14 Tre GMAWA Tims, Friday, September 9, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) In each of the following hands the question is wheather it is better to open the bidding. with or one of a suit, All five hende are talen fram and the same opening bid was made at both tables, Assume that both sides are vulnerable and that you are the dealer. What would be your bid in each case? 1. Spades: A-Q-5-43; Harts: Q-2; Diamonds; J-10-5; Clubs: A-K-7.. 2. Spades: A-J-8; Hearts: A-10-8; Diamonds; A-Q-10-9; Clubs: K-10-9. ( | d 3. Spades: A-3; Hearts: A | 4 A-Q-7-5; Diamonds: K-Q-6-5-4; é | Clubs: K-7, Yy < 4. Spades: 'A-10; Hearts: j Q-8-2; Diamonds: K-J-8-3; /] \ 7 Clubs: A-Q-10-6. a eR ¥ bah 5. Spades: K-7; Hearts; J-5-4; Diamonds: A-Q-10-9-8; Clubs: A-Q-7. : 1, One spade. You have 16 high-card points and notrump distribution, but, despite this, it is somewhat better to open with a spade thdn a notrump. That is what both the Italian and American players did when they held the hand. A notrump opening is defec- tive for several reasons, Gener- ally, it is a, to bid JME NEW NAVAL a notrump when you have a AOMOe PLATE AND YOU ALONG good five-card major suit, It is i VAN ie | | TH THEM TO OME OF SEVERAL : itt permissable, of course, if that OO p> , ? . ie appears to be the best bid to D Za make on a particular hand, but iain when the hand also lacks stop- pers in two suits, it is better to give up on the notrump opening and start with the major suit. ,| 2. One diamond. While a standard notrump shows 16 to , |18 points, one should set a limit }|on the number of plus values a hand may include. If we count the tens, nines and eights pres- 'jent in the hand, it becomes clear that we have the equiv- alent of a 19 - or 20 - :point hand, We should therefore treat it as such and open one dia- mond, intending to rebid two notrump over a heart or. spade response by partner. 3. One diamond. In this case it is clearly better to open a diamond, intending to show the hearts next. By the suits in reverse order you in- dicate longer diamonds than hearts and at least 17 points in high cards, Since that is ex- actly what you have, partner ae : % { should have no difficulty find- N= Your Home and ing the best contract. arden PRECISELY) 1M BELLING THE LONE RANGER ONE THING YOU GOTTA ALWAYS REMENBER ABOUT GIVIN' A 006 A BATH, TWINK soe SECRET AGENT X9 TELEVISION LOG Channel 11--Hamilten 9:00 P.M, 11:00 A.M, Channel %~Toronte 7--Milton Berle | ke era McCool Channel @--Rochester two + 4--Superman Channel 7--Buftale wie Channel 6--Toronte Channel 4--Buffale 9:30 P.M. Rat Patrol Channel &~Barrie Channe! 2--Buftale FR EVENING 5:00 P.M. li--Family Theatre 8--Superman 7--Maverick 6--Forest Rengers 3--Canadian Open Golf 4--Smothers Brothers 10:08 PM, i--Merv Griffin 0-2--U.N.C:L.E. 7-12 o'clock High 9--~Lucy Show . 11:00 PM, 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News, 4--CBS News Special 11--Dennis, the Menace 10:30 P.M. @--Skipper Sam 7--Madilla Gorilla 9--Summer Fun i--JSsisviis 4--Lone Ranger 3-Ed Allen Time 12 NOON 9--Cartoon Playhouse 7--Bugs Bunny 4--Road Runner 6--King Leonardo 4. One notrump. It is best to open with a notrump whenever this is reasonably possible, be- eanea vou tell vour partner so much about the precise nature of your hand when you do. A club or a diamond opening would not tell your partner that you had 16-18 points and a balanced hand. 3--Ernie Lindell e ; a 28--Top Cet 5. One notrump. Here also it rp Hag bite AR is better to open with notrump le Gill ESeble aitiis pron, Rao 12:30 PLM, ; - and thus tell partner the ap- 3-Sclence Fiction Viewpoint Uijfucceneers proximate nature of your hand. . 2--Passport TWO.. oo» + te PM, 7--Milton The Monster If you opened with a diamond, , Night Metro Fae you would find it difficult to 4:00 P.M. 4--Movie + Conagian ten Salt rebid properly if partner's re- 64--News, Sports with sponse was either a heart, a spade a notrump or two clubs. SALLY'S SALLIE HAS A BAD DAY! IF I TAKE THEM, 7--Movie Movie 6--Run Buddy Run 11:30 PLM, 3--On Safari 1:00 P.M. 11--Continental Football 8--Tonight Show League in Action 7--Movie 9--Thunderbirds 6:30 PLM, wipes PA ZChemplonshie, Bowling' # e 3-6--Champions! es ee 6--Premiere Theatre Puede lg "2 4--Rural Review 2--Stingray ports 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley 9--Movie eee SATURDAY 4--News " 200 A.M. 1:30 P.M, an cee &--Davey and Goliath 9--Movie 11--Ovtdeors Unilm 4--Science Reporter 7:00 P.M. +-Cart joons 2--Sea Hunt 11--It's About Time 4--Captein Kangaroo 9--Pruitts of South- 1.55 P.M. hampton | 6:20 A.M. 11--Saturday. afternoon at @--Mr. Roberts 7--Rocketship 7 the Races 2-6--News, Weather 1--Sonnltze! Hovee Sports 2--Funny Company 4--People Are Funny 3--Combat 2:00 P.M. 2-8--Baseball aM, 4--Jr, Football Fa pa ie] oer gs 11--Time Tunnel! | 7--Boxing Fungus Is Cause "T want to file for Phe a pat Of Athlete's Foot Mehl now -- bere P.M. 3:30 P.M. 11--Outdoors Limited 9:30 A. bed jag -f4 11--The Sonins 28--Pro Football 4--Paper Capers 7--Time Tunnel Dieter Ni--Professional . $6--Lennie Breau Stow 1erse Ashe Wrestling By JOKRPS G. MOLNER, MD way . LNER, 3:00 7--Green Hornet 2--Hercules 9--Wrestling |11--Hobby Time 9--After Four 6--Rat Patrol | 4-Wild Wild West | 10:00 A.M. |§-3--Secret Squirrel 90 PLM | 9--Cartoon Playhouse 7--College Football ' by! 8-2--Space Kidettes WHY THE IT'S TO KEEP ME V--Man From UNCLE' | 7--Beatles CRE) \na teen area Mercator. See. Se # F, RECORD FARM LORE Dear Dr. Molner: My 14-year-,makes it "old home week" for EDMONTON (CP) -- E. B 4:30 PM. $--Wide World of Sports joid son is bothered with ath-|the fungi. Swindlehurst has recorded' the 3-6--Wrestling lete's foot, which gets worse in| Daily washing and--this is, history of t i summer months. What can be|very important--careful drying|of Alberta's, ie yer done for it?--Mrs. G. W. between the toes, is the first|schools. He is a graduate of the-- We would get rid of athlete's)step. Wear clean socks at least|school at Vermilion and the : , foot a lot quicker if we began|daily. (Contrary to common be-/others are at Olds and Grande , . ACROSS 41.Droops to think of it as a fungus.jlief, socks don't need to be| Prairie, 1. African 42. Is in debt ; Risial |Athlete's foot sounds simple.} boiled. Ordinary washing is suf- monkey i » EIARON Its correct name is fungus in-|ficient.) 5. Exchange DOWN F fection of the foot, and some-| §mali pieces of cotton be-| 9, Soon 1. Of the sea times it isn't so simple to cure.|tween the toes can help to keep| 10. Sandarac 2. Furious There are at least three kinds|the area day. Use of foot pow-| a ae re ' es gd : of fungi which produce this/der absorbs moisture and thus » Incendi- eae y : a trouble -- itching or burning, /keeps the skin dry. Sandals or'| enig [AICIE MC] } jusually between the toes, then | ventilated footwear in summer| 4--Hogan's Heroes 4--Space Ghosts CROSSWORD -MUGGS AND SKEETER TO KNOW EMIL PAVANE. WAS = BESIDES, I CANT BEAR . & Glamy an accumulation of thick, dead|aiso can help. | TO SEE YOU WASTE THOSE : surface 21, Telling Yesterday's Answer | Skin. ' There isn't any way to avoid fabric secrets Some unhappy people ay a fungus. It's too common. 6.Quarrels 24, Average 29, Dispatched {also allergic, and they really|coe people appear to be more 7. Swiss 25. Daub of 31, Italian are in for misery until the likely to harbor it than others, river paint coins fungus is subdued. Iso perhaps differences in our| of justice 8. First 26. Passage- 35. Forehead I'm sure you'd like me to give |skin has some bearing on the| 17. Girl's as tae " rare 37. -- the name of some sort oe Fost problem. aeAikd WO Alt name ; Buddha'e bontef sre bath or salve that would mirac- : REPAIR 18. Ship's mother 28.Expunges 38. Court ulously clear up the trouble, The way to control it is to ' have a dermatologist's help to Veer 2 4 7 6 (7 |but what works with one kind) 121+ with, and then learn how| MAKES OF ag cron : A, of infection may not succeed|+, ioke your feet unattractive| ma j ne ane Z with | another. And there are, to the fungus by keeping them| ELECTRIC SHAVERS } V, Y) the three fungi, several I pry ibl feminine : as clean and as dry as possible. | 22. Girl's GY 13 skin diseases which more or)" | & CLIPPERS name 4 less t athlete's es | Dear Dr. Molner: I have al- 23. Herd of can be made much worse i 4 ©/ways been careful about not Manufacturers Parts whtles wrong medications ror - /going swimming immediately and Prices 24. Writing Therefore if the con ee is | otter eating. Recently I read ° impl t really troublesome, consult @/i,5+ this rule has been dis-|| 25. Monetary darcy: 4 (skin gag 0H proved and that one is no more) TRADE IN ALLOWANCES unit: e can, necessary, likely to get a cramp with a sn recanings of the nko Clq "stomach chan wiih ani °% O12 Shawant ' : . What is your opin- 30. Smaller Let him decide on the correct re sae he i: P Electra Shaver 32. Before medications. There are quite a 3 lista tet it h |38. Bone few and they act in differing) My opinion is to wait an hour | 84, Pot cover ways. after a big meal. Cramping is! Sepyjce & Supplies | 35, on a TREAT PROPERLY not a stomach function, but is| us i | 36, Author of After that it's up to the pa-|@ matter of water temperature) 728-4284 "The tient to keep his feet in a condi-|and muscle activity--or spasm. | 39 PRINCE STREET OSHAWA Grave" tion which the fungus will rpt|However, I am. still unwilling) 38. Arm joint like. The "itching flares up in|to take a chance in the hope 30. Bea eagle summer because the feet are/that full stomachs have nothing 10. Bree . 'warm and moist, and that|to do with it,