THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, September 6, 1966 23 'MIDGET' REFUSES TO GROW Despite a fancy diet of tuna fish and plenty of lov- ing care, "Midget" a three- month - old kitten, meas- ures only a scant six in- ches minus tail, and weighs only a few ounces. 'Mid- get" is on a Maine vaca- tion with Lisbeth Tomkins, 5, of Waltham, Mass., Peek- ing at camera. "Midget" was the only kitten alive of a litter of three when found, She's healthy enough but refuses to grow. They're staying at the camp of Lis- beth's grandparents, , rhe Lioyd Dodges of Weston, Mass., on. Lake Ossippee, (AP Wirephoto) Affluence Reaches Capital As Formosa Has Boom TAIPEI (AP) -- motor- bike and the electric fan are the new status symbols in Tai- pei, capital of Formosa. Neon lights and the steel skeletons of rising buildings are the new siehte "Formosa changed rapidly this , 17 years after the Chi- Nationalists came here to et up their last stronghold the Communists on the the signs of change reminders of the past: pedi- , workers in straw coolie ts, bazaar-like grocery and clothing stores, girls in form- fitting slit-skirt dresses. But = pace of change is the ant note, Formosa is , and the usual sum- mer heat wave gave many an uncomfortable resident an ex- cuse to buy something he's al- ways wanted and couldn't af- ford before--an electric fan. On the dusty streets, where two-wheelers and orchid-colored taxis constitute the main traf- fic, Formosa's aes + affluent society is mo iy A from the bicycle age to motorcycle. During the first six months of this year the number of motor- bikes in Formosa jumped to 130,000 from 90,000. A family of five on a motor- bike is not an unusual sight. ACCIDENTS INCREASE Accidents are increasing at an alarming rate, to about five motorcycle accidents « day so far this year--twice the rate of 1965. Police have had other wor- ties, among them juvenile de- linquency. Taipei's new park and botanical garden once were havens for strollers seeking quiet and young lovers seek- ing privacy. But in recent years hooligans have turned the parks into nightmares, preyir™ on couples for what police call) "love-making taxes." Juvenile delinquency is gen- erally viewed as one of the BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE For Assault Phillip Tompkins, 40, 580 Athol St. E.. was remanded in Oshawa court Friday to Sept. 9 on charges of breaking, entry and theft and possession of counterfeit - making instru- ments. The possession charge was'| a, April 21 after police search- the basement of Tompkins' files, copper strips, emery wheels and tin snips, Tompkins, remanded in custody, was also charged July 14 with the theft of eight cartons of vehicle light bulbs (19,416 of them) which police said are worth $10,678, SUSPEND SENTENCE A 56-year-old city man told Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn he 'did not do anything to his wife June 15, Arthur Moore, Sr., 23 Williams St, E,, who plead- ed not guilty to an assault vharge, said; "I just told her somebody should choke her." But Anna Moore's story was different. '"'He grabbed me by the throat." She said she start- ed "turning blue'"' before Moore let go. Magistrate Jermyn be- lieved her and told Moore he couldn't "lay his hands on anf- body, regardless of the rela- tionship." Magistrate Jermyn imposed a suspended sentence (with no time limit) on Moore, ASSAULT POLICE Page C. Shilling, 22, of Rama Reservation, Ontario County, was sentenced to 12 months definite and six months indefinite imprisonment for as- saulting a police officer earlier this year, Magistrate Jermyn noted Shilling has been in trouble ever since he was li years old. DRINKING Two youths who pleaded guilty to minor consumption were each jailed two months. Wayne Wilkins, 19, 36 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, and Ed- ward J. Gionet, 20, 513 Howard St., were nabbed Aug. 16. Both had previous drinking records. Luck ran out for David F. Prison Term Ordered inet and found a dye,|$100 Of Policeman Clowes, 18, 357 Phillip Murray Ave.. Arrested Aug. 13 for minor consumption, he pleaded guilty and was fined $50, DRIVING Peter en Whitehead, 21, 256 Athol St. E., pleaded guilty to driving while his licence was under suspension and was fined A 'si00 fine was also imposed on Terence Morrison, 41, 109 Byng Ave., when he pleaded guilty to umpaired driving July 29. The charge was reduced from drunk driving. UNDER AGE Magistrate Jermyn criticized a mother for allowing her 1% year-old son to drink beer at home while he was under age, Then he told a story to Rob- ert Twadell, 515 Harwood Ave., charged Aug. 17 with minor consumption. 'You've heard the one about the cow that made a pail of milk then put its foot in it, well, that's your case," Twadell pleaded guilty and was placed on 12 months proba- tion with suspended sentence, Mrs. Margaret Twadell told court she permitted her son to have three beers a night but things got out of hand Aug. 17 \and she had to call police to her home to get him under con- trol. She said he was angry be- cause he couldn't get the keys to the family car. Magistrate Jermyn told her she was "fool- ish to let her son drink at home." PROBATION Avril Devenish, 16, 272 Col- lege Ave., pleaded guilty to minor consumption and was igiven six months probation and suspended sentence. Fifty - five - year - old David Smyth, 9 Porterfield Rd., was fined $100 after pleading not guilty to a drunk driving charge laid March 27. The charge was reduced to im- paired driving, | gin pains of Taipei, which has doubled in size, to a city of 1,150,000, during the last 15 years. American servicemen coming ar Viet Nam on rest and rec- reation leave are finding Taipei a fun spot that is both cheap and gay. What the Chinese call "gir- Hie restaurants" abound in Tai- pei. They feature Chinese food, strip shows and pretty hos- tesses, Taipei has been caught up in the Turkish bath craze and has scores that advertise massages by 'Japanese - style experienced nurses." Distorted View Of India Found NEW DELHI (Reuters)--In- formation Minister Raj Bahadur said today he will encourage In- dian news agencies to posh news abroad as he c The for "Fo clared: "I'd give @ hundred dollars to know where I'm going to die." "Why do you asked @ friend. would, If | knew where it was I'd never @e near the place." @ United Taxi, 143 King St. Host @ Roxy Variety, Rosslynn Ploze Gili eco ACE " re once was an Irishman who de- want fo know thei? "You'd be no better knowing." ith," sald the Irishman, "but ¢ STORES: @ 92 WOLFE @ 170% MARY ST. @ 12 BOND E. @ 924 SIMCOE N. AGENTS EN foreign agencies are giving a distorted picture of the country. He told Parliament, however, that there is no quesation of the Indian government setting up its jown international news agency. He said the government's ef- fort will be "'to encourage our news agencies to enter into col- laboration with agencies in dif- ferent countries, for example Yugoslavia, the United Arab news is provided." The minister agreed with a member who said foreign news agencies "reported against In- dia" during the Indo-Pakistan war last September, He told the House that Reu- ters and other English-language agencies are sending news out of India and added: "Unless we have a parallel organization or arrangement it is oo oer for us to take) Relax atany Franchised' Arthur Murray Studio There's no better way to un- wind taut nerves and tension than dance lessons at a Fran- chised Arthur Murray Studio. Dancing the Arthur Murray way brings new assurance and poise~and those FREE Studio Parties for students are a world of fun for people of all ages. Jost three hours of instruction at Arthur Murray's will enable you to go dancing...even if z SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER . PRIVATE DANCE 46.00 LESSONS For Only you've never danced before. | *Every Arthur Murray Studio is | individually owned and operated by a respected member of your | community under.a franchise by | Arthur Murray, Inc. 11% SIMCOE ST. Ss. Open 1 to 10 p.m. Daily CALL 728-1681 Repu u bite and other African| | that' sndisborted and correc | extra m clothing and books. paper boy for on them rests sponsibilty of bridging the combined labour of thousands ple both here and abroad, p cess or failure of the route entirely on a keen sense o strong prerequisites in today' an inbred instinct and the skills. Address Department in Oshawa or Wh WANTED! Energetic, Enthusiastic YOUNGSTERS Age 10 to 14 who want to earn Times Carriers Entering High School this Fall? Help purchase back te school Sturdy are the shoulders of the news- tween newspoper and the an. The newspaper they deliver represents the duction costs that run into the thous- ands of dollars, It is therefore a job that cannot be token lightly, the suc- and strong interest in business, of business. But few people have such job affords on excellent opportunity for a young boy or girl to learn these --* APPLICATION. MAKE YOUR APPLICATION NOW! Mail or Bring Your Application te the ' oney as the re- of peo- lus pro- depends f detail Both s world carrier's "Times Circulation itby. | OSHAWA HOME SHOW SEPTEMBER 157 woes SEPTEMBER 1718 An exciting show of wonderful ideas for modern home liv- ing. Don't miss this three uf show, come in and visit the numerous exhibits and see the demonstration by manufac- turers and retailers on their newest products, which make living, a little better for everyone. FABULOUS PRIZES Door prizes ghee out every hour on the hour, you will have «@ chance to win anythin ng from an electric toothbrush to one of the color or Black & White T.V. Sets, or a Mink Stole. Plus numerous individual exhibitor prizes. NIGHTLY DRAW FOR FREE TRIPS TO BERMUDA The finale to each evening will be the draw for the FREE TRIP TO BER- MUDA FOR TWO, yes all expenses paid and there will be a trip given away every night. SEE OSHAWA BY HELICOPTER -- Helicopter rides will be available every day for a nominal cost. Y ENTERTAINM Two shows nightly starring Oshawa's own SHIRLEY HARMER and the ao S58 Ss = popular master of ceremonies BOB FRANCIS, Leading Manufacturers and Retailers Angus-Graydon Carpet Co. Ltd. Auto Workers (Oshawa) Credit Union Bessett's (Oshawa) Ltd. Jewellers Bethe & MeLellan Building Materials Ltd, Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Bishops (Jim) sporting Goods CKLB Canadian Pittsburgh Industries Ltd. Central Ontario Trust & Savings Oshawa Historical Society Corporation Oshowa Public Uitlities Commission Chambers Food Ltd. Oshawa Wood Products Utd. Cherney's Furniture & Appliances P Pools Parkway Televoies ~~. & song arene sumers' Gas Co, Patte's Paint & Wall; Uy Culligan Water Conditioning Penny (W. $.) Real Totete Donald's Travel Service R. H. Cabinet Co, (The) Goodman (Lorne B) Plumbing & Heating Roger Appliances Hombly Concrete Products Ltd. Rousseau Heritege House Herwood Custom Upholstering Ruddy Electric Rundle's Garden Centre Hayd! (Betty\ Interiors Sargeant's Rentals Holden Brothers Furniture Co. Home Appliances, (Oshawa) Ltd. Shewring Brothers Floor & Wall Honda Shop AP ly» Ld. Locke's Florist, 12,30 TO 10 P.M, SAT. 10 AM TO 10 P.M, BUS SERVICE AVAILABLE From 5 op te 10 pm ora SHOW eer" Ronse om Real Estate * ag et Utd. Millwork Pellding Supplies Ltd. Nesh Aluminum Ltd. Nesbitt's Ladies' Weer Niagera Cycle Massage Ontario Plumbing & Heating Supplies (Oshawa) Ltd. Oshawa Cable TV Led. baie Rg on Hardwere ited Furniture William's ell Sales & Service Wilson's Furniture Co. Windolph Interiors Americen Stenderd Anthes Furnece Bernina Sewing Mechines Block _-- Tools a. Columbie Fixtures BE SURE AND VISIT THE OSHAWA HOME SHOW OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM =