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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Aug 1966, p. 3

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LITTLE IMMEDIATE ACTION LIKELY Sponsors Cautious With US. G WASHINGTON (AP) -- Spon- sors moved cautiously today in an effort to steer gun control legislation toward Senate action in the aftermath of the Texas massacre that left 16 dead and 31 wounded. Despite prodding by President Johnson for legislation 'to help prevent the wrong persons from obtaining firearms,' there ap- peared little likelihood of imme- diate action. Senatar Thomas H (Dem. Conn.), author of a con- nile delinquency subcommittee. | asked for a special meeting of} the--full- Senate judiciary com- mittee to pass on it. James 0. East- Miss.), said he a meeting at but indi- be until Chairman land (Dem. would call earliest opportunity" cated. that might not next week. In any event, Dodd said he} doesn't know whether the meas- Dodd|uredesigned to_control_the in- terstate shipment of firearms, troversial gun control bill ap-jcan get full committee appro- proved by the Senate _juve- val Stewardesses Travel Far On Hope And $70 In Cash i END OF LINE FOR A SNIPER In this photo from the Austin Police Department and identified by them Charles J. Whitman, 25- year - old sniper-slayer Some PM guns cut down Whitman, but not before he had kill- ed 15 persons in Monday's rampage. lies dead on the observa- tion deck of the Texan Un- iversity tower after being gunned down by police. A hail of bullets from police (AP Wirephoto) s Want Own Plan On Canada Medical Care TORONTO (CP) -- Most open revolt Tuesday against fed- eral proposals for pkovincial participation in grants a hl ernment-sponsored medical care schemes. \ 'We want our own plan," Jean-Jacques Bertrand of Que- bec, leader of his province's delegation at the two-day meet- ing of provincial premiers that ended here Tuesday. "No medical care plan im posed by Ottawa will be ac- cepted," said Mr. Bertrand, Quebec deputy premier who also holds the education and justice portfolios. Premier Daniel Johnson left before the talks began, return- ing to Quebec City to deal with a hospital workers strike Several premiers said there should be a_ federal-provincial conference on medical care in- surance and Mr. Bertrand said his government had already written Ottawa requesting this. Ottawa has set July 1 next year as a deadline for provinces to establish medical care plans that are universal, portable, UN Study Urged On 9. W. Africa UNITED NATIONS (AP)--Af rican members of the United Nations will ask the General As- sembly to discuss South-West Africa at the start of its fall session in a new attempt to loosen South Africa's grip on that mandated territory, diplo- mats predict Some sources exnressed doubt that the assemt*y, convening Sept. 20, would agree to debate South-West Africa 'immediately since that would delay the usual general debate for which fore ministers attend the days of the session Others said eh the Africans theoretically the raiority necessary i such a deCision. They have .36 of the 117 votes in the assembly and they can usually count on 25 more from the Asians and an- other 10 from the Communists The International Court July 18 threw out a complaint brought by Ethiopia and Libe ria, ruling that they had no le gal right to bring action against South Africa. Ethiopia and Liberia "ets the court to rule that South rica had violated her League Nations mandate over Sout h- West Africa by practicing apar- theid (race segregation) in the territory, and to order that she stop doing that. If such a deci- sion had heen made the Afri- cans could have asked the se- curity council for action to en- force it The African group at the UN has not decided what to pro- pose, but some diplomats think the Africans could push through an amendment to the UN char- ter requiring all members to place their League of Nations mandates under UN trusteeship and thus, UN supervision. All nations have done this except South Africa. said opening o Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 of Canada's premiers appeared in| He said his province is anx- ious to begin a program of med- Stanfield ofjical care insurance but it will have 'extreme difficulty' in meeting Ottawa's deadline. Premier Duff Roblin of Mani- toba also called for Ottawa-pro- vincial talks to seek a scheme not only 'more acceptable to my province but to all prov- inces. He called on the federal gov- ernment to "abandon its medi- cal care bill' and scored it for not consulting the provinces be- fore drafting it. Premier E. C. Manning of Al- berta described Ottawa's pro- posals as the "most costly' that could be imagined Premier Ros» Thatcher of Sas- katchewan said he agrees with federal medical care ideas be- cause his province has nothing level." to lose if they are implemented. | Mr. Robarts indicated his gov-| The talks attended by seven ernment would be prepared tojof the 10 premiers -- Joseph make changes in medical care|Smallwood of Newfoundland and insurance legislation to meet)w. 4, C, Pennett of British Co- federal requirements but not| necessarily as they stand now. lumbia as well as Mr. Johnson Premier Alexander Campbell were not there--dealt with other of Prince Edward Island said common provincial prob- he favors a federal-provincial;lems but the main focus was conference on _Mmedical care ton medical care China To Reduce | Specialization TOKYO (AP)--China, acting in the name of party chief Mao Tse-tung, has launched a broad new campaign to reduce speci- alization among its workers, peasants, students and soldiers 'This brilliant idea of com- rade Mao Tse-tung,"' the Peking People's Daily \ will turn China into "a great revolution- ary school where the people take part both in industry and! agriculture, in military as well as civilian affairs." It will 'turn everyone into a soldier,' the- Chinese Commu- nist party newspaper says,/on mflitary skills. and greatly strengthen our; Mao's directives called on all combal._preparedness. Shou!d' citizens to study government + run and compul-| sory. Premier Robert Nova Scotia described the fed- eral proposals as "unnecessar- ily rigid." 'We haven't been too happy with the federal proposals," Mr. Stanfield said in an inter- view. "We have tried to budge them (Ottawa) without suc- cess,"' Premier Louis Robichaud of New Brunswick was critical of Ottawa's failure to consult the provinces before announcing its intentions. However, he was "still confident' the federal plan would go through "with re- visions." He advocated a vincial conference of health ministers but Premier John Ro- barts of Ontario said the matter should be settled at the senior federal-pro-| ocean of the people's war." The program is contained in two. directives from Mao _ re- ferred to Tuesday and today in editorials and reports on' the 39th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Army. There were indications the purge announced Tuesday of high-ranking army officers, in- cluding chief of staff Lo Jui- ching, stemmed from opposition to Mao's program. The purged officers apparently wanted to keep the 2,500,000-man army. a | Professional body concentrating nolitine | Portland, that| (AP) --|freezing,"' went to a string of white buildings near Wawa, Ont was logging camp," Barbara. "There were ers there and the We stove PORTLAND, Ore They stumbled upon a Canadian logging camp, and their smal! "Tt motorcycle broke down on a said prairie, but two young airline about 10 loge stewardesses made their way were safely from New York City tojour clothing Ore., on hope and $70.' they fed us." "Yes, we'd do it again,"' said Their vehicle broke dow Michael Gonzales. of Portland in Medicine Hat. A man driving telling of the 3,400-mile trip on a truck stopped and todk Michael, who will be 21 Fri-|the motorey« to a mechanic day. arrived sunburned and al! The girls re - entered most exhausted Monday night United States near King with Barbara Halverson, 21 of B.C. They had $1 when they Sharon Hill, Pa. rived in Portland The girls were The said New York City by pleased with the strike. : motorbike trip They couldn't afford to ke up the rent on a New Yo apartment, said Barbara, "Michael wanted to come Portland so she could be here for her birthday and we wanted to sce some of the coun try." Michael's mother, Mrs. Pau FE. Phillips, said the girls. had refused financial help They bought a second - motorevele for . shipped a their clothing except jean sweatshirts and sneakers, and started out 10 days ago. RAN OUT OF GAS "The first day we ran out gas in the middle of a thunder storm near Savona, N.Y Barbara. "We hailed a motoris( who stopped, got gas for us, and refused to have us pay for it." On the third day, the girls "crying because we were in rainstorm, soaking wet and a dried and very y n neat ng by * the spoint ar the 50 trip thes through stranded in rls were the airline plan a Eu Red's Defection Strains Amity DAMASCUS (AP) The de fection of a Chinese Communist ng the usually relations between Pe leftist Syrian gov also Straini friendly king and the } ernment The Wednesday hand turned the U sources defector at Syrian was a up S say rivale e hass\ apparently sec retary to the Chi dor, Chen Ken. Th dor appealed to the § ernment for help in gett back, The government has te aken no action, apparently on grounds that the defector protected by diplomatic immu nity 0 IPs ambasse e said a The 4 C's of Saving CONFIDENCE ! CONVENIENCE ! COMFORT ! CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST CONFIDENCE -- knowing thot you ore receiving the best rate of interest -- paid more often. . CONVENIENCE longer saving hours daily and all day Saturday . COMFORT deoling with friendly people -- with a community Trust Com- pany, . SAVE WITH... Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe St N. Oshawa, 723-5221 23 King St. W Bowmanville, 623-2527 imperialism dare to invade us, |tary affairs and culture and to t will be drowned | in 1 the great"'criticize the bourgeoisie." 54 SIMCOE S1. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS LEAN, TENDER-WHOLE OR HALF COTTAGE ROLL 59: SUNKIST, VALENCIA ORANGES LEAN, FRESH PORK SHOULDE ROAST LEAN ROLLED pot RoAST49 ¢ Ib 59:| 3:99: TENDER BEEF --- BONELESS SHOULDER 65 FRESH PORK TENDERLOIN LOIN END ALMER FANCY Tin TOMATO . 48-02. 79 ECONOMY ROAST PRIME RIB LEAN BONELESS STEWING BEEF ROAST JUICE SLICED, BREAKFAST LEAN MEATY BLADE ROAST SKINLESS FRESH Wieners 09: Bacon 49 CA.5"n wULiL J/J4i1 Rill Concurring in this uncertainty, Senate Republican Leader) Everett M. Dirksen said in a/ lseparate interview he thinks a) leompromise must be reached! lbefore the committee will ap- °| prove the measure, |MORTON OPTIMISTIC If a bill comes out of the ju-| diciary committee, it must go} next to the Senate commerce | committee. A member of this |panel, Senator Thrustor B. | Morton (Rep. Ky.), said he be- lieves some legislations can be} worked out. But Morton said the pending bill would not have prevented | Charles J. Whitman from amas- simgrthe arsenal of weapons he | in his sniper attack from) the University of Texas tower| in Austin. "T think it might be worth-| while to consider the idea of} registering rifles, shotguns and| pistols,' he said. "If a citizen has to register his car, he could be required to register his guns."' As approved by the delinquency subcommittee, bill would ban f juvenile the| the mail order| THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL PLAN | Here's a novel plan for parents who wish to test their children's mucal ability before purchas- ing a piano. Heintzman will rent new small if vou de- it, the six month's rent and cartage will be you an. attractive, piano for 6 months cide to purchase allowed on the purchase price, The balance on Heintzman's Own Budget Terms 79 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-2921 sale of pistols and revolvers and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 3, 1966 3 limit over-the-counter sales to) persons 21 years or older who| ood purchases in their home|. 70 residence and criminal ord, if any, and comply with, Rifles and shotguns could be site gun regulation laws. sold directly to persons over 18;; Sellers of rifles and shotguns But for mail order purchases,|by mail would have to submit this data to the police chief in the purchaser's home town. If the latter made no objection lwithin seven days, the sale hear be completed. Any felony record would bar a sale. buyers would have to supply aparece netestig use sn sgmaamuaucame Nie Omaha acl maa NO PRIZES JUST PLAIN ovuny MEATS AT GREAT PRICES AT BRIDGELAND MEATS PRIME RIB ROAST -- 65: 69: =" Steak uw. 99° MINCED STEAK BEEF LIVER HEARTS or KIDNEYS io 39° BUTTER uv. 59° BREAD 5 ows 1.00 ae 3 Ibs. 1.00 HAMBURG, BOLOGNA MARGARINE AND LARD ices @ Ib 100 BACK BACON Ib. 89c WIENERS OR HAMBURG BUNS . 2 pkgs. 49e B-B-Q STEAK PATTIES, Frozen Box ot 24 1.69 SALISBURY STEAK PATTIES, Frozen Box ...... 1.59 SPICED STEAK PATTIES, Frozen Box 24 1.59 ereee PORK STEAK Ib. 59¢ NIAGARA STEAK Ib. 59° RUMP ROAST lb. 79° FREEZER SPECIALS SIDES OF FRONTS OF HINDS OF SIDES OF CHUCKS OF BEEF BEEF BEEF PORK BEEF LB. 49° LB. 4l¢ 61 49° LB. 45° Freezer Orders Cut and Wrapped and Delivered FREE Bridgeland meat-o-rama 909 SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT THE CROSSWALK -- CALL 728-3361 Open 9 to 9. Thurs. and Fri, Enjoy Your Private SUANA AND HEALTH CLUB SWIMMING POOL and SUNNING PATIO 723-5 DAILY PHONE FOR RENTAL INFORMATION 11, A.M. TO 9 P.M, Exclusive Agents Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Ltd. 728-9466 "A NEW WORLD of APARTMENT LIVING' Swim In Your Own Back Yard at the New y, GRENFELL 7 SQUARE APARTMENTS 385 Gibb St. at Grenfell CONVENIENT TO OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE @ ONE BEDROOM SUITES @ TWO BEDROOM SUITES @ FAMILY SUITES @ 3 FLOORS RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY! GRENFELL SQUARE features: Night Drapes Throughout One or Two-Boleony Suites Available Second Washroom Oshawa's Laraest S Rental Includes T Service, Porking Additiono! Locker Private Sauna ond Health Club Focilities: Swimming Pool and Sunnina Patio Free Hydro High Speed Elevators Softly Carpeted Corridor Floors Beautifully Landscaped Entrance Ultra-modern Kitchens include 30 inch Electric Range and New Refrigerator Intercom Connected to Lobby Bathrooms Equipped with Lorge Mirrors and Built-in Vonities Double Sinks RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW Rentals Start At $125.00 lil Available Suites

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