1 eal wir We ee Va ee Pe ey. . THE COLONEL'S DAUGHTERS FORM HIS HONOR GUARD Members of his family accompanied Colonel R. 8. McLaughlin to: the Civic 'Auditorium yesterday after- noon when he turned the first sod on the site of the Centennial Complex. At a tea party. afterwards, Colonel. McLaughlin made the first cut into a candle- lighted birthday cake. With him in the above picture are Mrs. J. B. Pangman GOLDEN TOPPED BAKED BEANS Budget - Wise Casserole Dishes Are Quick Hearty Fall Meals The ringing of back-to-school bells usually signals a scurry of activity in most homes. The cottage must be closed for the season and all kinds of things must be returned to the city. Fall clothes for the entire fam- ily are brought out and shortened, lengthened, let out, taken in, or replaced. School supplies for the children are purchased. And Mother usually spear- heads all this activity. At the same time, she must be sure to satisfy all the soar- ing appetites that come along with cooler fall temperatures. Here's where good budget know- how and a little imagination can help. For a change from sandwich-and-soup lunches, try bacon with orange slices, pin- wheel fashion. Sprinkle all with brown sugar, dot with butter; stud with cloves, Bake 25 min- utes. Serves 5-6. SPAGHETTI SOUFFLE (15-0z.) can Spaghetti with Beef cup sharp grated cheese eggs, separated Preheat oven to 250 degree Farhenheit. Heat the spaghetti, add 1 egg yolk at a time and heat, stirring constantly until mixture thickens; add cheese and continue heating until cheese melts. Cool. Beat egg) whites until light and fluffy. Fold into spaghetti mixture.) 1 1 4 a couple of inexpensive dishes Ddaked the oven. Golden Topped Baked Beans takes only a short time to prepare and adds tangy taste to the usual/ bean dish. Spaghetti Souffle adds egss and cheese to BARBECUED FRANK KABOBS B, cup chili sauce ' cup tomato ketchup Place in greased 1-quart bak-| ing dish. Bake 1 hour in 250) degree Farhenheit oven. Serves! -5. cup soft bread crumbs tablespoons onion soup mix Pounds ground heef e cup grated sharp cheese % teaspoon worcestershire sauce 4 'strips bacon Mix the above ingredients in that order. Pat into a greased loaf pan. Over the top place 4 strips of bacon. Bake i hour at 350 degree Farenheit. Serve hot with tomato ketchup. Serves 7-8. of Magog, Quebec, left, and Miss Isabel McLaughlin, Toronto right. Another daughter, Mrs. ©. Churchill Mann joined the family circle for the evening at Parkwood. --Oshawa Times Photo Aeon seg e LEGION AUXILIARY | The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43 held its first meeting for the fall and winter: season with the president, Mrs. Kiiiot, ; Alyn presiding. It was held in the 'pay oe Hall and will continue be there fe further notice. Many letters of thanks and appreciation were read from veterans, and members who had received flowers and com- forts during the summer months. Resctutions were read, these to te sent in to the Convention which is being held in Windsor later this month. Mrs. Alyn Elliot, president, and Mrs. Charles Lamb will be the dele- gates from Oshawa. The Centennial Fund is still cpen for members who have not contributed to this, the amount suggested was four dollars. Mrs, Matthew Bell, sports convener, announced the date set for bowling will be September 28. not paid dues for 1966. It was announced that unless these were paid by next Tuesday, September 13, their would be taken off the books. | This was a final notice. Mrs. George Lee, president} of the Pleasant Monday After-' noon Club announced that it} would resume meetings on} Knox Presbyterian} p.m, in the change in time. DISTAFF DIARY ae agcatie oxi ul gna oar Peal submitted by their secretaries, Arrear notices were sent out) in June to members who had) 'meetings and activities of DORCAS GROUP (First t Church) The Dorcas Group, First Bap- tist Church, held its first meet- ing for the fall season in the 10M Of @ PUl-iucK supper ar thc church on Tuesday arenas September 6. bead suppe meeting was 2 short the' presi- dent, Mrs. Mo . 'chamane led a to on the theme "Be Still My Soul." It was reported that the new choir gowns had arrived and the Dorcas group would be giv- ing a substantial donation to- wards the cost of same, Also a donation of $100. was to be sent to the Mission Board to be forwarded to help support a child on the Baptist Mission Field in India, It was decided to hold a Cradle Roll. Tea on the last Thursday afternoon in Septem-| 5. ber when the mothers and members of the Cradle Roll Department would be enter- tained. In Closing, Mrs. Allen Hopper led a short devotional period SA HOME LEAGUE will ve a new 7 ing with M Mrs. in charge. Everyone a was asked to attend. Friday, September 30 from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m, will be the League of Mercy Tea, tickets 50c. Everyone was asked to please support this worthy cause. The proceeds would help buy the War Cry for the hospital and nursing homes and also treat the sick folk at Christmas time. The tea was served by the fellowship group, Tt vinae is siari- The regular meeting of the Motor' City Streamliner TOPS Club. was held Tuesday at Rundle Park clubhouse. The leader, Mrs. Florence Russell, opened the meeting with the club song. Mrs, Russell read a letier from the director of the ORC :|week with a six-pound oe yi rl Selec anf gis yo So Dawn Hill was queen 4? the Oss, The biggest pig gained two and| bo: a half pounds. It was announced that a social bingo would be held next meeting with all _members bringing friends, a light snack ,|will be served. The kitchen committee for the bingo will Se ee ee ee in. , Streamliners welcomed Mrs. Carel Philline ac 2 new mem. ison) Der. Awaras Of rippons were pre- sented to: Mrs. Florence Rus- sell, one-half ribbon; Mrs, Joan Antanazio, one-half ribbon, and Mrs. Dawn Hill, three-quarter ribbon, Presentation was made by Mrs. Margaret Poirier, co- leader, The club had five pigs 'in this week's weigh-in, drew penallis from te 'penalty penalty" rs draw prize was oe by Mrs, Bessie Fowler and won by Mrs. Anne Brown. Mrs, Poirier, in costume, sang "Alice Blue Gown," as a post pledge penalty. Club members were remind- ed of the fall bazaar and ask- eg start preparations for the sale, _.OPEN WOMEN'S JAIL ogre a Daw (orp ast que first federal prison for women in western Canada has opened at this Fraser Valley. commu- nity, Intended for rehabilitating narcotics addicts, there is. room co-|for 150 women among 450 a oners, There were 14 when the women's section opened. The Burns School building. Ritual was held and Mrs. ANNUAL REGISTRATION Saturday September 10th. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL "Next to Ontario Motor Sales' Hours 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. -- 728-7902 of Dancing names | Monday, September 12 at 2:00) The summer meetings of the Salvation Army Home League were carried on with the vari- 'ous members being in a each week. This week commences the tall| meetings and all members who} were interested, were asked to come and enjoy the fellowship Mrs. William James SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED with the IMPERIAL | Luxe shorte- wave, 'our true self, | ree . of | and KREE ' ment -- ! = FREE CONSULTATION MARIE MURDUFF | will be in Oshawa et the | Genoshe Hotel SEPT. 12, 13 and 14, PHONE 723-4641 Electrolysis §} De- revealing ff) worry Bl emborrass- ZIGZAG SEWING MACHINE OR SAME MODEL WITH DELUXE GRAINED wel- | sna | ZELLER'S | "MoD" each Tuesday afternoon at 2.30) Church, Simcoe Street North. | p.m. New members will be! Members were asked to note| most welcome, } SHOP Swingin' Outfits For he "IN" Crowd ZELLERS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS OPEN DAILY TO 6 P.M. THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M, fi iT | tablespoon brown sugar flor appointment on these dotes. | tablespoons white vinegar teaspoon Worcestershire sauce small onion, sliced IF YOU ARE cup boiling water THINKING ABOUT (4%-oz.) tin strained orange | juice ; | LIFE INSURANCE teaspoon salt f cup precooked or conv erted| rice tablespoon snipped parsley | tablespoons butter or | margarine | spaghetti to make a delicious |} and nutritious casserole. Two main dinner dishes which) YK are quick and easy to prepare, and still kind to the budget, \t are Barbecued Frank Kabobs and Meat Loaf. 1 basal sap BAKED NS WALNUT CARRYING CASE (MODEL 547) 148,95 SAVE #21] WITH CABINET & STOOL 188° as low as 1.88 a week Model 337 i [8 (1-Ib.) Pha gu beans tal tomato sauce tablespoon minced onions teaspoon prepared horse- radish 13 slices bacon prepared mustard |6 franks, quartered crosswise} slices 4%" thick Canadian | Preheat brolier 10 minutes or} bacon as manufactuer directs. In slices \%" thick orange saucepan, combine chili sauce,| slices | ketchup, sugar, vinegar, wor-| cup brown sugar, packed jcestershire sauce, onion; sim- tablespoon butter or here 5 minutes. To boiling water margarine jadd rice, orange juice, salt, | whole cloves }parsley in another saucepan; Start heating oven to 400\cook rice as label directs. Stir) degree Farenheit. In deep|in butter. Cut each bacon slice] fluted 9" pie plate or shallow|into 6 pieces. On each of six! casserole (5 cup capacity) com-|Skewers arrange 4 frank bine beans, minced onions, i|pieces alternatively with 4%) teaspoon mustard, and horse-| bacon pieces. Broil until light tadish. Spread bit of mustard|/brown, turning. Spread -- with on each slice of Canadian) half of. sauce. Broil § minutes; bacon; on top of beans, arrange|then spread with remainig sauce. Broil § minutes, Serve Mini c Skirt Models with the rice. Serves 3, Herald British Sale MEAT LOAF NEW YORK (Reuters)--Mini- of Canada egg, slightly beaten | Tercomtaa palit RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: skirted models skipping to the rhythm of a rock band gave a| (10-0z.) can condensed | 668-4371 725-4563 starling sendoff Wednesday to | } tomato soup Britain's biggest sales drive in New York. Woman fashion writers stared open-mouthed as the girls, all modelling latest London gear, danced down the platform in belted dresses and shifts cut seven inches above the knee. It was part of London de- signer John Bates' avant-garde collection, displayed here as a prelude to the Britain Today Fortnight opening next Monday. The models, all Americans, | immediately took to his colorful | wardrobe. "Gee, it's great. It's) short but I want it shorter," one of them said of a shiny| purple skirt she was about to) put on. © Has all the features most wanted by beginners and experts « Twin-needle stitching, too! « Exclusive SINGER* transparent bobbin e Sturdy, lightweight aluminum construction « Beautiful walnut grained cabinet (Model 386) including sewing stool with handy storage com- partment e Famous SINGER Guarantee e Reg. value 205.95, e 3 free sewing lessons included ! 119" 99" as low as es low a8 1.25 a week 1.25 a week | \2 % 1 GET LECTURE NOTES DONE NEATER, FASTER SURE AID TO BETTER MARKS Model T-62 Model T-50 - 4 Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON SUN LIFE Assurance Company GO-GO BOOTS for GROWING GIRLS You'll be 'steppin' high" with these "Mod-styled" boots for casual weer! f -- "Kute Kid" Courrege Go-Go "Kute G--Suede Courrege| Go-Go Boot. Unlin- H--Putty Suede De- sert Boot, 2-eyelet crepe sole, white sole stitch, unlined; style with planta- = -- White Kid"' Majorette Boot. Inspired by |Boot. Trica tined,|ed, 300 last, Lola Courrege. Lola block jLola block heel, | block heel, back heel, ick zipper, |back zipper, com- | zipper. Mocha pol- commen inien sole; 5 |position sole, White; | ka; 51% to 9 | tions 5 to 9 to 5 to 9. | 6-99 8-99 §-99 | 6-99 MISSES' FLORAL PRINT 3-PC, SLIM & SKIRT SET A--You'll really be able to "swing it" in this "way in' suit! Quilted floral printed long sleeve 19.99 jecket with print stovepipe pants. Sizes 8 to 16. "POOR BOY" RIB KNIT PULLOVER B--Long sleeve hi-bulk "Orion" pullover with rib knit drawstring at bottom. Zipper closing ot back of neck. Groovey colours of navy, burgundy or white in sizes S-M-L JUNIOR MISSES' LONDON "MOD" WOOL HIPSTERS Houndstooth heather stovepipes. Fly front, 2 slash pockets, leather contour belt with gold buckle. Heather bilue/grey, plum, ginger brown; 8 to 14 (proportioned). ZELLER'S © Smart buy for high school students « Model T-50, hea Ga Cae lightweight portable type- writer by SIN e 84-character keyboard e tal Bgig ron warranty « with carrying ° ® Save case © reg. 109. Se Save $10! « A must for every college student ¢ "Profes- sional"* Portable typewriter by SINGER e full 88-character keyboard pushbutton column set tabulator ¢ 5-year warranty ® with carrying case © reg. 129.95 © Save $10! SINGER: Has Your Food Dollar Lost It's Punch? | . 7 || CENTER 723-1163 and Stretch Your Dollar Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF Cs FOOD CLUB 12,99 DOWNTOWN SIMCOE.STREET 723-2294 SHOPPING CENTRE 723-2209