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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Sep 1966, p. 18

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RO AER A wip, UE AGRE ee . 5 omg ms i Radi Meee yee Lerma ne gi ei " ie <b eetind Kectigith tases Stith tye is Bs AM, P as Ss eee diay eying ee a 18 THE OSHAWA TIbtRs, Saturdey, September 10, 1966 BRIDGE (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) Bs IRVING PLAN TO PLAY MAURICE (CHARD ON THE SAME 1. WITH hg 4NT 6e. Opening lead--king of hearts, This hand occurred in a team match, South was French star Desrousseaux, playing with his favorite partner, Theron, Two clubs was an artificial game-forcing bid and two dia» monds was thenegative re+ '|sponse, East - West were using ace-showing responses and two diamonds denied an ace, It like- wise denied possession of two kings, because East would have responded two notrump -- with two kings, The double by South showed diamonds. The four notrump bid indicated club length as well as diamonds, and five notrump by North asked South to choose his better minor suit as trump. px : ei Ue . i ~~ THE LONE RANGER WATCH OUT FOR THAT DITCH... BE CAREFUL OF THAT TREE... KEEP YOUR EYES STRAIGHT West doubled six diamonds, knowing that the opponents had two aces and that he could not AHEAD... make a slam, However, despite East-West's 25 high-card points, Desrousseaux proceeded to make six diamonds double, West cashed the king of hearts and shifted to the king of spades, which South ruffed, Af- ter trumping a heart in dummy, declarer led a diamond, East producing the king, taken by the ace, Desrousseaux thereupon led the ace of clubs, catching the king, and thus made the slam. This dramatic play of the ace without attempting to finesse was well reasoned, East's two diamond response had denied two' kings, and South there- fore knew that West had the king of clubs, His only chance, consequently, was to find @ singleton king. ' Desrousseaux's East « West teammates at the second table also fared well on the hand. The bidding went: Norte * @K2 ei HAMWG38 Immaterial OT54 Qie South AQ8s tra ed Co 1000 miles per. f SECRET AGENT X9 CROSSWORD ACROSS 2. Insistently 1. Whiff 3. Exclama- 5. Cultivates tion land 4, Tron: 9. Co-dis- sym, coverer of 5. Chief radium vernacular | 10. Provide of northern with India quality 6. Single 12. Solicit unit j earnestly 7. Paradise 14 PM, j So. scosee 2 Certain 9--Insight ; 14. Insect 9, Young 12.20 A.M. 15. Man's bear 11. Common TELEVISION LOG Channei 11--Hamittes 10.15 A.M. 100 PM, Channel %--Toronte %--Churech Service 2, 3, 6, 4, 8 11, 9--News, ochester 10:30 A.M. Weather, Sports one. 9--Cartoons 1.15 PLM, Channel 7--Buftale &--This Is The Life Channel 6--Toronte 3--This is The Lite Channel 4--Buffalo 4--Look Up and Live Channel 9--Barrie 11:00 A.M. Channet 2--Buttale W--Chureh Service 9--Geology -------- SATURDAY EVE, 5.00 P.M, 19. Sunday after- noon 2--Johnny Carson 1:28 PLM. 21, Wing 23. Sours ness 24, Know; Scot. 25. Before 27. Rodents 29. Shower 31, Roman house gods 32. Part of "to be" &--Christopher Program 7---Bullwinkle Show 4--Camera Three 3-6--Church Service 2--Insight 1 AM #--Johnny Carson 7--News, Weather, Sports 6--Movie [STATGIS MM OIWIETS] Yesterday's Answer 11-Flipper T--Coltege Eaathalt 4--NFL Countdown 3-6--Boxing 1N--Discussion 28--World Series of 9--Pierre Berton Golf &--Social Security In 5. PM, Action - 7--Discovery '66 Ti--Johnny Quest 4--Pattern For Living 6:00 P.M. 2--Faith For To-Day 1l--Littlest Hobo 12:80 NOON 9--Voyage 9--Ifalian Album 6--Lofe and Land 8--Quest for Adventure 4--News, Weather i 37. Voidea escutcheon 38. Tiny 40. Employ 41, Hawk parrot Idee Carlo nickname MONDAY | 16. Born suffix 0.00 AM, 17. Sea nymph: 13. Observed | 6--Captain Kangaroo Gr, myth, 15. City: K86 20. Client Fast, N.Y, 33. Wither 43, Hebrew : 4 22. Garden 18.Expunge 34, Pack away month North's silence throughout ie soNews, 7--Movie fant hard to explain, since South Mi : M. 6:0 PLM, 'News, Weather J-Dialing Per Dellars: 26. Soothe Z' 2 4 VAs had identified a strong dia- /, 9 10 '" 6.30 AM, 11--Albert J, Steed 9--Romper Room s 3--Hymn Book Girl Talk 27. Kitchen mond - club hand. West made bp Quest For 'Adventure | 2-SUM and Substance | 7.00 A.M, utensil four hearts after North led a & Summer Sounds con tts PM \11--Ed Allan 28, Compen. diamond to the ace, followed jew! Congress | 3--Musical Showcase pie PM, | gosmite Time" sates by the ace of clubs and a aNews rae ie | 4--Bonnie Prudden 29. Gorge trump return, Declarer ruffed 2-Boto's Big Top 30. Exalted in two clubs, played the ace and 7.0 AM. spirits a low spade, and North found himself in a hopeless position, 8--Meet the Press | 4~Living World 3--Herald of Truth 8--News | 2--Movie %--Jackle Gleason | 12.45 P.M. 7---TBA | &-Round Table | 4-Amateur Hour 7:00 PLM, Vi--Polka Party liDonna Reed &--Dialing for Dollars 32, Beast of Bonnie Prudden burden | 4--Love Of Life | 35. Sloths 3-4--Beverly Hillbillies | 1:00 P.M. N--Jack La Lanne 36, The present 2--News |1]--Continental Minlature | 10.00 A.M, ti 9--Spectrum | lifts a Match ime 10 P.M. 6--Tennessee Tuxedo | &2--Eye Guess 39, Come 1--Dance Party } 3--News | 4-1 Love Lucy Bick $-2--Flipper } 115 PM. Sieh aaa: 7--Shane | 4--Pro Football 11--Morning Time } 41. In this ¢--Tarzan | 9--T.V, Bingo place 4--Continental Showcase 8:3---Concentration 42, Appearing 7--Donna Reed | 4--The McCoys as if eaten 3--Time Out 48, Passage- rr 11,00 A.M, way 11---Marriage Confidential 44, Sheep ; es and Mrs. 45, Foundation -2---Chain Letter 7--Supermarket Sweep DOWN 3--Ed Allen Time 1, Unadul- 4~Andy Griffith taunted Th: AM, ll--Mike Douglas %--Magistrate's Court 7--Dating Game 8-2----Showdown 4--Dick Van Dyke 3--Ernie Lindell 12.00 NOON 9%--~Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie | 4:00 PLM, 3-6--Luncheon Date 11--Top Cat 4--News and Weather 3-6--Sports | 12.15 P.M. 4:30 P.M. | 4--Speaker of the House N--Tiny Talent Tne | 12.90 P.M, 36--Fllm Feature | 3--News, Weather, Sports 5.00 P.M, 8-2--Swingin' 'Country 4-6--search for 63--Country Calendar Tomorrow 4--To Tell the Truth 12:45 P.M. 28--World Series of Golf 64--Guiding Light 5.0 P.M. 1.00 PLM, 9--Brand New Scene N--Theatre 6--20-20 | 9--Movie 4--Cultural Revolution | @ Dialing For Dollars 3--Movie | Girl Talk ' 7--Ben Casey a Regehr | 6--Luncheon Date 15 AM, ost in Space 4--Meet The Millers sane M 9--Walt Disney Presents | 3 Movie | 6--Perry Mason 2--Merv Griffin 12.30 A.M, | 4--Vietnam Elections CONVICTS RIOT SAN JOSE (Reuters)--A prise oner and a guard were killed and 15 persons were injured when 1,100 convicts rioted at the \central jail in Costa Rica's cap- < ital Thursday. SALLY'S SALLIES 1:30 PLM. elie i 3--McHales Navy 11--This Space Age EM Ow! }9--Piatform ALITTLE! ( 0:00 PLM. | &Movie . %--Academy Performance | 7--!ssues and Answers 8-1--| Dream of Jeannie 4--Film Feature | Lets Sing Out 3-6--Pro. Football aorere 2:00 P.M. 8:0 PLM. 3--Get Smart 7--Lawrence Welk 3-6--12 for Summer 4--Secret Agent 9:00 P.M, 8--Class of '67 3-6--Movie 9:30 P.M, N--Great Music 4--Pro Football 7--Hollywood. Palace 10:00 P.M, 9--Combat 2-8--Miss America 10: PM, 1--Movie 7--Movie 11:08 PLM, 9--News 3-6--News 11:90 PLM, 6--Msvie 3--Movie 1140 PLM, 9--Movie 12,00 A.M, 2--News, Weather, .. Sports 8--Girl Game MICKEY MOUSE aa % Y/, 0 | &--Pro Football | 7--First Name Only | 2:30 .M. 11--Discussion 7--ABC Scope 3:00 P.M, 7--U.$. Tennis | 2--Doctors at Work | 3:30 PLM, j|l1--Canada | 2--Movie | YOUR HEALTH Long - Term Drug Use Can Have Ill Effects By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD a ieee Dear Dr. Molner: I am tak-| Side effects fall into much the jing cortisone for arthritis and|same category. Virtually every | have been told it has many dan-|medicine we know has some} j}gerous side effects. I am afraid |side effects if used without cau- | | to take it for any length of time tion. |but my condition becomes very; In the case of cortisone, as |painful, almost unbearable. with many other drugs, a sub- | | Please explain its effects and if|stantial dose. may be given at jit is safe to take it for prolonged |first, after which the amount is | |periods. -- Mrs. Q. R. reduced to a maintenance dose, 4--News, Weather, Cah | Pye agency bet | A few years, ago patients /or Just enough to maintain the) 111-Gilligan's. Island ¢4--As The World Turns /rarely thought or asked about|&' : ye ae Ni--My Favorite Martian | *~Movie side effects. They took for) In this fashion the medication) SUNDAY | 7-Man Who Never Was) ||) 2.00 FM. 4, {granted -- correctly enough --|can be continued for a longer | 7:00 A.M, | 28--Vienam Elections | 7--Newlywed Game |that the doctor should watch|period. Used too long, cortisone | N--En France 7:00 P.M, Hey j-eawel ; |for side effects and withdraw can indeed be troublesome. One} -- | 2.30 P.M. \the medicine or take such other;|common consequence is reten- 9--~People in Conflict jaction if necessary. tion of sodium and hence water pg Pap hg | The public interest in side ef-|in the body. Once the drug is | 6=Coronation Street lfects zoomed suddenly after the|Stopped the trouble stops, | | 4-Linkietter's Party ltragic thalidomide experience. |quences as hair growth, skin | 3.00 P.M. |Thalidomide, of course, never |qudnces as hair growth, skin | 2--Agriculture U.S.A. Color Menghehetedageon ey |was licensed for distribution in | blemishes, pf ge Ae Big exhibit, will be Ba of |the United States. Because the Pressure, mental s CES, It Rembrent, Van Dyke, Aenoir |unexpected reaction (malforma-| altered metalbolism and so on. 3--Flashac | it BE AT MY 8.30 A.M, 2-3 | 7--General Hospital CAN YOU 1--Oral Roberts | &3--Hazel 4--To Tell The Truth , are some of the meosters repre- het tion of babies) was so disas-|Just reading a list of what} sented. cence msec. =, ) (ll Sy | Rin noe | Ph apepenunins : . * f 4--Comedy Capers J i ; ¥ il ven @ cross~' You 100, EARL? forex the cat Movie 3-4--Bonnie Prudden trous, the mere term, side ef-|might happen becomes rather] oP4Nnenity shown in the face y 4--News fects, has created immense SCary. |} of man as shown in these paint- 1.0 PM. Pet MUCH IS KNOWN 7--Preview Tonight 8:48 AM, ¢43--Ed Sullivan Show ' Ti--Living World ings. 9:00 A.M. 8:20 P.M. 11--Little | People f i |] This selection of pointings is on Cathedral Chimes 4-1 Dream of Jennie | 9_i1's Your Move | Where the patient unduly; What we forget is that a great} toon courtesy of The Art In- he | $2--Key Landiord 82--You Don't. Say . : : suspect. is ris m ab ti. |} stitute of Ontario, 9--Cartoons | a ie t aueee Che ifrightens herself, I suspect, is|deal now is known about corti- | Mm, | | et F | apie Seyi SccloRh Carbo 9--Peyton Place | 3-4-6--Edge of Night lin thinking that side effects|sone, and the physician giving | CANADIAN 4:00 PLM. | which may occur will occur. If|it knows what to look for. AUTOMOTIVE Ni--Funny "Company jone applied the same thinking} The danger of side effects to everyday life, we would never|arises mainly when the patient) MUSEUM 99 SIMCOE ST. S$. OSHAWA Bes Forernn Speen tan, (Pt, Werth ghee coer, 9-0 «=-->GUAS. BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEONS WE'VE GOT ENOUGH FOR THE TIP... MAYBE 1] WE CAN BAT ON im CREDIT! 95¢ -- 1.35 Good «Food DOWNTOWN. LOCATION FULLY LICENSED PARKING REAR OF HOTEL HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST, W. ANICKEL AND A DIME! WHAT LL 7:90 A. 9--Monkies H--Mademoiselle be | T--Voyage To The Paris | _ Bottom of the Sea 7--Heraid of Truth' §-3--Hey Landlord 8:00 AM. 4--Lassie 1l--acred Heart 7:30 PLM, @--SHHH! Children 11--Donna Reed 7--Christopher Program | 9--FBI 4--Word of Life #2--Disney's World of EXHIBITION Sept. 19 - Oct. 3 The outstanding paintings on MUGGS AND SKEETER NO. GOT A | HEADACHE. | 8-6-3-2--Bonanza N--iteiian Journal | 7--Peter Potamus ee ONe ere 10:00 P.M, 9--News Analysis | &-Andy Williams | 4--Candid Camera 2-- Mike Douglas 6-3---Galapagos | | 430 PM. 10:30 P.M, \ Alvin 11--Detective Diary 9--Movie 4--What's My "Line | 8--Huckleberry Hound 36--Disordered Mind 4--Movie | 8--Match Game | 4--Secret Storm 3-4--Canada's Story 4---Uncle Jerry's Club 2--The Answer 10:08 A.M. N--Carasello 9---Stingray &--Faith For To-Day 7--Rocketship 7 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 9:90 A.M. | souls 9--1 Love Lucy cross the street because wej|takes more than the amount | might be hit by an automobile. | prescribed, or when she doesn't And at times people are hit, but}see her doctor regularly and the | usually because of carelessness | doctor does not have a chance} on somebody's part, the driver's|to detect early indications. that} jor the pedestrian's, ] 'the drug needs to be stopped. | JULIET JONES r 4

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