Q. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 7, 1966 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Pact May Give Canada Auto Safety Features QTTAWA (CP)--IInited States auto safety laws will probably protect Canadian motorists, In- dustry Minister Drury indicated in the Commons Tuesday. He was replying to Heward Graff- tey (PC--Brome Missisquoi), who asked whether Canada in- tends to follow the U.S. by leg- islating safety standards for auto manufacturers, Mr. Drury said it appears the safety fea- tures made mandatory by U.S. law 'will also be available in Canada" because of the Can- ada-U.S. auto agreement, To Announce Visit OTTAWA, (CP)--The govern- ment expects to make a state- ment later this week about 4 visit by the Queen during the 1 centennial of Confed tion, Externe! Affairs Ministe' Martin informed the Commons Tuesday. Shell Explodes FOLIGNO, Italy (Reuters) -- Two Italian Army sergeants were killed and two officer cadets and a civilian were wounded when a 105-millimetre shell hit an army bus during artillery practice at a military school here Tuesday. Will Table Paper OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- ment's white paper on immigra- tion policies will be tabled in the Commons early next month, Immigration Minister Mar- chand said Tuesday.. He told Andrew Brewin (NDP--Toronto Greenwood) the document is "almost ready" and will be made public Oct. 5 or shortly afterwards. The white paper is expected to abolish all remain- ing restrictions to immigration based on ethnic or geographic origin. HERE AND THERE MOSPORT DEATH George Milne, about 28, .of Toronto, was killed Friday when his Austin 850 was hit by another car during a trial run on Mosport race track. Milne appeared to have trouble with his car which came almost to a stop behind the first rise on the straight- away. A Sunbeam Tiger driven by Richard Milburn, 25, of Dorchester, came over the rise and hit the Milne car. Milne was dead on arrival at Bow- manville Memorial Hospital. FIRMS INCORPORATED The current issue of The On- tario Gazette carries the infor- mation that letters patent of incorporation have been grant- ed to Pressure Pak Limited whose head office is in Picker- ing Township. Cash Needed LONDON (AP)--The govern- ment today gave British public institutions three months to raise £90,000 ($270,000) to pre- vent a 15th-century manuscript from going to the United States. A New York dealer, L.: D. Feldman, paid £90,000 June 27 at Sotheby's auction house for a manuscript of Ovid's Meta- morphoses believed to be in the handwriting of William Caxton, the first English printer. The government's committee 'on the export of works of art recommended today that if any institution, such as the British Museum or the Cambridge Uni- versity Library, matches Feld- man's bid, an export licence should not be granted, Boat Sought TORONTO (CP) -- Aircraft from Trenton and Downsview searched Tuesday for a three- masted boat missing in Lake Ontario between Toronto har- bor and St. Catharines. The. vessel carried two men and a high school student when it left Toronto Sunday for the four-hour journey back to St. Catharines, e,e 8 . Criticize Films VATICAN CITY (AP)--L'Os- servatore Romano Tuesday cri- ticized the current Venice film festival as overly concerned with morbid psychological movies, It said such |eaused "disgust." The Vatican newspaper did not single out any of the pictures by name. May Rejoin UN UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The Philippine delegation to the | United Nations says Indonesia Won't Set Date |plans to accept an invitation .,.4|f{rom Philippine President Fer- eel i di) TORONTO (CF)--the Unite |dinand Marcos to rejoin the Steelworkers of American Tues-| day advised a conciliation offi-) world body. An announcement sad that rade not m, . date|Tuesday said Marcos will ex- or a strike against Interna- iati 8 tional Nickel Co. Ltd., although | 4 me Se a it can now legally do so, until] C7@5Ses the General Assembly it has heard new proposals the| Sept. 21 and that Indonesian conciliator has prepared. |Foreign Minister Adam Malik W. H. Dickie, chief concilia-| will accept. tion officer for Ontario, said in . a statement that the stéblwork-| Quads Doing Well TUXPAN, Mexico (AP) ers could legally name a strike date because the seven - day| -- waiting period following release|Mrs. Maria Trinidad Hernan- of a conciliation board report|dez Perez and her day - old has ended, }quadruplet girls were reported "T am saiisfied that I will|/i" excellent condition WeRee | have new proposals to be con-|day. The babies were born in) sidered by the negotiating com-| the village of Agualamo, near} mittees today," the statement/thie northwest Mexican port. | said. | "Union and company negotia- tors have agreed that the | Opposes UN Seat HON. C. M, DRURY Will Hold Forces WASHINGTON (AP) -- The state department has assured the South Korean government that the United States has no plans to reduce its forces in that country. Press Officer Robert McCloskey denied Tuesday that} there were any such plans, | Asks Thant To Stay OTTAWA (CP)--External Af- fairs Minister Martin spoke with U Thant by telephone Tuesday to urge the Burmese diplomat to reconsider his decision to re- tire as United Nations secre- tary-general. A spokesman for) the minister said Thant did not) comment on his plans but! agreed to discuss the matter] further with Mr. Martin after) the UN General Assembly con-| venes in New York Sept. 20, SEOUL, Korea (AP) -- The films| THE UNLOCKED NESS MONSTER S \his brief arrival speech at the Ramsey Outlines Barriers To Anglican, RC Church Tie MONTREAL (CP) -- Dr. Ar- thur Michael Ramsey, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, said Tuesday three main points Tour Hits Cool Spot PAPEETE, Tahiti (AP)--Less than 1,000 French and Tahitians turned out Tuesday night to greet President de Gaulle on his arrival in Tahiti the reception was friendly but restrained, and local authorities expressed dis- appointment, 4 i There were no cheers and lit- tle clapping as de Gaulle ended stand in the way of unity be- tween the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church, He said these are: 1, The doctrine of the infalli- bility of the Pope, : 2. The doctrine that worship -|of Our Lady must be treated as. anartole. of faith. 3. The doctrine that the Ro- man Catholic Church is the sole. Catholic church in the world. The 61-year-old spiritual leader of the world's 44,000,000 Anglicans was speaking at press conference, He arrived Canada Aug, and leaves pg 30 after a tour of the coun- ry. PREDICTS CHANGES Dr. Ramsey said he could not put a timetable on world church union but 'we shall live to see many changes that will bring that day. closer," He said the relations between the Anglican Church in Canada and the United Church of Can- ada have taken "'a turn for the better." He said he wished to clarify a statement he had made ear- lier in his Canadian visit con- airport with "vive la France!' Chiefs brought from other is- lands by French warships shook hands with the president, then turned abruptly away. Along the route to the residence of the governor of French Polynesia, French flags flew over Chinese stores but not over Tahitian homes. Tahitian Chinese domi- Dallas News staff photog- face from this close photo- rapher Clint Grant has been graph, It was in 1958 that seeing things for years that photographer Grant made no one else seems to notice. front pages with a shot of It is a closeup of a door the tail light section of a lock with knobs looking like then new Pontiac, ears. The lock itself takes on the appearance of a WEATHER FORECAST Gradual Warming Trend Mainly Sunny, Light Winds 78 --AP Wirephoto TORONTO (CP)--Forecast is-| Kingston ..+.+++00+ 45 sued at 5:30 a.m, | Trenton .ecceceeees 52 Synopsis: warning spell is} Killaloe ... vsie 48 expected to develop accom-/ Muskoka .... - 45 panied by mainly sunny skies| North Bay ......... 48 in southern Ontario, but show-| ~~~ 7 cerning Viet Nam. "I believe the U.S. went into Viet Nam with a right motive, that of withstanding Communist aggression. "But it is very doubtful if any- thing is being achieved by con- tinued American presence there and I ardently desire a settle- ment of the conflict. In this mat- ter I share the sentiments of British Prime Minister Harold Wilson,"' GIVES ADVICE He gave this advice to churches seeking to attract and hold young persons: aeeceinmnnt Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President nate the island's business. | However, there was no dem- lonstration of hostility, although |many Tahitians have publicly jexpressed a desire for independ- ence, | De Gaulle came from New |caledonia on a 19-day round-the- | world tour, | Friday de Gaulle goes to the |Mururoa atoll to witness the ltest explosion Saturday of a French atomic bomb. De Gaulle is believed to have |discussed further development lof New Caledonia's vast nickel resources Tuesday. All processing on the French |Pacific Island is currently the \exclusive right of the French |Societe le Nickel but there had |been reports that International |Nickel Co., wanted to take part lin any further development. ers and thundershowers will likely occur in the far northern regions late Thursday afternoon and evening as another cold outbreak approaches from the northwest. | Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Ni- agara, Southern Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Windsor, London, Toronto, Hamilton: Mainly sunny with slowly rising tem- peratures, Winds light, Northern Lake Huron, South- ern Georgian Bay: Clear with slowly rising temperatures. Winds light. Haliburton, Killaloe, Northern| Georgian Bay, Timagami, North Bay, Sudbury: Clear, sunny and warmer, Winds southwest 15. Algoma, Sault Sunny with ef i ast peratures. Winds light. | White River, Cochrane: Sunny with cloudy periods and scat- tered showers and _ thunder- storms in the late afternoon and -- Winds southwest 15 to Ste Marie: MINIMUM DE az MORE INTERES 4i% 2 SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS Redeemable AVY time Interest on daily balance GUARANTY TRUST Bill McFeeters -- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265" jas ' "Show them general fellow- ship so they can feel it as soon as they become part of the church. . . , Show. understand- ing of their problems . , . and show them the church as a kind of exciting adventure." The tall prelate's infectious grin spread wider when asked whether Christ is more popular than the Beatles, "Christ didn't come for the purpose of popularity," he re- plied, He had been picking up ecu- menical ideas "all the time dur- ing my' Canadian ing aad re- The Oshowe Board of Gducavion. AND ITs : ADVISORY VOCATIONAL COMMITTEE ANNOUNCE THE 1966-1967 PROGRAM ADVANCED TECHNICAL EVENING CLASSES R. S. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE and VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 570 Stevenson Read North Telephone 728-9407 Monday, Sept, 12 or Tuesday, Sept, 13 ibe held at McLaughlin oot Pg Mondey and Classes will Wednesday These courses are equivalent to the courses being offered ot the and a rd of Cer- {eee Fa Haley 4 are r] - 1 i ineeri echnicians and Technol \ preneguisires FoR 'ADMISSION ener Ads 7 Certificate Courses is the dary School t "Grags 5, Ontario) of its equivalent as determined by the Principal of 7:00 ~ 8:00 p.m. - ma, TECHNICAL DRAWING ENGLISH ™ EMA ENGLISH 1 MATHEMATICS 1 ELECTRONIC "FUNDAMENTALS GENERAL CHEMISTRY TECHNICAL DRAWING MATHEMATICS 1 Mysies | i ir rt rovidi win ts BD tony $10.00 PER SUBJECT 'oliowing . cri have may lieu of the subjects indicated, rH ithaca a be, Peper ee de Xill Chemistry for Chemistry |. 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. Tics Ht Grede Xii Grade XII Vocetional Veeational REGISTER IN PERSON AT R. S. MeLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE & VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 'VENSON ROAD NO Db RTH MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 or Manel SEPTEMBER 13 7:00 p.m. te 9:00 p.m, BOARD: OF EDUCATION -- OSHAWA G. L. ROBERTS $f. LovELL, Chairman ; Superintendent of J. R. BACKUS, Business Secondary Schools Administrator \ FRESH PORK POSIT $5,000.00 BUEHLER'S SHOULDER 12 King St. E. 723-3633 of the present working agree- ment will continue on a day-to- Forecast temperatures Low overnight, high Thursday Windsor ....es0eess St. Thomas ......+. LOndOn ...ccescees Kitchener Mount Forest ..... Wingham , Hamilton ..... eee St. Catharines ..... 50 TOFONtO ssssssecees 52 7 Bean | OPEN HO Everyone is Invited To Visit "VERBENA COURT" A new, quiet Court in Beau Valley with homes ready for immediate occupancy. OPEN HOUSE HOURS At the "ANNA MARIA" Mode! Home, you will see a completely new concept in Electrical Heating and Air Conditioning, "Set it' and "Forget it'. An Electrical heating and Air-conditioning system which you just set the temperature you desire and leave it and it will stay eonstont oll year around, giving you al! year around comfort. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King Street West 723-2265 Asian Parliamentarians' Union day basis until settlement has ended its second annual general been reached or the union ne-|@8sembly Wednesday with a gotiators have called a strike," resolution be Pe ~~ | Sion ommunis' na to e a meetings @re CON-|tjnited Nations, The assembly tae {was attended by 270 delegates Mr. Dickie has been meeting|from Nationalist China, Japan, with company and union offi-/South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, cials since a vote Aug. 31 by|The Philippines, Thailand and Local 6500, Sudbury, and Local) South Viet Nam. Australia and 6200, Port Colborne, gave the/ Indonesia sent observers. union negotiating committee au- thority to call a strike. | Youths Fined ROAST... BONELESS STUFFED PORK ROAST .. = 59 Pork LEAN SLICED Sieaks on ne SPECIAL BACON AT CONFERENCE FEDERALLY INCORPORATED AND SUPERVISED Mrs. E. A. Middiemass and William Lorimer of the Osh- awa Housing Authority are at- tending the 14th conference of the Ontario Housing Corpora- tion at Fort William this week. BAND MEMBER John Francis Kennedy, son of Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Kennedy of 423 Bernhard Cres., is a member of a sea cadet band which was formed at Corn- wallis, Nova Scotia, this sum- pea Praag: Rag = summer raining of the cadets. John is a| GRAND BEND, Ont. (CP)-- Leading Cadet in RCSCC,|Twenty-three youths Tuesday Drake, Oshawa. He is a student| were fined a total of more than at McLaughlin CVI. |$1,200, another five were re- HOSPITAL REPORT |manded two weeks for court ap- Forty babies were born at the |P@rances and Seven. adults Oshawa General Hospital dur- i > ge gc 7 ing the week ending Sept. 3. ear ciuiain Three hundred and eighteen _ |here. . nod Most of the youths arrested tients were admitted and 336), ™ "yotl discharged Ninete.nin= = \during the. rieting-wers charged 126 minor and 89 eye, ear, junder the Liquor Control Act. and throat operations were per- Two charged with creating a formed. Three hundred and|'sturbance and carrying a con- twenty-six treatments and |Cealed weapon were each fined examinations were given and $52.50. 46 casts applied. The physio-| The -adults were each fined therapy department gave 735)$27.50. treatments and made 582 visits;; The five remanded will ap-| while the occupational therapy|pear in court in Sarnia in two department handled 191 cases. !weeks. AY C Capital and Reserve $25,000,000 Deposits in excess of $350,000,008 F. R. Cordick, Manager 32 King St, E., Oshawe, Tel, 728-1653 SKINLESS WIENERS Zn] 5 ox 2.38 . 89: FRESH MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE Buy 3 lhs. 1.00 Get 1 lb. FREE sreax 29s C | RIB 3 lbs. 1.00 1G J j 16. GAL. : [Save 'wisi PHONE 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa - Whitby - Ajax and District | Now Is The Time To Order Your Winter Fuel ' -- In "Beau Valley" By The Piece. .scccee You'll Enjoy @ The Convenience of the high quality products and workmanship which goes THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! Adult Building Central Location into Kassinger Construc- STEAKS VEAL PATTIES b | STEAK tion Homes. 6 te 9 p.m. Monday te Fridiey 2 to 5:30 p.m. Set. and Sun, Prestige Address Distinction Beyond The Convenience of Cornpare Il ph d, pi Underground and Level ee Parking community, including the new "Beau valley Public School" right in Beau Valley. 12 King St. E. 723-3633 By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 G@ORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA | SAAT a RIE PURI OPEN DAILY 8:30 A.M. TIL 6 P.M. FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M. t