fe ef Pe aad PEI RE NS eg Te NER Td Pag erbeneee Pe Bare cet a te le al Set +9 "be eG er ee Ce ee a PREF Rw ee ee er t 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Twesdey, September 6, 1966 25--Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apaitments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |30--Automobiles for Sole |32---Trucks for Sale 38--Coming Events WwouLD me er wee --_-- furnished % GME. model V-55i, baoheas yy ' Cars ought and Sol wheel base dump truck, Combi J 20--k brick bungalow. Newly dec- | al Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sole Garege, Cer eee aan maciy. FURNISHED PRINCESS ONE-BEDROOM sorts apariment| MORLEY STALICER and holst, V8 engin paund rear Cantral Counel oF: 4 rae to PARTMENTS ANNE. zeeee fers Pitlin'he| MOTOR SALES |i St fries "| Neighborhood Association GOING FAST 1 1 | farses ecrei Sire) A 3 AE ews 137 KING STREET W. a CHEV! haif-fon, S88. Telephone 728: . remunera- BEDROOM apartment, with siove ORIAWA 'a MichMULLAN SS tt lS FOR APARTMENTS Sia 723-6322--723-8311 | we ae WHITBY + Up. Aoely nd Ritton Rood South, Pana RENT INDOOR RNISHI D ned Qn the Spot Hinancing 3---Automobi' 'anted ; ; ' THREE BEDROOM house, Farming ares . HEATED vw DOWN--$30 MO CARS WANTED 3 bedroom "bangoiow food. Saf whe box ass, Garam ee, an YEAR Htchen, 2eSESE ba by aipeateh, Saawia K Now car? : * "aS eval r washer, r. r ney "Or P NEA, 694% PS =Aperimants for Rent ND, ERE ls meals | $ Joy yur ten | Sal me wed cart "Tee" | OSHAWA CIVIC BROOK meie290. GRENFELL Grenfell | sgoaniooueo sun otc lar--Room for Rent | \_J MOTORS | "ESCA igrons ¢ | AUDITORIUM BR LIN $18,290. : S building offers the best fea- ATTRACTIVELY om pd - 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 FRIDAY. SEPT. 9 Income Home $1,850. quare tures. Sauna Steam Bath, 6'x FURNISHED ROOM LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want ; Older home 18' Balconies, 20'x18' com- rs ng. jot Bea Tao" with Fa] down to those who qualify. SQUARE ane iret and: ining Avoilable in private home, eAMe 200 Wentworth East, 725! Rooms, 4 quick Elevators, 2 Call between 5 and 7 p.m. ' ° SHAW AUTO WRECKING Co, " Ov plen yj q A "Your RAMBLER Dealer" bought, parts for sale, er shade trees and eae Low- Call z : loor ists of kitchen, 1 and 2 bedroom suites in Olde English Decor Lobbies. bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. er f Meheg i Collect Oshawa Oshowa's finest apartment Bus stop at door. 82 PARK RD. N. NICOLS Motors Limited |osHAWA AUTO PARTS-- Wanted cars livingroom, 3 bedrooms, 4 i h c. 'bath "ond utility room, 723-0321. . Immediate buildings. Immediate occu- Model Suite Furniture by 728-8671 On Highway No. 2 tor wracking. Tires and parts. for. sale, 5 000 00 r floor consists of 2. bed- ' pancy. Cherney's Furniture World, |. Just West of Thickson Rd. aaween Hwa Yarns, 1 recent living room, kitchen, [L N BIRD Possession Broadioom by Angus-Graydon, |WHITBY basement: room furnished opt- Whitby 668-3331 cherge for towing. Yoenhona" 16-050 f 'obert Nichol: both. Now renting for OPEN. 2-9 P.M. DAILY |netnomesaeazlo evenings, en | R 8. PRIZES $100 per month, Home must Feotures 1, 2.0nd 3 Call 1221 SIMCOE ST. N : 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2-door hard- Gr cain wo bs, apereciotll. Reol Estate Ltd, bedroom suites - N. |aaigirey furnished rom, Board, op-|tp, & clingsr automatic, good cian|34--Automobile Repair | $1 500 Jackpot pert to offers $1900, -- EXCELLENT VALUE in this gente! poh 725-9934 toe " 'aar FRED STONE $500. Snowball bungalow with ~ a PEA NG RES EG Lambe Ss, |" good FURNISHED, housekeeping room with|Radio, new tires. Private sale. Tele-| Brooklin Phone 655-3653 $150. Special Game with built-in. bar; garage and paved come, Very central, 1 eee 6.745 BEAUMONT converiible 91,900. AAl Motor "Rebuilding $1,000. Escalator $5, 900. ave ieee t professional. This HEALTH CLUB ain sr OCTOBER Ist. NICE ROOM for you cou i lconation eet' wal Tne Meee Cylinder Reboring 20 Regul possession. Call Margaret Hall of Scho- 380+ 385 , One bedroom ° apartment, phones 728-9071. near howl "| OLDSMOBILE, price $300 or best pee sin a! ey $56, aoe ul arsine offer, fully power: ' ' Kitchen, living room, 3 bed- ||/field-Aker Ltd. at 723-1358. Grenfell Street. Adults on! : Y+ |SINGLE ROOM for rent for "gentieman. windows, motor in. vei conditi rooms. Zoned R4. Large ||! wairpy, sio0. rent income and 7 rooms Telephone Apply 329 Ritson Roi Telephone 703115, aes yi -- end _ 9 Early Bird yee shaded lot. 83 x 115°. Don't ||\for owner, Large lot with parkin -- --|; evan Service delay -- call today ' -- call today ! FE peprowns. Gar ge. Call Port Perry 'esl @ SAU NA SHELDIAN 723-6455 after 6 p.m. SURGES Wboi, i al See i PONTIAC aurentian sed sedan, 6 cyl TRA SPECIALISTS. Trons- 5 Late Games $50.eq, agers STEAM ROOM 81 Park Road South, Must sell returning fae oe ibing Tele-| missions are our only business. 1038°Sim- coe North, 728-7: 2% MILES NORTH of Oshawa, beauti- M ANSIONS SUBLET modern two bedroom | apart-|Rogms FOR RENT, weekly rales. Apply|Dnone 723-1960. i Phone 728-7339. Admission $1.00 (receive one in. . he a ent, two bathrooms, on sec --~ ae $3,000, DOWN ful modern four - bedroom country home, ment, two Bathrooms, on sacond. noer{|Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North. |'66 CUTLASS Supreme, 4 door hardion,/36 | ose and Found card for regular games.) Northwest area. 3 bedroom td acres, barn, Mot F 1 Child- "ite power steering, sower brakes, White elephene 728 885 OXFQRD STREET otors. Free rent left on month. FURNISHED BEDROOM wiih kitchen | POW d nad vi m, Telepnc get CSS en welcome 723-0888, ' wails, discs, radio. Aztec bronze with brick vanes ao Living ate PRIVATE SALE -- four-rocmh trame| | © SWIMMING j ae paw Ba va enllacenr teatiolek ovr, beige vinyl top, 7,000 miles, trade con-|LOST. -- Laay's glasses, brown frame| ll games 25c double card-- rec room, 4 pc ceramic tile | house and garage, on College Ave. Lot Within Walking Distance |TWO LARGE room 'apartment, partly| Cait. 725-0782, pinche BN sna cad i Ta win pe oe sd Blas Oshawa Shop.) except jackpot bathroom. Aluminum storms |4oxi24. Price $6,700. Apply 141. Church POOL South General Motors |Umishee, ,Ressanable, Immediate P0t-|Tioie woome and Board, Apply 5|"94 MERCURY Marauder, Al cond | s'475 ' we 'ond screens. Lot 63 x 135'. | St. after 3 p.m. vase Ba ee _ | Division Street. Hons. 52003. Teteotope.. one ry DOOR PRIZES HAVE THE HOUSE of your dreams built , LARGE, three room 'apartment, bath, '64 FORD Falcon Futura, V-8 automat! nots -- Silver grey, part Persian male OSHAWA on this beautifully located lot, size 100 x 2 @ No damage deposit [private entrance, parking, utilities Palds| ote tor @ THREE furnished, rooms, 'sult two-door hardiop. $1,795." Telephone #42-|Kitlen, three months old, called "Dusty" ; 150. CMHC ved. 723-9503 : main floor, one. black from Simcoe, two} 2ble for couple or single Gir vale. en | 5209, i vicinity of Dunlop Street West and Centre| All games will be played on $1,000 Down ~ ---- : @ FREE HYDRO required from four. corners. Child Welcome 723-('rance._ Telephone 728-6387, ' ent * | Street South. Reward. Telephone 668-8186.) Gaiihte cards Northwest section. 3 bedroom, |BRAND NEW 12-plex for sale in Whitby. . : 48: Two "furnished rooms bedroom and|t)ENS PAID OFF. We trade Goin may.|LOST -- Blue Tick hound, three months tne 1% storey home in excellent hn neny tort hl a pig at; @ OSHAWA'S LARGEST Swimming Pool THREE ROOM apartment, small apart l worries Lo 'Aonly 206 Pacitic ie: ment, Gus Brown Motors Ltd, 728-7375. pias Wan brown crerkings on test, at Share the Wealth--7:15 p.m. H 7 _-~ - _- -- r " condition. 4 pc. bath. Kitch- eat Hill 284-6813 SUITES - fren ug AURNE. By Available | ice ply 167 DODGE. Good mechanical 'condition. | 26 child's pet phone jw | «Regular Gomes--8:15 p.m, firep| 103 Wilson Apply en, living room with fireplace, ituree brigk @ FRENCH PROVINCIAL [ SALE PRICE fright kitenens recreation 'room 27x10] | @ EREE 723-5111 AVAILABLE refeignraler end sore, Cee, chihd, wel-|phane 64-6072. Wiitiy. | | L Two bathrooms in | . a ie New tires, brakes, torsi appointment 725-3296. [FURNISHED ROOM. Suit one gentle- » brakes, torsion bars. Best) eee oom, ; offer, Dial 728-2874. in Kinsale area, , Monday, ~~ regis- ik, is a he _ HbA age dn bh ee fue: Meio KITCHENS all 2 bedroom suites MODERN BASEMENT apartment, rete an. $12. weekly, Telephone 723-9695. | - .|fered white Samoyed. Answers to name BUSES landscaped ot close to faved drive, nice. family yar gerator, stove, near south GM and 576 Harmony Road South. '62 OLDSMOBILE, Super 88, A-1 condi-| Nadine. phone 649-5440, down, 728-5478, No agents. plate. Apply 179 Hibbert Ave. 'avell: -| LARGE BASEMENT room with bedroom, tion, $1195, Call between 6 and 8 p.m schools and shopping. Open | FI Han Free Parking 728-0945, rR atetRe Leaving Bond and Simcoe St. @ INDOOR PARKING able immeciately. $65 Telephone 723-0659. |two piece bath, separate shower, stove, ESE SPE. 6--Leg |MAKE MONEY with this four-unit in. ithe [reirigorser, washing facilities, Suit bus-|1960 DE SOTO A 3 al 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:30 to offers ! \come home. $5,000 down and priced right AVAILABLE NICE, CLEAN, unturnished, heated three- to show, good return, of investment. Free Hydro room, upstairs. apartment, TV mertel $55] teen man oF Women. 324 "Cadiliae 8.) hardtop, 363 cu. inch, V4 automate, $800 ond 8:00 p.m. Avoilable Please ask for Marilyn 'Fitzgerald, 668- TDOOR GUEST ; monthly, Couple preferred. Available. Im-|SINGLE OR DOUBLE room. Use of kit-| Telephone 839-3733, NO CE TO : S313, or 728-5103. W. 0. Martin Realtor.| © edhe es FM Music and Inter | mediately. Telephone 728-5683 chen facilities. Telephone 725-8150. |'87 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, power TI After Bingo. . |CLEAN, THREE-ROOM apartment, self-|LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping room| |steering, brakes, windows, and seats. In SCHOOL 20a--Summer Properties Com, lcontained, refrigerator, stove, parking,|on Greta Street. Refrigerator, washing) 13059, ng sg condition, Private. CREDITORS ' ' i near south General Motors and Shopping| facilities. Suitable for one or two, $10 oa es rae Pes POE B | N G O For Sale or Rent Rental Information @ Mode! suite furnished by | centre, suit couple. Available now. Tele-| weekly. 723-7800. LUXURY CAR, 1966 R | A S SKOOTAMATA LAKE-- 173 foot frontage Wilson's Furniture Store | phone 728-0480. TWO ROOM unfurnished apartment, | With red interior. Prive 7 A N O E S Y hi eyeing lle ee ag CALL UACANT, CHNTRALLY located. Tarae,| Adults. only. Pringle." waihrosm "end portunity to buy the = car in D TH R DNIPRO HALL veniences, near hopping * ishec , si | shy . Teleph 725-7910. wor! low price, Phone clean furnished apartment, single con-| shower. elephone a. Ja CREDITORS, others, ve EVERY TUESDAY A Phone 416-869-1114 after 5 p.m. | MODEL SUITE OPE finental beds. Suit three or four working 's9 PONTIAC Convertible, lic, 345259. The yay will love | sisptay MODEL" "adn i ar 723 5] 1] O "4 : OPEN. | fetmtahant rival. tas Ganeee Sea. 8 Pegg ly ern gy a The Gi oie ken ay aneamiy,| Jogveldinie agolrer tie Entate 7:30 P.M. you ! you buy one rooms and 8 por uc 0 clear. .M. FIVE-ROOM wpartment. Close to bus.| 728-7231. icols Motors Sales Ltd. Just west; of Lawrence Stacey, late of Teralex Homes, Brougham, 942-0 * 7 | ss ve ae Thickson's Road, Highway No. 2, 668 2 All regular me: a OF OUR Bosker Ne 728-7942 Telephcne 728-1720 or apply 881 Myers S!./EYRNISHED ROOMS for girls with) 3331, Leger daetnd the City of Oshawa, in the dec the: Wea . STONEY LAKE -- Beautiful, ay ath ' IBB ST before 8 p.m. kitchen privileges, laundry facilities, i jot, 134' frontage, 320' deep, private road. 380 - 385 G . ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments |Citineroor "wih "television, close. 10158 PONTIAC, 2door hardiop, tie, 35a. County and Province of On- Jackpot $150. 59 Nos. Telephone 728-6302. Large suites, ulllities included, Stove,|buses, hospital and downtown, Tele-|$25| down, $35 monthly. Nicols Motors! tario, are required to send full or $20 Consolation 9 K \Sales Ltd. Just west Thickson's Road, 4 ry 4 Armstrong 21--Farms for Sale j eee ae drapes. 190 Nonquon|phone 728-3719, Pekcediters Highway No. 2 668-3331. particulors ond details of Good service for greoter Presenting Lean tac SEO ___.__.| SINGLE, newly decorated, completely | 5, their claims in writing or attendance. FARM FOR SALE, 50 acres good loam The THREE ROOM centrally located, Pri-|furnished, bedsitting room tor lady. Close 40 DODGE Séneca sedan, 41,500 miles, otherwise, to the undersigned |$475 or best offer. 1957 Chev. Deluxe lerwise, rsigne FREE ADMISSION omes producing heavy, all workable, Wocd- vate entranee, private bath, ground floor,|to schools, hospital and buses. Telephone Kinch aM. ville district. 8 room modern house. Bank- refrigerator, stove, washing facilities, | 728-1914. tor th ssh Fm.oss solicitor for the Administra- Corner Bloor and Edith Sts. ed barn. Silo. Buildings good. Apply W RTH parking, $85 monthly. 725-7279. ie ae e year, $3 __._.| tor on or before the 9th day DNIPRO' HALL iF FROM Kingsley Luke Phone Woadville 439-2910. URNISHED bedsitting room, weekly, everything included. Suitable for|Handy to Separate, Public __------- much os ofter that date, the sn Ke = °: oie itchen | . FURNISHED two room apartment, $20.|privileges, ideal for teacher (girl).| 1965 PA ad of September, 1966 in as 22--Lots for Sale two working people. Available September | Schools, 662 Athol & at Farewell, Osh-! 1966 BEL AIR station wagon, automatic. " ; sje $1,500. Down 6th. Telephone 728-7020. awa. __ | Telephone 942-2613. gon, assets of this estate will be Vikings Lose and High|!4000 miles. Telephone "O55-4406. ite Vi STUDIO APARTMENTS; also ane and | FURNISHED double room, sult two|19aa FORD XL converlible, $2,300, Phone| distributed having regord only apposite Vincent Massey CONTESSA 275 Wentworth St. two bedroom. Telephone 623-5044. gentlemen, TV, kitchen to share. 162| between 67 p.m. 728-7008. 2 to the claims that have been ae" BUILDING LOTS Oshawa FOUR ROOM upper duplex with 3 pe. Rieti te . Telephone aloes __|i95) CHEVROLET in excellent condition.| received by the undersigned. H . bathroom. Newly renovated. Private e and, breakfast for two gentlemen) iT Hy 122 Thi Road y renov rivate en- |Low mileage. Apply ickson's Roa DATED AT OSHAWA, this ome ner All N.H.A. detached with You will enjoy living in trance. $"5 monthly. But must be quiet/to share in clean home. TV privileges. | North tenants. Apply 1184 Cedar Street. Telephone 728-6747 after 5: 2 p.m. la CHEV Super Sport two door hardtop, 19th day of August, 1966. clay brick siding, built-in - 4 Wentworth Manor, con- a -- A distinctive apartment : é ' THREE-ROOM apartment, equipped with|FURNISHED bedroo 327, 300 HP, f ed, radio, bucket Oshawa Vikings Rugger Clul range and oven, storms, $50 FT veriiently situated for those | stove and refrigerator for one oF two|man only, parking space ee car, orale: seats, power sierieg. and. brekes, "al JAMES A. MACDONALD, dropped their hoot" 'natal » maho: i r screens and doors gany residence who work in and around | adults. Apply 25 Grenfell Street. === [phone 728-8644. ___.__| condition. Telephone 623-2230 after 5. Barrister & Solicitor, game" of the young season, on trim. Oshawa. Within easy walk- | TWO 2-bedroom apartments, $75 and $80 fur-|1961 PONTIAC, Parisienne convertible, Seven excellent lots left -- ina distance of stores and |monthly, "heat included, Maple Grove nished. Apply "202 Albert 'Street. __|v8 automatic, power steering and 286 King Street West, cme A afternoon at Lake ~~ = ras o-atetmke Office open form 9 to 10 a prime residential district FEATURING hool Road "SOM, '929's221. FURNISHED room in quiet home. Close|rakes, excellent condition. si.ta3. or . a rig vibe THREE large room apariment, private|to North Genral Motors. Phone 723-6774, |best_offer_Phone_after_$_p.m. 720-7158. _ Soli tor for Murray Stacy, roi every day or call between Whitby and Oshawo. vi to "To nto "Nomad '12 $. 723-6461 or ae beanie case Prestige 1 and 2 bedroom RENT INCLUDES: entrance and bath. Available now. APDIY|CARGE FRONT ROOM -- Furnished,| 1%) SUNBEAM Alpine Lic, Wtlei)» aperts \dministrator for the Estate | On the previous Saturday, rious ges xtri tel Sis sie suit one or two enth n, centrally 4 4 ¥ ° owrence jacey. 723-8144 : suites. Electric Heating. © Drapes IN BEAUTIFUL residential a located, paved parking. 66 440-4000, Whitby. |$37., monthly. Wicgle baeters | Seles is: ™ Vikings had opened their sched- deep lots, Ready for fall build- Individual room heat con- @ Heat and hydro 1 fori he aye hme noe, NY: | Just. West Thickson's Rosd, Highway No. ing. Call Wilson Realtor 725- trol. Pressurized corridors. @ Stove and refrigerator bath Bk gi Ml coy Avananis ton LIGHT WOUEKEEFING Prati? furnish |2, - CITY OF OSHAWA ie a ee pre i i mediately. Adults only. Telephone Bow-| +, Il Nova, Lic, 83645, 2-door Bs GRIFFIN 5625. Eres oe a darts A Parking Basie ae TOT. | hardtop, miherianic, radio and white- SALE OF LAND onto. : sharin. ' Recreation room with kit- hel Bedale (oe LIGHT HOUSEKEPPING room, close |walls, Lik Nicol Motors Sales Ltd, REAL ESTATE LTD. chen facilities. Swimming room or "ail eraileble: agg ge Mag hi ey = to hospital. Suitable for fady. Telephone Yost West Thicksons Road, Highway No. FOR TAXES Vikings battled to an 8-3 lead 12 Large L ots pool. Sauna bath. Mail de; Rental Ofice Svat in Sng home: Abia oy. |e aa penton Tool a GNEVELLE Wali Dope TPOR_Gor| tenee'in the City ef Oahowe |tey- 'by 'Tom "Oliagke & convert ; livery to every suite. Close : Telephone 728-0797. in ngaiow. Two|"¢4 CHEVEL' ibu super si con-} taxes in the City o wa itry by Tom Olinyk, a convert 2 miles from city, in attrac- circuit T.V. controlled en- and Model Suite THREE ROOM ap "For rent Teie-|gentlemen or married couple. Close 10) vertible, power steering and top, wooden) will be held in the Council i Roa Wiillame te 4 tive eres, Serre treed lots. 1 Open Daily Thone T2901 oF apply 207 Clark. Sireet,| SnoPPIng Centre, etc. Telephone 728-1439.|wheel, new tires, economy six, auto- : vy Ss and a pen Paved street. Close by public trance for your protection. f , 8 PM . or apply reel.| after 5 p.m. Saturday. matic. Sport options and accessories.) Chamber of the City Hall, |alty goal by Williams. 5 vy Large dining area in all rom | - M, Private Rooms $15.00; 3-room suites, two SINGLE rooms, gentlemen pre-|Perfect show room shape. Low mileage.) Oshawa, at the hour of ten In the second: hall Nomads , BROTHERS LIMITED school, "ig high school and ; Convenient . t0 T $10. each person, motel suites to share:|terreq Central to. industries In Port) Make offer. Call 728-0884. welaik' ithe ti f bus line kitchens. ELEPHONE $35. Parking. Telephone 668-5201, Whitby.| Whitby, Telephone 668-4894, or after 6/1959 CHEVROLET, station wagon, re ee 7 ie -- © capitalixed on some: foous: de> List NG uesday, the sixth day of NEW 1 hurches. : PRI ED TO SELL shopping and ¢ BOWMANVILLE -- Furnished apariment.|p.m., call 668-8440, motor and interior in very good condi- : ; c Transportation at door. 723-8701 Three rooms and bath. Available imme-| ROOM for rent, ceniral, two single beds,|tion. some rust outside. $500 or | best December, 1966, unless the |fensive play by the Vikings, GIBBONS STREET Phone 728-5579 Londaceping architecturally diately. Adults only. Telephone 623-3591.| tine 'preferred, kitchen privileges. Tele-(offer. Telephone 723-3247 aff taxes ond costs are sooner " Dave Cuthbertson scoring : " designed eautiful ceilin sein ONE B 'apartment. Telephone phone 723-6365. 1959 PONTIAC, 4-door hardtop. Lic. id a try. LS oe including " CARGE sitractive lets Yor ttle. New) to i de drapes * 773-6913 a ahaa te Bk Tae Tatami we, eylinger automefic: Pull price] fn .H.A. mortgage. t- 14 "4 ¢ 9 -- -------- Nicols Motors Sales Ltd. Just West! The list of londs for sale f Hal. Rowan added a penalty REASONABLE RENT Yo lady teachers,|bungalow. Tenants to share first floor; | $595. ' for sole for . tractive 5 room brick 'bung- hg es yoda Mag Nha 'tnd VLA RENA'S furnished apartment, parking, non-smok-|single gentlemen preferred. Apply $16) 11ckson's Road, Highway No. 2 48) Grrears of taxes has been pub- |80al and the scoring was com- alow, hollywood kitchen, new |financing available. Call Newcastle ADULTS ONLY Jers only. Central, Good bus service. 725-|Wilscn Rd. S. after 5 p.m. x eg --z| lished in the Ontario Gazette pleted when Australian futiback broadloom in. living room, |Homes 997-4245. Westview Heights, New. 5571 ____|COMPLETELY furnished bedroom ang |, PONTIAC convertion. Lig an7eith| on the 3rd day of September, |Pete Whitfield, put Nomads : stle, . ONE-BEDROOM apartment i modern |kitchen, sink, refrigerator, range, a eh 4 . and _hallwoy, 3 good siz¢ [ONE io-acre lot, northeast, 7th conces: | Rental Information APARTMENTS building, built-in rhae, vatinatntor: outlet. Also furnished housekeeping room, pene ste B slag 7 e PB 1966, Copies of the said list {Out in front. He kicked a bril- bedrooms, divided basement, | 5; 75. ss : broadioom, drapes. Everything includedi|suitable for gentleman. Apply 237 Athol orate i Gust West. Thickson's Road,| OY be obtained ot the liant drop-kick goal, from 35 oil heat. Owner anxious to | sce RE building "lot, aitu-| 725-1481 cee Oe pee BED SIFTING room, sciiy-Tornianea tor | Highway No. 2 668-3331, office of the City Treasurer. |yards out. i = bed . | PPB i ns ' ce room, ully lerntohe flor | es eat: Raking $18,500, Vo tn. let pms Soe ater hn" 1350 DUNDAS STREET EAST |emoaxitw -- hvecroon apairi-pr tant Revatening etptone Dirac" /,RAMBLER Clee, UE, A] Dated et Oshawa, Ontorie, | Oshawa Manager Chris 335-2217 i | on ae? aa WHITBY BETWEEN WHITBY vate entrance, Telephone 655-3654. '|taRGE, "furnished, housekeeping room, ab One owner car. This car must] this 5th day of August, 1966. Krause, although disappointed , 23--Real Estate Wanted 140 NONQUON RD. i, 2 AND 3 bedroom apartments with| containing refrigerator, stove and kitchen! be seen to be appreciated. Nicols Motors ar at the defeat, feels that his AND OSHAWA refrigerator, stove, intercom controlled |sink, Share bath with one other girl./Sales Ltd. Just West Thickson's Road,| |. F. MARKSON, Treasurer Viki h t 5 ACRES b entrances, elevator service, swimming| Apply 253 Sinclair Avenue. Highway No. 2, 668-3 37A u yA are 6 girony fenauh e | pool, fenced-in' playground. 822 Glen| two SEPARATE bedrooms, suitable tor |'s7 FETE, soa sedan, good condi-| 37--Auctions eam to win the league honors. STEVENSON. ROAD : TELEPHONE 668-4321 [Street or call 723-2347, [Tevtvecren, Some kitchen privileges it de-|tion. Private, Apply $96 Carlyle Court a pameny Dave Thompson, Garney lit 330° BAG: terrific: por Sell-ective | NOW RENTING THREE _ Room | unfurnished. apartment, |sired. Very Telephone 728-7231. between 5 and 7 p.m. suit, Road' Neri. fe thie ton amet eiGunn and: Maine? Korczynskl sibilities, zoned R2A, duplex | $75 monthly. Located on 345 Oshawa) 0a ee --|1965 FORD Fairlane, 500. Telephone 728-|too Iai can 7 3 . ahihistlatnched or site het and | WYNBROOK One heated apartment. | Biva. South. Apply at addres: |28--Room and Board eee oP capi: dee ieee Sees PRE 28-6810 or 725-8968 any-| were especially strong in the ily dwellings. Only $30,000. ENTS Availabl 7h is TWO BEDROOM apartment' for rent./RoOM AND BOARD for girl, feacher| er: ENED BROT SNARES be ra gc ----------|scrum play for Oshawa while APARTMEN : » Ort Apply "291. Marland, apartment 104 | preferred. Est end ee Call" 723-6572.|'60 PONTIAC convertible, owner, |38--Coming Events Reg' Wasylyk 'and Tony Sara- Call Jack Appleby Evenings Sell Your I lome 97 ¢ telephone 728-9094. 'olborne Street original 52,000 miles. Power steering, 723-3398. TWO BEDROOM ~aparimentRetrigera:|ROOM AND BOARD for teacher or|Padio, giscs and new top. (No rust). mak spear-headed many of the thru Corner of Colborne Street and Porking, hot water, private {170 oa" stove, washer dryer, electric [bonnes girl, large apartment with lady,)¢1 909 or best cash offer. Telephone 668- running attacks. ome privileges, Simcoe Street North. JUT Simcoe Street Worth Mary, St. Only 2 minutes walk entrance. Washer, dryer, peel PE RF 0 OE apartment, (Telephone ater 6 p.m. 725-1859. AGRA aaah Saree ----} D | \ | ( ( \ Russ Williams was in fine from Mary Street and King stove, fridg. Bus at door, : ; catiement 62 PONTIAC Laurentian sedans one kicking farm for Vikings ana GUM AND SORs Member O.D.R.E.B. GR FF N Street 43 NASSAU Street. Two room furnished | iine ¢ . ST park (guier good "<onuiiion. Feiep! ; ro rk r g £ IFFI : apartment, with stove and Ftrgereta, |i 0 a a ie "and Park |3559, UII NNUIN SA veteran Pete Shepherd gave 728-5123 Real Estate Ltd FEATURES: Professional tenants a ld AL se clade = %2 MERCURY Comet, lic, 99377, A one the team st : 7 €OLBOR foom and strong leadership in 1..Apartment controlled en- preferred. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, aera? COLBORNE ST. E., room and board owner car, Must be seen to be appreci- the ee : ig iP for gentleman willing to share. Close to i 723-8144 tiinee, 2 Electric heating. 3 reopened ceil lcaed EM Ino OM eral odownioun. "| USE ttt stag Ran ghwny Ne Decne ee LET S TALK | Private balconies. 4. Refriger- Apt 211 or office. |SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25/2, 66-39). r ; Viki i fe , bale | ator and stove in each opart- TWO-BEDKOOM, new sa pbartment, Port | Division Street. 43 ACADIAN, Lic. H91267, 4-door sedan. ings Wi in action \ ment. 5. Drapes in each M D Perry, 20. minutes 2. Avallable|42 GARRARD ROAD, by K-Mart. Ciean,|An ideal 2nd car! Nicols Motors Ltd. against Toronto Scottish, in TRADE | | | apartment 6. Living "room seat. i sieivenne® 8 » Port alone ko home, lunches packed, shift work- 2 ans Thickson's Highway No. IN PRIZES : Toronto, at 3:30 o'clock. + £ efor re? and bedroom TV pre-wired. . |e ee: ogy ae reaeeory Py ey OSHAWA VIKINGS: R. Wil- Haven't you heard that you 7. Living room and bedroom APARTMENTS room, kitchen, livingroom, private bath. |private motel rooms. Board $15 (option- a jompac ars FOr OG le liams, Saramak, Wasylyk, can trade resent home | REAL ESTATE LTD telephone pre-wired. 8. Inter Telephone 725-7617 or apply 622 Bloor | al) 668-2067 Stockwell, Aiken, Gunn, Thomp- your pi Street East _|ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. Good ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Oshawa son, Olinyk, Shepherd, Boyd, or farm on a new better built 46 King West 728-7576 | com in each apartment. 9. ONE-BEDROOM. I . " " | : ; ed t, ; i , . ECHO HOME". LE REN cal Broadioom in halls. 10, Hard- | eet Lotsa sed ana Mace '}aon South mens Ceeee.: Your Authorized Datsun Korczynski, Pollitt, K. Williams Why not drop out tonight ond Chostd Rarkina 728-4602 wood and vinyl tile in apart- PREMIER Close Yo, downtown, Heat and. hydro, EI and Fiat Dealer Li | and Cook. see why an "ECHO DEAL" is Tony Zaksrew 795.4366 ment. i Ligh in. bath- pce Mali: yas -- oe ra Gay weeks' Whches-: packed, Telephone Specializing in Volkswagen ions c ub the very best guaranteed Nick Siblock 795.8701 | ico: eing . rene 321 Marland Ave. ings téfrigerator, stove and. drapes. su ns seers Repair ond Service doors. 13. Bachelor, | and 2 ! ' P'|ROOM AND BOARD, five day week, 160 Simeoe South trade and purchase plan any- me 5 ? ied, swimmil ? | s rc : pig Real 8 IE oe eaters clon PHONE 728-6722 _|imstitiefer pm Mucins Para Se Boe toa 728-0051 2 Jackpots | Vannon WIns Jerry Coady 723-6356 Elevator service to each floor. 417 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whitby.|Rree parking 55 Park Road South. | 15. Next door to North Gen- or 723-1401 Maer a | Mock Mouth wel a a eT ee eral psi Plant and office. mn eo shh Boi ag beds, lunches pack-| SABYAN Nos. 52 and 58 Mosport Event on Wilson Road $ Homes, farms urgent- ale RSS AE a : | 16. Mail service t ch Two, iments, One fi hed,|ed. Close to General Motors. telephone | at Dean ly required for cash thant Jifecadiaded One. and two bedroom. Now [ene Unturnished, APBIY. 195 Albert street 728-3405, i | MOTOR SALES LTD. ONE MUST buyers Be Sure of an Appointment available. Broadloom corri- |BRAND NEW building now renting in|LARGE ROOM Good meals, lunches pa-| Volkswagen Sales and Service GO | MOSPORT, Ont. (CP)--John DON STRADESKI . dors. Stove, Refrigerator, | |Port Whitby: two bedroom suites. Call cked, parking. Close to bus stop. Suit-| New and Used Cars $300 in 52 N \ \Cannon, formerly of Montreal L N BIRD Realtor PHONE NOW Does, Controlled sitly West Hill 284-6813, Ae aoe ter gentlemen. Apply 708 Carnegie} 334 RITSON RD. S. in os. or less and now living in Pasadena, . . 63 King W. 723-4651 723-8771 or 723-2132 trance. Elevator. Intercom. poe oy ge oe, ae ROOM. AND BOARD for {wo "| 723-3461 $200 in announced Nos. |Calif., won the 25-lap Indian Real Estate I|.td. $$ $- $_ $$ Only bill you pay is your tele- Balconies ond Laundry facili- [per month, hydro included. Telephone|men. Ample parking. Telephone 725-8902. Open Evenings $25 Consolation Prize Summer Trophy Race Satur- 723 0321 WANTED '4 acre lot, VLA, Northwest; Phone bill. All other costs ties on each floor. Free Hydro, | 728-7752 a z |] ROOM AND BOARD in Christian home, day, covering 62 miles over the vicinity Garrard Road fo Whitby and| absorbed by owner. THREE-ROOM apartment avaliable now|close to north GM. Phone 725-7755 % VOLVO & PEUGOT PLUS {Mosport course in 37 minutes, North § mil di R 1 | - nt i - é Open for inapection. Electri- |phane 72s." "eesonable: Tele) One MONTH RENT FREE Wed, 'Wig; end. stoves heel, hydra; Tv |SELE CONTAINED, furnished room in] 4 AAERCEDES BENZ 54.6 seconds in a McLaren cally heated bungalows. 24--Stores, Offices, Stor -| FOR A TWO YEAR LEASE REGENT ARMS antenna, parking for $95. Telephone 723 Wilson aren. Telephone 728856, nba Ganarol: Rapair ahd $10 per line both games Chev. + ste = ex of iyo ed STORE FOR ie Iactrnnsent orage| Immediate Occupancy ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments |29. Ww t d t Re t Auto-Electric Service Eorly Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Eppie Wietzes of Toronto was load. Daily 3-9 p.m. includ- |STORE FOR RENT, central Vocation, 600| 2 bedroom apartments close |available immediately, stove retrigerat-\4 shih seat dla) Jake and Bill's Garage Guaranteed Minimum $5.00 second, one lap behind, in a r Per Line $25.00 Full Cord |Comstock Ford GT - 40 and ing weekend and holiday |; » | or, drapes, intercom, elevator, lockers|FARM approximately 100 acres wanted. ; Mewiioy, Iness. heated. 728-1901. 182 Simcoe Street | ye ovnre Shopping Centre. and laundry on every, Hoot. Eras. hydre: [Good Sart eb thoy Will pay $200 449 Ritson Rd., South S 3 ; dults only. Apply 349 Marland Ave. Telephone 725-|monthly. 728-5738 or after 5, 728-7768. Oshawa 728-0921 $150 Jackpot Game George Eaton, also of Toronto, ment. Oif heat. ideal for retired couple. storage call Bowmanville 673324 Telephone 723-6455 |? THREE BEDROOM house wanted by|'S7 FORD Prefect, good condition, Tele- third in a Ford Cobra. College Avenue. Perry Real Estate, 723- - feetae Between 6:00 ond 9:30 p.m, "js4e ANO THREE bedroom apartments.| couple with two schoolage children, Rea-|Phone 623-5058 after. 5 p.m. a0 Reaulby coe at bs i Ludwig Heimrath of Toronto 3. 'ded ¢ 2 aye $130 and $146 efrigerator. and stovelsonable rent. Possession before Oct. 1. |), | iouble in ios. or Less - , sins 25--Houses | for Rent VISCOUNT ----| included. Telephone 725-5085 after 5 p.m.|Steady employment. Telephone 723-8373. Tr, BLUR, GORVAIR = meet. -- Last 5 Games $30 per game was forced Out Of the race after - leading the first four laps when good bi building comp-| " . | = letely 'and .cantrally located. Pri URNISHED HOUSE for rent, Tiving NOW RENTIN |TWO LARGE rooms on main floor. Pri-| BANKER RECENTLY transferred to city) j9g5_ a 3 ; j leased iyo +f ) E G jvate entrance. Stove and refrigerator in-|requires three-bedrcom home, near pub Lune ATG. Ghar' earterte: oot ADMISSION 50c the throttle linkage broke in his duces $160 > red at only $14,-|T0O™M™ three bedrooms, kitchen, .refirger- 900, Call Vern Morion, Paul Ristow Lid.,|%O" and stove, basement, oli furnace, MAT cluded. Available now. Phone 725-6778.|lic schooh Excellent references, Tele-/ 598 Madison Avenue. Telephone 723-7639. McLaren Ford Realtor "at TBM, or TBA. garage, $135. monthly. Minimum 'lease, RMS ONE BEDROOM and. phone 728-7383, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. i Bus Service leaves King and r are t | and .kitchen, stove and 9 wo years. Other terms to be agreed refrigerator, unfurnished. Telephone 728- 1962 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 MK II, Low Simcoe Streets at John Fox of Cobourg, Ont., INCOME DO = WOMES-- Brick, 7|A i | "-- car er ------ rcp |poeeiimest_for inspection," 7a. APARTMENTS _ |sierisctor'o: smasu |30--Automobiles for Sale {rit ,ure ,weet.,5i." oldies] | 7:00"and 7-15 pm, feame from behind on the last rooms @ach, 4 apartments. Rent over $300 One and two bedroom apart- - -- i monthly. Handyman's Special! Cati| 5- ROOM HOUSE, all conveniences, "itd \EURNISHED, newly decorated, three| -- = | aod condition, Telephone 725-1256. lap to win the featured 12-lap available: immediately. Apply 26: ments. Stove, refrigerator, act Par eal "esate oan _<" | 1 Koon] ments, Stowe, refrigerator, | 748 Stevenson Rd. N. [fom bum anwar' reat te] MAQRE CASH |,vSikswacti very sow conan) The biggest prize money [President's Trophy, motorcycle ' ' q $395. Telephone 942-5376. Matchless. Mike Man- in the area for a 50c ad- |Tace on a Matchless, Mike Man PRIVATE SALE -- immediate pos: a : sion, south-east section, occ Me nao FIVE- OR $IX-ROOM brick home, in| intercom, FM, Immediate oc- 728-9724 working couple or two girls: 728-6036 after| Be ea arn a RR Ore a a r paid for Good Clean --_ 1961 ausrin 850. Gos condition, $200 or) Hiccion charge ley of Toronto was second on . f 3 Frade up or down. Liens paid [Dest offer also 12:1. boat. Soe tee eaere a Honda and Ed LaBelle of bungalow, newly decorated, inside central location, $100. monthly. Adults eupancy. p.m. ged out. Close to all schools and bus.|Preferred. Write Box 41315, "Oshawa e@ FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM apartment, private en. hunting, Cheap. Phone 725-994 SNGSSW AVERT -- waventoon brick,|4 ti oy Splitlevel_with attached gar- Apt. 111 Apts, Rooms. Room: & dl d hme t DODD MOTOR SALE ES 74 VAUXHALL VIVA « delve, "good con-| EVERY WEDNESDAY _ | Philadelphia third on a Norton, Wa storey home with private drive anc|79@- Close fo schools. Prestige area 340 Marland , are . s sin 314 PARK RD. SOUTH [eae Telephone 668-871 | Larry Sullivan of Cooksville, f T8006 par eaneth, Oousles Hy j Office Hours: Tues. to Fri 11% BEDROOM apartment completely) | A | ; : ba Wiens, Boe: Sin" good Conlon Realtor 723-1168. fs eee euped . 10 30 a.m. to 7 p.m ' if Genet All new furniture. Call 723-| 723-9421 | All Proceeds to Charity Ont.. was taken to hospital in ron, aig 'ores only #15400. Sibby' |FHREE BEDROOM homey lichen" iv 728-4283 Sot. 'til 3 p.m one aid wio-@EBROOM a lst MONEY TALK: See *es Ads WANT-ADS DON' T Toronto by spill in a motor- Real Estate Lid., 46 King Street West,|ing room, bathroom. Apply 597 C: LANDLORD' i pati ied bo aw Ag = Og a : Ar cycle race. He was reported in pw Kane's slosiseg Tei after 55m LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION Imsitnulig gute iii cash Bulmer an 'eewrier] COST THEY PAY | Jubilee Pavilion 'satistactory condition, FOUR ROOM bungaiow. Large iol. Base-|FOR YEAR- ROUND BOAT and trailer