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Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Sep 1966, p. 28

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_ WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Canada Mysore Project UCW Meeting Theme The Canada Mysore Project was the topic of the Sept- ember general meeting of St. Mark's United Church Women, Mrs, R. Jeanneret, King, Ont. who is a member of the Ont- ario committee for the project expiained wai Canada has iin- SSS SSR TRS TT RRS ST SSS one supervisor to train natives of Asian countries to process and preserve their own food resources to combat the great , disease and malnu- trition Slides were shown to illus- CWL Bazaar Committees Named The general meeting of St. John the Evangelist CWL was held last Tuesday evening in the St. Joseph's meeting room. The president, Mrs, H. C. Moore, .chaired the meeting. The fine turn out was very much appreciated, Father Leo J. Austin recited the league prayer. The highlights of the meet- ing are as follows: A scholar- ship is to be presented to a «student of the Denis O'Connor High School by the president. Miss Elizabeth Smith will be given a gift prior to her de- parture, The annual bazaar will be held, Oct. 29, at Denis O'Connor High School Audi- torlum with conveners Mrs. William Goverde, Mrs, E. W. Waring, and Mrs. H, C. Munro. The following ladies will be Rebekah Lodge Starts Fall Meetings Benevolent Rebekah Lodge, - No, 132, held its first meeting of the new season at the IOOF hall Wednesday evening. The Noble Grand, Sister Verna Att- wood, presided assisted by Vice Grand Sister Sheila Gor- don. Most of the officers were present. In charge of visiting com- mittee, Sister Sheila Gordon trate living conditions in India. Mrs, J. K. Bowes, of unit 8 who had arranged the program, introduced Mrs. Jeanneret and Mrs, E. Fells expressed thanks A meaningful worship m was conducted by Mrs, P. Tane and \ Mrs, R, Wilson, A Balan muanldad Ar EPS Pr Seas teantinn #n an alA. fashioned Tea on Oct, 6, the pe nsigry dinner Nov. 15, also the fall Thank offering meeting Oct. 4 at 8 P.M. at which Mrs. LeRoy Toll well present her 'Trinidad Trave- in charge of tables: Children's wear, Mrs, E. W. Waring, Mrs. M. Chizen and Mrs, F. Knoe- kenstael; aprons, Mrs, James McCarroll; gifts, Mrs. James Cronin; dolls clothes, Mrs., Peter Ottenbrite; Christmas decorations, Mrs. J, O'Connor, Mrs, M. Muir; bake table, Mrs. H, Story, Mrs. D. O'Hagan and Mrs, A. C. Smith; candy, Mrs. T. Hughes; parcel post, Mrs. Desmond Newman; white elephant, Mrs. A. Arnold; tea tables, Mrs. T. Kapuscinski; tickets, Mrs, Frank Canzi and Mrs. J. J, Ledden. The Communion breakfast will be held in November with Mrs, Joseph O'Connor and Mrs. M. Muir as conveners, The social convener, Mrs, T. Kapuscinski, and her assistants served light refreshments. ing her good wishes for the coming year, Sisters Isabelle Saunders and Mabel James gave an interest- ing report of the sessions of the Rebekah Assembly of On- tario held in Toronto. It was announced that Sister Grace Harris will receive her degree of chivalry Oct. 1 at! ' By JAY. MATHEWS corners with dark and canes are some aren't. 'Tt can be quite In less than rofitable, ASK THEM TO MOVE "If we get a complaint from we'll ask them to someone, jmove to a different street," patrolman said, Newsman Poses As Blind Beggar | NE W YORK (AP)--Most of the men on New York street asses, Cups y blind, but | ind I'm not blind but I tried it, ree hours on the corner of 34th Street and 7th Avenue, I accumulated $11.54, a lot of good wishes and The money was turned over | * * THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 12, 1966 § has to beg in New York City. "Welfare will always provide, when there are no other ade- quate sources of enough for rent and food," Francis N. Coombs of the wel- fare department. Officials of eharities for the) agree. "The welfare department you just so much, they ion't give you what you want," said George Mason, standing in the garment district with cup and cane. Sa ee ee wHiTay ~ Welfare officials insist no one Violin Scholarship BOWMANVILLE (TC) At the examinations of the Royal Con- servatory of Music, the follow- ing pupils of Mrs, W. E. C. Workman, ALCM, RMT, were successful, Theory, Grade Two: First Class Honors -- Beverley E. Anderson and Karen L. Coverly (equal); Susan M, Clark, Rachelle D. Hunt. Grade One: First Class Honors -- Peggy L. Clark, Fen- wick P. Laird, Karen A. Me- Knight; Wilma Vandemeent. Piano -- Grade Eight: Pass, Carol E. Hills; Carol A. Bell- man; Thomas G, Puk. Piano Grade Four -- Honors, April G. Cowey, Janice C. Hunt (equal); Ronald W, Marchant; Pass, Jane Cattran. Grade Three -- Honors, Dale W. Griffin. Madeline Merkley, 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Merkley, Concession St., has A Division of the S. 5. Kreage Company CAMERA DEPT. Burke's Falls, Ont. | Refreshments were served) with Sister Lottie Plaskitt in| charge. | The next ae. will be| held Sept. 21. The Unity Club Past Noble Grand (Rebekah) will be held in the IOOF hall, Sept. 14, at 8 p.m. read thank-you cards for favors received during the, summer recess. Get well cards were sent to Sisters Jean Rycroft and Margaret Dewsbury who are ill. A letter was read from the president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario express- 26 Area Residents New Citizens Twnty-six Oshawa area res-|Keppel and Mrs, Isolde Keppel, {dents were presented with th-/Oshawa. | Pawel Puszczynskyi and Mrs eir Canadian citizenship cer Katharina Puascsyneky!, Osh: tificates at a session of the awa; Max Riesner and Mrs Citizenship Court last Friday Maria Riesner, Ea ogy Reln- he Ontarie County Court-/ ho Bruno _ Stender, . sting ig ae Oshawa; Heinz Bernard Stoll " thel rtif and Mrs Magarete Ida Stoll, Sa gdb gy eir cert! ajay: Renata Subioto, Oshawa; Mrs Arlette Simone Adam, Istvan Szentisvani, Oshawa. Imre Tomski and Mrs Jul- Oshawa; Mrs Olga Chrunciw,|jaianna 'Tomsik, Ajax; Nichol Oshawa; Arnaldo Cupani, RR/aas Egnatius Van Der Stoop, le; Mrs Alzbeta| and Mrs Richtje Johanna Van , Oshawa; Walter Frie-|Der Stoop. Oshawa; Willem been awarded a scholarship in violin at the Conservatory of Music. Miss Joyce Gundy, To- ronto Conservatory, is Made, line's teacher for Grade 3 violin. Good Nemes Te Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker -- President Bill MeFeeters -- Vice Pres, SCHOFIELD-AKER | @ LTD. 4 723-2265 from picture, front row, from left, are; Jackie Henricks, Tinda Finan and Colleen Walsh. Standing, from left, Henry Bogumil, Ted Me- Gee and Michael Morrison. --Photos by Denis Studios male at the Durham County black and white show was J. H. Jose and sons, W. W. Werry and Son won the Jack Keliough Trophy for the premier breeder and Ralph Glaspell won the Master Feeds special trophy for the grand champion female, TENDERS TOWN OF WHITBY - MUNICIPAL BUILDING -- EXTERIOR PAINTING Sealed Tenders clearly marked es to contents, and addressed to the Town Engineer will be received by the Clerk, Mr. J. R, Frost, at the Municipal Offices until 12 NOON, SEPTEMBER 19th for the supply of all materials and labour required for exterior painting of the premises located at 405 Dundas Street West. Tenders must be sub- mitted on forms, which together with other inform- ation may be obtained from the office of the Town Engineer. A certified cheque or bid bond must accompany each tender in the amout of 5% of the Tender Price. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. D. G. Newmen, Mayor, Town of Whitby THE FIRST GRADUAT- ING class of Denis O'Con- nor High School, Whitby, was honored Saturday night in the school auditorium, The special speaker was Mayor Desmond Newman, Members of the class in the Durham Holstein Show Wins Judge's Praise ORONO--- The Dorian County Holstein Club black and white show was described by W. J. Knapp, judge from Green- wood Farms, Galt, as an ex- ceptionally fine show Friday, as the Orono Fair wound up its first day. The show, which was up in entries by 35 head over last year "had considerable depth in senior female classes," Mr. Knapp said, A total of 22 exhibitors and 136 animals were on display. Mrs. Doreen McHolm of Wel- come, the Durham County dairy princess for 1966, participated in the show by presenting each contestant with his winning rib- bon, Assisting in the judging of the show were G. E. Nelson of Port Perry, who acted as a fieldman; sel Brown, president of the Rae Farm was first in the jun- can Tamshtya,*tacretae at tes ior yearling heifer exhibition. Durham Holstein Club. | Other winners included Don- Premier breeder of the show ee - oss Bape, Bruce was Wesley Werry and Sons of/() 2.6) Be on, + ag B.| Hampton. Runner-up was Glen| 94 pe Dal jowmanvilie and Rae Farm of Bowmanville, The|ced#? Dale Stock Farms in| Fat Calf Show Winner of the A, J. Tambiyn| Fine Success | upper picture, sittin left, are: Donna Parise, Sheila Campbell, and Kathie Hughes, Standing, from left are: Mary Ellen McAneney, Sharon Dochuk, Rosemary Polito and Heath- er Arts, Those in the lower OFFER! A. RA Se ii-\= pisinser sxbibiter aise wae Was. ley Werry and Sons, while the runner-up was Neil Malcolm of Burketon Falis. Winners of the classes were: junior heifer cal, Glen Rae Farm, Bowmanville; senior heifer calf, Glen Rae Farm; bull calf, junior, Tamiane Farms, Orono; senior bull calf, Wesley J. Yellowlees, of Ennis- killen and Robert Flett of Osh- awa (reserved junior champ- jon), In the class five yearling bull competition, a bull owned by J. H. Jose and Sons of New- castle and Earl Waldie of Rose- neath placed first. W. W. Werry and Sons of Hampton took first in the bull, two year and over class. The bull also won the senior and grand champion ribbon. Glen | FREE ROLL OF FILM! BLACK -&- WHITE OR COLOUR FOR EACH ROLL LEFT FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING Scie : 620, T20, 127, 126, 35mm = 28 a 2 s ANOTHER Fitmi @oeeeeee @ SUMPLY LEAVE YOUR NEXT FILM BLACK -&- WHITE OR COLOUR AT K mart's CAMERA DEPART- MENT FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING, YOU WILL GET A FREE & ROLL OF THE SAME SIZE, @eeeoeeee?® FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE ! FINEST QUALITY PRINTS ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! @eeee#ee#e#e?*# FREE! SAME SIZE OF FILM WITH EACH ORDER! Totten, Sims & Hubicki and Associates Limited, 519 Dundes Street East, drich Karl Drews and Mrs|Gerrit Van Elst, Fairport Rosemarie Drews, Oshawa;|Beach; Mrs. Antonina Zosik, Franz Jehle and Mrs. Roswittu,|) Oshawa and Roman Zuriewicz, Theresia Jehl, Oshawa; Julius! Oshawa. ; less individual. The Reserve Elmcroft Junior was the winning senior yearling, Roybrook Gracious who is strong on top with a T B ed j|wide level quarter, op TEC@GET |: surts snown Judge Weaver praised the PR yl SP irelatein Ss sid quality of the bull classes which staged their annual Black and|had 18 entries in all, Senior| White Day, Sept. 5, in connec-|and Grand Championship went/ tion with Port Perry Fair with|to Elmcroft Pontiac Chieftain, | 23 exhibitors bringing out aj winner in the class for bulls total of 8@ head for the ap-| two-year-old and over, He is a praisal of Judge Arnold Weaver | tall, well-balanced bull, sharp of Belmont, Ont. in the shoulder and well filled Elmcrott Farms of Beaver-| i? the crops, deep at the heart ton carried off both the male and wide in thurls, He moved) and female Grand Champion-|UP from the Reserve Senior ships and also took the Premier award last year. Second in Breeder and Premier Exhibitor, °!@88 to the Grand Champion awards, Runner-up for Premier| and named, Reserve , Senior reeder and Exhibitor was Roy "SS r"" Ws* soeer see y H. Leask and Son of Mcsy the f seus owned jointly by Harold --a Engineers, Ontario. Ralph Chambers, wWil-| ¥: Honey, Seagrave and Jack- Trophy for the best uddered fe- thet Dalat cts ats PE frid, showed the Reserve Grand|S°"_ Bros., Brooklin. He is a) nn Champion female and Smith rie =" ra clean in a Bros., Port Perry, the Reserve/"@ck, Wide in the rump and) Grand y Bale! 24 bull, Roy| With a level tail setting. 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME Ormiston, Brooklin, had the) The Junior and Reserve) Junior and Reserve Junior|\Grand Champion for Smith; Orono - A Galloway Short- Champion females and the Re- Bros. was the winning yearling| hon Cross, shown by Roy Strong) serve Junior Champion bull, (bull, high Point Precision, He| of Bethany, won the grand HIGH QUALITY is an extremely good junior|championship Friday in the an-| A tacos and interested. rint- yearling, well balanced, sharp ual fat calf show held at Orono side pode an hand 16 te am in the shoulder and exception-| Fair. In the sale following the high quality show fveitiedl ' ally good in the legs and feet.!show the calf sold for 33%4/ this Sth 'aeual Conc . Roy Ormiston's Reserve Junior} cents a pound. Site fais. the oldest Black Champion was Roybrook Jet} The reserve grand champion, nade White Day in Canenn Star, the first prize junior bull|a polled shorthorn, was shown Indicative of the closeness of a sail teil tell Oe ten iby John Rickard, of Newcas- iti Elme ad Hse | the competition was the fact lor get-of-sire en a group by A total of 12% Galves were ine tors sh A | i a ro lg te reg J es Rosafe Preceptor and also won/|entered in the show, Breeder's Herd while the) classes, Elmcroft having three 'he | and Roy Ormiston three win- Winning progeny of dam shown) ners. by Harold Werry and Son was Elmeroft's Grand Champion Tom Royal Greta. Posch. cow was Elmcroft Jaspe Bar-/ OTHER WINNERS bara Babe who headed the aged) Other prize winners included: |consider overtime pay part of) cow in milk class and was senior Bull calf: T. Robert/their regular income. Job va- named best uddered female of Fiett, Oshawa and Wesley Yel-!cancies are us ually adver. the show. She had been lowlees, Enniskillen; dry aged tised; '. . . permanent position Reserve Grand Champion last|cow: Ken Wilson, Claremont; | with some overtime." year, he is a well - balanced four-year-old in milk: | Reda sonia eke individual, strong in the iop|W. Honey; two-year-old: Elm-| and with an exceptionally good! croft Farms; junior yearling! udder. Ralph Chamber's Re- heifer: Jim Prouse, Brooklin. serve Grand Champion was the) In addition to the open show | first prize winner in the dry|there was an impressive group three and four-year-old class,| of 40 calf club calves on display. Way Brook Rocket Ruth. She is) The senior division was won by) a deep ribbed, strong heifer| Alex Leask of Uxbridge who! with a lovely dry udder. A close|was also the top showman) contender for the Championship/| while the junior calf class was! was the winning three-year-old/ headed by Douglas Holtby of in milk, Werrcroft R. &. Shir-| Port Perry. ley shown by Harold A. Werry . Mrs, Marilyn Beatty of Can- and Son, Oshawa. nington, 1966 County Dairy) Roy Ormiston's Junior and/Princess, handed out the rib-| Reserve Junior Champion fe-/bons and the trophy for the males were both daughters of Best Uddered cow was pre- Roybrook Ace. The Junior)sented by Roy H. Barker, Championship went to the heif-| Woodbridge, president of the 'er calf, Roybrook Milly, a well-| Holstein-Friesian Association of balanced, strong, almost fault-' Canada, WORK FOR ALL | CANBERRA (AP) -- The Au-| strallan government found that |73.9 of all factories are working jovertime and workers generally | This 4 yeor old, 2 storey home has space to spore for the growing family with 12 x 13' kitchen, 12 x. 11" dining room and larger than average bedrooms, Exterior finish is brick and just enough clapboard to change the color occasionally. The Junior executive buyer will find the prestige in living in @ spacious, well planned home without the cost of maintaining © sprawling lot that @ one storey bungalow would need to have, The wise buyer will eppre- atte ya hg on taxes, heat costs ond sq, ft, cost of this sizeable 2 storey home, so why settle for less? One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wellpeaper end Murels Custom Dreperies Broedicom CLL, Paints end Varnishes Benjamin Moore Points DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668.5862 Some extras are panelled recreation room with omate Acom type fireplece, Combination record player, radio end built-in speaker, Norge Dryer, 2 bathrooms, sun deck and TV tower, 'You get all this in' one of the better Oshawe East End Streets for @ firm price of $21,950. With as little es $4,000 Down .. . Don't welt -- eall now! Gordon Osborne REALTOR 2 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU... 218 Dundes St. E., Whitby 48 Simcoe St. $., Oshewe Phone 668-8826 Phone 728-5157 (2 doors east of the Whitby Post Office) (Opposite Oshowe Post Offiee) DYNACHROME COLOR 35mm SLIDE FILM BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY ON HIGHWAY NO. 2 |

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