G THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 10, 1956 SPORTS BEAT John Ryan Important In Toronto's Pennant Bid By ERIC WESSLBY Times Sports Editor Whether Toroto Maple Leafs win or lose the Inter- cb an od gd championship, 1966 is certain to be by Oshawa's John Ryan, It was the at third base, plus his batting ability, with Leafs rising up to challenge for KS UL UIC SUNTUUIG, avery ree at the of August, wound up with a with 36 hits in 111 trips to the plate. t runs for Leafs. WAS A run Ryan drove in earlier in the season costly to Leafs, however. Ryan, who started baseball career in the Detroit chain, start- with Rochester Red Wings, after being off-season. While with Rochester, he de- -hit, ninth inning single to score a winning turned out, take the money out of his own place club at the end of the season ich is shared by xe players. Even with Leafs a month, Ryan would cer- ze32 i iH f i ie E R _ "TEN OF THE 36 hits Ryan garnered with Leafs were of the extra-base variety, three being home runs, He also - scored 17 runs in the $2 games he played, Had he been with Leafs all season, and performed at the same pace, Ryan would have been up with the league leaders in runs scored, hits and batting. He attributed his fine per- formance from the fact he was making a fresh start with a _ , hew team. "COMING INTO A new organization, I felt I had a chance to go up the majors if I did well," he says. "I was five years in the Detroit organization, but they gave up on me last year." In those five years, Ryan performed in such places as Decatur, Midwest @eague; Duluth, North- ern; Knoxville, Sally; and Syracuse International, He was a member of a pennant-winning club at Duluth but had to mane second place. with Knoxville, Syracuse and Toronto, RYAN, WHO PLAYED bantam, midget and junior baseball for Oshawa Legionnaires under Jim Shaw, thinks there is definitely a place for Canadian boys in professional baseball, "The picture is quite different to when I played junior ball," he said, "Today, more scouts are coming from the United States to look at players here. If a boy has any ability, works hard and shows a willingness to learn, he'll get a chance." THE FIRST SUMMER in pro ball is a tough one, "When I reported for my first camp, I found it pretty rough. It was a different country, far from home and so many new people, But I worked hard and listened, and as a result, the coaches spent more time with me, And that first year, getting used to so much baseball! Thank good- ness I received some good coaching when I played minor pt oe Oshawa Canadian Legion Minor Baseball Asso- tion. JOHN THINKS THAT if a boy is going to try for a professional baseball career he must stick with the funda- mentals. "Perfect them. They are the most important --< GREEN GAELS HEAD WEST well in the Canadian jun- jor lacrosse Minto Cup final, which opens tonight at New Westminster, B.C. Gaels flew from Malton Oshawa Green Gaels bid farewell to a group of fans who turned out at Oshawa Civic Auditorium Friday afternoon to wish the team world - famous softball attract- jon, will be in Oshawa tomor- row afternoon, to play the Osh- 'The King And His Court Will Be Here Tomorrow "The King and His Court"', folded and can even throw strikes from deep centre-field. Such novel tricks as delivering the ball from behind his back, Airport Friday evening. Trip almost went without a hitch, but the bus had to be flagged down just before 'jinight", Friday night, to pay |tribute to Gordon MacMillan, '|who recently won the Canadian '|Lawn Bowling Association 5 |honor; = ithe occasion. leaving when coach Jim Bishop forgot to leave the keys to his car for his wife. --Oshawa Times Photo Good Season For Barker Fifteen-year-old Donevan Col- legiate student Bill Barker cli- maxed a great golfing year by winning the junior club cham- Power le a en Lake Ontario, between Osh- awa and Mimico, will be a busy spot a week from today. Occasion will be the third an- nual Lake Ontario Powerboat Marathon, sponsored; by the Oshawa Yacht Haven and Hum- ber Valley Marine. Officials are looking for an entry of 70 boats, of all sizes) . and powers. The race, which starte and finichas at Oshawa. will cover approximately 65 miles, Halfway mark will be the Humber Valley Marine, where contestants will eat lunch, as guests of the sponsoring clubs. For the first time, profession als will be welcome, and a spe- cial prize list has been made for this classification. Top prize to: fo! in, Boat Marathon" Should Be Busy One financially, will be the $250 for first in each class, place finishers will receive $75 and third place finishers $50, Top prize will be the Carling Cup, awarded to the best over- all performance by a profes- sional, He'll also pocket $200. covers fuel, lunch in Toronto, Ginner and dance at. Jubilee be forwarded to Mrs. Doe Shor- ney, 360 Rathburn Rd., Isling- Haven, Federation Power Boat Association. "eee Gaal. eee Hho For the professionals, Secondjare six outboard and inboard classes. In all but one class, the in- baard No, 1; er dareels GUN total displacement of 305 cubi¢ inches, two motors are allowed, Minimum boat length is 14 feet for the unlimited power, open class, , _ The professional division for AVVGIUS NGO SWU LAMpOUD, wits a minimum length of 15 feet for boats with a total displacement of 305 epg anda Bg : mum o' eet for those in the 306-488 range, In the professional outboard division there are six classificar. tions, including two open events. The amateurs will compete for trophies. In "H" class, for there An entry fee of five dollars n, before Friday night. Entry rms are available at Yacht The marathon has the biess- g of the Canadian Boating and the American Bowlers Hold A large number of the mem-)th bers of the Oshawa Lawn Bowl- ing Club gathered for a 'gala m president of the men's section, te singles championship at Winni- peg. On behalf of the women's sec- tion, Mrs. Nettie Brown pre- sented a gift to the guest of while Bob Gallagher, vice-president of the men's sec- tion, presented a memento of th la To Honor Gord MacMillan "spiders" for both men and women. Ewart Alger was the tine Thomas for the ladies. This was followed by a "gate" con- Robinson and Mrs. Sam Mac- Millan, game was played, Prizes for Ron Granik and Clair Edmunds. boats with a total cubic inch displacement of 70-79.99, the winner will receive the Oshawa Yacht Haven Trophy, The Outboard Marine Corp. Trophy will go to the winner of {"I" class, for boats with a total cuble inch displacement of 80- 89.99, while the Brydon Brass Manufacturing Trophy will go to the winner of "J" class, for boats with a total cubie inch displacement of 90-09.99. The Oshawa Harbor Commis- sioners' Trophy will go to the over-all amateur winner. Win- ner will also receive a replica of the larger trophy, The event will get under way at 10:30 a.m. at Oshawa Yacht Haven, with the first boats ex- pected to arrive back around 3:30 p.m. Chairman of the race com- mittee is Victor Waring of To- 'Gala Night' e refreshments. The evening opened with en's winner and Mrs. Chris- st which was won by Chester During the evening one 10-end e highest score were won by Snowden, Mrs. Evelyn There was also a draw for a rge number of prizes, Thanking the members of the club for the evening in his honor, Gordon said it had been a tough job to win the Ontario championship and that he had bowled well in the champion- ship round in which he won five games without a loss. "T also had a good chance to win in 1963 but I did not play as well in the last game as I might have and my opponent played well. We had a wonder- ful time in Winnipeg where we were met at the airport and taken on a tour of the city," he said, Jack Hunter, a member of the doubles team which won the Dominion Championship with George Jackson several years ago, was master of cere- monies. W. L. Pierson, Everett Jackson and Howard Saywell ronto while the referee will be HEADS ROADS GROUP Vera Barrie of Toronto. HALIFAX (CP)--Gordon B. Grant, Saskatchewan's minister of highways and transportation, Friday was elected president: of the Canadian Good Roads Asso- ciation at the close of its five- day convention, Norm Courtney of Oshawa is in charge of accommodation. The Canadian Coast Guard patrol boat "The Spray", and the RCMP patrol, boat, "Shaun- avon II" will. be on stand-by duty for emergency purposes. 3rd. ANNUAL Lake Ontario Powerboat Marathon Oshawa to Toronto and return. Se e 80 MILES e Sponsored by OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. Humber Valley Marine * ror Carling Awards SATURDAY SEPT. 17, 1966 Information and Entry Forms Oshawa Yachthaven Ltd. Harbor Rd. 723-8186 things, And if a youngster gets a chance to go to a tryout camp, he should go, That's how I got spotted. And take every opportunity that comes along. If he's asked to spring training camp, a boy should apply himself, show willing- ness to learn and listen." were in charge of the draw; while Mrs. May Price and her| committee were in charge $i Johnny's Pals Tie | PeeWee Final Set | Johnny's Pals edged Police Association 6-5 if overtime at the Children's Arena Friday to| square their best-of-three Osh-| awa Minor Lacrosse Association pee wee finals at a game each. Danny Morency led the at- tack with four goals while Ran- dy Wetherup added a pair. Morency's fourth goal was sco- red in overtime and proved to) be the winner. | Johnny Thaler scored two} goals for Police Association while Ken Scott, Morgan Self and Jeff Mason each netted) -- EDDIE FEIGNER WHEN THE SEASON ends, Ryan will spend a short holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tal Ryan, 341 Masson St., and then continue his schooling at Michigan State University in Lansing, Mi at least four {i Lorre a aos Fas The versannel aees ss 4 we iw cam-inat: nt.ch epee tee to the majors next season, centre fielder Reggie Smith, second baseman Mike Andrews, first baseman Tony Horton and pitcher Gary Waslewski, 'And Dick Williams is certainly a big league manager." AS A JUNIOR, Ryan won the Leaside Junior League batting championship three years in succession. The third year, he wound up with a .495 mark. Last season, Osh- awans Ted Lutton and Eric Peterson shared the title while this past year, Barry Wilkins, who plays defence for the Oshawa Generals, emerged as champion. Lutton, by the way, coaches the Oshawa junior club this season, and they'll be in Thorold tomorrow afternoon for the first game of the Ontario Baseball Association junior semi-final. Sec- ond game will be here Wednesday. And don't forget tomorrow's appearance at Kinsmen Stadium of Eddie Feigner, the King and His Court. Pro- ceeds for the Centennial Recreational Complex. ne. | Final game will be played Monday, 7.30 p.m. in the Child- ren's Arena. The magic of prefabrication means more for your money, choose.a Colonial Home % Through Colonial, you can enjoy all the home- building savings made possible by modern mass-purch of ials ... and assembly-line production techniques. Choose your lot--then let Colonial's wide experience and sound engineering show you the way to true economy and long-term satisfaction. " (Guaranteed. in writing!) Harman 8, In Aid of "Centennial Project" THIS SUNDAY KINSMEN STADIUM -- 2 P.M. DIRECT FROM THE C.B.S. -TV | "SUNDAY SPORTS SPECTACULAR" * r wo a J "HE KING ANOS COURT vd Tak ---- = | The Saginaw Spiit Level--Living area 912 er. ea wre some 4007 - Load Carries for less than rent «+. as low as = garage (extra) 218'--3 bedrooms fil eTHE OUTFIELD, THROUGH HIS LEGS, per month pS AND EVEN -- BLinoFoLDED! 15-YEAR FINANCE FOR a PLAN AVAILABLE BENEFITS | , 9% Bi) PA DESERVE Oa? SBIR SE ms AIG The New Westminster Salmonbellies |} = ; Wak A. N\ Directly From New Westminster TONIGHT at 11:30 E.D.T. (8:30 P.D.T.) ~---Over-- and CKQS 93.5 MC it, Oct. 1 -- Lan-| vs. Ukrainia, 8:00) Tort StetovTS= 48,170 GAMES PUTCHED men 2,689 awa City and District Softball/through his legs, etc., are rou- | Jim Heney on the 18th at 2.00 o'clock. iface Eddie Feigner and his The. final. matoh, hole of This is a fund - raising event/mates were selected from the ner attraction. |Pete Landers; catchers 'Moe, ----_--_-- rte a s a iron. Eddie Feigner, 'The King", |/Bryant and Art Rennick of Aj- . eo e Paul McGill, tht Bit Storie | sao doukioaapat Ge ca Court" has changed somewhat/Armstrong, Jim Rowden, Ron [SSG COS ARG (Op DOr sve since he first played in Osh-|Siblock, Ralph Davis, Paul Gib- sixth hole, A fine year for Bill. team can defeat some of the|A, Tilk and Joe Piontek. | ' ; Inited | ve been| Storie Park and Lake Vista} I" @ thrill-packed final that best softball teams in Unite Portable bleachers have been | went tine extra holes, Martha records established by Feigner|Parks, for this event and Osh- series in Kiwanis bantam soft- ms the Ou and his three teammates is no-|awa City and District Assoc,|ball playoffs Friday. In the "A" Flight Handicap |Division, Martha defeated Rose sand games for charitable cau-|comodation for more that a the way into a pair of three-| Steve Heney captured the ses. Prior to starting their 1966/thousand and there is excellent/run homers. Gillespie had three|Grandview Club's men's cham- and won 2,411 of them. Oshawa|}----------- Aenea --| Storie, Smith in the 36-hole final. Ted Taylor was the winning} Eight one-putt greens and n | gs ___.|40's at Kinsmen Stadium. Fuels | Over a stretch of 20 seasons, | Ron Galland led Lake Vista/fortable lead. s ® h Sam's charge on the front wo- Way Tie For First 0 ay 1€ or Its | lettort. Gallant also had five icounting this season. ae ; ; : RBI's as he hit a homer and/faltered when he three-putted |. Paster than Bob Feller or the} First baseman Dennis Ashton |, triple. the sixth. Heney then maintain- ge jaw lity Fuels into the); . ; : ' lelocked by an electric timer|®W@ Qua y it and Ehmke all hit doubles.| On September Wayne is a definite possibility in thellosses and no ties for zero &t 104 mph. He has five speeds, |OMtario Amateur Softball As-| second game of each series|Cheesman achieved the golf- i Oshawa and District Soccer/points. a: } jseventh hole at Grandview with Standings are of September 6,) yy. hit for the cycle, a home pawl Storie will go to Southmeadija no. 8 iron, Witnesses were \triple, double and single, and | half of play. He strikes out batters from Oshawa Italia and Oshawa) Fuels topped Toronto Avenue |. i " Road Lions 8-3 to win the semi- YonHont is in second place with) BOWLERS WANTED ing the advantage. The Oshawa Men's Major 5- Italia have won nine games, six hits and struck out 12 bat- goals while Sam Janiri of I j ters to record the victory. ' m Janiri ca ty? tiv | : A | One of the city's top competitive against for 22 points. Thistles|222 is in fourth spot with 10. jleagues, players must have anjin , have eight wins, one loss and| jwith the bases loaded during | a five - run sixth inning. Bill) |goals. R. McWater, D, Davies, |qualifications, interested --_in/Melynchuk drove in a run in In the event of a tie, the best 22d G. McMillan are tied for)powling in the Men's Major/the seventh. goals-for and against average at Motor City Bowling Lanes. | while other hits went to = | 8:00 rie we The league schedule opens on|Rout, Lawrence Wry, Melyn- cents octets wale i. 17 -- Ontario| Thursday, Sept. 15. tt, ad ene s ~ arene vs 10 points. |Carih dangers va This lon, Local 222 has four wins, nine |§:00 pm. = Rangers vs| points and Malta occupies the'p.m. Min to Cup Pionship at Grandview Association's All-Stars, at Kins-|tine for 'The King". : iy for the city's 'Centennial Pro-|local "Major League" and in- One week earlier, Bill had a no stranger around these|ax; Bob Young, Jackie Sneddon, Steve Dixon and Gary Cope- awa, about 14 years ago bens; Ron Wright, Wayne Chees- ; | Martha Stauffer swept both : hippo wm rae ins PENET 20%: Match Play Events at , 7 as: | " i ins Stadi each took the first game of States and Canada, never ceas-|moved into Kinsmen Stadium defeated Jean Pratt one up in thing short of fabulous. president Bruce McArthur fig- Storie won over Southmead campaign, "The King and His/standing room space for sever-|singles while Bell doubled, B.|pionship event for the. fourth "Pediars" beat The King and} " Quality pitcher, allowing four hits. Bru-|four birdies in the mornin e has averaged 16 strikeouts) jover Harman Park 16-6 with | nine of the afternoon round, In Oshawa Soccer League great Walter Johnston, Eddie #4 pitcher Dave Granston tea-| "Rose homered for ed his advantage to the end of 14 different "hands" or deliv-/Seciation midget final phere |e be played Monday, startingjer's dream by acing the Association regular schedule as) } 'land Lake Vist& will play at/Bill Wallace, Jim Stephenson Helmut Jeckel leads the scor-|second base, can do it blind- | Thistles are. within two points| eS final series in two games. Another Italia player, pin Bowling League is on the lost one and tied four with a Ashton homered for two runs Thistles have three players in| average of at least 190. Any four ties with 57 goals for and) jthat spot. S, Lakatos of the|feague, is asked to contact! John Nestic had a double and) will be the deciding factor. tralia, 8:00 'Sat uk and Ron P ble . alia. 8 IM, e K | while | Cop Final, thisties vs Condon, 4:00 purr | chuk and Kon Fa '| Ukrainia is fourth with four/Tves. Cup Rengers vs Thisties. 8:00] » Sept. 27 -- M | bt H Thers., losses and one tie for nine) Tristies, $:00 p.m. TODAY .. Senior League! Oshawa Green Gaels Club recently, defeatin men Civic Memorial Stadium,| Oshawa All + Stars who will neh Age ject" and sould prove. a ban-/clude pitchers Ron Taylor and hole-in-one on Grandview's sev- '. af biel Dill Commish af Dart Parry Tack Park |land. Earlier in the year, Bill 4 ie rs The fact that a four - manjeman, B. Tripp, W. Gibson, iGrandview. : s, The! -arious j : their respective semi - final es to amaze softball fans, The!from the various Neighborhood pec lthe Ladies' Club Championchip, They have played over a thou-/ures that there'll be seating ac- by a score of 20-1. Wright jeq|De Lucia 3 and 2. Court" had played 2,689 games/al thousand more. /Taylor and Ostle hit triples for|straight year by defeating Sam His Court, back in the late dek was the loser, jround pushed Heney to a com-| lif 1 per game and has a ctime | a seven - strike out pitching total of 48,170 strikeouts -- not! eac In with birdies on holes 4 and 5, |Feigner's "fast ball" has been|™ed up effectively to move Osh- | while Andrey, Rebot, Montpet-|the match. A two-way tie for first Place |league cellar with no wins, 13) eries, and 19 varieties of wind-|, Playing at Toronto, Ashton} s¢ ¢.00 p.m. the teams move into the final) 994 drove in five runs as Quality |home iand Don Calder. ing with 20 goals for Italia. Jan) ---- a of each other with Italia enjoy- Cranston limited the Lions to [Daniell is third with 14 lookout for some new recruits. total of 57 goals for and 18 homere' in the third inning and tripled fifth place, each with eight)jocal five-pin bowler with the 14 goals against for 20 points. Ukrainia team has seven goals.| Matt Kotelko or Bruce England,|two singles for Quality Fuels Rangers hold third spot with) tues. sept, 12 -- Local 222 vs Ukraina, 's Sept. 20 -- Thisties vs Ukrainia, | wins, six losses-and two ties for| Rangers" s:00 jaita vs Rangers, | H EA R caster Cup: Thisties Dai SOFTBALL |playoffs -- Zion at Solina, 6.15 * Special Bonus Offers at No Extra Charge: @ Double glazing for all windows @ Aluminum combination doors OASA Intermediate 'C' Play-/P.m.; Srd game fo | 3-out-of-5/ OFFS-- Battersea or Portland|championship finals. vs. Brooklin Concretes at Brook-- LAWN BOWLING lin, 8.15 p.m.; Ist game of On- tario quarter-final series. lao ee gg ger OASA Senior 'B' Quarter! at Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club Finals -- Toronto Plating vs.'19.00 a.m . Oshawa Gale's Lumber, at; saa Alexandra Park, 8.00 p.m.; ist game of 2-out-of-3 series. i of © GALO . «FOYER * ~~; a- Fach with floor MUL your copy! Tea TEAM HAS . . Write for AVEO 762 SPECIAL GAMES FoR Hr MANOICAPPED b OR CHARITARLE Ar. CAUSES SAvess. -- || srameours Pee Game ig | FO? J¥SeASONS SUNDAY |BASEBALL OBA Junior 'A' Playoffs -- Ontario Junior Conference--|Oshawa Acadian Cleaners. vs, Scarborough Rams vs. Oshawa|Thorold, at Thorold, 2.00 p.m.; Hawkeyes, at St. Joseph's High|!st game of 2-out-of-3 Ontario School grounds, 2.00 p.m. |semi - final series, SOCCER LACROSSE Ontario Cup Finals -- Osh-| Oshawa UAW League | Play- awa Thistles vs. London Mar-|offs -- George's T.V. vs. beach- coni-Italia, at London, Ist game/combers, at Whitby Arena, 11.30 of home-and-home, total - goalia.m.; 2nd game of 3-out-of-5 series. ichampionship finals, : CONTACT YOUR NEAREST DEALER TWO TORONTO LOCATIONS EAST METRO SALES west 3392 Kingston Road 32 Caledonia Road (Stop 23) h, Phone - 261-6187 _ WINDUPS, h HAND ELIVERIES, AND S SPEEDS. WS"FAST" BALL HAS CKLB 1350 KC Future Games Same Time Mon, Sept. 12, Wed. Sept. 14, Fri. Sept. 16. Sareauls GRiAlS? PeTCNe Phone - LE. 1-2459 | TWAMS ASA MATTER OF ROUTINE ONY APPEARANCE THiS wie, Hl j Al tHe oy ety Tickets Available --- Bolahood Sportshaven dey of game Kins- men Stedium.