BISCUITS! THATS IT-- {||| THAN TY. £7=1'LL SHOW YAL' THE LONE RANGER Lo wo ' VO PF Www wey AH, YOU FIND NOTHING, NOW 2 LIEUTENANT, YOU HAVE GLASS TEA WITH ME? WIT) ick WITH BENIORS, 14415 He HIG iN MID= A BUT RE FOR Tm YORE'S SS. AND IMPRESSES * COACH DICK IRVIN, LATER: +» WO ONE ™ AT WATER TOWE) AND CALCULATIONS ARE THAT ON IT6 PRESENT COURSE AT THE FANTASTIC SPEED OF 1 TO TIGHTEN SECURITY AT EVERY TRACKING vy (aorta afte ee oO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 7, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) East dealer. East-West vulnerable. WEST @K10953 3104 Opening lead--five of spades. Defense is generally passive or active. In some hands, the best plan is to stand pat and do nothing that might give de- clarer a trick he is not entitled to. This method of play is called passive defense. In other hands, you can't af- ford to sit still, but must adopt a more active form of defense. This may not appear to lead anywhere in a particular hand, but you have to attack any- how, because you see that play- ing possum will allow declarer to make his contract. Let's say you have the West hand and are defending against three notrump, You lead a spade to the jack, which declarer ducks, and East then plays the queen which South ducks again. At this point you should over- take the queen with the king, not simply because you have the K-10-9 and can afford to, but because you know it is hopeless to allow partner to win 1,000 MILES PER SECOND IT WILL REACH EARTH IN A MATTER OF HOURS / STATION INVOLVED. NO ONE |S TO ENTER OR LEAVE UNTIL FURTHER the trick and continue with an- other spade. You know you have MUGGS AND SKEETER Festaene Spadicate, bne.. 1966, jarhd. ighas vanerved. 9 SECRET AGENT X39 I KNOW THAT PLACE....I KNOW GENERAL VICTORIANO PAZ ISON THAT SHIP, Bene oie oh ikem OF HERE. HE RIDES IN AN OLD WRECKED SHIP 002 MICKEY MOUSE \ ' Distribated by King Features Sy oo Oss = ak 1 ALWAYS ENJOY THE LADIES'CLUB MEETINGS WHEN THEY'RE HELD AT m\ . GRANDMAS HOUSE / SHE DOESN'T SERVE DAINTY ~~) SNACKS AND TINY SANDWICHES FOR REFRESHMENTS.' R = JULIET JONES EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT, HONEY ? TODAY GHE'S HAVING HAMBURGERS. COMES ON AN HOUR LATER 'THAN IT USED TO" Yes... ALL RIGHT... TELEVISI Channel 11--Hamiitee Channel %--Toronto Channel &--Rochester Channel 7--Buffalo Channel é--Toronte Channel 4--Buffato Channel 3--Barrie Channe! 2--Buttale sreecenarartnnsncensesemees WEDNESDAY PLM, &-Superman 7--Maverick 4--Summer. Camp 3--Secret Squirrel 5:30 P.M, 3--McHale's Navy 8--Dobie Gillis é--Mad Movies 2--Passport Two }--Twilight Theatre 6---Green Hornet @-4--News, Sports, Weather 3--Profile 6:30 P.M. 4--News; Weather 3-9--News 2-6--Huntley-Brinkley News 6--Strangers for a Day 7:00 P.M, N--Monroe 9--Batman &--Littlest Hobo 2-6--News, Weather, Sports 4--The Honeymooners 3--Man from U.N.C.L.E, 7.2 P.M 7--News Weather ports 7:30 P.M. 9--Andy Williams 8-2--Virginian 7--Batman 6--Award Showcase 4--Lost in Space 7:45 P.M, é--Courriers 8:00 P.M, N--Special Movie 7--Movie 63--Tonight In Person 8:30 P.M. Movie 4--Beverly Hillbillies 36--Bob Hope 2-8Bob Hope Pe 9:30 P.M, 9--Movie 7--Peyton Place 4--Dick Van Dyke 3-6--Home Movies 10:00 P.M, n {l--Merv Griffin | 11--Mike 8. | 8-1 Spy | 7--How to Watch | Football 2--Storm Signal 10:30 3-6--Inside Quebec 1:00 P. ON LO | 230 A.M. uglaa | 9--Abracadabra 8-2--Showdown | 7--Dating Game 4--Dick Van Dyke Show P.M, 3----Ernie Lindell .M. | 12:00 NOON We 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News, 9--Toronto Summertime 'dy Weather, Sports This: PAM. | &--Viewpoint | +mivaie Six 6--News, W Sports 11,28 ll--Man from interpol | n:90 | 2--Tonight Sho 1:20 P. | 8-2--Jeopars | Te-Aoney. Movie | 36--Luncheon Date 4 | 4--Noon News 12:18 P.M, vd 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 PLM, P.M. 3-9--News; Weather; Sports is 4--Swingin' Country PM. 64--Search for Tomorrow 8--Tonight Show 7--Movie 3--Avengers 11:40 %--Court Martial 6--Charile Had One | &-News 1,00 P.M. |1l--News, Weather, | Sports | THURSDAY laace 8:00 A.M. | 4--Captain Kangaroo | 8.30 A.M, 9--T.V. University 8:55 A.M. 12:40 P.M, | Movie P.M 12:45 P.M. 6-4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, EVERY TIME I GET yYOuR 12:00 A.M, \--Theatre 1--Wild_ Wild West | $ Dialing For Dollars, 12,10 A.M, | Talk | 7--Ben Casey Girl P.M. | 3-6--Luncheon Date | 4--Meet The Millers | 2--Merv Griffin The World Turns 8--Let's Make a Deal 3--Movie 2:00 PI 7--Newiywed Game | 6~Cuisine P.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars --|4--Password | &-2--Days of Our Lives 30 P.M, Girl Talk 9:00 A.M. 9--Romper Room 1--Ed Allen 8--AGventurous Mission 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Boz0's Big Top | 9:30 A.M, 4--Love of Life ; 8--Smiletime t--Jack LaLanne 9--Uncle Bobby . 3 A.M. 3-6--Take 30 1--It's a Match | 4--News 8-2--Eye Guess | 4--1! Love Lucy 10:30 1--Morning Time 9--TV Bingo | 8-2--Concentration | 7--Donna Reed 4--The. McCoys 3---Time Out i--Marriage Confidential % Mr. And Mra 8-2--Chain Letter 7--Supermarket Sweep | 3--Ed Allen 4--Andy of Mayberry | $--Peopie in Conflict |§-2--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us 6--Coronation Street | 4--Linkletter's Party 200 P.M. | 9--Fractured Phrases | 7--General_ Hospital 3-4-46--To Tell The Truth 3. | 248--You 8-2--Another World s \. 2 P.M Dr jon't Say A.M, | 4--Edge of Night 7--Superman Snow > 9--It's Your Move "}11--Little People 4:00 P.M. \l--Funny Company | 91 Love Lucy 11:00 A.M. | &The Match Game e--Secrel Si Time 9--Movie 4--Movie 3-6--Canada's Story 2--Mike Douglas 4.30 P.M, | x li--Atom Ant ACROSS 1, Public notices 4, Taste CROSSWORD DOWN 1. Volcano of Sicily: var. . Property transfer 3. Coverlets 10. Change 11, Foretell 13. Censures 15. Amplifi- cation factor 16, Beverage 17. Roman money 18, Man's nickname 19. Affix 20. Ancient Briton . Aquatic birds . Extinct wild ox . Sow . Astringent fruit . Hubbub . Behave . Faded or shabby . Of the healing art: abbr. 18, Minced oath 19. Used up FF 20. Spanish hero 21, Accu- mulate 22. Straight {(¢ 23, Writing fluid 24. Para- sitie Yesterday's Answer herb 26. Gold coin 28. Short- winded 29. Boundary 30. Property owned absolutely 31. 33, 34, 36. Affirma- tive vote Roman goddess Part of a church Propeller 21, Mine entrances 3 4 js 6 24. Devoutness 25. Belonging 8 , to me 26. Cover 12 27. Noah's boat 28. Enclosure 29, Place 32, Compass point 33. Youthful 35. Rub hard 37. So. Pacific island group 38. Browns in the sun MOTHER CORNERED, HER HAY FEVER KICKS UP! YOUR HEALTH Pap Test Is Good Biopsy Even Better By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. I enjoy|detected in any other way short your column but something puz-|f @ biopsy. Molner: zles me, You wrote that "'x-ray| Yes, the Pap smear is essen- won't show early cancer of the|tially a screening device, but it cervix but a Pap smear will.' is an excellent one. It is simple, Our doctor says that a Pap|rapid, inexpensive. If we aban- smear is only a screening de- | doned the Pap smear and vice because it does not tell him waited for symptoms which whether a patient has cancer./Would justify a biopsy, the re- If the result is positive, yes,|Sult would be a great many can- lyou do have cancer, If the|Cers not being found until they result is negative, most women|had progressed. believe that means you do not; The important thing in com- have cancer. This is not true.|batting cancer is to find it A patient with a negative Pap/early. The fact that in a small smear could still have cancer.|percentage of cases the smear That is why our doctor wants/gives a false positive (which is a definite yes or no which he|soon Straightened out) or misses can get only by doing a D. and/an occasional case is no reason C. and a biopsy. jto sacrifice its benefits the Why all this talk of the Pap|ther 90 per cent of the time. smear when there is something! even better--Mrs. J. C. -- me haga flan son is " ' is ja truck driver and has to rush ae ig oe yey Benepe jto a hospital after a bee sting which is mighty useful. The recente ms 'threat swells. Is sults can come back positive,|ere anything he can take to , jimmunize himself? -- negative or doubtful. In the Case | nye, C.H.N. of positive or doubtful, then a/ : biopsy--a much more demand-| Nothing that he can take by ing. process--follows, and you,bimself, but there are prepara- can be certain whether surgeyy|tions which can be given by a is mandatory. e a ce T dun tiie autee that 2 biopsy | Sible) to desensitize him, in the ives the most definite answer, 4 force, a D. and C. (dila. Sufferers can, to varying de- tion and curettage, or scraping) | \ d and a biopsy is not the sort of = protedure that can be used as year. Can you? |meant by a T wave.--Mrs. A.C. " Dear Dr. Molner: I had ajtains sodium citrate, so that's routinely as the Pap smear. I\cardiogram and my heart beat|why can hardly see women having |was perfect but my T wave was|labels will be a help to you. this done every six months Or|off, Please explain what is|Avoid things with sodium. I agree also that a biopsy is| Certain characteristic parts of|cines, too. in order whenever any suspicion |the tracing of an electrocardio-|watch out for the ones he gives no entry card for the spades and that it therefore can't do your side any good to play a third round of spades in order to force out the ace. Instead you lead the jack of hearts at trick three. This play cannot do you any harm and might possibly do your side some good. While it is unlikely that partner has the queen, in view of South's notrump bid, it is nevertheless pos sible. For whatever it's worth, the heart shift offers far more promise than a third round of spades. As it happens, you strike gold with the heart shift. South wins it in dummy and plays the A-K and another diamond, hopin: the doubleton queen will fal but it doesn't. East takes the diamond with the queen and forces out the ace of hearts, eventually defeating the con- tract two tricks. ° But if you had failed to shift to a heart at trick three, South would have made three no- trump. SALLY'S SALLIES "Why don't we take in a ie movie tonight 2" I don't know what might be meant by saying the T wave is "off." It can be distorted by disease of the heart, by the posi- tion of the heart, or the use of digitalis. You will have to ask your physician to explain the significance in relation to other factors in your case. It just isn't simple. Dear Dr. Molner: I have been told to give up ham, bacon, a certain soft drink, and a num- ber of other foods because of swelling in my ankles as a re- sult of too much sodium. What does a low sodium diet consist of?--RSM. N. G. A low-sodium diet isn't a matter of '"'what it consists of," but of what you leave out. And what you leave out is sodium. For the most part, this means ordinary salt. Bacon, ham, and other preserved meats all have a lot of salt. So avoid them-- sausage, corned beef, and such. Stick to fresh meats. Don't put salt in food when you cook it. (This may mean that the rest of the family will have to do a little more salting than usual at the table, but after all, that's a mild incon- venience. It is important for you to avoid salt, which is so- dium chloride.) Don't use salt on your food. AVOID PICKLES Pickles, relish and such items contain salt. Avoid them. Don't - physician (an allergist, if pos-|@&t anything that you know is salty--nuts, potato chips, food |same manner that hay fever|c0oked with salt. In some cases, salt-free bread grees, be desensitized to rag-|2%d butter are necessary. The soft drink you mentioned says on the labe] that it con- it's prohibited. Reading This is true of some medi- Your doctor will of cancer appears. Neverthe-|graph have been labelled P, Q,|you, but it will be up to you to less, the Pap smear is so sensi-/R, S, and T. The T wave re-|learn about any others. Some of tive that it commonly detects |sents electrical activity in the|the fizzy ones, as well as pow- cancer before there is even the|ventricles, or. lower chambers|ders and tablets taken for head- faintest symptom that can be|of the heart. laches, contain sodium. 39. Greedy 40. Man's name 41. Cherished animal