ab Boe pervert ORO er, MAKIN' TH' WORLD SAFE. FO'-SMACKI7= SOUP ISOUR SEEPAGE'S CHICKEN {f// SO ME AN' LIL. MR, }/ TV. ISTH! CHICKEN BETTER GIT BACK TO TH' TN. STUDIOS? SISSY WAY © PERSUADIN' TRY IT MY WAY Sf BY POISONAL MIGHTY SICK TREE YOU GOT ere! KEY MOUSE MIC MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES 1966 Wah Disney Productions World Rights Reserved HE WENT TO GET HIS RAsBrT"S FOOT! \ } pe PIE FROM YOUR KITCHEN WINDOW HONEST, GRANDMA, I DIDN/T SNITCH THIS MY WIFE BAKED IT FOR OLD UNCLE NED,' = ae OH, OKAY, MR.OTIS.4., I'M SORRY...7 E-R-R.,, BESIDES, I JUST REMEMBERED I DIDN/T N-- BAKE TODAY ./ STOMACH WHEN YOU WATCH TV ? T LIKE TO BE IN A GOOD POSITION ... mes 1966 Wests + TO ROLL OUT OF THE WAY... WHAT I REALLY WANT TO SAY TO HIM 1S... MR. PAVANE, YOU ARE A NUTJ! BUT I WON'T... TOO CHICKEN! =~ ee iv I fe. WHY DID You CALL ME, MR, PAVANE..... 7 MAR. PAVANE,..!? ay een ee ae ye git elie, AH, SO GLAD To DICK THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 Wis HIS (CE RICHARD'S TELEGRAM T Sets Cauia A FROM AAT THE MONTREAL ARENA. ++ | VERDUN TEAMMAT! ede T RICHARD /$ TO FIND A HARD NO-- Well, (7 Bie STOP FoR waTeR Y moUNT LB TONTO! BY THE TANK AT DESERT FLA Wéke eye ' , THERE, > BEFORE THEY LEARNED HE WAS MISSING? Space rackin stations in the Deane Russia conPirm deep-space tadio emissions an object moving ona Course toward Earth.,, ti Within mome: buzzes nts the hot-line between Moscow YES... I AGREE COMPLETELY! IF THIS INFORMATION SHOULD REACH VERY WELL, THEN, A TOTAL NEWS @ King Foaierae Syaticete, tac, 1966. World rights reserend, Channel Channel Channel Channel Channet Channel Channet #--Superman 6--Summer C 3--Wrestling 7--Movie 3--C.N.E. Hi--Little People 9--F-Troop Sports 4--Car 54, Whe You? 3--Giliigan's Is! 9--Star Trek 8-2---My Mother, 7.-King Kong 6--Rounders +--Daktari 3--Hogan's Her 8:00 P. Vi--movie 63---Red Skelton 7--Rounders 63--Dick Van 9--Virginian 7--Love on a ACROSS . "Romeo and Juliet" queen . Handle clumsily . Fore- shadow . Sigh for Yorick . Wicked . Unadul- terated . Cut . Chinese boat . French island . And: L, . Heraldie pattern Channel 11--Hamiltes §--Toronto Rochester T--Buttale 6--Toronte 4--Buftale 3--Barrie 3--Buttaie TUESDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M, Ni--Family Theatre 7--Highway Patrol 'amp 6--Viewpoint 3--Armchair Traveller 6~Dave's Place 2--Passport Twe 4:00 P.M, 6--Metro-Go-Round 8-4--News, Sports with 6.20 P.M. Sports $-2--Huntley, Brinkley &--Men In Crisis 2-6--News; Weather | 7.20 P.M, 7--News. Weather, Sports 7.0 P.M, 1--Littiest Hobo | oes | M. | 4--Destination Safety 9:00 P.M. 9--Love on a@ Rooftop 7--Pruitts of Southampton 9:30 P.M, 14:38 AM. 11--Mike Douglas #--Abracadabra t+Ernie Lindell 7--Dating Game 4--Dick Van Dyk 2-8--Showdown 12:00 |,9--Toronto 6-3--Canadian Driver's Test 4--Petticoat Junction 10:00 P.M, ~The Merv Griftin Show 7--The Fugitive 4--CBS News Special 10:20 PLM. |6-3---News Magazine | 4Mayor Reports 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather and Sports | 1:18 PLM, 2--Tonight Show N Sum | ioney Movie |3-éLuncheon Date 12:15 P.M. Sports 11:20 PLM, Swingin' Coun! 4--Late Show 6--Night Metro 11.25P.M. Vise V0 PM, &--Tonight Show T--Movie 3--Inspector Maigret | 11:40 PLM, | 9--Hawk | 6--Movie 4--Meet The Mil | 12:00 A.M, leary Griffin 11--Untouchable: | n ee AM | 1:30 P.M. | 12:40 P.M, o-- ~The eer |11--News, Weather, Sports | eipueaay 8--Let's Make A Movie | 4--Captain Kangaroo 2:00 P.M. 8.30 A.M 4--Password 6--Cuisine %#T.V. University 255 A eg 6-2--Days of Our | 255 AM, 7--Dialing for Dollars Girl Talk 9:00 A.M. | 11d Allen | 9--Romper Room | 4--Mike's Carnival | 8--Ladies' Day | 2--Borzo's Big Top 9:30 A.M, $-4--The Doctors tA Time For re Are 4--Linkletter's =P: land 2:00 P.M. 9--Fractured Phri %--Donna Reed |?--Uncle Bobby | &--Smile Time 4--Love of Life the Car-\2-Jack LaLanne 10:00 A.M, }ll--It's a Match 6-2--Eye Guess 4--1 Love Lucy 7298 AM, 11--Morning Time 9--TV Bingo 6-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 4--The McCoys 3--Time Out | 11:00 A.M. }8-2--Chain Letter 11--Marriage Confidential 9--Mr. And Mrs. | 4--Andy Griffiths 3--Ed Allen Time Rooftop | 7--Supermarket Sweep | ¢43--To Tell. Th 3.25P.M, 4--News 3:38 P.M, 1)--Litte People of Night 4:00 PLM, | 91, Love Lucy Hour |'s--Edge | 6-3--Canada's Sto | 4--Secret Storm 2--Mike Douglas | 4:30 P.M. |1--Secret Squirrel | 9--Movie Dyke 4--Movie TELEVISION LOG ew mertime 4--News and Weather 4--Speaker of the House 2:38 P.M. + Weather; try | 6-4--Search for Tomorrow 12:4 PLM. +4--Guiding Light |3-6--Luncheon Date lers 44--As The World Turns Deal 7--Newlywed Game Lives %--Peopie In "Confitet Us 6--Coronation Street 'arty ases $-2--Another World 7--General_ Hospital e Truth 3-6----Bonnie Prudden 9--It's Your Move | 2-8--You Don't Say Club | 8--The Match Game ry 8--Woody Woodpecker CROSSWORD DOWN 1. Motion pictures . Mine entrance . Chief deity: Babyl. . Nursery word . Astringents . Twisted out of shape . Reigning beauty , Shabby 12. Title of respect '13, Artists' workrooms features {kI\ILIN] .Music [OR note . Portion of [NIALYISHESIT! a curved line 25.To shout 26, Rented 28. Flower 29. Choice group 39, Black m 36. Seize [EI UME TIAL IO} [SIOIRIRIY ME LICIOIN|S) eat alleles leITy Yesterday's Answer 30. Japanese coin 32. Brazilian 37. Painful 4ZAi j2 is le --Y; Gi Y, . Remaind: . Color, as Easter . Hele- piercing tool . Harangue: . Bird genus . Bone . Beverage . Behaves aimlessly . Leg bone , Mountain: mountain One of th 42, Perish 43. Beverage eggs . Of the tides Great Lakes + r//)8 9 Y Y Gr Y 14 12 'S 1§ 3 e I DON'T J KNOW, FIGBY-I WORK ,I SLAVE, AND I NEVER SEEM TO GET ANYWHERE > IAM q #1 PLEASED TO SAY THE POSITION %) AND MODE OF LIFE I ASPIRED TD © King Fastares Syndicate, lnc, 1966, World YOUR HEALTH Post-Op Adhesions Cause Discomfort By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I had a| Dear Dr. Molner: Is it pos-| bladder operation five years|sible for persons to have tuber-| ago, Recently I have had sharp|culosis without it showing on pain and soreness in the vagina|large x-rays My skin tests and and the doctor said it is adhe-|those of my children show pos- sions--that nothing can be done itive but the x-rays show noth- but surgery, He did not advise|ing. What can I do to protect that, however. He said to take;my family and myself I can't THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 6, 1966 BRIDGE (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) West dealer. Both sides vulnerable, Opening lead--king of dia monds, Let's say you're declarer at four spades and West leads the A-K-Q of diamonds. You ruff and naturally start to worry about the possibility ef losing a trump trick, Of course, this can't happen if the trumps are divided 2-1 .as they normally would be. But, ~ being a conscientious declarer, you must consider the possible 3-0 division and prepare. to cope with it if it exists. If West has the Q-7-4 of trumps, the winning play would be to cash the king and then finesse after East showed out. However, if East has the Q-7-4, you should first cash the ace and then finesse. You have no way of knowing which defender has the three missing spades, but there is nevertheless a right way of tac- kling the trumps so as to assure the contract. What you should do is lead a low spade towards dummy at trick four. In the actual case, West im- mediately shows out and you have no trouble drawing East's trumps without loss. You take a heart finesse later, which loses, but you wind up with ten tricks. Now let's look at the other side of the coin and assume that after you led a spade to the ace at trick four East showed out. This would be an unfayor- able development, of course, but the contract would still be safe regardless of the position of the queen of hearts. You would continue with a spade to the king, after which you would cash the K-A of clubs and ruff a ciub, You would tien put West on lead with a spade and he would have to return a heart into your K-J-5 or else yield a ruff and discard, The problem at the start is not so much to guess which op- ponent has the three spades as it is to play the sult so that you make the contract even if you guess wrong. SALLY'S SALLIES "Okay. So your boss' cigar spoils your appetite. Tell him about it though and you'll fave an appetite but nothing | te eat." SPACE DUST GLOWS The high - level noctilucent clouds are composed of tiny particles of matter in space which reflects sunlight. in this column. First, it wouldn't help. Second, I myself always insist that eggs be cooked. In raw ones there is always a po- tential risk of germs. pain pills and hope it will go|afford expensive tests, Could I away, but they don't help. What/have a form of TB that does! is your opinion--A, W. not show on x-rays--M. §. In the healing process after) It is possible for early TB to} an operation, some of the tis- escape x-ray detection but it} sues may attach themselves a/usually shows up with time. | little differently--the surfaces | Positive skin tests show that} adhere, and grow together. you and the children have heen | There may have been some/exposed to TB. Whether you ex-) To Mrs. E. J. M.: The hot wax: method to remove un- wanted hair, done by a profes- sinal, is one method, but the hair will grow back again. L'.ec- trolysis is the only permanent method, although it is time con- suming. sagging, or you may have taken|posed the children, or whether on weight, or some _ other|you were all exposed to the | change may after fivé years be disease carried by someone} putting strain on these adhe-/else is the question. My guess sions and causing the pain. is the latter. It is true, as your doctor said,, You could not have exposed, that surgery is the only way to the children unless you have correct these adhesions -- it clinical TB--that is, an acavel sometimes has to be done fol- case of it. | lowing an operation. -- Tuberculosis is distinctly. aj Whether to have this subse- public health problem, and I quent surgery depends on @ suggest that you contact your| number of things: doctor, local or state aealth| Your age; your general phy-'department for such further sical condition; the amount of tests as may be needed to show | discomfort; the question of definitely whether you have! whether the adhesions are in @ the disease. In such instances, | location to do any real harm; | periodic chest x-rays every six} or are merely causing discom-' pr 12 months are highly desir-| fort. able. | I cannot say whether the pain | will disappear. Your doctor is Note to Mrs. R. L.: It's true in a better position to speculate that any operation involves | on that, Some further stretching some potential risk, just as| of the tissues may, in time,|there is risk any time you) relax the amount of strain and/cross a street or step into a make you feel better, but this|/pathtub. Your weight reduction is hardly likely to occur over-| decreases the risk and makes night. the surgery less difficult. Thus the best I can do 's ex- plain these considerations and Dear Dr. Molner: Some years leave it to your physician to ago | read about eating raw ege| decide what is the wisest course | yolk for gall bladder.--Mrs. C.H. | HOUSEWIVES THIS IS FOR YOU! courte specially for is being offered at OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Attend helf days; cheice of subjects «+ + get FREE LITERATURE REGISTER NOW DIAL 725-3375 Start Mondoy, Sept. 12th EVENING CLASSES COMMENCE Tuesday, Sept. 13th Classes held every Tuesdey ond Thursday evening 7:00-9:06 P.M. Choice of subjects; get Free Litere- ture, Register Now. CLASSES FOR SHIFT WORKERS Enroliment in ali limited, Aet Now, 10 SIMCOE ST., NORTH M, C, Barnett, Principal A special these eclosses for you, You certainly didn't read it'