1 rights, Lidalsdchahel DOH 8 2 EE a xw----Ex-warri change [s foam wravinue haardtat elosina sale. ( ' 10:40, Net Sales High " a.m, Ch'ge uM Mu TEM gS 54 SA 159 (159 m5 «15 9 9 W5 204 2 2 120 4" um 24a 24¥a 24a +12 640 640 640 3 3 8 7 1 1 1 16% 162 6%--1 'Ligayee 5 BB 5 | 385 660 4 1% 154 7 2° 2 eth J 182 18% 7 8670) «70 5a 15¥e 5+ Ve Ww 80 370 «370 3 MARKET TODAY TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Distributed $27% 272 Wa $27% 27% 27% + 36% 6% he 64 6464 $37 B77 $382 38% 3814 By Meee $1756 1748 17% 39% 94 9% Bxquisiis, 330 is Fam. Play 525, Fed Gra 700 leat Mia 700 G Sti Wre p 251 Godvear 'p B Gt W Sadie suv G 300 Guar Trst Husky Oil Husky C pr *}) He on Ges $13% i 400 38% 17% 13 $330 0 755 $82. 8142 814-- 430 $26 © 25% 25% 75¥a 75%. 75¥2-- $6 $10% $6%4 $274 7 27% + 235 $18%a 18% 18% 430-410 410 100 475 (475 AIS = ie 120 $17%4 17% 17% + LOnt Cem 540 430 430 430 -- LO Cem w 400 3 Sec . 110 $13.1 B pr 125 $18 400 39% 170 $9% 320 $11% 300 $232 800 $24% 1392 $26Y%a 100 280 280 280 35 $77 77. 77 100 $1794 17% 17% + $48Y4 48¥2 48.2 -- sii" 1% Nw $4.4 4 $242 24¥2 24a 313% 13% 13% + $11% 11% 11% + 105 28\e 284 + @ + Intpr Pipe Intpr Steel lav Grp A James Sti Jefferson Jetfersn w Jockey Kelly DA abatt 200 650 100 400 bs Re a 3 3 18¥2_ 182 + 9% 1% . Laura Levy Lob Co A Lob Co B Loeb M Maciarn A MB vs | Mass-Fer +5) Merc Moore Morse B Noranda Nor Ci G Ogiivie Oshawa A Price Com QM Gas Romfield s -" v0 730 250 225 280 215 100 105 105 $28% $68 $10%e 10% 10% -- % $4 6%+ 1 % ve --5 | ve BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT " ils ™ ellie ah) alle on Bn alte MONTREAL (CP) -- More a ithan 120 scientists and engi- neers at the Montreal plant of %| RCA Victor Co, Ltd, are in- volved in a company effort to clinch a major share of a big new worldwide job -- providing ground stations for satellite communications, vw! The job is said to be worth % at least $200,000,000. The Mont- |real-based firm is acting as rep- § | resentative of the entire group 5 of companies owned by the Ra- % ve u dio Corp. of America. By 1970, ground stations countries. Linked up with space satel- ilites, they will be designed to jgive high-quality world commu- jnications. Competition jcompanies for a place in the |building of the ground stations "Ue ve Montreal should be operating in about 50 Gr neal Firms from six countries are in the running. There are seven competing companies in the United States, two in Britain, two in Japan and one each in West Germany and France. RCA Victor is the only compet- ing firm located in Canada. J. A. Collins, marketing man- ager for RCA Victor Space Sys- tems, says the company has been preparing for the ground station. project for six years. |HAS EXPERIENCE Mr. Collins says that already it has carried out 57 projects connected with space efforts. |These have been done for 27 lagencies and have involved a) {total value of $28,000,000. | The 57 space jobs required! lsonnel as well as design and| {supply of satellite systems and) lof ground stations. | Wiis stiff. _ ] pace Va : oup Seeks $200 Million Contract Among previous jobs carried out bv the Montreal firm was the design and supply of Can- ada's first satellite station, at Mill Village, N.S. The station is equipped to carry out experiments in inter- national space communications, and also can handle commercial communications. The commercial traffic will be operated by Canadian Over- seas Telecommunication Corp., the Crown corporation whieh handles Canada's overseas tele- communications facilities. Mr. Collins said a ground station developed by RCA Vic- tor has won a warm reception The Consumer Price In- dex rose again in August to 144.9, an increase of six- tenths of a point from July and 5.5 points from the level of the same time last year. | The Dominion Bureau of UP AND UP AND UP AGAIN Statistics reported Thurs- day that the record level, representing growth of 1949 prices equalling 100, was mainly due to increased food costs. --CP Newsman from the International Tel munications Consortium, an agency representing about 50 among various broad research by the RCA per- | countries. Known as Intelsat for short, the agency will own the satel- lites with which the ground sta- tions will maintain communica- tion. NEED SALESMANSHIP | SARNIA (CP) A former member of Parliament has 'ealled a special meeting of a Ex-MP Musters Committee To Fight Island Oil Drilling He has called a meeting of' Com-| the Canadian-American THE OSHAWA TIMES, THE CANADIAN PRESS h Temple Ltd., 6-per-cent class A pref. $1.50; 614-per-cent B pref. 164% cents; common 15 cents, Oct. 1; record Sept. 16, Utilities Corp. common 30 cents (Can, funds); 1.32 pref. 33 cents (U.S. funds), . 1, record Cygaus Corp. Ltd., 5%-per- cent pref. 2744 cents, Oct. 1, Lid., common. 214 cents, Sept. 30, record Sept. 19. The Premier gs $2, first pref. 30 cents; third pref. 2 cents, Oct. 1, record Sept. Security Capital Corp., class B 6 cents, Sept. 30, record Sept. 16. Hawker Siddeley Lid., pref. $1.43%, Oct. 2, record Sept. 19. Quebec Natural Gas sa 5.40-per-cent pref. $1.35; 5% per-cent pref. $1.3744, Sept. 30, record Sept. 15. Fridey, Septombet ¥, 1966 13 - DU PONT OF CANADA EDGAR H. BLECKWELL Eleation of Edgar H. Bleckwell, 55, as executive vice-president, Du Pont of Canada Limited, effec- tive Nov. 1, has been announced by Robert G. Beck, president ond chief executive officer. Mr. Bleck- well has been aeeere™ er i 7, Rem- Economie Investment Trust Ltd., common 8 cents, Sept. 30, record Sept. 16. PROPOSES CONFERENCE TOKYO (AP) -- Communist North Korea has proposed a conference of the powers in- volved in the Korean War "for |the peaceful settlement of the ra! ington Arms Co. Inc., 4 Conn., a subsidiary of E.1. du Pont de Nemours and Company. He jointed Du Pont in 1934 and served in supervisory and monag- erial posts in engineering, produc- tion ond sales before moving to Remington Arms in 1962, A-native of Philadelphic, he is @ graduate mittee on Water Pollution Op-| of Cornell University in mechanical engineering. f Few Hardship Cases Found»: sux0uxssr jneeded to clinch a sales con- jtract for RCA, said Mr. Col- jlins. Shelf inv p $24%4 | Korean question." Shell Inv w --5 125 ae "| Following Ford's Layolfs Recently, representatives Simpsons 800 TORONTO (CP) -- Hardships were employing 654 more work-|from 38 countries were flown in ST Radio Steel Can 335 Ln Wh + 4a 54 rade " |to see the Mill Village station. rata Some |created by the layoff of 1,300\ers than they had before the| Sn. ACA: tone eames posing Oil and Gg«' Drilling on| the Great Lak®s.. Mr. Murphy | is chairman of the committee. Ontario Resources, Minister |John Simonett last Tuesday . ' gave approval for drilling on "Canada has enough oil and) fawn Island on property owned }group opposed to oil and gas \drilling in the Great Lakes to} fight Ontario' government ap-) proval of exploratory drilling on| Fawn Island in the St. Clair Ss 26a 264 -- mn 7 22% 22% » YW = $54 2 632 62 2B $14 1% N% $10% 12" 12% 24+) SIMPLE, INEXPENSIVE GnG gh y IT WORKS !! just like a... TIMES WANT AD The pencil is ¢ popular everyday item in- elucted amona the things we enjoy using because it does a great job and costs $0 little. It's @ handy low cost item that proves its value when it's needed. Huds Bay 120 Int Bibis T 600 h 200 6500 13 1000 350 125 100 520 100 800 500 600 243 240 240 65 S85 585 $11% 11% 11% us 30 Jaye Exp Jelex Jowsey Kam Kotia Kerr Add « Anacon Kid Coper Lab Min Dufauit 184 (184 184 +4 60 $272 27% A+ si0% 10 10 --v "8 OY | --0 | --l0 | .: 4h Mh 2 2 8 Sh 5% 5k a Co ee RO BE 420 3 950 Va a 2 4% U4 Wia+ ie A Ue Ua + 2 2 1 You can say the some nice things obout @ Times wont ad. When you think ebout it for e moment, you can list other merits too -- versatility for example. People use want eds in hundreds of different ways -- often with spectaculer results. And results ere the reason why people use want ads ever and over. HISTORY IN ASTION lomal Satellite Sherritt Silvrtids Silmq Siscoe Steep R Sud C Sullivan 40 Teck Corp 510 10 S10 1000 13% 13% 134 214 212 21%" 4 4 126 126 12%6 +1 26 262 26% -- V2 0 254 250 254 +1 630 «(625 75 (175 2) BROUGHOM OR RISKED 77 SEPT. 17 When you hove @ need, or something te sell, try @ Times Want Ad -- simple, in- expensive... end it works ! Call 723-3492 for a Times BTUs 350 0 525 3 30 at 440 Territory | Texore FOR EDUCATED TASTES... 48 450 2" Aiminex Am Leduc + North West Area SIMCOE ST. N. Be Sure to Come! It's OPEN This Weekend ! STARTING SATURDAY, 2 to 5 p.m. 145 SWITZER Brick home, large kitchen, separate dining room, good terms priced under $20,000, lorge treed lot, garage, owner moving next month, close to school. GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 seen Enjoy Your Private SAUNA AND HEALTH CLUB Any Time You Wish 24 275 275 -- $10% 10% 10% $10 10 «(10 300 295. 295 83 195 195 195 o 0 # 24% 242 242 + 56 56 Mill. City Numac wt Permo Petrol Provo Gas Scurry Ra Si er Stanwell Triad Oj! Un Reef P W Decalta 56 395 $20 106 95 21 i" Treasury bills were at 5.03 ___|per cent for 91-day bills and be for 182-day bills. _ PRODUCE Abitibi Acklands Alfa Gas T ~ Ve NIGHT SCHOOL TEACHERS THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION Requii from time to time, teachers for its evening program. Applications are invited at the present time from anyone interested. The following courses ere offered: GRADE 13 Art, Aigebra, Biology, Chemistry, English, French, Geo , Geomet History" Physics, Spanish, Trigonometry," "eamrophys Geometry ADVANCED TECHNICAL English, Chemistry, Mechanics of Materials, Electrical Fundamentals, Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics, Workshop Technology, Technical Drawing. Texaco pr 87! Tor Dm Bk 27 500 Eben cged A 100 ge cn Fide) "Urbs ' isi i lanning an|* fos ; 4 $274 27 274+ %| modernization program at the} 'While the layoff period was|Visited countries | plann! jeopardizing further the purity) entertainer. He told Miss Car- Tr Can Pip 105 sia ter + Yel Pord of Canada engine andjdisruptive and often difficult, early start on their station pro-| > o4» Jakes and connecting wa-| roll and drilling engineer Frank age : $16% 16% 16% ---- "%|foundry plants in Windsor were Stark off seominenciat Operk: : ( Uanear 4 sie dae toe wl D ."" the report oe from Mill Village is slated | Mer Progressive Conservative) that there must be no pollution Versafd Oi us we. ee, jobs, Huemployment in| E4ys. |MP for Lambton West. of the river, and the drill site | surance, : : Versatile $19% 19% 19% -- % 4 nf o :. ial said, | 0 405 $26% 26% 26% -- Ye|ployment benefits, and a layoff --493 men in June and 609 in c UG, | by his department. wat ro eee og S that was shorter than had been! August, 1965. The modernization It will include telephone and STOCK MARKET Mr. Murphy said "no. guat- 700 BM : } 4 ' os A ' o ea S th stations have an-| TORONTO (CP)--A moderate| antees can prevent a gusher Weston A 287 $17 16% '16% Council reports. ada-U.S. automotive agreement.| The ear . : ° ni A j ok A] 4 te 4 is f I to surroundin: Winamp 0 Sibu av oom "| A council report, prepared by| Ninety per cent of the first|tennae measuring 85 feet in di-| afternoon rally trimmed heavy|{rom spilling into. surr g West Awt 233.750 750 750 ; White 'Pas 220° 9 |station must be completed in 12) Stock Exchange Thursday but it land on the island to -- ve nein | Windsor and released Thursday' By February, 1966, all work- | months. | wasn't strong enough to prevent) @0 overflow and prevent pollu- Sales to 11 a.m.; 865,000. 7 Monee says that only 83 per cent of|ers who returned to Ford were tir J j se febtna those laid off went back to their|back at work, and the company/a large microwave system join- fourth consecutive daily drop,| 4nd the Detroit River. Cdn Pac 800 $5612 S62 56% lold jobs. However, the highly|hired several hundred new men|ing Egypt's Aswan Dam with| The index, an indicator of key; He said Premier John Ro- Falcon 250 90 Ly r | 4 hat there would be a Other large systems had been|to 144.66, It had touched 144.13,/ years ago t i 'Hellum 100 orevioui? built by the company |lowest since March 25, 1964. no oil or gas drilling in Lake * y eS 5 Prices Show Sharp Drop Pakistan. provement as a result of | The committee has represent- Steep Rk 2000 a In its quest for the ground stronger speculative market and/ atives from the Lambton area, Upp €an 470 +12 A i , has submitted tenders for proj-| compared with 2,439,000 Wed- | t 0 t St ky d 'ong |nesday. Detroit. Regional members of koe ntaro oc i ards ae tion esate Hong Kong/neinen, facing ® possible strike,|the Ontario legislature will be j rede ; %: h %\which will probably be held . choice slaughter steers opened se bulls woth with: sales to missions will be announced. hes yr eon nag of med BO eck: Takeover Bid on a narrow demand at sharply|2*;, Common and: medium light f Replacement. cattle: Good BUSINESS BRIEFS ve a le Wacssirertaost HALIFAX (CP) --Bell Tele-|e:stockyards this week. *, |st0ckers 26.50-27.50; good steer I r . ie nalonn ' | A quiver of fear ran through) 25/4. : lin its bid to win 51 per cent|cow and veal calf prices were |St0ck calves 24-26; common and) an *. financial centre Thurs-| Frobex and Area, jointly drill-| 2 +3) ; medium stockers 20-26; heavy |London's financial centre Thur mu 2 jcontrol of Maritime Telegraph| steady, Replacement cattle| , a Top i , ; F tries, Britain's biggest in-| Wextor ines, sparked specu- Bu Hus et formed source said Thursd Calves 1,850: On offer this |dusiries, i latives. Frobex jumped 38 cents tn a Saree ne Hog prices were unevely lower|week 1,901; last week 2,063; to|dustrial: combine, announced) tlc, oie 2.8 Area 45 cents to 1.89 on 318,060 $13% 13% 1+ Ve) | . ' 79.047: this week 1965 2.190: | $180,000,000 loan at a rate of " 900 zZ 27° 2 jtrol through an offer to Mari-|Lamb prices were higher. huslon sachet ie oui aah interest that will yield more| Shares. = +2) The source said Bell would|fer this week 7,255; last week|diums 26-29: '29-95: \ning News said the announce- to 170.94, western oils .05 to = --s {have needed about 1,485,000 of | 11,193; to date 1966 346,227; 'uae, ret commons 5; lemtn was of the "gravest: sig-| 97-09 and the TSE .29 to 138. +8 hay Sogo gta Hie said oly 8,451; choice steers 26-27 with), gon 8,000: On offer this week| (jined and it was running short \1,136, s PS Wi y 4 | 9,009; enar er ivered 'a few sales to 28.80; good 24.50-| 54.6 279,855; to date 1965, 309,- |! cash. |mons 19-22; choice heifers 95-| 144; this week 1965 7,579; Grade) CPA REVENUE GROWING 1] Public Mone 5.50 with sales to 26; good 91 65: stags 18.45; boars sold/nounced in Vancouver Thurs- 2 | Y commons 18-20; choice fed year-|/ve weight 14.75. lday a 12per-cent increase in \ llings -27: -25; od A ; rl Supply Rises jlings 26-27; good 24-25; go me Sale Pr 2,179; last week first half of 1966 over the same| | 'diums 18.50-19.50; canners and|/:°% 0 date 1966 41,880; to) period last year. A company re- tak Sita Set ne scarey Sr |1,587; lambs 24-26 with a few|CPA's routes increased 12 per c ered bank) |sales to 26.50; sheep 6-12 a t, ai deposits held by the general P Soran, Sic. Sage TOES Ft Pet } y| sold up to 18. ine |$209,000,000 to $20,290,000,000,| TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- Mis, non al nae 4% the Bank of Canada reported 'ian bond market was up % to Eanes 2 2 i rt The level of the public money|#ding Or ERAY ae : Short-term Government of C Ex Gas 100 410 ' bills and coins, plus all bank ; € Gridel 465 deposits except those of the fed-|4/-Per-cent April 1, 1967, issue) Cdn Tricnt 230 : 985 000,000 higher than at Sept. 1,\a5ked. 1965. Long-term Canada and pro- | cluding federal government de-| point with the Government of| posits in the chartered banks,|Canada 4%4-per-cent Sept. 1,/| an increase of $1,257,000,000 and 8634 asked. In provincials, | va'from a year earlier. the Ontario Hydro 6-per-cent is- declined $65,000,000 during the! 9814 bid and 98% asked. week to $494,000,000 on Aug. 31.! Day-to-day money traded at 1 dropped in yield during the week. S15 $10% 10% 10% ve 225 465 465 465 | 259 26% Alcan 45 Alcan pr 200 "'to retail carton eggs average Anthes A 5 weighted prices quoted by the Argus 245 Argus C pr 600 ~ | Thursday: A large 64.8: A me-! Atl Sugar 330 + "e'dium 61.7; A small 43.9. Auto Elec 100 % Bank NS 893 "%\country stations fibre cases Bethrét w. 250 quoted by the Toronto Board of Beli Phne 3602 Sette ee tee ee oy a ag lOtS: extra-large 56-57; large 55-| BA Suptest od 150 Towers Trpneair ss ae 40 490 490 --j0 |workers during. a $50,000,000) program began. |gas for -generations without by Miss Toni Carroll a Michigan t Con $46% Trans Mt 750 \there was little evidence of ex-|STams. |ters,"" said J. W. Murphy, for-| Rawlings of 'Thamesville, Ont., $224 2% 27% _ limited by a good supply of tem-|treme hardship . . U Corp B 7 i RR | supplementary unem-| The layoff was in two stages|for about Oct. 1, a CcoTC offi-| would be inspected frequently Walk GW Weste'st Woo soa 28 28 |planned, the Ontario Economic| program resulted from the Can-|telegraph traffic. mo 39 1 «19 1 Wstn 4¥ap professors C. M. Birch and J.|group got temporary jobs, and|ameter. Construction of such aj morning losses on the Toronto] areas. There just isn't enough a ae Peis ct y\A. Gertz of the University of /15 per cent of the second group. RCA Victor now is completing| the industrial index from. its| tion of the river, Lake St. Clair FOREIGN TRADING Denison 0 . y| automated plants by June, 1966,'in March and April. the Egyptian capital of Cairo.|stock movements, was off .32|barts had given his pledge he LL Lac 1000 in Liberia, Turkey, Iran and) Volume showed a marked im-| Huron or the St. Clair River. Siscoe Pe station contracts, RCA Victor) 2,996,000 shares changed hands London, Port Huron, Flint and Beil Ta st ' e ul I alls in TORONTO (CP)--Good and|cutters 14.18: good heavy bo-|known when the winning sub-/paced the list lower, falling %| invited to attend the meeting, Westcoast Transmission was bulls 17-20; lower prices at the Ontario pub- | phone Co. of Canada has tailed | Lower grades of steers and|stock calves 28-30; good heifer) FINANCIERS AFRAID |e eee eee ae > ; ; 8 the Gaspe property of short-keep steers 23-25.50. jday as Imperial Chemical In-| 8 om = jand Telephone Co. 'Ltd., an in-| were steady on a native supply. J 2 jto 2.03 on 570,836 shares and Wig Vie Wine 4 ve Bell had sought to obtain con-|With 'huge daily carryovers,|date 1966 72,903; to date ines, eer Grobits and pleas fo xaise 340 iM +9 |time Telegraph shareholders. Slaughter cattle 7,800: On Of-| sales to 43.50: good 30-34;. me-|than eight per cent. The Eve-|, On index, golds were down .47 > Maritime's 3,200,000 shares to| date 1965 365,552; this week 1965| |nificance." ICI's profits had de-| Base metals were unchanged tast week 7,772; to date! as of 5 p.m. Thursday. |25.50; mediums 23-24,50; com- rn |A 33.25-36.10; heavy sows 21.35-| Canadian Pacific Airlines an- 123.50 - 24.50; mediums 21 - 23; Sheep and lambs 1,950: On of-|transportation revenue for the |cows 20-21 with sales to 22; me- OTTAWA (CP)---Currency 'tn |date 1965 42,261; this week 1965|port said passenger revenue on PARE icbeeaba last week by BOND MARKET jcording to quality; yearlmgs|cent and air mail revenue Asamera 5 | Thursday. 1 point. on the day in active ; J CS Pete supply -- Whi i ' 3 Cee Canada bonds closed with the | C Lt Pete 3 eral government--was $1,436,- closing at $99.30 bid and $99.50 Sg I $19% 192 19% | ' ' The total money supply, in-|vincial issue were up % to 1 was $20,783,000,000 on Aug. 31,/1983, issue quoted at 86% bid Federal holdings in the banks|sue due July 5, 1988, closed at Long-term government. bonds 474 per cent. ee INDUSTRIALS x Pa 115 $3)% 0% sli %| TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale Alumin = pr 250 Ale ite oe 1 \department of agriculture as of, » otagy Peerage '| Eggs: Wholesale price to Barciona 100 --50 Sel "time 3G 6 |Trade from wholesale egg deal- 1065 $28% 28% 2%%4-- %|56; medium 52-53; small 36-38; | Wilson's = FURNITURE HOUSES BUY or RENT LARGE FIRM TRANSFERRING PERSONNEL FROM QUEBEC AND NORTHERN ONTARIO. Desire 3 and 4 bedroom homes in this area; immediate pos- session or 30 days. Cash payment arranged. H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR 723-7463 Keep Trim! Have Fun! Enjoy a Life of Leisure When You Move To GRENFELL SQUARE APARTMENTS 380 to 385 GIBB ST. at GRENFELL ST. Convenient To Oshawa Shopping Centre Facilities ONE end 2-BEDROOM FURNISHED ARARTMENTS NOW AVAILABLE Private Sauna and Health 2 3 FLOORS RESERVED FOR ADULTS ONLY Swimming Pool and Sunning Patio, RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW _4- FOR RENTAL INFORMATION Phone Rental Office at 723-5111 +s': 9 P.M. DAILY 2 $022 10244 1022 B 39: C 34 150 $362 36% 362+ ' , S184 18% 18% Butter prices: Agricultural si0 610) 10 jstabilization board tenderable a carlots: Buying 40 score 59; |buying 39 score 58; selling 59. 36% 6% 6% 3 643 43 470° 470 470 $46 oJ or] S194 19% 19% $572 S7Ve 574 + si NW i ADULT CLASSES GENERAL Algebra, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Machines, Dress Designing, Dressmaking, English, French, Conversational French Geometry, Mill- inery, Office Practice, Physical Education, Sewing, Stenography, Typing, 1% 1% 12% 12% 33% 33% 39% 39% 35% 35% 3% 13% 10% 10% te 6% 15 «(185 % Free Hydro High Speed Elevators Softly Carpeted Corridor Floors Beautifully Landscaped Entrance Ultra-modern Kitchens include 30 inch Electric Range and New Refrigerator, Intercém Connected to Lobby Bathrooms Equipped with Lorge Mirrors end Built-in Vanities. Double Sinks Night Drapes Throughout One or Two-Balcony Suites Available Second Washroom Lites Available Oshawa's Largest Suites Rental Includes TV Antenna Service, Parking Space and Additional Locker 7 2 lub Facilities; Auto Mechanics, Blueprint Reading, Electricity, Electronics, Small Motors, Sheet Metal, Welding Building Instruction, Drafting, Machine Shop, Refrigeration, Commercial Food Preparation, Flower Arranging, Interior Decorating, $13% Music, Personal Development, Retail Merchandising, Voice Improvement, S10" Ya 185 36 $14 142 $ $13 13 13 S282 28% 28% 3 390. 330 330 Anyone interested in teaching one of inore of the above subjects should apply in writing, stating full particulors, to the Superintendent of Secondary Schools, Oshawa Board of Education, 555 Rossland Rood West, Oshawa, % ¢ i) Crush inti Distt Seag Dom Coal D Electro $15 Dofasco 225 $2) | Dom Store 72250 $1894 18% 18% | er M45 816% 16% 16% + Ve! S. E. Lovell, Chairman G. L. Roberts, Superintendent of Secondary Schools J. R. Backus, Business Administrator 5 2) 2) I