NEWFOUNDLAND. ELECTION PCs Attack Smallwood ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--The throwing off "the sham mantle As Campaign Nears End tyrant and the dictator." OTTAWA (CP)--Canada may lose an archbishop and six bish- / THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 7, 1966 3 Pope's Retirement Ruling To Affect Canadian Clergy auxiliary bishop of Montreal. Both are 91, Brodeur, Alexandria, Ont.; Bishop' Francis P. Car- roll, 76, of Calgary and Bishop Joseph Desmarais, 75, of Amos, Que. 4 Under the new provision, Archbishop O'Sullivan and. the bishops would retain their titles Conservatives. continued their/oi the statesman." Dr. Murphy's statement was|9PS as @ result of Pope Paul's) Bishop Joseph Langlois, 90, of|if they retired. Their successors verbal assault on Premier Jo- "He casts aside the role of the father of Confederation, the seph Smallwood Tuesday as the campaign for Thursday's New- it enferad lis Dr. Noel Murphy, freshman leader of the Progressive Con- servative opposition, described role of the friend of the toiling itas and the role of the ereat | |builder and developer." He said Mr, Smallwood, New- foundiand's premier since the province joined Confederation similar--but in stronger terms --to his recent radio and tele- vision addresses. ; Bape seer ves oe AORN Badan It was released a few hours after the 48-hour ban on politi- cal telecasts went into effect in Newfoundland at 8 a.m, NDT decision that pastors should re- tire by the time they reach 75. would be 'recommended by an Valleyfield, Que., already has ist episcopal conference and named an t who is expected to A spokesman for the Cana- dian Catholic conference said Tusedav civ af the men are ai- ready well beyond retirement age. The seventh becomes eli- The spokesman said all seven gible for retirement this year. | succeed him. by the Pope. THE OSHAWA BOARD of EDUCATION EVENING CLASSES GRADE 13 1966-1967 CENTRAL ©. I. 240 Simcoe Street South Telephone 723-4678 in 1949, has decided to"... frighten the people and terrify them, parade once more as the Tuesday. are expected to retire voluntar- ° ily when a papal document, hem angst Mb a rcuit dealing with many mony AED § political radios and_ television sagem se a a an kee broadcasts within 48 hours of gs i 'i ae tas election days. Polls open at 8 found the diocesan w strenuous and have taken on a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Thurs: |). tants to help with the load. The most influential prelate affected by the decision would be Archbishop Joseph O'Sulli- van of Kingston. He will be 80 this year. The two oldest bishops are Jo- seph Papineau of Joliette, Que., and J. C, Schaumont, retired | the Liberal premier as a "dem- agogue" who is running scared in this election campaign after DR..F. J. DONEVAN C. I. 250 Harmony Roed South Telephone 728-7315 ART BIOLOGY | CHEMISTRY GEOGRAPHY HISTORY PHYSICS Monday and Wednesday | evenings O'NEILL C. & V. 1. 301 Simcoe Street North -- Telephone 728-7331 ALGEBRA -- FRENCH ---- GEOMETRY -- TRIGONOMETRY Tuesdey end Thursday evenings. CLASSES will be held on one or more of four evenings, Monday to Thursday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and will continue until the middle of May. COURSES will be provided if 15 or more people register --- on or before opening night. FEES: $10.00 per course to be paid at time of enrolment, No refunds ot end of term. REGISTER IN PERSON ON TUES., SEPT. 13 or WED., SEPT. 14 7:00 p.m. te 9:00 p.m. BOARD OF EDUCATION, OSHAWA G. L. ROBERTS 8. &. LOVELL, Cheirmen Superindendent ef J. R. BACKUS, Business Secondary Schools Administretor IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION, YOUR EARNING POWER AND YOURSELF day. Mr. Smallwood, who carried his campaign Thursday night to Water - For - Peace Parley Causes Canadian Concern »: - central Newfoundland, Mr. Pepin said he has already 3 Ker, pobly the poston sup) at WMI Me ys we over sted by Mr. Fulton. years for Newfoundland's econ- He said the invitation has not} ' omy and how he plans to build May 23 in Washington, Mines|yet been received from Wash- pe Pia MSURBAHOA . Minister Pepin told the Com-| ington but would be carefully} wikia ta « teak that cole tor| IRISH REGAIN mons Tuesday. | considered when it is. enthusiasm, ambition," | | BLOWN-UP HEAD | i stions| Canada was doing all possible/enersy, é é ve cottage 4 ph kang | develop a Canadian water| Said the premier, seeking his DUBLIN (AP) Lord Nelson's granite head is icy ixth straight mandate. j e| policy, he added, | SIX Toe, aittienen ts geatiey This apparently referred to a) Dr. Murphy Tuesday referred | back where it belongs--in Dublin. 7 'ee national conference in Montreal|to the first Newfoundland pro- | peak rer arr gis gga in late October on water pollu-|vincial election, held in 1949| The 220-pound head of the English admiral was smug- ried tion. shortly after Newfoundland be-| : some : 1 ee he inieteationat' Boe § Gordon Aiken (PC -- Parry| came Canada's 10th province. gled out of Ireland after the Nelson monument in Dublin ENGLISH Monday end Wednesdey OTTAWA (CP) -- Some con- evenings cern is felt here about the vad ta ter-for-peace conference called | ge' by President Johnson for next| a This plan will do everything to get your youngster a college degree except pass his exams for him tine. Sound-Muskoka) was ruled out) «yoy might think after 17} ' jof order when he asked Mr-.| years in office Joe Smallwood's | make a statement of policy that)... th | hy Triah ex: there. will be no continental] *°™t4,'coorce in pure 'waler er| ene ngee, meowed, that he) emista last March. Tt iater TREATING WOUNDED UNDER FIRE sharing. of Canadian water until] er sieties '> Conse, oe be prepared to let | sts f the federal government's water Eis maleate RE AS Rete 8 LEPRLE SRO a 2 | Medics of the U.S. 173rd ince, about 30 miles east of Soldier at left has M-79 policy is clearly stated and de- si |without fear,' he said, er setiadh' allan Airborne Brigade give aid Saigon. The wounded man grenades attached to hel- |bated by Parliament. Greene To Explain He was referring to what he) peony Gray handed the and plasma to wounded i d t d in bandoli HAE SUR MR described as Mr. Smallwood's| |. blin offi- ' ' : was hit in the arm an met an in andoliers } ' pi a head back to a Dublin offi buddy as fire fight con A nis "chet | . Pp P ] infamous speech" in the 1949 cial in a ceremony at the eee, aa Pape Tay peer: Cas el teal comtuaryr? Guards Wreck Milk rice 9 acy bi ong spot where the 134-foot mon- jungles of Phuoc Tuy prov- moved along a jungle trail. at (AP Wirephoto) | | OPPAWA.(CP).- Agticutiare|: Th®, Dremier, Dri Murphy | gtscat gapsajoel ' ® . ® | Minister Greene will explain the said, had stated then that "Pm | "After all the moaning . Historic Relics federal government position on Sitting on the public chest and) there was when it originally milk subsidies to all interested|Mot one cent will be spent on) went, no one seemed to want BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP)--| parties at an open meeting Fri-|the southern shore" if the) jt when we brought it Peking's Red Guards have/qay his office announced Tues-| Voters there supported Conserv-| pack," Gray said. wrecked most of the Buddha/4q,\' ative candidate W. J. Browne. "4 4 statues and other relics in the) Stating that the problem is es- | sa dl Wd ] oa : S famed Temple of the Sleeping) sentially one involving "provin- | |Buddha, one of the outstanding | jg) jurisdiction and affecting | 'ancient monuments in the Chi! Ontario and Quebec, Mr.| By MICHAEL GILLAN | Mr. Forrestall said business-|the commissioners wouldn't|"@5¢ capital, the Hungarian) Greene invited agriculture min- OTTAWA (CP)--If there's to)/men will suffer unless the gov-|know what to do, 'And they iste: : be a big fight over the govern-|ernment clears up uncertaings guess in the end on rail line | Tuesday. : : \their representatives to attend ment's mamnioth railway legis-|about what is to happen after abandonment," he said. | The agency's Peking corre-\the meeting. Any interested | lation, then MPs now are just|the two-year study period. Mr.| Gerald W. Baldwin (PC --|spondent described the destruc-|group would be welcome, he} Many opposition members, |should consider steps to extend|should tell the new commission |Sunday with other correspond-| Farmers, particularly in On- particularly those from the|low transportation rates to in-|to take regional factors into ac-| ents. tario, have protested that sub- Prairies and the Maritimes, are|clude road, air and pipeline |count in reaching decisions. The report said the statues|sidies have not achieved the 24,000 words are hidden mean-| for the commission would prob-|gan of 'fight against the rem-|is the federal target for milk ings that might adversely affect mee ee said' transport |2>!y result in all commission | nants of feudalism." 'the farmers sell manufacturers. | regional economies. costs. for manufacturers in| @¢™bers having similar opin-/ -- = rrr = Ra a a the Commons transport com-/hicher t fi jprovincial governments should mittee after second pend anaes y toed, orgies |e private institute and 4 approvai m principie--they say|ment should consider a high-|2/9° Tetain their own in order | ¥ ) wage a battle or give approval! siiy across New Brunswick to|°" _ handling of railway mat- N OW ' Mr. Fulton called on him to) pepin whether President John-|holitical philosophy would have| turned up in a London an- jijnews agency MTI reported isters from ever® province or shadow-boxing. /Coates said the government;Peace River) said the bill/tion after visiting the temple / added. | concerned that behind the dill's | transport. Proposed research facilities) were destroyed under the slo-|price of $4a hundredweight that | But until the bill goes before Nova Scotia are 2 rer cent|0MS, he said. The federal and Fe weeaoyremmaneon they won't .know whether t0/sneed rail line cutting diagon-|'? D&ve ® variety of suggestions some-amendments. "aid Maritime shippers. bes "Ths uncertainty was reflec The bill also did not come tol, a Gundlock .(PC--Leth- Tuesday during the second full) grins with the problems posed|" 1a , ee said Conservatives Gay of Commons debate on the/1, Maritime ports by winter|WOU!d have to oppose the bill ny ae 4 . lshipping on the St. Lawrence|°" second reading because the = "* on son ¥ | River, growing each season. He pet a hadn't accepted the pi perigee _ pe 4 |suggested equalization of ship-|*vegestion to send it to com- their attacks with "ifs" on the! ning costs in St. Lawrence and|ittee first for detailed study. grounds they don't know what) Maritime ports. : H. W. Herridge (NDP--Koo- the clauses ewe a hagenee | Edward Nasserden (PC--Ros-| ey West) said the railways At the start of the debate last/thermn) and Lawrence E. Kindt|*"0wld not be allowed to stop Per A week the Conservatives, led by | (PC--Macleod) both expressed |P#ssenger service on a line 'er Annum ne = oeaide' tole? about abandonment Mike Suet Eee -- T », lines i frei : s over the Sinepuniet te color the ease nee penile' tivight rete CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUS ; ae tracks. He said this was ect matter of the bill to the i , happening on the CPR's Kettle |. Rates through the Crowsnest ' ; % ie | ance before second read linea' tthe cawad" donee were ee, line in British Columbia. | . | Viewed in the West as "part of| aia Prittie (NDP--Burn-| A RARE MOVE the Magna Carta of Confedera- |» <i per ge de yang ng This seldom-used step would | tion itself," Mr. Nasserden | mens es ray oe 4 Pec have permitted exhaustive com-/said. Any change would meet &!svstem if it nati i "4 vo mittee hearings before a vote |flood of criticism. CPR -- to give approval in principle. Mr. Pickersgill said the gov-|---- Transport Minister Pickers-;ernment had no intention of gill rejected the bid but said|changing the Crowsnest rail after second reading the gov-/freight rates or allowing any- ernment would entertain any one else to do so. amendments to approve the) Mr. Kindt said the proposed |are inspecting teen-agers to see bill. jtransport commission won't if their clothes comply with anti- And he said by voting for ap-j|have the staff to do the ac-|beatnik regulations, Authorities proval in principle MPs were|counting to figure out which/insert a beer bottle between an- accepting only two principles-- lines the railways should be al-|kle and trouser-leg to gauge the abandonment of uneco- lowed to abandon nomic railway branch lines andthe Prairies' would accept any ments up the seams if they are| the new commission or super-|figure put forward by the CPR. | too tight. The same rule applies | ee run all forms of trans-| Faced with a batch of figures, to girls' skirts, | portation. i Rahal ted leiasinial BOTTLE SETS STYLE JAKARTA (AP) Indone- sian police and troops on Java Na ane. on cnueneee of fit and rin the cor & SAVINGS CORPORATION Are pleased to announce thot they have increased the interest rate on 5 to 10 year G.1.C.'s to 6% % (formeriy 6%) and on | to 4 year G.I.C.'s to 6%4% (formerly 6%). Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 SIMCOE ST. N, OSHAWA 723-5221 23 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2527 Besides setting up the new) You can't guarantee that a youngster now in high school will get his college degree. But you can guarantee that he will get the chance to try. That's the essence of the Bank of Montreal University Education Program- me--a comprehensive savings-loan plan that enables you to spread the cost of a This Is a flexible programme... adapt- able to individual education costs and payable over a varying number of years. If you have a youngster in the first two or three years of high school now is the time to start. Drop into your neighbour- hood branch of the Bank of Montreal and let us fit the plan to your needs. board, one of the bill's key) steps would be to end a freeze! on most rail freight rates. Sub- | sidies now paid the railways, also. would be pared down through the years. The idea is to let the railways | cut some money-losing branch operations and generally put! them into sink-or-swim compe- tition with other shippers. TOSS TO WOLVES? But Jack Horner (PC--Aca- dia) said the net result would be to throw the West and the Maritimes "'to the wolves." Railways now had to keep rates competitive where other forms of shipping were availa- ble. Without rate freezes, they | would raise the tab only where there were captive shippers who had no recourse to other forms of transport. H, Russell MacEwan (PC-- Pictou) said the bill would con- tinue a freeze on Maritime rail freight rates for two years pending a study But what would happen then? He sought a guarantee that there would be no change in Maritime province rates with- out consulting Parliament. Michae| Forrestall (PC--Hal- ifax), Robert €. Coates (PC-- Cumberland) and Robert McCleave (PC--Halifax) also expressed worries about the bill's effects on the Maritimes. How to relieve Use Dodd's Kidney BA K Pille for prompt | Then convince your youngster the rest is up to him! university education over periods up to nine years. You start payments when your boy or e girl is still in high school and make the PS: If you need help financing a student final payment a year after graduation. already in university--or planning to From the first deposit, the special life register this year -- talk to your B of M insurance feature guarantees that his | Manager. Chances are he can arrange a tuition loan with extended payments adapted to your circumstances. Or, if your youngster qualifies for a loan under the Canada Student Loans Plan, send him to see the Bof M. or her education costs will be covered. Your low monthly payments include 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS LEAN, MEATY, TENDER-BLADE BONE OUT 5 BLADE ROAST 9,3: : Pot Roast Rolled, Sanches Beef SHOULDER 65 interest charges totalling a small fraction ONTARIC GROWN FANCY NO, 1 MELBA | APPLES | 30° | of what you would pay on any straight loan programme. Fresh Cut Pork SHOULDER ROAST _ Fresh Cut Ped Buit Roast Pork Tenderloin, 3-Ib, ave. accel Lean MINCED STEAK BANK OF MONTREAL Canada's First Bank 3-LB, CELLO ROAST Economy Beef, Roost PRIME ROAST 6th & 7th Rib C Campbell's 10-ox. tins 69 TOMATO SOUP. | Wh. €XP06/7 Canada's World spectacle/Montreal, Canada, April 28--October 27,1967 3: = ur _2 rm 25¢ | 43 Ib 79: 1): relief from the | systemic condi- tien causing the | backache. Soon you feel better rest better, Der pend en Tasty, Leon, Beef Short Rib CHICKENS 2% to 3 th. Average