COMFORTABLE STYLES FOR CASUAL COUNTRY LIVING PARLEZ-VOUS DE LA mode? . . . For here's a three-piecer with a differ- ence. This easy-fitting top and hip-hugging, mini-skirt are worn with a nifty pair of pants peeping out just above the knee. With a fleur-de-lis print in natural gray and bone, the ensem- ble is made of season-span- ning jersey of acrylic fibre and wool. Before Starting Home Business | THE Investigate Legal Regulations By ROBERTA ROESCH | "What's the best way to set most a national pasttime, it is| tions, |conceivable that a product that/handle almost v "|is palatable to all at the same|now. Do not, however, consider} up a business selling food prod- ucts you make in your home?"| asks a reader. "My specialty is meatballs," this woman goes on to say, "so! I would like some pointers on, how to begin marketing them for outside consumption. "In the past, many people praised them for their flavor, as well as the added fact that they can be eaten by persons who are on limited or special diets. "Do you think this feature would increase my chances to earn some money from them? at a time. Before you put on the pot to boil for a food busi- ness in your home,.there are many things to consider. Today we'll go into three. CHECK REGULATIONS First, is a thorough look at the regulations that govern the sale of food -products. important because when you deal in. foods for the public you are subject to both the federal laws administered by the food and drug administration and the local health department laws in your community. You also need to check local zoning laws. While you are looking into the legalities, men- tion your plans to your land- lord (if you rent your dwell- ing) so you won't violate your lease. Second, before you go into business, has your prodict a quality that distinguishes it from similar items on the mar- TIP FROM THE CHEF To fry £238 so they will be "Sunnyside up," yet done through with the egg yolks veiled in white, first melt the butter or margarine in a fry- pan. Add 1 tsp. Hot water, break the eggs, one by one into a saucer and slike them into a saucer and slide them slid, and steam-fry over low heat 5 min. or until the egg yolks are covered with the white "veil." The steam from the water cooks the tops of yolks. Wilson's FURNITURE the g ket, Since limited diets are al- time it's perfect for dieters {could be a salable point if you promote it well enough, MARKETS VARY Third, is the size and avail- ability of your potential mar- |ket. Naturally market possibili- |ties will vary according to the) type of food you are offering. As an example of how to pur- | sue marketing possibilities of meatballs or a similar cas- serole specialty, here are some things you might do: 1, Arrange to sell your prod- uct to private schools in your area on a once - a - week or twice-a-month basis; 2. Contact churches, clubs and other organizations and suggest that you provide for some of the luncheons and din- ners they sponsor; 3. Take advance orders for hot lunches for the employees of offices and factories located near you; 4. Set up a hot meal delivery service for individual custom- ers; 5. Sell your product as a hot dish or frozen food through your butcher, delicatessen or neighborhood shops; 6. Try to place your product with a woman's exchange. In a future column, we will discuss further pointers for sell- ing products you make in your home. In the meantime, if you would like to receive a list of books on making money at home, send me your request and a stamped, self--addressed envelope in care of this news- paper WOOLWORTHS : Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN ! STARS SAY | ESTRELLIT. |FOR TOMORROW With a spirit of enterprise and keen analysis of all situa- you should be able to any job well future as| jplans made for the |final. You may have to do a | bit of re - evaluating, make | some improvements. FOR THE BIRTHDAY ie gle PM ay ht NC, i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 22, 1966 ]] "Something for the children and by the children" is a good theme for UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) dis- plays at the Canadian National Exhibition. And it is particular- ly appropriate for an organiza- tion which believes in helping the child now so that he is men- tally and physically able to help himself in the future. The main attraction for the children this year is a 15-minute Puppet Show entitled 'Around the World with UNICEF." De- vised and presented by Eliza- beth Quan of Toronto, the show is divided into four acts each dealing with a specific UNICEF project nutrition, disease control, mother and child wel- fare, and education. : the scenes with her will be hus- band Bruce and |Kathryn, aged nine. | There will be two shows each day at 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. will be of particular to the girls, who can see dolls! 'dressed in authentic costumes | from such countries as Mexico, | |Austria, Canada, Guyana and| Peru. | Something by the children is| the UNICEF Children's Art} |Exhibit -- #-collection of orig-| jinal art work by children six to |16. Basic theme of the exhibit is| "The Land in Which I live," de-| picted by such paintings as| "Swimming jence Lesson" "Mount Fuji" "Harvesting (Japan) the |-- home, mother cooking by the| ifire, kites, balloons, education, | nature, friends, others. Displays for the UNICEF Greeting Cards and Hallowe'en for UNICEF show what work for the children and by the on" set of 1966. And with 20th century leisure-living in mind, the outfit is made of washable acrylic fibre, sub- tly argyle - patterned in tones of blue and green. LITTLE LORD Fauntle- roy looked nothing like this. These knickers, borrowed from an earlier era, look just right for the '"'turned plish for the children in de- |veloping countries. Last year | |the dust after the spray has| FOLLOWS FAMILY LEAD dried. | SURREY, B.C. (CP)--'"I do Apply insecticide where in-| everything my sister does,' sects hide--in such spots as be-|said Susan Wientjes, " when = neath the kitchen sink, and|she was chosen as Miss Surrey. By ELEANOR ROSS , \drainboard, in cracks of cup-|Her 20-year-old sister Karen Pests in the house? Let's|poards, where pipes pass along|held the post two years ago. praia any pn aap ar pines wall, behind loose baseboards | 0 ee ee land molding strips, and the un-|Good baits are peanut butter, the varmints. Always wash any|dersides of tables and chairs. |cake, flour, bacon, cheese, and aren 2 be Reshani Peed ae "4. When treating cupboards, do|soft candies. If there are many secticide, whatever type Is used./q thorough job. Empty the/mice, use poison bait. Follow To get rid of ants, apply an|shelves and remove drawers so directions to the letter, because insecticide such as surface|the insecticide won't settle on|poison baits are dangerous to spray, on places where ants are food and utensils. Do not spray| humans and to pets. i swseidintn Action , Rids House of Pests UNICEF Display At Exhibition Has Puppet Show, Doll Exhibit Canadians sent $938,000 to UNICEF headquarters in New York. This amount is made up of unsolicited donations, collect- ed by children at Hallowe'en and the sale of UNICEF Greet- ing Cards, calendars and notes. Some additional facts and figures: UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 The National UNICEF Com- mittee was established in Can- ada in 1955 a Dr: Joseph W. Willard, Dep- uty Minister of National Wel- fare (Canada) is chairman of the Executive Board of UNICEF at the United Nations For every dollar that UNICEF at the United Nations contributes towards projects in Mrs. Quan has written the/ developing countries, where pos- script, designed the sets, and|sible, $2.50 in labor and mate- made and dressed the puppets) rials is given to the project by and properties, Working behind | the assisted country. By JOHN BEST MOSCOW (CP)--Why do cou- ples in the Soviet Union seek A survey carried out in Len- ingrad suggests that, broadly categorized, the reasons are: Absence of common views and interests, incom patibility of temperament, absence of love, lack of seriousness toward fam- ily life, violation of faithfulness, drunkenness, fighting. The survey was based on a questionnaire distributed to 500 couples applying for divorces. More than 60 per cent said they loved their partners before marriage. Asked what attracted them in their partners before marriage, 15 per cent of the men answered "sociable disposition" while 12 per cent gave kindness and 12 per cent mentioned good house- keeping. Sixteen per cent of the women answered kindness, 16 per cent "delicate approach and atten- tion" and 14 per cent sociable disposition. Asked what they didn't like about their partners now, both men and women complained chiefly about lack of "attention| and delicate approach." | DIVORCE COMMON UNICEF is the only branch} daughter |of the United Nations devoted published in the Soviet Union No statistics on divorce are | solely to the welfare of children.|but from what you can gather in Brunei," "Sci-|3 (Australia),|3 and|1 | Crop" |2 |(U.S.S.R.). Visitors to the|6 UNICEF exhibit will be impress-|3 jed that the artwork shows chil-| 4% tsp. garlic powder dren all over the world appre-|1 |ciate and love the same things| 1 and many|l | children in Canada can accom- |? The first Hallowe'en collection | jin Canada totalled $15,000. Inj An International Doll Exhibit |1966 the Canadian Committee | gen interest |sent $421,794 to UNICEF head-| quarters in New York Crowd Arriving At The Cottage? Here's The Answer, (Enough for One Meal and a Planned-Over) ¥Y% c. olive oil lb. ground lean beef Ib. ground lean beef qt. boiling water (4c.) bay leaves tbsp. chili powder tsp. salt tsp. ground cumin seed tsp. ground marjoram |married women Y% tsp. Tabasco ¥ tsp. black pepper tbsp. sugar tbsp. flour tbsp. cornmeal ¥% c. cold water Ib. pinto or kidney beans (cooked) c. long-grain rice, cooked following pkg. directions Heat olive oil in 6-qt. kettle. Add beef; sear over high heat stirring constantly until gray, not brown. Slowly add water; add bay leaves; cover. Cook 1 hr. at bubbling simmer. Re- move bay leaves. Add all re- maining ingredients except flour, cornmeal, cold water, pinto beans and rice. Cook 30 min. more at same bubbling simmer. Mix flour and cornmeal with cold water. Add to preceding mixture and stir-cook 5 min. or until well-thickened. With fork, mix in cooked beans; heat to blend, Serve over generous por- 3 6 1 from Russians and from men- Causes Of Russian Divorces Similar To Canadian, American tion of the subject in the press: it's extremely common, pe Last December the govern ment announced changes in th@=; law iz qu cheaper and easier to Court proceedings were simplis.' fied, and a requirement thats divorce applicants publish an + announcement in a newspaper was abolished. In the survey, it was found.» that one out of every five of-< those responding ldn't live.» with their spouses' because of.+ "constant deankenness." Ane » other leading' factor was lack of:+ proper living space. om One-fifth of the couples surs. veyed had not lived together for's a year, and a further one-fifth * had lived together for more? than 10 years. One-fourth had lived together five to 10 years..° More than half of those ques~ * tioned were acquainted with § their partners less than a year before being married. Just over one-third were acquainted less.' than six months, while 10 cou- » ples knew each other only for : several days. SOCIAL NOTICE : ° ENGAGEMENT : Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hartman, j Whitby, wish to announce the , engagement of their daughter, + Lynda Joy, to Timothy A. Dono-.* van, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.? Donovan, Oshawa. Wedding plans will be announced later: Mothercraft Training Graduates: * 4 Receive Certificates, Awards -. TORONTO (CP) --Barbara Chisholm, executive director of Victoria Day Nursery, said Fri- day that more than half the in Canada's labor force have children 16- years-of-age and under, and of that group, two-fifths have pre- school children or early-school attending children. In an address to the graduat- ing class of the Canadian Moth- ercraft Training School, Miss Chisholm said, "This concerns you because with the passing of the horse and buggy era went the concept of the family as an independent, self-sufficient en- tity, expected to get by on its. own," ' Twenty-five Mothercraft grad.., uates received certificates. Top -, prize winners were: Mary Loy, Willams, Gravenhurst, highest. standing in practical Mother. , craft; Sheila MacTavish, Ot. « tawa, highest on all examina-.; tions, Verna Woods, Bracep.. bridge, and Jean Verity, Sarnia;-. highest marks in dental health, - work. Donna Mary Webb Barrie won the prize for the best project, while Mary Loy Archer and Norma Atkey, both of Orillia, tied for the highest? in first aid. ANIM! Sele! Sale! Sale UAUUUALINE BRAND NEW FALL ARRIVALS 463 RITSON RD, §, Full Length Formals AND BRIDESMAIDS GOWNS *19.95 SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 SHU UUAAANEOTONOUUAOUEOUOAEROOTOEEUAOEOTOAERTAAORETA HOTA Wow UP TO jhave a chance to make good If tomorrow is your birthday, i nd cracks and i i i | within the next year, you willltrances. Do not use insecticide} Screen windows and doors to\p it can contaminate food.|keep houseflies out. Protect infants with netting pet | u use of some of the Virgoan's| "0° \leave food in open places or etting rid of every bit of gar- age and refuse promptly. Don't tions of hot cooked long-grain rice. Serves 8 to 12. HOUSEHOLD HINT best traits--notably your cour-| age, self-discipline and the abil-| ity to face situations realistic- ally. The fact is that, during the next 12 months, you will face some "ups and downs" in job and financial matters, and} it will be up to you to take ad- vantage of the good periods and to be cautious during those| which are somewhat adverse. For instance: The period be- tween Nov. 21. and mid-Febru- ary will be fine for finances,| But you will have to mainiain| a policy of ultra-conservatism throughout September and Oc- tober. After Feb. 15, March, | April and May will probably seem quite "dull" where mone-} tary matters are concerned, since no really good boost along; these lines is forecast before next June. So be guided ac- cordingly, and expect still an- other good trend beginning next August. Best periods for job concerns: September, January, April, June and next Septem- ber. Take advantage of all op- portunities to forge ahead dur- ing these months. Personal matters will be gov- erned by generous influences for most of the year ahead) with emphasis on romance in late December, next April, May| To get after bed bugs, keep|sleeping in! ' jeven in unopened cardboard bedding as clean as possible.|because flies carry disease.| ontainers -- the critters have Air it daily, and brush or vac-| Wash raw fruits and vegetables | 4 7 thorough! haf isharp teeth that can cut right uum mattresses, springs and pil-|'horoughiy efore eating Tlinto cardboard. Keep storage| lows every week. Spray insecti-/ cooking them. If a few flies get) jjaces thoroughly clean. To kill An old phonograph record wrapped in aluminum foil gives you a no-return plate for ba- zaar or potluck supper goodies. cide on bed slats, springs, and/in, a swatter can usually do the| 34. use poisoned bait. Follow| on frames--following container |job: If there are many, use an|qirections explicitly, because directions carefully. Spray (but|air spray insecticide but make|.5+ pait can also poison people do not soak) mattresses with a ot it pte - et on food, | and pets | ini ishes or utensils. You can't be i F product containing no more) | It's a nasty job, all right, but than 0.1 per cent of lindane or|too careful about this precaul-| Ghat Gault be coeel 6A iis 1 per cent of malathion. Spray |tion. the ach |remittingly, both to keep the eas between floorboards, where | TRAP CAREFULLY |house free of pests and also to the bugs lay eves and hide dur-|. 588P traps should suffice to|eradicate them once they have Cr : catch an occasional mouse.'gained entry. RENTING xeep the house as clean as pos- sible, since the pests are at- tracted by dirt. For a major in- festation, use both spray and dust. Apply the spray first, then and August; on travel, in early February and the period be- tween May 15 and Sept. 10 of next year. If careful to avoid friction in early March and-or early June, domestic concerns should have smooth sailing. A child born on this day will be endowed with fine creative gifts; and could gain recogni- tion in the literary and musical fields, especially. To drive out cockroaches, | i RESIDENCE, LOCATED IN OSHAWA'S FINEST RESI- DENTIAL AREA IS DESIGNED FOR QUIET COMFORT, AND GRACIOUS SPECIAL THIS WEEK Delicious Fresh PEACH SHORT CAKE 53s SPECIAL a u re eprprprnerer. te. fb Super 9" APPLE RAISIN PIE THIS WEE 2 FOR 1.10 LIVING. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO VISIT US, AND TO RESERVE NOW FOR EARLY OCCUPANCY. ROSSLYNN ARMS APARTMENTS 745 STEVENSON ROAD NORTH PHONE "4 nm -) /% Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead | BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 728-9724 heiemnesmmmmmmmaniabaiiiieiisimmeueiga' _ ae Young People PLANNING To Take A should Register Now for the TUES. SEPT. 6, 1966 Choose from Nine excit- ing Day-School Career Courses. Graduates re- ceive assistance in secur- ing a position, You re- ceive individual instruc- tion. In eight to twelve months you can be earn- ing your own salary and be independent. Our graduates are placed al- most immediately upon completion of the course, THE Oshawa Business College offers 29 years of experi- ence and pre- paring young people for futures in business -- Hundreds of Graduates testify to the value of Specialized Business Training. Free Literature Upon Request DIAL 725-3375 10 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA od, '200 Just Cash Your Baby Bonus Cheques at the OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE You may win up to $200. in cash ! HERE'S HOW .. Cash your family allowance for free entry form. cheque at the Centre and esk Deposit entry form into ballot box at the flag pole in the mall. Entry selection this month will be made on Wednesday, August 31st. ENTER NOW... Oshawa Shopping Centre