimn| Royal Candadian Medical oya andadian edica . y Derick Simundson, and Alfred) TORONTO (CP)--Results Ws Fitth.s2 Fred of Valencia, Mr. Starr is resting at Barrie Lodge of Perfection The funeral service for Henry Isle, Time 3:1) Latin Bid also ran AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITY CENTRE loved widower of Josephine Hern. Mr Purdy is resting at the Gerrow Funeral He operated a - tinsmithing day, July 16, 1966. Margot Mary Oman "(plumbing business in Orillia 57 Tullock Dr,, Alax, Beloved wife of| for received by the Town Clerk until | Monday, Funeral on Tuesday, July 19, at - i) » ( al O 9.30 a.m. to St, Bernadette's Church, Alaxting and furniture refinishing| hawa U sme.|tion in Amateur Athletics for mously supports the Central On- lbusiness. A master cratsman|PlOt in Oshawa Union Comes riod as the council of (ato Track and Field Associa- jtery, A uniformed guard of/S¥en per Hehe tion and also unanimously sup-! July 17, 1966, Charles Robert Starr, in his} |85th year, Beloved widower of Violet) Corps F Nn prominent wmamber ot: the Brisebois, Jack Hodgson and} ; Charles Beck of Branch 43, bine race track Saturday; and up, mile and one the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King First--$2,000, Claiming. Hoss's Pick Werry Street West for service in the chapel on | Wednesday, July 20 at 2 p.m. Interment | 7] Senttish Rite. and of Rose|Arthur Gray, who died, July Witter, i rab thee At the Teronto "General Hospital Sunday {Croix in 1917. He was a mem.-|44, al the Osnawa General Tios-) Cregiy Union, Take Liberty, Penadee, Ben ESS 1966, Willlam Willard of 9171 Ha» of Moore Consistory, Ham-|Pital, was held at 1 p.m., July) Silver Penny, Boston Mills, Twilight Exactor: $23.00. : Tango also ran 'einen | Colborne Street, Whitby, ini- | Toronto Crematorium. for five months TENDERS |Chapel, 390 King Street West, Service in the chapel on Tuesday, July 19 at 2 p.m 14 years. Coming to Osh-} Gordon Rauch, and dear mother of Mark,| . MONDAY, AUGUST 8, for Requiem High Mass at 10 a.m, Inter in his trade, he operated his! ' Y § manviha. 6 I honor was provided by the On the IAAF shall prescribe, and ports the sending of this letter Rees, and loving father of Mrs, Bill Popo Masonic Order, Mr. Purdy . Ma fl Purd) Royal Canadian Legion, lfour-vear-olds, 6 furlongs Rotundo 2nd (Gordon) Union Cemetery, July 1 Centre Street South, Whitby, beloved hus: 20, 1966 A deposit of Twenty-Five dol- lors is required and will be refunded upon receipt of the plans and specifications in good condition A Certified Cheque for 10% of the tender price shall ac- company each tender A 100% -Performance Bond will also be required Lowest or any tender not nec- cessarily accepted, To Eldon M, Ibey, Clerk-Treasurer, Box M Compbellford, Ontario TOTTEN, SIMS, HUBICKI ASSOC. LTD., CONSULTING ENGINEERS, 1A King Street East, COBOURG, Ontario, band of Helen Bailey, dear father of Pat- ricla of Whitby and Russell, deceased dear son of Mr. and Mrs, H. Willard of Prescott, in his 48th year, Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for | service in the chapel Tuesday, July 19 at | | | | | |dear mother | 2 am. Brooklin. Interment Minister, Groveside Rev Cemetery, J. Smith. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all FUNERAL CHAPEL| GERROW 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM GRILLS -- In loving m Susan Edna. away July 18, 1965. The depth of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved wo well And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep Ssadiy missed by son Horace, daughter oa who passed | { in-law Doris and grandchildren Joe and) | Brian | No. Toronto, He ber of . Couchiching RAM, Orillia After moving to Oshawa jaffiliated with Lebanon 139, AF and AM, |Pentalpha Chapter, T.oyal | Masons, He served as first principal of ;Chapet in 1925 and | secretary of the }26 years Chapter, acted chapter of the in 1947, | secretary than 10 Oshawa Shrine Mr, Purdy - treasurer years, Mr, Purdy was with his 50 - year Lebanon Lodge in 1962 and re- leeived his 50 year jewel for Lodge, *| One of the original members Club! served as more ! from Pentapha Chapter in 1965.) |He served as grand jtendent of the Royal }Masons in Ontario District | 1944, superin- Arch July 13, at Hillsdale Manor, presented|her 95th year, jewell by|p.m., by pastor ment was injin Oshawa Union Cemetery ilton and of the Rameses Shrine|!6, at the Gerrow Funeral was also a mem-|Chapel, Rev. E. CC, Woodland, minis- |ter of Newcastle United Church, he lconducted ment was and with! Cemetery Arch first!of Westmount Pentalpha were Earl Landon, Ken Markle, as John for Gordon Bullied, the in Inter- Union service, Oshawa The pallbearers, all members United) Church, E and Estabrook Douglas Balantine, Brown FUNERAL OF MRS. RUTH KEE! memorial service for Ruth Keenan, who died in 9 The Mrs, was held at in First Baptist July 16, Church. was conducted Swackhammer, church, Inter- the family plot The service Rev. N. F, the in of The pallbearers, all grand: olds, 6 Gay's Second-.$2,000. Claiming, four-year-olds, 6 furlongs. Twinkle Jay (Harrison) Yorkdale (Gomez) Shy Jet (Her nandez) Time | Roman Menwinds Annie Dory threes and 13.00 6.60 4.50 5.70 4.4 10,60 Acie Royal Ming Dynasty, Peterry, also ran Embassy Wee Daily double: $297.40, Third---$2,000 turlongs. C andora (Barroby King Jive (Gome Harry Hughes Time 1:)) 45 Arrow Gal jor Roberts. Claiming, -- three-year 17,20 4.90 3.70 310 2.70 Ditttach) Foredeck, Cleotus, Ma Strip For Action also ran Fourth$2,200. Claiming, 3-year-olds, 6 furlongs Erik Lea (Fitzsimmons)13.30 Lazy Rhythm § (Dittfach) Royal Page (Coombs) WLS. Head Real 7.30 4.80 5.60 4.10 Time | Lions Fashions, Hit The Runner Paris ran. Line also FIRST RACE $800 (7) 4felle Richards, W'ner -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse 28.20 9.90 430 3.70 Sixth--$10,000 added, Sv» furlongs Ring Francis (Gomez) Pine Point (Dittfach) Amber Tea (McComb) Boot Hill, Mugger Ride, Northern Blonde ran. Hugger Runways Seventh..$10,000 added olds, mile ice Water Donlands Stevie B Time 1:35 Day We Sail Smoothie, Helarctic And Near also ran. Three-year (Gomez) (Hale) ge (Ditttach) 2-5 He's Time. Hinemoa Snow Bye Bighth.-$2,800, Three four-year olds, mile Arab Prince (Hernandez)5.70 Place Victoria (Fitzsimmons) Copper Fire (Barroby) Time 1:40 1:5. Vital Mahn, Pit, Wabush, Mr and Broth Ofa Boy Essco also ran 19,797, pireenanse) Handle: 185. Wilmac, Dusty Chief, and Mr Dee Dee. Scratched, Amber Chief B SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace), 5.30 2.60 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.90 Suniit| also 5.90 4.60 2.90 4.60 2.90 2.50 Drag Two-year-olds, A 3.70 3,10} 4.10 3.10 4.50 $1,107,-| GARDEN CITY RACEWAY Purse} CAME A LONG WAY It's a long way up for the girl who as a teen-age wife and mother once worked as a welder in a Hamilton factory to help make ends meet Joyce Davidson Susskind, now 35, has worked hard all her life, has rubbed shoulders with the mighty and the cele- brated, and isn't likely to be- come light-headed or giddy at any altitude, "The big difference now is that all the people I once met ina sort of servile way, as an interviewer, | now meet socially, | must admit | enjoy it much more this gay." For all the famous people she interviewed, none brought her more publicity than a re- mark she made while being interviewed herself on a U.S. television program in 1959. Her suggestion that Cana- But, way it was organized that I was critical of. "The whole thing was blown up out of all proportion, It was a casual remark simply made in the course of conversation, And | still think I was cor- rect." Did the resulting storm help her career? MADE NO MONEY "If you mean did I make more money, get offers to ap- pear on other shows or get more fan mail, the answer is definitely no. "In the first place I was off Tabloid for a time. Then I lost my commercial contracts -- the sponsors didn't want the girl who 'criticized' the Queen associated with their prod- ucts."" She came to the U.S. in 1962 and worked for 18 months as fellow interviewer with the Tandy, writer Paddy Cheyef- sky, TV personality Johnny Carson, producer Mark Good-, son and restaurateur Vincent Sardi Mrs, Susskind--that's the name she prefers--was born Joyce Brock in Saskatoon and moved with her family to Hamilton when she was 11. At 17 she marrieu businessman P, D. Davidson, As for the welding job, "I found | could make more money in the factory than in an office. I had to pay the babysitter, So I took it and stuck with for. eight months." It was then that she went around to CHCH TV, just about to open, hoping for an office job. Instead she ended up as assistant to the woman doing the TV cookery show, BAKED MANY CAKES | it bombastic Mike Wallace, no- torious for grilling his subjects mercilessly, on the nightly TV show PM, then did interviews, appeared as guest of PM, Girl Talk, and numerous other programs, did commercials, and occasionally produced shows for such programs as Susskind's Open End, Eventually she got into the movie business, working as a | publicist, She first 'met' Susskind | nine. years ago in a TV linkup show for Close Up. She was in Toronto and Susskind in New York. Susskind has three children, Andrew, 12, and two girls in their early 20s. Mrs. Susskind has two daughters, Connie, 15, and Shelley, 16, who will be going away to school in the fall, she "It was hard work,' NEWS IN BRIEF E es JAIL THAT BIRD PRAIRIE WAS BOMBED 4 . Sor Haren warner SUDBURY, Ont. (CP) -- A) WINNIPEG (CP) -- Manitoba Also Started: Baron Adios, Gentry|Rhode Island Red rooster was/has at least 12 lakes in craters VETGMT RARE ee adian suvenite Charged. with disturbing the|formed by falling meteorites Circuit (Final), Mile (Pace) for dyear- Peace when police were tipped) millions of years ago, says Dr olds. Purse $4,212, (10) ;off by unhappy sleepers and ap-jjan Halliday, He is head of the! prehended the bird, They think) Dominion Observatory's: meteor 4 Blate Pick, Wapies 310 290 2 B2-Bruce Pick, Campbell 7.40 420 it fell off a truck that passed! research program. in the night, BQs-Mud Ri Aubin 4.70 Also Staricd: Leader Lobell, Autumn Frost, B n Jack DQ--A-Shadydale Counsel, D VcKnight asi " eat DNF--Mor y, and DNF.--Sharp 'N Smart FEARS NO THUGS | Da--Mud finished 2nd, disqualified QUEBEC (CP)--The new Un-| EDMONTON (CP) -- The big and plac d for interference. ; : | A--Eniry hed 4th and sth disquali ion Nationale justice minister,|dredges used for placer gold ference and placed 7th! Jean-Jacques Bertrand, refused/mining in the Yukon are near- the services of a bodyguard al-jing the end of their usefulness, | though his predecessor, Claude | the Alberta and Northwest} 9.20 370 2390 Wagner, had one. "I haven't}Chamber of Mines reported 40 had any threats from the un-|There are still 35 small placer © derworld yet," said Mr. Ber-;mining operations producing itrand, |gold in the Yukon, j 300 ae dians were _something _ less 260 Nama $1,800 (5), 4-Creed Stone, Crowe 3-Oxtord Abbe, Wellwood \sShady Valley, Hayes Also Started: Jipa, and Heres How. SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) Purse $3,000 (6) }-Earlylakes John, Filey 9,40 | GRILLS -- In loving memory of a . Purdy ' a - Pik |dear mother and grandmother, Susan a urdy was predeceased!sons, were Paul Keenan, | Edna, who passed away duly ve, 1965.) 10 r nf age hye 2 |/Keenan, Robert other You are not forgotten |mer Josephine Hern, whom he | Douglas Hall, Wesley site pal you ore with Us, jenasried at Aton ae and Michael Keenan AS you always were betore. | he funeral <service wi De | FUNERAL OF Arr, Rowera tnd Borah, she ara Hovey "ne certow, Huneral! WILLIAM H. RICHARDSON ren oe - hg ns! The memorial service for |terment will be in Oshawa Un-' wijtiam Henry Richardson, who! lion Cemetery died July iM at th F SOE hae os nm 5 July ne =family all | CHARLES ROBERT STARR | residence, 279 Park Rd. S. in The death occurred, July 17, jhis 10st year, was held at 10) at the Oshawa General Hospital, a.m., July 16, -at the Armstrong} jof Charles Robert Starr, 112 Wil-| Funeral Home. jliam St. W. He was in his 85th! Canon F. G. Ongley, year of St. George's Memorial Ang- Born at Valentia, in the Sun-jlican Church, conducted the derland area, the deceased was|service, Interment was in a son of the late Samuel and! Woodland Cemetery Guelph Mary Starr. Rev, S, A. Kirk, of Guelph, con- Mr. Starr worked in the wood-/ducted the committal service work department at General! The pallbearers were William Motors ahd prior to his retire-|Rockbrune, Bruce Eggert, Paul ment worked in the radiator|Eggerit, John Dishey, Fred department. He was an adher-|Dishey and John Wiskin. i &May Scot, Kingston 2@Scottadee, Galbraith Also Started: Little Etsel, Miss Byrd, Vola Dale. and trish Blue. SECOND RACE -- | Mile Purse $1,400 (5 5-Galen's Boy, Curran 2Chatham. Chip, Findley 6Go For Broke, Wellwood Also Started; Kenland Lass, Pick Scratchedr Wooster Hanover DAILY BOUBLE, 4 AND 5, PAID $77.80 THIRD RACE -- } Mile (Pace), Purse $1,000 (7) +Sugar Blaze &Chief Widower yAdios Al, Hicks Also Started: Worthy Fiemington, ter Scott, Tonka G, and Who's Hat Scratched, High Hat Dan FOURTH RACE -- | Purse $1,200 (7) &Armbro Flame, Hie §-Riddell's Counsel, Webster >-Chappie's 'Boy, Hicks Also Started: Bye Bye Ezra Royal Pal, Highley's Way, and Kathryn. <n RACE -- 1 Mile $1.20 Miner Joe. Hie SArmbro Egan éJoannes Tra Also Started: David! Morrison, | , Keenan} 37--Auctions EL J. POMERY, auctioneer, & son's Road North. No sale too small! or too large. Call 7284810 or 725-8968) after 9 p.m 38--Coming Events BINGO St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM TO-NIGHT AT 8 P.M 690 K'NG E. ot FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION Snowball! Jackpot $230 $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 59 Nos. $100. GOOD PARKING Extra Bus Service F Tickets cvailable ot the door $20 Consolation. Good Prizes. | 2.50 2.10 2.70 2.40 2.50 5.30 (Pace) 3.80 2.460 2.70 3.20 2.90 3.90 Invincible --_| $.10 2.90 11.80 4.50 40 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral arrangements for occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 a. "LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN | MEMORIAL PARK | BRONZE MEMORIALS Our .ourtecus cdvice please visit the Pork Oftice, 723-2633 Smith Lawrence 7a Wal rector GOLD GIVES OUT Mile (Trot 690 410 3,10 5.70 4.90 56 Nos 90 Josedale Flying, ONF--A did sh NINTH. Rack - ml le Pace), $2,000 (6) 4-Lachianna, Shooting 2Superior Riche Also Starved: C and Edgew..a § Purse Pace). Purse Hayes 9.00 3.90 2.80 dey 3 2 a Me Hie Lal naught, Adios Direct tt 4 "Kawarthe Star, Allan

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