6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, September 6, 1966 TTT Te LLL LLL LLY tam a TILL Lee ee ee ry MARKET WOROWTS, 22:40. Ait_ fTOeRs Stock Exdidnge-sept, & ations in cents unless mai Me cenwartanth et seat "iian beadiot 'losing ga Steck cau vase ae errr Acer we >P>> in = 8. Be28i9.3 2.8¢e<3=a3.5 Be S=: prai eptrsses eter tf googors a ry = Ss = = = = J = 333532333 20000. ~ oo < a 8 3 < as : 370 2 +1" WW 2% Wa 6 63 65 +1 as seco 823322 Pla =35 338 +2 PQnane = ry 8 nod oh 0 710 705 705 +85 140. 132, 136 +3 $}0% 10% 107% + % 68 66 hU+8 200 210 210 45 465 i i & ® tho ee ee 4 04 +4 1% 130 13 --4 3000 23% 23 123 5 5 US sia 114 11% oe ee) 10% 104 10%4--~-- % 92 9 98 "no ms Hs ® 8 u 2 ¥ 210 465 TODAY 1 COilsds 10% 10% + int Helium as be m6 wes Mill City 35 201 Zi wt mas i Oils. ¢ 214 7) 74 +2 lace G 1300 160 160 I 'onder 3000 3538 17075 390 385 390 200.198 19 819 rv G penoir 8 curry Rn 400 $21% 214 74+ 268 +6 W Decaite INDUSTRIALS $10" $7% 31% 215 $10' 10 1 576 $26 1855 Abit Alta T A Cent Algoma St Alcan Alumin Bank Mtl Bank N § Bathrst A Bathrst p Bell Phne BC Frest p BCPh 4% p CAE ind Can Perm u\dent, William Gilehfist, told the 4!economie mission proudly. Caribben Chemeell Chrysler Cédvilleé A Cominco Columbia Con Paper Cons Gas Crain RL crush inti $13" Dist! Seag 345 $294 290 Dom Store sv Ww Domtar 670 $17 17 $39% 397% Ve $24 a4 u" $978 9% $88% 88% $2 8 $144 4m $27% 77 13% is 697 Ff FT 110 $794 79% 794 1$ $183 153. 153 135 $234 234 BA+ 100 Sigve 16 18+ W 260 $9% 9% 9-- Ve 75 $36%4 36% 36% | 100 425 425 425 | 220 $114 4 4 800 $204 20% GL Paper Greyhna Guar Trst Hard Cip A Hawker _$ Hayes $ti Home A Home 68. Husky Qi} Husky 8 pr Husky C pr 2 ) ni 2 +% Ss = 55 A Wats 51% 2014 -- Va a 78% --1% «|and paid it back in full the fol: VA | SUMMERS VILLE, \fast 'that we are in a race-with tT }lenge, he said, BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT TUKTOYAKTUK, N. W. T. CP)--One of the business suc- 'ess stories of the high Arctic s that of Northern Transporta- ion Co., which makes a profit vut of the shipping business dur- ng a short shipping season. And what made the story in- eresting te businessmen who vent along on the recent Eco- 1omic Cotucil's tour of northern utpésts is that Northérn Trans- ortation Co. if goverfirtient- »wned, and doesn't owe the tax- ayer a péfiny apart from its initial capital. It borrowed $1,000,000 from the treasury a few years ago Shipping Shows Profit In Short Season Of Arctic Its profits each year hav been plowed back into the firn to modernize facilities and bu; new barges and tugs for th Mackenzie River traffic, an ships for service along the aréti! coast. Currently it is spéndin: $3,200,000 of its éarnings o equipment improvements, in cluding a new wharf here to handle its big . transshipmen' work, TRAFFIC INCREASES Last year, the company han died 190,630 tons of traffie on the Mackenzie River system, ar increase of nearly 50 per cent over thé previous year, At this hi t point néar the owing yéar, the comipany prési- . B mouth of the Mackenzie, the job his year is t6 distribute 175,- W.Va. (AP)=President Johnson said Saturday the world soon will face a choicé betweén war or ample stocks of puré water. The occasion was the dedica- tion Here of a $46,000,000 flood contfol dam. Johnson said the world's need for pute water is growing s0 disaster." If people fail to meet the chal- "T ean aastire you that not even Ameriéa's un- precedented military might will be able t6 preserve the péace . 78 809 415. 415. 415 400 $8% 8% 84 + Ve) BA -- a" * ng Inland Gas 250 8 IMC 20 $58ve See int Nickel ©9060 84 tnt Util pr 2B 774 Iintpr Pipe 130 76 Intpr Steei 270 6% infpr Sti pr 200 22 for long." Johnson said the United $46 Million Flood Control Started By Johnson Dam tional conference on water for peace in Washington next May 23-31. The Soviet Union and a number of other Communist na- tions will be invited to send rep- resentatives to the assembly. The presidént's big argument for pure water on af eafth- circling scalé Was based on the assumption that people denied it will fight for it. "It should bé clear by now) that we até in a race with dis-, aster," he said. "Either the world's water needs will be met, of the inévitable result will be mass stafvation, mass eépl- demics and mass poverty greater than anything we know today." States will sponsor an interna- 10 tons of freight w came owntiver {rom Waterways, \lta., and is to and west of heré on the i ig season of lays, Ships whieh have moved sast and west a the coast ind haven't wn their car- 1068 by Sept. 1§ may be trapped 'or the winter. 'The kacie requirement to sup: ily fo0d and fuel for settlements por Ae along the arctic coast the company is about 150/000 tons a year, and this is increasing through normal growth by about three per cent a year. To carry the traffic, the company has 109 barges and 27) tugs. | But new minéral discoveries, which are being made in the area, could mean dramatic in- créases in freight traffic into the Arétic. The chief difficulty the company faces is in having suf- ficiént advance notice of ship- ping intentions to sehedule its work to best advantage during the short season. . Past President Of Exchange Dies TORONTO (CP)--Nornian 6. | $1,000,000 in counterfeit money Canadian crim-|MAKE CRUDE Points| genuine Bank of Canada notes VANCOUVER (CP) -- About was printed by inals in 1965, says a booklet ine troduced Monday at tne conier- ence of the Canadian Asso- Clation Of Chiels of ronce, honey, saney, waa, telaed' We p money was sé police before it could be placed into circulation, some Cana- dians stili took hefty losses be- "t detect coun- 8, Yet fake notes can be easily spotted the ie once it is aware the high quality of as opposed to their imitations, 4 the booklet, ; t is the eighth in a series of booklets put out by the RCMP aimed at acquainting Cana- Large Liners Out Of Service LONDON (AP)--Five of Brit- ain's large ocean liners are to be withdrawn from service and may be sold, shipping sources said Monday. 'The ships are the Ocean Mon- arch and Queen of Bermuda,| owned by the Furness Withy Line; the Kenya Castle and the Rhodesia Castle, owned by Un- ion Castle, and the British India Steam Navigation Co.'s Uganda. The sources said the Ocean Monarch, and the Queen of Ber- muda, will become surplus be- cause Furness Withy has de- cided to end its New York-Ber- muda service next year. The other liners have become redundant, the sources added, following a declife in demand for berths to east Africa since former Bfitish Colonies. dians with ways they can help police combat crime. MONEY Despite all the skillé and equip they might possess, counterfeiters still produce a crudé product as compared with the Bank of Canada bills printed by the British Ameri- can Bank Note Co. Canadian Bank Note Co. By oe an printed a steel - plate engravin method which gives them ' three - dimensional quality, "The counterfeiter cannot duplicate this method; all he can do is simulate it in two di- mensions." Sitice the same portrait of the Queen appears on all denomina- tions, the booklet recommends that any suspéct bill be com- pared with a cléan $1 note, "Tt is not likely that the $1 note will bé counterfeit," says the booklet, indicating that counterfeiters don't waste time on such small denominations, On genuine bills, évery hair on the Qteéen's head will be distinct. On phoney bills, the hair will be too light or too dark and the hairs merge to- gether. and the| the Counterfeiters In Canada Print $1 Million Fake Bills There's also a life-like expres- sion in the Queens eyes on the féeal thing that can't be dupli- cated by counterfeiters. On bad bills, tne eyes will lack sparkle. SARI ee Ameer "Couitertelters also can't match the natiral flesh tone on Queen's portrait on getivine color as gen which have been printed on counterfeit note," booklet. "They cannot be pic! off like genuine planchettes."" hea someone is 7 money to you, $a the booklet, don't return it to him, Delay him and contact the nearest police officer. : If you are victimized, don't $9 So cocci ¥ foe pede ing to pass bad bill to some "Anyone knowin pas! such 4 note is abe to 14 pew a, warns the books just dots of ink of the same uine bills. . Rubbing thé ink on & sus- pected bill to determine whether it's the réal thing isn't recom- mendéd. Somé of the ink used On genuine notes will smear. And while réal bills havé a ¢rackle all théir own, paper isn't a good tést either. If you can't see or feel the difference, a genuine bill can be spotted by the green-colored planchettes on it, Planchettés--circular discs of Paper much like confetti--are placed in the pulp during the papér-making process in a way to ensure a few will appear on éach bill, They are visible only when the note is héld up to the light. On a genuine bill, planchettes ¢an usually be picked off with a fingernail or pin. Tausty { nnOdIa p, hettes are "Counterfeited pla independence was granted to| 7a Urquhart, 78, a former pres!- dent of thé Toronto Stock Ex- chanigé, died in hospital Satur-| day after a long illness. | Hé was 4186 a mémber of the board of the Royal Bank of Can- ada, a@ director of the Robert Simpson Co. Ltd., & governor of the University of Toronto and chairman of the board of the! Toronto General Hospital. Mr. Urquhart entered the bro- kerage business in 1908 and was primarily identified with min- ing: He was one of the first We List Anything ! We Sell Everything ! For Assistance In Buying and Selling Dial 723-1168 Bullied REALTOR A little self-satisfaction is good for you! : NEWS IN BRIEF 1 Ino A ls oe in Noranda | Especially when you see how fast your © mail--and every Canada Permanent See a ae MEA eR at A ER . 3-5 +h e+ $s--- E & a he Se: as sE"338 P 2 + + = 383 388 = = = 3333 SoS See82<3.3°998, 2 33 3. soSe$S 488 38 onBs 3 = 8c SagckastecSeS$Se88u~ gSse seats 33a3e5 33 s a) west Pote mic Plaine r 125 10s 100 5 Levy 225 Lob Co 8 200 Loe M 2175 MB Ltd 0 Maritime 128 Mass-Fer 1037 Met Stores Jeffersn w Labatt LOnt Cem Laura Sec ee, BEBE "6 0 48 1100 $19 18% 194+) Rolland 25 $1144 1194 11% Royal Bk 199 $66 OO St Maurice o © # Scythes 100 $i «618 «618 1 Seaway H 150 375 375 375 +19 Shel! Can 212 $20% 20% 20% Shell inv w 900 620. 605 +10 Sifripsens 750 $26% 26 Slater Sth 2110 $11% 11% fi uve Me | 22% 27% 64 7 + 74 a+ 1 | 54a 54¥0 | 330 93% -- 375. $)0% 10% 0%---% 10 $5 Sie Sie | 377 $264 2% 6 hh 4 $464 46% 400 916% 16% 110 S10% 10% +") $15 $154 15¥2 900 330 320 330 10 1420 $27% 27% 27'4-- Vi) 225 88% O% 8h 200 105 105 105 0 $144 4 UA -- 01 817% 17% 17%+V ms 8% «6850 85 240 $104 10% 10% 50 $254 2% 15% 10 $24 24 as 4 26% ve } Bk Tor iron W Traders A 220 $548 400 $34 White Pas Woodwd A Zellers FOREIGN TRADING Aanico 100 175 178 178 Angio © Mm ANU te we 2 Dickenson 100 Lorade 100 Sherritt Sistee ' Utd Keno For Business, And Pleasure By KEN CLARK OTTAWA (CP) = Commen-| wealth parliamentarians come to Canada this week to have a look at the country, discuss mu- tual problems and do a little official merrymaking. It'll take the group of 200 al- most a month to achieve all three objectives. They begin as- sémbling in Montreal Thursday and leave Canada Oct. 5. Following their arrival, they spend a few days in Montreal before breaking up into groups for a two-week sightseeing? tour of Canada. It will last until the opening of the 12th general con- fetence of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association in Ottawa. As delegates to the nine-day conférence, they will take a searching look at the Common- wealth and the role of pariia- mentary government. The agenda includes both some ivory-tower stuff (the role of the house of Commons) and hot. current items (the break- aWay of white-ruled Rhodesia from Britain). TOPICS VARIED They'll also talk over ways to} séttle disputés such as Rhodesia within the Commonwealth. Food resources, trade, aid, the popu- lation explosion and education assistance--all in the Common- wealth context--will also get a going-over. There should be @ wide vari- ety of points of view on these questions. All 87 legislatures in The fact that the association's role is to promote understand- ing among Commonwealth par- liamentarians, rather than make decisions, could also pro- mote free expression. A fising young cabinet star in the Lib éral government, John Turner, minister without portfolio, is in charge of playing host for Canada. But there'll be a non-partisan touch to the Canadian group ar- ranging the show, Turner's helpers inelude Conserva- tive Senator Allister Grosart and Harold Winch, the NDP member of parliament for Van- couver East. Senator Grosart, once the chief backroom strategists for Conservative leader Diefen- baker, is handling publicity and public relations for the confer- ence, J. J. Connolly,. government Senate leader, will be confer- ence chairman. | bridge across the Rideau canal DIES IN ACCIDENT NEW LISKEARD, Ont. (CP) William Peters, father of New Democratic Party member of Patliamert Arnold Petérs, was killed Monday ins teeeer cel liston on @ fural road near this Northern Ontario community. WiLL TAKE TIME BRANTFORD. (CP)--Results in the fight against pollution of Lake Erie will not be evident for- at least five years, Dr. James Vatice, chairman of the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission, Said Sunday. Anti-pol- lution measurés should have been taken earlier, he said. BRIDGE VICTIM DIES OTTAWA (CP)--The Aug. 10 collapse of Ottawa's Heron Road bridge claimed its ninth victim Sunday with the death of construction worker Lucien Regimbald of Hammond, Ont. He was among more than 30 men seriously injured when a span of the $2,500,000 double and river gavé way. CEREMONY 18 LAST OTTAWA (CP) -- Parliament | Hill echoed Monday for the last time this summer with the trumpets and barked orders of the changing of the guard, a daily ceremony that has drawn a record total attendance of 380,000. REACHES SETILIMENIS Journal Tribune Inc. feached contract with the last of its craft unions and plans to start publishing its evening newspaper next Mon- day. The Journal-American and The World-Telegram and The Sun, evening newspapers, were| merged into the new enterprise. | | WELCOME ROWERS GALWAY, Ireland (AP) -- Western Ireland gave @ heroes' welcome Sunday night to two British paratroopers who rowed 3,000 miles across the Atlantic from Cape Cod, Mass., in 92 days. Capt. John Ridgway, 27, and Sgt. Shay Blyth, 26, made a landfall on the Isle of Aran) Saturday, They were in perfect health. NEW YORK (AP)--The World has settlements PICKETS MARCH OTTAWA (CP)--A handful of picketers for the Ottawa Comi- mittee to End the War in Viet Nam paraded on Parliament Hin) Ausina tha Tahar Dav week- end, BEATLES BARRED JOHANNESBURG, South Af- tica (AP)--The Beatles, whose || music is banned by the South African Broadcasting C orp., have beer barred from South Africa, the nationally-circulated Sunday Times reported Sunday, becatise they are not regarded by thé goverfiment "as being in the best interests of the coun- try.' COULD CAUSE HARM LONDON (Reuters) -- British and Américan research into the long-term tise of tranquillizers showed they could damage the heart muscles, Prof. Elanor Zaimis told the British Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science Monday. Former Leader savings grow at Catiada Permanent. office is open a full business day, Once you start saving the Pérmatient way, thete's no stopping you. It's a beautiful sight to see your balance building so quickly, With both Regular and Special Start saving the Permanent way and see how fewatding it can be. Canada Pettnanent offers the security and experience of Canada's largest trust and lex, uteststes (008 dae ay incorporated and supervised, Do it the Permanent way. SAVINGS « TRUST SERVICES » MORTGAGES Canada Permanent Trust Company APPAR Tibi ry WFFWNIYVINGE t Affiliate of one of Big 3 in a prestige industry, over 100 offices in U.S.A., 20 years in business, now @xpahding in Canada. We are offering to am- bitious. men wanting to be in business for them- sélvés locally an unlimited future. REQUIREMENTS: Management Ability, Financial Stability, Complete Training. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728.9482 J. W. Froud, MANAGER This is not a difficult business, Your office eafn- ings can exteed $40,000.00. Investment required $12,000.00. Box D10026, Oshawa Times Of Union Dies | TORONTO (CP)--G. Russell | Harvey, a former union leader jand member of the Ontario La- \bor Relations Board since its jinception in 1943, died at his |home Monday after a short ill- ness, He was 63. Mr. Harvey was Canadian dl- recter of organization, Amer- ican Federation of Labor, from 1944. He remained in the post when the AFL joined with the Congress of Industrial Relations and became director of Ontario organization with the Canadian Labor Congress in 1956. Mr. Harvey, born in Hamilton where he served apprenticeship as a photo engraver, was chair- man of the Allied Printing Trades Council early in his ca- reer and became president of the Toronto Photo Engravers Union in 1940 for two years. COULD BE NEXT HALIFAX (CP)--Health and Welfare Minister MacEachen Said Saturday the removal of tuition fees could be the next | step in developing a master) plan for higher education in| Canada. Mr, MacEachen told} the annual meeting of the Cana- | dian Union of Students at Dal-| housie University that the re-! moval of tuition fees would) leave, student aid programs free to concentrate on other finan- cial problems. | LARGE FIRM TRANSFER and 4 bedroom homes in session or 30 days. Cash the Commonwealth are associa- tion members. H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR 723-7463 HOUSES BUY or RENT RING PERSONNEL FROM QUEBEC AND NORTHERN ONTARIO, Desire 3 i this area; immediate pos- | payment arranged. | HOME: MEL KRUGER Representative SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada BUSINESS: 723-7900 725-4563 The book of knowledge for back to school can guide you to 5 children's wear stores, 33 dentists, 17 pharmacies, 15 shoe stores... and just about any shop or service you can think of! Our locality has a lot to offer. Good shops. Good services. Good people. So look first to home for your needs. Let your fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages to find the above people... and many others, EVERYTHING'S HERE... IN TOWNI