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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Aug 1966, p. 15

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i } : ; 'Taembhale Help Wanted niepaaen | A ag hg Phe nw Seg trea \18--Mele Help Wanted YOUNG MEN i Retail spore watanasanea "eri shact she, enact mas immediate oper openings for young men fo prs on- nue for store men- eleghts should have good basic educotien, preferably some selling experience, be willing to 2. tem of ty oo) 2 short term of peid en-t! train- be ofter which assignment rg made to store manoge- Rooly fe: a on aR ate Centre 5 nal St. N. stores Steinberg's Ltd. GROCERY CLERK -- opportunity for @ ight meture yeung men, some grecery experience, . our Ajax stare. First class wages and com- pany benefits, STORE MANAGER, 190 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax er to STORE MANAGER, King St. E., Oshawa "ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN For Sales In Men' W clothing Store @ Here is an apportunity for * vauna man aver 18 te get aheod. @ Must be willing to werk and ascent raspansibity in return fer attractive salary and eemmission, Apply Box 40607 16 Simcoe St, $, 723-528) BLECTRIC HEAT "1, @ One yeor eld NHA resale at h'4% "fares is sure @ temptetion for an FORMS, we "ean \A IRED ! | ped. © Seer, fe csi er me May hia very cL) irae + gute tri pare conn Me will yak in Mi si, io Phone 723-6206 Oshawa SACES CAREER If you are between 22 end 50, and "fed uj hi -- yeur resent position, may ve an excellent germane pasition for you, Excellent renumeration, full employee benefits, therough training. No travelling, Ne deer te goer eanyessing, All replies held strictly confidential. Phone 723-2497 Monday between 6-9 P.M, o write Box 41275 Oshawa Ti ines. "PLANT MANAGER fer Food Processing Plant Must be experienced in foc- tory operation and farming. Good salary end fringe bene- fits, Pension plan end insur- once avelleble. Write BOX M40657 OSHAWA TIMES JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER APPLY ALBERT RANDALL & SONS LTD. 412 Chestnut St. W. WHITBY 668-2991 137 Yonge St., 7. BUSES & CARS We have 100 ready-te-ga! oll western cities Ges Allowance AUTO BDRIVEAWAY CO. ronte 1, Ont, 362-1391 ASSOCIATE WANTED FOR @ permenent position and offers one of the Righest [Bh annual incomes ef any field We are @ well-knewn orgeni- salen smeciglizing in the sev- and investment field. i EVIOUS investment or sales experinese not necessary @s complete training with ¢on- tinued @ssistance provided. prehense advances ond OaNaceniaL abil Hy. reeeg- nized by fe WRITE NO, M-40704 OSHAWA TIMES OR TELE- egg COLLECT: MR, T, TORONTO 927.3511 igre eae ort, Full time aera re Cr it TOUCH UP and REFINISH Part time men, e@nperienced in touchsups te de smell re- peirs te furniture steck in large furniture store, Must supply won kit end knew how te work with fine woods, Apply te Mr. House, CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD 80 King St, est TIME en ra driverin mer it years, ne Xs altitaast Yostton stove fiat el 5 Write stating 'me. eget ELSA le ad oe Raciaacs ¥ te ware tor 4 f ay nh 4 . Rar analy. Bax. Ns Onn: owe oar HIGHWAY 2 : ee large itenen, retrestion reem tafe sancti Bedlam ita fh ering roe lf ste ag A Ade inspec EXCEPTIONAL Hl. @ This beautiful home will quit any perfectionist's require: ments, a8 it hes 4 yd by CO] sratteman. Steven- per Reed | oad Nerih, it ip slese te lublic end Schagls, buses and the aol Centra. Three 'an bedreems, spaciaus kitehen living reem, et) 9 fireplace pa @ four section finished rae raom with built in Hi Fi speak- ers are enly @ few ef the many extras to be appreciated in this we! tig sob Call to-night fer @ SOUTHEAST AREA Il. @ 3 bedroom solid brick bungalow with finished recrea- tien ream. Levely bathroem with vanity plus 2 piece bath in bose- ment. Asking price anly $17, 900. Call now fer full particu- DUPLEX IV. @ 2% storey hame, eon- veried inte madern duplex. Would have excellent return for the buyer looking for @ good in- vestment. Fer further particu: lars, call naw, REFERRED NORTH WEST AREA ¥. @ with @ touch of country living. This is @ beautiful rench bungelew with @ walk eut beal- cony, enclosed breezeway, oer- age, large bock yard and @ nice planter at the front. Added et- tractive features ere the 'bomb shelter plus reereation ream, kitchen and 2 bedrooms (or ong may be used for en office), in he welkeout basement, Cell te- dey fer en e PROPE int, INCOME PROPERTY Vi. @ This attractive, large brick eungelew is leceted in the preferred section of the City. 723-2265 Over @ Wuerer Ceiiniy of Service AILY _ A $1,500 DOWN $85 per Month Aluminum cevered three bed- ream home with extra large rege. Lacated clase to Hau- si" eenint and Cedar- dale Scheel, Call now for op- paintment te inspect, GOLF STREET 9 ROOMS This large brick ning foom home is situgted very close to General Hospital, Has two complete bathrooms and 'hos been well kept A one Only esking $17,7 "RANCHER: NORTH WEST Lovely large ranch bungolow with attached paren. tone fireplace fram flaor te ceiling, hellyweed type kitchen, het water oi! heating. Many ex- tras including steel fence around rear let. Re@sonable down peyment required, so act now, WILSON at ADELAIDE Five yeer old brick bungalow in better than new condition. Has Hollywood type kitchen with gating orea plus large living reom with dining area, All woodwork is stained, be- sides the kitehen and beth- rooms. @re very good size. There is also @ finished rec- teation room and the grounds are very well landscaped plus asphalt drive, Require a rea- sonable down poyment for this beauty. "DUPLEX" $5,000 DOWN This good sound investment is lecated in Whitby end is really in. excellent condition. Both apartments have two bedrooms, separate entrance, owners a@pertment even has large fireplace in living roam. Heating is a hot water oil system. Lot is 50' x 184' and beautifully landscaped, Don't miss this buy of @ lifetime. Call me to-nite, Sin extra large reems with gar- age. Lerge beautifully landsce- ped let. There is @ twe bed- room basement apartment with private entrance. Many more! extras. We will be very glad to show you this excellent home, Cell te-night fer en eppoint- ment. JANE STREET OPEN HOUSE IN BEAU VALLEY DAILY DAILY 6:00-9:00 P.M SATURDAY and SUNDAY 2:00 - $:30 P.M. Vil. @ Lovely 2 sterey, custom Quilt, erick home with breeze. way end attached garage, four iarge ouper ie living reem, amy eon fin - with neturel url frealece, Call for FRONTAGE JUST PAST K-MART Vill, @ Ideal location for set- ting your business plans inte action. Lerge lot 150 ft .front- age. Ranch style home situeted| on the side gives lots of reom tor business use er living querters. Owner will teke the mortgage. ice a and arrange MASSON STREET 1X, @ Six room, twe storey brick home, Lovely fot -- just 19--Mele ond Female Help Wanted listed Gxeclusively. immediate posession, for full particulars call Local CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OFFICE REQUIRES Ambitious young man inter- ested in becoming @ Chartered Accountant, This position af- fords an excellent eapertunity te further educetion and Sreapesthe prttont art hors ive at it must have Grade 13, with @ minimum everage of -- HOPKINS, 'BEADLE & COMPANY 728-3509 NOTICE TO ALL COMMISSION SALESMEN Rewarding busines need sin- cere sales persennel with an- thusiesm end interast to keep pece with increesing demand in real astete. Real drive @ must, Full instruction and ex- pert quidence, Any selling ex- perience ean asset. Limited number of Fees wriis If you @ move ar-ers not happy with your present income then contact the sales manager yd @ confid- ential interview @ GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-5281 For full particulars Cell 723-2265 Bill Johnston 726-1966 Me! Dale 623-5638 Marg Hell 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill MeFeeters 725-1726 Mamber of the Oshawe ond District Reol Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King Street West Free, easy, sofe parking to-day. NORTH EAST AREA X, @ This beautiful 3 bed- room bungalow with specious living reem and family sized kitehen is situeted in the north- ern section ef the city, Located on @ quiet street end clese to public school. Cell now for en inspection. $1,500 DOWN X!. @ Hare is @ bargain for you bargain hunters, Snug little ce- ment bleek home en a lot 95 ft. x 100 ft. The property con-> Tains @ gerege, and the house features 3° bedrooms, room, dining room, utility room and @ full basement. Leek it ever end see if you ree. TUNE IN ON THIS AD XI. .@ For the'sum ef $6,000 MIDDLE-AGED MAN @ For soles wark in one of Oshawe's most progressive Men's Clothing Scores. @ Aut have seme sales en- perience, preterebly in the clothing, business. @ Attractive selery plus eom- mission. Apply Bex 40696 Oshewe Times CHEF'S sain fin. Mir. Bisel 7am TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time. Minimum age 25. MERCURY TAXI 725-477) ACCORDION THACHER or good scar. bs) ae prone. Write Bex mal: Oshews vooneaPa tor 'a! office wi Bi ae aa ating te Box alles, The Oshawa Yimes. 'with Surepean ox. you may be the pround ewner of a 4 roomed close td shopping centre. Call te-day on this @s it won't lest. MUST SELL @ The Owner of this brick low in the Easterly part of the city must sell, os he hes e!- ready purchesed another home. Ideally located on @ let 50 by 120 ft. Roomy dining room, Hollywood type kitchen with built-in stove and oven, large living room with @ bright South- @rn exposure, entrance hall with XtH, closet, three lerge bedrooms. 20--Real Estate tor Sele Cell for furthe DAIRY FARM" FACTORY WORK leading te sepeciel- ized training in the menutect- uring of eOrrugeted centain- ers. Apply in person between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. C.1.P. CONTAINERS Ltd. 1170 Martin Grove Ra __Rexdale, Ont POWER'S SUPERMARKET Requires an experienced meat cutter end @n experienced preduee clerk. Apply te STORE MANAGER 564 KING STREET EAST eee eaves Gr 0 Reiptul ad-writer, sil 755 SIBBY'S Reol Estate Ltd. 728-7576 $18,900: 6 month brick §$ room bungalow with carport, hollywood. kitehen, built-in stove and even, this is @ N.H.A, resale. with 614% meértgage. Cell for inspection -- -- you'll be gied you $12,500 full price for 6 room semi-detached house with gar age and large let on Glen Street. Low texes end close to Seuth G.M. LOT: Beoutiful building let in NW. area, en Muriel St. lots ere scarce end this éne ll for _walkeut basement theusenes e 5 Poy @ interest- evdiones Wy Sevesnening 3B. pF the vast XIV. @ 94 acres of good rich clay loam, heving @ pend 50 ft. by 30 ft., plus ; wells. Hot end eold water in bern, new silo, milk house, drive shed, plus « couple ef ether buildings. Read frontage en two sides. Two ten reom house with modernized kitchen and beth Cell us te-day, we will be Pleased te show you this pro- perty. Call 723-528) for full particulars. Open daily from @.m. te 9 p.m, After Hours Call: lO SALE-- NO CHARGE Sar Renmen AEE fey Semmnl 728087 Bg be 1 ac a 138.0196 Evalyn Cassell 725-3710] Doug Gover _- 728.1008 Leonerd Bissell 725-2070] Ken Hockin 623-5055 Judi O'Donnell 725-6713] p, oe Cin 728.4923 eet Yeo 623-3077 Italo jussi 723-6329 ieoend Reng i Jean Peaceck 723-1121 Brooklin 655-3853 Jack Grehem 723-5281] George Beaton, Len Menitius Tae2754) Port Perry 985-2987 George iymeyer jo Lleyd Corson 723-2537 Pe a y TALK: Clanton Ae gl gg Le sth a CARH. lal TRIM? tor an aewriter FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member of Oshewo end District Reel Estate Board FREE APPRAISALS ANYTIME MORTGAGE MONIES AVAILABLE. WE CAN REFINANCE YOUR HOME SO IT WILL SELL FAST. FARMS & LAND ' 100 ocres Kendal Hills, Stream, woods; on hardtop road. Terrific view of lake. $5,000 down. ii $15,000 7 acres in Village of Orono. Excellent building lend with services, Terms, $7,000 10 acre parcel with stream; Courtice area, Very scenic porcels. Only $2,000 down, $3,300 & UP 10 acre parcels with view and pond site neor Tyrone. Terms. Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M, Clare McCullough 723-7843 Realtor 519 Brack $t. South, WHITBY 668-5868 RESIDENTIAL LOTS Two choice building lets 4 Valley Court in Whitby. 16 x 133 with town water per paved street. These lots are surrounded by exclusively built hemes overlooking @ ravine. To make an offer on these lots ask for Ivan Kel- lestine 4 BEDROOMS Ideal home for a large fom- ily and you won't be crowded in the kitchen or liying reem, Good Whitby location. See this home and make an offer, Ask for ivan Kellestine, NORTH WHITBY Especially clean, well kept home with completely fenced yard. Nething to do but mave in and relax in this three bed- room home. See it now end make an offer. Ask for Ivan Kellestine, APARTMENT SITE Choice lacation on Kent St in Whitby. Zoned RS ond room for 14 suites. All serv- ices in, Location would be ideal for luxury type apart- ment building. Far more par- ticulars ask for Ivan Kelles- tine, JUST LISTED Modern three bedraom home, large family style kitchen, at- tached garage and in By a goad Whitby location, down will handle. An for Ivan Kellestine. SPECULATORS 20 acre sub-division site on south side of 3rd concession, Whitby Township. Ravine setting with some creek on property, Builders should toke a look and see what can be done. Ask for !van Kellestine to walk around this property with you. RESTAURANT This business is completely self-contained. Large lot for customer parking with plenty of room at the back for pri- vate outdoor fun. The mein floor is well equipped with appliances end furniture te hondie the good turnover now realized working only 5 days a week, 7 to %. Up- stairs there is family size 3-bedroem apartment with inside and outside entrances. If you like to cook you should investigate this one. For more narticulare ask for Ivan Kellestine. "WHITBY WEST SIDE" Modern three bedroom home with nice rec-room, Good Whitby location, $15,900. with terms, Ask for ivan Kellestine. 50 ACRE HIDE-A-WAY In the beautiful Ganeraske Hills near Port Hope, Ont. there is a home partly built (roof. on) with @ fireplece, needs siding and windows. Well hidden rolling land with lots of trees, springs, and ponds, Ideal for lodge or hunt camp. Asking $25,000. Coll Ivan Kellestine for partieu- _lors, KEITH PETERS REALTY LIMITED 728-7328 103 KING ST. EAST re ReOnor LOOK HERE! Only $17,900 in the north west area, 3 bedroom brick bungalow in beautiful condi- ticn with tiled walls in the kitchen and the bathroom, basement completely painted, paved drive, fenced yard and nicely landscaped. Myst be seen to be appreciated, $17,990 Brick bungalow in east end cisse to bus and shopping with 3 bedrooms, recreation room and a small office in the basemen. $16,000 5 room house in east end with extra serviced lot 60 x 119 ft, $8,500 CASH PRICE Small bungalow in nice condi- tion close to Wilson Rd. shopping end bus line. VILLAGE BARGAIN Spacious living and dining room, large kitchen, one bed- room and bathroom on main floor, 2 rooms and bath- room on the second floor, hot water with oil heoting, gar- age, private drive and large nicely landscoped lot. WILLIAMS POINT Try on offer on this furnished lakefront cottage in excellent condition with 3 bedrooms, large living room, modern kitchen, lovely glassed in room overlooking the leke, dock and hedged /ot. . List your home, farm or vac- ont land with this office Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshowe Action Ads Osborne REALTOR * 'THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED CLIENTS OVER THE YEARS, WHY NOT YOU ? 2 LOCATIONS 218 Dundes St. E., Whitby 668-8826 4 Simcoe St. §., Oshawa Dial 728-5157 NORTH WEST OSHAWA Good bog is ig eo - side and oytsi is well de- corat bedraom low. Professional landscaping, enclosed Le aan coun hedged beckyar icate the awner's pride in their hame. ed rec raam, 2 pc. base- nt washroom, attached garage, praximity te scheels, $90. 06 menthly including taxes, 512% interest rate on mortgage make this @ "best buy", Asking $21, 890. NEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Two storey brick twin home with dining ream, three bed- rooms and family size kit- chens. Clean deceration, mo- dest heating cost and lew taxes, Neat fencing surrounds the play area of this 8 year eld property. Manthly pay- ments only $88 including tox- es. Full price $14,500. 2 STOREY OLDER REDECORATED Whitby home with gorage on close in street near shopping and schools. If you like the architecture of another dey away fram the crowded sub- division this may. be werth loaking ot for $15,500. This 3 bedroom brick may not last lang, so ect quickly WHITBY HOME AND APARTMENT -- $17,500. Modern bungalow with income gives owner ehance te pay for his home quicker, Why not investigate this 3 bed- ream. brick. with recreetion room and apartment, Yay will be pleasantly surprised with the clean decoration ond be ready to move in, BAY RIDGES BEAUTY FOR HYDRO Employee, will net last long with 1288 squore feet of liv- ing @rea in this solid brick split level home with 2 car carport, finished recreation room and lush green land- scaping. €xtres yelone too with drapes, extra "Kit. chen cupboards, TV tower and antenne, aluminum -- storms and screens and ethers, Reasonable 6% % interest on mortgage too! with eski pred ay $18,900. He bunga- - 5 ACRES AND HOME WHITBY TOWNSHIP On Cochrane Street just out- side Whitby Town limits. Clean decorated brick, 2 bed- room home with land for fu- ture development Present owner grows raspberries for profit on this land while he woits. Full price tekes all for $35,000 with $15,000 down. LLOYD REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 4 BEDROOMS Brick veneer, 7 years old, car- ries for $99.60 at 6%. Fully landscaped lot 50 x 212, schools near by ond bus ser- vice, ideal family home. OSHAWA BLVD. N. Lovely 5 room bungolow, owners have bought a smolier home, this house hos peved drive, separate garage, fruit trees, berry bushes, well shad- ed property. All schools in walking distance, WINDSOR AVE. at Taylor, 5 room bungalow, 2 blocks from Donevan High school, public and separate schools within 3 blocks, this home has rec room, two bath- rooms, attached garage and breezeway, basement com- pletely tiled and other extras. WILSON RD. S. one and half storey, brick ond.stone, 4 bedrooms, pov- ed drive, separate garage, basement completely finish- ed. Well landscaped lot, large patio with fibregles roof. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Jack Hogen 728-1554 Jack Osborne 728-5836 Joe Mago 725-9191 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and MLS. OWNERS WILL CONSIDER TRADE or EXCHANGE © . . . One new semi-detoched in Oshawe. . . « 2 new bungalows on 35 highway. ~.. |} new 11 suite apoart- ment in Port Hope, FOR Town, city, or farm property, CALL CLARE MeCULLOUGH 723-5843 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the Business Service Directory brings extra customers at mederate cost, Telephone! 723-3492 to place your ed. a Rebt. W, McEwan Ltd, Here are the ariginel and outstandi facts oveur wy orrin i simply chasis f features we are of- visit us; we will be proud ta int you te 'peaconsfield'. apple orchard setting @ Public ychool --- 4-58 minutes awey, High. scheel -- 8-10 9 bg @ Shopp' (walking). @ Churches in praximity ° Parks for children in ipmediate aree. e Undergreond hydre, Paved @ Curbs a sidewalks. @ Storm end sanitary sewers. @ Winding streets. @ Lots of trees, @ Fully sodded lots including bouleverds. @ Little traffic. @ 10 minutes from Oshawa. @ 25 minutes from Torante. @ 10 minutes from arena. Cente 18 min. close about our homes... Two piece bathroom off master bedraem. All homes-are ai! or elec: trically heated. Twe piece downstdirs. Fireplaces. Beamed ceilings. Four bedreams, Family reom,. Large kitehen. All homes have attached garages. All homes hove plastered walls, All homes are built of burned clay brick, Twin kitehen sinks. Shower deor. Indirect lighting in main bothroom. Interiors all decorated. Use of interior decorater free. Old French Designs. washreem English, Colonial, revincial, Swiss p EES recaeieitianaiaeinsnnpi itil BEACONSFIELD by ROB'T W. McEWAN. Ltd. Custom Builders of Fine Traditional Homes Turn East on St. Lawrence 2 blocks North of 401 in Whit- by. Open All Weekend to Sunset. @ Pauline Hobbs @ Audrey Moore @ Elspeth Hilts olive howe real estate td, 668-5853 ITRLIST ONTARIO RALPH SCHOFIELD REAL ESTATE DEPT. weit tog 25 fet rem th with f 9 room frome home | Pike Albert. Of this, 10% ~ of subdivision inet tats, it, Bra en none ac if See acres includ All "ig wi 0,000! ma for ping ACRE HOME SITE Within 10 minutes drive from Oshawa, we will help you to orrange construction ef yeur new home en @ beautiful acre- age whieh includes beth high land for the home and rolling lond fer naturel beauty. On the property are twe fine cabins, @ large pond and stream, bird sancti ry with wales Heron, Pheasants and Grouse. Perfect for Riding and Skiing, This is @ truly beautiful property which we'll be happy to show you as words cannat describe it. The price is reasonable. There are few. remaining near Oshawa which con compere so don't delay--call to-day. 10 ACRES -- INVESTMENT PROPERTY Gerrard Road North of Ross- land -- Excellent investment for future development. A built up orea in line of de- velopment--qnnexation likely in near future. Asking only $18,900. RICE LAKE COTTAGES 2 bedroom cottage et Lag Leake, 74 feet lake frant Partly furnished and aay to 'or use. 70' pine dock, 14° fish- fo | beet and '52 10 H.R. Johnson Motor, Many extras all fer enly $5,600. Adjacent double lot with 100° lake trentage only $3,500. SCENIC TEN ACRES Pond and hardweed bush --- superb building site fer Coun- try heme. -Scheol bus - past door, Lecoted just 8144 miles from Oshawe in Region erea, Plen now te eniey priveey and spacious outdoor livin 10 gere parcels $5,000, $2, $00 down, THE FINANCIAL "ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST WILL HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST PHONE 723-5221 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Allan Thompson 728-2870 Tom Heuston 668-4416 Charles Chayter 723-7996 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 Bowman & Gibson 145 BROCK SOUTH WHITBY 668-5823 WHITBY Building Lots 3 lots on St. John St. A very good buy et $10,000 or may be bought separately, BROOKLIN AREA New home -- 3 bedroom brick bungelow. Atteched gerage, Separate dining aree. Large lot. sized rooms. This is a very nice home and "priced to sell at $18,500. NORTH WHITBY 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Owner soys SELL, $1,800 down will handle. A lot of house for little money. INVEST FOR THE FUTURE 47 acre farm with good buildings, in an ideal indus- trial lacation. Frontage on Thiekson's Road and C.N.R. Very good buy. SOUTH WHITBY Good building lot 50 x 104 ft. Priced right at $4,000. AFTER HOURS CALL: Mrs, Woedwerd 655-4525 Harry Cockburn 723-3334 Mrs, Lee 668-4949 E. H. Coates 655-4737 POSSESSION IMMEDIATE 3 bedropm brick bungalow, newly decorated, close to high and public schools. _Call 723-984 Want-Ads Don't Cost- They Pay 408 SWITCHES times. In many cases the Ghange will be| to @ totally new career. is the "Help Wanted" column in The Times' Classified Section. Whether you're unemployed or looking for a better job, check "Help Wanted" now! Courtesy, Integrity, Service H. Millen '20-raRlag! Eotate tor Sole /80---Rea! Estate tor Sole |20m-Real Estate for Sple | |20---Real Estote for Sele |20---Real Estate for Sele | THE QSHAWA TIMUE, Friday, August 26.1866 Th. Fn U DE SCHOFIELD-AKER DW, C Or d On - i Beet gow tt fe=tet dae tee macro | 1 McQuay maceel WL Gan REAL ESTATE LTD. BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street, Phone 623-3950 S THI KSON 9) th wv old the daws Mi nd. Qil heated :| eee WHITBY, SPR St, ; : room A All Bas con- venient. Nice, clean, Base+ artly finished with bar. Aakir price $17,900, Terms, NEW egy ary Brond new. bric itty HE, prety boty ' 1381 sq. feet living space, Broadiopm = fleer ¢ A Electrically heated. bi, rtly woaded lat. Mer > jon ie. PORT PERRY AREA 8 roomed, 2 storey h jome with _ 1% room and rnace on 3% acres with stream 4 pond. Asking $12,6 * Terms. i BOWMANVILLE ; 5 roomed, 10 year old bun- galaw. All madern conven- bree vey clean, Priced at 3,500. Terms. pay OF PORT PERRY 5 roomed, 12 year old bun- golew on 1% oere lot. Oil heated with 4 piece both. Low toxes. Asking. $13,900. Terms. NEWCASTLE : INCOME HOME Duplexes consisting of 3 room = apartments. Oil heated. Bathrooms. Well kent * en "A Matec ee We List Exelusive and Photo M.L.S, eal Pap hours yuk nald Mount} § 14 y LeBlane " sais omas bee ot oh H HE Phyllis M, Robbie 623-7159" * Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 *. Lyle Mason 392.3964 -. Ross Davidson, Bethany 30r2° * GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD, 185 SIMCOE $T,-S, ... 723-8144 4 Re ee me ae aed Pauline Beal : toils. WARNING to HUSBANDS Don't let your wife see these homes unless you are prepar- ed to buy or trade. These " ore beauties end are avail- able to move your family in before schoo! starts in Sep- tember, These Feu ° ere still 64% N\H.A. Mortgage. - further dew , REAL ESTATE LTD, 728.1678 Why not take @ peek, You. « won't be disappcinted. Call . Shirley Moskal, 4 $117 MONTHLY Close to everything! Civic Auditerium., Centennial Pool, Shopping Centre. French Sehoo!. Seperate and Public Schools, Churches. Transport- ation. GM. South Plant, Where? BARKLEY SQUARE! Hes everything! Services, curbs, reads. All prepeid, No high tax bill here! Complete- ly landscaped (sodded front and reer. Front lewns have shrubs and trees). Interiors completely decorated in your choice of colours. Complete with aluminum storms "and VISIT WITH US FOREST GLEN HEIGHTS HARMONY RD. NORTH (opposite Vincent Massey Schoo!) Open Daily a.m. to 9 p.m 17 EXCITING MODELS Armstrong Homes screens, Céppertone exhoust fan. 100 amp service. Pri- vete driyeway, These and many more features included at the low price of $14,995 with $1,826 down and the balance on | NHA mortgage. See these homes on Waverly St. south of King, 728-1656. $2,500 DOWN Brand new/ 3 bedroom de- tached bungolows. Plastered walls. Oil heat, Immediate possession." Call 728-1656. 6%4% Beat the rise in interest rates. We have three and four bed- room homes available at 6% %. Call now 728-1656, MELROSE STREET We hove just listed @ six room bungalow with attached garage, close' to schools. Lot 47 x 130 fenced in, nicely landscaped. A real NEW HOMES No down Payment if you use = our trode-in house plan $18,800 Brand new! Rooms thet are . out of this world, Features thet can't be matched by any ~ home in. this price range, .. This three bedroom delight is waiting to be seen, Ask for Dolores Ross, SOUTH END. PLAZA Corries for $75, cash to one -- open mortgage, @ 10 year brick home on a large lot beside a beoutiful pork. Coll . Margaret Lee for an appoint. ment, WE LIST AND SELL MLS. Open 9 a.m. to 9 pm. Member of 0.D.R.E.8. $17,900.00. Call 728-1656. NORTH WEST OSHAWA Call us to help you inspect a beoutiful ranch bungalow, six rooms with recreation op 13 x 34 with fireplace and/attached garage. Large lot_with two patios. Phone 728-1678. BRAEMOR GARDENS A home adapted for better living, four bedrooms two washrooms. 1350 Squere feet living space with attached garage and hae --. ment. Large d lot. $105.09. San" Te te78. IT'S LATER THAN YOU THINK! School Starts Sept. 6, Call About One of Our Homes Today. We Have Listings In Most Any School Area, J. B. McMullan. REALTOR 725-3557 -- 668-6201. 20--Real Estate for ae « The average man between 20 and a | an expect te switch jobs six or seven! And the place to look for the best jobs | prises se Page ro ) 5 8 od Pa oh vidlscin 'ou're

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