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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jul 1966, p. 8

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 18, 1966 'SPORTS MENU By Gec. H. Campbell Associate Sports Editor "PAM" MILLER'S great feat of Friday afternoon, in winning the Ontario (adias' Open, will ne. doubt..outshine anything else that may happen in the golfing way, around these parts for this season. The Oshawa youngster stunned the provincial golf experts last week, as she pursued the role of giant-killer, rising to 'the occasion each time, like a true thoroughbred champion, as the opposition got tougher. the final match was a sensational climax and certainly sur- prised those who the psychology of this one all figured out, Some hoped that momentum would carry Pamela on to the but most figured that the pressure of her first big "adult" final and against the name of Marlene Stewart Streit -- would mean game.over for the Oshawa shot-maker. Then when she forged ahead -- she was_six tip_onthe-1th-- ~"hole -- the experts were stunned. However, they soon were back in true predicting form when Marlene gradually wiped out the deficit and moved into the final 36th hole, one up, But it wasn't the final hole! "Pam" Miller then showed her great spirit and will-to-win. She refused to fold under this terrific pressure and instead, pulled off a sparkling shot to win the hole and even the match, Then came the extra-hole and they'll talk about that shot for years, They did talk about it for hours, Friday night at Oshawa Golf Club, where her fellow-members staged a fine impromptu "'welcome home" for their popular champion, BOB BRADLEY, like a lot more of the competitors with much more experience, failed to maintain the pace with which he launced his bid in the Ontario Men's Open at Cataraqui Club, but he did continue some fine golf and would up with a respectable 222 total for the 72 holes, tied for 24th spot -- in the first division of the finishing field--- and still only 13 strokes behind Doug Mossop, Toronto Lambton Club amateur, who won the title, over all the top ot yeaa with his score of 209, SOFTBALL FAN® around these parts have- been enjoy- ing 2 sparkling brand of their favorite entertainment this summer, with keen competition in all the leagues, The UAW League and Civil Service League, both extremely active groups of the "house league" variety, are enjoying good seasons, with no one team able to make a complete run- away, with the result the fans' interest is kept at a high point, since an upset is a possibility, in any scheduled fix- ture. The City and District's Major League is certainly the strongest it has been in many years, perhaps ever Several outstanding Juniors of last season, or just two Years ago, together with a few newcomers to Oshawa and several players who performed with the Tony's senior team of last year, have this year signed with various Oshawa élubs, This has provided the additional strength and balance which has been evidenced in the fine games played. ON oD! DAY NIGHT of this week, there's a soft ball special booked for Alexandra Park, at 8:15 p.m., when the Oshawa City and District All-Stars will play the Oshawa Tony's team of 1965, Several of that team, Tommy O'Connor, 3rd baseman; 'Squib'. Elliott, hard-hitting out- fielder; pitcher Reg Martin and catcher Bob Booth, are all playing with the powerful Richmond Hill "Shelis" this season. They'll be in action Wednesday night, along with their other Oshawa mates of last season, which includes such performers as Jack Armstrong, Brent Oldfield, Bob Young, "Butch" McMahon, Ray Suddard, Gordie Wilson, etc. In addition, Tony's will have Richmond Hill's sensa- tional pitcher, Reno Pettenuzzo, on their pitching -- staff, "Bev Smith, with the Recreation Dept, here in Oshawa this summer, hasn't done much pitching this season and Ron Taylor, a Tony's ace last year, will be pitching" against his former mates, Ron, along with Pete Landers of Scugog Cleaners, is expected to share the pitching duties for the City and District All-Stars. It shapes up as areal attraction and should draw one of the biggest softball crowds of the year. TORONTO ARGOS toppled the Grey Cup. holders, Hamilton Tiger-Cats 41-27 last Thursday night and all last week, 'Johnston's' were advertising their annual once-a- year sale, (it starts today) with those traditional 'special copy' ads that make more interesting reading than some of the regular stories, What's the connection? Well, memory brought back to us the coincidence of this situation, Murray P. Johnston, the copy-writing expert' for Murry Johnston (Oshawa) Lid... was a sportsscribe of no mean ability--a fact which many have forgotten. Murray wrote the special "Punts and Tackles" column for this paper,' back in the late 20's and early 30's -- when he himself was a star line- man with Oshawa's famous Intermediate rugby (football) team, the GM Blue Devils. Back in those days, the football season didn't get underway until Thanksgiving Day, when Balmy Beach usually played Varsity, in an exhibition .game, Now we have the football season starting in July, But the timing Is similar back then, when Murray's dad operated the store, 'The KYBO Kid" was still the copy-writer, We recall one such notice, of a pre-season sale of winter over overcoats, The advertisment suggested to potential customers that they could buy their new overcoat early, have it in time for the football schedule and Grey Cup game The sales-clincher line read something like this remember, all our overcoats come equipped with pockets."' Yep things haven't changed much perhaps that you only need a 25-07, pocket today! TODAY'S SPORTS CALENDAR LACROSSE OLA Junior{7:00 p.m. and Whitby *A' League: --- Hastings Legion|chants 'vs Dupont, 8:48 pom vs Oshawa Green Gaels, at both games at Centennial Park Civic Auditorium, 8:30 p.m Durham Ladies League:-- OLA Junior 'B' League: -- Whitby Scugog Cleaners at Easty York vs Whitby Lasco Rowmanville and Courtice at Steelers, at Whitby Arena p.m . Garrard Road Minor p.m Assoc, Tyke League: -- Rockets|League: -- Flemings vs B. and vs Jets, 6:30 p.m, and Novice/R. Transport, 7:00 p.m., at League: Cardinals ys Dis- Centennial Park count House, 7:30 p.m both games at Willow Park Oshawa Minor Assoc. League: -- UAW Locall Local 1136, 6:00 p.m: Lions Club vs Jury and Lovell, 700 p.m. and Get Together Club vs Dairy Queen, 8:00 p.m: all games at Children's Arena BASEBALL Eastern On- tario Assoc, Bantam League:-- Newcastle at Kendal! and Whirby at Peterborough 7:00 p.m SOFTBALL ~ Oshawa = and District Major League: Scugog Cleaners vs Brooklin Concretes at Brooklin 8:00 B94 p.m. and Lumber ys Ajax Merchants, at Ajax, 8:00 p.m Civil Service League: -- Rundle Garden Centre vs Rex co's, at 6:30 p.m. and De Hart's Excelsiors vs Ontario Stee] Products, at 8:15 both games at Alexandra Park;:} Wood's Transport Quality Fuels. at Radio and Foley's Plumbing ott Chicken Vi Corners; boi! p.m Oshawa City trict Juvenile League; Auto vs People's Clothing p.m. and Port Perr awa. Jave t both games a! North Park Whiths Men's League Dunlop Fly) ing D's vs Lasco Steelers, at And 2-07 except Whitby Girls' Town Bantam | 222- vs 6:15 p.m --_-- - Gale's a nom s QUEEN'S PRIZE k Ss ornton's 30 and Dis- - Gen 6:15 Osh t s Richard Hampton 'a retired Major broad erin after the coveted "Queen's Prize,"' top individual award of the 97th annual Risley Rifle Meet. at Risley. Eng land, on Saturday. Hampton scored 280 out of a possible 300 points games a at ston § Army Fes a £15 pm Oshawa Industrial --CP Wirephoto 8:30 Port Hope; both games at 7:00 m cher 'Gaels Third Period Too Much F By ERIC WESSLBY Times Sports Editor | Any doubts as to Oshawa (Green Gaeis superiority were 'dispelled Sunday night before 600 spectators at Whitby Arena. Gaels, three-time Minto Cup champions and current Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior "A" League leaders, handled the junior All-Stars in much the same manner as they have treated all opposition so far this season, Falling behind 3-2 in the first period, Gaels took a 6-5 lead by the end of the second and then stormed through for 10 goals in the third period 10 grab la 16-8 win, And it was a pair of players neglected by all-star selectors who provided the scoring thrust for Gaels. Ross Jones, the 7 league's top goal-scorer, proved | ihis prowess in this department with seven goals against two of the league's top goalkeepers. |Four of Jones' goals came in ay 42-second span in the third, Gaylord Powless, who coulditeam's games and still prob miss the remainder of hislably emerge as the point-scor- Cleaners Win Twin Bill: Lose Leaside Game 6-1 Oshawa Acadian Cleaners|loaded home 'swept an EFastern Ontario Base-iwith two on Mr. and Mrs, John Morrison ball Association juvenile-junior| Brian Boyd collected three and Charles Peacock of Osh doubleheader at Lakeview Park hits for Cleaners while Carroll|awa, topped the 28 entries in iSunday;, stopping Orono 9-3 in/had a pair, Other safeties went!the mixed trebles tournament jthe first game and heating Port/to Inche, a double, Jones, Wil-|Saturday at the Oshawa Lawn Hope 9-0 in the second liams, Peterson and Al Holt Bowling Club, with a' score of Saturday, at Kinsmen Sta- Fair, winning his second|59 plus 9, The trio was pre ldium, Cleaners dropped a 6-1\game, went six innings, allow-|sented with the Snowden Trophy idecision to Toronto People's ing two hits, walking four and!by the donor, Ron Snowden Credit Jewellers in a Leaside'striking oul seven Godfrey In second place wére William Junior League game struck out seven in the final) Cook, Mrs. Meta Goodman and Sunday, Eric Peterson tossed|three innings "Curly Myers of Oshawa, who a six-hitter to claim the vic Saturday, Toronto hopped on/had a of 54° for three jtory over Orono while Johnistarter Paul Clouthier four; wins, Third place went to Mr {Fair and Murray Godfrey com-jruns in the third inning, rally-iand Mrs, Jack Anderson lbined to hold Port Hope toling afier two batters had been|Roy Mann. Oshawa, whose Ithree hits in the nightcap retired, The visitors picked up|score was 49 In the first game, Cleaners|two more in the ninth off Car Prizes for high score scored twice in the first in jroll who relieved Clouthier. in}two wins were won. by | ing leader, was also in fine form, scoring two goals and assisting on eight others. Jones and Powless failed to' make the first all-star team. Jim. Higgs also. scored a pair of goals for Gaels, with single markers poing to Dave Keenan, Brian Thompson, Don Stinson,| Dan Sandford and Phil Clayton, John Clayton earned thre ¢| assists, Neil Armstrong. and Stinson two each. Jim Grady scored three times) for the All-Stars while Graeme} Gair added two. Other scorers ~ were Bill Manley, Jim Moore! 0) ard Dave Rudge. | A flurry of penalties to 'the All-Stars: early in the third period probably had as much to 4 do as anything in breaking up a tight battle Armstrong | | and Wayne Cope land of the Stars became in % volved in a short, . but lively fracas at 4,42, both receiving majors and Armstrong a minor Fight seconds later, the Stars' aarry Ireland drew a minor for ae ROSS JONES | J lat either side of the All-Stars') net. Twenty-five seconds later Oshawa Trio Tops Tourney | | run and a triple! score for with Mr BY CLIFF GORDON It was bad news oul of Mim ico last night as Whitby Lasco Steelers dropped a 7-6 decision to the Mimico Jr, B lacrosse club, The loss was the second in a row for the Steelers and leaves them two points off the pace of the front running Dixie team, which has one game in hand over Whitby Doug Sills was the big noise for the home side as he gar nered four goals. His fourth | | | | Steelers are at it night as they travel to Kast} again to TORONTO (CP)=--The Cana dian triple jump record for boys under 15 was broken Saturday at the Ontario bantam and midget track and field champ pionships, Craig Blackman of Toronto Spurt or All-Stars Jim Paterson drew a 10-minute misconduct for talking out "| turn, Two minutes iater," Jones, | Powless and John Clayton went) to work, On successive draws at centre, Powless worked the ball to Clayton, who in turn! passed Jones for goals, The first two goals were scored on Mimico's Don Crock- er, He left briefly for repairs and when he came back, 32 seconds later, Jones had popped another pair past Hastings' Wayne Platt. Three of the goals! came in a 19-second span. White----fones-- and Powless | Saat dominated scoring for Gaels, s Rangers Tie PETE LANDERS coach Jim Bishop was highly | pleased by the over-all perform: | ance of the club. "Tt was probably our finest bed game this year,"' he said. "And, Talna et as one fan commented, we might not have had the Ontario In the Oshawa and District stars, but we do have the ANA' conior Soccer League double- dian stars." This was in refet:| i eader at the Kinsmen Civic ence to Gaels' three trips t0| Memorial Stadium, on Saturday the Canadian final, evening, Hogenboom Rangers The Gaels take on Hastings tied Oshawa. Ukrainia in the slashing and team-mate Moore Legionnaires ina regular OLA) opening game 2-2 while Local| a major for roughing on plays|contest at Civic Auditorium 10°! 999 edged Malta United 2-1, in| might, Game time is 630. Tucn.| the second half of the twin-bill. f yaels trave untsville : oe Ags lid pel th , the John VanHoof and Ted Ash- To 'niet Ma & ton were the goal-scorers for ltt Rangers with W, Kasprxyck Jaycees Oust matching counters for Ukrain- Gen-Auto 4-1 la. Jaycees advanced to the In the second game, Ken Lang scored both goals, to give Local 222 their slim-margin win over Malta United, Fred Marmara scored the Malta tally Oshawa City and District Ju-|\pusy WEEK AHEAD venile Softball] League final There is a busy week of ac- against People's Clothing with livity facing local soccer fans. a 4-1 victory over Gen - Autolochawa and District Senior Sunday at Alexandra Park, Jay- League action on Tuesday even: cvees won the best - of + three ing, eight o'clock, finds Hogen- semi final 2-0, boom Rangers playing Malta Pitcher Dave Leaming -toss-| United and on Thursday even- hitter to claim the/ing, same time, it's Local 222 a four ed and victory and also aided his own) ys Rangers with both games at ball redhead of the. Brooklin a Sta- Leaming faced fanning 15 Losing pitcher gave up 11 hits, one view Park Bantams take on the and struck out six "German Village' boys of Tor- Jaycees put all their scoring) onto, in the semi-final round of into the first four innings, tally-| Ontario Cup Junior champion- ing twice in the second, once|ship playdowns, at Kinsmen in the third and once in the) Civie Memorial Stadium, fourth League officials have an- In the second, singles by Lea-|nounced that the sudden-death ming and John Mosier pre-|final game, for the 1966 Carling ceded a double by Dennis Ew-| Challenge Cup honors, will be pair of singles. | only 32. bat He walked one.| This Dieter, Anlauf) 4:30 o'clock, walked Kinsmen Memorial dium, cause with Civie ters Saturday afternoon, at Oshawa Valley- art, Terry McQuade homerediplayed on Saturday, August 6, in the third and an error, twojat 8:00 p.m., at Kinsmen Sta- passed balls and Jim Clapp's;}dium, when Modern Grill the fourth. Rangers conclude this annual Gen - Auto was held off the) tournament, scoresheet until the ninth when Lynn Woods singled, went to . second on an error, took third] MacMill on Mike Mothersill's single and} an rifice, Mothersill was thrown out at the plate trying to score | Zone Cham on a fly ball to centre fielder} p McQuade to end the game, Claire Glendinning, Leaming) Gordon MacMillan, president and Clapp each had two hits of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Jaycees were Warren McGahey, |tition, Saturday, in the Provin- John Mosier and Hank Kaleta.|cial Lawn Bowling Association Tim Alexander, Bill Prentice,|Eastern Ontario playdowns at Woods and Mothersill collected! Peterborough. The Ontario the Gen - Auto hits finals will be played at Brant- ford, July 30. Hampton Dunk by Don Bacon and his partner from Stouffville, E, Wage of Stouffville won the rinks com- T El petition and an Agincourt ag- yrone even | gregation won the Colts' trebles, MacMillan, who won all his cer League, three scheduled|Grainger of Richmond Hill 21 games were played on Satur-/to 13 in the first game. He day evening, with the resultS}downed T. Carr, Prescott, 21 to providing the widest variety|}7 and topped W. Fuller, Tren- possible, since one "home|lton, 21 to 7, team'? was defeated, another! Sam MacMillan and George one suffered defeat |trict 14, lost their first game Hampton turned on their sco-|to the Bacon duo 18 to 15; won ring power to win 4-0 in Ty-/from J. Elliott, Prescott, 24 to rone, with Warner Walross sco-14, and lost to Gerry Hyde, ring twice while Dave Bry-| Belleville, 18 to 17 ant ay Gary darvis scored) The Whitby rink, composed Zion held the visiting Solina) stock, Harry Lott and James! team to a tl draw Richard / Ross, won two of its three) Skrawko scored the lone tally|games, but lost to the Stouff- for the homesters while Ron|ville rink, which won zone! Baker clicked on a_ penalty| honors, | shot, to keep Solina on even) Alex Knibb, Vie Igglesde| In the game at Courtice, the|played in the colts' event, won homesters won 2-1 over Maple/two of their three games but! Grove, with Ray Preston sco-|were topped by the Agincourt} ting the singleton for the visi-\trio, which won all three tors games, double ended their scoring in}Thistles and Hogenboom scored on Bill Prentice's sac-| while others with safeties for) Club, won the singles compe- The doubles event was won In the Darlington Senior Soc-\three- games, defeated James salvaged a tie and the third) Constable, who represented Dis- the other goals, of Lloyd Sabins, Tom Hen- terms land lan Muir of Whitby who} | was the outstanding competitor of the meet with victories in the triple jump, long jump, the 100 and 220-vard dashes and anchored the winning Don Mills 440-yard relay team, His leap of 44 feet 3% inches Cobourg Tykes Defeat Oshawa Oshawa Legion Tykes hosted their Cobourg rivals, in an Fas tern Ontario Raseball Associa- tion, Tyke League schedule fix ture, here at Alexandra Park on Sunday afternoon, with the Visitors taking a 5-2 decision The Cobourg battery of pit Beer and catcher Sweet teamed up to hold Oshawa Le gion to four hits and two runs, with Pete Taylor getting two of the homesters' total, both singles Tom Blair, the Oshawa pit- jcher, combined with his catcher "Rick" Dart, for a total of nine strikeouts, in' the. losing cause, Clary, with a home-run blow, and Kelly, with a double and a single, were the big hit-} for Cobourg. who had a} total of five hits but also gave 'their pitcher errorless support.| ining, added three in the sec- the fourth and Mrs. Vie Highfield and ond, picked up one in the sixth! Cleaners run came in the Joseph Brown, Port Hope, 53 and completed the rout with first inning when Holt tripled/piys 1; Mr. and Mrs, Reg ithree in the seventh and scored on Williams' infield) Norris and Mrs. Mae Price | Peterson homered in the grounder Oshawa, 49 plus 2; Art Brown,| |sixth, singled in the seventh) Doug McBride went the dis:)Miss Margaret Highfield and jand stole home in the second jtance for Toronto, allowing five!Cecil Litster, Oshawa, 48 plus |to cap an outstanding effort, On/hits and striking out 12 11:. Ewart Clemence and Mt |the mound, he walked four bat-) Bill Ferriman collected three and Mrs, George Read, 49: Mt ters and struck out 10 of Toronto's seven hits, includ-|and Mrs, Jeff Authors and Wil Gary Carrol also homered forjing a triple, and lan O'Grady||iam Jackson, 43 Cleaners, his blow coming with'|had two two men on base in the seventh Holt had two hits for Clean Pat Brown accounted for twojers with Peterson, Boyd and runs with a first inning single | Jones collecting the others ee ers rop while Pat Watters claimed three; Cleaners next action will be jsingles, Other hits for Cleaners|Saturday in the Toronto Invi- |were garnered by Tony Jones,|tational Junior Tournament at Rod Williams, Ron Inche and!Maple Leaf Stadium. They play Close One John Fair Ottawa St. Francis at 3,30 p m.| Orono touched Peterson for, Winner of the tournament trav-| one run in the fourth and added els to Altoona, Pa., for region-| two in the seventh, al playoffs in the All-American} In the second game, Watters |Amateur Baseball Association \drove in sux runs with a bases'playoffs, Two Canadian Record WATERLOO (CP)--Two Ca-{in the triple junip broke by six |nadian records were bettered injinches the Canadian record set , |the Ontario junior and juvenile} by Gordon Stewart in Summer-|¢ame at the 12:30 mark of the track and field championships] ville, P.E.1., two years ago third period and broke a 6-6 tie | Saturday, Laura Mattson of Sudbury Charles Anderson added a pair The most impressive effortjthe individual girls champion, with Jim Armstrong getting a }was a throw of 167 feet, 914] won the three weight events-- lone tally linches by Cam Crosby of Don! shotput, discus and javelin Brian Brady and Larry Lloyd Mills in the juvenile discus Maureen Wilton of Torontojled the goal scoring for Whitby jevent, [It was an improvement, won the bantam &80-yard event} with two each, Dune Wilson lon both the junior and juvenile|in 2:29.6, 24 seconds fasterjand Peter Vipond each added! marks which stand at 166 feet,j/than the midget girls 880 and|sinlges, /8 inches and 152 feet, 5 inches,|faster than the 880-time set by | Pole vaulter Bill Simpson ofjjunior and juvenile girls at thei: Scarborough jumped 13 feet,| meet in Waterloo Saturday York to tangle with the Mo 5% inches to top the juvenile' Sheila Flowers of St. Cathar-|nawks. Coach Don Bruse hal record by two inches ines was the midget girls cham-| been working his fellows ove) One of the best individual per-/pion. She won the high jump,|time of late and they feel con the long jump and was second/fident they will hang one on the trid Verduyn of Peterborough in the juvenile girls' section, She Next.-home--actton "forthe lentered four events and placed = Steel i ¢ Sunde : Steelers will come on Sunday first in three--the high jump, Guelph Pads when play host to Ohsweken Pr get ig in the fourth, the schedule League Lead Legionnaires Win Guelph C + JOY's increased ri their first-place margin to Weekend Pair feating London 8-6 in Senior In Oshawa Legionnaires of the ter-County. baseball, In other Saturday night/turned in a victorious weekend games, second-place Kitchener in which they defeated Cobourg on Saturday 8&2, and downed place Hamilton Red Wings 4-1!Bowmanville Sunday 4-2 and Listowel Legionnaries, tied in second with Kitchener, beat pitcher Saturday at Alexandra sixth-place Galt Terriers 10-5, | Park, He fanned 12 batters and allowed six hits for the attack with three hits win. Robbie Cook hit a two-run The number of walks, hits, decided the Kitchener-| two singles for Oshawa, Hamililon game, Hamilton! Sunday, it was Jim. Yake Starter Mike Anderson walked|mishyn's turn as he fanned 17 eight men whil Kitchener|batters for the win over Row Heinbuch jhone two hits and two runs, formances was turned in by As | in the javelin Steelers tonight, long jump and 80-metre hurdles Paris in the final game of the 14 games Saturday night by de KOBA Bantam "A" division Panthers defeated seventh Allan Taylor was the winning Chris Ritter led the Guelph not) triple while Dave Bracken had i¢ Starter Court gave/}manville, Yakemishyn allowed JUNFRIE ters O.L.A. JUNIOR "A" LACROSSE Oshawa Green Gaels - VS Hastings Legionnaires TONITE 8:30 P.M, Aduits 1.25 Students 7Se Children S0¢ AUDITORIUM BUSES Simeoe Bo 7:30 -- 8:00 8:30 p.m. -- RETURN AFTER GAME, leave St. et ibers Use Series No. cket 10 USHA CIVIC s Saturday, | pair, Landers Hurls One-Hitter In Victory Over Tiremen Scugog Cleaners' import pit- cher, ete Landers, hurled them to a one hit, 3-1 win over General Tire, in Oshawa City and District Softball Lea- gue action at Alexandra Park, In other city softball, at Al- exandra, Gale Lumber defeat- ed Bad Boys 5-1. 4 Paul Parkinson proved the big gun for Scugog as he hit a two - run home run in the sixth inning as they went ahead 24, Dave March had singled before Parkinson's homer but he was tagged going to third on Wayne Cheeseman's single. Parkinson added a single to his homer, ; ae Dave March hit two singles in the game while Bob Burke, Ron Cullen, Ken Brack and Landers each had singles. Spoiling Landers' no - hitter was Dave Mason, who tripled in the sixth, but was tagged trying for a home run. In the other game, Jim Rowden was the big hitter with two doubles, and a single. Reg Hickey had two singles, while | BY CLIFF GORDON Five power play goals Satur- day night helped Brooklin: Red- |men snap a three-game losing streak as they trounced Bramp- |ton Excelsiors 15-0 at the Brooklin arena in an Ontario |Senior A Lacrosse Jeague game. | The win was a big one for lcoach Ken Crawford and his |Redmen, as it gives them an even .500 average for the sea- json, on nine wins and as many \losses, It is good for third spot jin the league standings, four points behind Toronto Maple Elmer Tran, the little fire- team, and certainly one of the best loose ball men in the league, spearheaded the Brook- jlin attack with four goals and jone assist. Tran admits he |should have had at least three |more, Playing-coach Crawford and Ken Lotton each had three goals and one assist. Terry Davis had one goal and seven jassisis for the top point man of the night. Tom Conlin had fone goal and three helpers, jwith Dave Houston, Paul Tran and Jerry Burrows each scor- ing once. | Wayne Thompson bagged a trio for the losers. Bill Castator and Jack Madgett each had a with aces to John Ford and. Julie Kowalski. Brooklin struck fast in the first period, with Terry Davis blinking the light at the 17 second mark on the first shot of the game. Brooklin ran the count to 4-0 before Excelsiors managed to score on Matt Campbell in the Brooklin goal, | When Brampton did get roll- ing, they fired three goals in a minute and 22 seconds. RBrook- Power Play G Answer To Brooklin Woes Ralph Davis, Bob Young, Jack MeDermaid and Ron Taylor each had one single. Taylor was the winner with nine strikeouts and one walk while all owing six hits and one run. Hitting for Bad Boys were Jack Sneddon and Ray Sud- dard, with a pair of singles, while Roger Reeson, Bob Arm- strong, and Bob March each had one single. 5 Losing pitcher was Dan Pe- ters. Gales chased Peters in the third inning, erupting for three runs on a walk to Ralph Dav- is, Young's single, a double by Rowden and a 5 by McDermsaid,-- StcDormaldly- ite. gle came. off reliefer Bob Ma- son who finished up, on single runs in the fifth ninth, Rowden, who doubled home two runs in the third, drove in the ninth - inning counter with his second double. Bad Boys lone run came in the sixth, when Reeson, Smed- don and Armstrong hit succes- sive singles, oals Bring JUST TALKING , . . Jerry Burrows, the big bespectacled player with the Brooklin team, made his first start of the sea- son, and this fellow, who is as good a checker as there is in the league, will' prove a big help to the locals in their re- maining games and in the playoffs . . . Brooklin plays in St. Kitts on Friday night, and play Toronto Maple Leafs at home on Saturday night. Then on Sunday, they play the Sr. "A" OLA All-Stars in Toronte at the North Toronto Arena. Three games in three nights, which is pretty rough for any team especially when the fel- lows all have to work. J J] & R. Irwin Loft Wins Peru Race The regular weekend race of the Oshawa General Racing Pi- geon Club, was held from Peru, Indiana, with the birds being released there at 6.30 a.m. on Saturday, The first bird to arrive from, in this 436.- mile flight, be- longed to the loft of. J. and R. Irwin, and was clocked at 5.39 p.m, having flown home at a speed of 1158.18 yards- per - minute, for the entire journey, Another bird from the J. and R. Irwin 'loft. had the second - best time, Following are the. complete results J, and R. Irwin, 1158.18; J. and R. trwin, 1107.82 M. Korobij, 1103.72; Fred Cowle 1060.98; J. Strachan, 1059.30; D. Bejkowsky, 1018.51; F. Stu- art, 1013.14; F. Cowle, 993.74; A. Szezur, 973,17; L. Prescott, 950.01; FE. Jackson; 900.51 and hhin held on gamely and grabbed ja 7-4 lead .at the end of the first, Brampion appeared some- what stronger in the second as they outscored Brooklin 4-3 and cut the local lead to 10-8 at the jend of 40 minutes, Penalties proved costly to Brampton in the third, as Brooklin scored three power play goals to pick up their win LACROSSE SCORES | By THE CANADIAN PRESS SATURDAY Senior A Brampton 9 Brooklin 15 Junior A Huntsville 16 Hastings 12 Etobicoke 10 Brampton 27 Senior B reeiaville i5 Waiiaceburg 9 angeville 13 Windsor 12 oe Fs Or SHELL CANA For The Os This position ergy. Experi not essentia $3,000. -- given to the requires a LESSEE management than average ambition and en- FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL 723-1126 S. Grant, 857.81, SOFTBALL 1966 OSHAWA TONY'S WITH Reno Pettenuzzo Wie 8 OSHAWA ALL-STARS WED., JULY 20 Alexandra. Park 8.15 P.M. DA LIMITED hawa Area requires a man with ° ability, greater ence an asset but |. Capital required assistance will be right man.

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