WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Lack Of Sidewalks Rrouses Council's Ire WHITBY. (Staff) -- Indigna- tion that the. contractor in cl of the reconstruction of ¢ St B, has failed to provide sidewalks for the use|board; but that council should of cMmiaren atiending Vuinuds * St. B. Publie School was voiced Tuesday night by members of "Whitby Town Council. | Mayor Desmond Newman was authorized to peruse the contract covering the project and call the Ontario minister of highways today to complain ' eoncerning the lack of co-oper- ation of King Construction Co. He will demand that action be taken at once to rectify the situation. "T am convinced there is a clause in the contract covering the provision of walks," said Mayor Newman, who said three meetings had been held with the contractor and the high- ways department, and that as- surance had been given. that sidewalks would be provided. The a arose out of a letter recefved by Deputy Reeve R. Attersley from a resident of the Bowman Ave. area. The let- ter complained of the lack of walks and said it cost 20 cents a da to school, The Deputy Reeve said con- struction problems had arisen Council Honors Eric Clark Whitby Town Council, Tues- day night, passed a resolution expressing sympathy to the family of the late Eric Clark who died recently while con- ducting the Whitby Brass Band in a competition at the CNE. The resolution will voice in the highest terms the appreciation to the town for his contribution to the life of the community. Following the passing of the Power To Call Tenders Granted Authority was granted to the Whitby Centennial Centre Board, by town council Tues- day night, to call for tenders for the plastering, painting and roofing of the Old Ontario County Courthouse building. The Board was authorized to accept the lowest tender within the budget. A report of the board's re- cent meeting showed the care- taker was authorized to arrange for the replacement of win- dows at a cost of $49.15 for glass and $260 for installation. 5 Bylaws Given Five bylaws were givea iiice readings and passed at the Tuesday night meeting of Whit- by Town Council. Mrs. Greta Lee was ap- to the Public Library Board; while John R. Me- Corkell was appointed as dep- uty town engineer. He will receive a salary of $7,200 per annum to start. A bylaw was passed to dedi- WHITBY COUNCIL NEWS BRIEF *... |for the change is a mild-looking, | A proposal that the car allow- ance for members of the staff now receiving it be increased from $300 a year to $400 was referred back to committee for study Tuesday night by Whitby Town Council. The town engineer was ad- vised that temporary works department employees who are members of Local 53, CUPE, be not paid for statutory holi- bus fare to send a child) lsuggested he call the depart-|Township council, at a meeting} and steel for a bridge had been delayed. He felt transportation was a matter which should be taken up with the public school | § give isadsiship. Mayor Newman said a walk had been completed as far as a motel but there was nothing east of that on the north side of the highway. The walk on the south side had been completed to Blair St, Council had been told, he said, snow fence would be erect- ed at the CPR underpass and at Blait St. as well as at Cray- don Rd, where there is an open cut, It was moved by Councillor Thomas Edwards and Deputy Reeve Attersley that the town provide a bus service for school The construction of the four-room addition to Ked- ron Public School is prog- KEDRON PUBLIC under way. It is expected the project, being carried out by Rice Construction Ltd. of Richmond Hill, will ressing rapidly, The foot- ings have been completed and the erection of steel is SCHOOL ADDITION UNDER WAY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 7, 1966 § Darlington Plans ; Biennial Election HAMPTON -- Darlington Township Council, at its meet- ing Jast week, gave two read- ings to a bylaw to provide for the holding of biennial elections in the township. The bylaw was referred to the committre of the whole council for study, The mem! Court of KEEP OLD TRADITION When Japanese shipyards launch a vessel, a kusudama, a oo * pr sgy ribbons, alloons and live pigeons, broken on. the bow. - BROCK -- New Playing -- One Complete WHITBY» Program --- Each Evening at 7:30 -- ers of the Reeve A, L. Blanchard, chair- man; H. C. Muir, D, Down, R. Gibbs and Mrs, M. Budai. On the motion of Deputy Reeve Muir and Councillor Gibbs the clerk was authorized to prepare an agreement with William Tripp, Lot 19, Conces- sion 3, to provide a tract of land at the north end of his property for use asa garbage disposal area. Al "THE BRIGAND OF KANDAHAR" In Color --» Starring --- Ronald Lewis --- Yvonne Romain be completed by the end of the year, -- Oshawa Times the year. Oshawa Times Photo children until safety walks are provided as far as Bowman ve, At this point Mayor Newman said it was only fair to suggest that any motion involving money improperly spent is con- cerned, council is liable to the; extent of the money involved. "King Paving has defaulted | on the provision of walks. I feel) our recourse should be through) this firm," said the mayor, who) BROUGHAM Pickering Friday, resolved to make ap- plication to withdraw from the Ontario County Health Unit, jand. organize its own health | unit. oe gpa gee Boe mes In a recorded vote Council- silent tribute to Mr. Clark who lors John Williams, John Camp- served for many. years a8 bell and Ronald Chatten op- parking meter attendant. posed the epesn ae Council will advertise at once|stounds that sufficient facts for a successor to Mr, Clark,|@nd figures were not supplied whom Councillor Vernon Mac-|them. Carl said had saved the town| Reeve C. W. Laycox said that a large sum of money through/it had been brought to his and his ability to repair and main-|Deputy Reeve Mrs. J. Me- tain meters. Pherson's - attention that the cost to the township to operate under the County Health Unit was going to be considerably The meeting reviewed plans! more. for the renovation of the in-| terior of the building. Present| COSTS JUMP plans are awaiting approval of He said that both he and the the department of labor. ideputy reeve were in favor of A fire escape will be de-jbeing part of the Health Unit |signed for the caretaker'sjat the time they were taken apartment. The caretaker wasiover, but that now the cost per requested to report regularly|capita would jump from $1 50 on a stone in the arch at the/to $3 or a cost to Pickering front of the building to check/Township of about $90,000. For deterioration, la maximum of $30,000 the reeve It was agreed to permit the/felt the township could operate St. John Ambulance Associa- tion to use three rooms in the building. }ment of highways and register \the alarm of the citizens. three nurses. A strong letter . of protest from the West Rouge Rate- with a staff of one doctor and Pickering Attempts To Leave Health Unite2!<%2 ified," he said, "Dr. Dymond, "I 2m not going to libel my- said to me she had the qualifi-|self like other people do." leations but was dismissed! |simply because she 'could not|/TWO MAKE DECISIONS lget along with the employees."| Deputy Reeve Mrs. McPher- "It's going to cost us three |80" said that she had sat on times as much under the coun: | "7° Rg since the formation lty system," he added, "We of the County Health Unit, and lean opt out," / ino member of the board had be 3 aie anything to say. The nurses | Mrs. McPherson said: "We/and sanitary inspector tell what waited seven months to get the,ihey want. Two people made |MOH we have. All authority|the decisions, she said. to hire or fire was given over | - ---- that very much to the staff. We have 18 public! ing out SF aay tek "vidio "a seated ow fg and six sanitary) She said that since the nurses at cutee jhad their union they get every- | HEAVY LEVY thing they ask for, and "We | 'The deputy reeve added that have the highest paid sanitary the township could be faced|inspector in the province of |with 27 or 28 per cent of the, Ontario. h lcounty levy -- "But we are 'We are not getting service growing and the other munici- for the money we are paying." palities are not. | "I move my er te a ; see no reason to withdraw it," ipo i Canepa po age said Councillor Beer, "I feel this on the basis of a tew|** oe Oe oA should take skimpy figures was not right.| Councillor Williams asked iy *|that it be recorded in the min- If you had attended the) utes that no facts or figures or meeting onan re ae sag was peevidet, 3 4 ye! "T am not going to put we more about it," said the HAS yn he g ed salen Reeve. said the reeve. Councillor asked| 'I can ask that any proceed- why the discussion was not|ings of this council be recorded lrecorded in the committee min-|in the minutes," retorted the utes, and Laycox replied: 'councillor, 'It is not a motion." Williams in the minutes," Castro Courts West Visitors HAVANA (AP) --The Fidel f fog |Cuba, offering. them expense- reel tine paid tours and red-carpet treat- ;ment. | Technical experts, intellec- |tuals, college students, teach- ers, show-business personalities, newspaper men and organized groups are invited here for spe- cial events or one of numerous conferences and celebrations. They are "given the opportu- jnity to learn about Cuba and jits people," in the words of gov- ernment officials. by breakfast time with ASPIRIN! Three Readings Cais highway. Two readings were given to @ second bylaw to provide for the dedication of lands as a public highway. This bylaw involved land for the extension of Burns and St. Lawrence Sts. ate land (Giffard St.. east of! Wellington St.) as a publiciiiin" of womanhood, was read| by the reeve. | payers' Association, deploring | ithe firing of the Medical Officer | sf Hestth, calling it a desecra-| Trimmer, Slimmer Giz!s Beauties Today In Russia MOSCOW (AP) -- The Soviet|when it comes to health. Among "Wwe would like to know how Pickering Township can opt out," the letter asked. Mr. Laycox said that strong exception was taken by him- | Council passed a bylaw to provide for 1966 supplementary | expenditures amount of $16,050. , Council, at its next meeting, | will consider an engineering re- port relative to the reconstruc- tion of the Henry St, bridge over the CNR. The railway has offered to pay $17,000 toward the project. Councillor D. McQuay took his oath of office Tuesday morn- ing and took his seat Tuesday night as a member of council. on roads in the! jefficient, and them: "The air of our cities is ter- rible, the car is the most dan- jgerous invention of our time. Moscow girl of today is becom-|/We do not exercise and we breathe lots of toxic sub- stances." Pokrovsky speaks frankly lbespectacled scientist who, de-|about Soviet weight problems: A tender for Mel-on Construc-/snite his 49 years, does hand-|"We have some very fat ladies tion, at $2.50 per foot, oe 'the| stands on an office chair. jand rene We like bread construction approximately | . very 'much in our country." $0 feet of curbing on Green St., He is Alenst A. Cor mecter ot|,, conditions are different in |was accepted. the institute of, nourishment of|*te United veer) bic yr all } jcompanies advertise. It is very Permission was granted to ote la Acatiemy of Medical | rood advertising, All food prod- |the Ontario Regiment to use| Radi in baie q|UCts ats new and different. \Centennial Park Sept. 22 for aj,.°0 oy) Oe eee and) There is no advertising as ldemonstration was approved. |'hrough bec tures to actory,|/such on Soviet radio and tele- | jschool and other groups, Pokro/yision, but Pokrovsky said it ; isky preaches proper diet and| | Letters of commendation will) lcould work. "Once on a radio program va (daily exercise. He says this is be forwarded to the 10 candid-/11) Vay to better work, stronger|about diets I said, 'drink to- self and Mrs, McPherson to the idea of a beautiful girl once ap- dismissal. |peared to be much the same as ne table, |the Soviet idea of a beautiful The . MOH Tertalniy quali: |Dullding--big and solid, But the jing slimmer and trimmer. each, for three town) One man partly responsible The fire protection and bylaw|ates who completed the require- jhealth, longer life, and, for/mato juice.' What happened? Little Gents -- sizes 6 to 10. Youths -- sizes 10 to 13 Boys -- sizes | to 5 BASKETBALL TENNIS BOOT F, With non-morking extra heavy soles for gym use, cushion Insole ond arch available in black or white, : LADIES' TENNIS OXFORD enforcement committee will in-/ments for Royal Life Saving) women, better beauty care. |All the tomato juice in Moscow days. The Whitby Kinsmen Club , ; i land Canadian Red Cross Swim-) vestigate an application for a) | He is a man of strong opinions'stores was sold out." was given permission to hold a : turkey shoot at Heydenshore| garage licence by Fleming Auto| ™n8 Badges. Park provided approval is given| Services Limited. by the police and a liability in-) surance poucy is secures. BP nies > * . . jrell reported residential build- Council spent considerablejing permits issued in August time studying an engineer's te- a wis while commer- H i -| cia rmits': amounted to "legge" sage deme gaged rage | Council has approved a grant ment and town specifications in| of $100 to the Whitby Minor | relation to the Orchard Park| A request by the Whitby Dist. | Lacrosse Association. Mayor subdivision. |rict High School Board for more|Newman has been authorized) loffice space in the basement of|'0 write commending the assoc-| A draft bylaw to establish|the municipal building will be|iation for hosting Ontario La-| minimum standards for main-|taken up with the board. Coun-|"Tosse clubs during the Ang..27 tenance and physical condition/cil felt that in view of its own| Weekend. ina = | of residential properties is ex-|plans for departmental expen-| ------------------------ pected to be ready for study by|sion the board should consider | ROCK Created To or council by the end of this/having its office in the exten- Individual month. sion at the Anderson St. High) } AGES Requirements Council has decided that, as ja matter of policy, acts of | bravery withla. Wie iowa Uaats will be suitably recognized by, the municipality. | baatbeeaad tar © Tf Cnr. Wwirrmey MEAT Wale bees gantee Choice Quality Meat at DISCOUNT PRICES FREEMAN'S READY-TO-SERVE PICNIC HAMS ~~ 19° 3m 89° FOR CHOCOLATE DRINKS -- BUY uw. 69° ZIP CHOCOLATE us, 59° HOME MADE -- FARMER STYLE 4 xcs. 978 SAUSAGE CHOICE QUALITY RED & BLUE INUTE STEAK =. 89° SPECIAL -- Mon. - Tues. & Wed. Only and Wrapping ... Ask About Our Price Sie WHITBY PLAZA -- Whitby -- Phone 668-6941 @ All Meots Gov't. Inspected ©@ MEATY Sept. 12, 13, & 14 MARKET eae et ee Tennis shoes with comfortable, long wearing molded sole with arch feature and a cushioned insole. Available in black or white in sizes 5 to 10. Ideal for Back-to-School wear | School. Council concurred in a com | mittee report vetoing the pro-| A sidewalk contract will be} posal to make Green and Athol prepared for construction on/ one-way streets. Ontario, Clemence, Palmerston, | Colborne, Green and Arthur Sts. | The town eingineer was au-|The Town clerk will prepare a! thorized to make application to blank petition covering the the department of highways for work. | approval of the installation of traffic lights complete with A contract will be awarded to underground services for the Seaway Motors Ltd., for the Dundas - Lupin, Dundas - Hop- supply of auxiliary gasoline) kins intersections and for under-|tanks and pumps, at a cost of| ground services only at the aa Dundas-Blair intersection. SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up td $22.00 on your auto insurance. "JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 MISSES' TENNIS OXFORDS A *Bock-to-School' Special! Tennis shoes 1 29 with ber erch for greater support, extra NEW FALL SUEDE heavy canvas uppers, and cushioned insole, Avoilable in white only in sizes 10 to 3. In Block and Riverbed Suede or Black Leather Just 87 pr. 2-LB. PKG, STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST Gore and Storrie, consulting engineers, have informed coun- cil that the design and tender documents for the Blair Rd pumping station should be ready in late September. LADIE'S HEELS in all popular shades. Reduced. While They Last 33 pr. Council was informed con struction of the bus bay on Dun- das St. E. has been completed) except for the paving. MINCED STEAK PORK HOCKS ». 25° CORNED BEEF WHITBY MEAT MARKET CUBED OR We Speciclize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS -- Cutting The engineer was authorized to proceed with the construc- tion of a sanitary sewer con nection at the Whitby Curling) Club to replace the former in stallation. The engineer was instructed to investigate the new grades tequired for driveways on Dun , das St. E. |