Sa ee oo BD atonal Rita ge NE SG GLE EYEE PNG LIEGE MIA LG ALALOA LL AE SIGE LEA UE BN matters between now and. Dec.;all your skills and talents since|you may be faced with some 20, however-~but especially in|nothing will be handed to youjincreased expenses. Do be con- November, : on the proverbial silver platter.|servative in money matters be- During the next 12 months,|Best periods along these lines:|tween now and Dec. 20, how- social, romantic and domestic|/Between Dec. 21 and Feb, 15, interests should prove stimula-| (with January outstanding), the ting, with emphasis on senti-|last two weeks in April, and the mental matters in late Decem-|entire months of June, August ber, next April, May and Au-\and September, of 1967. You ever -- being extra cautious in] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, September 10, 1966 9] - November, Along personal lines stars will be auspicious for ro-| April, May and August; will fa-, A child born on this day will mance in late December, next|vor travel in early February,|pe endowed with great dignity " ' and during the weeks between). 4 reserve, and will be intl- @ NOW SHOWING! THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Mixed planetary influences will bring about some inconsis- tencies in personal relationships on Sunday. Get-togethers with family and friends should prove ANN LANDERS Honorable Widow ||May 15 and . 10 of t ae or next | fectually. inclined, Feels Resentment i havei Wher eine: ot fest fe ft when you nave to He tO your paren about where you've been, sneak around like a criminal and pray to heaven nobody sees you. If I could offer just one bit of advice to teen-age girls it would be this: If a fellow drops you because you wouldn't '"'prove your love' (what a line!) the wounds will heal a lot faster than if he drops you because you let him haye his way.-- Smartened Up Dummy é Dear Smart: Go to the head Rane Aon Tandore! been a widow for almost two years and I wouldn't wish this life on a dog. Before my husband died he told me about two business deals| he was making with a couple) of friends. They were not in writing --merely oral agree- ments. My husband passed away before the deals were con- summated. The two friends couldn't do enough for agg fe gues me in their plans, took me places, and I was touched by \of the class. Despite tre pain, their consideration. you've learned your lesson well. After the estate was settled 1/7 hope you won't forget it. followed through on the two) deals -- a both parties) Dear Ann Landers: A relative every cent. The, minu "lof ours has a very attractive money was in their hands, the|t5-year-old son. It is embarass- friends vy er gg have not because this mother and son are seen nor heard from theM'are always holding hands, or since. ..,|sitting close to one another Don't tell me I did the right) with their arms entwined. If thing and that I should not re-\1},. 'py is on the mother lies gret it because now I can live| with her head in the boy's lap, with my conscience. It is just) 5) he lies with his head in her as hard to live with the bitter |ian, Either he is stroking her resentment that I feel.-Widow 1.24 or she is stroking his head. Beware After a couple hours, I could Dear B.: I am not going to throw up. 4 tell you anything. You didn't) : ink - write because you wanted ad-| Do you think -- something vice. You wrote to eunload your | Should be said to the pore hostility. Now that you've done|0T the boy Or -- ayo e | it I hope you feel better. If you|Said I believe _e y _affection| don't, please write again. maar) te. bogey this is | hat I'm here for. 1A } , n Dear no Name: It's more) Dear Ann Landers: Your ad-|than' ridiculous. It's pathetic. vice to the 19-year-old girl not|The mother is encouraging very are Sey oo ee ar ee vce 9 pe Pe ome, r o is not deter-|she is unaw i mined to ol her moral stand-|something is done, the boy may ards high will find plenty of|be crippled emotionally for the } al i a will fed her dy Sd a gay te Baal ger em, I'm one 0 gave away | tremendous s - Spy = vd ogthlimaealgl How Aroq apne lt wore io m ing day. ' or y, I, 100, fell rsd the line about|of course--and urge her to talk) learning if we were compatible |the situation over with someone) and now I see how dumb I was.'who can explain it well. Pearls Improve Luster, Beauty By Contact With Human Body By ELEANOR ROSS and gleam after such contact. Natural and cultured pearls|We tried it and it works. are the only gems found in the|/pRIZE POSSESSION water and the only ones created by a living process -- the pains- taking labor of the oyster. All other precious jewels are mined. A good cultured pear! has the same luster and refinement as the natural pearl, the same en- durance through generations of wear, and the same happy characteristic of increasing in beauty through long contact with the human body. Sines the hadv warmth en. hances the luster and beauty of cultured pearls, it is recom- mended that necklaces, brace- lets, earrings be worn as often as possible. Pearls that are We should look upon our cul- tured pearl pieces as prize pos- sessions and treat them accord- ingly with gentle, loving care. One note of precaution -- the alcoholic content in perfume while in liquid state is harmful rfaces, so apply your favorite scent be- fore putting on your pearls. Don't lock up your pearls in a drawer or jewel box without sir far lone narinds of time. If you must put them away for even a short while, wrap each piece separately in tissue or soft cloth. From time to. time, wipe pearls gently with a soft worn frequently never get dull. damp cloth, but do NOT im- We have this on the authority|merse them in water or chemi- of ga sth age so cal solutions of any kind, world's largest importers of! cultured pearls--so these tei "a, ie Sear st repair a pec Fi Ay aga what | string or a knot, or to do an We ware told that 'the same | entire restringing job yourself. body warmth can be imparted) to the cultured pearls set in| rings, pins and accessories, by | rubbing the pearls briskly over the palm of the hand for a few seconds. The pearls will glisten | | Ce * SUNDAY x SEPTEMBER 11th i "HOP yi: PARK" j THE The Sounds of the Big Beet The Plece To Meet ZOume a eee | sn MAR FOSENGERS veooorn THE SECRETS |I highly congenial, but dealings with strangers or those who would mix business with pleas- jure could prove most unsuccess-|be extremely versatile; . lft Rear all af this in mind ifiexeei as a jdvist. lawyer, muiricds governing oceunational af- engaged in group activities. FOR. THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, while affairs may seem to be progressing slowly at the mo- ment, it would be wise to keep forging ahead toward worth- while goals since the planetary aspects promise advances in both your occupational and monetary status beginning with the last ten days in December. This cycle, which should be fine for accomplishment and recognition, will last through mid-February. Next good pe- riods for occupational and-or business advancement: The last two weeks in April and the en- tire months of June, August and September of next year. Except for the late April weeks, the aforementioned months will also be profitable on the fiscal front. Do be conservative in money This is something for experts. Take your pearls to a depend- able jeweler or pearl-stringing expert and, at the same time, have the settings on your pearl- studded gold jewelry examined. Actually, to prevent losses through string failure, neck- laces and bracelets that are worn regularly, should be re- strung at least once a year. Keep pearls from open flame or glowing coals, the experts told us, but don't be afraid to sit in the sun with them -- it'll do wonders for their color. In India, native women are hired to sit for hours in the broiling sun with pearl neck- laces and bracelets against their skin, so that the jewels will achieve their full opales- cent loveliness. Let's hope these little pearls of wisdom will help you enjoy} Next February and the mid-|ness deal in mid-May. gust. Best periods for travel:|could also conclude a fine busi- | i May-early-September weeks. Where financial matters are A child born on this day will|concerned, your best cycle will sician or painter, FOR MONDAY You will have to stress tact and diplomacy with associates on Monday--espécially those in the business world. In general, stick to routine and don't launch new undertakings. Too, it would be well to completely disregard rumor + mongers and dissidents, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, by capitalizing upon your excel- lent foresight and good judg- ment, you should make strides toward career goals within the next 12 months. Be sure, how- ever, to make the best use of ~~ EARN UP TO $100 A WEEK OR MORE BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES Marvel Hairdressing Schools in principal cities offer ex- clusive "MARVEL TOUCH" training. Complete course. DAY or EVENINGS, For free brochure, write or visit. MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS Established over 40 years. could| mostly parallel the good pe- fairs, with tne exception or ie last two weeks in April, when IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S TECHNICOLOR® Released thu UNITED ARTISTS ; it's FUN! It's FIGHTIN! It's FIREWORKS! iad DANCE OR TWIRL Register Thursday, Sept. 8 ¥ 4P.M. --7 P.M. Saturday, Sept. 10 10 A.M, -- 2 P.M, 'OR FALL TERM HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-612 Dept. OT, 219 Bloor St. W. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL' your pearls more. | {ropaAYy ol PANAVISION'aPATHECOLOR THE VE ~~ $1.50 Advance J cocusnr:-crn roan: IP" | QueohH ae AY RIDGES RD AE AR A 668-2692 ees || 8:30 p.m. te 11:30 p.m. Casual Dress Admission $1.50 839-3621 Once under his spell...they would kill ADULT ENT: ° COLOR BY DELUXE Half Woman- TH Half Snake! Repu 'GR 05 NTR PRCT «ATG RRO "The 10th Victim" ADULT -- COLOR ' A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE F --Dpscues WHITBY A LAST BIG DANCE (DOWNSTAIRS Admission - At the door $2.00 Further Information Call . . . 487-3466 OR AJAX 416-942-5110 'i @ THE ASSOCIATES Plus @ SHAWN & JAY JACKSON @ THE MAJESTICS SATURDAY, SEPT. 10th 8:30 p.m. Sharp Till 12 -- oe Of Your 8:30 P.M. Featuring the Admission 75¢ DRESS: Shirt & Tie See You.. LAST Canadian Appearance!! %3 With Their. . . SOUL CRUSADE RENA'S | "NG eT" Saturday, Sept 10 IT'S ELVIS AT HIS BEST @ SHOW TIMES @ Weekdays 7:45, 9:45 -- Sot. 1:10, 2:50, 4:35, 6:10, 8:00, 10:00 Sunday 2:30, 4:30, 6:10, 8:10, 10:10 Dinner and After-Dinner DANCING wo d.. wie 7 SF Cag WeeN Series eg -- At The -- Sailors Lounge Licensed Under the L.C.B.O. ' MOTOR HOTEL 623-3373 Bowmanville Inter-Change 75. THE NEW ODEON THEATRE 39 KING E. PHONE 725-5833 DIRECT FROMITS || FIRST TIME | RESERVED SEAT || AT POPULAR .ENGAGEMENTS! PRICES!. swe BATTLE fi: VREURY FONDA: ROBERT SHAW ROBERT RYAN DANA ANDREWS PIE: Kinsmen Hall -- Oshawa Bernard Tierney Orchestra DANCING 9 to 1 $3.50 Per Couple -- Bar Privileges Proceeds in Aid of Band Instrument Fund. Tickets Available Phone 723-3320, 725-6480 Evenings, or at The Oshawa Naval Club ANGEL!-BARBARA WERLE ceoese MONTGOMERY:TY HARON: CHARLES BROKSON HAAS CHRISTIAN BLECH-WERWER PETERS: JAMES MacARTHUR and TY SAMALAS Predueed by WHLTON SPERLING, PHILIP _YORDAN » Wien by PHILIP YORDAN, MILTON SPERLING, JOHN ME( SON TRCHNIGOLOR® PLUS 42 MINUTES OF BUGS BUNNY CARTOONS -- Children Under 12 FREE WIN! WIN! WIN! PREE PIZZA Courtesy -- Robbie's Drive-in PREE WET WASH -- Boyd's Esso Hwy. Ne. 2 DRAW ON TICKET STUBS TONIGHT Show Sterts OSHAWA PH, 723-4972 Mo) od AY 4 oy | ues Terrific Twin-Bill Tonight !! THF ILDEST PO, Er GAME IN THE WEST! HENRY FONDA JOANNE ROBARDS FIRLOER COOK'S Production of Box Oftice Opens 7:30 "HARPER" et 8:00 P.M, "LITTLE LADY" at 10:00 TE PEE a a DRIVE-IN ed LIVERPOOL RO, RAT 403 282-8369 oF 839-2171 DANCING NIGHTLY "THE VINTAGE ROOM" "The REVELAIRE Popular Rhythm Group 9 te Midnite in the Dining Lounge APPEARING NEXT WEEK IN IT ere en MOULE Grand Re-Opening Ugly Ducklings 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM YOU APART WITH SUSPENSE! : nEWTAN ANDREWS ENTERTAINMENT) HITCHEOER 66-259 209 'TORN CURTAIN' TECHNICOLOR® CIA KEDROVA': HANSJOERG FELMY TAMARA TOUMANOVA = LUDWNIG DONATH APPEARING TONITE ONLY FRANCO CARUSO QUARTETTE LICENSED UNDER LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OF ONTARIO GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL THORNTON RD, SOUTH AT CHAMPLAIN AVE. m The One & Only PGARY BUCK Modern Music with @ Western Flevour Entertainment neh, et MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M, FULLY LICENSED 9 P.M, TO 6 P.M, DUNDAS ST WHITBY | NOW © fiz PLAYING | Your All Time Favourites The LEADING LADIES Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. Matinee Saturday 4 P.M, to 6 P.M, @ FULLY LICENSED 6 KING ST OoHAWA