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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1966, p. 19

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30--Automobiles for Sale MORE CASH id for Good Clean Cors. rade up or down, Liens pee DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 DOWN---$30 MO 30---Automobiles for Sale o VOLKSWAGEN, nt, with radio. cone 'and make an offer, Telephone 725- 7) iT CORVAIR. gg aga $450 or 1960 -TSLSaNe Nao nitty condition, $400 a aaee offer, Tele Telephone 728- 728-3) 42. ws (OVER 2000, Private le Bale ie white with mae Meerer interior, Must sell. Telephone | before 6 p.m. im ) ENVOY. be body wise and $375, op 668-2231. 2 pe! ea at Senet veer piece) | BILL BENNETT MOTORS cS a 484 King W. ) 723-0371 © A.M. ® "Your RAMBLER Dealer' NICOLS Motors Limited On Highway No. 2 Just West rad Thickson Rd. Whitby 668-3331 bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322--723-8311 On the Rm Financing Beene tes San '9 CHEVROLET Bel Air, ¢door, 6 os matic, custom radio, Excellent body tires, Lic, 187878. Terms available. Y Well man for Rambler. . 728-735), edan, rebuilt isi CORVAIR, 4 sedal motor, Best offer, Bay "taeer q condition. La mie BIC Lesabre, four-door hardtop, cg excellent condition. Tele- Prone 685-361 48 RAMBLER Classic, four - dc matic, radio, low mileage, red trim. Licence 176048. Trad: terms! Wellman Motors, 728-735). PRIVATE. 1959 Pontiac, 6 cylinder auto- matic, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, Must 30 sell $600. 72 728-4963. KJ "MERCURY Perk Lane, » executive driven, excellent con. 'aifion Private, Must sell this week, Dark green with white Telephone 725-2241 during day or Thursday until 8 p.m. door, auto- white with le and) ae eds ith nntv 90.000 prem ex Gne owner. collent 725-7104 arrer o% AUCTION SALE UF LAIN PROPERTY | SALE T-1980 " BLUE SOTA 728-9567, convertible, % of an acre of land, being a part of Lot why 47 FORD Prefect, oe condition, Tele fected el Es int" CORVETTE condition, still under ptewil 508 Madi: good ison Avenue. son Avenue, Telephon. 72.763. 1958 } VOLKSWAGEN, esas second car. 175, 668-2231. $s} od NG MAGNETTE, 4door sports' sedan. Good condition, price reasonable. Telephone 6 668-0904, 1960 0 VOLKSWAGEN, n nine passenger could be used for rast, in Sicaltent 0 "WOLKS KSWAOEN cy excellent condi- tion, Telephone 723 32--Trucks for Sale 1942 GMC half-ton panel "truck, het Appl =, Buena Viste Avenue, Apt. teleph« 725-8459. 90 FORD V-ton custom cab, new y tires. Telephone 7: 725-2636. 56 G.M.C., model V-531, wheel base dump truck, Combination box and holst, V-€ engine, 18,000 pound rear end, D.P. axle, five-speed. Clarke trans- mission, 10 x 20, 12 ply tires. Best offer. Telephone 723-5387, 11 |, five-ton, long am, - 4 pm, | a "CHEVROLET sedan delivery, Run ning condition. $45. Phone 668-5349. 1988 CHEV, half-ton, condition, $325, Telephone 942-4675, Ajax. - elie Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to ""Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 TAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highes? prices paid S00 Wentworth East, 725118) 962 PONTIAC Seseserion, 2-door hard- top, 6 cylinder good cl car, best offer. 2353. eS aoe ae 2 ee a wey few spere dollars? con be you Swell be Interested In this 1 Best offer accepted. Phone 723-3927 ater 6 p.m. " a Super Sp Sport conver- 327, horsepower, four-speed. wi' take older car as trade. T automatic, jean Telephone Hampton 263-| bought. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Cars bought, parts for sale, Iron and a's 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311 GSHAWA AUTO PARTS-- Wanted cars for wrecking. Tires and parts for Lg 1175 Nelson Street, Telephone 725-216) WANTED -- Cars for wrecki charge for towing. Telephone 7: Robert Nichols. cael eI PICKUP TRUCK wanted, and compact Car, Telephone 728-7457, * #4549, 728-5947. 42 OLDSMOBILE Starfire, two-door hardtop, "oo seats, oo ata power "4 ; nave Malibu si super sport con- vertible, power steering and top, wheel, new fires, @conomy six, matic. Sport options and acces: Perfect show room shape. Low mileage. Make offer. 'call 7: 78-0884 or 723-6803. 3 i station wi Va, i radio, ae sell, $1 468-5655. Brock St, St, Nur Whitby. %46 CUTLASS Supreme, 4 door h power steering, Egy A brakes, woke, bronze with sige. yy top. 7,000 nies, trade con- ai i MERCURY Marauder, A-1 condl- tion, $2,095. Telephone 623-5097. BRAND NEW Ramblers left for imme- diate sale. Top trade allowance. Easy terms! Wellman for Rambler, 728-7351. ardtop. White HF TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS. 1 34--Automobile Repair FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft and Valve Service Trans- missions are our only aaa 1038 Sim- coe North, Phone 728-733 Asn County. of Durham, situated on the north side of Highway No, 7A, at the east end of Bethany ol vet be held on the pro- Prt 00. 'A.M, LOCAL TIME TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 19 66 TERMS: $50.00 Deposit at time of sale cash or certi- fied cheque made payable to (Treasurer of Ontario) bal ance payable within. thirty days, For further information please contact: THE AUCTIONEER: Mr. Jack Reid, Orono, Ontario. Telephone: Orono 319 OR Central Region, Right-of-Way Division, Department of Highways, Downsview, Ontario, Telephone: 248-3438 OR Department of Highways, District Office No. 7, 138 Hope Street North, Port Hope, Ontario, Telephone: 885-6381 Sale subject to a reserve bid. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARI pig wee be oe inewreauee a ee ae se 38--Coming Events THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 9, 1966 19 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DARWIN PROVINCIAL PARK SEALED TENDERS will be re- ae until 3:00 p.m. (B.D, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th 1966 for the Construction of a water distribution system at the Department of Londs and Forests Darlington Provincial Park, Oshawa, Ontario. Tender Documents may _be obtained from Room 1704 (Tower), Department of Pub- _ lic Works, Whitney Block, Parliament Buildings, Toron- to 2, Ontario, (Telephone No. 365-1079), or viewed at the Builders Exchange, Oshawa, Ontario, A $3,000 Bid Bond, a be gd Performance Bond and 50% Payment Bond will be required os specified. A Bi of $25 MONEY ORDER, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE mode payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents ore re- turned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, herwise for- feited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. Millar, Deputy. Minister. 37--Auctions 38--C oming Events AUCTION SALE property of Mrs, Ay Nett eng 108 Centre St. $., Whitby. SATURDAY, Sépr. 17 at 12 p.m. Ontario hutch cup- board, 2 piece French Provin- cial Dielcroft set (like new) Victorian Hall seat, Victorian table, antique rocker, brass fire screen and tools, antique glassware, oil lamps, bedroom suite, chrome suite, sewing machine, rugs, end tables, coffee tables, school desks, book case, rolls of leather, modern and antique china and glass. Many more articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash, Myles King, auctioneer 725-3039 -- Oshawa BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, SEPT. 10th 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES $8. Share The Wealth 1 ----- $150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted LO} RUNDLE PARK CLOSING DAY SEPTEMBER 10 2 P.M, FEATURE ATTRACTION "Share-The-Wealth" BINGO HOME BAKING SEWING SPIN THE WHEEL RIDES for children FREE TREATS for child- ren who ore rs of the Park. DRAW on hamper of groceries, «+ MANY OTHER AT- TRACTIONS. EVERYBODY WELCOME 38--Coming Events 38--Coming Events HARMAN PARK | eveay rripay ar 745 ASSOCIATION Corner Bloor and Simcoe Jackpot $130, and 53 nos. 3 or $10 ond $15 extra games ot $12 IMPORTANT sia and Shore the Wealth GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Sunday, Sept. 11 7:30 P.M. All neighborhood ie to attend to help schedule the winter activities for children, i 7 Fuinay mini by rs THE FANTASTIC STITCH IN TYME Dancing 9 p.m. to 12:30 Dress Admission $1.50 | canst Everyone's Having a Ball! PER MONTH DANCE OR TWIRL Register Thursday, Sept. 8 4 P.M, -- 7 P.M, 0 A.M, = HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Oshawa Shoppin 725-612 4 -- $40 Jackpots to 0 | amma The cost of this ad, daily for one ge Too ite Cites por al ww? pwr Sent. ay FOR FALL TERM Centre At The OSHAWA JAYCEE "Miss Oshawa" CORONATION BALL TOMORROW -7 P.M. -- at the -- JUBILEE PAVILION LAKEVIEW PARK BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND HAVE FUN! @ DANCING e@ ENTERTAINMENT e LICENSED Tickets On Sele At: @ DISC SHOP, Oshawa Sh es CANADIAN AU JUSEUM TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE AT Centre MOTIVE THE DOOR e fee TIRE STORE 5.00 Coupe SATURDAY NIGHT 35----Lost and Found LOST -- Lady's glasses, brown frame with lighter trim at top. Oshawa Shop- ee ere eres. Finder please call LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, down. Choose from ever 40 cars. No down pay- ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd, 728-7375. LOST -- Sliver grey, part Persian male kitten, three months old, called Dusty', roy of Dunlop Street West and Centre 19% DE SOTO Adventurer, HarGiop, Ss CU, ING, VE BuTOMATIC, Fo00 | four door | Stree t South, Reward, Telephone 668-8186. jt Bile fick noUnG, i jel, 'with ign Pee Lye ¥f ye 199 PONTIAC, 2-door hardlop, lic. J5a0l. cca Se cae a ae . iJ Highway No, 2 ' . i PONTIAC tour - - S oylinder, autemetice radio, 'good fires. Ne down [Pron Licence 9931, oa yment. oa terms. leliman for Rambler, 726-7351. oe. chiles pet. Telephone 720: Lost -- Rt gt iver eed ose 9! treaty wd. hem as i. tae 31--Compoct Cars for Scale ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 28-0051 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings % VOLVO & PEUGOT %e MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Biil's Garage FLEDCO CONCRETE PIPE LIMITED Notice is hereby given thot Fiedco 'Concrete Pipe Limited intends to make application to the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario for on order accepting the surrender of its Chorter, DATED this 7th day of Sep- tember, 1966. P. J, Pennachetti, Secretory. Auction Sale at St. Mary of the People Parish Hoii Stevenson Rd, and Marion St, MONDAY, SEPT. 12 7:30 p.m. Auctioneer Clifford Pethick Household Furnitur, appliances, etc. DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN RUDY VELTRI RED BARN | AND HIS | NEW TORNADOS &. Slt POMERY, auctioneer, 66 Steven- | North. No sale too small or ico yen Call 728-6810 or 725-8968. any- iZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728.0192 449 Ritson Rd., South Toronto's | Most Versatile Group OE RS = 668-2692 -- 839-3621 Don ¢ rea JAYCEE MEMBE! aT jE DOOR NIGHT OF BALL rate so * SUNDAY * ae 11th "HOP ji PARK" The pa po og the Big Beet The Piece To Meet THE SECRETS mre Tha0 pam Casua) Dress Admission $1.50 Oshawa 728-0921 Grand Re-Opening Of Your "G eT" Saturday, Sept 10 Ugly Ducklings 8:30 P.M. Featuring the 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM Admission 75¢: DRESS: Shirt & Tie See You.. SHOW TIMES -- 2:10 -- 4:35 -- 7:00 -- 9:25, LOS 9:15 Dinner and After-Dinner DANCING | This Friday and | Saturday Night Sailor's 'Lounge #8 ---- Licensea wie a siete 623-3373 Bowmanville Inter-Change 75. INN (AJAX) LTD. 70 STATION $T.--AJAX - « « Featuring CAROUSEL LOUNGE The Kenny Hepburn Four Facilities for 20 to 300 Banquets @ Meetings @ Weddings Phone 942-5580 For Information and Reservations The One & Only BGARY DUGK Modern Music with © Werner Reveer Entertainment $M MATINEE SATURDA Re Fo'e' bm, FULLY ticensea DUNDAS § VHITBY SHOWN AT: 1:30 Their credo is violence... Their God is hate ne most teeriiyag film of our time! FUN WEEK 42 MINUTES OF CARTOONS CHILDREN FREE FREE -- WIN Save Your Ticket Stubs |----LARGE PIZZA---Courtesy Robbies Drive-in, -- WET WASH--Boyd's Esso OSHAWA PH, 723-4972 0) 0 h'4 291 «PANAVISION®.. PATHECOLOR The LEADING LADIES Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. Matinee Soturdey 4 P.M, te 6 P.M, @ FULLY LICENSED ¢ _ ss necator senmeer ested MMAR RRAAIHSSOF SE Gaved DERN une LADD feet tt comer" MEMBERS OF HELL'S ANGELS or vanes, caurones pocamarg This Picture - TODAY! a MAR 4 @ NOW SHOWING! ie Tea oF is or at Act for Adults. ADULT aS "HARPER" ot 8:00 P.M. "LITTLE LADY" et 10:00 LIVERPOOL RD. | Ihab Twin-Bill Tonight !! THE WILDEST POKER GAME IN THE WEST! HENRY FONDA JOANNE WOODWARD FIELDER COOK'S Production of L TE PEE DRIVE-IN iiTTLELADY, BOX OFFicE OPENS 7:30 TECHNICOLOR® Released Thu UNITED ARTISTS It's FUN! It's FIGHTIN! It's FIREWORKS! IT'S ELVIS AT HIS BEST @ SHOW TIMES e@ Weekdays 7:45, 9:45 -- Sat, 1:10, 2:50, 4:35, 6:10, 8:00, 10:00 Sunday 2:30, 4:30, 6:10, 8:10, 10:10 THE NEW ODEON THEATRE 39 KING E. PHONE 725-5833 9 to Midnite in the Dining Lounge APPEARING THIS WEEK IN "THE VINTAGE ROOM". Again This Week by Popular Demand FRANCO CARUSO QUARTETTE LICENSED UNDER LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON RD. SOUTH AT CHAMPLAIN AVE. DANCING NIGHTLY

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